Class MathUtils

  • public class MathUtils
    extends Object
    A collection of mathematical utility functions.

    Copyright (c) 2008 Eric Eaton

    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see

    Eric Eaton ([email protected])
    University of Maryland Baltimore County
    • Nested Class Summary

      Nested Classes 
      Modifier and Type Class Description
      static class  MathUtils.SimilarityMetric
      Defines a similarity metric measure
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static double[] append​(double[] v1, double d)
      Appends an element to a vector.
      static double[] append​(double[] v1, double[] v2)
      Appends two vectors.
      static int[] append​(int[] v1, int d)
      Appends an element to a vector.
      static int[] append​(int[] v1, int[] v2)
      Appends two vectors.
      static double[] arrayAdd​(double[] d1, double[] d2)
      Adds corresponding elements of two arrays.
      static double[] arrayDivide​(double[] d1, double denominator)
      Divides each element of an array by a number.
      static double capValue​(double value, double minValue, double maxValue)
      Caps a value to a given range.
      static int capValue​(int value, int minValue, int maxValue)
      Caps a value to a given range.
      static double computeSimilarity​(int[] targetV, int[] v, MathUtils.SimilarityMetric similarityMetric)
      Computes the similarity of the two vectors.
      static double correlation​(double[] p, double[] q)
      Computes the correlation between two arrays of the same length, p and q.
      static double correlation​(int[] p, int[] q)
      Computes the correlation between two arrays of the same length, p and q.
      static double[][] getConfusionMatrix​(int[] p, int[] q)
      Computes the normalized confusion matrix for two vectors.
      static double getMachinePrecision()
      Gets the computed machine precision.
      static Random getRandomGenerator()
      Retrieves the initialized random number generator.
      static void initializeRandomGenerator​(long seed)
      Initializes a random number generator with the given seed.
      static boolean isApproxEqual​(double value1, double value2)
      Determines whether two numbers are approximately equal according to the machine precision.
      static boolean isApproxEqual​(double value1, double value2, double precision)
      Determines whether two numbers are approximately equal according to the precision.
      static double log2​(double d)
      Computes the log-base-2 of a number.
      static void main​(String[] args)  
      static int maxIndex​(double[] v)
      Gets the index of the maximum element in the array.
      static int maxIndex​(int[] v)
      Gets the index of the maximum element in the array.
      static int maxIndexRand​(double[] v)
      Gets the index of the maximum element in the array.
      static int maxIndexRand​(int[] v)
      Gets the index of the maximum element in the array.
      static double maxValue​(double[] values)
      Computes the maximum value in the given array.
      static int maxValue​(int[] values)
      Computes the maximum value in the given array.
      static double mean​(double[] values)
      Computes the mean of the values in the given array.
      static double mean​(int[] values)
      Computes the mean of the values in the given array.
      static int minIndex​(double[] v)
      Gets the index of the minimum element in the array.
      static int minIndex​(int[] v)
      Gets the index of the minimum element in the array.
      static int minIndexRand​(double[] v)
      Gets the index of the minimum element in the array.
      static int minIndexRand​(int[] v)
      Gets the index of the minimum element in the array.
      static double minValue​(double[] values)
      Computes the minimum value in the given array.
      static int minValue​(int[] values)
      Computes the minimum value in the given array.
      static double mutualInformation​(int[] p, int[] q)
      Computes the mutual information between two vectors.
      static double nextRandomGaussian​(double mean, double stdev)
      Gets a random number from a one dimensional Gaussian distribution with the given mean and variance.
      static double nextRandomGaussian​(Random randGenerator, double mean, double stdev)
      Gets a random number from a one dimensional Gaussian distribution with the given mean and variance.
      static double pairwiseAgreement​(int[] p, int[] q)
      Computes the pairwise agreement between two pairwise arrays of labelings.
      static int[] permutation​(int n)
      Generates a random permutation of the numbers {0, ..., n-1}
      static int[] permutation​(int n, Random rand)
      Generates a random permutation of the numbers {0, ..., n-1}
      static void rangeCheck​(double value, double min, double max)
      Throws an exception whenever a value falls outside the given range.
      static void rangeCheck​(int value, int min, int max)
      Throws an exception whenever a value falls outside the given range.
      static double[] reverse​(double[] array)
      Reverses the given array.
      static int[] reverse​(int[] array)
      Reverses the given array.
      static int[] reverseCuthillMcKee​(int[][] adjacencyLists, boolean runTwiceForOptimalResult)
      Runs the reverse Cuthill-McKee algorithm on the adjacency lists to provide an efficient ordering of the vertices
      static double rmse​(double[] a, double[] b)
      Computes the root mean squared error between two vectors.
      static double round​(double d, int decimalPlacesRequired)
      Reduces the precision of a double to a specified number of decimal places.
      static int roundToMultiple​(int value, int multipleOf)
      Rounds a value to the nearest number that is a specific multiple.
      static <T> Collection<T> sampleWithoutReplacement​(T[] objs, double[] probabilityDistribution, int numSamples)
      Samples from a set of weighted objects without replacement.
      static <T> Collection<T> sampleWithReplacement​(T[] objs, double[] probabilityDistribution, int numSamples)
      Samples from a set of weighted objects with replacement.
      static int[] sortOrder​(double[] values)
      Sorts the given values and returns the order of the original indices.
      static int[] sortOrder​(int[] values)
      Sorts the given values and returns the order of the original indices.
      static double sum​(double[] values)
      Sums the values in the given array.
      static int sum​(int[] values)
      Sums the values in the given array.
      static double[] uniqueValues​(double[] v)
      Determines the unique values of v.
      static int[] uniqueValues​(int[] v)
      Determines the unique values of v.
      static double[] vectorAdd​(double[] v1, double[] v2)
      Performs vector addition.
      static double vectorL2Norm​(double[] v)
      Computes the L2 norm of the given vector.
      static double[] vectorMultiply​(double s, double[] v)
      Performs scalar multiplication on a vector.
      static double[] vectorNormalize​(double[] v)
      Normalizes the given vector.
      static double[] vectorSubtract​(double[] v1, double[] v2)
      Performs vector subtraction.
    • Constructor Detail

      • MathUtils

        public MathUtils()
    • Method Detail

      • reverseCuthillMcKee

        public static int[] reverseCuthillMcKee​(int[][] adjacencyLists,
                                                boolean runTwiceForOptimalResult)
        Runs the reverse Cuthill-McKee algorithm on the adjacency lists to provide an efficient ordering of the vertices
        adjacencyLists - a list of the adjacency lists of the graph
        runTwiceForOptimalResult - whether to run the algorithm twice to get the optimal result
        a permutation of the vertices that is efficient for a sparse matrix
      • permutation

        public static int[] permutation​(int n)
        Generates a random permutation of the numbers {0, ..., n-1}
        n - the length of the set of numbers to permute
        a random permutation of the numbers {0, ..., n-1}
      • permutation

        public static int[] permutation​(int n,
                                        Random rand)
        Generates a random permutation of the numbers {0, ..., n-1}
        n - the length of the set of numbers to permute
        rand - the random number generator
        a random permutation of the numbers {0, ..., n-1}
      • append

        public static int[] append​(int[] v1,
                                   int d)
        Appends an element to a vector.
        v1 - the vector.
        d - the element to append.
        A vector containing all the elements of v1 followed by d.
      • append

        public static double[] append​(double[] v1,
                                      double d)
        Appends an element to a vector.
        v1 - the vector.
        d - the element to append.
        A vector containing all the elements of v1 followed by d.
      • append

        public static double[] append​(double[] v1,
                                      double[] v2)
        Appends two vectors.
        v1 - the first vector.
        v2 - the second vector.
        A vector containing all the elements of v1 followed by all the elements of v2.
      • append

        public static int[] append​(int[] v1,
                                   int[] v2)
        Appends two vectors.
        v1 - the first vector.
        v2 - the second vector.
        A vector containing all the elements of v1 followed by all the elements of v2.
      • vectorAdd

        public static double[] vectorAdd​(double[] v1,
                                         double[] v2)
        Performs vector addition.
        v1 - the first vector.
        v2 - the second vector.
        v1 + v2
      • vectorSubtract

        public static double[] vectorSubtract​(double[] v1,
                                              double[] v2)
        Performs vector subtraction.
        v1 - the first vector.
        v2 - the second vector.
        v1 - v2
      • vectorMultiply

        public static double[] vectorMultiply​(double s,
                                              double[] v)
        Performs scalar multiplication on a vector.
        s - a scalar value.
        v - the vector.
        the scalar product of s and v.
      • vectorL2Norm

        public static double vectorL2Norm​(double[] v)
        Computes the L2 norm of the given vector.
        v - the vector.
        the L2 norm of v.
      • vectorNormalize

        public static double[] vectorNormalize​(double[] v)
        Normalizes the given vector.
        v - the vector.
        v with the values normalized.
      • getRandomGenerator

        public static Random getRandomGenerator()
        Retrieves the initialized random number generator. Use of this rand generator allows an entire program to use a single rand generator.
        the initialized random number generator.
      • initializeRandomGenerator

        public static void initializeRandomGenerator​(long seed)
        Initializes a random number generator with the given seed. Repeated calls to this initialize function create a new random generator.
        seed - the seed for the random generator.
      • nextRandomGaussian

        public static double nextRandomGaussian​(double mean,
                                                double stdev)
        Gets a random number from a one dimensional Gaussian distribution with the given mean and variance.
        mean - the mean of the Gaussian
        stdev - the standard deviation of the Gaussian
        a random number from the specified distribution
      • nextRandomGaussian

        public static double nextRandomGaussian​(Random randGenerator,
                                                double mean,
                                                double stdev)
        Gets a random number from a one dimensional Gaussian distribution with the given mean and variance.
        randGenerator - the random generator.
        mean - the mean of the Gaussian
        stdev - the standard deviation of the Gaussian
        a random number from the specified distribution
      • rmse

        public static double rmse​(double[] a,
                                  double[] b)
        Computes the root mean squared error between two vectors.
        a -
        b -
        the RMSE between a and b
      • main

        public static void main​(String[] args)
      • sampleWithoutReplacement

        public static <T> Collection<T> sampleWithoutReplacement​(T[] objs,
                                                                 double[] probabilityDistribution,
                                                                 int numSamples)
        Samples from a set of weighted objects without replacement.
        objs - the array of objects
        probabilityDistribution - the probability distribution over the set of objects (i.e. the weight assigned to each object)
        numSamples - the desired number of samples
      • sampleWithReplacement

        public static <T> Collection<T> sampleWithReplacement​(T[] objs,
                                                              double[] probabilityDistribution,
                                                              int numSamples)
        Samples from a set of weighted objects with replacement.
        objs - the array of objects
        probabilityDistribution - the probability distribution over the set of objects (i.e. the weight assigned to each object)
        numSamples - the desired number of samples
      • capValue

        public static double capValue​(double value,
                                      double minValue,
                                      double maxValue)
        Caps a value to a given range.
        value - the value to constrain.
        minValue - the min value.
        maxValue - the max value.
        the value altered to lie in [minValue, maxValue].
      • capValue

        public static int capValue​(int value,
                                   int minValue,
                                   int maxValue)
        Caps a value to a given range.
        value - the value to constrain.
        minValue - the min value.
        maxValue - the max value.
        the value altered to lie in [minValue, maxValue].
      • rangeCheck

        public static void rangeCheck​(int value,
                                      int min,
                                      int max)
        Throws an exception whenever a value falls outside the given range.
        value -
        min - the minimal value
        max - the maximal value
        IllegalArgumentException - if the value is outside of the given range.
      • rangeCheck

        public static void rangeCheck​(double value,
                                      double min,
                                      double max)
        Throws an exception whenever a value falls outside the given range.
        value -
        min - the minimal value
        max - the maximal value
        IllegalArgumentException - if the value is outside of the given range.
      • round

        public static final double round​(double d,
                                         int decimalPlacesRequired)
        Reduces the precision of a double to a specified number of decimal places.
        d - number to reduce precision
        decimalPlacesRequired - the number of required decimal places
        d reduced to the specified precision
      • roundToMultiple

        public static final int roundToMultiple​(int value,
                                                int multipleOf)
        Rounds a value to the nearest number that is a specific multiple.
        value - the value to round
        multipleOf - the value that the final number should be a multiple of.
        value rounded to the nearest number that is a multiple of multipleOf.
      • minIndex

        public static int minIndex​(double[] v)
        Gets the index of the minimum element in the array. Returns the first min index if there are multiple matching elements.
        v -
        the index of the minimum element of v.
      • minIndex

        public static int minIndex​(int[] v)
        Gets the index of the minimum element in the array. Returns the first min index if there are multiple matching elements.
        v -
        the index of the minimum element of v.
      • minIndexRand

        public static int minIndexRand​(double[] v)
        Gets the index of the minimum element in the array. Randomly chooses the min index if there are multiple matching elements.
        v -
        the index of the minimum element of v.
      • minIndexRand

        public static int minIndexRand​(int[] v)
        Gets the index of the minimum element in the array. Randomly chooses the min index if there are multiple matching elements.
        v -
        the index of the minimum element of v.
      • maxIndex

        public static int maxIndex​(double[] v)
        Gets the index of the maximum element in the array. Returns the first max index if there are multiple matching elements.
        v -
        the index of the maximum element of v.
      • maxIndex

        public static int maxIndex​(int[] v)
        Gets the index of the maximum element in the array. Returns the first max index if there are multiple matching elements.
        v -
        the index of the maximum element of v.
      • maxIndexRand

        public static int maxIndexRand​(double[] v)
        Gets the index of the maximum element in the array. Randomly chooses the max index if there are multiple matching elements.
        v -
        the index of the maximum element of v.
      • maxIndexRand

        public static int maxIndexRand​(int[] v)
        Gets the index of the maximum element in the array. Randomly chooses the max index if there are multiple matching elements.
        v -
        the index of the maximum element of v.
      • maxValue

        public static int maxValue​(int[] values)
        Computes the maximum value in the given array.
        values -
        the maximum value in the given array.
      • maxValue

        public static double maxValue​(double[] values)
        Computes the maximum value in the given array.
        values -
        the maximum value in the given array.
      • minValue

        public static double minValue​(double[] values)
        Computes the minimum value in the given array.
        values -
        the minimum value in the given array.
      • minValue

        public static int minValue​(int[] values)
        Computes the minimum value in the given array.
        values -
        the minimum value in the given array.
      • mean

        public static double mean​(double[] values)
        Computes the mean of the values in the given array.
        values -
        the mean of the values in the given array.
      • mean

        public static double mean​(int[] values)
        Computes the mean of the values in the given array.
        values -
        the mean of the values in the given array.
      • sum

        public static double sum​(double[] values)
        Sums the values in the given array.
        values -
        the sum of the values in the given array.
      • sum

        public static int sum​(int[] values)
        Sums the values in the given array.
        values -
        the sum of the values in the given array.
      • arrayAdd

        public static double[] arrayAdd​(double[] d1,
                                        double[] d2)
        Adds corresponding elements of two arrays.
        d1 - the first array
        d2 - the second array
        the element-wise sum of d1 + d2
      • arrayDivide

        public static double[] arrayDivide​(double[] d1,
                                           double denominator)
        Divides each element of an array by a number.
        d1 - the first array
        denominator - the denominator for the devision
        d1 / denominator
      • sortOrder

        public static int[] sortOrder​(int[] values)
        Sorts the given values and returns the order of the original indices.
        values - the values to sort
        an array of the original indices of values reordered according to the sort.
      • sortOrder

        public static int[] sortOrder​(double[] values)
        Sorts the given values and returns the order of the original indices.
        values - the values to sort
        an array of the original indices of values reordered according to the sort.
      • reverse

        public static int[] reverse​(int[] array)
        Reverses the given array.
        array -
        the array with the elements in reverse order
      • reverse

        public static double[] reverse​(double[] array)
        Reverses the given array.
        array -
        the array with the elements in reverse order
      • getMachinePrecision

        public static double getMachinePrecision()
        Gets the computed machine precision.
        the computed machine precision.
      • isApproxEqual

        public static boolean isApproxEqual​(double value1,
                                            double value2)
        Determines whether two numbers are approximately equal according to the machine precision.
        value1 -
        value2 -
        whether the two numbers are approximately equal
      • isApproxEqual

        public static boolean isApproxEqual​(double value1,
                                            double value2,
                                            double precision)
        Determines whether two numbers are approximately equal according to the precision.
        value1 -
        value2 -
        precision -
        whether the two numbers are approximately equal
      • correlation

        public static double correlation​(int[] p,
                                         int[] q)
        Computes the correlation between two arrays of the same length, p and q. Computes the correlation between p and q as r = (|p| * \sum_i(p[i]*q[i]) - \sum_i(p[i]) * \sum_i(q[i]))/ sqrt((|p| * \sum_i((p[i])^2) - (\sum_i(p[i]))^2) * (|p| * \sum_i((p[i])^2) - (\sum_i(p[i]))^2)) This correlation can be tested for statistical significance via t-tests. See e.g.:
        The correlation between the elements of the two arrays.
      • correlation

        public static double correlation​(double[] p,
                                         double[] q)
        Computes the correlation between two arrays of the same length, p and q. Computes the correlation between p and q as r = (|p| * \sum_i(p[i]*q[i]) - \sum_i(p[i]) * \sum_i(q[i]))/ sqrt((|p| * \sum_i((p[i])^2) - (\sum_i(p[i]))^2) * (|p| * \sum_i((p[i])^2) - (\sum_i(p[i]))^2)) This correlation can be tested for statistical significance via t-tests. See e.g.:
        The correlation between the elements of the two arrays.
      • pairwiseAgreement

        public static double pairwiseAgreement​(int[] p,
                                               int[] q)
        Computes the pairwise agreement between two pairwise arrays of labelings. The pairwise agreement is the number-of-pairs-in-agreement / the-total-number-of-pairs. The two arrays must be the same length.
        p - An array of labels.
        q - An array of labels.
        The pairwise agreement between the labelings in p and q.
      • uniqueValues

        public static int[] uniqueValues​(int[] v)
        Determines the unique values of v. The values are returned in no particular order.
        v -
        the unique values of v in no particular order.
      • uniqueValues

        public static double[] uniqueValues​(double[] v)
        Determines the unique values of v. The values are returned in no particular order.
        v -
        the unique values of v in no particular order.
      • getConfusionMatrix

        public static double[][] getConfusionMatrix​(int[] p,
                                                    int[] q)
        Computes the normalized confusion matrix for two vectors.
        p - the first vector
        q - the second vector
        the normalized confusion matrix for p and q
      • mutualInformation

        public static double mutualInformation​(int[] p,
                                               int[] q)
        Computes the mutual information between two vectors.
        p - the first vector.
        q - the second vector.
        the mutual information between p and q.
      • computeSimilarity

        public static double computeSimilarity​(int[] targetV,
                                               int[] v,
                                               MathUtils.SimilarityMetric similarityMetric)
        Computes the similarity of the two vectors.
        targetV - the target vector that forms the basis for comparison.
        v - the vector for comparison
        similarityMetric - the metric to use for computing the similarity
        The similarity of the two models.
      • log2

        public static double log2​(double d)
        Computes the log-base-2 of a number.
        d -
        the log-base-2 of d