Updates 2021/12/02
The lead up to the Weka Conference on November 26th (https://events.waikato.ac.nz/events/2021-international-weka-user-conference/) resulted in a lot of minor bug fixes and improvements. I've also started retiring some of the modules that are no longer being used/useful.
Fixed issue of the Flow editor locking up (occasionally) when debugging flows; the cause was a race condition of two debugging control panels getting generated, with the incorrect one replacing the other one.
Fixed duplicate class cache initialization, resulting in faster start-up time.
Position and size of applications launched from main menu now get properly recorded when closing the applications.
Reduced startup time of applications that use file choosers, avoiding unnecessary clipboard lookups.
The object annotator now uses the correct zoom when initially displaying the image.
Image segmentation annotation no longer has the darkening bug when adding layers.
adams-weka and adams-weka-lts:
Convert to Date/Nominal/String in the Weka Investigator's Preprocess panel now works with numeric attribute names as well.
The SimpleArffSaver and SpreadSheetSaver converters no longer use resetOptions() to initialize their options with default values.
The WekaCrossValidationEvaluator now stops execution properly and cleans up without causing NullPointerException.
moved discontinued modules into adams-discontinued repo (https://github.com/waikato-datamining/adams-discontinued):
The GenericObjectEditor now displays the help within the same dialog/frame to avoid help window disappearing behind other windows when opened from a modal dialog/frame. The drop-down button/menu next to the classname now has a Use default menu which reverts the current settings back to the default ones.
adams-webservice: upgraded CXF to 3.4.5, xercesimpl to 2.12.1, jaxb to 3.0.2
adams-bootstrapp: upgraded bootstrapp to 0.1.11
adams-net: upgraded tika-core to 1.27, requests4j to 0.2.2
adams-moa: upgraded MOA to 2021.07.0
upgraded jclasslocator to 0.0.19
jfilechooser-bookmarks updated to 0.1.8 for better clipboard handling
removed DocBookProducer for generating DocBook XML from setups (not feasible for large flows)
adams-weka and adams-weka-lts: The WekaPredictionsToInstances and WekaPredictionsToSpreadSheet transformers now handle attribute names in the test attributes option.
adams-redis and adams-rats-redis: switched to the lettuce.io Redis Java client
adams-weka and adams-weka-lts:
The LeaveOneOutByValueGenerator split generator generates pairs using the unique values from a specified attribute, with each unique value being in the test set and the remainder in the training set.
The MultiRowProcessor instance filter identifies rows with a row selection scheme and then processes them with a row processing scheme, e.g., for averaging multiple scans of the sample.