RandomRegressionForest.Node |
TODO: description of class
XGBoost.BoosterType |
The available types of booster.
XGBoost.FeatureSelector |
Available feature selectors.
XGBoost.GrowPolicy |
Available grow policy settings.
XGBoost.NormaliseType |
Available normalisation-type settings.
XGBoost.Objective |
The set of possible learning objectives.
XGBoost.ParamValueProvider |
Provides a value suitable as a proxy for the XGBoost parameter system.
XGBoost.Predictor |
Available predictors.
XGBoost.ProcessType |
Available process-type settings.
XGBoost.SampleType |
Available sample-type settings.
XGBoost.TreeMethod |
Possible tree-method settings.
XGBoost.Updater |
Available updaters.
XGBoost.Verbosity |
The possible verbosity levels.
XGBoost.XGBoostParameter |
Marks a field as participating in the XGBoost parameter system.