Updates 2019/03/15
Fixed a bunch of little bugs and also worked on many minor improvements in the user interface.
A new Weka classifier got added: XGBoost, though currently only available for Linux/Mac.
The database backend within ADAMS has been further abstracted and now allows mirroring (ie replicating the queries on another server). Useful when trying to use a backup database server.
Pasting of actors no longer generates long name suffixes consisting of (x) (y) (z) ...
EnterManyValues: date types now get inserted with their string representation into a map.
Histoy lists, like used in the Weka Investigator, now prompt the user when selecting Remove all from the popup menu, whether they really want to remove X entries.
The generates() method of the StringConstants source now outputs the class that the selected conversion generates (proper compatibility check).
The Close/cleanup and Remove graphical output actions in the Flow editor now close any Debug views as well.
Row plots in spreadsheet tables (eg Spreadsheet file viewer) no longer sub-sample points if the same number of points was selected.
Fixed incorrect path handling when placeholders present: Command, Exec, Java, SimpleStringReplace, StringInsert, StringReplace.
Command source now launches the commands again.
adams-python: fixed incorrect path handling when placeholders present: PipExec, PythonExec, PythonVenvExec.
fixed incorrect path handling when placeholders present: SpreadSheetInsertColumn, SpreadSheetInsertRow, SpreadSheetReplaceCellValue.
entering multiple values through the GenericArrayEditor now works again in the Spreadsheet file viewer (Java decided to place the dialog behind all other windows).
adams-rats: fixed incorrect path handling when placeholders present: Exec (rat input and output).
adams-weka and adams-weka-lts: Row plots in instances tables (eg Weka Investigator) no longer sub-sample points if the same number of points was selected.
Changed the Compare actors menu item in the Flow editor's tree popup menu into a sub-menu with Just actors (original functionality) and Sub-flows (additional) as menu items.
Added support for unordered ranges: adams.core.UnorderedRange
External actor files are now being monitored and reloaded/reexpanded if necessary through the GenericObjectEditor.
The ArrayProcess control actor now has an optional variable for storing the index of the current element being processed (1-based index).
Added FILE_FORWARD_SLASHES variable type, which generates a filename with forward slashes. Affects transformers/standalones: SetVariable, SetManyVariables.
The Switch control now has a lenient option, which drops the requirement of the token having a payload (eg the Start source generates a null token, simply to kick off things).
Removed module adams-phmm4weka.
Added support for unordered ranges: adams.data.spreadsheet.SpreadSheetUnorderedColumnRange
The SpreadSheetReorderColumns transformer now uses SpreadSheetUnorderedColumnRange for its order option.
The SpreadSheetJoinColumns conversion now uses SpreadSheetUnorderedColumnRange for its columns option, allowing for out-of-order joins.
Disabled Spreadsheet Explorer in the menu for the time being.
Added support for overlaying a diagonal in the scatter plot (via a second data series): enable addDiagonalSeries in the DefaultXY dataset. Affects JFreeChartPlot and JFreeChartFileWriter.
Added History button to the Query tab.
adams-weka and adams-weka-lts:
Added support for unordered attribute ranges: adams.data.weka.WekaUnorderedAttributeRange
The Weka Investigator now allows moving its tabs (like Preprocessing and Classify) via the Move tab to submenu in the tab's popup menu.
added ability to Update Sample data dialog to work off sample IDs obtained from a spreadsheet.
SpectrumT and SampleDataT are no longer directly accessed, but through facades, which allows swapping out of backend (e.g., introduce mirroring).
The RatControl actor now has a Console button in the user interface, which allows the display of the last X lines that occurred in the console.
The type of log object generated from errors and sent to the log actor (if available) is now defined via the AbstractLogObjectGenerator class hierarchy.
adams-cntk-weka and adams-cntk-weka-lts: moved CNTKPyroProxy classifier from into new module adams-python-weka(-lts) and renamed it to PyroProxy, as it is framework-agnostic.
adams-pdf: The PDF Viewer switched from multi-tab layout to multi-page.
Added the DeleteVariable and DeleteStorageValue standalones.
Added the Configure option handler tool (developer mode) that allows configuring any option handler.
adams-weka and adams-weka-lts: i
added the GraphSource serialized object preview handler for weka.core.Drawable objects, which outputs the graph source code (dot or XML BIF).
added the GraphSource output for the Investigator's Classify/Cluster tabs, which outputs the graph source (dot or XML BIF) for weka.core.Drawable classifiers/clusterers.
added WekaDatasetsMerge transformer, an alternative to WekaInstancesMerge for merging multiple Weka Instances objects into one (side-by-side). This transformer can be selected in the Weka Investigator now as well for merging datasets (Preprocess panel, data table actions).
The XGBoost classifier got added (using https://github.com/dmlc/xgboost) - currently only for Linux/Mac.
The Weka Multi-Experimenter now has a table-based results panel as well.
added List Sample data dialog which lists all sample data for the selected spectra in a single table.
added Delete Sample data dialog which allows removal of specified sample data values from the selected spectra.
no longer storing Dummy report flag in sample data table.
spreadsheet tables now allow sorting on multiple columns using via the Sort... menu item of the table's popup menu.
added query panel for meta-data to the SQL Workbench tool