Class AbstractRowFinder

    • Field Summary

      • Fields inherited from class adams.core.option.AbstractOptionHandler

      • Fields inherited from class adams.core.logging.LoggingObject

        m_Logger, m_LoggingIsEnabled, m_LoggingLevel
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static HashSet<Integer> arrayToHashSet​(int[] indices)
      Turns the array into a hashset.
      protected void check​(weka.core.Instances data)
      Checks the data.
      int compareTo​(Object o)
      Compares this object with the specified object for order.
      protected abstract int[] doFindRows​(weka.core.Instances data)
      Returns the rows of interest in the dataset.
      boolean equals​(Object o)
      Returns whether the two objects are the same.
      int[] findRows​(weka.core.Instances data)
      Returns the rows of interest in the dataset.
      static RowFinder forCommandLine​(String cmdline)
      Instantiates the row finder from the given commandline (i.e., classname and optional options).
      static RowFinder forName​(String classname, String[] options)
      Instantiates the row finder with the given options.
      static String[] getRowFinders()
      Returns a list with classnames of row finders.
      RowFinder shallowCopy()
      Returns a shallow copy of itself, i.e., based on the commandline options.
      RowFinder shallowCopy​(boolean expand)
      Returns a shallow copy of itself, i.e., based on the commandline options.
      • Methods inherited from class adams.core.option.AbstractOptionHandler

        cleanUpOptions, defineOptions, destroy, finishInit, getDefaultLoggingLevel, getOptionManager, globalInfo, initialize, loggingLevelTipText, newOptionManager, reset, setLoggingLevel, toCommandLine, toString
      • Methods inherited from class adams.core.logging.LoggingObject

        configureLogger, getLogger, getLoggingLevel, initializeLogging, isLoggingEnabled, sizeOf
      • Methods inherited from interface adams.core.Destroyable

      • Methods inherited from interface adams.core.logging.LoggingLevelHandler

      • Methods inherited from interface adams.core.option.OptionHandler

        cleanUpOptions, defineOptions, getOptionManager, toCommandLine
    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractRowFinder

        public AbstractRowFinder()
    • Method Detail

      • check

        protected void check​(weka.core.Instances data)
        Checks the data.

        Default implementation only checks whether we have any data at all.
        data - the data to check
      • doFindRows

        protected abstract int[] doFindRows​(weka.core.Instances data)
        Returns the rows of interest in the dataset.
        data - the dataset to inspect
        the rows of interest
      • findRows

        public int[] findRows​(weka.core.Instances data)
        Returns the rows of interest in the dataset.
        Specified by:
        findRows in interface RowFinder
        data - the dataset to inspect
        the rows of interest
      • compareTo

        public int compareTo​(Object o)
        Compares this object with the specified object for order. Returns a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as this object is less than, equal to, or greater than the specified object.

        Only compares the commandlines of the two objects.
        o - the object to be compared.
        a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as this object is less than, equal to, or greater than the specified object.
        ClassCastException - if the specified object's type prevents it from being compared to this object.
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(Object o)
        Returns whether the two objects are the same.

        Only compares the commandlines of the two objects.
        equals in class Object
        o - the object to be compared
        true if the object is the same as this one
      • shallowCopy

        public RowFinder shallowCopy()
        Returns a shallow copy of itself, i.e., based on the commandline options.
        Specified by:
        shallowCopy in interface adams.core.ShallowCopySupporter<RowFinder>
        the shallow copy
      • shallowCopy

        public RowFinder shallowCopy​(boolean expand)
        Returns a shallow copy of itself, i.e., based on the commandline options.
        Specified by:
        shallowCopy in interface adams.core.ShallowCopySupporter<RowFinder>
        expand - whether to expand variables to their current values
        the shallow copy
      • getRowFinders

        public static String[] getRowFinders()
        Returns a list with classnames of row finders.
        the row finder classnames
      • forName

        public static RowFinder forName​(String classname,
                                        String[] options)
        Instantiates the row finder with the given options.
        classname - the classname of the row finder to instantiate
        options - the options for the row finder
        the instantiated row finder or null if an error occurred
      • forCommandLine

        public static RowFinder forCommandLine​(String cmdline)
        Instantiates the row finder from the given commandline (i.e., classname and optional options).
        cmdline - the classname (and optional options) of the row finder to instantiate
        the instantiated row finder or null if an error occurred
      • arrayToHashSet

        public static HashSet<Integer> arrayToHashSet​(int[] indices)
        Turns the array into a hashset.
        indices - the indices to turn into hashset
        the generated hashset