Updates 2018/03/02
A few changes in terms of modules occurred: all -stable modules have been renamed to -lts (long term support) and moved to the new adams-lts repository (https://github.com/waikato-datamining/adams-lts). Furthermore, experimental support for the MongoDB NoSQL database has been added.
The CheckActorReferenceUsage flow processor now skips actors that are disabled, in other words, a disabled callable actor won't get moaned about if not used.
Added missing setting of variable BASEDIR in the following batch files: daemon.bat, exec.bat, logging.bat
Updating of properties, e.g., with the UpdateProperty transformer, now handles arrays properly: the value string is interpreted as blank-separated list and the array constructed from those elements.
The dialog size of showInputDialog method (e.g., when renaming an actor) is now adjusting a bit more to the input.
The flow used by System performance (from the Help menu) is now working again properly.
adams-weka and adams-weka-lts: introduced custom aggregation of Evaluation objects (Relative absolute error and Root relative squared error will differ a bit due to different handling of training priors - still buggy in Weka ATM), affecting WekaAggregateEvaluations, WekaCrossValidationExecution, RemoveOutliers and WekaSpreadSheetToPredictions.
adams-rats: The FileLister rat input now empties the queue when returning an array.
adams-spreadsheet: The parser for the expression used by SpreadSheetQuery handles negative numbers now correctly.
Updated the section in the manual on how to install an ADAMS flow as daemon (Linux, systemd) and service (Windows, NSSM).
Added methods 'replaceext' (replacing file extension) and 'ext' (extracting file extension) to parsers BooleanExpression, MathematicalExpression and StringExpression.
Added help menu items in the Flow editor for: variables, boolean/math/string expressions
Combined help display of GenericObjectEditor and Class help.
adams-spreadsheet: The formula of conversions SpreadSheetAddFormulaColumn and SpreadSheetAddFormulaRow can contain variables now that get expanded before inserting it into the spreadsheet.
adams-rats: The ChangeRatState control actor no longer checks whether the specified Rat actors are present if a variable is attached to the "rats" property (the one listing the names).
adams-weka and adams-weka-lts:
added mxexpression-weka-package dependency, offering filter and classifier that use mathematical expression to update target attribute or make prediction, using the mXparser library (https://sourceforge.net/projects/mxparser/).
Class help in the GUI is now in HTML; help in GenericObjectEditor is now showing full help.
The WekaCrossValidationEvaluator now has an option (finalModel) to build a model on the full dataset. Automatically implies that a container is being output.
The GroupByRegExp transformer allows generating groups of strings from array using a regular expression and a grouping expression, e.g., "(.*)-RGB.*" as regexp and "$1" for grouping them.
Added some of Eric Eaton's Java utility classes located at: http://www.seas.upenn.edu/~eeaton/software/Utils/Utils.zip
Added conversions MathExpression and StringExpression for better efficiency when processing spreadsheets (using SpreadSheetConvertCells instead of SpreadSheetTransformCells).
The File monitor tool allows you to monitor files that get appended, like log files, outputting all the new data added to the files.
The NewSpectrum source allows the creation of a new spectrum.
With GetSpectrumAmplitude the amplitude of the specified wave number can be retrieved.
SetSpectrumAmplitude allows you to set the amplitude of the specified wave number or simply add a new spetrum point.
Added module adams-mongodb for basic MongoDB support.
adams-weka and adams-weka-lts: added ability to upload currently best setup in classifier-based genetic algorithms via a setup upload scheme, e.g., in a MySQL database.