Class ExperimentTab

    • Field Detail


        public static final String KEY_OUTPUTGENERATORS
        the key for the output generators.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • m_PanelGOE

        protected adams.gui.goe.GenericObjectEditorPanel m_PanelGOE
        the GOe with the classifier.
      • m_SplitPane

        protected adams.gui.core.BaseSplitPane m_SplitPane
        the split pane for left/right panels.
      • m_PanelLeft

        protected JPanel m_PanelLeft
        the panel on the left-hand side.
      • m_PanelRight

        protected JPanel m_PanelRight
        the panel on the right-hand side (displays results).
      • m_PanelEvaluation

        protected JPanel m_PanelEvaluation
        the panel with the evaluation.
      • m_ComboBoxSetups

        protected adams.gui.core.BaseComboBox<AbstractExperimentSetup> m_ComboBoxSetups
        the combobox with the available setups.
      • m_PanelSetup

        protected JPanel m_PanelSetup
        the panel for the execution setup to be embedded in.
      • m_CurrentClassifier

        protected weka.classifiers.Classifier m_CurrentClassifier
        the current classifier.
      • m_ButtonOutputGenerators

        protected adams.gui.core.BaseButton m_ButtonOutputGenerators
        the button for editing the output generators.
      • m_ButtonOutputGeneratorsFavorites

        protected adams.gui.core.BaseButton m_ButtonOutputGeneratorsFavorites
        the button for the output generator favorites.
      • m_PanelExecutionButtons

        protected JPanel m_PanelExecutionButtons
        the panel with the buttons.
      • m_ButtonStart

        protected adams.gui.core.BaseButton m_ButtonStart
        the start button.
      • m_ButtonStop

        protected adams.gui.core.BaseButton m_ButtonStop
        the stop button.
      • m_StatusBar

        protected adams.gui.core.BaseStatusBar m_StatusBar
        the status bar.
      • m_Stopping

        protected boolean m_Stopping
        whether the execution is in the process of stopping.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ExperimentTab

        public ExperimentTab()
    • Method Detail

      • initGUI

        protected void initGUI()
        Initializes the widgets.
        initGUI in class adams.gui.core.DetachablePanel
      • finishInit

        protected void finishInit()
        Finishes up the initialization.
        finishInit in class adams.gui.core.BasePanel
      • editOutputGenerators

        protected void editOutputGenerators()
        Allows the user to modify the output generators.
      • showOutputGeneratorsFavorites

        protected void showOutputGeneratorsFavorites()
        Shows the favorites popup menu for the output generators.
      • startExecution

        protected void startExecution()
        Starts the evaluation.
      • generateOutput

        public void generateOutput​(ResultItem item)
        Generates the output from the item.
        item - the item to process
      • updateButtons

        public void updateButtons()
        Updates the buttons.
      • logError

        public void logError​(String msg,
                             Throwable t,
                             String title)
        Logs the exception and also displays an error dialog.
        logError in class AbstractInvestigatorTab
        msg - the log message
        t - the exception
        title - the title for the dialog
      • logError

        public void logError​(String msg,
                             String title)
        Logs the error message and also displays an error dialog.
        logError in class AbstractInvestigatorTab
        msg - the error message
        title - the title for the dialog
      • showStatus

        public void showStatus​(String msg)
        Displays a message.
        Specified by:
        showStatus in interface adams.core.StatusMessageHandler
        showStatus in class AbstractInvestigatorTab
        msg - the message to display
      • getPanelLeft

        public JPanel getPanelLeft()
        Returns the left panel.
        the left panel
      • getPanelRight

        public JPanel getPanelRight()
        Returns the right panel.
        the right panel
      • getOutputGenerators

        public AbstractOutputGenerator[] getOutputGenerators()
        Returns the current output generators.
        the generators
      • setOutputGenerators

        public void setOutputGenerators​(AbstractOutputGenerator[] value)
        Sets the output generators to use.
        value - the generators
      • doDeserialize

        protected void doDeserialize​(Map<String,​Object> data,
                                     adams.core.MessageCollection errors)
        Restores the objects.
        doDeserialize in class AbstractInvestigatorTab
        data - the data to restore
        errors - for storing errors
      • cleanUp

        public void cleanUp()
        Cleans up data structures, frees up memory.
        Specified by:
        cleanUp in interface adams.core.CleanUpHandler
        cleanUp in class adams.gui.core.DetachablePanel