AbstractSplitGenerator |
Ancestor for helper classes that generates dataset splits.
AggregateEvaluations |
Allows the aggregation of Evaluation objects.
BestBinnedNumericClassRandomSplitGenerator |
Picks the best binning algorithm from the provided ones.
BinnedNumericClassCrossValidationFoldGenerator |
Helper class for generating cross-validation folds.
BinnedNumericClassRandomSplitGenerator |
Generates random splits of datasets with numeric classes using a binning algorithm.
CrossValidationHelper |
Helper class for cross-validation.
DefaultCrossValidationFoldGenerator |
Helper class for generating cross-validation folds.
DefaultRandomSplitGenerator |
Generates random splits of datasets.
GroupedBinnedNumericClassCrossValidationFoldGenerator |
Helper class for generating cross-validation folds.
GroupedBinnedNumericClassRandomSplitGenerator |
Generates random splits of datasets with numeric classes using a binning algorithm.
GroupedCrossValidationFoldGenerator |
Helper class for generating cross-validation folds.
GroupedCrossValidationFoldGeneratorUsingNumericClassValues |
Helper class for generating cross-validation folds.
Uses the string representation of the numeric class values as grouping.
GroupedRandomSplitGenerator |
Generates random splits of datasets, making sure that groups of instances
stay together (identified via a regexp).
LeaveOneOutByValueGenerator |
Generates train/test split pairs using the unique values from the specified attribute.
MultiLevelSplitGenerator |
Generates splits based on groups extracted via regular expressions.
RangeCheckHelper |
Helper class for generating range checks.
TestingHelper |
Helper class for evaluating models on test data.