Final update for the year
Here is the final update for this year. Later on today, I will prepare a new release.
'Tis the season! ;-)
Well, actually mainly because of all the GUI improvements and the new adams-nlp module.
Renaming variables, callable actors, events and undo/redo no longer result in the flow wobbling around (better queuing in Swing thread)
Improved the layout of the search panels, allowing for proper resizing and avoiding accidental hiding of search box
Plots now offer a Copy plot menu item from the right-click menu, to copy a screenshot of the plot to the clipboard
Count control actor now offers a monitor variable which allows resetting the internal count whenever the variable changes value
The Create callable actor menu item from the Flow editor's right-click menu now allows the creation callable actors under CallableActors, GridView and TabView.
Copy to clipboard target got added to the Send to functionality, which allows you to copy text, tables and graphical components (= screenshots) to the system's clipboard
TextOverlay added for simple text overlays in plots (eg SequencePlotter/SimplePlot); gets used by the Weka plugin for classifier errors to display key on lines drawn on screen
Stay tuned!