Updates 2018/12/20

Just a short list of updates, due to upcoming release. Main new feature is an SQL workbench for running SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE queries from within ADAMS.


  • adams-rest: added missing Maven dependencies to make it work with Java 9+.


  • Added button to the control panel for debugging flows, to highlight the current actor in the editor window.

  • adams-weka: upgraded Weka dependency to 3.9.3-fork-0.0.3, fixes duplicate output in console for LogBack and log4j

  • adams-weka-lts: upgraded Weka dependency to 3.9.0-fork-0.0.8, fixes duplicate output in console for LogBack and log4j


  • adams-weka and adams-weka-lts: added menu item for Weka's SimpleCLI

  • adams-spreadsheet: added SQL Workbench for running SQL queries on SQL databases.