Updates 2018/04/20
Spent a lot of time trying to get things working with Java 9. The usual backwards compatibility mantra got a serious beating with Java 9. ADAMS now compiles with Java 9, but I still recommend to stick with Java 8 for a while.
Futhermore, there is now a separate module for ffmpeg called adams-ffmpeg, rather than being tucked away in the adams-video module. In addition to that, I added an experimental module for audio processing called adams-audio.
Now compiles with Java 9.
Auto-registering of flows now registers after the flow ID has been initialized rather than with 0.
The draw operations ObjectCentersFromReport and ObjectLocationsFromReport now use the user-specified font.
The image overlays ObjectCentersOverlayFromReport and ObjectLocationsOverlayFromReport now use the user-specified font.
Upgraded sizeofag to 1.0.2.
Upgraded jclasslocator to 0.0.10.
Removed archetype module.
Added keyboard shortcuts to the Flow editor for bringing up the actor tree to search for an actor to insert, skips the GOE dialog: Ctrl+J (here), Ctrl+Alt+J (after), Ctrl+Shift+J (beneath)
- adams-spectral-2dim-core: The Evaluator transformer now allows to turn off
cloning of container storing the evaluation results.
adams-webservices: updated Apache CXF to 3.2.4 to make it compile with Java 9 (10 doesn't work yet, but the upcoming 3.2.5 release has a fix for that).
adams-meka: Upgraded to MEKA 1.9.2.
The draw operations ObjectCentersFromReport and ObjectLocationsFromReport now offer x/y offsets for the label.
The image overlays ObjectCentersOverlayFromReport and ObjectLocationsOverlayFromReport now offer x/y offsets for the label.
ImageObjectInfo now allows to output the INDEX_STRING and INDEX_INT as well.
Added support for publish/subscribe: InitPublishSubscribe standalone for initializing pub/sub data structure in storage and the Publish sink for broadcasting the data to all the subscribers of the specified pub/sub data structure.
Added platform specific file-in-use checks: Windows and NonWindows (Default combines both).
Added the JsonObjectToMap conversion to turn a JSON object into a simple map.
Added the ExtractSimpleContainerContent conversion to retrieve the content of simple containers.
Added the Go to menu item to the Flow editor popup menu, which allows you to jump to the reference actor (eg a callable actor).
added support for using sockets for sending and receiving data, aptly named Socket for input and output (adams-rats-sockets.flow).
added support for publish/subscribe with Subscribe rat input and Publish rat output. Simpler and more efficient than queues for notifying multiple Rat actors at once.
added Django web application for remote control of Rat actors that are available through the RatControl actor, using a REST webservice for communication.
adams-weka: The SocketFacade meta-classifier communicates via sockets with a prediction scheme, can be used to interface with any programming language as long as communication occurs via sockets.
added BasicStatistics feature generator (for buffered images).
adams-audio: new module for some basic audio processing of WAV files, generating spectrograms (as image or tabular data).
added separate adams-ffmpeg module, to make ffmpeg functionality available in adams-audio and adams-video.
adams-ml: added basic framework for calculating summary statistics with the SummaryStatistics transformer.
adams-spectral-2dim-core: added the SimpleSpectralInstanceGenerator instances generator, which does not output a class attribute in the generated Weka Instances object.