Updates 2022/06/23
It's been quiet for too long in terms of updates... A lot of little things have happened, with dependencies getting upgraded to address security issues, a lot of things happening in the image annotation space, support for JDBC BLOB/CLOB reading/writing and handlers for the Preview browser for audio files.
The Pull up operation in the Flow editor now ensures that the actor names in the parent node are unique.
adams-weka and adams-weka-lts: The XGBoost classifier now handles classification properly, improved speed at prediction time.
IndividualImageSegmentationLayerReader now reads layers as ARGB rather than RGB.
IndividualImageSegmentationLayerWriter now writes proper binary PNG files for the individual layers.
The BlueChannelImageSegmentationWriter no longer overwrites the JPG base image.
The Eraser image segmentation tool now works properly when zoomed in or out.
The ImageSegmentationContainer can be copied now, due to implementing its own getClone() method to handle BufferedImage objects properly (can't be serialized).
The GenericObjectEditor now displays options and help in two separate tabs rather than a split pane, which previously could make it look too squashed. Resizing its window when switching classes has also been minimized.
The ReportField transformer is now derived from AbstractArrayProvider and can output the fields as array.
adams-compress: upgraded zip4j to 2.9.1
upgraded metadata-extractor to 2.17.0 (CVE-2022-24613, CVE-2022-24613, CVE-2022-24614)
The ImageObjectAnnotator now offers annotation checks to ensure that only valid annotations can be accepted.
The preview browser handlers BlueChannelImageHandler, GrayOrIndexedImageHandler and TrimapImageHandler allow the user now to select an image reader.
The ImageSegmentationContainerFilter transformer now implements InPlaceProcessing and creates a copy of the container by default.
The SMTPConnection standalone now allows the specification of the protocols to use (eg TLSv1.2).
The Email preferences now allow user to specify SMTP protocols to use.
Upgraded javax.mail to 1.5.6
Upgraded commons-mail to 1.5
Upgraded commons-net to 3.8.0
adams-meka: Upgraded Meka to 1.9.6
adams-pdf: Upgraded itextpdf to
adams-rest: Upgraded jackson-databind to to address CVE-2020-36518
adams-rsync: Upgraded rsync4j to 3.2.3-9
adams-weka and adams-weka-lts: upgraded xgboost4j to 1.5.2
The tree popup menu in the Flow editor now has a sub menu for adding the most common actors based on the user's usage.
The FromFileHandler Preview browser handler simply points to a text file containing a setup (command-line or nested format) of the actual preview handler to use. Useful for maintaining and sharing a range of preview setups.
The ByteArrayToJavaObject and JavaObjectToByteArray allow deserializing/serializing arbitrary objects from/to byte arrays.
The LargeObjectDbReader source and the LargeObjectDbWriter sink allow reading/writing of BLOB/CLOB entities.
Added the LocatedObjectsToReport conversion, which turns arrays of image objects back into a Report object, to be attached to an image.
Added a plugin architecture for object annotation overlays, which makes it easier to create more customizable overlays: ObjectAnnotations (Image viewer), ObjectAnnotationsHandler (Preview browser), ObjectAnnotationsFromReport (Draw transformer), ObjectAnnotations (object overlay).
The ImageObjectToVariables transformer turns the properties of the LocatedObject passing through into variables (eg, x/y/width/height).
The SetImageObjectMetaData transformer allows setting/updating meta-data of individual image objects (of type LocatedObject).
The SimpleImageSegmentationAnnotationsHandler plugin for the Preview browser allows the overlay of annotations from PNG files over the actual JPG image.
The ImageSegmentationAnnotationsHandler generates a more sophisticated interface with the various image segmentation layers. Though it is slower than the simple handler, it supports also the individual segmentation layers format.
Added reader/writer pair for grayscale image segmentation PNG files.
Added Switch label tool to image segmentation annotation interface, which changes the label from one to another (eg when accidentally mislabeling).
Added the Draw and MergeLayers image segmentation container filters.
The AudioFileInfoHandler in the Preview browser displays information on .mp3 and .wav files.
The AudioFilePlaybackHandler allows playback of .mp3 and .wav files in the Preview browser.