Updates 2024/12/06
Wide range of fixes, changes and additions. Notably are the addition of basic git support in the Flow editor (to be enabled in the Preferences dialog) and support for the H2 SQL database (e.g., for adhoc, in-memory use). Also, Weka's evaluation can be interrupted now a bit better, e.g., between cross-validation folds and while evaluating a classifier. Some ADAMS-only classifiers received an overhaul to allow interrupting their build process as well. The adams-nlp module has been retired, due to security concerns of some of its third-party libraries and the amount of work that would have been required to keep it going.
fixed race condition when clearing the buffer in the DumpFile sink (e.g, when initiated from a RatControl)
image panels now zoom in/out on the mouse position when possible
the list of connections in the database connections panel is now sorted
the Flow editor now handles loading flows that do not exist better
adams-groovy: The Groovy conversion and actors handle variables attached to the scriptFile and inlineScript options now properly.
adams-imaging: The ImageLabeler no longer enforces the data type of the field to be STRING to address problem on not being able to enter value in the GOE, instead the data type is checked in the setUp() method.
adams-moa: fixed race condition when clearning the buffer in the MOAInstanceDumper sink (e.g, when initiated from a RatControl)
adams-rat-core: clicking the stop button of a RatControl panel no longer locks the UI, instead the stopping now works asynchronously, informing the user via status messages in the RatControl panel.
adams-weka and adams-weka-lts:
fixed race condition when clearing the buffer in the WekaInstanceDumper sink (e.g, when initiated from a RatControl)
fixed serialization issue in the Weka Investigator when copying tabs
Password fields now have a button to show/hide the password as well as a popup menu for show/hide and copy/paste.
Process actors that generate graphical output can now be detached from the tabbed pane on the right hand side in the Flow editor.
upgraded processoutput4j to 0.0.14
upgraded mysql-connector-j to 9.1.0
added instructions to the manual on how to configure SSL connections for MySQL
adams-db: added support for the H2 database (https://www.h2database.com/)
adams-jep: upgraded jep to 4.2.1
adams-maps: upgraded postgis-jdbc to 2024.1.0
adams-ml: The RemoveOutliers control actor now allows toggling of outliers that fall within a polygon (SHIFT+left-click for vertices, SHIFT+right-click to finalize polygon) and also undo/redo.
adams-net: retired the Telnet interface
adams-pdf: upgraded icepdf-core/icepdf-viewer to 7.2.1 to address GHSA-v435-xc8x-wvr9, GHSA-m44j-cfrm-g8qc, GHSA-8xfc-gm6g-vgpv and GHSA-4h8f-2wvx-gg5w
adams-rsync: upgraded rsync4j to 3.3.0-2
The SpectrumDbReader transformer now only outputs a warning message regarding missing container (ie didn't find spectrum in DB) in lenient mode when the silent flag is not set.
The PostProcessor transformer now checks if its post-processor scheme can be stopped when the actor receives the request to stop.
The Evaluator transformer now checks if its evaluator scheme can be stopped when the actor receives the request to stop.
The Cleaner transformer now checks if its cleaner scheme can be stopped when the actor receives the request to stop.
adams-weka and adams-weka-lts:
introduced a variant of the Weka Evaluation class which can be interrupted more easily, e.g., during cross-validation and evaluation of a test set.
disambiguating tab titles now in the Weka Investigator to avoid confusion in the logs
adams-xml: upgraded xstream to 1.4.21 to address CVE-2024-47072
adams-git: new module with basic support for add/commit/pull/push in the Flow editor (needs to be disabled first via the preferences dialog).
adams-spectral-2dim-core: added the PredictionErrorIQR post-processor algorithm that removes rows from the data which prediction errors are above the upper threshold based on the prediction IQR.
adams-security: added page Trust store in global preferences dialog for specifying a Java trust store, e.g., to be used when connecting via SSL to MySQL databases.
adams-weka and adams-weka-lts: The LWLSynchroSplit lazy classifier allows the search space to be differently filtered than the data that the base classifier is then trained on.
adams-nlp module