Class JamaUtils

  • public class JamaUtils
    extends Object
    Various utility functions for the Jama matrix toolkit.

    Copyright (c) 2008 Eric Eaton

    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see

    Eric Eaton ([email protected])
    University of Maryland Baltimore County
    • Nested Class Summary

      Nested Classes 
      Modifier and Type Class Description
      static class  JamaUtils.Function
      Specifies a simple mathematical function.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static Jama.Matrix colsum​(Jama.Matrix m)
      Computes the sum of each column of a matrix.
      static double colsum​(Jama.Matrix m, int col)
      Gets the sum of the specified column of the matrix.
      static Jama.Matrix columnAppend​(Jama.Matrix m, Jama.Matrix n)
      Appends additional columns to the first matrix.
      static Jama.Matrix deleteCol​(Jama.Matrix m, int col)
      Deletes a column from a matrix.
      static Jama.Matrix deleteRow​(Jama.Matrix m, int row)
      Deletes a row from a matrix.
      static double dotproduct​(Jama.Matrix m1, Jama.Matrix m2)
      Computes the dot product of two vectors.
      protected static double gcv​(Jama.Matrix A, Jama.Matrix b)
      Selects the regularization parameter by generalized cross-validation.
      static Jama.Matrix getcol​(Jama.Matrix m, int col)
      Gets the specified column of a matrix.
      static Jama.Matrix getcolumns​(Jama.Matrix m, int[] columns)
      Gets the specified columns of a matrix.
      static double getMax​(Jama.Matrix m)
      Gets the maximum value in a matrix.
      static double getMin​(Jama.Matrix m)
      Gets the minimum value in a matrix.
      static Jama.Matrix getrow​(Jama.Matrix m, int row)
      Gets the specified row of a matrix.
      static Jama.Matrix getrows​(Jama.Matrix m, int[] rows)
      Gets the specified rows of a matrix.
      static boolean isColumnVector​(Jama.Matrix m)
      Determines if a given matrix is a column vector, that is, it has only one column.
      static boolean isRowVector​(Jama.Matrix m)
      Determines if a given matrix is a row vector, that is, it has only one row.
      static boolean isSymmetric​(Jama.Matrix m)
      Determines whether a matrix is symmetric.
      static Jama.Matrix loadSparseMatrix​(File file)  
      static void main​(String[] args)
      Test function for regularized least squares.
      static Jama.Matrix makeColumnVector​(Jama.Matrix m)
      Transforms the given matrix into a column vector, that is, a matrix with one column.
      static void makeMatrixSymmetric​(Jama.Matrix m, JamaUtils.Function f)
      Makes a matrix symmetric by applying a function to symmetric elements.
      static Jama.Matrix makeRowVector​(Jama.Matrix m)
      Transforms the given matrix into a row vector, that is, a matrix with one row.
      static Jama.Matrix normalize​(Jama.Matrix m)
      Normalizes a matrix to make the elements sum to 1.
      static Jama.Matrix ones​(int numRows, int numCols)
      Make a matrix of ones.
      static Jama.Matrix regLeastSquares​(Jama.Matrix A, Jama.Matrix b)
      Performs least squares regression using Tikhonov regularization.
      static Jama.Matrix regLeastSquares​(Jama.Matrix A, Jama.Matrix b, double lambda)
      Performs least squares regression using Tikhonov regularization.
      static Jama.Matrix regLeastSquares​(Jama.Matrix A, Jama.Matrix b, Jama.Matrix regop)
      Performs least squares regression using Tikhonov regularization.
      static double rmse​(Jama.Matrix a, Jama.Matrix b)
      Computes the root mean squared error of two matrices
      static Jama.Matrix rowAppend​(Jama.Matrix m, Jama.Matrix n)
      Appends additional rows to the first matrix.
      static Jama.Matrix rowsum​(Jama.Matrix m)
      Computes the sum of each row of a matrix.
      static double rowsum​(Jama.Matrix m, int row)
      Gets the sum of the specified row of the matrix.
      static void setcol​(Jama.Matrix m, int col, double[] values)
      Sets the specified column of a matrix.
      static void setcol​(Jama.Matrix m, int col, Jama.Matrix values)
      Sets the specified column of a matrix.
      static void setrow​(Jama.Matrix m, int row, Jama.Matrix values)
      Sets the specified row of a matrix.
      static double sum​(Jama.Matrix m)
      Computes the sum the elements of a matrix.
    • Constructor Detail

      • JamaUtils

        public JamaUtils()
    • Method Detail

      • getcol

        public static Jama.Matrix getcol​(Jama.Matrix m,
                                         int col)
        Gets the specified column of a matrix.
        m - the matrix.
        col - the column to get.
        the specified column of m.
      • getcolumns

        public static Jama.Matrix getcolumns​(Jama.Matrix m,
                                             int[] columns)
        Gets the specified columns of a matrix.
        m - the matrix
        columns - the columns to get
        the matrix of the specified columns of m.
      • getrow

        public static Jama.Matrix getrow​(Jama.Matrix m,
                                         int row)
        Gets the specified row of a matrix.
        m - the matrix.
        row - the row to get.
        the specified row of m.
      • getrows

        public static Jama.Matrix getrows​(Jama.Matrix m,
                                          int[] rows)
        Gets the specified rows of a matrix.
        m - the matrix
        rows - the rows to get
        the matrix of the specified rows of m.
      • setrow

        public static void setrow​(Jama.Matrix m,
                                  int row,
                                  Jama.Matrix values)
        Sets the specified row of a matrix. Modifies the passed matrix.
        m - the matrix.
        row - the row to modify.
        values - the new values of the row.
      • setcol

        public static void setcol​(Jama.Matrix m,
                                  int col,
                                  Jama.Matrix values)
        Sets the specified column of a matrix. Modifies the passed matrix.
        m - the matrix.
        col - the column to modify.
        values - the new values of the column.
      • setcol

        public static void setcol​(Jama.Matrix m,
                                  int col,
                                  double[] values)
        Sets the specified column of a matrix. Modifies the passed matrix.
        m - the matrix.
        col - the column to modify.
        values - the new values of the column.
      • rowAppend

        public static Jama.Matrix rowAppend​(Jama.Matrix m,
                                            Jama.Matrix n)
        Appends additional rows to the first matrix.
        m - the first matrix.
        n - the matrix to append containing additional rows.
        a matrix with all the rows of m then all the rows of n.
      • columnAppend

        public static Jama.Matrix columnAppend​(Jama.Matrix m,
                                               Jama.Matrix n)
        Appends additional columns to the first matrix.
        m - the first matrix.
        n - the matrix to append containing additional columns.
        a matrix with all the columns of m then all the columns of n.
      • deleteRow

        public static Jama.Matrix deleteRow​(Jama.Matrix m,
                                            int row)
        Deletes a row from a matrix. Does not change the passed matrix.
        m - the matrix.
        row - the row to delete.
        m with the specified row deleted.
      • deleteCol

        public static Jama.Matrix deleteCol​(Jama.Matrix m,
                                            int col)
        Deletes a column from a matrix. Does not change the passed matrix.
        m - the matrix.
        col - the column to delete.
        m with the specified column deleted.
      • rowsum

        public static double rowsum​(Jama.Matrix m,
                                    int row)
        Gets the sum of the specified row of the matrix.
        m - the matrix.
        row - the row.
        the sum of m[row,*]
      • colsum

        public static double colsum​(Jama.Matrix m,
                                    int col)
        Gets the sum of the specified column of the matrix.
        m - the matrix.
        col - the column.
        the sum of m[*,col]
      • rowsum

        public static Jama.Matrix rowsum​(Jama.Matrix m)
        Computes the sum of each row of a matrix.
        m - the matrix.
        a column vector of the sum of each row of m.
      • colsum

        public static Jama.Matrix colsum​(Jama.Matrix m)
        Computes the sum of each column of a matrix.
        m - the matrix.
        a row vector of the sum of each column of m.
      • sum

        public static double sum​(Jama.Matrix m)
        Computes the sum the elements of a matrix.
        m - the matrix.
        the sum of the elements of the matrix
      • isRowVector

        public static boolean isRowVector​(Jama.Matrix m)
        Determines if a given matrix is a row vector, that is, it has only one row.
        m - the matrix.
        whether the given matrix is a row vector (whether it has only one row).
      • isColumnVector

        public static boolean isColumnVector​(Jama.Matrix m)
        Determines if a given matrix is a column vector, that is, it has only one column.
        m - the matrix.
        whether the given matrix is a column vector (whether it has only one column).
      • makeColumnVector

        public static Jama.Matrix makeColumnVector​(Jama.Matrix m)
        Transforms the given matrix into a column vector, that is, a matrix with one column. The matrix must be a vector (row or column) to begin with.
        m -
        m.transpose() if m is a row vector, m if m is a column vector.
        IllegalArgumentException - if m is not a row vector or a column vector.
      • makeRowVector

        public static Jama.Matrix makeRowVector​(Jama.Matrix m)
        Transforms the given matrix into a row vector, that is, a matrix with one row. The matrix must be a vector (row or column) to begin with.
        m -
        m.transpose() if m is a column vector, m if m is a row vector.
        IllegalArgumentException - if m is not a row vector or a column vector.
      • dotproduct

        public static double dotproduct​(Jama.Matrix m1,
                                        Jama.Matrix m2)
        Computes the dot product of two vectors. Both must be either row or column vectors.
        m1 -
        m2 -
        the dot product of the two vectors.
      • isSymmetric

        public static boolean isSymmetric​(Jama.Matrix m)
        Determines whether a matrix is symmetric.
        m - the matrix.
        true if a is symmetric, false otherwise
      • makeMatrixSymmetric

        public static void makeMatrixSymmetric​(Jama.Matrix m,
                                               JamaUtils.Function f)
        Makes a matrix symmetric by applying a function to symmetric elements.
        m - the matrix to make symmetric
        f - the function to apply
      • normalize

        public static Jama.Matrix normalize​(Jama.Matrix m)
        Normalizes a matrix to make the elements sum to 1.
        m - the matrix
        the normalized form of m with all elements summing to 1.
      • getMax

        public static double getMax​(Jama.Matrix m)
        Gets the maximum value in a matrix.
        m - the matrix
        the maximum value in m.
      • getMin

        public static double getMin​(Jama.Matrix m)
        Gets the minimum value in a matrix.
        m - the matrix
        the minimum value in m.
      • ones

        public static Jama.Matrix ones​(int numRows,
                                       int numCols)
        Make a matrix of ones.
        numRows - the number of rows.
        numCols - the number of columns.
        the numRows x numCols matrix of ones.
      • regLeastSquares

        public static Jama.Matrix regLeastSquares​(Jama.Matrix A,
                                                  Jama.Matrix b)
        Performs least squares regression using Tikhonov regularization. Solves the problem Ax = b for x using regularization: min || Ax - b ||^2 - lambda^2 || x ||^2 , which can be solved by x = inv(A' * A + lambda^2 * I) * A' * b; Uses the identity matrix as the regop, and estimates lambda using generalized cross-validation.
        A - the data matrix (n x m).
        b - the target function values (n x 1).
      • regLeastSquares

        public static Jama.Matrix regLeastSquares​(Jama.Matrix A,
                                                  Jama.Matrix b,
                                                  double lambda)
        Performs least squares regression using Tikhonov regularization. Solves the problem Ax = b for x using regularization: min || Ax - b ||^2 - lambda^2 || x ||^2 , which can be solved by x = inv(A' * A + lambda^2 * I) * A' * b; Uses the identity matrix as the regularization operator.
        A - the data matrix (n x m).
        b - the target function values (n x 1).
        lambda - the lambda values. If less than zero, it is estimated using generalized cross-validation.
      • regLeastSquares

        public static Jama.Matrix regLeastSquares​(Jama.Matrix A,
                                                  Jama.Matrix b,
                                                  Jama.Matrix regop)
        Performs least squares regression using Tikhonov regularization. Solves the problem Ax = b for x using regularization: min || Ax - b ||^2 - || \sqrt(regop) x ||^2 , which can be solved by x = inv(A' * A + regop) * A' * b;
        A - the data matrix (n x m).
        b - the target function values (n x 1).
        regop - the regularization operator (m x m). The default is to use the identity matrix as the regularization operator, so you probably don't want to use this verion of regLeastSquares() without a really good reason. Use regLeastSquares(Matrix A, Matrix b, double lambda) instead.
      • gcv

        protected static double gcv​(Jama.Matrix A,
                                    Jama.Matrix b)
        Selects the regularization parameter by generalized cross-validation. Given a matrix A and a data vector b, it returns a regularization parameter rpar chosen by generalized cross-validation using ridge regression. RSS G = --- T^2 where T = n - sum(f_i) is an effective number of degrees of freedom and f_i are the filter factors of the regularization method. The returned regularization parameter rpar is the ridge parameter of ridge regression. References: Hansen, P. C., 1998: Rank-Deficient and Discrete Ill-Posed Problems. SIAM Monogr. on Mathematical Modeling and Computation, SIAM. Wahba, G., 1990: Spline Models for Observational Data. CBMS-NSF Regional Conference Series in Applied Mathematics, Vol. 59, SIAM. Adapted from various routines in Per-Christian Hansen's regularization toolbox for matlab, then converted to java.
      • rmse

        public static double rmse​(Jama.Matrix a,
                                  Jama.Matrix b)
        Computes the root mean squared error of two matrices
        a -
        b -
        the RMSE of a and b
      • loadSparseMatrix

        public static Jama.Matrix loadSparseMatrix​(File file)
      • main

        public static void main​(String[] args)
        Test function for regularized least squares.