Updates 2017/05/12

Being busy with commercial ADAMS projects still result in ample number of improvements to the base ADAMS system. The last few weeks were no exception.


  • The table model for spreadsheets now displays NaN, +/-Infinity as strings.

  • Spreadsheet writers that can use formatting now use 'NaN' and '+/-Infinity' strings for these numbers.

  • Fixed the forceVariables method for Tee/Trigger/LoadBalancer/WhileLoop and derived actors: internally used Sequence actor gets updated correctly now.

  • adams-net: FTPSend and SFTPSend now forward the successful filenames as the documentation says.

  • adams-dl4j: fixed handling of regression problems.


  • In order to make actor names unique, they now get appended by * (x)* with x being a number starting from 2

  • The SetVariable standalone/transformer can interpret the variable value now as boolean, string or mathematical expression, making it easier to compute new values.

  • Added ability to use custom dirs/jars for JDeps control actor instead of the application's classpath.

  • The CallableActorScreenshot control can forward screenshot as BufferedImageContainer now as well, not just storing it in a file.

  • The actorFile property can contain now programmatically set variables like flow_dir, enabling the include external actor derived actors to make use of a variable as well (relative to the main flow). Instead of attaching a variable to the property, you have to use mixed notation: @{flow_dir}/some.flow.

  • Added equal frequency calculation to the ArrayHistogram statistic.

  • The RandomNumberGenerator source can output arrays now.

  • With the ArrayHistogramRanges transformer it is possible to output the interval ranges that the ArrayHistogram statistic generates (easier than iterating through the header names of the generated spreadsheet).

  • Added support for restorable actors, ones that can write/read their state to/from disk during execution; currently supported by: EnterValue, EnterManyValues, SelectDirectory, SelectFile.

  • adams-spreadsheet:

    • SpreadSheetStatistic now supports column names in locations.

    • SpreadSheetExtractArray can output strings now as well, instead of just the native cell object type.

  • adams-weka:

    • WekaInstancesStatistic now supports attribute names in locations.

    • The WekaGeneticAlgorithm transformer can be initialized from a WekaGeneticAlgorithmInitializationContainer container now, containing algorithm and training data.

  • adams-spectral-2dim got renamed to adams-spectral-2dim-core.


  • Added HasClass boolean condition that checks whether the specified class is available on the classpath.

  • Added StringExpression source and transformer for evaluation string processing expressions, like left(upper("Hello World!"), 5).

  • Added meta-marker paintlet ByNameMarkerPaintlet that matches the name of the sequence against the supplied regular expression to determine whether to paint the markers or not.

  • With the ArrayHistogramRanges transformer it is possible to output the interval ranges that the ArrayHistogram statistic generates (easier than iterating through the header names of the generated spreadsheet).

  • adams-pdf: added MetaHeadline PDF proclet to insert headline and then apply a base-proclet.

  • adams-spreadsheet: the SpreadSheetHistogramRanges transformer is the equivalent of ArrayHistogramRanges but for SpreadSheet objects.

  • adams-weka:

    • The WekaInstancesHistogramRanges transformer is the equivalent of ArrayHistogramRanges but for Instances objects.

    • Added support for using test data to the WekaGeneticAlgorithm transformer, but only Hermione takes advantage of it.

    • Added convenience transformer WekaGeneticAlgorithmInitializer to generate a WekaGeneticAlgorithmInitializationContainer container for priming a genetic algorithm.

  • Added some modules to the adams-spectral-base framwork:

    • adams-spectral-2dim-handheld contains support for some handheld NIR scanners, like the SCiO (https://www.consumerphysics.com/myscio/scio/).

    • adams-spectral-2dim-webservice adds webservice capability

    • adams-spectral-2dim-rats adds RATS support

Have a great weekend!