Updates 2018/09/16
It has been a while, I know. Been visiting clients and preparing to go live with some large ADAMS-based systems. On the data transformation side of things, there are a few more PLS variants available. For image processing, there is now better support for VIA/VGG annotations and data available. The experimental CNTK Java integration has been removed, too hard to maintain as it is tied to a specific CNTK version.
The Flow editor no longer saves expanded external flows.
The Copy (plain text) operation in the Flow editor tree popup menu now uses the compact format as well.
The Flow control actor now allows to specify a restart manager. This allows the monitoring of flow(s)/setup file(s) by a flow that runs as a background service (daemon or Windows service), triggering its restart.
Added a GOE editor for the BaseInterval class.
adams-rsync: updated the rsync4j library to 3.1.12-12
adams-weka: upgraded multisearch library to 2018.8.16
adams-weka and adams-lts:
upgraded matrix-algorithms to 0.0.11
the filter PartitionedMultiFilter2 now allows specification of prefixes for the filters rather than just using 'filtered'
MergeObjectLocations can now just merge all locations when using minOverlapRatio=0.0 and overlapAction=KEEP
ViaAnnotations transformer has been removed.
adams-cntk: removed the experimental CNTK Java bindings, as they too hard to maintain and strictly limited to a specific release of CNTK.
adams-cntk-weka and adams-cntk-weka-lts: removed any code that relied on the experimental CNTK Java bindings.
Added menu item Copy actor path to the Flow editor's popup menu.
Added class hierarchy for conversions that swap out objects and concrete SwapObjects implementation for replacing one object with another, using their command-lines.
added actor wrappers for auto-generated actors, which can get removed using the RemoveAutogeneratedActors processor: AutogeneratedStandalone, AutogeneratedSource, AutogeneratedTransformer, AutogeneratedSink
added actor wrappers for inactive actors (actors that don't get executed, but kept for reference), which can get activated again using the ReactivateActors processor: InactiveStandalone, InactiveSource, InactiveTransformer, InactiveSink
added MarkdownToHTML conversion for converting Markdown string into HTML string
adams-weka and adams-lts:
added more PLS algorithms: DIPLS, PRM, VCPLS
added SwapPLS conversion for replacing PLS algorithm (with optional migration of number of components)
added ViaAnnotationsReportReader and ViaAnnotationsReportWriter for the VGG Image Annotator JSON file format (http://www.robots.ox.ac.uk/~vgg/software/via/).
added TrimapColorizer BufferedImageTransformer and TrimapImageHandler for the preview browser (see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/41777654/opencv-using-a-trimap-image#41778637).
added report reader VggXmlAnnotationReportReader and preview browser handler VggXmlAnnotationHandler.
adams-spectral-2dim-core: added the RowWiseSpreadSheetSampleDataReader sample data reader.