AbstractClustererPostProcessor |
Ancestor for post-processors for output that the WekaClusterer transformer
AbstractClusterMembershipPostProcessor |
Ancestor for post-processors that require a built clusterer and the dataset
that was used to build the clusterer to be present in the model container.
AddCluster |
Just adds the predicted cluster (or distribution) to the original dataset.
Stored in container under: Clustered dataset
AverageSilhouetteCoefficient |
Computes the average Silhouette coefficient for the clusters.
ClusterCenters |
Computes the cluster centers for the provided dataset.
ClusterCounts |
Creates an overview of how many instances get clustered into each cluster.
Stored in container under: Clustered dataset
ClusterStatistics |
Computes cluster statistics (min/max/mean/stdev) for the provided dataset.
MultiClustererPostProcessor |
Applies the specified post-processors sequentially.
PassThrough |
Dummy post-processor that just returns the model container as it is.