Updates 2024/01/10
Happy New Year everyone!
We have moved from Twitter/X to Mastodon: @[email protected].
Mostly bug-fixes and addressing security vulnerabilities since the last update. Also, ADAMS is now more stable under the long-term support versions of OpenJDK 17 and 21.
The PolygonUtils.boundingBox method now works correctly.
The Display sink, when used in conjunction with the Inspect or DisplayPanelManager actors, uses the font specified by the user now.
The StorageValuesArray and VariablesArray source actors now properly collect errors occurring when applying the conversion, making it possible in the Flow editor to jump to the actor.
The PolygonPointAnnotator now clears the points afte accepting an annotation.
The flow adams-imaging-annotate_objects.flow now supports the following annotation formats: ADAMS .report, OPEX .json
The TesseractHelper class now uses --psm instead of -psm for the page segmentation parameter when assembling the command-line arguments.
adams-json: The GetJsonValue transformer now accepts JSON arrays again when using a proper JsonPath expression (i.e., one that starts with $).
adams-scripts: added necessary --add-exports options to make it work under Java 17 and 21.
adams-bootstrapp: bootstrapp upgraded to 0.1.12
The expressions for boolean, mathematical, report math, string expressions and spreadsheet formulas now support the startswith and endswith string functions.
upgraded flatlaf to 3.2.5
upgraded jodd-core to 5.1.6
removed JULIANDATE/JULIANDATE_LONG DateTimeType due to newer versions of jodd-core no longer supporting it
adams-gnuplot: the scriptlets now support quick info output
adams-json: gson upgraded to 2.10.1
tika-core upgraded to 1.28.3 to address CVE-2022-30973.
switched from javax.mail:1.5.6 to jakarta.mail:1.6.5
ApacheSendMail is now deprecated (broken)
upgraded jodd-mail to 5.1.6
adams-opencv: javacv upgraded to 1.5.9
adams-rsync: rsync4j upgraded to 3.2.7-5
adams-pdf: The Headline PDF proclet now expands variables in the headline automatically.
adams-core: added the GetListElement transformer for obtaining a specific element from a list.
adams-imaging-ext: added the flow adams-imaging-ext_run-sam-hq.flow which allows using SAM-HQ (https://github.com/SysCV/sam-hq) via Redis for annotating images.