Updates 2022/10/06
Apart from retiring a bunch of unused modules, upgrading a range of dependencies, I've switched the codebase to allow Java 11 syntax. Even though only switching to 11 for the code, the compiled binaries should work with OpenJDK 17 (the next long-term-support version of OpenJDK).
The MemoryMonitor standalone now stops the monitoring when the flow stops.
The ListVariableUsage actor processor (used by Find usages in the Flow editor tree popup) now lists boolean options as well.
EnterManyValues now restores time/date/datetime values correctly, the ListSelectionValueDefinition now can have multi-selection enabled.
adams-imaging: The PascalVOCObjectLocationsReader report reader no longer fails with a NullPointerException if the segmented node is not present.
adams-weka and adams-weka-lts: The WekaSpreadSheetToPredictions transformer now handles labels correctly that are only present in the predicted column.
adams-access: upgraded jackcess to 4.0.2
upgraded compress-lzf to 1.1
upgraded zip4j to 2.11.2
upgraded junrar to 7.5.3
upgraded xz to 1.9
upgraded zstd-jni to 1.5.2-4
Upgraded mysql-connector-java to 5.1.49 to address
Cannot connect: java.sql.SQLException: Unknown system variable 'query_cache_size'
errorUpgraded jclasslocator to 0.0.22 for speeding up classpath analysis
The CounterInit standalone and transformer now support initializing strings with a specific value
The Preview browser now allows fixing the preview handler, i.e., it does not get reloaded from its .props file with the next file. This is useful when using two or more preview windows with different handlers for the same file type/extension.
The HashSet source now allows the user to specify a conversion for converting the hashset elements into custom object types in the spreadsheet (default: string).
The Flow editor now records what actor handlers are being used for enclosing other actors to offer a common shortlist in the new, compact Enclose item of the tree popup menu.
The Make conditional action in the Flow editor now uses ConditionalTrigger/SubProcess/Tee for sources/transformers/sinks that don't have a conditional equivalent.
The Expression plot post-processor can handle plot containers without X values now.
adams-db-mysql8: Upgraded mysql-connector-java to 8.0.30
Apache POI dependencies upgraded to 4.1.2
The ExcelSpreadSheetReader can use names in the sheet range now, also improved the handling of cell types (e.g., formulas and errors)
The ExcelSpreadSheetWriter now allows customizing the formats of time, date and date/time cells. Also handles boolean cells now.
adams-groovy: upgraded groovy-all dependency to 3.0.8
adams-html: upgraded jetty-server to 9.4.48.v20220622
The IntersectOverUnionRatio object overlap scheme can now either use bounding boxes or polygons for the IoU calculation.
The JAI Resize BufferedImage transformer now has a forcePercentage option to allow upscaling images.
adams-jython: upgraded jython-standalone to 2.7.3
adams-matlab: The Mat5SpreadSheetReader can use names in the sheet range now
adams-math: * The LOWESS, SavitzkyGolay and SimpleSavitzkyGolay plot post-processors can handle plot containers without X values now.
adams-ml: The ConfusionMatrix transformer can now enumerate the labels (in case of very long labels) and outputs a second spreadsheet with the index/label relation.
adams-net: switched to com.github.mwiede fork of jsch library
adams-odf: The ODFSpreadSheetReader can use names in the sheet range now
The SpreadSheet PDF proclet allows customizing the table width, horizontal alignment and relative column widths.
upgraded pdfbox to 2.0.27
adams-python: moved Pyro4 related code into adams-pyro4 module
adams-random: The transformers ArrayFolds and ArraySubSample now can turn off creating a deep copy of the elements before transferring them to the target array.
adams-rats-django: updated to work with Django 4.1.x and Python 3.8+
adams-rest: upgraded jackson-databind to 2.13.4 to address CVE-2022-42004
adams-rsync: upgraded rsync4j-windows64 to 3.2.3-10
The SpreadSheetDisplay sink now allows to hide the column with the row index and use a simple header.
The GnumericSpreadSheetReader can use names in the sheet range now
The NewSpreadSheet source now can have the headers supplied via an array, which takes precedence over the comma-separated list.
adams-webservice: upgraded Apache CXF to 3.5.3
adams-yaml: Upgraded snakeyaml to 1.32 to address CVE-2022-25857 and CVE-2022-38752
The ArrayDisplay sink allows displaying array elements in tabs, horizontally, vertically or in a grid.
Added the MapVariableIterator for iterating over key/value pairs of a map, storing key/value in user-specified variables.
Added the Copy (commandline) option to the Flow editor popup menu (Copy...) to allow pasting in the GenericObjectEditor.
Added the StringToCharArray and CharArrayToString conversions.
The Regions plugin for the Subimages buffered image transformer allows the user to specify arbitrary rectangles (and their annotations) to be extracted.
The ImageObjectOverlapMatrix transformer generates a matrix between overlapping annotations and predictions, which can be turned into a confusion matrix.
Additional (non-JAI) Resize BufferedImage transformer added for resizing images.
The MergeOverlaps image object filter can combine multiple, overlapping objects into a single one.
The MergeOverlaps overlapping object removal scheme combines overlapping objects rather than removing them.
The DetermineOverlappingAreas transformer computes areas of overlapping objects between annotations and predictions.
Added the FixedText PDF proclet that allows arbitrary text to be added (and variables get expanded automatically) without having to load a file from disk.
The ConfusionMatrix PDF proclet inserts a confusion matrix with better highlighting of the diagonal and (optionally) the other cell values.
adams-pyro5: same as adams-pyro4, but uses the pyrolite library for communicating with Pyro5
Added the conversions SpreadSheetToRowArray and RowArrayToSpreadSheet for managing a spreadsheet as row array and apply existing array operators.
Retired modules
The following modules have been retired and moved to https://github.com/waikato-datamining/adams-discontinued:
adams-cqengine: module retired due to no downstream projects making use of it
adams-groovy-webservice: module retired due to com.github.groovy-wslite:groovy-wslite project being abandoned
adams-osm: display of maps in Swing not well supported
adams-tensorflow: module retired due to limited usefulness
adams-deeplearning-spectral-app: module retired (no added benefit since adams-tensorflow got retired)
adams-twitter: no real benefit of module
adams-twitter-rats: due to adams-twitter getting retired