Class Hermione.HermioneJob

    • Constructor Detail

      • HermioneJob

        public HermioneJob​(Hermione g,
                           int num,
                           int[] w,
                           weka.core.Instances data,
                           weka.core.Instances testData)
        Initializes the job.
        g - the algorithm object this job belongs to
        num - the number of chromsomes
        w - the initial weights
        data - the data to use
        testData - the test data to use, null for cross-validation
    • Method Detail

      • calcNewFitness

        public void calcNewFitness()
        Calculates the new fitness.
        Specified by:
        calcNewFitness in class adams.opt.genetic.AbstractGeneticAlgorithm.GeneticAlgorithmJob<Hermione>