Updates 2024/08/16

Quite a few changes this time round: a number of libraries have been upgraded to address security vulnerabilities (which may or may not apply), Weka's repeated cross-validation which was recently added to the Weka Investigator is now available in the flow as well, module adams-jep was added to allow executing Python scripts from within flows, thanks to the jep project.


  • Fixed the title of the File monitor interface (was incorrectly Flow runner).

  • Runtime-only tabs in the Flow editor (e.g., from breakpoints) are no longer affected by the enabling/disabling all actions.

  • adams-core: Screenshots in the manual have been updated to reflect the refreshed interfaces.

  • adams-weka and adams-weka-lts:

    • Removing multiple datasets from the Weka Investigator no longer causes exceptions trying to access the selected rows.

    • Reordering datasets in the Weka Investigator also no longer causes exceptions (due to automatic data structure cleanups).

    • Screenshots in the manual have been updated to reflect the refreshed interfaces.


  • Added favorites buttons to the generic object and array editor panels.

  • The Favorites menu has been reworked and it is now possible to add multiple named temporary favorites, ones that only last the session. See also this video: https://youtu.be/zu_sNTUh9ZY?si=ZNK00GXsS1-A6TUH

  • The tree button for selecting a class from the class tree in the GenericObjectEditor has been removed, as it has been superceded for a while now by the class tree that is shown in the left panel of the GenericObjectEditor.

  • Added the Keep open option to graphical output, i.e., the window will stay open even when the flow cleans up graphical output; the user needs to explicitly close the window. See the checkbox menu item in the File menu of the window.

  • Upgraded MySQL JDBC driver to 9.0.0 to address CVE-2023-22102

  • Upgraded flatlaf look'n'feel to 3.4

  • adams-access: Upgraded jackcess to 4.0.7

  • adams-boofcv: Upgraded to 1.1.5

  • adams-compress:

    • Using Apache commons compress library for LZMA now instead of lzma-java

    • Added support for lzf, lzma and tar in the File commander

    • Upgraded xz dependencty to 1.10

    • Upgraded zstd-jni dependency to 1.5.6-4

  • adams-db:

    • Upgraded postgresql JDBC driver to 42.7.3 to address CVE-2024-1597

    • Upgraded hsqldb to 2.7.3

    • Upgraded sqlite-jdbc to

    • Upgraded mssql-jdbc to 12.8.0.jre11

  • adams-json:

    • The JsonProducer option generator now only outputs the values that differ from their defaults values. This can be overridden by setOutputFull(true).

    • Upgraded json-smart to 2.5.1

    • Upgraded gson to 2.11.0

  • adams-moa: upgraded MOA to 2024.07.0

  • adams-net and adams-html: upgraded requests4j to 0.2.6

  • adams-pdf: upgraded itextpdf to to address CVE-2017-20151

  • adams-rsync: upgraded rsync4j to 3.3.0-1

  • adams-scripts: added -venv PATH option to exec.sh/.bat and launcher.sh/bat to activate a Python virtual environment

  • adams-webservice-core: upgraded CXF to 3.6.4 to address CVE-2024-28752

  • adams-weka and adams-weka-lts:

    • added favorites button for the output generators in the Weka Investigator.

    • upgraded xgboost4j_2.12 to 2.1.0, requiring glibc 2.28 or later under Linux

    • upgraded Weka to 3.9.6-fork-0.0.3 (non-LTS) and 3.9.0-fork-0.0.15 (LTS) to fix issue with AbstractClassifier trying to access batchsize and numDecimalPlaces members when deserializing old models.


  • adams-compression: Added the TarExport multi-object export plugin, in addition to the existing ZipExport plugin. The export supports automatic compression based on the file extension being used, e.g., gzip (.tar.gz) or bzip2 (.tar.bz2).

  • adams-jep: new module for running Python scripts via Jep (https://github.com/ninia/jep/) from within ADAMS. Requires ADAMS to be started from the shell with the correct Python environment. When running flows in parallel, the user needs to ensure that the variable names do no interfere due to global scope. Video demonstrating the use of jep: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=26WiGDN_-KA

  • adams-weka and adams-weka-lts:

    • Added support for repeated cross-validation to the flow with the transformers WekaRepeatedCrossValidationEvaluator and WekaRepeatedCrossValidationOutput.

    • Added support for the Weka Package Manager in the flow with the WekaPackageManagerAction standalone/source/transformer actors and the WekaPackageToMap conversion.