AbstractAudioAnnotationsWriter |
Ancestor for annotations writers.
AbstractHeatmapWriter |
Ancestor for writers that output heatmaps.
AbstractTrailWriter |
Ancestor for trail writers.
FloatMatrixHeatmapWriter |
Writes heat map files (2-D array of single precision floating point numbers).
GnuplotSpreadSheetWriter |
Outputs all numeric columns of a spreadsheet in Gnuplot format.
LatexSpreadSheetWriter |
Generates LaTeX tables from spreadsheets.
SimpleAudioAnnotationsWriter |
Writes audio annotations in simple CSV-like format.
SimpleHeatmapWriter |
Writer that stores heatmaps in a simple CSV-like format.
SimpleImageHeatmapWriter |
Turns the heatmap into an image and uses the specified image writer for saving it to a file.
SimpleTrailWriter |
Writes trails in the simple CSV-like format.
The report and trail image come before the actual trail data.
The report data is prefixed with '# ' and the background is prefixed with '% '.
The background data are the gzipped RGBA bytes of the image (obtained row-by-row from image).
SpreadSheetHeatmapWriter |
Writes heat map files using a spreadsheet format.