Updates 2022/02/04
A lot of effort was going on behind the scenes to update or remove dependencies that were affected by to the log4j vulnerability.
The Preview browser now has an upper limit (defined in its props file) for how many previews will get cached, to avoid unnecessary memory being gobbeled up.
Leaving files in the GenericObjectEditor now falls back on "." (or the current working directory) rather than resulting in a parse error.
adams-imaging: The following plugins of the RemoveOverlappingImageObjects transformer no longer add duplicate objects to the result under certain circumstances: KeepHighestMetaDataValue, RemoveLargerRectangle, RemoveSmallerRectangle.
adams-ml: The SimpleArffSpreadSheetReader/Writer now correctly quote/unquote attribute names.
adams-core and adams-maven-plugin: updated logback-core/logback-classic to 1.2.10 (to address log4j)
adams-compress: upgraded junrar to 7.4.1 to address https://github.com/advisories/GHSA-m6cj-93v6-cvr5
adams-excel: removed unused openxml4j dependency to avoid old version of log4j being pulled in
adams-imaging: the ImageSegmentationAnnotator now allows the application of filters to the layers (as a whole)
adams-rest: updated jackson-databind from 2.9.8 to
adams-spectral-3way-core: upgraded multiway-algorithms to 0.0.9
adams-spreadsheet: added COLUMN_VALUES which returns all cell values in verbatim order.
adams-video: removed unused org.openimaj:video-processing dependency as it pulls in old version of log4j
adams-weka: updated Weka to 3.9.6-fork-0.0.1
adams-xml: updated xstream to 1.4.19 to address https://x-stream.github.io/CVE-2021-43859.html
The Size object finder allows filtering by size (width, height or both) using lower and upper bounds.
Added I/O support for the YOLO object annotation format (YoloAnnotationsReportReader, YoloAnnotationsReportWriter) and in the preview browser (YoloAnnotationsHandler).
Added the AddDefaultLabel object filter, which sets a default label for annotations if currently none set (to be used with ImageObjectFilter transformer).