AbstractMatchWekaInstanceAgainstHeader |
Ancestor for classes that match Instance objects against Instances headers.
AdamsInstanceToWekaInstance |
Converts adams.data.instance.Instance objects into weka.core.Instance ones.
MapToWekaInstance |
Converts a map into a Weka Instance, using the provided storage object (Instances) as template.
MatchWekaInstanceAgainstFileHeader |
Matches an Instance against a dataset header loaded from a file, i.e., it automatically converts STRING attributes into NOMINAL ones and vice versa.
The file can be any format that WEKA recognizes.
MatchWekaInstanceAgainstStorageHeader |
Matches an Instance against a dataset header from storage, i.e., it automatically converts STRING attributes into NOMINAL ones and vice versa.
ReportToWekaInstance |
Converts a report into a weka.core.Instance objects.
SpreadSheetToWekaInstances |
Generates a weka.core.Instances object from a SpreadSheet object.
If there are too many unique lables for a NOMINAL attribute, it gets turned into a STRING attribute (see 'maxLabels' property).
SwapPLS |
Swaps one PLS filter for another.
WekaCapabilitiesToInstances |
Turns a weka.core.Capabilities object into a Weka dataset filled with random data that is compatible with these capabilities.
WekaCapabilitiesToSpreadSheet |
Turns a weka.core.Capabilities object into a spreadsheet, listing all individual capabilities and whether they are supported.
WekaCommandToCode |
Applies a commandline converter to the incoming commandline to generate code.
Uses the following project:
WekaDrawableToString |
Extracts the string representation of a weka.core.Drawable object, e.g., the tree representation of a decision tree or the graph of a BayesNet.
WekaEvaluationToCostCurve |
Generates cost-curve data from a WEKA Evaluation object.
WekaEvaluationToMarginCurve |
Generates margin-curve data from a WEKA Evaluation object.
WekaEvaluationToThresholdCurve |
Generates threshold-curve data from a WEKA Evaluation object.
WekaInstancesToSpreadSheet |
Generates a spreadsheet from a weka.core.Instances object.
WekaInstanceToAdamsInstance |
Converts weka.core.Instance objects into adams.data.instance.Instance ones.
WekaInstanceToMap |
Turns the Weka Instance into a Map, with the attribute names the keys.
WekaPackageToMap |
Turns the Weka Package into a Map.
WekaPredictionContainerToSpreadSheet |
Turns a WEKA prediction container into a SpreadSheet object.
WekaPredictionContainerToSpreadSheet.SortContainer |
Helper class for sorting the distribution.