Updates 2024/06/13
A lot of library upgrades happened again. Most notably are the introduction of quick actions in the Flow editor that can be invoked via SHIFT+right-click or SHIFT+F10. These are actor-specific actions like changing the variable name/value of a SetVariable actor or editing the boolean condition of an actor. These quick actions avoid having to go through the full-blown GenericObjectEditor dialog, saving a few mouse clicks. The ArrayProcessor received experimental parallel execution support. Items added to queues can have a delay in msec added to them, making them available at the other only once the delay has passed.
The Percentage generator for the ArraySubsetGenerator transformer now works as expected; added ability to oversample as well.
The SQL.tableExists method now works correctly with the newer MySQL JDBC driver (limiting DB meta-data to a particular database does not seem to work anymore, as it iterates over ALL databases).
Fixed the exception that occurred when selecting "Use default" from the popup menu in the GOE for an array property.
adams-docker: The management interfaces for Docker containers and images now gather the output from all commands rather than just the last one.
adams-imaging: The barcode encoders now use the correct x/y position (was off by 1).
adams-ml: The ConfusionMatrix transformer, when generating sums to calculate percentages, no longer throws an error when probabilities instead of counts are taken into account (ie a probability column was specified).
removed JVisualVM menu item from Help menu (user-mode: developer/debug) as it is no longer bundled with JDKs
added "ADAMS home directory" menu item (user-mode: developer/debug)
upgraded sizeofag to 1.1.0
The HashSet source now allows customizing the column name of the generated spreadsheet
upgraded commons-compress to 1.26.0
upgraded commons-io to 2.15.1
upgraded commons-codec to 1.16.1
upgraded processoutput4j to 0.0.12
GetReportValue can apply a conversion to the obtained report value now before forwarding it
The Flow editor now offers actor-specific quick actions via the SHIFT+right-click popup menu on a selected actor, e.g., renaming a variable name or changing the variable value. Using SHIFT+F10. this menu can be displayed directly via keyboard.
Reworked the notes support for files in the Preview browser, associating notes now with directory and file, allowing the user to edit the notes.
The Preview browser now has a Send to sub-menu in the popup menu for the local files as well, not just from the main menu.
CallableX actors no longer call the wrapUp()/cleanUp() methods of their referenced actor, as this should happen already.
Added experimental parallel execution support to the ArrayProcess control actor.
Added support for delayed queues, i.e., possible retrieval of queue items can be delayed by a certain delta of msecs. The retrieval delay gets defined in the EnQueue sink.
adams-compress: added commons-codec depdendency
upgraded hdsqldb to 2.7.2
upgraded sqlite-jdbc to
upgraded mssql-jdbc to 12.4.2.jre11
adams-docker: The management interfaces for Docker containers and images allow pruning now as well.
The YoloAnnotationsReportReader now has the -use-polygon-format option to enforce reading the data in polygon format rather than auto-detecting it.
The image segmentation panel now has the following buttons for controlling the visibility of layers: All, None, Invert
The object annotations panel now has a button for toggling the visibility of the annotations.
adams-json: upgraded json-path to 2.9.0
adams-maps: upgraded postgis-jdbc to 2023.1.0
upgraded jsoup to 1.17.2
The EditDistance transformer can process string arrays of length 2 now as well rather than having to set the base string via a variable.
adams-opencv: upgraded javacv to 1.5.10
adams-rats-core: The EnQueue rat output now supports delayed queues with its retrieval delay option.
GetSampleDataValue can apply a conversion to the obtained report value now before forwarding it
The SpectrumDisplay sink can accept arrays of spectra now, to speed up display of data
- adams-weka and adams-weka-lts: The attribute summary panel used in the Preprocess tab of the
Investigator (displaying histogram/bar chart) now allows the user to customize the colors. The default color provider can be customized via the Preprocess.AttributeSummaryColorProvider property in the WekaInvestigatorSession.props config file or the Preferences dialog.
adams-weka-lts: upgraded Weka to 3.9.0-fork-0.0.14 (updated package manager classes)
added the SimplePercentage generator for the ArraySubsetGeneration transformer.
added the Copy file to... action to the files list in the Preview browser.
adams-imaging: added the EncodeBarcode transformer that turns a string payload into the specified barcode, e.g., QR code.
adams-weka and adams-weka-lts:
The RemoveWithLabels filter allows removing instances with labels that match a regular expression.
The AlignDataset filter aligns the dataset being filtered with an external dataset, e.g., making train/test sets compatible.
In the GenericObjectEditor, it is now possible to enclose clusterers in SingleClustererEnhancers, just like with classifiers. In addition, the opposite operation "pull up" has been added as well.