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About - Class in adams.terminal.menu
Shows the about box.
About() - Constructor for class adams.terminal.menu.About
Initializes the menu item with no owner.
About(AbstractTerminalApplication) - Constructor for class adams.terminal.menu.About
Initializes the menu item.
ABOVE - adams.data.filter.HeatmapThreshold.Type
ABSOLUTE - adams.doc.latex.generator.AbstractFileReferencingCodeGenerator.PathType
AbstractAdamsMojo - Class in adams.flow.maven
Abstract Mojo which collects common infrastructure, required and needed by all subclass Mojos in the adams maven plugin codebase.
AbstractAdamsMojo() - Constructor for class adams.flow.maven.AbstractAdamsMojo
AbstractApplyImageTransformer - Class in adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins
Ancestor for plugins that work on the image rather than the heatmap.
AbstractApplyImageTransformer() - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.AbstractApplyImageTransformer
AbstractArraySplitter - Class in adams.flow.transformer
Ancestor for array splitters.
AbstractArraySplitter() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.AbstractArraySplitter
AbstractAudioAnnotationsReader - Class in adams.data.io.input
Ancestor of annotations readers.
AbstractAudioAnnotationsReader() - Constructor for class adams.data.io.input.AbstractAudioAnnotationsReader
AbstractAudioAnnotationsWriter - Class in adams.data.io.output
Ancestor for annotations writers.
AbstractAudioAnnotationsWriter() - Constructor for class adams.data.io.output.AbstractAudioAnnotationsWriter
AbstractAudioContainer<T> - Class in adams.data.audio
Ancestor for various audio format containers.
AbstractAudioContainer() - Constructor for class adams.data.audio.AbstractAudioContainer
AbstractAudioDataReader<T extends AbstractAudioContainer> - Class in adams.flow.transformer.audiodata
Ancestor for readers for audio data.
AbstractAudioDataReader() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.audiodata.AbstractAudioDataReader
AbstractAudioFeatureGenerator<T extends AbstractAudioContainer> - Class in adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator
Abstract base class for AbstractAudioContainer feature generation.
AbstractAudioFeatureGenerator() - Constructor for class adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator.AbstractAudioFeatureGenerator
AbstractAudioInfoReader - Class in adams.flow.transformer.audioinfo
Ancestor for info readers for audio data.
AbstractAudioInfoReader() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.audioinfo.AbstractAudioInfoReader
AbstractAudioRecorder<T> - Class in adams.flow.source.audiorecorder
Ancestor for classes that record audio.
AbstractAudioRecorder() - Constructor for class adams.flow.source.audiorecorder.AbstractAudioRecorder
AbstractBackground - Class in adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud
Ancestor for WordCloud backgrounds.
AbstractBackground() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.AbstractBackground
AbstractBoofCVObjectTracker - Class in adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker
Ancestor for BoofCV object trackers.
AbstractBoofCVObjectTracker() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.AbstractBoofCVObjectTracker
AbstractBootstrappClassPathAugmenter - Class in adams.core.management
Ancestor for classpath augmenters that make use of bootstrapp to pull in dependencies.
AbstractBootstrappClassPathAugmenter() - Constructor for class adams.core.management.AbstractBootstrappClassPathAugmenter
AbstractBootstrappPreferencesPanel - Class in adams.gui.application
Ancestor for panels that allow managing of dependencies for bootstrapp.
AbstractBootstrappPreferencesPanel() - Constructor for class adams.gui.application.AbstractBootstrappPreferencesPanel
AbstractBufferedImageBasedHeatmapThreshold - Class in adams.data.filter.heatmapthreshold
Ancestor of threshold algorithms that use a BufferedImage as basis for their calculation.
AbstractBufferedImageBasedHeatmapThreshold() - Constructor for class adams.data.filter.heatmapthreshold.AbstractBufferedImageBasedHeatmapThreshold
AbstractBufferedImageMovieImageSampler - Class in adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler
Ancestor for movie image samples that output BufferedImageContainer.
AbstractBufferedImageMovieImageSampler() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler.AbstractBufferedImageMovieImageSampler
AbstractBufferedRatInput - Class in adams.flow.standalone.rats.input
Ancestor for buffering rat inputs.
AbstractBufferedRatInput() - Constructor for class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.AbstractBufferedRatInput
AbstractCallableMekaClassifierEvaluator - Class in adams.flow.transformer
Ancestor for Meka classifier evaluators that make use of a callable classifier.
AbstractCallableMekaClassifierEvaluator() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.AbstractCallableMekaClassifierEvaluator
AbstractCallablePipeline<T> - Class in adams.flow.rest.flow
Ancestor for pipeline that process data with a callable pipeline template.
AbstractCallablePipeline() - Constructor for class adams.flow.rest.flow.AbstractCallablePipeline
AbstractCallableTransformer<T> - Class in adams.flow.rest.flow
Ancestor for plugins that process the data with a callable transformer.
AbstractCallableTransformer() - Constructor for class adams.flow.rest.flow.AbstractCallableTransformer
AbstractCodeGenerator - Class in adams.doc.latex.generator
Ancestor for LaTeX code generators.
AbstractCodeGenerator() - Constructor for class adams.doc.latex.generator.AbstractCodeGenerator
AbstractColorPalette - Class in adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud
Ancestor for schemes that generate color palettes.
AbstractColorPalette() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.AbstractColorPalette
AbstractCommonsRandomNumberGenerator - Class in adams.data.random
Ancestor Apache commons-based random number generators.
AbstractCommonsRandomNumberGenerator() - Constructor for class adams.data.random.AbstractCommonsRandomNumberGenerator
AbstractCommunicationProcessor - Class in adams.data.wekapyroproxy
Ancestor for classes processing the communication to/fro Pyro proxy models.
AbstractCommunicationProcessor() - Constructor for class adams.data.wekapyroproxy.AbstractCommunicationProcessor
AbstractControlPanel<T extends adams.flow.core.Actor & adams.core.Pausable> - Class in adams.flow.standalone.ratcontrol
Ancestor for control panels.
AbstractControlPanel() - Constructor for class adams.flow.standalone.ratcontrol.AbstractControlPanel
AbstractControlState<T extends adams.flow.core.Actor & adams.core.Pausable> - Class in adams.flow.standalone.ratcontrol
Ancestor for control states.
AbstractControlState() - Constructor for class adams.flow.standalone.ratcontrol.AbstractControlState
AbstractCurrentHeatmapFilter - Class in adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins
Ancestor for plugins that filter the current heatmap.
AbstractCurrentHeatmapFilter() - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.AbstractCurrentHeatmapFilter
AbstractCurrentHeatmapFilterWithGOE - Class in adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins
Ancestor for heatmap filters that process the current heatmap with a setup obtained from a GenericObjectEditorDialog.
AbstractCurrentHeatmapFilterWithGOE() - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.AbstractCurrentHeatmapFilterWithGOE
AbstractCurrentTrailFilter - Class in adams.gui.visualization.trail.plugins
Ancestor for plugins that filter the current trail.
AbstractCurrentTrailFilter() - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.trail.plugins.AbstractCurrentTrailFilter
AbstractCurrentTrailFilterWithGOE - Class in adams.gui.visualization.trail.plugins
Ancestor for trail filters that process the current trail with a setup obtained from a GenericObjectEditorDialog.
AbstractCurrentTrailFilterWithGOE() - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.trail.plugins.AbstractCurrentTrailFilterWithGOE
AbstractDatabaseConnectionFeatureGenerator - Class in adams.data.featuregenerator
Ancestor for feature generators that require database access.
AbstractDatabaseConnectionFeatureGenerator() - Constructor for class adams.data.featuregenerator.AbstractDatabaseConnectionFeatureGenerator
AbstractDockerCommand - Class in adams.docker.simpledocker
Ancestor for docker commands.
AbstractDockerCommand() - Constructor for class adams.docker.simpledocker.AbstractDockerCommand
AbstractDockerCommandWithOptions - Class in adams.docker.simpledocker
Ancestor for commands that take options.
AbstractDockerCommandWithOptions() - Constructor for class adams.docker.simpledocker.AbstractDockerCommandWithOptions
AbstractDocumentToSentences - Class in adams.flow.transformer.splitter
Ancestor for classes that split document strings into sentences.
AbstractDocumentToSentences() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.splitter.AbstractDocumentToSentences
AbstractEnqueueGuard - Class in adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.enqueue
Ancestor for queue guards.
AbstractEnqueueGuard() - Constructor for class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.enqueue.AbstractEnqueueGuard
AbstractEnvironmentWithNoTrailingSpace - Class in adams.doc.latex.generator
Ancestor for code generators that can suppress the trailing space.
AbstractEnvironmentWithNoTrailingSpace() - Constructor for class adams.doc.latex.generator.AbstractEnvironmentWithNoTrailingSpace
AbstractFeatureGenerator - Class in adams.data.featuregenerator
Abstract base class for feature generators.
AbstractFeatureGenerator() - Constructor for class adams.data.featuregenerator.AbstractFeatureGenerator
AbstractFFmpegPlugin - Class in adams.flow.sink.ffmpeg
Ancestor for FFmpeg plugins.
AbstractFFmpegPlugin() - Constructor for class adams.flow.sink.ffmpeg.AbstractFFmpegPlugin
AbstractFFmpegPluginWithOptions - Class in adams.flow.sink.ffmpeg
Ancestor for FFmpeg plugins that offers the user to specify additional input/output options.
AbstractFFmpegPluginWithOptions() - Constructor for class adams.flow.sink.ffmpeg.AbstractFFmpegPluginWithOptions
AbstractFileBasedAudioRecorder - Class in adams.flow.source.audiorecorder
Ancestor for file-based audio recorders.
AbstractFileBasedAudioRecorder() - Constructor for class adams.flow.source.audiorecorder.AbstractFileBasedAudioRecorder
AbstractFileBaseRecorder - Class in adams.data.video
Ancestor for file-based recorders.
AbstractFileBaseRecorder() - Constructor for class adams.data.video.AbstractFileBaseRecorder
AbstractFileReferencingCodeGenerator - Class in adams.doc.latex.generator
Ancestor for code generators that deal with files and need to have control over the filename being added to the LaTeX document.
AbstractFileReferencingCodeGenerator() - Constructor for class adams.doc.latex.generator.AbstractFileReferencingCodeGenerator
AbstractFileReferencingCodeGenerator.PathType - Enum in adams.doc.latex.generator
Determines how to process the file path.
AbstractFilteredHeatmapCrop - Class in adams.data.filter.heatmapcrop
Ancestor for crop algorithms that filter the original heatmap first before performing the actual crop.
AbstractFilteredHeatmapCrop() - Constructor for class adams.data.filter.heatmapcrop.AbstractFilteredHeatmapCrop
AbstractFontScalar - Class in adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud
Ancestor for WordCloud font scalars.
AbstractFontScalar() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.AbstractFontScalar
AbstractGPS - Class in adams.data.gps
Ancestor for GPS objects.
AbstractGPS() - Constructor for class adams.data.gps.AbstractGPS
Default constructor.
AbstractGPS(double, double) - Constructor for class adams.data.gps.AbstractGPS
Initialize GPS with latitude and longitude (in decimal notation).
AbstractGPS(AbstractGPS) - Constructor for class adams.data.gps.AbstractGPS
Initialize GPS with latitude and longitude from the specified object.
AbstractGPS(Coordinate, Coordinate) - Constructor for class adams.data.gps.AbstractGPS
Initialize GPS with latitude and longitude.
AbstractGPS(String) - Constructor for class adams.data.gps.AbstractGPS
Initialize GPS with latitude and longitude in string representation.
AbstractGPS(String, boolean) - Constructor for class adams.data.gps.AbstractGPS
Initialize GPS with latitude and longitude in string representation.
AbstractGPSToRawPixel(AbstractGPS) - Method in class adams.data.gps.Map
AbstractHandler - Class in adams.flow.standalone.webserver
Ancestor for handlers that return a configured jetty Handler.
AbstractHandler() - Constructor for class adams.flow.standalone.webserver.AbstractHandler
AbstractHeatmapCrop - Class in adams.data.filter.heatmapcrop
Ancestor for algorithsm that crop heatmaps.
AbstractHeatmapCrop() - Constructor for class adams.data.filter.heatmapcrop.AbstractHeatmapCrop
AbstractHeatmapFeatureGenerator - Class in adams.data.heatmapfeatures
Abstract base class for Heatmap feature generation.
AbstractHeatmapFeatureGenerator() - Constructor for class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.AbstractHeatmapFeatureGenerator
AbstractHeatmapFeatureGeneratorWithSkippableMissingValues - Class in adams.data.heatmapfeatures
Ancestor for feature generators that can decide whether to skip missing values.
AbstractHeatmapFeatureGeneratorWithSkippableMissingValues() - Constructor for class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.AbstractHeatmapFeatureGeneratorWithSkippableMissingValues
AbstractHeatmapOverlay - Class in adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay
Ancestor for heatmap image overlays.
AbstractHeatmapOverlay() - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.AbstractHeatmapOverlay
AbstractHeatmapReader - Class in adams.data.io.input
Ancestor for readers that read heatmaps.
AbstractHeatmapReader() - Constructor for class adams.data.io.input.AbstractHeatmapReader
AbstractHeatmapThreshold - Class in adams.data.filter.heatmapthreshold
Ancestor for algorithsm that determine a threshold from a heatmap.
AbstractHeatmapThreshold() - Constructor for class adams.data.filter.heatmapthreshold.AbstractHeatmapThreshold
AbstractHeatmapTransformer - Class in adams.flow.transformer
Ancestor for transformers that work on heatmaps and also output heatmaps again.
AbstractHeatmapTransformer() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.AbstractHeatmapTransformer
AbstractHeatmapViewerPlugin - Class in adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins
Ancestor for plugins for the HeatmapViewer.
AbstractHeatmapViewerPlugin() - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.AbstractHeatmapViewerPlugin
AbstractHeatmapViewerPluginWithGOE - Class in adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins
Ancestor for plugins that require a GOE.
AbstractHeatmapViewerPluginWithGOE() - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.AbstractHeatmapViewerPluginWithGOE
AbstractHeatmapWriter - Class in adams.data.io.output
Ancestor for writers that output heatmaps.
AbstractHeatmapWriter() - Constructor for class adams.data.io.output.AbstractHeatmapWriter
AbstractInInterceptor - Class in adams.flow.rest.interceptor.incoming
Interceptor for incoming messages.
AbstractInInterceptor - Class in adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming
Interceptor for incoming messages.
AbstractInInterceptor(String) - Constructor for class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.incoming.AbstractInInterceptor
Initializes the interceptor.
AbstractInInterceptor(String) - Constructor for class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming.AbstractInInterceptor
Initializes the interceptor.
AbstractInInterceptorGenerator<T extends AbstractInInterceptor> - Class in adams.flow.rest.interceptor.incoming
Ancestor for generators for incoming message interceptors.
AbstractInInterceptorGenerator<T extends AbstractInInterceptor> - Class in adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming
Ancestor for generators for incoming message interceptors.
AbstractInInterceptorGenerator() - Constructor for class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.incoming.AbstractInInterceptorGenerator
AbstractInInterceptorGenerator() - Constructor for class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming.AbstractInInterceptorGenerator
AbstractInPlaceHeatmapTransformer - Class in adams.flow.transformer
Ancestor for heatmap transformers that allow the processing to happen in-place, rather than on a copy of the data.
AbstractInPlaceHeatmapTransformer() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.AbstractInPlaceHeatmapTransformer
AbstractJavaGeneratorMojo - Class in adams.flow.maven
Abstract superclass for Mojos generating Java source
AbstractJavaGeneratorMojo() - Constructor for class adams.flow.maven.AbstractJavaGeneratorMojo
AbstractJDKMenuItemDefinition - Class in adams.terminal.menu
Ancestor for menu items that require a JDK present.
AbstractJDKMenuItemDefinition() - Constructor for class adams.terminal.menu.AbstractJDKMenuItemDefinition
Initializes the menu item with no owner.
AbstractJDKMenuItemDefinition(AbstractTerminalApplication) - Constructor for class adams.terminal.menu.AbstractJDKMenuItemDefinition
Initializes the menu item.
AbstractJettyHandler - Class in adams.flow.standalone.webserver
Handler for displaying the currently running flows.
AbstractJettyHandler() - Constructor for class adams.flow.standalone.webserver.AbstractJettyHandler
Initializes the handler.
AbstractLanternaTerminalApplication - Class in adams.terminal.application
Ancestor for terminal-based applications.
AbstractLanternaTerminalApplication() - Constructor for class adams.terminal.application.AbstractLanternaTerminalApplication
Default constructor.
AbstractLogObjectGenerator<T> - Class in adams.flow.standalone.rats.log
Ancestor for log generators.
AbstractLogObjectGenerator() - Constructor for class adams.flow.standalone.rats.log.AbstractLogObjectGenerator
AbstractMekaClassifierEvaluator - Class in adams.flow.transformer
Ancestor for transformers that evaluate Meka classifiers.
AbstractMekaClassifierEvaluator() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.AbstractMekaClassifierEvaluator
AbstractMekaMultiPlot - Class in adams.flow.sink
Ancestor for plots that display multiple plots in a tabbed pane.
AbstractMekaMultiPlot() - Constructor for class adams.flow.sink.AbstractMekaMultiPlot
AbstractMekaSinglePlot - Class in adams.flow.sink
Ancestor for plots that display a single plot.
AbstractMekaSinglePlot() - Constructor for class adams.flow.sink.AbstractMekaSinglePlot
AbstractMekaThresholdCurve - Class in adams.flow.sink
Ancestor for plots based on threshold curve data.
AbstractMekaThresholdCurve() - Constructor for class adams.flow.sink.AbstractMekaThresholdCurve
AbstractMekaThresholdVisualizePanelPlot - Class in adams.flow.sink
Ancestor for plots using ThresholdVisualizePanel plots.
AbstractMekaThresholdVisualizePanelPlot() - Constructor for class adams.flow.sink.AbstractMekaThresholdVisualizePanelPlot
AbstractMenuItemDefinition - Class in adams.terminal.menu
Ancestor for menu items of terminal applications.
AbstractMenuItemDefinition() - Constructor for class adams.terminal.menu.AbstractMenuItemDefinition
Initializes the menu item with no owner.
AbstractMenuItemDefinition(AbstractTerminalApplication) - Constructor for class adams.terminal.menu.AbstractMenuItemDefinition
Initializes the menu item.
AbstractMetaCodeGenerator - Class in adams.doc.latex.generator
Ancestor for generators that enhance another base generator.
AbstractMetaCodeGenerator() - Constructor for class adams.doc.latex.generator.AbstractMetaCodeGenerator
AbstractMetaCodeGeneratorWithNoTrailingSpace - Class in adams.doc.latex.generator
Ancestor for meta code generators that can suppress the trailing space.
AbstractMetaCodeGeneratorWithNoTrailingSpace() - Constructor for class adams.doc.latex.generator.AbstractMetaCodeGeneratorWithNoTrailingSpace
AbstractMetaHeatmapFeatureGenerator - Class in adams.data.heatmapfeatures
Ancestor for feature generators that use a base feature generator.
AbstractMetaHeatmapFeatureGenerator() - Constructor for class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.AbstractMetaHeatmapFeatureGenerator
AbstractMetaRatInput - Class in adams.flow.standalone.rats.input
Ancestor for RatInput schemes that wrap another RatInput.
AbstractMetaRatInput() - Constructor for class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.AbstractMetaRatInput
AbstractMetaRatOutput - Class in adams.flow.standalone.rats.output
Ancestor for RatOutput schemes that wrap another RatOutput.
AbstractMetaRatOutput() - Constructor for class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.AbstractMetaRatOutput
AbstractMOAModelReader - Class in adams.flow.transformer
Ancestor for actors that deserialize models.
AbstractMOAModelReader() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.AbstractMOAModelReader
AbstractMOAModelWriter - Class in adams.flow.sink
Ancestor for actors that serialize models.
AbstractMOAModelWriter() - Constructor for class adams.flow.sink.AbstractMOAModelWriter
AbstractMovieImageSampler<T extends adams.data.image.AbstractImageContainer> - Class in adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler
Ancestor for classes that sample images from movies.
AbstractMovieImageSampler() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler.AbstractMovieImageSampler
AbstractMultiHeatmapOperation<O> - Class in adams.flow.transformer.multiheatmapoperation
Abstract base class for operations that require multiple heatmaps.
AbstractMultiHeatmapOperation() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.multiheatmapoperation.AbstractMultiHeatmapOperation
AbstractObjectTracker - Class in adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker
Ancestor for object trackers.
AbstractObjectTracker() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.AbstractObjectTracker
AbstractOutgoingCallback - Class in adams.flow.rest.interceptor.outgoing
Ancestor for callback classes for outgoing messages.
AbstractOutgoingCallback - Class in adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing
Ancestor for callback classes for outgoing messages.
AbstractOutgoingCallback(Message, OutputStream) - Constructor for class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.outgoing.AbstractOutgoingCallback
Initializes the callback.
AbstractOutgoingCallback(Message, OutputStream) - Constructor for class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.AbstractOutgoingCallback
Initializes the callback.
AbstractOutInterceptor - Class in adams.flow.rest.interceptor.outgoing
Interceptor for outgoing messages.
AbstractOutInterceptor - Class in adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing
Interceptor for outgoing messages.
AbstractOutInterceptor(String) - Constructor for class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.outgoing.AbstractOutInterceptor
Initializes the interceptor.
AbstractOutInterceptor(String) - Constructor for class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.AbstractOutInterceptor
Initializes the interceptor.
AbstractOutInterceptorGenerator<T extends AbstractOutInterceptor> - Class in adams.flow.rest.interceptor.outgoing
Ancestor for generators for outgoing message interceptors.
AbstractOutInterceptorGenerator<T extends AbstractOutInterceptor> - Class in adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing
Ancestor for generators for outgoing message interceptors.
AbstractOutInterceptorGenerator() - Constructor for class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.outgoing.AbstractOutInterceptorGenerator
AbstractOutInterceptorGenerator() - Constructor for class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.AbstractOutInterceptorGenerator
AbstractParametrizedGroovyRESTPlugin - Class in adams.flow.rest
Ancestor for parametrized REST plugins written in Groovy.
AbstractParametrizedGroovyRESTPlugin() - Constructor for class adams.flow.rest.AbstractParametrizedGroovyRESTPlugin
AbstractPlotScriptlet - Class in adams.core.gnuplot
Ancestor for scriptlets that generate plot instructions.
AbstractPlotScriptlet() - Constructor for class adams.core.gnuplot.AbstractPlotScriptlet
AbstractPollingRatInput - Class in adams.flow.standalone.rats.input
Ancestor for rat inputs that perform polling.
AbstractPollingRatInput() - Constructor for class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.AbstractPollingRatInput
AbstractPositionableHeatmapOverlay - Class in adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay
Ancestor for overlays that can be positioned on the heatmap panel.
AbstractPositionableHeatmapOverlay() - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.AbstractPositionableHeatmapOverlay
AbstractPositionableHeatmapOverlayWithDimensions - Class in adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay
Ancestor for overlays that can be positioned on the heatmap panel and support dimensions.
AbstractPositionableHeatmapOverlayWithDimensions() - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.AbstractPositionableHeatmapOverlayWithDimensions
AbstractProcessMOAInstanceWithModel<T> - Class in adams.flow.transformer
Ancestor for transformers that user models for processing Instance objects, e.g., classifiers making predictions.
AbstractProcessMOAInstanceWithModel() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.AbstractProcessMOAInstanceWithModel
AbstractRatGenerator - Class in adams.flow.standalone.rats.generator
Ancestor for generators that create Rat setups.
AbstractRatGenerator() - Constructor for class adams.flow.standalone.rats.generator.AbstractRatGenerator
AbstractRatInput - Class in adams.flow.standalone.rats.input
Ancestor for input receivers.
AbstractRatInput() - Constructor for class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.AbstractRatInput
AbstractRatOutput - Class in adams.flow.standalone.rats.output
Ancestor for output transmitters.
AbstractRatOutput() - Constructor for class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.AbstractRatOutput
AbstractRecorder - Class in adams.data.video
Ancestor for Recorder wrappers.
AbstractRecorder() - Constructor for class adams.data.video.AbstractRecorder
AbstractRecordingSetupUser - Class in adams.flow.standalone
Ancestor for standalones that make use of RecordingSetup.
AbstractRecordingSetupUser() - Constructor for class adams.flow.standalone.AbstractRecordingSetupUser
AbstractRedisAction - Class in adams.flow.sink.redisaction
Ancestor for Redis sink actions.
AbstractRedisAction - Class in adams.flow.source.redisaction
Ancestor for Redis source actions.
AbstractRedisAction - Class in adams.flow.transformer.redisaction
Ancestor for Redis sink actions.
AbstractRedisAction() - Constructor for class adams.flow.sink.redisaction.AbstractRedisAction
AbstractRedisAction() - Constructor for class adams.flow.source.redisaction.AbstractRedisAction
AbstractRedisAction() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.redisaction.AbstractRedisAction
AbstractRedisTool<O,​I> - Class in adams.gui.visualization.object.tools
Ancestor for tools that exchange data via Redis.
AbstractRedisTool<O,​I> - Class in adams.gui.visualization.segmentation.tool
Ancestor for tools that exchange data via Redis.
AbstractRedisTool() - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.AbstractRedisTool
AbstractRedisTool() - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.segmentation.tool.AbstractRedisTool
AbstractRegisteredFlowRESTPlugin - Class in adams.flow.rest
Ancestor for REST plugins that .
AbstractRegisteredFlowRESTPlugin() - Constructor for class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRegisteredFlowRESTPlugin
AbstractRemoteCommandAction - Class in adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand
Ancestor for remote command actions.
AbstractRemoteCommandAction() - Constructor for class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.AbstractRemoteCommandAction
Initializes the action with no owner.
AbstractRemoteCommandAction(AbstractTerminalApplication) - Constructor for class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.AbstractRemoteCommandAction
Initializes the action.
AbstractRemoteCommandActionResponseHandler<T extends AbstractRemoteCommandAction> - Class in adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand
Custom handler for intercepting the responses from remote command actions.
AbstractRemoteCommandActionResponseHandler(T) - Constructor for class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.AbstractRemoteCommandActionResponseHandler
Initializes the handler.
AbstractRemoteCommandActionWithGUI - Class in adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand
Ancestor for actions that display a GUI.
AbstractRemoteCommandActionWithGUI() - Constructor for class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.AbstractRemoteCommandActionWithGUI
Initializes the action with no owner.
AbstractRemoteCommandActionWithGUI(AbstractTerminalApplication) - Constructor for class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.AbstractRemoteCommandActionWithGUI
Initializes the action.
AbstractRemoteFlowCommandAction - Class in adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand
Ancestor for actions that work on remote flows.
AbstractRemoteFlowCommandAction() - Constructor for class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.AbstractRemoteFlowCommandAction
Initializes the action with no owner.
AbstractRemoteFlowCommandAction(AbstractTerminalApplication) - Constructor for class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.AbstractRemoteFlowCommandAction
Initializes the action.
AbstractRemoteFlowCommandAction.FlowListResponseHandler - Class in adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand
Custom handler for intercepting the responses from a remote command operating on remote flows.
AbstractRESTClient - Class in adams.flow.core
Ancestor for REST webservice client actors.
AbstractRESTClient() - Constructor for class adams.flow.core.AbstractRESTClient
AbstractRESTClientSink<I> - Class in adams.flow.rest
Ancestor for REST webservice clients.
AbstractRESTClientSink() - Constructor for class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientSink
AbstractRESTClientSource<O> - Class in adams.flow.rest
Ancestor for webservice clients.
AbstractRESTClientSource() - Constructor for class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientSource
AbstractRESTClientTransformer<I,​O> - Class in adams.flow.rest
Ancestor for webservice clients.
AbstractRESTClientTransformer() - Constructor for class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientTransformer
AbstractRESTPlugin - Class in adams.flow.rest
Ancestor for REST plugins.
AbstractRESTPlugin() - Constructor for class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTPlugin
AbstractRESTPluginWithDatabaseConnection - Class in adams.flow.rest
Ancestor for REST plugins that require a database connection.
AbstractRESTPluginWithDatabaseConnection() - Constructor for class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTPluginWithDatabaseConnection
AbstractRESTPluginWithFlowContext - Class in adams.flow.rest
Ancestor for REST plugins that require a flow context.
AbstractRESTPluginWithFlowContext() - Constructor for class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTPluginWithFlowContext
AbstractRESTProvider - Class in adams.flow.rest
Ancestor for servers providing webservices.
AbstractRESTProvider() - Constructor for class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTProvider
AbstractScreenRecorder - Class in adams.data.video
Ancestor for screen recorders.
AbstractScreenRecorder() - Constructor for class adams.data.video.AbstractScreenRecorder
AbstractScript - Class in adams.data.heatmapfeatures
Ancestor for heatmap feature generator scripts.
AbstractScript - Class in adams.flow.standalone.rats.generator
Ancestor for rat generator scripts.
AbstractScript() - Constructor for class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.AbstractScript
AbstractScript() - Constructor for class adams.flow.standalone.rats.generator.AbstractScript
AbstractScriptedFeatureGenerator - Class in adams.data.heatmapfeatures
Abstract ancestor for flatteners that execute external scripts.
AbstractScriptedFeatureGenerator() - Constructor for class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.AbstractScriptedFeatureGenerator
AbstractScriptedRatGenerator - Class in adams.flow.standalone.rats.generator
Abstract ancestor for rat generators that execute external scripts.
AbstractScriptedRatGenerator() - Constructor for class adams.flow.standalone.rats.generator.AbstractScriptedRatGenerator
AbstractScriptlet - Class in adams.core.gnuplot
Ancestor for scriplets that generate Gnuplot scripts (or parts of it).
AbstractScriptlet() - Constructor for class adams.core.gnuplot.AbstractScriptlet
AbstractScriptletWithDataFile - Class in adams.core.gnuplot
Ancestor for scriplets that generate Gnuplot scripts (or parts of it).
AbstractScriptletWithDataFile() - Constructor for class adams.core.gnuplot.AbstractScriptletWithDataFile
AbstractSelectedHeatmapsFilter - Class in adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins
Ancestor for plugins that filter the selected heatmaps.
AbstractSelectedHeatmapsFilter() - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.AbstractSelectedHeatmapsFilter
AbstractSelectedHeatmapsFilterWithGOE - Class in adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins
Ancestor for heatmap filters that process the selected heatmaps using a setup from a GenericObjectEditor.
AbstractSelectedHeatmapsFilterWithGOE() - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.AbstractSelectedHeatmapsFilterWithGOE
AbstractSelectedHeatmapsViewerPlugin - Class in adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins
Ancestor for plugins that work on selected heatmaps.
AbstractSelectedHeatmapsViewerPlugin() - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.AbstractSelectedHeatmapsViewerPlugin
AbstractSelectedHeatmapsViewerPluginWithGOE - Class in adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins
Ancestor of plugins that use the GenericObjectEditor for the setup that processes the selected heatmaps.
AbstractSelectedHeatmapsViewerPluginWithGOE() - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.AbstractSelectedHeatmapsViewerPluginWithGOE
AbstractSelectedTrailsFilter - Class in adams.gui.visualization.trail.plugins
Ancestor for plugins that filter the selected trails.
AbstractSelectedTrailsFilter() - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.trail.plugins.AbstractSelectedTrailsFilter
AbstractSelectedTrailsFilterWithGOE - Class in adams.gui.visualization.trail.plugins
Ancestor for trail filters that process the selected trails using a setup from a GenericObjectEditor.
AbstractSelectedTrailsFilterWithGOE() - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.trail.plugins.AbstractSelectedTrailsFilterWithGOE
AbstractSelectedTrailsViewerPlugin - Class in adams.gui.visualization.trail.plugins
Ancestor for plugins that work on selected trails.
AbstractSelectedTrailsViewerPlugin() - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.trail.plugins.AbstractSelectedTrailsViewerPlugin
AbstractSelectedTrailsViewerPluginWithGOE - Class in adams.gui.visualization.trail.plugins
Ancestor of plugins that use the GenericObjectEditor for the setup that processes the selected trails.
AbstractSelectedTrailsViewerPluginWithGOE() - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.trail.plugins.AbstractSelectedTrailsViewerPluginWithGOE
AbstractSelectionProcessor - Class in adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.selection
Ancestor for classes that react to selection in an heatmap.
AbstractSelectionProcessor() - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.selection.AbstractSelectionProcessor
AbstractSimpleReportBasedObjectTracker - Class in adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker
Ancestor for trackers that use fields from the image report to initialize with an initial position and store the current, tracked position.
AbstractSimpleReportBasedObjectTracker() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.AbstractSimpleReportBasedObjectTracker
AbstractSingleColorHeatmapOverlay - Class in adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay
Ancestor for overlays that just use a single color.
AbstractSingleColorHeatmapOverlay() - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.AbstractSingleColorHeatmapOverlay
AbstractSoundRecorder - Class in adams.data.video
Ancestor for sound recorders.
AbstractSoundRecorder() - Constructor for class adams.data.video.AbstractSoundRecorder
AbstractStemmer - Class in adams.flow.transformer.stemmer
Ancestor for stemmers.
AbstractStemmer() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.stemmer.AbstractStemmer
AbstractTokenizer - Class in adams.flow.transformer.tokenizer
Ancestor for classes that split strings into words ("tokenize").
AbstractTokenizer() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.tokenizer.AbstractTokenizer
AbstractTrailOverlay - Class in adams.gui.visualization.trail.overlay
Ancestor for trail overlays.
AbstractTrailOverlay() - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.trail.overlay.AbstractTrailOverlay
AbstractTrailPaintlet - Class in adams.gui.visualization.trail.paintlet
Ancestor for trail paintlets.
AbstractTrailPaintlet() - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.trail.paintlet.AbstractTrailPaintlet
AbstractTrailReader - Class in adams.data.io.input
Ancestor of trail readers.
AbstractTrailReader() - Constructor for class adams.data.io.input.AbstractTrailReader
AbstractTrailViewerPlugin - Class in adams.gui.visualization.trail.plugins
Ancestor for plugins for the TrailViewer.
AbstractTrailViewerPlugin() - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.trail.plugins.AbstractTrailViewerPlugin
AbstractTrailViewerPluginWithGOE - Class in adams.gui.visualization.trail.plugins
Ancestor for plugins that require a GOE.
AbstractTrailViewerPluginWithGOE() - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.trail.plugins.AbstractTrailViewerPluginWithGOE
AbstractTrailWriter - Class in adams.data.io.output
Ancestor for trail writers.
AbstractTrailWriter() - Constructor for class adams.data.io.output.AbstractTrailWriter
AbstractTweetContentFilter - Class in weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute
Ancestor for filters that parse tweet content.
AbstractTweetContentFilter() - Constructor for class weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.AbstractTweetContentFilter
AbstractURLMenuItemDefinition - Class in adams.terminal.menu
Ancestor for menu item definitions that open a URL in a browser.
AbstractURLMenuItemDefinition() - Constructor for class adams.terminal.menu.AbstractURLMenuItemDefinition
Initializes the menu item with no owner.
AbstractURLMenuItemDefinition(AbstractTerminalApplication) - Constructor for class adams.terminal.menu.AbstractURLMenuItemDefinition
Initializes the menu item.
AbstractVideoRecorder - Class in adams.data.video
Ancestor for video recorders.
AbstractVideoRecorder() - Constructor for class adams.data.video.AbstractVideoRecorder
AbstractWaveFeatureGenerator - Class in adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator.wave
Ancestor for Wave feature generators.
AbstractWaveFeatureGenerator() - Constructor for class adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator.wave.AbstractWaveFeatureGenerator
AbstractWaveFilter - Class in adams.data.wavefilter
Ancestor for filters that operate on Wave containers.
AbstractWaveFilter() - Constructor for class adams.data.wavefilter.AbstractWaveFilter
AbstractWebcamRecorder - Class in adams.data.video
Ancestor for webcam recorders.
AbstractWebcamRecorder() - Constructor for class adams.data.video.AbstractWebcamRecorder
AbstractWebServiceClientSink<I> - Class in adams.flow.webservice
Ancestor for webservice clients.
AbstractWebServiceClientSink() - Constructor for class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientSink
AbstractWebServiceClientSinkWithCallableTransformer<I> - Class in adams.flow.webservice
Ancestor for sinks that use a callable transformer to further process the data.
AbstractWebServiceClientSinkWithCallableTransformer() - Constructor for class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientSinkWithCallableTransformer
AbstractWebServiceClientSource<O> - Class in adams.flow.webservice
Ancestor for webservice clients.
AbstractWebServiceClientSource() - Constructor for class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientSource
AbstractWebServiceClientSourceWithCallableTransformer<O> - Class in adams.flow.webservice
Ancestor for webservice source clients that post-process the retrieved data with a subflow.
AbstractWebServiceClientSourceWithCallableTransformer() - Constructor for class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientSourceWithCallableTransformer
AbstractWebServiceClientTransformer<I,​O> - Class in adams.flow.webservice
Ancestor for webservice clients.
AbstractWebServiceClientTransformer() - Constructor for class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientTransformer
AbstractWebServiceClientTransformerWithCallableTransformer<I,​O> - Class in adams.flow.webservice
Ancestor for transformer webservices, which post-process the received data before passing it on.
AbstractWebServiceClientTransformerWithCallableTransformer() - Constructor for class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientTransformerWithCallableTransformer
AbstractWebServiceProvider - Class in adams.flow.webservice
Ancestor for servers providing webservices.
AbstractWebServiceProvider() - Constructor for class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceProvider
AbstractWebServiceProviderWithCallableTransformer<I,​O> - Class in adams.flow.webservice
Ancestor for webservice providers that processes the incoming request data with a data
AbstractWebServiceProviderWithCallableTransformer() - Constructor for class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceProviderWithCallableTransformer
AbstractWebserviceResponseDataPostProcessor<T> - Class in adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.webservice
Ancestor for schemes that post-process the response data received from the server end of the webservice.
AbstractWebserviceResponseDataPostProcessor() - Constructor for class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.webservice.AbstractWebserviceResponseDataPostProcessor
AbstractWSClient - Class in adams.flow.core
Ancestor for webservice client actors.
AbstractWSClient() - Constructor for class adams.flow.core.AbstractWSClient
acceptInput() - Method in class adams.gui.goe.BaseMeasureCollectionEditor
Accepts the input and closes the dialog.
acceptInput() - Method in class adams.gui.goe.DockerDirectoryMappingEditor
Accepts the input and closes the dialog.
acceptInput() - Method in class adams.gui.goe.GPSEditor
Accepts the input and closes the dialog.
acceptInput() - Method in class adams.gui.goe.RatReferenceEditor
Accepts the input and closes the dialog.
acceptInput() - Method in class adams.gui.goe.RObjectPathEditor
Accepts the input and closes the dialog.
accepts() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.BufferedImageToHeatmap
Returns the class that is accepted as input.
accepts() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.ColumnCorrelationToHeatmap
Returns the class that is accepted as input.
accepts() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.ColumnCovarianceToHeatmap
Returns the class that is accepted as input.
accepts() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.GPSDistance
Returns the class that is accepted as input.
accepts() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.HeatmapToArray
Returns the class that is accepted as input.
accepts() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.HeatmapToBufferedImage
Returns the class that is accepted as input.
accepts() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.HeatmapToBufferedImageExpression
Returns the class that is accepted as input.
accepts() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.HeatmapToBufferedImageWithKey
accepts() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.HeatmapToSpreadSheet
Returns the class that is accepted as input.
accepts() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.MOAInstancesToWEKAInstances
accepts() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.ObjectToJson
Returns the class that is accepted as input.
accepts() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.RandomizeArray
Returns the class that is accepted as input.
accepts() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.RandomizeCollection
Returns the class that is accepted as input.
accepts() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.RenjinDoubleArrayVectorToSpreadSheet
Returns the class that is accepted as input.
accepts() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.RenjinListVectorToArray
Returns the class that is accepted as input.
accepts() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.SpectrogramToBufferedImage
Returns the class that is accepted as input.
accepts() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.SpreadSheetToHeatmap
Returns the class that is accepted as input.
accepts() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.SpreadSheetToHTML
Returns the class that is accepted as input.
accepts() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.SpreadSheetToKML
Returns the class that is accepted as input.
accepts() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.SpreadSheetToWordFrequencies
Returns the class that is accepted as input.
accepts() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.StanfordParseTreeToSpreadSheet
Returns the class that is accepted as input.
accepts() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.StanfordParseTreeToXML
Returns the class that is accepted as input.
accepts() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.TrailToSpreadSheet
Returns the class that is accepted as input.
accepts() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.WaveToAmplitudes
Returns the class that is accepted as input.
accepts() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.WaveToSpectrogram
Returns the class that is accepted as input.
accepts() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.WaveToWaveContainer
Returns the class that is accepted as input.
accepts() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.WEKAInstancesToMOAInstances
accepts() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.WordFrequenciesToSpreadShet
Returns the class that is accepted as input.
accepts() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.WordFrequencyToString
Returns the class that is accepted as input.
accepts() - Method in class adams.data.io.input.SimpleImageHeatmapReader
Returns the class that the consumer accepts.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.condition.bool.MOAClassification
Returns the class that the consumer accepts.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.control.ChangeRatState
Returns the class that the consumer accepts.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.control.ExecuteRats
Returns the class that the consumer accepts.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.echo.EchoClientSink
Returns the classes that are accepted input.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.echo.EchoClientTransformer
Returns the classes that are accepted input.
accepts() - Method in interface adams.flow.rest.RESTClientConsumer
Returns the classes that are accepted input.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.AbstractMekaThresholdVisualizePanelPlot
Returns the class that the consumer accepts.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.AbstractMOAModelWriter
Returns the class that the consumer accepts.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.AnimatedGifFileWriter
Returns the class that the consumer accepts.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.AudioPlayback
Returns the class that the consumer accepts.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.FFmpeg
Returns the class that the consumer accepts.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.GnuplotScript
Returns the class that the consumer accepts.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.HeatmapDisplay
Returns the class that the consumer accepts.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.HeatmapHistogram
Returns the class that the consumer accepts.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.KeyPairFileWriter
Returns the class that the consumer accepts.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.MekaGraphVisualizer
Returns the class that the consumer accepts.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.MOAClusterVisualization
Returns the class that the consumer accepts.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.MP3ToWave
Returns the class that the consumer accepts.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.redisaction.AbstractRedisAction
Returns the classes the action accepts as input.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.redisaction.Null
Returns the classes the action accepts as input.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.redisaction.Publish
Returns the classes the action accepts as input.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.redisaction.Set
Returns the classes the action accepts as input.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.RedisSink
Returns the class that the consumer accepts.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.RenjinFileWriter
Returns the class that the consumer accepts.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.RenjinSink
Returns the class that the consumer accepts.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.RESTSink
Returns the class that the consumer accepts.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.RSink
List of classes that can be used as input.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.StanfordParseTreeDisplay
Returns the class that the consumer accepts.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.TrailDisplay
Returns the class that the consumer accepts.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.WSSink
Returns the class that the consumer accepts.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.AbstractRatOutput
Returns the type of data that gets accepted.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.BinaryFileWriter
Returns the class that the consumer accepts.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.Branch
Returns the type of data that gets accepted.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.CallableActor
Returns the class that the consumer accepts.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.ContainerValuePicker
Returns the type of data that gets accepted.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.DistributedEnQueue
Returns the type of data that gets accepted.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.DummyOutput
Returns the type of data that gets accepted.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.EnQueue
Returns the type of data that gets accepted.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.Exec
Returns the type of data that gets accepted.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.FileMover
Returns the type of data that gets accepted.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.FtpUpload
Returns the type of data that gets accepted.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.OutputWithCallableTransformer
Returns the type of data that gets accepted.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.OutputWithExternalTransformer
Returns the type of data that gets accepted.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.Publish
Returns the type of data that gets accepted.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.QueueDistribute
Returns the type of data that gets accepted.
accepts() - Method in interface adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.RatOutput
Returns the type of data that gets accepted.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.RedisAction
Returns the type of data that gets accepted.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.RedisPublish
Returns the type of data that gets accepted.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.SendEmail
Returns the type of data that gets accepted.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.Serialize
Returns the class that the consumer accepts.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.SimpleContainerContent
Returns the type of data that gets accepted.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.Socket
Returns the type of data that gets accepted.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.Switch
Returns the type of data that gets accepted.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.TextWriter
Returns the class that the consumer accepts.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.WebserviceOutput
Returns the type of data that gets accepted.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.WebsocketOutput
Returns the type of data that gets accepted.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AbstractArraySplitter
Returns the class that the consumer accepts.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AbstractHeatmapTransformer
Returns the class that the consumer accepts.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AbstractMOAModelReader
Returns the class that the consumer accepts.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AbstractProcessMOAInstanceWithModel
Returns the class that the consumer accepts.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AddAudioAnnotation
Returns the class that the consumer accepts.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AddTrailBackground
Returns the class that the consumer accepts.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AddTrailStep
Returns the class that the consumer accepts.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.ArrayRandomize
Returns the class that the consumer accepts.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.audiodata.AbstractAudioDataReader
The accepted input types.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AudioData
Returns the class that the consumer accepts.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.audiodata.Wave
The accepted input types.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.audioinfo.AbstractAudioInfoReader
The accepted input types.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AudioInfo
Returns the class that the consumer accepts.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.audioinfo.MP3
The accepted input types.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.audioinfo.Wave
The accepted input types.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.CoNLLFileReader
Returns the class that the consumer accepts.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.DocumentToSentences
Returns the class that the consumer accepts.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.EditDistance
Returns the class that the consumer accepts.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.ExtractTrackedObject
Returns the class that the consumer accepts.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.GenerateWordCloud
Returns the class that the consumer accepts.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.GetKeyFromKeyPair
Returns the class that the consumer accepts.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.GetTrailBackground
Returns the class that the consumer accepts.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapArrayStatistic
Returns the class that the consumer accepts.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapFeatureGenerator
Returns the class that the consumer accepts.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapGetValue
Returns the class that the consumer accepts.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapInfo
Returns the class that the consumer accepts.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapLocateObjects
Returns the class that the consumer accepts.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.HTMLFileReader
Returns the class that the consumer accepts.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.LatexAppendDocument
Returns the class that the consumer accepts.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.LatexCloseDocument
Returns the class that the consumer accepts.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.LatexCompile
Returns the class that the consumer accepts.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MekaClassSelector
Returns the class that the consumer accepts.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MekaCrossValidationEvaluator
Returns the class that the consumer accepts.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MekaPrepareData
Returns the class that the consumer accepts.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MekaResultSummary
Returns the class that the consumer accepts.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MekaResultValues
Returns the class that the consumer accepts.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MekaTrainClassifier
Returns the class that the consumer accepts.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MekaTrainTestSetEvaluator
Returns the class that the consumer accepts.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MjpegImageSequence
Returns the class that the consumer accepts.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAClassifierEvaluation
Returns the class that the consumer accepts.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAClustererEvaluation
Returns the class that the consumer accepts.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAFilter
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAInstanceDumper
Returns the class that the consumer accepts.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOALearningEvaluation
Returns the class that the consumer accepts.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAMeasurementPlotGenerator
Returns the class that the consumer accepts.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAMeasurementsFilter
Returns the class that the consumer accepts.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOARegressorEvaluation
Returns the class that the consumer accepts.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOATrainClassifier
Returns the class that the consumer accepts.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOATrainClusterer
Returns the class that the consumer accepts.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOATrainRegressor
Returns the class that the consumer accepts.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MovieImageSampler
Returns the class that the consumer accepts.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MovieImageSequence
Returns the class that the consumer accepts.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MovieInfo
Returns the class that the consumer accepts.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MultiHeatmapOperation
Returns the class that the consumer accepts.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RandomNumberGenerator
Returns the class that the consumer accepts.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.redisaction.AbstractRedisAction
Returns the classes the action accepts as input.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.redisaction.BroadcastAndListen
Returns the classes the action accepts as input.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.redisaction.PassThrough
Returns the classes the action accepts as input.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RedisTransformer
Returns the class that the consumer accepts.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RenjinAddContext
Returns the class that the consumer accepts.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RenjinFileReader
Returns the class that the consumer accepts.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RenjinGetObject
Returns the class that the consumer accepts.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RenjinObjectInfo
Returns the class that the consumer accepts.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RenjinTransformer
Returns the class that the consumer accepts.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RESTTransformer
Returns the class that the consumer accepts.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RTransformer
List of classes that can be used as input.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.SimpleDockerCommand
Returns the class that the consumer accepts.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.StanfordGrammaticalStructure
Returns the class that the consumer accepts.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.StanfordLexicalizedParser
Returns the class that the consumer accepts.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.Stemmer
Returns the class that the consumer accepts.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.Tokenize
Returns the class that the consumer accepts.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.TrackObjects
Returns the class that the consumer accepts.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.TransformTrackedObject
Returns the class that the consumer accepts.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.TweeboParser
Returns the class that the consumer accepts.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.TweetNLPTagger
Returns the class that the consumer accepts.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.WaveFeatureGenerator
Returns the class that the consumer accepts.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.WaveFilter
Returns the class that the consumer accepts.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.WordFrequencyAnalyzer
Returns the class that the consumer accepts.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.WSTransformer
Returns the class that the consumer accepts.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.blob.Upload
Returns the classes that are accepted input.
accepts() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.text.Upload
Returns the classes that are accepted input.
accepts() - Method in interface adams.flow.webservice.WebServiceClientConsumer
Returns the classes that are accepted input.
accepts() - Method in class com.example.customerservice.flow.CustomersByName
Returns the classes that are accepted input.
accepts() - Method in class com.example.customerservice.flow.CustomersByNameCallableTransformer
Returns the classes that are accepted input.
accepts() - Method in class com.example.customerservice.flow.UpdateCustomer
Returns the classes that are accepted input.
actionTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.RedisSink
Returns the tip text for this property.
actionTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.source.RedisSource
Returns the tip text for this property.
actionTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.RedisAction
Returns the tip text for this property.
actionTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.RedisAction
Returns the tip text for this property.
actionTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RedisTransformer
Returns the tip text for this property.
activate() - Method in class adams.gui.application.AbstractBootstrappPreferencesPanel
Activates the setup.
activate() - Method in class adams.gui.application.LatexSetupPanel
Activates the twitter setup.
activate() - Method in class adams.gui.application.RProjectSettingsPanel
Activates the proxy settings.
activate() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.DEXTR
Gets called to activate the tool.
activate() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.SAM
Gets called to activate the tool.
ActorExecutionMojo - Class in adams.flow.maven
Calls the ActorExecutionClassProducer.
ActorExecutionMojo() - Constructor for class adams.flow.maven.ActorExecutionMojo
actorFileTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.InputWithExternalTransformer
Returns the tip text for this property.
actorFileTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.OutputWithExternalTransformer
Returns the tip text for this property.
actorsTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Returns the tip text for this property.
adams.core - package adams.core
adams.core.base - package adams.core.base
adams.core.bootstrapp - package adams.core.bootstrapp
adams.core.gnuplot - package adams.core.gnuplot
adams.core.io - package adams.core.io
adams.core.io.console - package adams.core.io.console
adams.core.management - package adams.core.management
adams.core.option - package adams.core.option
adams.core.option.parsing - package adams.core.option.parsing
adams.core.scripting - package adams.core.scripting
adams.data.audio - package adams.data.audio
adams.data.audioannotations - package adams.data.audioannotations
adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator - package adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator
adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator.wave - package adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator.wave
adams.data.conversion - package adams.data.conversion
adams.data.featuregenerator - package adams.data.featuregenerator
adams.data.filter - package adams.data.filter
adams.data.filter.heatmapcrop - package adams.data.filter.heatmapcrop
adams.data.filter.heatmapthreshold - package adams.data.filter.heatmapthreshold
adams.data.gps - package adams.data.gps
adams.data.heatmap - package adams.data.heatmap
adams.data.heatmapfeatures - package adams.data.heatmapfeatures
adams.data.io.input - package adams.data.io.input
adams.data.io.output - package adams.data.io.output
adams.data.random - package adams.data.random
adams.data.redis - package adams.data.redis
adams.data.spreadsheet - package adams.data.spreadsheet
adams.data.trail - package adams.data.trail
adams.data.video - package adams.data.video
adams.data.wavefilter - package adams.data.wavefilter
adams.data.wekapyroproxy - package adams.data.wekapyroproxy
adams.db.datatype - package adams.db.datatype
adams.doc.latex - package adams.doc.latex
adams.doc.latex.generator - package adams.doc.latex.generator
adams.docker - package adams.docker
adams.docker.simpledocker - package adams.docker.simpledocker
adams.env - package adams.env
adams.event - package adams.event
adams.flow.condition.bool - package adams.flow.condition.bool
adams.flow.container - package adams.flow.container
adams.flow.control - package adams.flow.control
adams.flow.core - package adams.flow.core
adams.flow.maven - package adams.flow.maven
adams.flow.maven.shared - package adams.flow.maven.shared
adams.flow.processor - package adams.flow.processor
adams.flow.rest - package adams.flow.rest
adams.flow.rest.control - package adams.flow.rest.control
adams.flow.rest.echo - package adams.flow.rest.echo
adams.flow.rest.flow - package adams.flow.rest.flow
adams.flow.rest.interceptor - package adams.flow.rest.interceptor
adams.flow.rest.interceptor.incoming - package adams.flow.rest.interceptor.incoming
adams.flow.rest.interceptor.outgoing - package adams.flow.rest.interceptor.outgoing
adams.flow.rest.text - package adams.flow.rest.text
adams.flow.sink - package adams.flow.sink
adams.flow.sink.ffmpeg - package adams.flow.sink.ffmpeg
adams.flow.sink.redisaction - package adams.flow.sink.redisaction
adams.flow.source - package adams.flow.source
adams.flow.source.audiorecorder - package adams.flow.source.audiorecorder
adams.flow.source.redisaction - package adams.flow.source.redisaction
adams.flow.standalone - package adams.flow.standalone
adams.flow.standalone.ratcontrol - package adams.flow.standalone.ratcontrol
adams.flow.standalone.rats - package adams.flow.standalone.rats
adams.flow.standalone.rats.generator - package adams.flow.standalone.rats.generator
adams.flow.standalone.rats.input - package adams.flow.standalone.rats.input
adams.flow.standalone.rats.log - package adams.flow.standalone.rats.log
adams.flow.standalone.rats.output - package adams.flow.standalone.rats.output
adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.enqueue - package adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.enqueue
adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.webservice - package adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.webservice
adams.flow.standalone.webserver - package adams.flow.standalone.webserver
adams.flow.transformer - package adams.flow.transformer
adams.flow.transformer.audiodata - package adams.flow.transformer.audiodata
adams.flow.transformer.audioinfo - package adams.flow.transformer.audioinfo
adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler - package adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler
adams.flow.transformer.multiheatmapoperation - package adams.flow.transformer.multiheatmapoperation
adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker - package adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker
adams.flow.transformer.redisaction - package adams.flow.transformer.redisaction
adams.flow.transformer.splitter - package adams.flow.transformer.splitter
adams.flow.transformer.stemmer - package adams.flow.transformer.stemmer
adams.flow.transformer.tokenizer - package adams.flow.transformer.tokenizer
adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud - package adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud
adams.flow.webservice - package adams.flow.webservice
adams.flow.webservice.blob - package adams.flow.webservice.blob
adams.flow.webservice.interceptor - package adams.flow.webservice.interceptor
adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming - package adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming
adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing - package adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing
adams.flow.webservice.text - package adams.flow.webservice.text
adams.gui.application - package adams.gui.application
adams.gui.audio - package adams.gui.audio
adams.gui.chooser - package adams.gui.chooser
adams.gui.core - package adams.gui.core
adams.gui.event - package adams.gui.event
adams.gui.flow.tree.annotations - package adams.gui.flow.tree.annotations
adams.gui.goe - package adams.gui.goe
adams.gui.goe.ratstree - package adams.gui.goe.ratstree
adams.gui.help - package adams.gui.help
adams.gui.menu - package adams.gui.menu
adams.gui.tools - package adams.gui.tools
adams.gui.tools.audioannotator - package adams.gui.tools.audioannotator
adams.gui.tools.previewbrowser - package adams.gui.tools.previewbrowser
adams.gui.tools.remotecontrolcenter.panels - package adams.gui.tools.remotecontrolcenter.panels
adams.gui.visualization.annotator - package adams.gui.visualization.annotator
adams.gui.visualization.debug.objectexport - package adams.gui.visualization.debug.objectexport
adams.gui.visualization.debug.objectexporter - package adams.gui.visualization.debug.objectexporter
adams.gui.visualization.debug.objectrenderer - package adams.gui.visualization.debug.objectrenderer
adams.gui.visualization.heatmap - package adams.gui.visualization.heatmap
adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay - package adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay
adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins - package adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins
adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.selection - package adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.selection
adams.gui.visualization.image - package adams.gui.visualization.image
adams.gui.visualization.image.selection - package adams.gui.visualization.image.selection
adams.gui.visualization.nlp - package adams.gui.visualization.nlp
adams.gui.visualization.object.annotator - package adams.gui.visualization.object.annotator
adams.gui.visualization.object.tools - package adams.gui.visualization.object.tools
adams.gui.visualization.segmentation.tool - package adams.gui.visualization.segmentation.tool
adams.gui.visualization.trail - package adams.gui.visualization.trail
adams.gui.visualization.trail.overlay - package adams.gui.visualization.trail.overlay
adams.gui.visualization.trail.paintlet - package adams.gui.visualization.trail.paintlet
adams.gui.visualization.trail.plugins - package adams.gui.visualization.trail.plugins
adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer - package adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer
adams.scripting.command.flow - package adams.scripting.command.flow
adams.scripting.requesthandler - package adams.scripting.requesthandler
adams.scripting.responsehandler - package adams.scripting.responsehandler
adams.terminal - package adams.terminal
adams.terminal.application - package adams.terminal.application
adams.terminal.core - package adams.terminal.core
adams.terminal.dialog - package adams.terminal.dialog
adams.terminal.menu - package adams.terminal.menu
adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand - package adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand
Adapter1 - Class in org.w3._2001.xmlschema
Adapter1() - Constructor for class org.w3._2001.xmlschema.Adapter1
Adapter2 - Class in org.w3._2001.xmlschema
Adapter2() - Constructor for class org.w3._2001.xmlschema.Adapter2
add(int, Actor) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Inserts the actor at the given position.
add(HeatmapValue) - Method in class adams.data.heatmap.Heatmap
Adds the value specified by this value object.
add(Actor) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Inserts the actor at the end.
Add - Class in adams.flow.transformer.multiheatmapoperation
Adds the values of the heatmaps.
Add() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.multiheatmapoperation.Add
addAction(Runnable) - Method in class adams.terminal.core.MenuListDialogBuilder
Adds an additional action to the MenuListBox that is to be displayed when the dialog is opened.
addAction(String, Runnable) - Method in class adams.terminal.core.MenuListDialogBuilder
Adds an additional action to the MenuListBox that is to be displayed when the dialog is opened
addActions(Runnable...) - Method in class adams.terminal.core.MenuListDialogBuilder
Adds additional actions to the MenuListBox that is to be displayed when the dialog is opened.
addAll(Collection<? extends HeatmapValue>) - Method in class adams.data.heatmap.Heatmap
Sets all the values stored in the collection in this heatmap.
AddAudioAnnotation - Class in adams.flow.transformer
Adds an annotation the audio annotations passing through.
AddAudioAnnotation() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.AddAudioAnnotation
addChild(String) - Method in class adams.core.RObjectPath
Creates a new path object that is the direct descendant of this path.
AddConstant - Class in adams.flow.transformer.multiheatmapoperation
Adds the specified constant value to all cells in the heatmaps.
AddConstant() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.multiheatmapoperation.AddConstant
addFeature(Heatmap, double) - Method in class adams.data.featuregenerator.AbstractFeatureGenerator
Adds the specified feature.
addFeature(Heatmap, String, double) - Method in class adams.data.featuregenerator.AbstractFeatureGenerator
Adds the specified feature.
addFields(ParameterPanelWithButtons) - Method in class adams.gui.tools.DockerContainersPanel
For adding all the fields.
addFields(ParameterPanelWithButtons) - Method in class adams.gui.tools.DockerImagesPanel
For adding all the fields.
addGeneratedSourcesToProjectSourceRoot() - Method in class adams.flow.maven.AbstractJavaGeneratorMojo
Adds any directories containing the generated classes to the appropriate Project compilation sources; either TestCompileSourceRoot or CompileSourceRoot depending on the exact Mojo implementation of this AbstractJavaGeneratorMojo.
addGeneratedSourcesToProjectSourceRoot() - Method in class adams.flow.maven.ActorExecutionMojo
Adds any directories containing the generated classes to the appropriate Project compilation sources; either TestCompileSourceRoot or CompileSourceRoot depending on the exact Mojo implementation of this AbstractJavaGeneratorMojo.
addGeneratedSourcesToProjectSourceRoot() - Method in class adams.flow.maven.ApplyActorMojo
Adds any directories containing the generated classes to the appropriate Project compilation sources; either TestCompileSourceRoot or CompileSourceRoot depending on the exact Mojo implementation of this AbstractJavaGeneratorMojo.
additionalInputOptionsTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.ffmpeg.AbstractFFmpegPluginWithOptions
Returns the tip text for this property.
additionalOptionsTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.control.Keytool
Returns the tip text for this property.
additionalOptionsTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.StanfordLexicalizedParser
Returns the tip text for this property.
additionalOutputOptionsTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.ffmpeg.AbstractFFmpegPluginWithOptions
Returns the tip text for this property.
additionalStatementsTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.source.NewLatexDocument
Returns the tip text for this property.
addKeyBinding(Binding) - Method in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.AudioAnnotationPanel
Adds a binding to the panel
addKeyBinding(Binding) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.AnnotationPanel
Adds a binding to the panel
addLine(String) - Method in class adams.terminal.core.LogTextBox
Adds a single line to the TextBox at the end, this only works when in multi-line mode
addListener(AnnotationListener) - Method in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.AudioAnnotationPanel
Adds a listener to this panel
addListener(TickListener) - Method in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.Ticker
adds a listener to the ticker
addListener(AnnotationListener) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.AnnotationPanel
Adds a listener to this panel
addListener(TickListener) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.Ticker
adds a listener to the ticker
addMapping(List<DockerDirectoryMapping>, DockerDirectoryMapping) - Static method in class adams.docker.SimpleDockerHelper
Adds the mapping, if possible.
addMediaPlayerEventListener(MediaPlayerEventListener) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.DirectRenderMediaPlayerPanel
adds a media player event listener to our media player
addMenu(Menu) - Method in class adams.terminal.core.MenuBar
Adds the menu at the end.
addMenuItem(MenuItem) - Method in class adams.terminal.core.Menu
Adds the menu item.
addMenuItem(String, Runnable) - Method in class adams.terminal.core.Menu
Adds the menu item (name and action).
addMetaData(String, Object) - Method in class adams.data.audioannotations.AudioAnnotation
Adds the meta-data.
addMetaData(String, Object) - Method in class adams.data.trail.Step
Adds the meta-data.
addMuteListener(ActionListener) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.VLCjDirectRenderPanel
Adds the listener for the mute events.
addOptions(ParameterPanel) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.AbstractRedisTool
Fills the parameter panel with the options.
addOptions(ParameterPanel) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.DEXTR
Fills the parameter panel with the options.
addOptions(ParameterPanel) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.SAM
Fills the parameter panel with the options.
addOptions(ParameterPanel) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.segmentation.tool.AbstractRedisTool
Fills the parameter panel with the options.
addOptions(ParameterPanel) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.segmentation.tool.DEXTR
Fills the parameter panel with the options.
addOptions(ParameterPanel) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.segmentation.tool.SAM
Fills the parameter panel with the options.
addOverlay(AbstractHeatmapOverlay) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapPanel
Adds the heatmap overlay.
addOverlay(AbstractTrailOverlay) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.TrailPanel
Adds the trail overlay.
addPauseListener(ActionListener) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.VLCjDirectRenderPanel
Adds the listener for the pause events.
addPlayListener(ActionListener) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.VLCjDirectRenderPanel
Adds the listener for the play events.
addRatStateListener(RatStateListener) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Adds the state listener.
addResource(Resource) - Method in class adams.flow.maven.AbstractAdamsMojo
Adds the supplied Resource to the project using the appropriate scope (i.e.
addResource(Resource) - Method in class adams.flow.maven.ActorExecutionMojo
Adds the supplied Resource to the project using the appropriate scope (i.e.
addResource(Resource) - Method in class adams.flow.maven.ApplyActorMojo
Adds the supplied Resource to the project using the appropriate scope (i.e.
addResource(Resource) - Method in class adams.flow.maven.ClassListerMojo
Adds the supplied Resource to the project using the appropriate scope (i.e.
addResponseDataListener(RESTClientProducerResponseDataListener) - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientSource
Adds the listener for response data being received.
addResponseDataListener(RESTClientProducerResponseDataListener) - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientTransformer
Adds the listener for response data being received.
addResponseDataListener(RESTClientProducerResponseDataListener) - Method in interface adams.flow.rest.RESTClientProducer
Adds the listener for response data being received.
addResponseDataListener(WebServiceClientProducerResponseDataListener) - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientSource
Adds the listener for response data being received.
addResponseDataListener(WebServiceClientProducerResponseDataListener) - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientTransformer
Adds the listener for response data being received.
addResponseDataListener(WebServiceClientProducerResponseDataListener) - Method in interface adams.flow.webservice.WebServiceClientProducer
Adds the listener for response data being received.
address - Variable in class com.example.customerservice.Customer
addressTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.Socket
Returns the tip text for this property.
addSelectionListener(HeatmapPanelSelectionListener) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapPanel
Adds the given listener to the internal list of selection listeners.
addStopListener(ActionListener) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.VLCjDirectRenderPanel
Adds the listener for the stop events.
AddTrailBackground - Class in adams.flow.transformer
Adds a step tp the trail passing through.
AddTrailBackground() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.AddTrailBackground
AddTrailStep - Class in adams.flow.transformer
Adds a step to the trail passing through.
AddTrailStep() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.AddTrailStep
algorithmTipText() - Method in class adams.data.filter.HeatmapCrop
Returns the tip text for this property.
algorithmTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.KeyManager
Returns the tip text for this property.
algorithmTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.TrustManager
Returns the tip text for this property.
algorithmTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapFeatureGenerator
Returns the tip text for this property.
algorithmTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.TrackObjects
Returns the tip text for this property.
algorithmTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.WaveFeatureGenerator
Returns the tip text for this property.
allowAccessToFullInputFormat() - Method in class weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.AbstractTweetContentFilter
Returns whether to allow the determineOutputFormat(Instances) method access to the full dataset rather than just the header.
allowAccessToFullInputFormat() - Method in class weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.TwitterEmoticonScore
Returns whether to allow the determineOutputFormat(Instances) method access to the full dataset rather than just the header.
allowAccessToFullInputFormat() - Method in class weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.TwitterNLPPos
Returns whether to allow the determineOutputFormat(Instances) method access to the full dataset rather than just the header.
allowsInlineEditing() - Method in class adams.core.scripting.RScript
Returns whether inline editing in the GOE is allowed.
allowTranspositionTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.EditDistance
Returns the tip text for this property.
allTagsTipText() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.Push
Returns the tip text for this property.
allTipText() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.ListContainers
Returns the tip text for this property.
allTipText() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.ListImages
Returns the tip text for this property.
allTipText() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.PruneImages
Returns the tip text for this property.
AlternativeUrlSupporter - Interface in adams.flow.rest
Interface for webservice clients that allow the specification of an alternative URL.
AlternativeUrlSupporter - Interface in adams.flow.webservice
Interface for webservice clients that allow the specification of an alternative URL.
alternativeURLTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientSink
Returns the tip text for this property.
alternativeURLTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientSource
Returns the tip text for this property.
alternativeURLTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientTransformer
Returns the tip text for this property.
alternativeURLTipText() - Method in interface adams.flow.rest.AlternativeUrlSupporter
Returns the tip text for this property.
alternativeURLTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientSink
Returns the tip text for this property.
alternativeURLTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientSource
Returns the tip text for this property.
alternativeURLTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientTransformer
Returns the tip text for this property.
alternativeURLTipText() - Method in interface adams.flow.webservice.AlternativeUrlSupporter
Returns the tip text for this property.
ALWAYS - adams.docker.simpledocker.PullType
AMPERSAND - adams.data.conversion.EscapeLatexCharacters.Characters
AnimatedGifFileWriter - Class in adams.flow.sink
Creates an animated GIF from the incoming images, using Elliot Kroo's GifSequenceWriter class.

For more information see:
Elliot Kroo.
AnimatedGifFileWriter() - Constructor for class adams.flow.sink.AnimatedGifFileWriter
ANNOTATION_SESSION_FILE - Static variable in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.AudioAnnotatorPanel
ANNOTATION_SESSION_FILE - Static variable in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.AnnotatorPanel
AnnotationEvent - Class in adams.gui.tools.audioannotator
An action that is raised when an annotation is required
AnnotationEvent - Class in adams.gui.visualization.annotator
An action that is raised when an annotation is required
AnnotationEvent(Object, AudioAnnotation) - Constructor for class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.AnnotationEvent
Constructs an Annotation Event
AnnotationEvent(Object, Step) - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.AnnotationEvent
Constructs an Annotation Event
AnnotationListener - Interface in adams.gui.tools.audioannotator
an interface that describes a listener for an annotation event
AnnotationListener - Interface in adams.gui.visualization.annotator
an interface that describes a listener for an annotation event
annotationOccurred(AnnotationEvent) - Method in interface adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.AnnotationListener
Receives an AnnotationEvent that contains a Step
annotationOccurred(AnnotationEvent) - Method in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.EventQueue
annotationOccurred(AnnotationEvent) - Method in interface adams.gui.visualization.annotator.AnnotationListener
Receives an AnnotationEvent that contains a Step
annotationOccurred(AnnotationEvent) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.EventQueue
AnnotationPanel - Class in adams.gui.visualization.annotator
An Annotation panel that allows for the manual, i.e.
AnnotationPanel() - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.AnnotationPanel
annotationsChanged() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.segmentation.tool.AbstractRedisTool
Hook method for when new annotations have been set.
annotationsChanged() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.segmentation.tool.DEXTR
Hook method for when new annotations have been set.
annotationsChanged() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.segmentation.tool.SAM
Hook method for when new annotations have been set.
Annotator - Class in adams.gui.menu
For annotating videos
Annotator() - Constructor for class adams.gui.menu.Annotator
Initializes the menu item with no owner.
Annotator(AbstractApplicationFrame) - Constructor for class adams.gui.menu.Annotator
Initializes the menu item.
AnnotatorPanel - Class in adams.gui.visualization.annotator
Panel for viewing and annotating videos
AnnotatorPanel() - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.AnnotatorPanel
antiAliasingEnabledTipText() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.paintlet.Circles
Returns the tip text for this property.
antiAliasingEnabledTipText() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.paintlet.Lines
Returns the tip text for this property.
append(LoggingLevel, String) - Method in class adams.terminal.core.LogTextBox
Appends the given string.
append(String) - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.RemoteLogging
Appends the log message.
appendingTipText() - Method in class adams.data.io.output.GnuplotSpreadSheetWriter
Returns the tip text for this property.
appendLog(String) - Method in class adams.terminal.Main
Appends the log message.
appendTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.GnuplotScript
Returns the tip text for this property.
ApplicationMenu - Class in adams.terminal.application
Generates the menu for the terminal application.
ApplicationMenu(AbstractTerminalApplication) - Constructor for class adams.terminal.application.ApplicationMenu
Initializes menu generator.
ApplyActorMojo - Class in adams.flow.maven
Calls the ApplyActorProducer.
ApplyActorMojo() - Constructor for class adams.flow.maven.ApplyActorMojo
applyBulkAction(String) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RatControl
Applies the bulk action.
applyTransformer(I) - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientSinkWithCallableTransformer
Applies the transformer to the data.
applyTransformer(I) - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientTransformerWithCallableTransformer
Applies the transformer to the data.
applyTransformer(I) - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceProviderWithCallableTransformer
Applies the transformer to the data.
applyTransformer(I) - Method in interface adams.flow.webservice.CallableTransformerSupport
Applies the transformer to the data.
applyTransformer(O) - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientSourceWithCallableTransformer
Applies the transformer to the data.
ArcInfoASCIIGridReader - Class in adams.data.io.input
Reads ASCII files in ESRI Grid format.

For more information see:

ArcInfoASCIIGridReader() - Constructor for class adams.data.io.input.ArcInfoASCIIGridReader
ARFF - adams.flow.transformer.MOAInstanceDumper.OutputFormat
ArrayFolds - Class in adams.flow.transformer
Generates a subset of the array, using folds similar to cross-validation.
ArrayFolds() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.ArrayFolds
arrayHistogramTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.HeatmapHistogram
Returns the tip text for this property.
ArrayRandomize - Class in adams.flow.transformer
Randomizes an array using a copy.
ArrayRandomize() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.ArrayRandomize
ArraySubSample - Class in adams.flow.transformer
Generates a subset of the array, using a random sub-sample.
Use '1.1' if you only want to have an array of length one.
ArraySubSample() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.ArraySubSample
assembleActualInputOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.ffmpeg.AbstractFFmpegPluginWithOptions
Assembles the actual input command-line options, not including the additional options or the input file.
assembleActualInputOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.ffmpeg.ConvertAudio
Assembles the actual input command-line options, not including the additional options or the input file.
assembleActualInputOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.ffmpeg.MovieFromImages
Assembles the command-line, excluding additional options and executable.
assembleActualOutputOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.ffmpeg.AbstractFFmpegPluginWithOptions
Assembles the actual output command-line options, not including the additional options.
assembleActualOutputOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.ffmpeg.ConvertAudio
Assembles the actual output command-line options, not including the additional options.
assembleActualOutputOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.ffmpeg.MovieFromImages
Assembles the command-line, excluding additional options and executable.
assembleInputOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.ffmpeg.AbstractFFmpegPlugin
Assembles the input command-line options.
assembleInputOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.ffmpeg.AbstractFFmpegPluginWithOptions
Assembles the input command-line options, actual and additional.
assembleInputOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.ffmpeg.GenericPlugin
Assembles the input command-line options.
assembleOutputOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.ffmpeg.AbstractFFmpegPlugin
Assembles the ouput command-line options.
assembleOutputOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.ffmpeg.AbstractFFmpegPluginWithOptions
Assembles the ouput command-line options.
assembleOutputOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.ffmpeg.GenericPlugin
Assembles the output command-line options.
assembleSendData(MessageCollection) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.AbstractRedisTool
Method that assembles the data to send.
assembleSendData(MessageCollection) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.DEXTR
Method that assembles the data to send.
assembleSendData(MessageCollection) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.OPEX
Method that assembles the data to send.
assembleSendData(MessageCollection) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.SAM
Method that assembles the data to send.
assembleSendData(MessageCollection) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.segmentation.tool.AbstractRedisTool
Method that assembles the data to send.
assembleSendData(MessageCollection) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.segmentation.tool.DEXTR
Method that assembles the data to send.
assembleSendData(MessageCollection) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.segmentation.tool.SAM
Method that assembles the data to send.
assign(DataContainer<AudioAnnotation>) - Method in class adams.data.audioannotations.AudioAnnotations
Obtains the stored variables from the other data point, but not the actual data points.
assign(DataContainer<HeatmapValue>) - Method in class adams.data.heatmap.Heatmap
Obtains the stored variables from the other data point, but not the actual data points.
assign(DataContainer<Step>) - Method in class adams.data.trail.Trail
Obtains the stored variables from the other data point, but not the actual data points.
assign(DataPoint) - Method in class adams.data.audioannotations.AudioAnnotation
Obtains the stored variables from the other data point.
assign(DataPoint) - Method in class adams.data.heatmap.HeatmapValue
Obtains the stored variables from the other data point.
assign(DataPoint) - Method in class adams.data.trail.Step
Obtains the stored variables from the other data point.
aTipText() - Method in class adams.data.random.Beta
Returns the tip text for this property.
atomicMoveTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.DirWatch
Returns the tip text for this property.
atomicMoveTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.FileLister
Returns the tip text for this property.
atomicMoveTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.FileMover
Returns the tip text for this property.
ATT_LABEL - Static variable in class weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.TwitterEmoticonScore
the nominal attribute.
ATT_NAME - Static variable in class weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.AbstractTweetContentFilter
ATT_SCORE_OVERALL - Static variable in class weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.TwitterEmoticonScore
the numeric attribute.
ATT_SCORE_PREFIX - Static variable in class weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.TwitterEmoticonScore
the numeric attribute prefix.
attributeNameTipText() - Method in class weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.AbstractTweetContentFilter
Returns the tip text for this property.
AUDIO_CHANNELS - adams.flow.transformer.MovieInfo.InfoType
the number of audio channels (per audio stream).
AUDIO_FORMAT - adams.flow.transformer.MovieInfo.InfoType
the audio format (per audio stream).
AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE - adams.flow.transformer.MovieInfo.InfoType
the audio sample rate (per audio stream).
AUDIO_SESSION_FILE - Static variable in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.AudioAnnotatorPanel
AudioAnnotation - Class in adams.data.audioannotations
Represents a single annotation in an audio trail.
AudioAnnotation() - Constructor for class adams.data.audioannotations.AudioAnnotation
Initializes the step with default values.
AudioAnnotation(TimeMsec) - Constructor for class adams.data.audioannotations.AudioAnnotation
Initializes the step with the given timestamp, but no meta-data.
AudioAnnotation(TimeMsec, HashMap<String, Object>) - Constructor for class adams.data.audioannotations.AudioAnnotation
Initializes the step with the given timestamp and meta-data.
AudioAnnotationComparator - Class in adams.data.audioannotations
Comparator for annotation objects.
AudioAnnotationComparator() - Constructor for class adams.data.audioannotations.AudioAnnotationComparator
AudioAnnotationPanel - Class in adams.gui.tools.audioannotator
An Annotation panel that allows for the manual, i.e.
AudioAnnotationPanel() - Constructor for class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.AudioAnnotationPanel
AudioAnnotations - Class in adams.data.audioannotations
Encapsulates a series of audio annotations.
AudioAnnotations() - Constructor for class adams.data.audioannotations.AudioAnnotations
Initializes the trail.
AudioAnnotationsFileChooser - Class in adams.gui.chooser
A specialized JFileChooser that lists all available file Readers and Writers for audio annotations.
AudioAnnotationsFileChooser() - Constructor for class adams.gui.chooser.AudioAnnotationsFileChooser
Constructs a FileChooser pointing to the user's default directory.
AudioAnnotationsFileChooser(File) - Constructor for class adams.gui.chooser.AudioAnnotationsFileChooser
Constructs a FileChooser using the given File as the path.
AudioAnnotationsFileChooser(String) - Constructor for class adams.gui.chooser.AudioAnnotationsFileChooser
Constructs a FileChooser using the given path.
AudioAnnotationsFileReader - Class in adams.flow.transformer
Loads a file containing audio annotations from disk with the specified reader and passes it on.
AudioAnnotationsFileReader() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.AudioAnnotationsFileReader
AudioAnnotationsFileWriter - Class in adams.flow.transformer
Saves audio annotations to disk with the specified writer and passes the absolute filename on.
As filename/directory name (depending on the writer) the ID of the trail is used (below the specified output directory).
AudioAnnotationsFileWriter() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.AudioAnnotationsFileWriter
AudioAnnotationsFilter - Class in adams.flow.transformer
Filters audio annotations using the specified filter.
AudioAnnotationsFilter() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.AudioAnnotationsFilter
AudioAnnotationsStatistic - Class in adams.data.audioannotations
Statistical information specific to a audio annotations.
AudioAnnotationsStatistic() - Constructor for class adams.data.audioannotations.AudioAnnotationsStatistic
Initializes the statistic.
AudioAnnotationsStatistic(AudioAnnotations) - Constructor for class adams.data.audioannotations.AudioAnnotationsStatistic
Initializes the statistic.
AudioAnnotationsWindow - Class in adams.data.filter
AudioAnnotationsWindow() - Constructor for class adams.data.filter.AudioAnnotationsWindow
AudioAnnotator - Class in adams.gui.menu
For annotating audio.
AudioAnnotator() - Constructor for class adams.gui.menu.AudioAnnotator
Initializes the menu item with no owner.
AudioAnnotator(AbstractApplicationFrame) - Constructor for class adams.gui.menu.AudioAnnotator
Initializes the menu item.
AudioAnnotatorPanel - Class in adams.gui.tools.audioannotator
Panel for viewing and annotating videos
AudioAnnotatorPanel() - Constructor for class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.AudioAnnotatorPanel
AudioData - Class in adams.flow.transformer
Reads audio data using the specified reader.
AudioData() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.AudioData
AudioFileChooser - Class in adams.gui.chooser
A specialized JFileChooser loading/saving audio files.
AudioFileChooser() - Constructor for class adams.gui.chooser.AudioFileChooser
Constructs a FileChooser pointing to the user's default directory.
AudioFileChooser(File) - Constructor for class adams.gui.chooser.AudioFileChooser
Constructs a FileChooser using the given File as the path.
AudioFileChooser(String) - Constructor for class adams.gui.chooser.AudioFileChooser
Constructs a FileChooser using the given path.
AudioFileInfoHandler - Class in adams.gui.tools.previewbrowser
Displays information for audio files.
AudioFileInfoHandler() - Constructor for class adams.gui.tools.previewbrowser.AudioFileInfoHandler
AudioFilePlaybackHandler - Class in adams.gui.tools.previewbrowser
Allows the playback of audio files.
AudioFilePlaybackHandler() - Constructor for class adams.gui.tools.previewbrowser.AudioFilePlaybackHandler
AudioInfo - Class in adams.flow.transformer
Reads audio data using the specified reader.
AudioInfo() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.AudioInfo
AudioPlayback - Class in adams.flow.sink
Plays back an audio file (MP3/WAV).
AudioPlayback() - Constructor for class adams.flow.sink.AudioPlayback
AudioPlaybackPanel - Class in adams.gui.audio
Simple audio playback panel.
AudioPlaybackPanel() - Constructor for class adams.gui.audio.AudioPlaybackPanel
AudioRecorder - Class in adams.flow.source
Records audio using the specified recording scheme.
AudioRecorder() - Constructor for class adams.flow.source.AudioRecorder
AudioTrailFilterContainer - Class in adams.flow.container
Container for audio trail filters.
AudioTrailFilterContainer() - Constructor for class adams.flow.container.AudioTrailFilterContainer
Initializes the container.
AudioTrailFilterContainer(Object, Filter, AudioAnnotations) - Constructor for class adams.flow.container.AudioTrailFilterContainer
Initializes the container with the filter and the associated data.
AVAILABLE_RESOLUTIONS - adams.flow.source.WebcamInfo.InfoType
available resolutions.


BACKGROUND - Static variable in class adams.data.io.output.SimpleTrailWriter
the background prefix.
BACKGROUND_SESSION_FILE - Static variable in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.AnnotatorPanel
backgroundTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AddTrailBackground
Returns the tip text for this property.
backgroundTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.GenerateWordCloud
Returns the tip text for this property.
backgroundTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.PixelBoundaryBackground
Returns the tip text for this property.
BACKSLASH - adams.data.conversion.EscapeLatexCharacters.Characters
BACKUP_ALGORITHM - Static variable in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapFeatureGenerator
the key for storing the current algorithm in the backup.
BACKUP_ALGORITHM - Static variable in class adams.flow.transformer.WaveFeatureGenerator
the key for storing the current algorithm in the backup.
BACKUP_BUFFER - Static variable in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAInstanceDumper
the key for storing the buffer in the backup.
BACKUP_CALLABLEACTOR - Static variable in class adams.flow.transformer.TransformTrackedObject
the key for backing up the callable actor.
BACKUP_CLASSIFIER - Static variable in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAClassifierEvaluation
the key for storing the current classifier in the backup.
BACKUP_CLASSIFIER - Static variable in class adams.flow.transformer.MOATrainClassifier
the key for storing the current classifier in the backup.
BACKUP_CLUSTERER - Static variable in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAClustererEvaluation
the key for storing the current clusterer in the backup.
BACKUP_CLUSTERER - Static variable in class adams.flow.transformer.MOATrainClusterer
the key for storing the current clusterer in the backup.
BACKUP_COUNTER - Static variable in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAInstanceDumper
the key for storing the counter in the backup.
BACKUP_HEADER - Static variable in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAInstanceDumper
the key for storing the header in the backup.
BACKUP_MODEL - Static variable in class adams.flow.transformer.AbstractProcessMOAInstanceWithModel
the key for storing the current model in the backup.
BACKUP_PARSER - Static variable in class adams.flow.transformer.StanfordLexicalizedParser
the key for storing the parser object in the backup.
BACKUP_QUEUE - Static variable in class adams.flow.transformer.ArrayFolds
the key for storing the input token in the backup.
BACKUP_QUEUE - Static variable in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapFeatureGenerator
the key for storing the current objects in the backup.
BACKUP_QUEUE - Static variable in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapLocateObjects
the key for storing the current heatmaps in the backup.
BACKUP_QUEUE - Static variable in class adams.flow.transformer.WaveFeatureGenerator
the key for storing the current objects in the backup.
BACKUP_RECORDER - Static variable in class adams.flow.standalone.RecordingSetup
the key for storing the recorder in the backup.
BACKUP_REGRESSOR - Static variable in class adams.flow.transformer.MOARegressorEvaluation
the key for storing the current regressor in the backup.
BACKUP_REGRESSOR - Static variable in class adams.flow.transformer.MOATrainRegressor
the key for storing the current regressor in the backup.
backupState() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.AbstractRatOutput
Backs up the current state of the actor before update the variables.
backupState() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RecordingSetup
Backs up the current state of the actor before update the variables.
backupState() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AbstractProcessMOAInstanceWithModel
Backs up the current state of the actor before update the variables.
backupState() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.ArrayFolds
Backs up the current state of the actor before update the variables.
backupState() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapFeatureGenerator
Backs up the current state of the actor before update the variables.
backupState() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAClassifierEvaluation
Backs up the current state of the actor before update the variables.
backupState() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAClustererEvaluation
Backs up the current state of the actor before update the variables.
backupState() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAInstanceDumper
Backs up the current state of the actor before update the variables.
backupState() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOARegressorEvaluation
Backs up the current state of the actor before update the variables.
backupState() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOATrainClassifier
Backs up the current state of the actor before update the variables.
backupState() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOATrainClusterer
Backs up the current state of the actor before update the variables.
backupState() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOATrainRegressor
Backs up the current state of the actor before update the variables.
backupState() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.StanfordLexicalizedParser
Backs up the current state of the actor before update the variables.
backupState() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.TransformTrackedObject
Backs up the current state of the actor before update the variables.
backupState() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.WaveFeatureGenerator
Backs up the current state of the actor before update the variables.
BaseLogging - Class in adams.flow.rest.interceptor.incoming
Interceptor for incoming messages.
BaseLogging - Class in adams.flow.rest.interceptor.outgoing
Interceptor for outgoing messages.
BaseLogging - Class in adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming
Interceptor for incoming messages.
BaseLogging - Class in adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing
Interceptor for outgoing messages.
BaseLogging() - Constructor for class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.incoming.BaseLogging
Initializes the interceptor.
BaseLogging() - Constructor for class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.outgoing.BaseLogging
Initializes the interceptor.
BaseLogging() - Constructor for class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming.BaseLogging
Initializes the interceptor.
BaseLogging() - Constructor for class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.BaseLogging
Initializes the interceptor.
BaseLoggingGenerator - Class in adams.flow.rest.interceptor.incoming
Generator for BaseLogging.
BaseLoggingGenerator - Class in adams.flow.rest.interceptor.outgoing
Generator for BaseLogging.
BaseLoggingGenerator - Class in adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming
Generator for BaseLogging.
BaseLoggingGenerator - Class in adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing
Generator for BaseLogging.
BaseLoggingGenerator() - Constructor for class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.incoming.BaseLoggingGenerator
BaseLoggingGenerator() - Constructor for class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.outgoing.BaseLoggingGenerator
BaseLoggingGenerator() - Constructor for class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming.BaseLoggingGenerator
BaseLoggingGenerator() - Constructor for class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.BaseLoggingGenerator
BaseMarkdownEditor - Class in adams.gui.goe
A PropertyEditor for BaseMarkdown objects.
BaseMarkdownEditor() - Constructor for class adams.gui.goe.BaseMarkdownEditor
BaseMeasureCollection - Class in adams.core.base
Wrapper for MOA's MeasureCollection classes.
BaseMeasureCollection() - Constructor for class adams.core.base.BaseMeasureCollection
Initializes the collection with the default collection.
BaseMeasureCollection(String) - Constructor for class adams.core.base.BaseMeasureCollection
Initializes the collection the specified collection name.
BaseMeasureCollection(MeasureCollection) - Constructor for class adams.core.base.BaseMeasureCollection
Initializes the collection the specified collection.
BaseMeasureCollectionEditor - Class in adams.gui.goe
A PropertyEditor for BaseMeasureCollection objects.
BaseMeasureCollectionEditor() - Constructor for class adams.gui.goe.BaseMeasureCollectionEditor
BASENAME - adams.doc.latex.generator.AbstractFileReferencingCodeGenerator.PathType
baseTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.EditDistance
Returns the tip text for this property.
batchSizeTipText() - Method in class weka.classifiers.functions.PyroProxy
Returns the tip text for this property.
BELOW - adams.data.filter.HeatmapThreshold.Type
beta(double, double) - Method in class adams.data.random.Random
Generate a random number from a beta random variable.
Beta - Class in adams.data.random
Generates random numbers from a Beta random variable.
Beta() - Constructor for class adams.data.random.Beta
BIBTEX - Static variable in class adams.doc.latex.LatexHelper
the bibtex executable.
bibtexPath() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.LatexSetup
Returns the full path of the bibtex executable.
bibtexTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.LatexSetup
Returns the tip text for this property.
BIG_PRIME - Static variable in class edu.cornell.lassp.houle.RngPack.Ranmar
The 46,009,220nd prime number, he largest prime less than 9*108.
bigEndianTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.source.audiorecorder.AbstractAudioRecorder
Returns the tip text for this property.
BINARIES_DIR - Static variable in class adams.doc.latex.LatexHelper
the binaries dir.
binariesDirTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.LatexSetup
Returns the tip text for this property.
BinaryFileWriter - Class in adams.flow.standalone.rats.output
Writes incoming binary data (byte array or adams.data.blob.BlobContainer) to a binary file.
BinaryFileWriter() - Constructor for class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.BinaryFileWriter
binaryTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Gnuplot
Returns the tip text for this property.
binaryTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.SimpleDockerConnection
Returns the tip text for this property.
binCalculationTipText() - Method in class adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator.wave.Histogram
Returns the tip text for this property.
Binding - Class in adams.gui.tools.audioannotator
Represents a key binding Bindings can be toggleable or not and can be inverted or not.
Binding - Class in adams.gui.visualization.annotator
Represents a key binding Bindings can be toggleable or not and can be inverted or not.
Binding(Properties, String) - Constructor for class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.Binding
Binding(Properties, String) - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.Binding
Binding(String, String, boolean, long, boolean) - Constructor for class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.Binding
Constructor for the binding class.
Binding(String, String, boolean, long, boolean) - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.Binding
Constructor for the binding class.
Binding(String, KeyStroke, boolean, long, boolean) - Constructor for class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.Binding
Constructor for the binding class.
Binding(String, KeyStroke, boolean, long, boolean) - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.Binding
Constructor for the binding class.
BindingParameterPanel - Class in adams.gui.tools.audioannotator
A Parameter Panel that does the work of taking user input and turning it into a binding
BindingParameterPanel - Class in adams.gui.visualization.annotator
A Parameter Panel that does the work of taking user input and turning it into a binding
BindingParameterPanel() - Constructor for class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.BindingParameterPanel
BindingParameterPanel() - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.BindingParameterPanel
BINDINGS_SESSION_FILE - Static variable in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.AudioAnnotatorPanel
BINDINGS_SESSION_FILE - Static variable in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.AnnotatorPanel
BindingsEditorPanel - Class in adams.gui.tools.audioannotator
Panel for editing key bindings
BindingsEditorPanel - Class in adams.gui.visualization.annotator
Panel for editing key bindings
BindingsEditorPanel() - Constructor for class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.BindingsEditorPanel
BindingsEditorPanel() - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.BindingsEditorPanel
binWidthTipText() - Method in class adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator.wave.Histogram
Returns the tip text for this property.
birthDate - Variable in class com.example.customerservice.Customer
BITRATE - adams.flow.transformer.MovieInfo.InfoType
the bitrate.
bitRateTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.ffmpeg.ConvertAudio
Returns the tip text for this property.
bitsTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.source.audiorecorder.AbstractAudioRecorder
Returns the tip text for this property.
blob - Variable in class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.blob.UploadRequest
Blob - Class in nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.blob
Java class for Blob complex type.
Blob() - Constructor for class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.blob.Blob
BlockSize - Class in adams.doc.latex.generator
Inserts the code from the base generator inside a block with the specified font size.
BlockSize() - Constructor for class adams.doc.latex.generator.BlockSize
BlockSize.FontSize - Enum in adams.doc.latex.generator
The available size.
BoofCVCirculant - Class in adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker
Creates the Circulant feature tracker.
BoofCVCirculant() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.BoofCVCirculant
BoofCVMeanShiftLikelihood - Class in adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker
Very basic and very fast implementation of mean-shift which uses a fixed sized rectangle for its region.
BoofCVMeanShiftLikelihood() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.BoofCVMeanShiftLikelihood
BoofCVSparseFlow - Class in adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker
Uses a pyramidal KLT tracker to track features inside the user selected region.
BoofCVSparseFlow() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.BoofCVSparseFlow
BoofCVTLD - Class in adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker
Tracking-Learning-Detection (TLD) [1] (a.k.a Predator) object tracker for video sequences.
TLD tracks an object which is specified by a user using a rectangle.
BoofCVTLD() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.BoofCVTLD
BoofCVTransformer - Class in adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins
Applies BoofCV transformers to the image directly.
BoofCVTransformer() - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.BoofCVTransformer
BOOLEAN - nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.blob.DataType
BOOLEAN - nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.text.DataType
bootstrappToProps(Main) - Static method in class adams.core.bootstrapp.BootstrappUtils
Turns the bootstrapp Main object into a Properties object.
BootstrappUtils - Class in adams.core.bootstrapp
Helper class for Bootstrapp related operations.
BootstrappUtils() - Constructor for class adams.core.bootstrapp.BootstrappUtils
BORDER_THICKNESS - Static variable in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.AudioAnnotationPanel
The thickness of the border around the button
BORDER_THICKNESS - Static variable in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.AnnotationPanel
The thickness of the border around the button
BOTH - adams.flow.transformer.MjpegImageSequence.OutputType
BOX - adams.gui.visualization.object.annotator.DEXTRMarkers.Shape
a square box.
BOX - adams.gui.visualization.object.annotator.SAMMarkers.Shape
a square box.
BOXERRORBARS - adams.core.gnuplot.SimplePlot.PlotType
BOXES - adams.core.gnuplot.SimplePlot.PlotType
BOXXYERRORBARS - adams.core.gnuplot.SimplePlot.PlotType
Branch - Class in adams.flow.standalone.rats.output
Forwards the input data to all defined sub-outputs ('sub-branches').
Branch() - Constructor for class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.Branch
BroadcastAndListen - Class in adams.flow.transformer.redisaction
Broadcasts the incoming data to the specified out channel and listens for data to come through on the in channel.
BroadcastAndListen() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.redisaction.BroadcastAndListen
bTipText() - Method in class adams.data.random.Beta
Returns the tip text for this property.
bufferData(Object) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.AbstractBufferedRatInput
For buffering the data received from the webservice.
bufferData(Object) - Method in interface adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.BufferedRatInput
For buffering data.
BufferedImageToHeatmap - Class in adams.data.conversion
Turns a class java.awt.image.BufferedImage into a heatmap.
Simply uses the RGB value as heatmap value.
BufferedImageToHeatmap() - Constructor for class adams.data.conversion.BufferedImageToHeatmap
BufferedImageTransformer - Class in adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins
Applies BufferedImage transformers to the image directly.
BufferedImageTransformer() - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.BufferedImageTransformer
BufferedRatInput - Interface in adams.flow.standalone.rats.input
Interface for RatInput schemes that buffer incoming data.
bufferSizeTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAInstanceDumper
Returns the tip text for this property.
buildClassifier(Instances) - Method in class weka.classifiers.functions.PyroProxy
Generates a classifier.
buildCommand() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.AbstractDockerCommand
Assembles the command to run.
buildCommand() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.AbstractDockerCommandWithOptions
Assembles the command to run.
buildCommand() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.BuildImage
Assembles the command to run.
buildCommand() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.ExecContainer
Assembles the command to run.
buildCommand() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.Generic
Assembles the command to run.
buildCommand() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.GenericWithArgs
Assembles the command to run.
buildCommand() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.Info
Assembles the command to run.
buildCommand() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.KillContainers
Assembles the command to run.
buildCommand() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.ListContainers
Assembles the command to run.
buildCommand() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.ListImages
Assembles the command to run.
buildCommand() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.PauseContainers
Assembles the command to run.
buildCommand() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.PruneContainers
Assembles the command to run.
buildCommand() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.PruneImages
Assembles the command to run.
buildCommand() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.Pull
Assembles the command to run.
buildCommand() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.Push
Assembles the command to run.
buildCommand() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.RemoveContainers
Assembles the command to run.
buildCommand() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.RemoveImages
Assembles the command to run.
buildCommand() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.Run
Assembles the command to run.
buildCommand() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.RunWithArgs
Assembles the command to run.
buildCommand() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.StartContainers
Assembles the command to run.
buildCommand() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.StopContainers
Assembles the command to run.
buildDialog() - Method in class adams.terminal.core.MenuListDialogBuilder
buildDialog() - Method in class adams.terminal.dialog.DirectoryDialogBuilder
builder - Variable in class adams.terminal.core.Menu
for generating the menu.
BuildImage - Class in adams.docker.simpledocker
Performs the 'docker image build' command in either blocking or async fashion.
BuildImage() - Constructor for class adams.docker.simpledocker.BuildImage
buildTree() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.nlp.StanfordTree
Builds the tree from the current JSON object.
buildTree(StanfordNode, Tree) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.nlp.StanfordTree
Builds the tree.
BULKACTION_NONE - Static variable in class adams.flow.standalone.RatControl
Caption for no bulk action.
BULKACTION_PAUSE - Static variable in class adams.flow.standalone.RatControl
Caption for "pause" bulk action.
BULKACTION_RESUME - Static variable in class adams.flow.standalone.RatControl
Caption for "resume" bulk action.
BULKACTION_START - Static variable in class adams.flow.standalone.RatControl
Caption for "start" bulk action.
BULKACTION_STOP - Static variable in class adams.flow.standalone.RatControl
Caption for "stop" bulk action.
bulkActionsTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RatControl
Returns the tip text for this property.
BUSINESS - com.example.customerservice.CustomerType
BYTE_ARRAY - adams.data.redis.RedisDataType
bytesPerSample(int) - Static method in class adams.data.audio.SimpleAudioConversion
Computes the block-aligned bytes per sample of the audio format, with (int) ceil(bitsPerSample / 8.0).


calcCentroid() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.Centroid
Calculates the centroid.
calcThreshold(Heatmap) - Method in class adams.data.filter.heatmapthreshold.AbstractHeatmapThreshold
Calculates the threshold for the given heatmap.
calculate() - Method in class adams.data.audioannotations.AudioAnnotationsStatistic
calculates the statistics.
calculate() - Method in class adams.data.heatmap.HeatmapStatistic
Generates the statistics.
calculate() - Method in class adams.data.trail.TrailStatistic
calculates the statistics.
CallableActor - Class in adams.flow.standalone.rats.output
Forwards the data to the specified callable actor.
CallableActor() - Constructor for class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.CallableActor
CallableJsonPipeline - Class in adams.flow.rest.flow
Processing pipeline for JSON.
CallableJsonPipeline() - Constructor for class adams.flow.rest.flow.CallableJsonPipeline
CallableJsonTransformer - Class in adams.flow.rest.flow
Processing transformer for JSON.
CallableJsonTransformer() - Constructor for class adams.flow.rest.flow.CallableJsonTransformer
callableNameTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.InputWithCallableTransformer
Returns the tip text for this property.
callableNameTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.CallableActor
Returns the tip text for this property.
callableNameTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.OutputWithCallableTransformer
Returns the tip text for this property.
CallableTextPipeline - Class in adams.flow.rest.flow
Processing pipeline for arbitrary text.
CallableTextPipeline() - Constructor for class adams.flow.rest.flow.CallableTextPipeline
CallableTextTransformer - Class in adams.flow.rest.flow
Processing transformer for arbitrary text.
CallableTextTransformer() - Constructor for class adams.flow.rest.flow.CallableTextTransformer
CallableTransformerSupport<I,​O> - Interface in adams.flow.webservice
Interface for webservice clients/servers that use a callable transformer for further processing the data.
callReceive() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.AbstractMetaRatInput
Hook method that calls the base-input's receive() method.
callReceive() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Cron
Hook method that calls the base-input's receive() method using a cronjob.
callTransmit() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.AbstractMetaRatOutput
Hook method that calls the base-input's transmit() method.
callTransmit() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.ContainerValuePicker
Hook method that calls the base-input's transmit() method.
callTransmit() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.SimpleContainerContent
Hook method that calls the base-input's transmit() method.
canAddMapping(List<DockerDirectoryMapping>, DockerDirectoryMapping) - Static method in class adams.docker.SimpleDockerHelper
Checks whether a mapping can be added to the current list of directory mappings.
canAddObject() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.DockerContainersPanel
Returns whether all the required fields are set to add the object.
canAddObject() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.DockerImagesPanel
Returns whether all the required fields are set to add the object.
canAppend(SpreadSheet) - Method in class adams.data.io.output.GnuplotSpreadSheetWriter
Checks whether we can append the specified spreadsheet to the existing file.
canClearFields() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.DockerContainersPanel
Returns whether the fields can be cleared, i.e., if there is any input.
canClearFields() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.DockerImagesPanel
Returns whether the fields can be cleared, i.e., if there is any input.
CANDELSTICKS - adams.core.gnuplot.SimplePlot.PlotType
canExecute(HeatmapPanel) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.AbstractCurrentHeatmapFilter
Checks whether the plugin can be executed given the specified heatmap panel.
canExecute(HeatmapPanel) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.AbstractSelectedHeatmapsFilter
Checks whether the plugin can be executed given the specified heatmap panel.
canExecute(HeatmapPanel) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.AbstractSelectedHeatmapsViewerPlugin
Checks whether the plugin can be executed given the specified heatmap panel.
canExecute(HeatmapPanel) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.Histogram
Checks whether the plugin can be executed given the specified image panel.
canExecute(HeatmapPanel) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.Notes
Checks whether the plugin can be executed given the specified image panel.
canExecute(HeatmapPanel) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.SpreadSheetView
Checks whether the plugin can be executed given the specified image panel.
canExecute(HeatmapPanel) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.Statistics
Checks whether the plugin can be executed given the specified image panel.
canExecute(TrailPanel) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.plugins.AbstractCurrentTrailFilter
Checks whether the plugin can be executed given the specified trail panel.
canExecute(TrailPanel) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.plugins.AbstractSelectedTrailsFilter
Checks whether the plugin can be executed given the specified trail panel.
canExecute(TrailPanel) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.plugins.AbstractSelectedTrailsViewerPlugin
Checks whether the plugin can be executed given the specified trail panel.
canExecute(TrailPanel) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.plugins.Statistics
Checks whether the plugin can be executed given the specified image panel.
canInput() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.AbstractRatOutput
Whether input can be supplied at the moment.
canInput() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.DummyOutput
Whether input can be supplied at the moment.
canInput() - Method in interface adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.RatOutput
Whether input can be supplied at the moment.
canProcessInput(Token) - Method in class adams.flow.control.Keytool
Returns whether the token can be processed in the tee actor.
canReceive() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.AbstractRatInput
Whether reception is possible.
canReload() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapPanel
Checks whether this panel can be reloaded.
canReload() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.TrailPanel
Checks whether this panel can be reloaded.
canRenderCached(Object, JPanel) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.debug.objectrenderer.HeatmapRenderer
Checks whether the renderer can use a cached setup to render an object.
canRenderCached(Object, JPanel) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.debug.objectrenderer.TrailRenderer
Checks whether the renderer can use a cached setup to render an object.
canReset() - Method in class adams.gui.application.AbstractBootstrappPreferencesPanel
Returns whether the panel supports resetting the options.
canReset() - Method in class adams.gui.application.LatexSetupPanel
Returns whether the panel supports resetting the options.
canWriteMultiple() - Method in class adams.data.io.output.AbstractHeatmapWriter
Returns whether writing of multiple containers is supported.
canWriteMultiple() - Method in class adams.data.io.output.SimpleAudioAnnotationsWriter
Returns whether writing of multiple containers is supported.
canWriteMultiple() - Method in class adams.data.io.output.SimpleTrailWriter
Returns whether writing of multiple containers is supported.
captionTipText() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.Figure
Returns the tip text for this property.
captureMouseTipText() - Method in class adams.data.video.AbstractScreenRecorder
Returns the tip text for this property.
CARET - adams.data.conversion.EscapeLatexCharacters.Characters
casesTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.Switch
Returns the tip text for this property.
CATEGORY_HELP - Static variable in class adams.terminal.menu.AbstractMenuItemDefinition
the "Help" category.
CATEGORY_MAINTENANCE - Static variable in class adams.terminal.menu.AbstractMenuItemDefinition
the "Maintenance" category.
CATEGORY_PROGRAM - Static variable in class adams.terminal.menu.AbstractMenuItemDefinition
the "Program" category.
CATEGORY_TOOLS - Static variable in class adams.terminal.menu.AbstractMenuItemDefinition
the "Tools" category.
cauchy(double, double) - Method in class adams.data.random.Random
Generate a random number from a Cauchy random variable (Mean = Inf, and Variance = Inf).
Cauchy - Class in adams.data.random
Generates random numbers from a cauchy random variable with specified mean and standard deviation.
Cauchy() - Constructor for class adams.data.random.Cauchy
centerTipText() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.Figure
Returns the tip text for this property.
centre_x - Variable in class adams.data.gps.Map
centre_y - Variable in class adams.data.gps.Map
Centroid - Class in adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay
Paints the centroid's location over the heatmap image.
Centroid() - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.Centroid
CENTROID_X - Static variable in class adams.data.filter.HeatmapCentroid
the X of the centroid.
CENTROID_Y - Static variable in class adams.data.filter.HeatmapCentroid
the Y of the centroid.
centroidTipText() - Method in class adams.data.filter.heatmapcrop.CropToCentroid
Returns the tip text for this property.
ChangeRatState - Class in adams.flow.control
Changes the state of the specified Rat actors when a token passes through.
ChangeRatState() - Constructor for class adams.flow.control.ChangeRatState
channelInTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.redisaction.BroadcastAndListen
Returns the tip text for this property.
channelOutTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.redisaction.BroadcastAndListen
Returns the tip text for this property.
channelsTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.source.audiorecorder.AbstractAudioRecorder
Returns the tip text for this property.
channelTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.redisaction.Publish
Returns the tip text for this property.
channelTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.RedisSubscribe
Returns the tip text for this property.
channelTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.RedisPublish
Returns the tip text for this property.
CHAPTER - adams.doc.latex.generator.NewSection.SectionType
charactersTipText() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.EscapeLatexCharacters
Returns the tip text for this property.
check() - Method in class adams.core.gnuplot.AbstractScriptlet
Hook method for performing checks.
check() - Method in class adams.core.gnuplot.AbstractScriptletWithDataFile
Hook method for performing checks.
check() - Method in class adams.core.gnuplot.Initialize
Hook method for performing checks.
check() - Method in class adams.core.gnuplot.MultiScriptlet
Hook method for performing checks.
check() - Method in class adams.data.random.AbstractCommonsRandomNumberGenerator
Performs optional checks.
check() - Method in class adams.data.random.Beta
Performs optional checks.
check() - Method in class adams.data.random.Cauchy
Performs optional checks.
check() - Method in class adams.data.random.ChiSquare
Performs optional checks.
check() - Method in class adams.data.random.Exponential
Performs optional checks.
check() - Method in class adams.data.random.JMathArrayInt
Performs optional checks.
check() - Method in class adams.data.random.LogNormal
Performs optional checks.
check() - Method in class adams.data.random.Normal
Performs optional checks.
check() - Method in class adams.data.random.Triangular
Performs optional checks.
check() - Method in class adams.data.random.Uniform
Performs optional checks.
check() - Method in class adams.data.random.Weibull
Performs optional checks.
check() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.AbstractCodeGenerator
Hook method for performing checks.
check() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.MiniPage
Hook method for performing checks.
check() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.AbstractDockerCommand
Hook method for performing checks before executing the command.
check() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.AbstractDockerCommandWithOptions
Hook method for performing checks before executing the command.
check() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.BuildImage
Hook method for performing checks before executing the command.
check() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.ExecContainer
Hook method for performing checks before executing the command.
check() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.Run
Hook method for performing checks before executing the command.
check() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTProvider
Performs some initial checks before starting the service.
check() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.incoming.AbstractInInterceptorGenerator
Hook method for checks, throws an exception if check fails.
check() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.outgoing.AbstractOutInterceptorGenerator
Hook method for checks, throws an exception if check fails.
check() - Method in class adams.flow.source.audiorecorder.AbstractAudioRecorder
Hook method for performing checks before attempting to generate the setups.
check() - Method in class adams.flow.source.audiorecorder.OnDemand
Hook method for performing checks before attempting to generate the setups.
check() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Performs checks on the "sub-actors".
check() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rats
Performs checks on the "sub-actors".
check() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.generator.AbstractRatGenerator
Hook method for checks.
check() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.generator.AbstractScriptedRatGenerator
Hook method for checks.
check() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.generator.Scripted
Hook method for checks.
check() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.AbstractRatInput
Hook method for performing checks before receiving data.
check() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.DirWatch
Hook method for performing checks.
check() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.FileLister
Hook method for performing checks.
check() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.AbstractRatOutput
Hook method for performing checks.
check() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.FileMover
Hook method for performing checks.
check() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.FtpUpload
Hook method for performing checks.
check() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.QueueDistribute
Hook method for performing checks.
check() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.SendEmail
Hook method for performing checks.
check() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceProvider
Performs some initial checks before starting the service.
check() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceProviderWithCallableTransformer
Performs some initial checks before starting the service.
check() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming.AbstractInInterceptorGenerator
Hook method for checks, throws an exception if check fails.
check() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.AbstractOutInterceptorGenerator
Hook method for checks, throws an exception if check fails.
check(Heatmap) - Method in class adams.data.filter.heatmapcrop.AbstractHeatmapCrop
Checks whether the heatmap can be processed, throws an IllegalArgumentException if not.
check(Heatmap) - Method in class adams.data.filter.heatmapthreshold.AbstractHeatmapThreshold
Checks whether the heatmap can be processed, throws an IllegalArgumentException if not.
check(Heatmap[]) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.multiheatmapoperation.AbstractMultiHeatmapOperation
Checks the heatmaps.
check(Heatmap[]) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.multiheatmapoperation.Add
Checks the heatmaps.
check(Heatmap[]) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.multiheatmapoperation.Subtract
Checks the heatmaps.
check(RedisConnection) - Method in class adams.flow.source.redisaction.AbstractRedisAction
For checking the state before executing the action.
check(RedisConnection, Object) - Method in class adams.flow.sink.redisaction.AbstractRedisAction
For checking the state before executing the action.
check(RedisConnection, Object) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.redisaction.AbstractRedisAction
For checking the state before executing the action.
check(HeatmapPanelSelectionEvent) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.selection.AbstractSelectionProcessor
Performs a check on the event.
check(File) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler.AbstractMovieImageSampler
Performs some checks on the movie file.
check(Object) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.audiodata.AbstractAudioDataReader
Performs checks before reading from the input.
check(Object) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.audioinfo.AbstractAudioInfoReader
Performs checks before reading from the input.
check(String) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.splitter.AbstractDocumentToSentences
Checks the document.
check(String) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.tokenizer.AbstractTokenizer
Checks the string.
checkActor(Actor) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rats
Checks whether the actor is valid.
checkActor(Actor, int) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rats
Checks the actor whether it is of the correct type.
checkActorReferenceHandlers() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rats
Ensures that the handlers appear in the correct order.
checkBeforeApply() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.AbstractRedisTool
Checks the parameters before applying them.
checkBeforeApply() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.DEXTR
Checks the parameters before applying them.
checkBeforeApply() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.SAM
Checks the parameters before applying them.
checkBeforeApply() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.segmentation.tool.AbstractRedisTool
Checks the parameters before applying them.
checkBoxBulkActionTrigger(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.ratcontrol.AbstractControlPanel
For custom actions when the bulk action checkbox is selected/unselected.
checkBoxBulkActionTrigger(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.ratcontrol.RatControlPanel
For custom actions when the bulk action checkbox is selected/unselected.
checkBoxBulkActionTrigger(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.ratcontrol.RatsControlPanel
For custom actions when the bulk action checkbox is selected/unselected.
checkClassname(ActorPathNode, String) - Method in class adams.gui.goe.ratstree.RatsTree
Processes the classname, returns null if not suitable to be added to the node.
checkClient(RESTClient) - Method in class adams.flow.core.AbstractRESTClient
Checks the client.
checkClient(RESTClient) - Method in class adams.flow.sink.RESTSink
Checks the client.
checkClient(RESTClient) - Method in class adams.flow.source.RESTSource
Checks the client.
checkClient(RESTClient) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RESTTransformer
Checks the client.
checkClient(WebServiceClient) - Method in class adams.flow.core.AbstractWSClient
Checks the client.
checkClient(WebServiceClient) - Method in class adams.flow.sink.WSSink
Checks the client.
checkClient(WebServiceClient) - Method in class adams.flow.source.WSSource
Checks the client.
checkClient(WebServiceClient) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.WebserviceInput
Checks the client.
checkClient(WebServiceClient) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.WebserviceOutput
Checks the client.
checkClient(WebServiceClient) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.WSTransformer
Checks the client.
checkCompatibility() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.flow.AbstractCallablePipeline
Hook method to add compatibility checks.
checkCompatibility() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.flow.AbstractCallableTransformer
Hook method to add compatibility checks.
checkData() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.HeatmapToBufferedImage
Checks whether the data can be processed.
checkData(WaveContainer) - Method in class adams.data.wavefilter.AbstractWaveFilter
The default implementation only checks whether there is any data set.
checkData(Heatmap) - Method in class adams.data.featuregenerator.AbstractFeatureGenerator
The default implementation only checks whether there is any data set.
checkData(Heatmap) - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.AbstractHeatmapFeatureGenerator
Optional checks of the heatmap.
checkData(Heatmap) - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.AbstractScriptedFeatureGenerator
Optional checks of the heatmap.
checkData(Heatmap) - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.Scripted
Optional checks of the heatmap.
checkData(List<Heatmap>) - Method in class adams.data.io.output.AbstractHeatmapWriter
The default implementation only checks whether the provided file is an actual file and whether it exists (if m_OutputIsFile is TRUE).
checkData(T) - Method in class adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator.AbstractAudioFeatureGenerator
Optional checks of the container.
checkDataset(Instances) - Method in class adams.data.wekapyroproxy.AbstractCommunicationProcessor
Hook method for performing checks before converting a dataset.
checkHeaderTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAInstanceDumper
Returns the tip text for this property.
checkInitialize(Instances) - Method in class adams.data.wekapyroproxy.AbstractCommunicationProcessor
Hook method for performing checks before initializing.
checkInitTracking(AbstractImageContainer, List<QuadrilateralLocation>) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.AbstractObjectTracker
Performs checks before the tracking is initialized.
checkInputFormat(Instances) - Method in class weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.AbstractTweetContentFilter
Checks the input format.
checkInstance(Instance) - Method in class adams.data.wekapyroproxy.AbstractCommunicationProcessor
Hook method for performing checks before converting the Instance.
checkPrediction(Object) - Method in class adams.data.wekapyroproxy.AbstractCommunicationProcessor
Hook method for performing checks before parsing the prediction.
checkPredictions(Object) - Method in class adams.data.wekapyroproxy.AbstractCommunicationProcessor
Hook method for performing checks before parsing the predictions.
checkScriptObject() - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.AbstractScriptedFeatureGenerator
Checks the script object.
checkScriptObject() - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.Scripted
Checks the script object.
checkScriptObject() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.generator.AbstractScriptedRatGenerator
Checks the script object.
checkScriptObject() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.generator.Scripted
Checks the script object.
checkTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.FileLister
Returns the tip text for this property.
checkTrackObjects(AbstractImageContainer) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.AbstractObjectTracker
Performs checks before tracking an object.
chi2(int) - Method in class adams.data.random.Random
Generate a random number from a Chi-2 random variable.
ChiSquare - Class in adams.data.random
Random generator that generates random doubles (0-1) using Java's java.util.Random class.
ChiSquare() - Constructor for class adams.data.random.ChiSquare
choose(int) - Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.houle.RngPack.RandomElement
choose(int, int) - Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.houle.RngPack.RandomElement
chunkSizeTipText() - Method in class adams.data.io.input.ArcInfoASCIIGridReader
Returns the tip text for this property.
chunkSizeTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.source.MOAStream
Returns the tip text for this property.
CIRCLE - adams.gui.visualization.object.annotator.DEXTRMarkers.Shape
a circle.
CIRCLE - adams.gui.visualization.object.annotator.SAMMarkers.Shape
a circle.
CircleBackground - Class in adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud
Generates a circular background.
CircleBackground() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.CircleBackground
Circles - Class in adams.gui.visualization.trail.paintlet
Paints the step locations as circles.
Circles() - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.trail.paintlet.Circles
classifierTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.source.MekaClassifierSetup
Returns the tip text for this property.
classifierTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.source.MOAClassifierSetup
Returns the tip text for this property.
classifierTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AbstractCallableMekaClassifierEvaluator
Returns the tip text for this property.
classifierTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MekaCrossValidationEvaluator
Returns the tip text for this property.
classifierTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MekaTrainClassifier
Returns the tip text for this property.
classifierTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MekaTrainTestSetEvaluator
Returns the tip text for this property.
classifierTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAClassifierEvaluation
Returns the tip text for this property.
classifierTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOATrainClassifier
Returns the tip text for this property.
ClassListerMojo - Class in adams.flow.maven
Outputs the classes or packages as props files.
ClassListerMojo() - Constructor for class adams.flow.maven.ClassListerMojo
classnameTipText() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.JsonToObject
Returns the tip text for this property.
classOutputDir() - Method in class adams.flow.maven.ActorExecutionMojo
Returns the directory for the class file (including the package).
classOutputDir() - Method in class adams.flow.maven.ApplyActorMojo
Returns the directory for the class file (including the package).
classOutputFile() - Method in class adams.flow.maven.ActorExecutionMojo
Returns the full filename for the Java class to generate.
classOutputFile() - Method in class adams.flow.maven.ApplyActorMojo
Returns the full filename for the Java class to generate.
clean(String) - Method in class weka.core.tokenizers.cleaners.NormalizeTwitterHashtag
Determines whether a token is clean or not.
clean(String) - Method in class weka.core.tokenizers.cleaners.NormalizeTwitterUsers
Determines whether a token is clean or not.
clean(String) - Method in class weka.core.tokenizers.cleaners.NormalizeURLs
Determines whether a token is clean or not.
clean(String) - Method in class weka.core.tokenizers.cleaners.RegExp
Determines whether a token is clean or not.
clean(String) - Method in class weka.core.tokenizers.cleaners.RemoveEmoticons
Determines whether a token is clean or not.
clean(String) - Method in class weka.core.tokenizers.cleaners.WordCluster
Determines whether a token is clean or not.
CLEANER - Static variable in class weka.core.tokenizers.TwitterNLPTokenizer
cleanerTipText() - Method in class weka.core.tokenizers.TwitterNLPTokenizer
Returns the tip text for this property.
cleanUp() - Method in class adams.data.audioannotations.AudioAnnotationsStatistic
Cleans up data structures, frees up memory.
cleanUp() - Method in class adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator.AbstractAudioFeatureGenerator
Cleans up data structures, frees up memory.
cleanUp() - Method in class adams.data.featuregenerator.AbstractFeatureGenerator
Cleans up data structures, frees up memory.
cleanUp() - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.AbstractHeatmapFeatureGenerator
Cleans up data structures, frees up memory.
cleanUp() - Method in class adams.data.trail.TrailStatistic
Cleans up data structures, frees up memory.
cleanUp() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.AbstractDockerCommand
Cleans up data structures, frees up memory.
cleanUp() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.AbstractDockerCommandWithOptions
Cleans up data structures, frees up memory.
cleanUp() - Method in class adams.flow.core.AbstractRESTClient
Cleans up the actor.
cleanUp() - Method in class adams.flow.core.AbstractWSClient
Cleans up the actor.
cleanUp() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientSink
Cleans up data structures, frees up memory.
cleanUp() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientSource
Cleans up data structures, frees up memory.
cleanUp() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientTransformer
Cleans up data structures, frees up memory.
cleanUp() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTProvider
Cleans up data structures, frees up memory.
cleanUp() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.incoming.AbstractInInterceptorGenerator
Cleans up data structures, frees up memory.
cleanUp() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.outgoing.AbstractOutInterceptorGenerator
Cleans up data structures, frees up memory.
cleanUp() - Method in interface adams.flow.rest.RESTProvider
Cleans up data structures, frees up memory.
cleanUp() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.RESTSink
Cleans up the actor.
cleanUp() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.WSSink
Cleans up the actor.
cleanUp() - Method in class adams.flow.source.RESTSource
Cleans up the actor.
cleanUp() - Method in class adams.flow.source.SimpleDockerCommand
Cleans up after the execution has finished.
cleanUp() - Method in class adams.flow.source.WSSource
Cleans up the actor.
cleanUp() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Cleans up after the execution has finished.
cleanUp() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RatControl
Cleans up after the execution has finished.
cleanUp() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.AbstractBufferedRatInput
Cleans up data structures, frees up memory.
cleanUp() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.AbstractRatInput
Cleans up data structures, frees up memory.
cleanUp() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.RedisSubscribe
Cleans up data structures, frees up memory.
cleanUp() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Socket
Cleans up data structures, frees up memory.
cleanUp() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Subscribe
Cleans up data structures, frees up memory.
cleanUp() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.WebserviceInput
Cleans up data structures, frees up memory.
cleanUp() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.AbstractRatOutput
Cleans up data structures, frees up memory.
cleanUp() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.Socket
Cleans up data structures, frees up memory.
cleanUp() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.WebsocketOutput
Cleans up data structures, frees up memory.
cleanUp() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RESTServer
Cleans up after the execution has finished.
cleanUp() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.WSServer
Cleans up after the execution has finished.
cleanUp() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler.SingleTimestampMovieSampler
cleanUp() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RESTTransformer
Cleans up the actor.
cleanUp() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.SimpleDockerCommand
Cleans up after the execution has finished.
cleanUp() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.WSTransformer
Cleans up the actor.
cleanUp() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientSink
Cleans up the client.
cleanUp() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientSource
Cleans up the client.
cleanUp() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientTransformer
Cleans up the client.
cleanUp() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceProvider
Cleans up data structures, frees up memory.
cleanUp() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming.AbstractInInterceptorGenerator
Cleans up data structures, frees up memory.
cleanUp() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.AbstractOutInterceptorGenerator
Cleans up data structures, frees up memory.
cleanUp() - Method in interface adams.flow.webservice.WebServiceProvider
Cleans up data structures, frees up memory.
cleanUp() - Method in class adams.gui.audio.AudioPlaybackPanel
Cleans up data structures, frees up memory.
cleanUp() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.AudioAnnotatorPanel
cleanUp() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.EventQueue
Cleans up any loose ends
cleanUp() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.AnnotatorPanel
cleanUp() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.EventQueue
Cleans up any loose ends
cleanUp() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapViewerPanel
Cleans up data structures, frees up memory.
cleanUp() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.AbstractRedisTool
Cleans up data structures, frees up memory.
cleanUp() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.segmentation.tool.AbstractRedisTool
Cleans up data structures, frees up memory.
cleanUp() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.TrailViewerPanel
Cleans up data structures, frees up memory.
cleanUp() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.VLCjDirectRenderPanel
Cleans up data structures, frees up memory.
cleanUp() - Method in class com.example.customerservice.flow.CustomersByName
Cleans up the client.
cleanUp() - Method in class com.example.customerservice.flow.CustomersByNameCallableTransformer
Cleans up the client.
cleanUp() - Method in class com.example.customerservice.flow.UpdateCustomer
Cleans up the client.
cleanUp(Flow) - Method in class adams.gui.tools.DockerContainersPanel
Frees up memory.
cleanUp(Flow) - Method in class adams.gui.tools.DockerImagesPanel
Frees up memory.
cleanUpExternalActor() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.InputWithExternalTransformer
Cleans up the external actor.
cleanUpExternalActor() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.OutputWithExternalTransformer
Cleans up the external actor.
cleanUpRedis() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.RedisSubscribe
Cleans up the Redis data structures.
clear() - Method in class adams.data.heatmap.Heatmap
Sets all values to missing.
clear() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.DockerContainersPanel
Resets the input fields.
clear() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.DockerImagesPanel
Resets the input fields.
clear() - Method in class adams.terminal.core.LogTextBox
Clears the log.
clearBackground() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.AnnotatorPanel
Clears the current background.
clearFields() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.BindingParameterPanel
Clears all fields so we can enter fresh data.
clearFields() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.EditBindingDialog
Clears all the parameter fields.
clearFields() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.BindingParameterPanel
Clears all fields so we can enter fresh data.
clearFields() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.EditBindingDialog
Clears all the parameter fields.
ClearPage - Class in adams.doc.latex.generator
Adds a '\clearpage' directive.
ClearPage() - Constructor for class adams.doc.latex.generator.ClearPage
CLEARPAGE - adams.doc.latex.generator.NewSection.PageAction
clearPanel() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.AbstractMekaMultiPlot
Clears the content of the panel.
clearPanel() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.AbstractMekaSinglePlot
Clears the content of the panel.
clearPanel() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.HeatmapDisplay
Clears the content of the panel.
clearPanel() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.HeatmapHistogram
Clears the content of the panel.
clearPanel() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.MekaGraphVisualizer
Clears the content of the panel.
clearPanel() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.MOAClusterVisualization
Clears the content of the panel.
clearPanel() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.StanfordParseTreeDisplay
Clears the content of the panel.
clearPanel() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.TrailDisplay
Clears the content of the panel.
clearPanel() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RatControl
Does nothing.
clearQueue() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.EventQueue
clearQueue() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.EventQueue
clearStatus() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.remotecontrolcenter.panels.RatsTab
Clears the rat status panel.
clearStatus() - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.Rats
Clears the rat status panel.
clientTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.core.AbstractRESTClient
Returns the tip text for this property.
clientTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.core.AbstractWSClient
Returns the tip text for this property.
clientTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.WebserviceInput
Returns the tip text for this property.
clientTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.WebserviceOutput
Returns the tip text for this property.
ClockSeed() - Static method in class edu.cornell.lassp.houle.RngPack.RandomSeedable
Return a long integer seed calculated from the date.
ClockSeed(Date) - Static method in class edu.cornell.lassp.houle.RngPack.RandomSeedable
Return a long integer seed given a date
clone() - Method in class adams.data.gps.AbstractGPS
Creates a copy of itself.
clone() - Method in class adams.data.gps.Coordinate
Returns a copy of itself.
clone() - Method in class adams.data.gps.GPSDecimalDegrees
Creates a copy of itself.
clone() - Method in class adams.data.gps.GPSDecimalMinutes
Creates a copy of itself.
clone() - Method in class adams.data.gps.GPSDecimalSeconds
Creates a copy of itself.
clone() - Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.houle.RngPack.RandomElement
cloneContent() - Method in class adams.data.audio.WaveContainer
Returns a clone of the content.
close() - Method in class adams.data.video.GifSequenceWriter
Close this GifSequenceWriter object.
close() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.AudioAnnotatorPanel
Closes the dialog, if possible.
close() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.AnnotatorPanel
Closes the dialog, if possible.
close() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapViewerPanel
closes the dialog/frame.
close() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.TrailViewerPanel
closes the dialog/frame.
close() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.VLCjDirectRenderPanel
Closes the dialog, if possible.
closeAfterSendTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.Socket
Returns the tip text for this property.
closeAll() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapViewerPanel
Removes all the data.
closeAll() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.TrailViewerPanel
Removes all the data.
closeConnection(RConnection) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rserve
Closes the connection to Rserve properly.
closeCurrent() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapViewerPanel
Removes the current tab.
closeCurrent() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.TrailViewerPanel
Removes the current tab.
clustererTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.MOAClusterVisualization
Returns the tip text for this property.
clustererTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.source.MOAClustererSetup
Returns the tip text for this property.
clustererTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAClustererEvaluation
Returns the tip text for this property.
clustererTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOATrainClusterer
Returns the tip text for this property.
CODEC_ID - adams.flow.transformer.MovieInfo.InfoType
the codec ID (per stream).
CODEC_TYPE - adams.flow.transformer.MovieInfo.InfoType
the codec type (per stream).
CodeGenerator - Interface in adams.doc.latex.generator
Interface for LaTeX code generators.
CODER_TIME_BASE - adams.flow.transformer.MovieInfo.InfoType
the coder time base (per stream).
coin() - Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.houle.RngPack.RandomElement
coin(double) - Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.houle.RngPack.RandomElement
COL_FREQUENCY - Static variable in class adams.data.conversion.WordFrequenciesToSpreadShet
the column name for the frequency column.
COL_ID - Static variable in class adams.scripting.command.flow.GetRatControlStatus
the column of the flow ID.
COL_INTERACTIVE - Static variable in class adams.scripting.command.flow.GetRatControlStatus
the column of the interactive flag.
COL_PAUSABLE - Static variable in class adams.scripting.command.flow.GetRatControlStatus
the column of the pausable flag.
COL_PAUSED - Static variable in class adams.scripting.command.flow.GetRatControlStatus
the column of the paused flag.
COL_RAT - Static variable in class adams.scripting.command.flow.GetRatControlStatus
the column of the Rat name.
COL_STOPPABLE - Static variable in class adams.scripting.command.flow.GetRatControlStatus
the column of the stoppable flag.
COL_STOPPED - Static variable in class adams.scripting.command.flow.GetRatControlStatus
the column of the stopped flag.
COL_WORD - Static variable in class adams.data.conversion.WordFrequenciesToSpreadShet
the column name for the word column.
collapseLocalDir(String) - Static method in class adams.core.base.DockerDirectoryMapping
Collapses the local dir in the mapping ("localDir:containerDir") into a placeholder one.
collectionValue() - Method in class adams.core.base.BaseMeasureCollection
Returns the collection as collection object.
collisionModeTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.GenerateWordCloud
Returns the tip text for this property.
colorGeneratorTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.HeatmapDisplay
Returns the tip text for this property.
ColorListPalette - Class in adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud
Generates a color palette using the specified colors.
ColorListPalette() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.ColorListPalette
colorPaletteTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.GenerateWordCloud
Returns the tip text for this property.
colorsTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.ColorListPalette
Returns the tip text for this property.
colorTipText() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.AbstractSingleColorHeatmapOverlay
Returns the tip text for this property.
colorTipText() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.image.QuadrilateralLocationsOverlayFromReport
Returns the tip text for this property.
colorTipText() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.object.annotator.DEXTRMarkers
Returns the tip text for this property.
colorTipText() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.object.annotator.SAMMarkers
Returns the tip text for this property.
colorTipText() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.paintlet.AbstractTrailPaintlet
Returns the tip text for this property.
ColumnCorrelationToHeatmap - Class in adams.data.conversion
Computes the correlation coefficients between the specified range of columns and outputs a heatmap with the calculated values.
ColumnCorrelationToHeatmap() - Constructor for class adams.data.conversion.ColumnCorrelationToHeatmap
ColumnCovarianceToHeatmap - Class in adams.data.conversion
Computes the covariances between the specified range of columns and outputs a heatmap with the calculated values.
ColumnCovarianceToHeatmap() - Constructor for class adams.data.conversion.ColumnCovarianceToHeatmap
columnElevationTipText() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.SpreadSheetToKML
Returns the tip text for this property.
columnFrequencyTipText() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.SpreadSheetToWordFrequencies
Returns the tip text for this property.
columnGPSTipText() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.SpreadSheetToKML
Returns the tip text for this property.
columnIDTipText() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.SpreadSheetToKML
Returns the tip text for this property.
columnNameTipText() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.SpreadSheetToKML
Returns the tip text for this property.
columnsTipText() - Method in class adams.core.gnuplot.AbstractPlotScriptlet
Returns the tip text for this property.
columnsTipText() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.ColumnCorrelationToHeatmap
Returns the tip text for this property.
columnsTipText() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.ColumnCovarianceToHeatmap
Returns the tip text for this property.
columnsTipText() - Method in class adams.data.io.output.GnuplotSpreadSheetWriter
Returns the tip text for this property.
columnsTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.source.NewHeatmap
Returns the tip text for this property.
columnTipText() - Method in class adams.data.filter.heatmapcrop.Submap
Returns the tip text for this property.
columnTipText() - Method in class adams.data.filter.HeatmapSubmap
Returns the tip text for this property.
columnTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapGetValue
Returns the tip text for this property.
columnTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapSetValue
Returns the tip text for this property.
columnWordTipText() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.SpreadSheetToWordFrequencies
Returns the tip text for this property.
com.example.customerservice - package com.example.customerservice
com.example.customerservice.flow - package com.example.customerservice.flow
com.example.customerservice.server - package com.example.customerservice.server
comboBox - Variable in class adams.terminal.dialog.OptionDialog
the combobox with the options.
command(int, String, String) - Method in class adams.flow.rest.control.RatControl
Sends a command to a Rat actor.
command(String, String[]) - Static method in class adams.docker.SimpleDockerHelper
Performs a docker command.
command(String, List<String>) - Static method in class adams.docker.SimpleDockerHelper
Performs a docker command (waits for command to finish).
commandContainsPlaceholderTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Exec
Returns the tip text for this property.
commandContainsPlaceholderTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.Exec
Returns the tip text for this property.
commandContainsVariableTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Exec
Returns the tip text for this property.
commandContainsVariableTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.Exec
Returns the tip text for this property.
commandTipText() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.Generic
Returns the tip text for this property.
commandTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.source.SimpleDockerCommand
Returns the tip text for this property.
commandTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Exec
Returns the tip text for this property.
commandTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.Exec
Returns the tip text for this property.
commandTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.SimpleDockerCommand
Returns the tip text for this property.
commandTipText() - Method in class adams.scripting.command.flow.SendRatControlCommand
Returns the tip text for this property.
COMMENT - Static variable in class adams.core.gnuplot.AbstractScriptlet
the character for comments in Gnuplot scripts.
COMMENT - Static variable in class adams.data.io.input.GnuplotSpreadSheetReader
the line comment start.
COMMENT - Static variable in class adams.data.io.output.SimpleAudioAnnotationsWriter
the comment prefix.
COMMENT - Static variable in class adams.data.io.output.SimpleTrailWriter
the comment prefix.
CommonsRandomNumberGenerator<T extends Number> - Interface in adams.data.random
Interface for random number generators that return the underlying Apache commons number generator.
communicationTipText() - Method in class weka.classifiers.functions.PyroProxy
Returns the tip text for this property.
communicationTipText() - Method in interface weka.core.PyroProxyObject
Returns the tip text for this property.
compare(AudioAnnotation, AudioAnnotation) - Method in class adams.data.audioannotations.AudioAnnotationComparator
Compares its two arguments for order.
compare(Step, Step) - Method in class adams.data.trail.StepComparator
Compares its two arguments for order.
compareTo(RObjectPath) - Method in class adams.core.RObjectPath
Compares this object with the specified object for order.
compareTo(AbstractGPS) - Method in class adams.data.gps.AbstractGPS
Compares this object with the specified object for order.
compareTo(Coordinate) - Method in class adams.data.gps.Coordinate
Compares this object with the specified object for order.
compareTo(DockerContainer) - Method in class adams.docker.DockerContainer
Compares itself with the other image.
compareTo(DockerImage) - Method in class adams.docker.DockerImage
Compares itself with the other image.
compareTo(AbstractMenuItemDefinition) - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.AbstractMenuItemDefinition
Uses category and title for sorting.
compareTo(AbstractRemoteCommandAction) - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.AbstractRemoteCommandAction
Uses category and title for sorting.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class adams.data.audioannotations.AudioAnnotation
Compares the object to another.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator.AbstractAudioFeatureGenerator
Compares this object with the specified object for order.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class adams.data.featuregenerator.AbstractFeatureGenerator
Compares this object with the specified object for order.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class adams.data.heatmap.Heatmap
Compares this object with the specified object for order.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class adams.data.heatmap.HeatmapValue
Compares this object with the specified object for order.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.AbstractHeatmapFeatureGenerator
Compares this object with the specified object for order.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class adams.data.trail.Step
Compares the object to another.
compareToData(Object) - Method in class adams.data.heatmap.Heatmap
Compares this object with the specified object for order.
compareToHeader(Object) - Method in class adams.data.heatmap.Heatmap
Compares this object with the specified object for order.
component - Variable in class adams.terminal.dialog.ComponentDialog
the component to display.
ComponentDialog - Class in adams.terminal.dialog
Dialog for displaying a component.
ComponentDialog(String, String, Component) - Constructor for class adams.terminal.dialog.ComponentDialog
Default constructor, takes a title for the dialog and runs code shared for dialogs Shows OK and Cancel buttons.
ComponentDialog(String, String, Component, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class adams.terminal.dialog.ComponentDialog
Default constructor, takes a title for the dialog and runs code shared for dialogs
ComponentDialog(String, String, Component, Collection<Window.Hint>) - Constructor for class adams.terminal.dialog.ComponentDialog
Default constructor, takes a title for the dialog and runs code shared for dialogs Shows OK and Cancel buttons.
ComponentDialog(String, String, Component, Collection<Window.Hint>, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class adams.terminal.dialog.ComponentDialog
Default constructor, takes a title for the dialog and runs code shared for dialogs
conditionsTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.Switch
Returns the tip text for this property.
configure() - Method in class adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator.wave.Histogram
Configures the histogram algorithm.
configure() - Method in class adams.data.video.AbstractRecorder
Returns the configured recorder instance.
configureAnnotationPanel(Binding, AudioPlaybackPanel) - Method in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.AudioAnnotationPanel
Constructs a AnnotationPanel
configureAnnotationPanel(Binding, VLCjDirectRenderPanel) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.AnnotationPanel
Constructs a AnnotationPanel
configureBootstrapp(Properties) - Method in class adams.gui.application.AbstractBootstrappPreferencesPanel
Configures the bootstrap instance to use.
configureClient(Actor, Object, int, int, String) - Static method in class adams.flow.rest.RESTUtils
Sets the timeouts for connection and receiving.
configureClient(Actor, Object, int, int, String, AbstractInInterceptorGenerator, AbstractOutInterceptorGenerator) - Static method in class adams.flow.webservice.WebserviceUtils
Sets the timeouts for connection and receiving.
configureClientTLS(Actor) - Static method in class adams.flow.core.TLSUtils
Configures TLS client parameters based on KeyManager, TrustManager, SSLContext actors.
configureClientTLS(Actor, HTTPConduit) - Static method in class adams.flow.core.TLSUtils
Sets TrustManager and KeyManager if within the context of the actor.
configureEngine(ResponseHandler) - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.AbstractRemoteFlowCommandAction
Returns new instance of a configured scripting engine.
configureEngine(ResponseHandler, int) - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.AbstractRemoteCommandAction
Returns new instance of a configured scripting engine.
configureFactoryInterceptors(Actor, JAXRSServerFactoryBean, AbstractInInterceptorGenerator, AbstractOutInterceptorGenerator) - Static method in class adams.flow.rest.RESTUtils
Configures the interceptors/logging for the service endpoint (incoming and outgoing).
configureHandler() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.webserver.AbstractHandler
Configures the handler.
configureHandler() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.webserver.DefaultHandler
Configures the handler.
configureHandler() - Method in interface adams.flow.standalone.webserver.Handler
Configures the handler.
configureHandler() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.webserver.ResourceHandler
Configures the handler.
configureHandler() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.webserver.RunningFlowsHandler
Configures the handler.
configureInterceptors(JAXRSServerFactoryBean) - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTProvider
Configures the interceptors/logging for the factory (incoming and outgoing).
configureInterceptors(EndpointImpl) - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceProvider
Configures the interceptors/logging for the endpoint (incoming and outgoing).
configureLogger() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.incoming.AbstractInInterceptor
Initializes the logger.
configureLogger() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.outgoing.AbstractOutInterceptor
Initializes the logger.
configureLogger() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.AbstractRatInput
Initializes the logger.
configureLogger() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.AbstractRatOutput
Initializes the logger.
configureLogger() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming.AbstractInInterceptor
Initializes the logger.
configureLogger() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.AbstractOutInterceptor
Initializes the logger.
configurePlugins(RESTPlugin[]) - Method in class adams.flow.rest.GenericServer
For configuring the plugins, e.g., setting the flow context.
configurePlugins(RESTPlugin[]) - Method in class adams.flow.rest.RatsServer
For configuring the plugins, e.g., setting the flow context.
configurePlugins(Object[]) - Method in class adams.flow.rest.GroovyServer
For configuring the plugins, e.g., setting the flow context and logging level.
configureServerTLS(Actor) - Static method in class adams.flow.core.TLSUtils
Configures TLS server parameters based on KeyManager, TrustManager, SSLContext actors.
configureServiceInterceptors(Actor, EndpointImpl, AbstractInInterceptorGenerator, AbstractOutInterceptorGenerator) - Static method in class adams.flow.webservice.WebserviceUtils
Configures the interceptors/logging for the service endpoint (incoming and outgoing).
configureTLS(JAXRSServerFactoryBean) - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTProvider
Configures TLS support (if using https:// and actors present in flow).
configureTLS(EndpointImpl, String) - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceProvider
Configures TLS support (if using https:// and actors present in flow).
CoNLLFileReader - Class in adams.flow.transformer
Reads files in CoNLL format.

For more information see:

- accepts:
- generates:

CoNLLFileReader() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.CoNLLFileReader
CoNLLHelper - Class in adams.core.io
Helper class for CoNLL format related operations.
CoNLLHelper() - Constructor for class adams.core.io.CoNLLHelper
connect() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RedisConnection
Performs the connection.
connectionTimeoutTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientSink
Returns the tip text for this property.
connectionTimeoutTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientSource
Returns the tip text for this property.
connectionTimeoutTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientTransformer
Returns the tip text for this property.
connectionTimeoutTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientSink
Returns the tip text for this property.
connectionTimeoutTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientSource
Returns the tip text for this property.
connectionTimeoutTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientTransformer
Returns the tip text for this property.
consoleLineLimitTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RatControl
Returns the tip text for this property.
consolePanelMessageReceived(ConsolePanelEvent) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RatControl
Gets called when the ConsolePanel receives a message.
containerDir() - Method in class adams.core.base.DockerDirectoryMapping
Returns the "container" part of the mapping.
containerToWebservice(BlobContainer) - Static method in class adams.flow.core.RatsBlobHelper
Converts a BlobContainer into a Webservice Blob objecct.
containerToWebservice(TextContainer) - Static method in class adams.flow.core.RatsTextHelper
Converts a TextContainer into a Webservice Text objecct.
ContainerValuePicker - Class in adams.flow.standalone.rats.output
Extracts the specified value from the container and passes this on to the base rat output scheme.
ContainerValuePicker() - Constructor for class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.ContainerValuePicker
contains(Object) - Method in class adams.data.heatmap.Heatmap
Checks whether the heatmap contains the specified object.
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class adams.data.heatmap.Heatmap
Checks whether all of the items in the collection are stored in this heatmap.
contentNameTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.TextWriter
Returns the tip text for this property.
context - Variable in class adams.terminal.core.Menu
the context.
CONTINUOUS - adams.flow.core.RatMode
conversionTipText() - Method in class adams.data.filter.heatmapthreshold.AbstractBufferedImageBasedHeatmapThreshold
Returns the tip text for this property.
conversionTipText() - Method in class adams.data.io.output.SimpleImageHeatmapWriter
Returns the tip text for this property.
conversionTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.source.WebcamImage
Returns the tip text for this property.
conversionTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapLocateObjects
Returns the tip text for this property.
convert - Variable in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming.XMLLoggingInInterceptor
the conversion for pretty printing the XML.
convert - Variable in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.XMLLoggingOutInterceptor
the conversion for pretty printing the XML.
convert(Class, String) - Method in class adams.flow.core.MOAPropertyValueConverter
Converts the variable value into the appropriate object, if possible.
ConvertAudio - Class in adams.flow.sink.ffmpeg
Converts audio files.
ConvertAudio() - Constructor for class adams.flow.sink.ffmpeg.ConvertAudio
convertDataset(PyroProxy, Instances) - Method in class adams.data.wekapyroproxy.AbstractCommunicationProcessor
Performs the dataset conversion.
converterTipText() - Method in class adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator.AbstractAudioFeatureGenerator
Returns the tip text for this property.
converterTipText() - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.AbstractHeatmapFeatureGenerator
Returns the tip text for this property.
convertInstance(PyroProxy, Instance) - Method in class adams.data.wekapyroproxy.AbstractCommunicationProcessor
Converts the instance into a different format.
Coordinate - Class in adams.data.gps
GPS coordinate container.
Coordinate() - Constructor for class adams.data.gps.Coordinate
Default constructor.
Coordinate(boolean, int, int, double) - Constructor for class adams.data.gps.Coordinate
Initialise coordinate with degrees, minutes, seconds
Coordinate(double) - Constructor for class adams.data.gps.Coordinate
Generate Coordinate from decimal notation.
copyImplementation(Object) - Static method in class adams.flow.webservice.WebserviceUtils
Creates a copy of the WS implementation, either using a shallow copy (if implementing OptionHandler) or ClassManager.deepCopy(Object).
COUNT_MISSING - Static variable in class adams.data.heatmap.HeatmapStatistic
the missing value count.
COUNT_NONZEROES - Static variable in class adams.data.heatmap.HeatmapStatistic
the non-zeroes count.
COUNT_ZEROES - Static variable in class adams.data.heatmap.HeatmapStatistic
the zeroes count.
CountValues - Class in adams.data.heatmapfeatures
Meta-feature-generator that counts numeric values that satisfy the specified min/max range.
CountValues() - Constructor for class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.CountValues
createBlob() - Method in class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.blob.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of Blob
createConfigurationPanel(ApprovalDialog) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.AbstractSelectedHeatmapsFilterWithGOE
Creates the panel with the configuration (return null to suppress display).
createConfigurationPanel(ApprovalDialog) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.AbstractSelectedHeatmapsViewerPlugin
Creates the panel with the configuration (return null to suppress display).
createConfigurationPanel(ApprovalDialog) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.AbstractSelectedHeatmapsViewerPluginWithGOE
Creates the panel with the configuration (return null to suppress display).
createConfigurationPanel(ApprovalDialog) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.Notes
Creates the panel with the configuration (return null to suppress display).
createConfigurationPanel(ApprovalDialog) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.SpreadSheetView
Creates the panel with the configuration (return null to suppress display).
createConfigurationPanel(ApprovalDialog) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.Statistics
createConfigurationPanel(ApprovalDialog) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.plugins.AbstractSelectedTrailsFilterWithGOE
Creates the panel with the configuration (return null to suppress display).
createConfigurationPanel(ApprovalDialog) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.plugins.AbstractSelectedTrailsViewerPlugin
Creates the panel with the configuration (return null to suppress display).
createConfigurationPanel(ApprovalDialog) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.plugins.AbstractSelectedTrailsViewerPluginWithGOE
Creates the panel with the configuration (return null to suppress display).
createConfigurationPanel(ApprovalDialog) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.plugins.Statistics
createCursor() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.DEXTR
Creates the mouse cursor to use.
createCursor() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.OPEX
Creates the mouse cursor to use.
createCursor() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.SAM
Creates the mouse cursor to use.
createCursor() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.segmentation.tool.DEXTR
Creates the mouse cursor to use.
createCursor() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.segmentation.tool.SAM
Creates the mouse cursor to use.
createCustomEditor() - Method in class adams.gui.goe.BaseMarkdownEditor
Gets the custom editor component.
createCustomEditor() - Method in class adams.gui.goe.BaseMeasureCollectionEditor
Gets the custom editor component.
createCustomEditor() - Method in class adams.gui.goe.DockerDirectoryMappingEditor
Gets the custom editor component.
createCustomEditor() - Method in class adams.gui.goe.GPSEditor
Gets the custom editor component.
createCustomEditor() - Method in class adams.gui.goe.MOAClassOptionEditor
Creates the custom editor.
createCustomEditor() - Method in class adams.gui.goe.RatReferenceEditor
Gets the custom editor component.
createCustomEditor() - Method in class adams.gui.goe.RObjectPathEditor
Gets the custom editor component.
createCustomer() - Method in class com.example.customerservice.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of Customer
createDialog() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.AbstractSelectedHeatmapsViewerPlugin
Creates the dialog to display.
createDialog() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.plugins.AbstractSelectedTrailsViewerPlugin
Creates the dialog to display.
createDirectory(File, boolean) - Static method in class adams.flow.maven.shared.FileSystemUtilities
Convenience method to successfully create a directory - or throw an exception if failing to create it.
createDisplayPanel(Token) - Method in class adams.flow.sink.AbstractMekaMultiPlot
Creates a new display panel for the token.
createDisplayPanel(Token) - Method in class adams.flow.sink.AbstractMekaSinglePlot
Creates a new display panel for the token.
createDisplayPanel(Token) - Method in class adams.flow.sink.HeatmapDisplay
Creates a new display panel for the token.
createDisplayPanel(Token) - Method in class adams.flow.sink.HeatmapHistogram
Creates a new display panel for the token.
createDisplayPanel(Token) - Method in class adams.flow.sink.MekaGraphVisualizer
Creates a new display panel for the token.
createDisplayPanel(Token) - Method in class adams.flow.sink.StanfordParseTreeDisplay
Creates a new display panel for the token.
createDisplayPanel(Token) - Method in class adams.flow.sink.TrailDisplay
Creates a new display panel for the token.
createEmptyReport() - Static method in class adams.data.heatmap.Heatmap
Returns an empty report.
createFilename(Instances) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAInstanceDumper
Generates the filename for the output.
createGetCustomersByName() - Method in class com.example.customerservice.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of GetCustomersByName
createGetCustomersByName(GetCustomersByName) - Method in class com.example.customerservice.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of JAXBElement<GetCustomersByName>
createGetCustomersByNameResponse() - Method in class com.example.customerservice.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of GetCustomersByNameResponse
createGetCustomersByNameResponse(GetCustomersByNameResponse) - Method in class com.example.customerservice.ObjectFactory
createGPSBoundary(Vector<AbstractGPS>) - Static method in class adams.data.gps.GPSBoundary
createHeader(WaveContainer) - Method in class adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator.wave.Fingerprint
Creates the header from a template container.
createHeader(WaveContainer) - Method in class adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator.wave.Histogram
Creates the header from a template container.
createHeader(WaveContainer) - Method in class adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator.wave.Spectrogram
Creates the header from a template container.
createHeader(Heatmap) - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.AbstractHeatmapFeatureGenerator
Creates the header from a template heatmap.
createHeader(Heatmap) - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.CountValues
Creates the header from a template heatmap.
createHeader(Heatmap) - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.Histogram
Creates the header from a template heatmap.
createHeader(Heatmap) - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.Max
Creates the header from a template heatmap.
createHeader(Heatmap) - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.Mean
Creates the header from a template heatmap.
createHeader(Heatmap) - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.Median
Creates the header from a template heatmap.
createHeader(Heatmap) - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.Min
Creates the header from a template heatmap.
createHeader(Heatmap) - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.MultiFeatureGenerator
Creates the header from a template image.
createHeader(Heatmap) - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.Scripted
Creates the header from a template heatmap.
createHeader(Heatmap) - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.StandardDeviation
Creates the header from a template heatmap.
createHeader(Heatmap) - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.Values
Creates the header from a template heatmap.
createHeader(Instances) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAInstanceDumper
Turns the dataset header into the appropriate format.
createHeader(T) - Method in class adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator.AbstractAudioFeatureGenerator
Creates the header from a template container.
createKeyListener() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.DEXTR
Creates the key listener to use.
createKeyListener() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.SAM
Creates the key listener to use.
createKeyListener() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.segmentation.tool.DEXTR
Creates the key listener to use.
createKeyListener() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.segmentation.tool.SAM
Creates the key listener to use.
createListPanel(ApprovalDialog) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.AbstractSelectedHeatmapsViewerPlugin
Creates the panel containing the list of all heatmaps.
createListPanel(ApprovalDialog) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.plugins.AbstractSelectedTrailsViewerPlugin
Creates the panel containing the list of all trails.
createLogEntry() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.BoofCVTransformer
Creates the log message.
createLogEntry() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.BufferedImageTransformer
Creates the log message.
createLogEntry() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.Histogram
Creates the log message.
createLogEntry() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.Notes
Creates the log message.
createLogEntry() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.SpreadSheetView
Creates the log message.
createLogEntry() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.Statistics
Creates the log message.
createLogEntry() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.plugins.Statistics
Creates the log message.
createLogHandler() - Method in class adams.terminal.Main
Returns the log handler to use.
createMouseListener() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.DEXTR
Creates the mouse listener to use.
createMouseListener() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.OPEX
Creates the mouse listener to use.
createMouseListener() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.SAM
Creates the mouse listener to use.
createMouseListener() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.segmentation.tool.DEXTR
Creates the mouse listener to use.
createMouseListener() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.segmentation.tool.SAM
Creates the mouse listener to use.
createMouseMotionListener() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.DEXTR
Creates the mouse motion listener to use.
createMouseMotionListener() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.OPEX
Creates the mouse motion listener to use.
createMouseMotionListener() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.SAM
Creates the mouse motion listener to use.
createMouseMotionListener() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.segmentation.tool.DEXTR
Creates the mouse motion listener to use.
createMouseMotionListener() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.segmentation.tool.SAM
Creates the mouse motion listener to use.
createNoSuchCustomer() - Method in class com.example.customerservice.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of NoSuchCustomer
createNoSuchCustomer(NoSuchCustomer) - Method in class com.example.customerservice.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of JAXBElement<NoSuchCustomer>
createPanel() - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.AbstractRemoteCommandActionWithGUI
Creates the panel to display.
createPanel() - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.AbstractRemoteFlowCommandAction
Creates the panel to display.
createPanel() - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.Rats
Creates the panel to display.
createPanel() - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.RemoteFlowCommands
createPanel() - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.RemoteLogging
Creates the panel to display.
createPanel() - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.StartListening
Creates the panel to display.
createPanel(Instances, String) - Method in class adams.flow.sink.AbstractMekaThresholdVisualizePanelPlot
Creates a panel displaying the ROC data.
createPanel(Instances, String) - Method in class adams.flow.sink.MekaROC
Creates a panel displaying the ROC data.
createPrefix(int) - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.MultiFeatureGenerator
Generates the prefix for the specified flattener.
createPreview(File) - Method in class adams.gui.tools.previewbrowser.AudioFileInfoHandler
Creates the actual preview.
createPreview(File) - Method in class adams.gui.tools.previewbrowser.AudioFilePlaybackHandler
Creates the actual preview.
createPreview(File) - Method in class adams.gui.tools.previewbrowser.HeatmapImageHandler
Creates the actual view.
createPreview(File) - Method in class adams.gui.tools.previewbrowser.HeatmapSpreadSheetHandler
Creates the actual view.
createPreview(File) - Method in class adams.gui.tools.previewbrowser.HTMLHandler
Creates the actual view.
createPreview(File) - Method in class adams.gui.tools.previewbrowser.SpeechPlaybackHandler
Creates the actual preview.
createPreview(File) - Method in class adams.gui.tools.previewbrowser.VlcjVideoHandler
Creates the actual view.
createProperties() - Method in class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.blob.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of Properties
createProperties() - Method in class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.text.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of Properties
createProperty() - Method in class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.blob.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of Property
createProperty() - Method in class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.text.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of Property
createRow(Instance) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAInstanceDumper
Turns the row into the appropriate format.
createSequences() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HistogramPanel
Generates the sequence(s) from the data.
createTeeToken(Token) - Method in class adams.flow.control.Keytool
Creates the token to tee-off.
createText() - Method in class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.text.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of Text
createUpdateCustomer() - Method in class com.example.customerservice.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of UpdateCustomer
createUpdateCustomer(UpdateCustomer) - Method in class com.example.customerservice.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of JAXBElement<UpdateCustomer>
createUploadRequest() - Method in class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.blob.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of UploadRequest
createUploadRequest() - Method in class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.text.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of UploadRequest
createUploadRequest(UploadRequest) - Method in class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.blob.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of JAXBElement<UploadRequest>
createUploadRequest(UploadRequest) - Method in class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.text.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of JAXBElement<UploadRequest>
createUploadResponse() - Method in class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.blob.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of UploadResponse
createUploadResponse() - Method in class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.text.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of UploadResponse
createUploadResponse(UploadResponse) - Method in class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.blob.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of JAXBElement<UploadResponse>
createUploadResponse(UploadResponse) - Method in class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.text.ObjectFactory
Create an instance of JAXBElement<UploadResponse>
Cron - Class in adams.flow.standalone.rats.input
Uses a cronjob for defining the execution of the base rat input.
For more information on the scheduler format see:

Cron() - Constructor for class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Cron
Cron.CronJob - Class in adams.flow.standalone.rats.input
Encapsulates a job to run.
CRONDUMMY - Static variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Cron
the dummy data to feed into the flow.
CronJob() - Constructor for class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Cron.CronJob
crop(Heatmap) - Method in class adams.data.filter.heatmapcrop.AbstractHeatmapCrop
Crops the given heatmap.
crop(Heatmap, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class adams.data.filter.heatmapcrop.CropToCentroid
Crops the heatmap around the centroid stored in the heatmap's report.
Crop - Class in adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.selection
Crops the heatmap to the current selection and stores crop information in the report (prefix: Crop.).
Crop() - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.selection.Crop
CROP_BOTTOM - Static variable in class adams.data.filter.heatmapcrop.AbstractHeatmapCrop
the bottom coordinate of the crop in the original heatmap.
CROP_LEFT - Static variable in class adams.data.filter.heatmapcrop.AbstractHeatmapCrop
the left coordinate of the crop in the original heatmap.
CROP_RIGHT - Static variable in class adams.data.filter.heatmapcrop.AbstractHeatmapCrop
the right coordinate of the crop in the original heatmap.
CROP_TOP - Static variable in class adams.data.filter.heatmapcrop.AbstractHeatmapCrop
the right coordinate of the crop in the original heatmap.
CropToCentroid - Class in adams.data.filter.heatmapcrop
Generates a cropped heatmap centered around the centroid calculated on the pre-filtered data.
CropToCentroid() - Constructor for class adams.data.filter.heatmapcrop.CropToCentroid
CSV - adams.flow.transformer.MOAInstanceDumper.OutputFormat
currentInput() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.RESTSink
Returns the current input token, if any.
currentInput() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.WSSink
Returns the current input token, if any.
currentInput() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RESTTransformer
Returns the current input token, if any.
currentInput() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.WSTransformer
Returns the current input token, if any.
currentTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.AbstractSimpleReportBasedObjectTracker
Returns the tip text for this property.
customer - Variable in class com.example.customerservice.UpdateCustomer
Customer - Class in com.example.customerservice
Java class for customer complex type.
Customer() - Constructor for class com.example.customerservice.Customer
customerId - Variable in class com.example.customerservice.Customer
customerName - Variable in class com.example.customerservice.NoSuchCustomer
customerNameTipText() - Method in class com.example.customerservice.flow.CustomersByName
Returns the tip text for this property.
customerNameTipText() - Method in class com.example.customerservice.flow.CustomersByNameCallableTransformer
Returns the tip text for this property.
customerNameTipText() - Method in class com.example.customerservice.flow.UpdateCustomer
Returns the tip text for this property.
CustomersByName - Class in com.example.customerservice.flow
Simple client for querying customer names.
CustomersByName() - Constructor for class com.example.customerservice.flow.CustomersByName
CustomersByNameCallableTransformer - Class in com.example.customerservice.flow
Simple client for querying customer names and post-processing the names with a callable transformer.
CustomersByNameCallableTransformer() - Constructor for class com.example.customerservice.flow.CustomersByNameCallableTransformer
CustomerService - Interface in com.example.customerservice
This class was generated by Apache CXF 3.6.2 2024-07-26T23:25:37.220+12:00 Generated source version: 3.6.2
CustomerServiceImpl - Class in com.example.customerservice.server
CustomerServiceImpl(CustomerServiceWS) - Constructor for class com.example.customerservice.server.CustomerServiceImpl
Initializes the service.
CustomerServicePort - Static variable in class com.example.customerservice.CustomerServiceService
CustomerServiceService - Class in com.example.customerservice
This class was generated by Apache CXF 3.6.2 2024-07-26T23:25:37.235+12:00 Generated source version: 3.6.2
CustomerServiceService() - Constructor for class com.example.customerservice.CustomerServiceService
CustomerServiceService(URL) - Constructor for class com.example.customerservice.CustomerServiceService
CustomerServiceService(URL, QName) - Constructor for class com.example.customerservice.CustomerServiceService
CustomerServiceWS - Class in com.example.customerservice.flow
Simple webservice that returns example customer data.
CustomerServiceWS() - Constructor for class com.example.customerservice.flow.CustomerServiceWS
CustomerType - Enum in com.example.customerservice
Java class for customerType.
CustomHandler() - Constructor for class adams.flow.standalone.webserver.RunningFlowsHandler.CustomHandler
CustomScriptlet - Class in adams.core.gnuplot
Allows the user to enter a custom Gnuplot script snippet.
CustomScriptlet() - Constructor for class adams.core.gnuplot.CustomScriptlet
CustomStatements - Class in adams.doc.latex.generator
Simply outputs the specified statements.
CustomStatements() - Constructor for class adams.doc.latex.generator.CustomStatements
customStopMessageTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.KeyManager
Returns the tip text for this property.
customStopMessageTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RedisConnection
Returns the tip text for this property.
customStopMessageTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.TrustManager
Returns the tip text for this property.
Cut - Class in adams.data.wavefilter
Cuts out the specified section from the Wave object.
Only works if 'subChunk2Id' is 'data' not 'LIST'.
Cut() - Constructor for class adams.data.wavefilter.Cut


data - Variable in class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.blob.Blob
data - Variable in class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.text.Text
databaseTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RedisConnection
Returns the tip text for this property.
dataFileTipText() - Method in class adams.core.gnuplot.AbstractScriptletWithDataFile
Returns the tip text for this property.
DataFrame - adams.core.RDataType
dataFrameColumnsTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.source.RSource
A description of the return type.
dataFrameColumnsTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RTransformer
A description of the return type.
dataframeToSpreadsheet(REXP) - Static method in class adams.core.RDataHelper
Converts the R dataframe into a spreadsheet.
dataframeToSpreadsheet(REXP, String[]) - Static method in class adams.core.RDataHelper
Converts the R dataframe into a spreadsheet.
dataPublished(PublicationEvent) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Subscribe
Gets called when data is being published.
DataType - Enum in nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.blob
Java class for DataType.
DataType - Enum in nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.text
Java class for DataType.
DataTypeSetupPostGIS - Class in adams.db.datatype
Configures some PostGIS specific data types.
DataTypeSetupPostGIS() - Constructor for class adams.db.datatype.DataTypeSetupPostGIS
decayHorizonTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.MOAClusterVisualization
Returns the tip text for this property.
deepCopyTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AbstractArraySplitter
Returns the tip text for this property.
DEFAULT - adams.docker.simpledocker.PullType
DEFAULT_FLOWERRORS - Static variable in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
the default flow errors queue name.
DEFAULT_INTERVAL - Static variable in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.Binding
DEFAULT_INTERVAL - Static variable in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.Binding
DEFAULT_LOG - Static variable in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
the default log queue name.
DEFAULT_PACKAGE - Static variable in class adams.core.base.BaseMeasureCollection
the default package for collections.
DEFAULT_PORT - Static variable in class adams.flow.standalone.RedisConnection
DEFAULT_PORT - Static variable in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.AbstractRemoteFlowCommandAction
the default port to use for refreshing flows.
DEFAULT_PORT - Static variable in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.RemoteLogging
the default port to use for receiving logging messages.
DEFAULT_RATE - Static variable in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.VLCjDirectRenderPanel
the values used for playback rate
DEFAULT_SENDERRORS - Static variable in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
the default send errors queue name.
DefaultBackground - Class in adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud
Generates no background, uses default.
DefaultBackground() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.DefaultBackground
DefaultColorPalette - Class in adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud
Generates no color palette, uses default.
DefaultColorPalette() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.DefaultColorPalette
DefaultFontScalar - Class in adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud
Generates no font scalar, uses default.
DefaultFontScalar() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.DefaultFontScalar
DefaultHandler - Class in adams.flow.standalone.webserver
Configurable DefaultHandler.
DefaultHandler() - Constructor for class adams.flow.standalone.webserver.DefaultHandler
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.core.gnuplot.AbstractPlotScriptlet
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.core.gnuplot.AbstractScriptletWithDataFile
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.core.gnuplot.CustomScriptlet
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.core.gnuplot.Initialize
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.core.gnuplot.MultiScriptlet
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.core.gnuplot.Pause
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.core.gnuplot.SimplePlot
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator.AbstractAudioFeatureGenerator
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator.wave.Histogram
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator.wave.Spectrogram
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.ColumnCorrelationToHeatmap
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.ColumnCovarianceToHeatmap
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.EscapeLatexCharacters
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.GPSDistance
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.HeatmapToBufferedImage
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.HeatmapToBufferedImageExpression
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.HeatmapToBufferedImageWithKey
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.JsonToObject
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.RandomizeArray
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.RandomizeCollection
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.RenjinDoubleArrayVectorToSpreadSheet
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.RenjinListVectorToArray
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.SpectrogramToBufferedImage
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.SpreadSheetToHeatmap
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.SpreadSheetToHTML
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.SpreadSheetToKML
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.SpreadSheetToWordFrequencies
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.StanfordParseTreeToXML
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.WaveToAmplitudes
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.WaveToSpectrogram
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.WordFrequencyToString
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.data.featuregenerator.AbstractFeatureGenerator
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.data.featuregenerator.FilteredFeatureGenerator
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.data.featuregenerator.MultiGenerator
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.data.filter.AudioAnnotationsWindow
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.data.filter.HeatmapCentroid
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.data.filter.heatmapcrop.AbstractFilteredHeatmapCrop
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.data.filter.heatmapcrop.CropToCentroid
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.data.filter.HeatmapCrop
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.data.filter.heatmapcrop.Rectangle
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.data.filter.heatmapcrop.Submap
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.data.filter.HeatmapFeatureGenerator
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.data.filter.HeatmapNormalizeToField
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.data.filter.HeatmapRotate
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.data.filter.HeatmapSubmap
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.data.filter.HeatmapSubtractField
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.data.filter.heatmapthreshold.AbstractBufferedImageBasedHeatmapThreshold
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.data.filter.HeatmapThreshold
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.data.filter.heatmapthreshold.Manual
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.data.filter.heatmapthreshold.Otsu
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.data.filter.TrailWindow
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.AbstractHeatmapFeatureGenerator
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.AbstractHeatmapFeatureGeneratorWithSkippableMissingValues
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.AbstractMetaHeatmapFeatureGenerator
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.AbstractScriptedFeatureGenerator
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.CountValues
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.Histogram
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.Max
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.Min
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.MultiFeatureGenerator
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.Scripted
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.StandardDeviation
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.data.io.input.AbstractHeatmapReader
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.data.io.input.ArcInfoASCIIGridReader
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.data.io.input.FloatMatrixHeatmapReader
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.data.io.input.SimpleImageHeatmapReader
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.data.io.input.SpreadSheetHeatmapReader
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.data.io.output.GnuplotSpreadSheetWriter
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.data.io.output.LatexSpreadSheetWriter
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.data.io.output.SimpleHeatmapWriter
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.data.io.output.SimpleImageHeatmapWriter
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.data.io.output.SimpleTrailWriter
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.data.io.output.SpreadSheetHeatmapWriter
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.data.random.AbstractCommonsRandomNumberGenerator
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.data.random.Beta
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.data.random.ChiSquare
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.data.random.Exponential
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.data.random.JMathArrayInt
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.data.random.Triangular
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.data.random.Uniform
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.data.spreadsheet.GPSDecimalDegrees
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.data.spreadsheet.GPSDecimalMinutes
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.data.spreadsheet.GPSDecimalSeconds
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.data.video.AbstractFileBaseRecorder
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.data.video.AbstractScreenRecorder
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.data.video.AbstractSoundRecorder
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.data.video.AbstractVideoRecorder
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.data.video.AbstractWebcamRecorder
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.data.video.MultiRecorder
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.data.wavefilter.Cut
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.data.wavefilter.MultiFilter
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.data.wavefilter.Resample
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.data.wavefilter.Trim
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.data.wekapyroproxy.FusionJsonCommunicationProcessor
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.AbstractCodeGenerator
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.AbstractEnvironmentWithNoTrailingSpace
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.AbstractFileReferencingCodeGenerator
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.AbstractMetaCodeGenerator
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.AbstractMetaCodeGeneratorWithNoTrailingSpace
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.BlockSize
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.CustomStatements
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.Figure
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.Image
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.ImportContent
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.Include
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.Input
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.MiniPage
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.MultiCol
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.MultiGenerator
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.NewSection
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.Table
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.Verbatim
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.Generic
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.Info
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.KillContainers
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.ListContainers
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.ListImages
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.PruneContainers
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.PruneImages
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.Pull
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.Push
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.RemoveContainers
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.Run
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.StopContainers
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.condition.bool.MOAClassification
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.condition.bool.RandomNumberExpression
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.control.ChangeRatState
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.control.ExecuteRats
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.control.Keytool
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.core.AbstractRESTClient
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.core.AbstractWSClient
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.processor.ListRequiredLatexPackages
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientSink
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientSource
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientTransformer
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTProvider
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.flow.AbstractCallablePipeline
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.flow.AbstractCallableTransformer
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.GenericServer
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.GroovyPlugin
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.GroovyServer
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.incoming.AbstractInInterceptorGenerator
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.incoming.EnqueueGenerator
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.incoming.LogFileGenerator
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.outgoing.AbstractOutInterceptorGenerator
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.outgoing.EnqueueGenerator
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.outgoing.LogFileGenerator
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.AnimatedGifFileWriter
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.ffmpeg.AbstractFFmpegPluginWithOptions
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.ffmpeg.ConvertAudio
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.FFmpeg
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.ffmpeg.GenericPlugin
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.GnuplotScript
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.HeatmapDisplay
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.HeatmapHistogram
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.KeyPairFileWriter
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.MOAClusterVisualization
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.MP3ToWave
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.redisaction.Publish
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.redisaction.Set
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.RedisSink
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.RenjinFileWriter
Adds to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.RenjinSink
Adds to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.RSink
Adds to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.StanfordParseTreeDisplay
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.TrailDisplay
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.source.audiorecorder.AbstractAudioRecorder
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.source.audiorecorder.AbstractFileBasedAudioRecorder
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.source.AudioRecorder
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.source.audiorecorder.FixedDuration
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.source.KeyPairFileReader
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.source.KeyPairGenerator
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.source.MekaClassifierSetup
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.source.MOAClassifierSetup
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.source.MOAClustererSetup
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.source.MOARegressorSetup
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.source.MOAStream
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.source.NewAudioAnnotations
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.source.NewHeatmap
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.source.NewLatexDocument
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.source.NewTrail
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.source.redisaction.Get
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.source.RedisSource
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.source.RenjinSource
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.source.RSource
Adds to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.source.SimpleDockerCommand
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.source.WebcamImage
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.source.WebcamInfo
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.FFmpegConfig
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Gnuplot
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.KeyManager
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.LabRat
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.LatexSetup
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RatControl
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RatPlague
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rats
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.generator.AbstractRatGenerator
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.generator.AbstractScriptedRatGenerator
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.generator.Scripted
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.AbstractBufferedRatInput
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.AbstractMetaRatInput
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.AbstractPollingRatInput
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Cron
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.DeQueue
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.DirWatch
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Exec
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.FileLister
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.InputPolling
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.InputWithCallableTransformer
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.InputWithExternalTransformer
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.RedisAction
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.RedisSubscribe
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.RESTTextReception
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Socket
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Storage
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.StringToken
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Subscribe
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Variable
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.WebserviceInput
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.WSBlobReception
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.WSTextReception
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.log.LogEntryGenerator
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.log.SimpleStringGenerator
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.AbstractMetaRatOutput
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.BinaryFileWriter
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.Branch
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.CallableActor
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.ContainerValuePicker
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.DistributedEnQueue
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.EnQueue
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.enqueue.MaxQueueSize
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.Exec
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.FileMover
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.FtpUpload
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.OutputWithCallableTransformer
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.OutputWithExternalTransformer
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.Publish
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.QueueDistribute
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.RedisAction
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.RedisPublish
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.SendEmail
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.Serialize
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.Socket
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.Switch
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.TextWriter
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.WebserviceOutput
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.WebsocketOutput
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RecordingSetup
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RedisConnection
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RenjinStandalone
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RESTServer
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rserve
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RStandalone
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.SimpleDockerConnection
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.SSLContext
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.TrustManager
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.WebServer
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.webserver.ResourceHandler
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.WSServer
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AbstractArraySplitter
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AbstractCallableMekaClassifierEvaluator
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AbstractInPlaceHeatmapTransformer
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AbstractMOAModelReader
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AbstractProcessMOAInstanceWithModel
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AddAudioAnnotation
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AddTrailBackground
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AddTrailStep
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.ArrayFolds
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.ArrayRandomize
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.ArraySubSample
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AudioData
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AudioInfo
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.DocumentToSentences
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.EditDistance
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.ExtractTrackedObject
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.GenerateWordCloud
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.GetKeyFromKeyPair
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapArrayStatistic
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapFeatureGenerator
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapGetValue
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapInfo
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapLocateObjects
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapSetValue
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.LatexAppendDocument
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MekaClassSelector
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MekaCrossValidationEvaluator
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MekaResultValues
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MekaTrainClassifier
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MjpegImageSequence
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAClassifierEvaluation
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAClassifying
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAClustererEvaluation
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAClustering
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAFilter
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAInstanceDumper
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAMeasurementPlotGenerator
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAMeasurementsFilter
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOARegressing
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOARegressorEvaluation
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOATrainClassifier
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOATrainClusterer
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOATrainRegressor
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MovieImageSampler
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler.FixedIntervalBufferedImageSampler
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler.FixedIntervalBufferedImageSamplerVlcj
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler.SingleTimestampMovieSampler
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler.TimestampMovieSampler
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MovieImageSequence
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MovieInfo
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.multiheatmapoperation.AddConstant
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MultiHeatmapOperation
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.AbstractBoofCVObjectTracker
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.AbstractSimpleReportBasedObjectTracker
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.BoofCVCirculant
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.BoofCVMeanShiftLikelihood
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.MultiObjectTracker
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RandomNumberGenerator
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.redisaction.BroadcastAndListen
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RedisTransformer
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RenjinAddContext
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RenjinGetObject
Adds to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RenjinObjectInfo
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RenjinTransformer
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RTransformer
Adds to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.SimpleDockerCommand
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.splitter.StanfordPTBTokenizer
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.StanfordGrammaticalStructure
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.StanfordLexicalizedParser
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.Stemmer
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.stemmer.WekaStemmer
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.Tokenize
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.tokenizer.StanfordPTBTokenizer
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.tokenizer.WekaTokenizer
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.TrackObjects
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.TransformTrackedObject
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.TweeboParser
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.TweetNLPTagger
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.WaveFeatureGenerator
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.WaveFilter
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.CircleBackground
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.ColorListPalette
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.LinearFontScalar
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.LinearGradientColorPalette
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.LogFontScalar
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.PixelBoundaryBackground
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.RectangleBackground
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.SqrtFontScalar
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.WordFrequencyAnalyzer
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientSink
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientSinkWithCallableTransformer
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientSource
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientSourceWithCallableTransformer
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientTransformer
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientTransformerWithCallableTransformer
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceProvider
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceProviderWithCallableTransformer
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.blob.RatsBlobServiceWS
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.blob.Upload
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming.AbstractInInterceptorGenerator
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming.EnqueueGenerator
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming.LogFileGenerator
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming.XMLLoggingGenerator
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.AbstractOutInterceptorGenerator
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.EnqueueGenerator
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.LogFileGenerator
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.XMLLoggingGenerator
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.text.RatsTextServiceWS
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.text.Upload
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.AbstractPositionableHeatmapOverlay
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.AbstractPositionableHeatmapOverlayWithDimensions
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.AbstractSingleColorHeatmapOverlay
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.HighestTemperature
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.LowestTemperature
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.TextOverlay
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.image.QuadrilateralLocationsOverlayFromReport
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.image.selection.SelectMultipleObjectsToTrack
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.image.selection.SelectObjectToTrack
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.object.annotator.DEXTRMarkers
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.object.annotator.SAMMarkers
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.paintlet.AbstractTrailPaintlet
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.paintlet.Circles
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.paintlet.Lines
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class adams.scripting.command.flow.SendRatControlCommand
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class com.example.customerservice.flow.CustomersByName
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class com.example.customerservice.flow.CustomersByNameCallableTransformer
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class com.example.customerservice.flow.UpdateCustomer
Adds options to the internal list of options.
defineOptions() - Method in class weka.classifiers.functions.PyroProxy
Adds options to the internal list of options.
DEFSEED - Static variable in class edu.cornell.lassp.houle.RngPack.Ranmar
Default seed.
degreesFreedomTipText() - Method in class adams.data.random.ChiSquare
Returns the tip text for this property.
delayTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.AnimatedGifFileWriter
Returns the tip text for this property.
deleteContainers() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.DockerContainersPanel
Deletes the selected containers.
deleteContainers(String[]) - Method in class adams.gui.tools.DockerContainersPanel
Deletes the containers with the specified IDs.
deleteImages() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.DockerImagesPanel
Deletes the selected images.
deleteImages(String[]) - Method in class adams.gui.tools.DockerImagesPanel
Deletes the images with the specified IDs.
delimiterTipText() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.WordFrequencyToString
Returns the tip text for this property.
DeQueue - Class in adams.flow.standalone.rats.input
Polls the specified queue in internal storage for an item, blocks till an item is available.
DeQueue() - Constructor for class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.DeQueue
deregisterInWrapUp() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RatControl
Returns whether to de-register in AbstractDisplay.wrapUp() or wait till AbstractDisplay.cleanUpGUI().
deserializeFile(MessageCollection) - Method in class adams.flow.core.MekaClassifierModelLoader
Deserializes the model file.
deserializeFile(MessageCollection) - Method in class adams.flow.core.MOAClassifierModelLoader
Deserializes the model file.
deserializeFile(MessageCollection) - Method in class adams.flow.core.MOAClustererModelLoader
Deserializes the model file.
deserializeFile(MessageCollection) - Method in class adams.flow.core.MOARegressorModelLoader
Deserializes the model file.
destroy() - Method in class adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator.AbstractAudioFeatureGenerator
Frees up memory in a "destructive" non-reversible way.
destroy() - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.AbstractHeatmapFeatureGenerator
Frees up memory in a "destructive" non-reversible way.
destroy() - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.AbstractScriptedFeatureGenerator
Frees up memory in a "destructive" non-reversible way.
destroy() - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.Scripted
Frees up memory in a "destructive" non-reversible way.
destroy() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.generator.AbstractScriptedRatGenerator
Frees up memory in a "destructive" non-reversible way.
destroy() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.generator.Scripted
Frees up memory in a "destructive" non-reversible way.
determineDimensions(List<String>, Report) - Method in class adams.data.io.input.SimpleHeatmapReader
Determines the dimensions of the heatmap and stores the Width and Height information in the report.
determineLocations(Report) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.image.QuadrilateralLocationsOverlayFromReport
Determines the locations of the bugs.
determineOutputFormat(Instances) - Method in class weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.TwitterEmoticonScore
Determines the output format based on the input format and returns this.
determineOutputFormat(Instances) - Method in class weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.TwitterNLPPos
Determines the output format based on the input format and returns this.
DEXTR - Class in adams.gui.visualization.object.tools
Uses DEXTR (via docker and redis) to aid human in annotating.
DEXTR - Class in adams.gui.visualization.segmentation.tool
Uses DEXTR (via docker and redis) to aid human in annotating.
DEXTR() - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.DEXTR
DEXTR() - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.segmentation.tool.DEXTR
DEXTRMarkers - Class in adams.gui.visualization.object.annotator
Annotator plugin that works only in conjunction with the DEXTR tool.
DEXTRMarkers() - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.object.annotator.DEXTRMarkers
DEXTRMarkers.Shape - Enum in adams.gui.visualization.object.annotator
Enum for the marker shape to plot around the marker points.
diameterTipText() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.paintlet.Circles
Returns the tip text for this property.
DIMENSION_NAMES - adams.flow.transformer.RenjinObjectInfo.InfoType
DIMENSIONS - adams.flow.transformer.RenjinObjectInfo.InfoType
DIR - Static variable in class adams.core.management.RenjinClassPathAugmenter
the directory to use in the ADAMS home dir.
dirac(double[], double[]) - Method in class adams.data.random.Random
Generate a random number from a discrete random variable.
DirectoryDialog - Class in adams.terminal.dialog
Dialog that allows the user to iterate the file system and pick directory.
DirectoryDialog(String, String, String, TerminalSize, boolean, File) - Constructor for class adams.terminal.dialog.DirectoryDialog
Default constructor for DirectoryDialog
DirectoryDialogBuilder - Class in adams.terminal.dialog
Dialog builder for the DirectoryDialog class, use this to create instances of that class and to customize them.
DirectoryDialogBuilder() - Constructor for class adams.terminal.dialog.DirectoryDialogBuilder
Default constructor
DirectRenderMediaPlayerPanel - Class in adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer
A panel that is a self contained Direct rendering video player.
DirectRenderMediaPlayerPanel() - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.DirectRenderMediaPlayerPanel
dirMappingsTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.SimpleDockerConnection
Returns the tip text for this property.
DirWatch - Class in adams.flow.standalone.rats.input
Watches for file changes in a directory and forwards the affected files.
DirWatch() - Constructor for class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.DirWatch
disableContentTrustTipText() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.Push
Returns the tip text for this property.
disableSchemaValidation(BindingProvider) - Static method in class adams.flow.webservice.WebserviceUtils
Disables the schema validation.
discardInput() - Method in class adams.gui.goe.BaseMeasureCollectionEditor
Discards the input and closes the dialog.
discardInput() - Method in class adams.gui.goe.GPSEditor
Discards the input and closes the dialog.
discardInput() - Method in class adams.gui.goe.RatReferenceEditor
Discards the input and closes the dialog.
discardInput() - Method in class adams.gui.goe.RObjectPathEditor
Discards the input and closes the dialog.
disconnectTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.WebsocketOutput
Returns the tip text for this property.
display(Token) - Method in class adams.flow.sink.AbstractMekaMultiPlot
Displays the token (the panel and dialog have already been created at this stage).
display(Token) - Method in class adams.flow.sink.AbstractMekaSinglePlot
Displays the token (the panel and dialog have already been created at this stage).
display(Token) - Method in class adams.flow.sink.HeatmapDisplay
Displays the token (the panel and dialog have already been created at this stage).
display(Token) - Method in class adams.flow.sink.HeatmapHistogram
Displays the token (the panel and dialog have already been created at this stage).
display(Token) - Method in class adams.flow.sink.MekaGraphVisualizer
Displays the token (the panel and dialog have already been created at this stage).
display(Token) - Method in class adams.flow.sink.MOAClusterVisualization
Displays the token (the panel and dialog have already been created at this stage).
display(Token) - Method in class adams.flow.sink.StanfordParseTreeDisplay
Displays the token (the panel and dialog have already been created at this stage).
display(Token) - Method in class adams.flow.sink.TrailDisplay
Displays the token (the panel and dialog have already been created at this stage).
displayErrorMessage(RemoteCommandWithErrorMessage) - Method in class adams.scripting.responsehandler.LogTextBoxResponseHandler
Displays the error message.
displayPanelRequiresScrollPane() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.AbstractMekaMultiPlot
Returns whether the created display panel requires a scroll pane or not.
displayPanelRequiresScrollPane() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.AbstractMekaSinglePlot
Returns whether the created display panel requires a scroll pane or not.
displayPanelRequiresScrollPane() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.HeatmapDisplay
Returns whether the created display panel requires a scroll pane or not.
displayPanelRequiresScrollPane() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.HeatmapHistogram
Returns whether the created display panel requires a scroll pane or not.
displayPanelRequiresScrollPane() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.MekaGraphVisualizer
Returns whether the created display panel requires a scroll pane or not.
displayPanelRequiresScrollPane() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.StanfordParseTreeDisplay
Returns whether the created display panel requires a scroll pane or not.
displayPanelRequiresScrollPane() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.TrailDisplay
Returns whether the created display panel requires a scroll pane or not.
displayRangesTipText() - Method in class adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator.wave.Histogram
Returns the tip text for this property.
displayToCoordinate(AbstractDerivative.Point, int) - Static method in class adams.data.gps.Map
DistributedEnQueue - Class in adams.flow.standalone.rats.output
Distributes the incoming data in the specified queues in internal storage, iterating through the different queues.
DistributedEnQueue() - Constructor for class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.DistributedEnQueue
distributionForInstance(Instance) - Method in class weka.classifiers.functions.PyroProxy
Classifies the given test instance.
distributionsForInstances(Instances) - Method in class weka.classifiers.functions.PyroProxy
Batch scoring method
doApply() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.AbstractRedisTool
Applies the settings.
doApply() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.segmentation.tool.AbstractRedisTool
Applies the settings.
doBlockingExecute() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.AbstractDockerCommand
Executes the command.
doBlockingExecute() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.AbstractDockerCommandWithOptions
Executes the command.
doBlockingExecute(List<String>) - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.AbstractDockerCommand
Executes the specified command in blocking fashion.
doBlockingExecute(List<String>) - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.AbstractDockerCommandWithOptions
Executes the specified command in blocking fashion.
doCalcThreshold(Heatmap) - Method in class adams.data.filter.heatmapthreshold.AbstractBufferedImageBasedHeatmapThreshold
Performs the actual calculation of the threshold.
doCalcThreshold(Heatmap) - Method in class adams.data.filter.heatmapthreshold.AbstractHeatmapThreshold
Performs the actual calculation of the threshold.
doCalcThreshold(Heatmap) - Method in class adams.data.filter.heatmapthreshold.Manual
Performs the actual calculation of the threshold.
doCalcThreshold(Heatmap, BufferedImage) - Method in class adams.data.filter.heatmapthreshold.AbstractBufferedImageBasedHeatmapThreshold
Performs the actual calculation of the threshold using the image.
doCalcThreshold(Heatmap, BufferedImage) - Method in class adams.data.filter.heatmapthreshold.Otsu
Performs the actual calculation of the threshold using the image.
DockerCommand - Interface in adams.docker.simpledocker
Interface for docker commands.
DockerCommandWithProgrammaticArguments - Interface in adams.docker.simpledocker
Interface for docker commands that take additional arguments.
DockerContainer - Class in adams.docker
Simple container for docker containers.
DockerContainer(String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class adams.docker.DockerContainer
Initializes the container.
DockerContainers - Class in adams.gui.menu
Opens the docker containers management.
DockerContainers() - Constructor for class adams.gui.menu.DockerContainers
Initializes the menu item with no owner.
DockerContainers(AbstractApplicationFrame) - Constructor for class adams.gui.menu.DockerContainers
Initializes the menu item.
DockerContainersPanel - Class in adams.gui.tools
Management panel for Docker containers.
DockerContainersPanel() - Constructor for class adams.gui.tools.DockerContainersPanel
DockerContainersPanel.TableModel - Class in adams.gui.tools
DockerDirectoryMapping - Class in adams.core.base
For mapping local dir with container dir.
DockerDirectoryMapping() - Constructor for class adams.core.base.DockerDirectoryMapping
Initializes the directory mapping with a default value.
DockerDirectoryMapping(File, File) - Constructor for class adams.core.base.DockerDirectoryMapping
Initializes the mapping with the provided dirs.
DockerDirectoryMapping(String) - Constructor for class adams.core.base.DockerDirectoryMapping
Uses the specified mapping.
DockerDirectoryMapping(String, String) - Constructor for class adams.core.base.DockerDirectoryMapping
Initializes the mapping with the provided dirs.
DockerDirectoryMappingEditor - Class in adams.gui.goe
A PropertyEditor for DockerDirectoryMapping objects that lets the user select a directory.
DockerDirectoryMappingEditor() - Constructor for class adams.gui.goe.DockerDirectoryMappingEditor
DockerDirectoryMappingParsing - Class in adams.core.option.parsing
For parsing DockerDirectoryMappingParsing objects.
DockerDirectoryMappingParsing() - Constructor for class adams.core.option.parsing.DockerDirectoryMappingParsing
DockerImage - Class in adams.docker
Simple container for docker images.
DockerImage(String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class adams.docker.DockerImage
Initializes the container.
DockerImages - Class in adams.gui.menu
Opens the docker images management.
DockerImages() - Constructor for class adams.gui.menu.DockerImages
Initializes the menu item with no owner.
DockerImages(AbstractApplicationFrame) - Constructor for class adams.gui.menu.DockerImages
Initializes the menu item.
DockerImagesPanel - Class in adams.gui.tools
Management panel for Docker images.
DockerImagesPanel() - Constructor for class adams.gui.tools.DockerImagesPanel
DockerImagesPanel.TableModel - Class in adams.gui.tools
doConfigure() - Method in class adams.data.video.AbstractRecorder
Returns a fully configured recorder instance.
doConfigure() - Method in class adams.data.video.MultiRecorder
Returns a fully configured recorder instance.
doConfigure() - Method in class adams.data.video.SampledSoundRecorder
Returns a fully configured recorder instance.
doConfigure() - Method in class adams.data.video.SarxosWebcamRecorder
Returns a fully configured recorder instance.
doConfigure() - Method in class adams.data.video.XuggleScreenRecorder
Returns a fully configured recorder instance.
doConvert() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.BufferedImageToHeatmap
Performs the actual conversion.
doConvert() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.ColumnCorrelationToHeatmap
Performs the actual conversion.
doConvert() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.ColumnCovarianceToHeatmap
Performs the actual conversion.
doConvert() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.EscapeLatexCharacters
Performs the actual conversion.
doConvert() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.GPSDistance
Performs the actual conversion.
doConvert() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.HeatmapToArray
Performs the actual conversion.
doConvert() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.HeatmapToBufferedImage
Performs the actual conversion.
doConvert() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.HeatmapToBufferedImageExpression
Performs the actual conversion.
doConvert() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.HeatmapToBufferedImageWithKey
Performs the actual conversion.
doConvert() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.HeatmapToSpreadSheet
Performs the actual conversion.
doConvert() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.HTMLToDOM
Performs the actual conversion.
doConvert() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.HTMLToText
Performs the actual conversion.
doConvert() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.JsonToObject
Performs the actual conversion.
doConvert() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.LocalPathToContainerPath
Performs the actual conversion.
doConvert() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.MarkdownToHTML
Performs the actual conversion.
doConvert() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.MOAInstancesToWEKAInstances
doConvert() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.ObjectToJson
Performs the actual conversion.
doConvert() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.RandomizeArray
Performs the actual conversion.
doConvert() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.RandomizeCollection
Performs the actual conversion.
doConvert() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.RenderHTMLAsText
Performs the actual conversion.
doConvert() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.RenjinDoubleArrayVectorToSpreadSheet
Performs the actual conversion.
doConvert() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.RenjinListVectorToArray
Performs the actual conversion.
doConvert() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.SpectrogramToBufferedImage
Performs the actual conversion.
doConvert() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.SpreadSheetToHeatmap
Performs the actual conversion.
doConvert() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.SpreadSheetToHTML
Performs the actual conversion.
doConvert() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.SpreadSheetToKML
Performs the actual conversion.
doConvert() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.SpreadSheetToWordFrequencies
Performs the actual conversion.
doConvert() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.StanfordParseTreeToSpreadSheet
Performs the actual conversion.
doConvert() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.StanfordParseTreeToXML
Performs the actual conversion.
doConvert() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.TrailToSpreadSheet
Performs the actual conversion.
doConvert() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.WaveToAmplitudes
Performs the actual conversion.
doConvert() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.WaveToSpectrogram
Performs the actual conversion.
doConvert() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.WaveToWaveContainer
Performs the actual conversion.
doConvert() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.WEKAInstancesToMOAInstances
doConvert() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.WordFrequenciesToSpreadShet
Performs the actual conversion.
doConvert() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.WordFrequencyToString
Performs the actual conversion.
doConvertDataset(PyroProxy, Instances) - Method in class adams.data.wekapyroproxy.AbstractCommunicationProcessor
Performs the dataset conversion.
doConvertDataset(PyroProxy, Instances) - Method in class adams.data.wekapyroproxy.FusionJsonCommunicationProcessor
Performs the initialization.
doConvertDataset(PyroProxy, Instances) - Method in class adams.data.wekapyroproxy.NullCommunicationProcessor
Performs the initialization.
doConvertDataset(PyroProxy, Instances) - Method in class adams.data.wekapyroproxy.SimpleJsonCommunicationProcessor
Performs the initialization.
doConvertInstance(PyroProxy, Instance) - Method in class adams.data.wekapyroproxy.AbstractCommunicationProcessor
Converts the instance into a different format.
doConvertInstance(PyroProxy, Instance) - Method in class adams.data.wekapyroproxy.FusionJsonCommunicationProcessor
Converts the instance into a different format.
doConvertInstance(PyroProxy, Instance) - Method in class adams.data.wekapyroproxy.NullCommunicationProcessor
Converts the instance into a different format.
doConvertInstance(PyroProxy, Instance) - Method in class adams.data.wekapyroproxy.SimpleJsonCommunicationProcessor
Converts the instance into a different format.
doCrop(Heatmap) - Method in class adams.data.filter.heatmapcrop.AbstractFilteredHeatmapCrop
Performs the actual filtering.
doCrop(Heatmap) - Method in class adams.data.filter.heatmapcrop.AbstractHeatmapCrop
Performs the actual cropping.
doCrop(Heatmap) - Method in class adams.data.filter.heatmapcrop.Dummy
Performs the actual cropping.
doCrop(Heatmap) - Method in class adams.data.filter.heatmapcrop.Rectangle
Performs the actual cropping.
doCrop(Heatmap) - Method in class adams.data.filter.heatmapcrop.Submap
Performs the actual cropping.
doCrop(Heatmap, Heatmap) - Method in class adams.data.filter.heatmapcrop.AbstractFilteredHeatmapCrop
Performs the actual cropping, using the pre-filtered heatmap to manipulate the original heatmap.
doCrop(Heatmap, Heatmap) - Method in class adams.data.filter.heatmapcrop.CropToCentroid
Performs the actual cropping, using the pre-filtered heatmap to manipulate the original heatmap.
documentClassOptionsTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.source.NewLatexDocument
Returns the tip text for this property.
documentClassTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.source.NewLatexDocument
Returns the tip text for this property.
documentRootTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.webserver.ResourceHandler
Returns the tip text for this property.
DocumentToSentences - Class in adams.flow.transformer
Splits document strings into sentences using the specified document to sentences splitter.
DocumentToSentences() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.DocumentToSentences
doEnqueue(StorageQueueHandler, Object, long) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.enqueue.AbstractEnqueueGuard
Enqueues the object if possible.
doEnqueue(StorageQueueHandler, Object, long) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.enqueue.MaxQueueSize
Enqueues the object if possible.
doEnqueue(StorageQueueHandler, Object, long) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.enqueue.PassThrough
Enqueues the object if possible.
doEvaluate(Actor, Token) - Method in class adams.flow.condition.bool.MOAClassification
Performs the actual evaluation.
doEvaluate(Actor, Token) - Method in class adams.flow.condition.bool.RandomNumberExpression
Evaluates the expression.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.control.ChangeRatState
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.control.ExecuteRats
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.AbstractMOAModelWriter
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.AnimatedGifFileWriter
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.AudioPlayback
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.FFmpeg
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.GnuplotScript
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.KeyPairFileWriter
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.MP3ToWave
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.RedisSink
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.RenjinFileWriter
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.RenjinSink
Executes the flow, including reading the input and returning R's output.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.RESTSink
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.RSink
Executes the flow, including reading the input and returning R's output.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.WSSink
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.source.AudioRecorder
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.source.KeyPairFileReader
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.source.KeyPairGenerator
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.source.ListWebcams
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.source.MekaClassifierSetup
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.source.MOAClassifierSetup
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.source.MOAClustererSetup
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.source.MOARegressorSetup
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.source.MOAStream
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.source.NewAudioAnnotations
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.source.NewHeatmap
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.source.NewLatexDocument
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.source.NewTrail
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.source.RedisSource
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.source.RenjinSource
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.source.RESTSource
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.source.RSource
Connects with Rserve and feeds it the script and returns the resulting data.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.source.SimpleDockerCommand
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.source.WebcamImage
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.source.WebcamInfo
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.source.WSSource
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.FFmpegConfig
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Gnuplot
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.KeyManager
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.LabRat
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.LatexSetup
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RatControl
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RatPlague
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rats
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RecordingSetup
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RedisConnection
Executes the actor.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RenjinContext
Connects to Rserve and feeds it the script.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RenjinStandalone
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RESTServer
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rserve
Connects to Rserve and feeds it the script.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RStandalone
Connects to Rserve and feeds it the script.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.SimpleDockerConnection
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.SSLContext
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.StartRecording
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.StopRecording
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.TrustManager
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.WebServer
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.WSServer
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AbstractMOAModelReader
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AbstractProcessMOAInstanceWithModel
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AddAudioAnnotation
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AddTrailBackground
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AddTrailStep
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.ArrayFolds
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.ArrayRandomize
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.ArraySubSample
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AudioData
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AudioInfo
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.CoNLLFileReader
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.DocumentToSentences
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.EditDistance
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.ExtractTrackedObject
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.GenerateWordCloud
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.GetKeyFromKeyPair
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.GetTrailBackground
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapArrayStatistic
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapFeatureGenerator
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapGetValue
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapInfo
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapLocateObjects
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapSetValue
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.HTMLFileReader
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.LatexAppendDocument
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.LatexCloseDocument
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.LatexCompile
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MekaClassSelector
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MekaCrossValidationEvaluator
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MekaPrepareData
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MekaResultSummary
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MekaResultValues
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MekaTrainClassifier
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MekaTrainTestSetEvaluator
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MjpegImageSequence
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAClassifierEvaluation
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAClustererEvaluation
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAFilter
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAInstanceDumper
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOALearningEvaluation
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAMeasurementPlotGenerator
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAMeasurementsFilter
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOARegressorEvaluation
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOATrainClassifier
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOATrainClusterer
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOATrainRegressor
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MovieImageSampler
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MovieImageSequence
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MovieInfo
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MultiHeatmapOperation
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RandomNumberGenerator
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RedisTransformer
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RenjinAddContext
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RenjinFileReader
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RenjinGetObject
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RenjinObjectInfo
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RenjinTransformer
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RESTTransformer
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RTransformer
Executes the flow, including reading the input and returning R's output.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.SimpleDockerCommand
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.StanfordGrammaticalStructure
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.StanfordLexicalizedParser
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.Stemmer
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.Tokenize
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.TrackObjects
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.TransformTrackedObject
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.TweeboParser
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.TweetNLPTagger
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.WaveFeatureGenerator
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.WaveFilter
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.WordFrequencyAnalyzer
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.WSTransformer
Executes the flow item.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.AbstractCurrentHeatmapFilter
Executes the plugin.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.AbstractHeatmapViewerPluginWithGOE
Executes the plugin.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.AbstractSelectedHeatmapsViewerPlugin
Executes the plugin.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.plugins.AbstractCurrentTrailFilter
Executes the plugin.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.plugins.AbstractSelectedTrailsViewerPlugin
Executes the plugin.
doExecute() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.plugins.AbstractTrailViewerPluginWithGOE
Executes the plugin.
doExecute(RedisConnection, MessageCollection) - Method in class adams.flow.source.redisaction.AbstractRedisAction
Performs the action.
doExecute(RedisConnection, MessageCollection) - Method in class adams.flow.source.redisaction.Get
Performs the action.
doExecute(RedisConnection, MessageCollection) - Method in class adams.flow.source.redisaction.Null
Performs the action.
doExecute(RedisConnection, Object) - Method in class adams.flow.sink.redisaction.AbstractRedisAction
Performs the action on the specified object.
doExecute(RedisConnection, Object) - Method in class adams.flow.sink.redisaction.Null
Performs the action on the specified object.
doExecute(RedisConnection, Object) - Method in class adams.flow.sink.redisaction.Publish
Performs the action on the specified object.
doExecute(RedisConnection, Object) - Method in class adams.flow.sink.redisaction.Set
Performs the action on the specified object.
doExecute(RedisConnection, Object, MessageCollection) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.redisaction.AbstractRedisAction
Performs the action.
doExecute(RedisConnection, Object, MessageCollection) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.redisaction.BroadcastAndListen
Performs the action.
doExecute(RedisConnection, Object, MessageCollection) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.redisaction.PassThrough
Performs the action.
doExport(Object, File) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.debug.objectexport.TrailExporter
Performs the actual export.
doExport(Object, File) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.debug.objectexporter.HeatmapExporter
Performs the actual export.
doFilter(Heatmap) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.AbstractCurrentHeatmapFilterWithGOE
Performs the actual filtering of the heatmap.
doFilter(Trail) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.plugins.AbstractCurrentTrailFilterWithGOE
Performs the actual filtering of the trail.
doGenerate() - Method in class adams.core.gnuplot.AbstractScriptlet
Generates the actual script code.
doGenerate() - Method in class adams.core.gnuplot.CustomScriptlet
Generates the actual script code.
doGenerate() - Method in class adams.core.gnuplot.Initialize
Generates the actual script code.
doGenerate() - Method in class adams.core.gnuplot.MultiScriptlet
Generates the actual script code.
doGenerate() - Method in class adams.core.gnuplot.Pause
Generates the actual script code.
doGenerate() - Method in class adams.core.gnuplot.SimplePlot
Generates the actual script code.
doGenerate() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.AbstractCodeGenerator
Generates the actual code.
doGenerate() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.BlockSize
Generates the actual code.
doGenerate() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.ClearPage
Generates the actual code.
doGenerate() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.CustomStatements
Generates the actual code.
doGenerate() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.Dummy
Generates the actual code.
doGenerate() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.Figure
Generates the actual code.
doGenerate() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.Image
Generates the actual code.
doGenerate() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.ImportContent
Generates the actual code.
doGenerate() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.Include
Generates the actual code.
doGenerate() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.Input
Generates the actual code.
doGenerate() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.ListOfFigures
Generates the actual code.
doGenerate() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.ListOfTables
Generates the actual code.
doGenerate() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.MiniPage
Generates the actual code.
doGenerate() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.MultiCol
Generates the actual code.
doGenerate() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.MultiGenerator
Generates the actual code.
doGenerate() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.NewPage
Generates the actual code.
doGenerate() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.NewSection
Generates the actual code.
doGenerate() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.Table
Generates the actual code.
doGenerate() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.TableOfContents
Generates the actual code.
doGenerate() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.Verbatim
Generates the actual code.
doGenerate() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.incoming.AbstractInInterceptorGenerator
Generates the actual interceptor for incoming messages.
doGenerate() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.incoming.BaseLoggingGenerator
Generates the actual interceptor for incoming messages.
doGenerate() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.incoming.EnqueueGenerator
Generates the actual interceptor for incoming messages.
doGenerate() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.incoming.LogFileGenerator
Generates the actual interceptor for incoming messages.
doGenerate() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.incoming.NullGenerator
Generates the actual interceptor for incoming messages.
doGenerate() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.outgoing.AbstractOutInterceptorGenerator
Generates the actual interceptor for outgoing messages.
doGenerate() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.outgoing.BaseLoggingGenerator
Generates the actual interceptor for incoming messages.
doGenerate() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.outgoing.EnqueueGenerator
Generates the actual interceptor for incoming messages.
doGenerate() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.outgoing.LogFileGenerator
Generates the actual interceptor for incoming messages.
doGenerate() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.outgoing.LogURLGenerator
Generates the actual interceptor for incoming messages.
doGenerate() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.outgoing.NullGenerator
Generates the actual interceptor for incoming messages.
doGenerate() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.generator.AbstractRatGenerator
Generates the actual setups.
doGenerate() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.generator.Dummy
Generates the actual setups.
doGenerate() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.generator.Scripted
Generates the actual setups.
doGenerate() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming.AbstractInInterceptorGenerator
Generates the actual interceptor for incoming messages.
doGenerate() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming.BaseLoggingGenerator
Generates the actual interceptor for incoming messages.
doGenerate() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming.EnqueueGenerator
Generates the actual interceptor for incoming messages.
doGenerate() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming.LogFileGenerator
Generates the actual interceptor for incoming messages.
doGenerate() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming.NullGenerator
Generates the actual interceptor for incoming messages.
doGenerate() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming.XMLLoggingGenerator
Generates the actual interceptor for incoming messages.
doGenerate() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.AbstractOutInterceptorGenerator
Generates the actual interceptor for outgoing messages.
doGenerate() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.BaseLoggingGenerator
Generates the actual interceptor for incoming messages.
doGenerate() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.EnqueueGenerator
Generates the actual interceptor for incoming messages.
doGenerate() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.LogFileGenerator
Generates the actual interceptor for incoming messages.
doGenerate() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.LogURLGenerator
Generates the actual interceptor for incoming messages.
doGenerate() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.NullGenerator
Generates the actual interceptor for incoming messages.
doGenerate() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.XMLLoggingGenerator
Generates the actual interceptor for incoming messages.
doHandle(String, Request, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.webserver.AbstractJettyHandler
Handles the actual request.
doHandle(String, Request, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.webserver.RunningFlowsHandler.CustomHandler
doHeatmapChanged(HeatmapPanel) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.selection.AbstractSelectionProcessor
Notifies the overlay that the heatmap has changed.
doImageChanged(ImagePanel.PaintPanel) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.Centroid
Notifies the overlay that the image has changed.
doImageChanged(ImagePanel.PaintPanel) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.HighestTemperature
Notifies the overlay that the image has changed.
doImageChanged(ImagePanel.PaintPanel) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.LowestTemperature
Notifies the overlay that the image has changed.
doImageChanged(ImagePanel.PaintPanel) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.Null
Notifies the overlay that the image has changed.
doImageChanged(ImagePanel.PaintPanel) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.TextOverlay
Notifies the overlay that the image has changed.
doImageChanged(ImagePanel.PaintPanel) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.image.QuadrilateralLocationsOverlayFromReport
Notifies the overlay that the image has changed.
doImageChanged(ImagePanel.PaintPanel) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.overlay.Null
Notifies the overlay that the image has changed.
doInitialize(PyroProxy, Instances) - Method in class adams.data.wekapyroproxy.AbstractCommunicationProcessor
Performs the initialization.
doInitialize(PyroProxy, Instances) - Method in class adams.data.wekapyroproxy.FusionJsonCommunicationProcessor
Performs the initialization.
doInitialize(PyroProxy, Instances) - Method in class adams.data.wekapyroproxy.NullCommunicationProcessor
Performs the initialization.
doInitialize(PyroProxy, Instances) - Method in class adams.data.wekapyroproxy.SimpleJsonCommunicationProcessor
Performs the initialization.
doInitializeFilters() - Method in class adams.gui.chooser.AudioAnnotationsFileChooser
Performs the actual initialization of the filters.
doInitializeFilters() - Method in class adams.gui.chooser.AudioFileChooser
Performs the actual initialization of the filters.
doInitializeFilters() - Method in class adams.gui.chooser.HeatmapFileChooser
Performs the actual initialization of the filters.
doInitializeFilters() - Method in class adams.gui.chooser.TrailFileChooser
Performs the actual initialization of the filters.
doInitTracking(AbstractImageContainer, List<QuadrilateralLocation>) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.AbstractBoofCVObjectTracker
Performs the actual initialization of the tracking.
doInitTracking(AbstractImageContainer, List<QuadrilateralLocation>) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.AbstractObjectTracker
Performs the actual initialization of the tracking.
doInitTracking(AbstractImageContainer, List<QuadrilateralLocation>) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.MultiObjectTracker
Performs the actual initialization of the tracking.
doInstall() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.object.annotator.DEXTRMarkers
Installs the annotator with the owner.
doInstall() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.object.annotator.SAMMarkers
Installs the annotator with the owner.
doInteract() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.KeyManager
Performs the interaction with the user.
doInteract() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RedisConnection
Performs the interaction with the user.
doInteract() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.TrustManager
Performs the interaction with the user.
doInteractHeadless() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.KeyManager
Performs the interaction with the user in a headless environment.
doInteractHeadless() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RedisConnection
Performs the interaction with the user in a headless environment.
doInteractHeadless() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.TrustManager
Performs the interaction with the user in a headless environment.
doLaunch(WindowBasedTextGUI) - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.AbstractJDKMenuItemDefinition
Performs the actual launch.
doLaunch(WindowBasedTextGUI) - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.JMap
Launches the functionality of the menu item.
DOLLAR - adams.data.conversion.EscapeLatexCharacters.Characters
doLog(String) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.AbstractHeatmapViewerPlugin
Performs the actual logging.
doLog(String) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.plugins.AbstractTrailViewerPlugin
Performs the actual logging.
doNext() - Method in class adams.data.random.AbstractCommonsRandomNumberGenerator
Returns the next random number.
doNext() - Method in class adams.data.random.Beta
Returns the next random number.
doNext() - Method in class adams.data.random.Cauchy
Returns the next random number.
doNext() - Method in class adams.data.random.ChiSquare
Returns the next random number.
doNext() - Method in class adams.data.random.Exponential
Returns the next random number.
doNext() - Method in class adams.data.random.JMathArrayInt
Returns the next random number.
doNext() - Method in class adams.data.random.LogNormal
Returns the next random number.
doNext() - Method in class adams.data.random.Normal
Returns the next random number.
doNext() - Method in class adams.data.random.Triangular
Returns the next random number.
doNext() - Method in class adams.data.random.Uniform
Returns the next random number.
doNext() - Method in class adams.data.random.Weibull
Returns the next random number.
doPaintOverlay(ImagePanel.PaintPanel, Graphics) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.AbstractPositionableHeatmapOverlay
Computes the actual coordinates before doing the actual painting.
doPaintOverlay(ImagePanel.PaintPanel, Graphics) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.AbstractPositionableHeatmapOverlayWithDimensions
Computes the actual coordinates before doing the actual painting.
doPaintOverlay(ImagePanel.PaintPanel, Graphics) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.Centroid
Paints the overlay over the image.
doPaintOverlay(ImagePanel.PaintPanel, Graphics) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.HighestTemperature
Paints the overlay over the image.
doPaintOverlay(ImagePanel.PaintPanel, Graphics) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.LowestTemperature
Paints the overlay over the image.
doPaintOverlay(ImagePanel.PaintPanel, Graphics) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.Null
Paints the overlay over the image.
doPaintOverlay(ImagePanel.PaintPanel, Graphics) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.image.QuadrilateralLocationsOverlayFromReport
Performs the actual painting of the overlay.
doPaintOverlay(ImagePanel.PaintPanel, Graphics) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.overlay.Null
Paints the overlay over the image.
doPaintOverlay(ImagePanel.PaintPanel, Graphics, int, int) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.AbstractPositionableHeatmapOverlay
Performs the actual painting.
doPaintOverlay(ImagePanel.PaintPanel, Graphics, int, int) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.AbstractPositionableHeatmapOverlayWithDimensions
Performs the actual painting.
doPaintOverlay(ImagePanel.PaintPanel, Graphics, int, int) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.TextOverlay
Performs the actual painting.
doPaintSelection(Graphics) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.object.annotator.DEXTRMarkers
Paints the markers.
doPaintSelection(Graphics) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.object.annotator.SAMMarkers
Paints the markers.
doParsePrediction(PyroProxy, Object) - Method in class adams.data.wekapyroproxy.AbstractCommunicationProcessor
Parses the prediction.
doParsePrediction(PyroProxy, Object) - Method in class adams.data.wekapyroproxy.FusionJsonCommunicationProcessor
Parses the prediction.
doParsePrediction(PyroProxy, Object) - Method in class adams.data.wekapyroproxy.NullCommunicationProcessor
Parses the prediction.
doParsePrediction(PyroProxy, Object) - Method in class adams.data.wekapyroproxy.SimpleJsonCommunicationProcessor
Parses the prediction.
doParsePredictions(PyroProxy, Object) - Method in class adams.data.wekapyroproxy.AbstractCommunicationProcessor
Parses the predictions.
doParsePredictions(PyroProxy, Object) - Method in class adams.data.wekapyroproxy.FusionJsonCommunicationProcessor
Parses the predictions.
doParsePredictions(PyroProxy, Object) - Method in class adams.data.wekapyroproxy.NullCommunicationProcessor
Parses the predictions.
doParsePredictions(PyroProxy, Object) - Method in class adams.data.wekapyroproxy.SimpleJsonCommunicationProcessor
Parses the predictions.
doPostProcess(Object) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.webservice.NullPostProcessor
Does nothing.
doPostProcess(T) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.webservice.AbstractWebserviceResponseDataPostProcessor
For post-processing the response data.
doProcess(Heatmap[], MessageCollection) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.multiheatmapoperation.AbstractMultiHeatmapOperation
Performs the actual processing of the heatmaps.
doProcess(Heatmap[], MessageCollection) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.multiheatmapoperation.Add
Performs the actual processing of the heatmaps.
doProcess(Heatmap[], MessageCollection) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.multiheatmapoperation.AddConstant
Performs the actual processing of the heatmaps.
doProcess(Heatmap[], MessageCollection) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.multiheatmapoperation.PassThrough
Performs the actual processing of the heatmaps.
doProcess(Heatmap[], MessageCollection) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.multiheatmapoperation.Subtract
Performs the actual processing of the heatmaps.
doProcess(Object, MessageCollection) - Method in class adams.flow.rest.flow.AbstractCallablePipeline
Processes the incoming data.
doProcess(Object, MessageCollection) - Method in class adams.flow.rest.flow.AbstractCallableTransformer
Processes the incoming data.
doProcessSelection(HeatmapPanel, Point, Point, int) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.selection.AbstractSelectionProcessor
Process the selection that occurred in the heatmap panel.
doProcessSelection(HeatmapPanel, Point, Point, int) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.selection.Crop
Process the selection that occurred in the heatmap panel.
doProcessSelection(HeatmapPanel, Point, Point, int) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.selection.NullProcessor
Does nothing.
doProcessSelection(ImagePanel, Point, Point, List<Point>, int) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.image.selection.SelectMultipleObjectsToTrack
Process the selection that occurred in the image panel.
doProcessSelection(ImagePanel, Point, Point, List<Point>, int) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.image.selection.SelectObjectToTrack
Process the selection that occurred in the image panel.
doPublish(LogRecord) - Method in class adams.terminal.Main.LogHandler
Publish a LogRecord.
doQuery() - Method in class adams.flow.core.AbstractRESTClient
Queries the webservice.
doQuery() - Method in class adams.flow.core.AbstractWSClient
Queries the webservice.
doQuery() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientSink
Performs the actual webservice query.
doQuery() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientSource
Performs the actual webservice query.
doQuery() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientTransformer
Performs the actual webservice query.
doQuery() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.echo.EchoClientSink
Performs the actual webservice query.
doQuery() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.echo.EchoClientSource
Performs the actual webservice query.
doQuery() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.echo.EchoClientTransformer
Performs the actual webservice query.
doQuery() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientSink
Performs the actual webservice query.
doQuery() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientSource
Performs the actual webservice query.
doQuery() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientTransformer
Performs the actual webservice query.
doQuery() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.blob.Upload
Performs the actual webservice query.
doQuery() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.text.Upload
Performs the actual webservice query.
doQuery() - Method in class com.example.customerservice.flow.CustomersByName
Queries the webservice.
doQuery() - Method in class com.example.customerservice.flow.CustomersByNameCallableTransformer
Queries the webservice.
doQuery() - Method in class com.example.customerservice.flow.UpdateCustomer
Queries the webservice.
doRead(File) - Method in class adams.data.io.input.ArcInfoASCIIGridReader
Performs the actual reading.
doRead(File) - Method in class adams.data.io.input.GnuplotSpreadSheetReader
Performs the actual reading.
doRead(Object) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.audiodata.AbstractAudioDataReader
Reads the data from the input.
doRead(Object) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.audiodata.Wave
Reads the data from the input.
doRead(Object) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.audioinfo.AbstractAudioInfoReader
Reads the info from the input.
doRead(Object) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.audioinfo.MP3
Reads the info from the input.
doRead(Object) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.audioinfo.Wave
Reads the info from the input.
doReceive() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.AbstractMetaRatInput
Performs the actual reception of data.
doReceive() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.AbstractRatInput
Performs the actual reception of data.
doReceive() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.DeQueue
Performs the actual reception of data.
doReceive() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.DirWatch
Performs the actual reception of data.
doReceive() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.DummyCronInput
Performs the actual reception of data.
doReceive() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.DummyInput
Performs the actual reception of data.
doReceive() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Exec
Performs the actual reception of data.
doReceive() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.FileLister
Performs the actual reception of data.
doReceive() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.RedisAction
Performs the actual reception of data.
doReceive() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.RedisSubscribe
Performs the actual reception of data.
doReceive() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.RESTTextReception
Performs the actual reception of data.
doReceive() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Socket
Performs the actual reception of data.
doReceive() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Storage
Performs the actual reception of data.
doReceive() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.StringToken
Performs the actual reception of data.
doReceive() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Subscribe
Performs the actual reception of data.
doReceive() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Variable
Performs the actual reception of data.
doReceive() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.WebserviceInput
Performs the actual reception of data.
doReceive() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.WSBlobReception
Performs the actual reception of data.
doReceive() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.WSTextReception
Performs the actual reception of data.
doRecord() - Method in class adams.flow.source.audiorecorder.AbstractAudioRecorder
Records the audio.
doRecord() - Method in class adams.flow.source.audiorecorder.AbstractFileBasedAudioRecorder
Records the audio.
doRecordTo(PlaceholderFile) - Method in class adams.flow.source.audiorecorder.AbstractFileBasedAudioRecorder
Records the audio.
doRecordTo(PlaceholderFile) - Method in class adams.flow.source.audiorecorder.FixedDuration
Records the audio.
doRecordTo(PlaceholderFile) - Method in class adams.flow.source.audiorecorder.OnDemand
Records the audio.
doRegister() - Method in class adams.gui.goe.MekaEditorsRegistration
Performs the registration of the editors.
doRender(Object, JPanel, Integer) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.debug.objectrenderer.HeatmapRenderer
Performs the actual rendering.
doRender(Object, JPanel, Integer) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.debug.objectrenderer.TrailRenderer
Performs the actual rendering.
doRenderCached(Object, JPanel, Integer) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.debug.objectrenderer.HeatmapRenderer
Performs the actual rendering.
doRenderCached(Object, JPanel, Integer) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.debug.objectrenderer.TrailRenderer
Performs the actual rendering.
doRun() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.RatRunnable
Performs the actual execution.
doRun(WindowBasedTextGUI) - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.About
Actual execution.
doRun(WindowBasedTextGUI) - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.AbstractJDKMenuItemDefinition
Actual execution.
doRun(WindowBasedTextGUI) - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.AbstractMenuItemDefinition
Actual execution.
doRun(WindowBasedTextGUI) - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.AbstractURLMenuItemDefinition
Actual execution.
doRun(WindowBasedTextGUI) - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.FlowEditor
Actual execution.
doRun(WindowBasedTextGUI) - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.FlowRunner
Actual execution.
doRun(WindowBasedTextGUI) - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.GarbageCollector
Actual execution.
doRun(WindowBasedTextGUI) - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.Modules
Actual execution.
doRun(WindowBasedTextGUI) - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.ProgramExit
Actual execution.
doRun(WindowBasedTextGUI) - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.AbstractRemoteCommandAction
Actual execution.
doRun(WindowBasedTextGUI) - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.AbstractRemoteCommandActionWithGUI
Actual execution.
doRun(WindowBasedTextGUI) - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.StartListening
Actual execution.
doRun(WindowBasedTextGUI) - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.StopListening
Actual execution.
doRun(WindowBasedTextGUI) - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.RemoteCommands
Actual execution.
doRun(WindowBasedTextGUI) - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.SystemInfo
Actual execution.
doSample(File) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler.AbstractMovieImageSampler
Samples images from a movie file.
doSample(File) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler.FixedIntervalBufferedImageSampler
Samples images from a movie file.
doSample(File) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler.FixedIntervalBufferedImageSamplerVlcj
Samples images from a movie file.
doSample(File) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler.SingleTimestampMovieSampler
Samples images from a movie file.
doSample(File) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler.TimestampMovieSampler
Samples images from a movie file.
doSplit(String) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.splitter.AbstractDocumentToSentences
Performs the actual splitting.
doSplit(String) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.splitter.StanfordPTBTokenizer
Performs the actual splitting.
doStart() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTProvider
Performs the actual start of the service.
doStart() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.echo.EchoServer
Performs the actual start of the service.
doStart() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.GenericServer
Performs the actual start of the service.
doStart() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.GroovyServer
Performs the actual start of the service.
doStart() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceProvider
Performs the actual start of the service.
doStart() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.blob.RatsBlobServiceWS
Performs the actual start of the service.
doStart() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.text.RatsTextServiceWS
Performs the actual start of the service.
doStart() - Method in class com.example.customerservice.flow.CustomerServiceWS
Performs the actual start of the service.
doStop() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTProvider
Performs the actual stop of the service.
doStop() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceProvider
Performs the actual stop of the service.
doStop() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.blob.RatsBlobServiceWS
Performs the actual stop of the service.
doStop() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.text.RatsTextServiceWS
Performs the actual stop of the service.
doStop() - Method in class com.example.customerservice.flow.CustomerServiceWS
Performs the actual stop of the service.
doTokenize(String) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.tokenizer.AbstractTokenizer
Performs the actual tokenization.
doTokenize(String) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.tokenizer.StanfordPTBTokenizer
Performs the actual tokenization.
doTokenize(String) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.tokenizer.Twokenize
Performs the actual tokenization.
doTokenize(String) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.tokenizer.WekaTokenizer
Performs the actual tokenization.
doTrackObjects(AbstractImageContainer) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.AbstractBoofCVObjectTracker
Performs the actual tracking of the object.
doTrackObjects(AbstractImageContainer) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.AbstractObjectTracker
Performs the actual tracking of the object.
doTrackObjects(AbstractImageContainer) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.MultiObjectTracker
Performs the actual tracking of the object.
doTransmit() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.AbstractMetaRatOutput
Performs the actual reception of data.
doTransmit() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.AbstractRatOutput
Performs the actual transmission.
doTransmit() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.BinaryFileWriter
Performs the actual transmission.
doTransmit() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.Branch
Performs the actual transmission.
doTransmit() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.CallableActor
Performs the actual transmission.
doTransmit() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.DistributedEnQueue
Performs the actual transmission.
doTransmit() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.DummyOutput
Performs the actual transmission.
doTransmit() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.EnQueue
Performs the actual transmission.
doTransmit() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.Exec
Performs the actual transmission.
doTransmit() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.FileMover
Performs the actual transmission.
doTransmit() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.FtpUpload
Performs the actual transmission.
doTransmit() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.Publish
Performs the actual transmission.
doTransmit() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.QueueDistribute
Performs the actual transmission.
doTransmit() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.RedisAction
Performs the actual transmission.
doTransmit() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.RedisPublish
Performs the actual transmission.
doTransmit() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.SendEmail
Performs the actual transmission.
doTransmit() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.Serialize
Performs the actual transmission.
doTransmit() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.Socket
Performs the actual transmission.
doTransmit() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.Switch
Performs the actual transmission.
doTransmit() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.TextWriter
Performs the actual transmission.
doTransmit() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.WebserviceOutput
Performs the actual transmission.
doTransmit() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.WebsocketOutput
Performs the actual transmission.
DOTS - adams.core.gnuplot.SimplePlot.PlotType
Double - adams.core.RDataType
DoubleArray - adams.core.RDataType
DoubleMatrix - adams.core.RDataType
doUninstall() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.object.annotator.DEXTRMarkers
Uninstalls the annotator with the owner.
doUninstall() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.object.annotator.SAMMarkers
Uninstalls the annotator with the owner.
doWait(int) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.AbstractRatInput
A simple waiting method.
doWait(int) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.AbstractRatOutput
A simple waiting method.
doWrite(SpreadSheet[], Writer) - Method in class adams.data.io.output.LatexSpreadSheetWriter
Performs the actual writing.
doWrite(SpreadSheet, Writer) - Method in class adams.data.io.output.GnuplotSpreadSheetWriter
Performs the actual writing.
drawClusterings(List<DataPoint>) - Method in class adams.flow.sink.MOAClusterVisualization
Draws the clusterings.
drawClusteringTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.MOAClusterVisualization
Returns the tip text for this property.
drawGroundTruthTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.MOAClusterVisualization
Returns the tip text for this property.
drawMicroClusteringTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.MOAClusterVisualization
Returns the tip text for this property.
drawPointsTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.MOAClusterVisualization
Returns the tip text for this property.
Dummy - Class in adams.data.filter.heatmapcrop
Dummy crop algorithm, performs no cropping at all.
Dummy - Class in adams.doc.latex.generator
Dummy, generates no output.
Dummy - Class in adams.flow.standalone.rats.generator
Generates a dummy Rat setup.
Dummy() - Constructor for class adams.data.filter.heatmapcrop.Dummy
Dummy() - Constructor for class adams.doc.latex.generator.Dummy
Dummy() - Constructor for class adams.flow.standalone.rats.generator.Dummy
DummyCronInput - Class in adams.flow.standalone.rats.input
To be used in conjunction with a 'Cron' rat input.
DummyCronInput() - Constructor for class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.DummyCronInput
DummyInput - Class in adams.flow.standalone.rats.input
Dummy input receiver, does nothing.
DummyInput() - Constructor for class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.DummyInput
DummyOutput - Class in adams.flow.standalone.rats.output
Dummy transmitter, does nothing.
DummyOutput() - Constructor for class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.DummyOutput
durationTipText() - Method in class adams.data.wavefilter.Cut
Returns the tip text for this property.
durationTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.source.audiorecorder.FixedDuration
Returns the tip text for this property.


Echo - Class in adams.flow.rest.echo
Simple echo of the input.

Based on code from here:

Echo() - Constructor for class adams.flow.rest.echo.Echo
EchoClientSink - Class in adams.flow.rest.echo
Sink client for Echo REST service.
EchoClientSink() - Constructor for class adams.flow.rest.echo.EchoClientSink
EchoClientSource - Class in adams.flow.rest.echo
Source client for Echo REST service.
EchoClientSource() - Constructor for class adams.flow.rest.echo.EchoClientSource
EchoClientTransformer - Class in adams.flow.rest.echo
Transformer client for Echo REST service.
EchoClientTransformer() - Constructor for class adams.flow.rest.echo.EchoClientTransformer
EchoServer - Class in adams.flow.rest.echo
Only offers: adams.flow.rest.echo.Echo

REST Method 'ping'
- Path: @javax.ws.rs.Path(value=/echo/{input})
- Produces: @javax.ws.rs.Produces(value=[text/plain])
- Method(s): GET

EchoServer() - Constructor for class adams.flow.rest.echo.EchoServer
EditBindingDialog - Class in adams.gui.tools.audioannotator
Dialog for editing an individual key binding
EditBindingDialog - Class in adams.gui.visualization.annotator
Dialog for editing an individual key binding
EditBindingDialog(Dialog) - Constructor for class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.EditBindingDialog
Creates a modeless dialog without a title with the specified Dialog as its owner.
EditBindingDialog(Dialog) - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.EditBindingDialog
Creates a modeless dialog without a title with the specified Dialog as its owner.
EditBindingDialog(Dialog, Dialog.ModalityType) - Constructor for class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.EditBindingDialog
Creates a dialog with the specified owner Dialog and modality.
EditBindingDialog(Dialog, Dialog.ModalityType) - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.EditBindingDialog
Creates a dialog with the specified owner Dialog and modality.
EditBindingDialog(Dialog, String) - Constructor for class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.EditBindingDialog
Creates a modeless dialog with the specified title and with the specified owner dialog.
EditBindingDialog(Dialog, String) - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.EditBindingDialog
Creates a modeless dialog with the specified title and with the specified owner dialog.
EditBindingDialog(Dialog, String, Dialog.ModalityType) - Constructor for class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.EditBindingDialog
Creates a dialog with the specified title, modality and the specified owner Dialog.
EditBindingDialog(Dialog, String, Dialog.ModalityType) - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.EditBindingDialog
Creates a dialog with the specified title, modality and the specified owner Dialog.
EditBindingDialog(Frame) - Constructor for class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.EditBindingDialog
Creates a modeless dialog without a title with the specified Frame as its owner.
EditBindingDialog(Frame) - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.EditBindingDialog
Creates a modeless dialog without a title with the specified Frame as its owner.
EditBindingDialog(Frame, boolean) - Constructor for class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.EditBindingDialog
Creates a dialog with the specified owner Frame, modality and an empty title.
EditBindingDialog(Frame, boolean) - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.EditBindingDialog
Creates a dialog with the specified owner Frame, modality and an empty title.
EditBindingDialog(Frame, String) - Constructor for class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.EditBindingDialog
Creates a modeless dialog with the specified title and with the specified owner frame.
EditBindingDialog(Frame, String) - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.EditBindingDialog
Creates a modeless dialog with the specified title and with the specified owner frame.
EditBindingDialog(Frame, String, boolean) - Constructor for class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.EditBindingDialog
Creates a dialog with the specified owner Frame, modality and title.
EditBindingDialog(Frame, String, boolean) - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.EditBindingDialog
Creates a dialog with the specified owner Frame, modality and title.
editBindings() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.AudioAnnotatorPanel
Pops up dialog for editing bindings
editBindings() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.AnnotatorPanel
Pops up dialog for editing bindings
EditBindingsDialog - Class in adams.gui.tools.audioannotator
A dialog for editing key bindings
EditBindingsDialog - Class in adams.gui.visualization.annotator
A dialog for editing key bindings
EditBindingsDialog(Dialog) - Constructor for class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.EditBindingsDialog
Creates a modeless dialog without a title with the specified Dialog as its owner.
EditBindingsDialog(Dialog) - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.EditBindingsDialog
Creates a modeless dialog without a title with the specified Dialog as its owner.
EditBindingsDialog(Dialog, Dialog.ModalityType) - Constructor for class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.EditBindingsDialog
Creates a dialog with the specified owner Dialog and modality.
EditBindingsDialog(Dialog, Dialog.ModalityType) - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.EditBindingsDialog
Creates a dialog with the specified owner Dialog and modality.
EditBindingsDialog(Dialog, String) - Constructor for class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.EditBindingsDialog
Creates a modeless dialog with the specified title and with the specified owner dialog.
EditBindingsDialog(Dialog, String) - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.EditBindingsDialog
Creates a modeless dialog with the specified title and with the specified owner dialog.
EditBindingsDialog(Dialog, String, Dialog.ModalityType) - Constructor for class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.EditBindingsDialog
Creates a dialog with the specified title, modality and the specified owner Dialog.
EditBindingsDialog(Dialog, String, Dialog.ModalityType) - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.EditBindingsDialog
Creates a dialog with the specified title, modality and the specified owner Dialog.
EditBindingsDialog(Frame) - Constructor for class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.EditBindingsDialog
Creates a modeless dialog without a title with the specified Frame as its owner.
EditBindingsDialog(Frame) - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.EditBindingsDialog
Creates a modeless dialog without a title with the specified Frame as its owner.
EditBindingsDialog(Frame, boolean) - Constructor for class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.EditBindingsDialog
Creates a dialog with the specified owner Frame, modality and an empty title.
EditBindingsDialog(Frame, boolean) - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.EditBindingsDialog
Creates a dialog with the specified owner Frame, modality and an empty title.
EditBindingsDialog(Frame, String) - Constructor for class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.EditBindingsDialog
Creates a modeless dialog with the specified title and with the specified owner frame.
EditBindingsDialog(Frame, String) - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.EditBindingsDialog
Creates a modeless dialog with the specified title and with the specified owner frame.
EditBindingsDialog(Frame, String, boolean) - Constructor for class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.EditBindingsDialog
Creates a dialog with the specified owner Frame, modality and title.
EditBindingsDialog(Frame, String, boolean) - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.EditBindingsDialog
Creates a dialog with the specified owner Frame, modality and title.
EditDistance - Class in adams.flow.transformer
Computes the edit distance between the supplied base string and the one passing through, outputting the distance.
If a string array of length two is passing through, the 1st element is considered the base string instead and the distance computed to the 2nd element.
EditDistance() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.EditDistance
edu.cornell.lassp.houle.RngPack - package edu.cornell.lassp.houle.RngPack
EMERGENCY_STOP - Static variable in class adams.flow.transformer.LatexCompile
emergency stop text in log.
enabledTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.incoming.AbstractInInterceptorGenerator
Returns the tip text for this property.
enabledTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.outgoing.AbstractOutInterceptorGenerator
Returns the tip text for this property.
enabledTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming.AbstractInInterceptorGenerator
Returns the tip text for this property.
enabledTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.AbstractOutInterceptorGenerator
Returns the tip text for this property.
enableSchemaValidation(BindingProvider) - Static method in class adams.flow.webservice.WebserviceUtils
Enables the schema validation.
encoderTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.ffmpeg.ConvertAudio
Returns the tip text for this property.
encodingTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.RenjinSink
Returns the tip text for this property.
encodingTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.RSink
Returns the tip text for this property.
encodingTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.source.RenjinSource
Returns the tip text for this property.
encodingTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.source.RSource
Returns the tip text for this property.
encodingTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Socket
Returns the tip text for this property.
encodingTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.Socket
Returns the tip text for this property.
encodingTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RenjinStandalone
Returns the tip text for this property.
encodingTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RStandalone
Returns the tip text for this property.
encodingTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RenjinTransformer
Returns the tip text for this property.
encodingTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RTransformer
Returns the tip text for this property.
encodingTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.WordFrequencyAnalyzer
Returns the tip text for this property.
endTipText() - Method in class adams.data.filter.AudioAnnotationsWindow
Returns the tip text for this property.
endTipText() - Method in class adams.data.filter.TrailWindow
Returns the tip text for this property.
enqueue(StorageQueueHandler, Object) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.enqueue.AbstractEnqueueGuard
Enqueues the object if possible.
enqueue(StorageQueueHandler, Object, long) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.enqueue.AbstractEnqueueGuard
Enqueues the object if possible.
Enqueue - Class in adams.flow.rest.interceptor.incoming
Enqueues a token in the specified queue whenever an incoming message is received.
Enqueue - Class in adams.flow.rest.interceptor.outgoing
Enqueues a token in the specified queue whenever an outgoing message is intercepted.
Enqueue - Class in adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming
Enqueues a token in the specified queue whenever an incoming message is received.
Enqueue - Class in adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing
Enqueues a token in the specified queue whenever an outgoing message is intercepted.
Enqueue() - Constructor for class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.incoming.Enqueue
Initializes the interceptor.
Enqueue() - Constructor for class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.outgoing.Enqueue
Initializes the interceptor.
Enqueue() - Constructor for class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming.Enqueue
Initializes the interceptor.
Enqueue() - Constructor for class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.Enqueue
Initializes the interceptor.
EnQueue - Class in adams.flow.standalone.rats.output
Enqueues the incoming data in the specified queue in internal storage.
EnQueue() - Constructor for class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.EnQueue
EnqueueGenerator - Class in adams.flow.rest.interceptor.incoming
Generator for Enqueue.
EnqueueGenerator - Class in adams.flow.rest.interceptor.outgoing
Generator for Enqueue.
EnqueueGenerator - Class in adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming
Generator for Enqueue.
EnqueueGenerator - Class in adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing
Generator for Enqueue.
EnqueueGenerator() - Constructor for class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.incoming.EnqueueGenerator
EnqueueGenerator() - Constructor for class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.outgoing.EnqueueGenerator
EnqueueGenerator() - Constructor for class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming.EnqueueGenerator
EnqueueGenerator() - Constructor for class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.EnqueueGenerator
enqueueMessageTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.incoming.EnqueueGenerator
Returns the tip text for this property.
enqueueMessageTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.outgoing.EnqueueGenerator
Returns the tip text for this property.
enqueueMessageTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming.EnqueueGenerator
Returns the tip text for this property.
enqueueMessageTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.EnqueueGenerator
Returns the tip text for this property.
ensureTrailingNewLine(String) - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.AbstractCodeGenerator
Ensures that a trailing newline is present.
ensureTrailingNewLine(StringBuilder) - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.AbstractCodeGenerator
Ensures that a trailing newline is present.
enterMultiLineValue(String) - Method in class adams.core.io.console.Lanterna
Lets the user enter a multi-line value.
enterMultipleValues(String) - Method in class adams.core.io.console.Lanterna
Lets the user enter multiple values.
enterPassword(String) - Method in class adams.core.io.console.Lanterna
Lets the user enter a password.
enterPlaybackSpeed() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.VLCjDirectRenderPanel
Updates the playback speed with the user entered value.
enterValue(String) - Method in class adams.core.io.console.Lanterna
Lets the user enter a value.
enterValue(String, String) - Method in class adams.core.io.console.Lanterna
Lets the user enter a value.
environmentClass - Variable in class adams.flow.maven.AbstractJavaGeneratorMojo
The ADAMS environment class to use.
EnvironmentWithNoTrailingSpace - Interface in adams.doc.latex.generator
Interface for code generators that can append a "%" to avoid a trailing space.
envVarsTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Exec
Returns the tip text for this property.
envVarsTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.Exec
Returns the tip text for this property.
equalAttributes(Attribute, Attribute) - Static method in class adams.core.MOAHelper
Checks to see if both attributes are the same.
equalHeaders(Instances, Instances) - Static method in class adams.core.MOAHelper
Checks to see if the headers for two instances are equal.
equals(Object) - Method in class adams.core.RObjectPath
Checks whether the provided object is the same as this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class adams.data.audioannotations.AudioAnnotation
Checks whether the provided object is a Step with the same timestamp and X/Y.
equals(Object) - Method in class adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator.AbstractAudioFeatureGenerator
Returns whether the two objects are the same.
equals(Object) - Method in class adams.data.featuregenerator.AbstractFeatureGenerator
Returns whether the two objects are the same.
equals(Object) - Method in class adams.data.gps.AbstractGPS
Returns whether the two objects are the same.
equals(Object) - Method in class adams.data.gps.Coordinate
Returns whether the two objects are the same.
equals(Object) - Method in class adams.data.heatmap.Heatmap
Checks whether the specified object has the same content as this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.AbstractHeatmapFeatureGenerator
Returns whether the two objects are the same.
equals(Object) - Method in class adams.data.trail.Step
Checks whether the provided object is a Step with the same timestamp and X/Y.
equals(Object) - Method in class adams.docker.DockerContainer
Checks whether the objects are equal.
equals(Object) - Method in class adams.docker.DockerImage
Checks whether the objects are equal.
equals(Object) - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.AbstractMenuItemDefinition
Checks whether the obj is the same definition (using category/title).
equals(Object) - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.AbstractRemoteCommandAction
Checks whether the obj is the same definition (using category/title).
equalsData(Object) - Method in class adams.data.heatmap.Heatmap
Indicates whether some other container's header is "equal to" this ones.
equalsHeader(Object) - Method in class adams.data.heatmap.Heatmap
Indicates whether some other chromatogram's header is "equal to" this ones.
ERRORBARS - adams.core.gnuplot.SimplePlot.PlotType
ErrorContainer - Class in adams.flow.container
Container to send in case of errors.
ErrorContainer() - Constructor for class adams.flow.container.ErrorContainer
Initializes the container.
ErrorContainer(Object, String, String) - Constructor for class adams.flow.container.ErrorContainer
Initializes the container.
errorKeyTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.log.LogEntryGenerator
Returns the tip text for this property.
errorKeyTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.log.SimpleStringGenerator
Returns the tip text for this property.
ERRORLINES - adams.core.gnuplot.SimplePlot.PlotType
escape(String) - Method in class adams.data.io.output.LatexSpreadSheetWriter
Turns the string into LaTeX-compliant text.
escape(String) - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.AbstractCodeGenerator
Escapes all characters.
EscapeLatexCharacters - Class in adams.data.conversion
Turns the selected characters into their LaTeX representation.
EscapeLatexCharacters() - Constructor for class adams.data.conversion.EscapeLatexCharacters
EscapeLatexCharacters.Characters - Enum in adams.data.conversion
The characters to escape.
escapeTipText() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.ImportContent
Returns the tip text for this property.
estimatedRemainingInstances() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAFilter.FixedInstanceStream
evaluateClustering(Clustering, Clustering, ArrayList<DataPoint>, boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.sink.MOAClusterVisualization
Evaluates the clustering.
evaluatorTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAClassifierEvaluation
Returns the tip text for this property.
evaluatorTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOARegressorEvaluation
Returns the tip text for this property.
EVENT_MUTE - Static variable in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.VLCjDirectRenderPanel
EVENT_PAUSE - Static variable in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.VLCjDirectRenderPanel
EVENT_PLAY - Static variable in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.VLCjDirectRenderPanel
EVENT_STOP - Static variable in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.VLCjDirectRenderPanel
EventQueue - Class in adams.gui.tools.audioannotator
A queue that ensures that events are added to the annotations one at a time.
EventQueue - Class in adams.gui.visualization.annotator
A queue that ensures that events are added to the trail one at a time.
EventQueue() - Constructor for class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.EventQueue
Constructs a queue that adds steps to a annotations.
EventQueue() - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.EventQueue
Constructs a queue that adds steps to a trail.
eventsTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.DirWatch
Returns the tip text for this property.
Exec - Class in adams.flow.standalone.rats.input
Executes a command and forwards either output from stdout or stderr.
Exec - Class in adams.flow.standalone.rats.output
Executes the specified command when the rat finishes execution.
Ignores any input.
Exec() - Constructor for class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Exec
Exec() - Constructor for class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.Exec
ExecContainer - Class in adams.docker.simpledocker
Performs the 'docker container exec' command in either blocking or async fashion.
ExecContainer() - Constructor for class adams.docker.simpledocker.ExecContainer
EXECUTABLE - Static variable in class adams.doc.latex.LatexHelper
the executable.
EXECUTABLE_OPTIONS - Static variable in class adams.doc.latex.LatexHelper
the executable options.
executableOptionsTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.LatexSetup
Returns the tip text for this property.
executablePath() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.LatexSetup
Returns the full path of the executable.
executablePath(String) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.LatexSetup
Returns the full path of the executable.
executableTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.control.Keytool
Returns the tip text for this property.
executableTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.FFmpegConfig
Returns the tip text for this property.
executableTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.LatexSetup
Returns the tip text for this property.
execute() - Method in class adams.flow.maven.AbstractAdamsMojo
execute() - Method in class adams.flow.maven.HelpMojo
execute() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.ffmpeg.AbstractFFmpegPlugin
Performs the ffmpeg execution.
execute(RedisConnection, MessageCollection) - Method in class adams.flow.source.redisaction.AbstractRedisAction
Performs the action on the specified object.
execute(RedisConnection, Object) - Method in class adams.flow.sink.redisaction.AbstractRedisAction
Performs the action on the specified object.
execute(RedisConnection, Object, MessageCollection) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.redisaction.AbstractRedisAction
Performs the action on the specified object.
execute(List<String>) - Method in class adams.flow.maven.ClassListerMojo
Executes the command.
execute(JobExecutionContext) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Cron.CronJob
Gets executed when the cron event gets triggered.
executeCommand() - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.RemoteFlowCommands
Executes the current command on the specified flow.
ExecuteRats - Class in adams.flow.control
Executes the specified Rat actors sequentially when a token passes through.
The Rat actors need to be in MANUAL mode.
ExecuteRats() - Constructor for class adams.flow.control.ExecuteRats
EXISTING_DIRECTORY - Static variable in class adams.flow.maven.shared.FileSystemUtilities
FileFilter which accepts Files that exist and for which File.isDirectory() is true.
EXISTING_FILE - Static variable in class adams.flow.maven.shared.FileSystemUtilities
FileFilter which accepts Files that exist and for which File.isFile() is true.
exists(DockerContainer) - Method in class adams.gui.tools.DockerContainersPanel
Checks whether the object already exists.
exists(DockerImage) - Method in class adams.gui.tools.DockerImagesPanel
Checks whether the object already exists.
expand(String) - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.AbstractCodeGenerator
Expands the variables in the string, unless it is skipped.
expandEscape(String) - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.AbstractCodeGenerator
Expands and then escapes the string.
expandTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.StanfordParseTreeDisplay
Returns the tip text for this property.
exponential(double) - Method in class adams.data.random.Random
Generate a random number from an exponantial random variable (Mean = 1/lambda, variance = 1/lambda^2).
Exponential - Class in adams.data.random
Generates random numbers from an Exponential random variable (Mean = 1/lambda, variance = 1/lambda^2).
Exponential() - Constructor for class adams.data.random.Exponential
export() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.AudioAnnotatorPanel
Exports the current trail to a spreadsheet file that the user selects.
export() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.AnnotatorPanel
Exports the current trail to a spreadsheet file that the user selects.
expressionTipText() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.HeatmapToBufferedImageExpression
Returns the tip text for this property.
expressionTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.condition.bool.RandomNumberExpression
Returns the tip text for this property.
extentTipText() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.object.annotator.DEXTRMarkers
Returns the tip text for this property.
extentTipText() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.object.annotator.SAMMarkers
Returns the tip text for this property.
extract(AbstractImageContainer, QuadrilateralLocation) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.ExtractTrackedObject
Extracts the tracked image.
extractBackground() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.ExtractBackgroundDialog
Extracts the background from a given video
ExtractBackgroundDialog - Class in adams.gui.visualization.annotator
Extracts the background from a video and stores it as an image
ExtractBackgroundDialog(Dialog) - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.ExtractBackgroundDialog
Creates a modeless dialog without a title with the specified Dialog as its owner.
ExtractBackgroundDialog(Dialog, Dialog.ModalityType) - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.ExtractBackgroundDialog
Creates a dialog with the specified owner Dialog and modality.
ExtractBackgroundDialog(Dialog, String) - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.ExtractBackgroundDialog
Creates a modeless dialog with the specified title and with the specified owner dialog.
ExtractBackgroundDialog(Dialog, String, Dialog.ModalityType) - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.ExtractBackgroundDialog
Creates a dialog with the specified title, modality and the specified owner Dialog.
ExtractBackgroundDialog(Frame) - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.ExtractBackgroundDialog
Creates a modeless dialog without a title with the specified Frame as its owner.
ExtractBackgroundDialog(Frame, boolean) - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.ExtractBackgroundDialog
Creates a dialog with the specified owner Frame, modality and an empty title.
ExtractBackgroundDialog(Frame, String) - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.ExtractBackgroundDialog
Creates a modeless dialog with the specified title and with the specified owner frame.
ExtractBackgroundDialog(Frame, String, boolean) - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.ExtractBackgroundDialog
Creates a dialog with the specified owner Frame, modality and title.
ExtractTrackedObject - Class in adams.flow.transformer
Extracts the tracked object and forwards it as a new image container.
ExtractTrackedObject() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.ExtractTrackedObject


f(double) - Method in interface adams.data.random.Random.Function
FALLBACK_TLS_VERSION - Static variable in class adams.flow.core.TLSUtils
FFmpeg - Class in adams.flow.sink
Uses the specified plugin to perform a avconv/ffmpeg operation.
FFmpeg() - Constructor for class adams.flow.sink.FFmpeg
FFmpegConfig - Class in adams.flow.standalone
FFmpegConfig() - Constructor for class adams.flow.standalone.FFmpegConfig
FFTSampleSizeTipText() - Method in class adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator.wave.Spectrogram
Returns the tip text for this property.
FFTSampleSizeTipText() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.WaveToSpectrogram
Returns the tip text for this property.
FIELD_FILENAME - Static variable in class adams.data.heatmap.Heatmap
the field for the "filename" meta-data entry.
FIELD_HEIGHT - Static variable in class adams.data.trail.Trail
the report field for the height.
FIELD_HEIGHT - Static variable in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapLocateObjects
the key for storing the height in the report.
FIELD_TIMESTAMP - Static variable in class adams.data.heatmap.Heatmap
the field for the "timestamp" meta-data entry.
FIELD_WIDTH - Static variable in class adams.data.trail.Trail
the report field for the width.
FIELD_WIDTH - Static variable in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapLocateObjects
the key for storing the width in the report.
FIELD_X - Static variable in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapLocateObjects
the key for storing the X position (top-left corner) in the report.
FIELD_Y - Static variable in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapLocateObjects
the key for storing the Y position (top-left corner) in the report.
fieldsTipText() - Method in class adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator.AbstractAudioFeatureGenerator
Returns the tip text for this property.
fieldsTipText() - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.AbstractHeatmapFeatureGenerator
Returns the tip text for this property.
fieldsToObject() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.DockerContainersPanel
Turns the fields into an object.
fieldsToObject() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.DockerImagesPanel
Turns the fields into an object.
fieldTipText() - Method in class adams.data.filter.HeatmapNormalizeToField
Returns the tip text for this property.
fieldTipText() - Method in class adams.data.filter.HeatmapSubtractField
Returns the tip text for this property.
Figure - Class in adams.doc.latex.generator
Inserts a figure with the code generated by the base generator.
Figure() - Constructor for class adams.doc.latex.generator.Figure
FILE - Static variable in class adams.data.audio.AbstractAudioContainer
the key in the report for the file (full path).
FileLister - Class in adams.flow.standalone.rats.input
Polls files in a directory and forwards them.
It can skip files that are currently flagged as 'in use'.
Moving files to the specified target directory will continue, even if errors are occurred with some files (NB: you may end up with a very large error message if all files from a large list of files are failing).
FileLister() - Constructor for class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.FileLister
FileMover - Class in adams.flow.standalone.rats.output
Moves files into the target directory after a specified time period.
FileMover() - Constructor for class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.FileMover
filename - Variable in class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.blob.UploadRequest
filename - Variable in class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.blob.UploadResponse
FILENAME - Static variable in class adams.core.RProjectHelper
the props file.
FILENAME - Static variable in class adams.doc.latex.LatexHelper
the name of the props file.
FILENAME - Static variable in class adams.gui.core.RSyntaxEditorPanel
the props file with the style definitions.
FILENAME - Static variable in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.VLCjDirectRenderPanel
the properties file name.
filenameGeneratorTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.Serialize
Returns the tip text for this property.
FileSystemUtilities - Class in adams.flow.maven.shared
The ADAMS Maven Plugin needs to fiddle with the filesystem, to create and optionally prune directories or detect/create various files.
FILLEDCURVES - adams.core.gnuplot.SimplePlot.PlotType
filter() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapViewerPanel
pops up GOE dialog for filter.
filter() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.TrailViewerPanel
pops up GOE dialog for filter.
filter(WaveContainer) - Method in class adams.data.wavefilter.AbstractWaveFilter
Returns the filtered data.
filter(Heatmap) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.AbstractCurrentHeatmapFilter
Filters the heatmap.
filter(Heatmap) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.AbstractCurrentHeatmapFilterWithGOE
Filters the heatmap.
filter(Heatmap) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.AbstractSelectedHeatmapsFilter
Filters the heatmap.
filter(Trail) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.plugins.AbstractCurrentTrailFilter
Filters the trail.
filter(Trail) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.plugins.AbstractCurrentTrailFilterWithGOE
Filters the trail.
filter(Trail) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.plugins.AbstractSelectedTrailsFilter
Filters the trail.
filter(FilterEvent<Heatmap>) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapViewerPanel
Filters the data.
filter(FilterEvent<Trail>) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.TrailViewerPanel
Filters the data.
FilteredFeatureGenerator - Class in adams.data.featuregenerator
This feature generator first pushes the data through the provided data filter before applying the actual feature generator.
FilteredFeatureGenerator() - Constructor for class adams.data.featuregenerator.FilteredFeatureGenerator
filtersTipText() - Method in class adams.data.wavefilter.MultiFilter
Returns the tip text for this property.
filterTipText() - Method in class adams.data.featuregenerator.FilteredFeatureGenerator
Returns the tip text for this property.
filterTipText() - Method in class adams.data.filter.heatmapcrop.AbstractFilteredHeatmapCrop
Returns the tip text for this property.
filterTipText() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.ListContainers
Returns the tip text for this property.
filterTipText() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.ListImages
Returns the tip text for this property.
filterTipText() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.PruneContainers
Returns the tip text for this property.
filterTipText() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.PruneImages
Returns the tip text for this property.
filterTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.WaveFilter
Returns the tip text for this property.
FINANCEBARDS - adams.core.gnuplot.SimplePlot.PlotType
FIND - Static variable in class weka.core.tokenizers.cleaners.RegExp
findAllRats(Actor) - Static method in class adams.flow.core.RatHelper
Returns all Rats instances that can be located in the flow
findCallableActor() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Tries to find the callable actor referenced by its callable name.
findCallableActor() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.InputWithCallableTransformer
Tries to find the callable actor referenced by its global name.
findCallableActor() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.CallableActor
Tries to find the callable actor referenced by its callable name.
findCallableActor() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.OutputWithCallableTransformer
Tries to find the callable actor referenced by its global name.
findCallableActor() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RESTServer
Tries to find the callable actor referenced by its callable name.
findCallableActor() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.WSServer
Tries to find the callable actor referenced by its callable name.
findCallableActor() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.TransformTrackedObject
Tries to find the callable actor referenced by its callable name.
findCentroid(Heatmap) - Method in class adams.data.filter.HeatmapCentroid
Finds the centroid.
findRat(ActorHandler, RatReference) - Method in class adams.flow.core.RatHelper
Checks a control actor's children whether they contain the rat that we're looking for.
findRat(Actor, RatReference) - Method in class adams.flow.core.RatHelper
Tries to find the rat referenced by its name.
findRatRecursive(Actor, RatReference) - Method in class adams.flow.core.RatHelper
Tries to find the referenced rat.
findRats() - Method in class adams.gui.goe.RatReferenceEditor
Locates all the callable actors for the node.
findTipText() - Method in class weka.core.tokenizers.cleaners.RegExp
Returns the tip text for this property.
findVariables() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.AbstractRatOutput
Recursively finds all the variables used in this RatOutput.
findVariables(Actor) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.CallableActor
Recursively finds all the variables used in the specified actor's setup.
Fingerprint - Class in adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator.wave
Generates a fingerprint from the Wave data.
Fingerprint() - Constructor for class adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator.wave.Fingerprint
finishBeforeStoppingTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Returns the tip text for this property.
finishedRequest() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.AbstractRedisTool
Finishes up the request.
finishedRequest() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.DEXTR
Finishes up the request.
finishedRequest() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.SAM
Finishes up the request.
finishedRequest() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.segmentation.tool.AbstractRedisTool
Finishes up the request.
finishedRequest() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.segmentation.tool.DEXTR
Finishes up the request.
finishedRequest() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.segmentation.tool.SAM
Finishes up the request.
finishInit() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.ratcontrol.AbstractControlPanel
Finishes the initialization.
finishInit() - Method in class adams.gui.audio.AudioPlaybackPanel
Finishes up the initialization.
finishInit() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.AudioAnnotationPanel
finishInit() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.AudioAnnotatorPanel
Finishes up the initialization.
finishInit() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.remotecontrolcenter.panels.RatsTab
Finishes up the initialization.
finishInit() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.remotecontrolcenter.panels.RatsTab.RatStatusPanel
Finalizes the initialization.
finishInit() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.AnnotationPanel
finishInit() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.DirectRenderMediaPlayerPanel
finishInit() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.VLCjDirectRenderPanel
finishes the initialization.
finishTerminal() - Method in class adams.terminal.application.AbstractLanternaTerminalApplication
Finishes the initialization.
FIRST_TIMESTAMP - Static variable in class adams.data.audioannotations.AudioAnnotationsStatistic
FIRST_TIMESTAMP - Static variable in class adams.data.trail.TrailStatistic
firstActive() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Returns the first non-skipped actor.
firstPlotTipText() - Method in class adams.core.gnuplot.SimplePlot
Returns the tip text for this property.
firstStepsTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.LinearGradientColorPalette
Returns the tip text for this property.
firstTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.LinearGradientColorPalette
Returns the tip text for this property.
FixedDuration - Class in adams.flow.source.audiorecorder
Records a WAV file of fixed duration.
FixedDuration() - Constructor for class adams.flow.source.audiorecorder.FixedDuration
FixedInstanceStream() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.MOAFilter.FixedInstanceStream
FixedIntervalBufferedImageSampler - Class in adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler
Generates a specified number of image samples at fixed intervals.
FixedIntervalBufferedImageSampler() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler.FixedIntervalBufferedImageSampler
FixedIntervalBufferedImageSamplerVlcj - Class in adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler
Generates a specified number of image samples at fixed intervals.
FixedIntervalBufferedImageSamplerVlcj() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler.FixedIntervalBufferedImageSamplerVlcj
fixPath(String) - Static method in class adams.docker.SimpleDockerHelper
Fixes the path a bit, removing duplicate slashes, trailing slash.
fixVotes(double[], Instance) - Static method in class adams.core.MOAHelper
Fixes the votes array if the length differs from the number of class labels defined in the header information of the dataset.
FloatMatrixHeatmapReader - Class in adams.data.io.input
Reads heat map files (2-D array of single precision floating point numbers).
FloatMatrixHeatmapReader() - Constructor for class adams.data.io.input.FloatMatrixHeatmapReader
FloatMatrixHeatmapWriter - Class in adams.data.io.output
Writes heat map files (2-D array of single precision floating point numbers).
FloatMatrixHeatmapWriter() - Constructor for class adams.data.io.output.FloatMatrixHeatmapWriter
FlowEditor - Class in adams.terminal.menu
Lets the user select a flow, display it in raw format and save it again.
FlowEditor() - Constructor for class adams.terminal.menu.FlowEditor
flowErrorQueueTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Returns the tip text for this property.
FlowListResponseHandler(AbstractRemoteFlowCommandAction) - Constructor for class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.AbstractRemoteFlowCommandAction.FlowListResponseHandler
Initializes the handler.
flowPauseStateChanged(FlowPauseStateEvent) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Gets called when the pause state of the flow changes.
flowPauseStateChanged(FlowPauseStateEvent) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RatControl
Gets called when the pause state of the flow changes.
FlowRunner - Class in adams.terminal.menu
Lets the user select a flow and run it.
FlowRunner() - Constructor for class adams.terminal.menu.FlowRunner
flows() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.control.RatControl
Returns the list of flow IDs currently running.
flushExecution() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Stops the processing of tokens without stopping the flow.
focusRefreshRatsButton() - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.Rats
Gives the Rats.m_ButtonRefreshRats button the focus.
foldsTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.ArrayFolds
Returns the tip text for this property.
foldsTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MekaCrossValidationEvaluator
Returns the tip text for this property.
fontScalarTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.GenerateWordCloud
Returns the tip text for this property.
fontSizeTipText() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.BlockSize
Returns the tip text for this property.
fontTipText() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.TextOverlay
Returns the tip text for this property.
footnotesize - adams.doc.latex.generator.BlockSize.FontSize
forceTipText() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.RemoveContainers
Returns the tip text for this property.
forceVariables(Variables) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Updates the Variables instance in use.
forCommandLine(String) - Static method in class adams.data.featuregenerator.AbstractFeatureGenerator
Instantiates the generator from the given commandline (i.e., classname and optional options).
forCommandLine(String) - Static method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.paintlet.AbstractTrailPaintlet
Instantiates the paintlet from the given commandline (i.e., classname and optional options).
format - Variable in class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.blob.UploadRequest
format - Variable in class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.blob.UploadResponse
format - Variable in class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.text.UploadRequest
format - Variable in class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.text.UploadResponse
format(AbstractGPS) - Method in class adams.data.spreadsheet.GPSDecimalDegrees
Turns the given object back into a string.
format(AbstractGPS) - Method in class adams.data.spreadsheet.GPSDecimalMinutes
Turns the given object back into a string.
format(AbstractGPS) - Method in class adams.data.spreadsheet.GPSDecimalSeconds
Turns the given object back into a string.
FORMAT - Static variable in class adams.data.gps.GPSDecimalDegrees
the regular expression.
FORMAT - Static variable in class adams.data.gps.GPSDecimalMinutes
the regular expression.
FORMAT - Static variable in class adams.data.gps.GPSDecimalSeconds
the regular expression.
FORMAT_SWAPPED - Static variable in class adams.data.gps.GPSDecimalDegrees
the regular expression (swapped).
FORMAT_SWAPPED - Static variable in class adams.data.gps.GPSDecimalMinutes
the regular expression (swapped).
FORMAT_SWAPPED - Static variable in class adams.data.gps.GPSDecimalSeconds
the regular expression (swapped).
formatStringTipText() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.Info
Returns the tip text for this property.
formatter - Variable in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming.XMLLoggingInInterceptor
for outputting timestamps in the output file.
formatter - Variable in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.XMLLoggingOutInterceptor
for outputting timestamps in the output file.
formatTime(long) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.audioinfo.MP3
formatTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.blob.Upload
Returns the tip text for this property.
formatTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.text.Upload
Returns the tip text for this property.
forName(String, String[]) - Static method in class adams.data.featuregenerator.AbstractFeatureGenerator
Instantiates the generator with the given options.
forName(String, String[]) - Static method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.paintlet.AbstractTrailPaintlet
Instantiates the paintlet with the given options.
FRAME - adams.flow.transformer.MjpegImageSequence.OutputType
framesPerSecondTipText() - Method in class adams.data.video.AbstractVideoRecorder
Returns the tip text for this property.
frequencyTipText() - Method in class adams.data.video.AbstractSoundRecorder
Returns the tip text for this property.
fromArray(String[]) - Method in class adams.core.option.MOACommandLineHandler
Generates an object from the commandline options.
fromCommandLine(String) - Method in class adams.core.option.MOACommandLineHandler
Generates an object from the specified commandline.
fromCustomStringRepresentation(String) - Method in class adams.gui.goe.BaseMarkdownEditor
Returns an object created from the custom string representation.
fromCustomStringRepresentation(String) - Method in class adams.gui.goe.BaseMeasureCollectionEditor
Returns an object created from the custom string representation.
fromCustomStringRepresentation(String) - Method in class adams.gui.goe.DockerDirectoryMappingEditor
Returns an object created from the custom string representation.
fromCustomStringRepresentation(String) - Method in class adams.gui.goe.GPSEditor
Returns an object created from the custom string representation.
fromCustomStringRepresentation(String) - Method in class adams.gui.goe.RatReferenceEditor
Returns an object created from the custom string representation.
fromCustomStringRepresentation(String) - Method in class adams.gui.goe.RObjectPathEditor
Returns an object created from the custom string representation.
fromIntensityString(int, int, String) - Static method in class adams.data.heatmap.Heatmap
Creates a heatmap from the intensity string using the specified dimensions.
fromString(String) - Method in class adams.data.gps.AbstractGPS
Parses the string to get the long/lat values from.
fromString(String, boolean) - Method in class adams.data.gps.AbstractGPS
Parses the string to get the long/lat values from.
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum com.example.customerservice.CustomerType
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.blob.DataType
fromValue(String) - Static method in enum nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.text.DataType
FSTEPS - adams.core.gnuplot.SimplePlot.PlotType
ftp(String) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.FtpUpload
Uploads the specified file to the FTP server.
FtpUpload - Class in adams.flow.standalone.rats.output
Sends the incoming files to a FTP server.
FtpUpload() - Constructor for class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.FtpUpload
fullScale(int) - Static method in class adams.data.audio.SimpleAudioConversion
Computes the largest magnitude representable by the audio format, with pow(2.0, bitsPerSample - 1).
FusionJsonCommunicationProcessor - Class in adams.data.wekapyroproxy
Turns Instances/Instance into fusion JSON.
FusionJsonCommunicationProcessor() - Constructor for class adams.data.wekapyroproxy.FusionJsonCommunicationProcessor


GarbageCollector - Class in adams.terminal.menu
Runs the garbage collector.
GarbageCollector() - Constructor for class adams.terminal.menu.GarbageCollector
Initializes the menu item with no owner.
GarbageCollector(AbstractTerminalApplication) - Constructor for class adams.terminal.menu.GarbageCollector
Initializes the menu item.
gaussian() - Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.houle.RngPack.RandomElement
gaussian() uses the Box-Muller algorithm to transform raw()'s into gaussian deviates.
gaussian(double) - Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.houle.RngPack.RandomElement
generate() - Method in class adams.core.gnuplot.AbstractScriptlet
Returns the generated script-code string.
generate() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.AbstractCodeGenerator
Generates the code.
generate() - Method in interface adams.doc.latex.generator.CodeGenerator
Generates the code.
generate() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.incoming.AbstractInInterceptorGenerator
Generates the interceptor for incoming messages.
generate() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.outgoing.AbstractOutInterceptorGenerator
Generates the interceptor for outgoing messages.
generate() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.generator.AbstractRatGenerator
Generates Rat setups.
generate() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming.AbstractInInterceptorGenerator
Generates the interceptor for incoming messages.
generate() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.AbstractOutInterceptorGenerator
Generates the interceptor for outgoing messages.
generate(MessageCollection) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.AbstractBackground
Generates the background.
generate(MessageCollection) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.AbstractColorPalette
Generates the color palette.
generate(MessageCollection) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.AbstractFontScalar
Generates the font scalar.
generate(MessageCollection) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.CircleBackground
Generates the background.
generate(MessageCollection) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.ColorListPalette
Generates the color palette.
generate(MessageCollection) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.DefaultBackground
Generates the background.
generate(MessageCollection) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.DefaultColorPalette
Generates the color palette.
generate(MessageCollection) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.DefaultFontScalar
Generates the font scalar.
generate(MessageCollection) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.LinearFontScalar
Generates the font scalar.
generate(MessageCollection) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.LinearGradientColorPalette
Generates the color palette.
generate(MessageCollection) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.LogFontScalar
Generates the font scalar.
generate(MessageCollection) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.PixelBoundaryBackground
Generates the background.
generate(MessageCollection) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.RectangleBackground
Generates the background.
generate(MessageCollection) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.SqrtFontScalar
Generates the font scalar.
generate(Heatmap) - Method in class adams.data.featuregenerator.AbstractFeatureGenerator
Generates the features and adds them to the report.
generate(Heatmap) - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.AbstractHeatmapFeatureGenerator
Process the given heatmap.
generate(Rat, Actor, String, String) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.log.AbstractLogObjectGenerator
Handles the given error message.
generate(Rat, Actor, String, String) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.log.LogEntryGenerator
Handles the given error message.
generate(Rat, Actor, String, String) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.log.SimpleStringGenerator
Handles the given error message.
generate(Class) - Method in class adams.gui.help.MOAObjectHelpGenerator
Generates and returns the help for the specified class.
generate(Object) - Method in class adams.gui.help.MOAObjectHelpGenerator
Generates and returns the help for the specified object.
generate(T) - Method in class adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator.AbstractAudioFeatureGenerator
Process the given container.
generateCode() - Method in class adams.flow.maven.AbstractJavaGeneratorMojo
Generates the actual code.
generateCode() - Method in class adams.flow.maven.ActorExecutionMojo
Generates the actual code.
generateCode() - Method in class adams.flow.maven.ApplyActorMojo
Generates the actual code.
generateDoublesTipText() - Method in class adams.data.random.AbstractCommonsRandomNumberGenerator
Returns the tip text for this property.
generateDoublesTipText() - Method in interface adams.data.random.CommonsRandomNumberGenerator
Returns the tip text for this property.
generateGoogleURL() - Method in class adams.data.gps.Map
generateMapImage() - Method in class adams.data.gps.Map
generateReportTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapLocateObjects
Returns the tip text for this property.
generateRows(WaveContainer) - Method in class adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator.wave.Fingerprint
Performs the actual feature generation.
generateRows(WaveContainer) - Method in class adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator.wave.Histogram
Performs the actual feature generation.
generateRows(WaveContainer) - Method in class adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator.wave.Spectrogram
Performs the actual feature generation.
generateRows(Heatmap) - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.AbstractHeatmapFeatureGenerator
Performs the actual feature generation.
generateRows(Heatmap) - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.CountValues
Performs the actual feature generation.
generateRows(Heatmap) - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.Histogram
Performs the actual feature generation.
generateRows(Heatmap) - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.Max
Performs the actual feature generation.
generateRows(Heatmap) - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.Mean
Performs the actual feature generation.
generateRows(Heatmap) - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.Median
Performs the actual feature generation.
generateRows(Heatmap) - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.Min
Performs the actual feature generation.
generateRows(Heatmap) - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.MultiFeatureGenerator
Performs the actual feature generation.
generateRows(Heatmap) - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.Scripted
Performs the actual feature generation.
generateRows(Heatmap) - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.StandardDeviation
Performs the actual feature generation.
generateRows(Heatmap) - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.Values
Performs the actual feature generation.
generateRows(T) - Method in class adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator.AbstractAudioFeatureGenerator
Performs the actual feature generation.
generates() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.BufferedImageToHeatmap
Returns the class that is generated as output.
generates() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.ColumnCorrelationToHeatmap
Returns the class that is generated as output.
generates() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.ColumnCovarianceToHeatmap
Returns the class that is generated as output.
generates() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.GPSDistance
Returns the class that is generated as output.
generates() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.HeatmapToArray
Returns the class that is generated as output.
generates() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.HeatmapToBufferedImage
Returns the class that is generated as output.
generates() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.HeatmapToBufferedImageExpression
Returns the class that is generated as output.
generates() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.HeatmapToBufferedImageWithKey
generates() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.HeatmapToSpreadSheet
Returns the class that is generated as output.
generates() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.HTMLToDOM
Returns the class that is generated as output.
generates() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.JsonToObject
Returns the class that is generated as output.
generates() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.MOAInstancesToWEKAInstances
generates() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.RandomizeArray
Returns the class that is generated as output.
generates() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.RandomizeCollection
Returns the class that is generated as output.
generates() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.RenjinDoubleArrayVectorToSpreadSheet
Returns the class that is generated as output.
generates() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.RenjinListVectorToArray
Returns the class that is generated as output.
generates() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.SpectrogramToBufferedImage
Returns the class that is generated as output.
generates() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.SpreadSheetToHeatmap
Returns the class that is generated as output.
generates() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.SpreadSheetToHTML
Returns the class that is generated as output.
generates() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.SpreadSheetToKML
Returns the class that is generated as output.
generates() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.SpreadSheetToWordFrequencies
Returns the class that is generated as output.
generates() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.StanfordParseTreeToSpreadSheet
Returns the class that is generated as output.
generates() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.TrailToSpreadSheet
Returns the class that is generated as output.
generates() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.WaveToAmplitudes
Returns the class that is generated as output.
generates() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.WaveToSpectrogram
Returns the class that is generated as output.
generates() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.WaveToWaveContainer
Returns the class that is generated as output.
generates() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.WEKAInstancesToMOAInstances
generates() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.WordFrequenciesToSpreadShet
Returns the class that is generated as output.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.control.ChangeRatState
Returns the class of objects that it generates.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.control.ExecuteRats
Returns the class of objects that it generates.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.echo.EchoClientSource
Returns the classes that this client generates.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.echo.EchoClientTransformer
Returns the classes that this client generates.
generates() - Method in interface adams.flow.rest.RESTClientProducer
Returns the classes that this client generates.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.source.audiorecorder.AbstractAudioRecorder
Returns the type of data that it outputs.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.source.audiorecorder.AbstractFileBasedAudioRecorder
Returns the type of data that it outputs.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.source.AudioRecorder
Returns the class of objects that it generates.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.source.KeyPairFileReader
Returns the class of objects that it generates.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.source.KeyPairGenerator
Returns the class of objects that it generates.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.source.MekaClassifierSetup
Returns the class of objects that it generates.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.source.MOAClassifierSetup
Returns the class of objects that it generates.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.source.MOAClustererSetup
Returns the class of objects that it generates.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.source.MOARegressorSetup
Returns the class of objects that it generates.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.source.MOAStream
Returns the class of objects that it generates.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.source.NewAudioAnnotations
Returns a string describing the object.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.source.NewHeatmap
Returns the class of objects that it generates.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.source.NewLatexDocument
Returns the class of objects that it generates.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.source.NewTrail
Returns a string describing the object.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.source.redisaction.AbstractRedisAction
Returns the classes the action generates as output.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.source.redisaction.Get
Returns the classes the action generates as output.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.source.redisaction.Null
Returns the classes the action generates as output.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.source.RedisSource
Returns the class of objects that it generates.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.source.RenjinSource
Returns the class of objects that it generates.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.source.RESTSource
Returns the class of objects that it generates.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.source.RSource
Returns the datatype this flow is set to return.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.source.SimpleDockerCommand
Returns the class of objects that it generates.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.source.WebcamImage
Returns a string describing the object.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.source.WebcamInfo
Returns the class of objects that it generates.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.source.WSSource
Returns the class of objects that it generates.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.AbstractRatInput
Returns the type of data this scheme generates.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Cron
Returns the type of data this scheme generates.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.DeQueue
Returns the type of data this scheme generates.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.DirWatch
Returns the type of data this scheme generates.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.DummyCronInput
Returns the type of data this scheme generates.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.DummyInput
Returns the type of data this scheme generates.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Exec
Returns the type of data this scheme generates.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.FileLister
Returns the type of data this scheme generates.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.InputPolling
Returns the type of data this scheme generates.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.InputWithCallableTransformer
Returns the type of data this scheme generates.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.InputWithExternalTransformer
Returns the type of data this scheme generates.
generates() - Method in interface adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.RatInput
Returns the type of data this scheme generates.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.RedisAction
Returns the type of data this scheme generates.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.RedisSubscribe
Returns the type of data this scheme generates.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.RESTTextReception
Returns the type of data this scheme generates.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Socket
Returns the type of data this scheme generates.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Storage
Returns the type of data this scheme generates.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.StringToken
Returns the type of data this scheme generates.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Subscribe
Returns the type of data this scheme generates.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Variable
Returns the type of data this scheme generates.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.WebserviceInput
Returns the type of data this scheme generates.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.WSBlobReception
Returns the type of data this scheme generates.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.WSTextReception
Returns the type of data this scheme generates.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AbstractArraySplitter
Returns the class of objects that it generates.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AbstractHeatmapTransformer
Returns the class of objects that it generates.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AbstractMekaClassifierEvaluator
Returns the class of objects that it generates.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AbstractMOAModelReader
Returns the class that the producer generates.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AbstractProcessMOAInstanceWithModel
Returns the class of objects that it generates.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AddAudioAnnotation
Returns the class of objects that it generates.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AddTrailBackground
Returns the class of objects that it generates.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AddTrailStep
Returns the class of objects that it generates.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.ArrayRandomize
Returns the class of objects that it generates.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.audiodata.AbstractAudioDataReader
The output generated by the reader.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AudioData
Returns the class of objects that it generates.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.audiodata.Wave
The output generated by the reader.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AudioInfo
Returns the class of objects that it generates.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.EditDistance
Returns the class of objects that it generates.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.ExtractTrackedObject
Returns the class of objects that it generates.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.GenerateWordCloud
Returns the class of objects that it generates.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.GetKeyFromKeyPair
Returns the class of objects that it generates.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.GetTrailBackground
Returns the class of objects that it generates.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapArrayStatistic
Returns the class of objects that it generates.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapFeatureGenerator
Returns the class of objects that it generates.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.HTMLFileReader
Returns the class of objects that it generates.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.LatexAppendDocument
Returns the class of objects that it generates.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.LatexCloseDocument
Returns the class of objects that it generates.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.LatexCompile
Returns the class of objects that it generates.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MekaClassifying
Returns the class of objects that it generates.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MekaClassSelector
Returns the class of objects that it generates.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MekaPrepareData
Returns the class of objects that it generates.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MekaResultSummary
Returns the class of objects that it generates.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MekaResultValues
Returns the class of objects that it generates.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MekaTrainClassifier
Returns the class of objects that it generates.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MjpegImageSequence
Returns the class of objects that it generates.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAClassifierEvaluation
Returns the class of objects that it generates.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAClassifying
Returns the class of objects that it generates.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAClustererEvaluation
Returns the class of objects that it generates.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAClustering
Returns the class of objects that it generates.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAFilter
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAInstanceDumper
Returns the class of objects that it generates.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOALearningEvaluation
Returns the class of objects that it generates.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAMeasurementPlotGenerator
Returns the class of objects that it generates.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAMeasurementsFilter
Returns the class of objects that it generates.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOARegressing
Returns the class of objects that it generates.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOARegressorEvaluation
Returns the class of objects that it generates.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOATrainClassifier
Returns the class of objects that it generates.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOATrainClusterer
Returns the class of objects that it generates.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOATrainRegressor
Returns the class of objects that it generates.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler.AbstractBufferedImageMovieImageSampler
Returns the type of image container the sample generates.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler.AbstractMovieImageSampler
Returns the type of image container the sample generates.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MovieImageSequence
Returns the class of objects that it generates.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MovieInfo
Returns the class of objects that it generates.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.multiheatmapoperation.AbstractMultiHeatmapOperation
The type of data that is generated.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.multiheatmapoperation.Add
The type of data that is generated.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.multiheatmapoperation.AddConstant
The type of data that is generated.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MultiHeatmapOperation
Returns the class of objects that it generates.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.multiheatmapoperation.PassThrough
The type of data that is generated.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.multiheatmapoperation.Subtract
The type of data that is generated.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RandomNumberGenerator
Returns the class of objects that it generates.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.redisaction.AbstractRedisAction
Returns the classes the action generates as output.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.redisaction.BroadcastAndListen
Returns the classes the action generates as output.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.redisaction.PassThrough
Returns the classes the action generates as output.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RedisTransformer
Returns the class of objects that it generates.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RenjinAddContext
Returns the class of objects that it generates.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RenjinFileReader
Returns the class of objects that it generates.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RenjinGetObject
Returns the class of objects that it generates.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RenjinTransformer
Returns the class of objects that it generates.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RESTTransformer
Returns the class of objects that it generates.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RTransformer
List of classes this flow can return.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.SimpleDockerCommand
Returns the class of objects that it generates.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.StanfordGrammaticalStructure
Returns the class of objects that it generates.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.StanfordLexicalizedParser
Returns the class of objects that it generates.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.Stemmer
Returns the class of objects that it generates.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.TrackObjects
Returns the class of objects that it generates.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.TransformTrackedObject
Returns the class of objects that it generates.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.TweetNLPTagger
Returns the class of objects that it generates.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.WaveFeatureGenerator
Returns the class of objects that it generates.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.WaveFilter
Returns the class of objects that it generates.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.WordFrequencyAnalyzer
Returns the class of objects that it generates.
generates() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.WSTransformer
Returns the class of objects that it generates.
generates() - Method in interface adams.flow.webservice.WebServiceClientProducer
Returns the classes that this client generates.
generates() - Method in class com.example.customerservice.flow.CustomersByName
Returns the classes that this processor generates.
generates() - Method in class com.example.customerservice.flow.CustomersByNameCallableTransformer
Returns the classes that this processor generates.
generatesMultipleItems() - Method in class adams.flow.processor.ListRequiredLatexPackages
Returns whether the list generates a string array per object or not.
generateUsePackageStatementsTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.processor.ListRequiredLatexPackages
Returns the tip text for this property.
GenerateWordCloud - Class in adams.flow.transformer
Generates a word cloud from the incoming word frequencies.
GenerateWordCloud() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.GenerateWordCloud
generatorsTipText() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.MultiGenerator
Returns the tip text for this property.
generatorTipText() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.HeatmapToBufferedImage
Returns the tip text for this property.
generatorTipText() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.HeatmapToBufferedImageExpression
Returns the tip text for this property.
generatorTipText() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.HeatmapToBufferedImageWithKey
Returns the tip text for this property.
generatorTipText() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.SpectrogramToBufferedImage
Returns the tip text for this property.
generatorTipText() - Method in class adams.data.featuregenerator.FilteredFeatureGenerator
Returns the tip text for this property.
generatorTipText() - Method in class adams.data.filter.HeatmapFeatureGenerator
Returns the tip text for this property.
generatorTipText() - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.AbstractMetaHeatmapFeatureGenerator
Returns the tip text for this property.
generatorTipText() - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.CountValues
Returns the tip text for this property.
generatorTipText() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.AbstractMetaCodeGenerator
Returns the tip text for this property.
generatorTipText() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.BlockSize
Returns the tip text for this property.
generatorTipText() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.Figure
Returns the tip text for this property.
generatorTipText() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.MiniPage
Returns the tip text for this property.
generatorTipText() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.MultiCol
Returns the tip text for this property.
generatorTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.condition.bool.RandomNumberExpression
Returns the tip text for this property.
generatorTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.LabRat
Returns the tip text for this property.
generatorTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.WebsocketOutput
Returns the tip text for this property.
generatorTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AbstractArraySplitter
Returns the tip text for this property.
generatorTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.LatexAppendDocument
Returns the tip text for this property.
generatorTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RandomNumberGenerator
Returns the tip text for this property.
Generic - Class in adams.docker.simpledocker
Executes the specified docker command with the provided options.
Generic() - Constructor for class adams.docker.simpledocker.Generic
GenericPlugin - Class in adams.flow.sink.ffmpeg
A generic plugin.
GenericPlugin() - Constructor for class adams.flow.sink.ffmpeg.GenericPlugin
GenericServer - Class in adams.flow.rest
Generic REST service provider, which allows you to assemble the REST plugins that should make up the service.
Automatically sets the flow context of plugins, if they should implement the adams.flow.core.FlowContextHandler interface.
GenericServer() - Constructor for class adams.flow.rest.GenericServer
GenericWithArgs - Class in adams.docker.simpledocker
Executes the specified docker command with the provided options feeding in the specified parameters.
GenericWithArgs() - Constructor for class adams.docker.simpledocker.GenericWithArgs
get(int) - Method in class adams.data.heatmap.Heatmap
Returns the map value the specified position from the top left corner of the map, wlkaing through row-wise.
get(int) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Returns the actor at the given position.
get(int, int) - Method in class adams.data.heatmap.Heatmap
Returns the map value at the specified location.
get(SEXP, RObjectPath) - Static method in class adams.core.RObjectInspector
Returns the object associated with the path.
Get - Class in adams.flow.source.redisaction
Retrieves the object stored under the specified key.
Get() - Constructor for class adams.flow.source.redisaction.Get
getA() - Method in class adams.data.random.Beta
Returns the first parameter for the beta random variable.
getAction() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.RedisSink
Returns the action to execute.
getAction() - Method in class adams.flow.source.RedisSource
Returns the action to execute.
getAction() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.RedisAction
Returns the name of the action.
getAction() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.RedisAction
Returns the name of the action.
getAction() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RedisTransformer
Returns the action to execute.
getActionLabel() - Method in class adams.terminal.dialog.DirectoryDialogBuilder
Returns the label on the confirmation button
getActions() - Method in class adams.terminal.core.MenuListDialogBuilder
Returns a copy of the internal list of actions currently inside this builder that will be assigned to the MenuListBox in the dialog when built
getActor() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.incoming.Enqueue
Returns the actor in use.
getActor() - Method in interface adams.flow.rest.interceptor.InterceptorWithActor
Returns the actor in use.
getActor() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.outgoing.Enqueue
Returns the actor in use.
getActor() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.ratcontrol.AbstractControlPanel
Returns the actor in use.
getActor() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.ratcontrol.AbstractControlState
Returns the actor in use.
getActor() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming.Enqueue
Returns the actor in use.
getActor() - Method in interface adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.InterceptorWithActor
Returns the actor in use.
getActor() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.Enqueue
Returns the actor in use.
getActorFile() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.InputWithExternalTransformer
Returns the file containing the external actor.
getActorFile() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.OutputWithExternalTransformer
Returns the file containing the external actor.
getActorHandler() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Returns the handler of the actors.
getActorHandlerInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Returns some information about the actor handler, e.g., whether it can contain standalones and the actor execution.
getActorHandlerInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rats
Returns some information about the actor handler, e.g., whether it can contain standalones and the actor execution.
getActors() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Returns the flow items of this sequence.
getActualDataFile() - Method in class adams.core.gnuplot.AbstractScriptletWithDataFile
Returns the actual data file to use in the scripts.
getActualLibDir() - Method in class adams.core.management.AbstractBootstrappClassPathAugmenter
Returns the actual directory with jars.
getActualPullType() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.Run
Returns the pull type to use.
getActualPullType(PullType) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.SimpleDockerConnection
Determines the actual pull type to perform.
getAcualBinary() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.SimpleDockerConnection
Returns the actual docker binary in use.
getAdditionalAcceptedClasses() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.AbstractMOAModelWriter
Returns additional classes that are accepted as input.
getAdditionalAcceptedClasses() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.MOAModelWriter
Returns additional classes that are accepted as input (MOA classifiers and clusterers).
getAdditionalArguments() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.GenericWithArgs
Returns the additional arguments to append to the command.
getAdditionalArguments() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.KillContainers
Returns the additional arguments to append to the command.
getAdditionalArguments() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.PauseContainers
Returns the additional arguments to append to the command.
getAdditionalArguments() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.RemoveContainers
Returns the additional arguments to append to the command.
getAdditionalArguments() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.RemoveImages
Returns the additional arguments to append to the command.
getAdditionalArguments() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.RunWithArgs
Returns the additional arguments to append to the command.
getAdditionalArguments() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.StartContainers
Returns the additional arguments to append to the command.
getAdditionalArguments() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.StopContainers
Returns the additional arguments to append to the command.
getAdditionalInformation() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.AbstractCodeGenerator
Returns the additional information.
getAdditionalInformation() - Method in interface adams.doc.latex.generator.CodeGenerator
Returns the additional information.
getAdditionalInformation() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTPlugin
Returns the additional information.
getAdditionalInformation() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.GenericServer
Returns the additional information.
getAdditionalInformation() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Returns the additional information.
getAdditionalInformation() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.AbstractRatInput
Returns the additional information.
getAdditionalInformation() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.AbstractRatOutput
Returns the additional information.
getAdditionalInformation() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RESTServer
Returns the additional information.
getAdditionalInformation() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientSink
Returns the additional information.
getAdditionalInformation() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientSource
Returns the additional information.
getAdditionalInformation() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientTransformer
Returns the additional information.
getAdditionalInformation(RESTPlugin) - Static method in class adams.flow.rest.RESTUtils
Generates information about the plugin, to be used for the information return by AdditionalInformationHandler.
getAdditionalInformation(Class) - Static method in class adams.flow.rest.RESTUtils
Returns the additional for the class, if any.
getAdditionalInformation(Method) - Static method in class adams.flow.rest.RESTUtils
Returns the additional for the method, if any.
getAdditionalInputOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.ffmpeg.AbstractFFmpegPluginWithOptions
Returns the additional input options to use.
getAdditionalOptions() - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.AbstractScript
Returns the value associated with the (additional) option.
getAdditionalOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.control.Keytool
Returns the additional options for keytool.
getAdditionalOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractParametrizedGroovyRESTPlugin
Returns the value associated with the (additional) option.
getAdditionalOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.generator.AbstractScript
Returns the value associated with the (additional) option.
getAdditionalOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.StanfordLexicalizedParser
Returns the model file to load and use.
getAdditionalOutputOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.ffmpeg.AbstractFFmpegPluginWithOptions
Returns the additional output options to use.
getAdditionalStatements() - Method in class adams.flow.source.NewLatexDocument
Returns the additional statements to insert.
getAddress() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.Socket
Returns the address.
getAddress() - Method in class com.example.customerservice.Customer
Gets the value of the address property.
getAlgorithm() - Method in class adams.data.filter.HeatmapCrop
Returns the crop algorithm.
getAlgorithm() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.KeyManager
Returns the algorithm to use.
getAlgorithm() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.TrustManager
Returns the algorithm to use.
getAlgorithm() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapFeatureGenerator
Returns the algorithm in use.
getAlgorithm() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.TrackObjects
Returns the tracking algorithm.
getAlgorithm() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.WaveFeatureGenerator
Returns the algorithm in use.
getAll() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.ListContainers
Returns whether to list all containers, not just running ones.
getAll() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.ListImages
Returns whether to list all images, including intermediate ones.
getAll() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.PruneImages
Returns whether to prune all images, not just dangling ones.
getAllowTransposition() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.EditDistance
Returns whether transposition is allowed.
getAllPanels() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapViewerPanel
Returns the all panels.
getAllPanels() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.AbstractSelectedHeatmapsViewerPlugin
Returns all the available panels in the heatmap viewer.
getAllPanels() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.plugins.AbstractSelectedTrailsViewerPlugin
Returns all the available panels in the trail viewer.
getAllPanels() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.TrailViewerPanel
Returns the all panels.
getAllTags() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.Push
Returns whether to push all tags.
getAlternativeURL() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientSink
Returns the alternative URL used for the service.
getAlternativeURL() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientSource
Returns the alternative URL used for the service.
getAlternativeURL() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientTransformer
Returns the alternative URL used for the service.
getAlternativeURL() - Method in interface adams.flow.rest.AlternativeUrlSupporter
Returns the alternative URL used for the service.
getAlternativeURL() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientSink
Returns the alternative URL used for the service.
getAlternativeURL() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientSource
Returns the alternative URL used for the service.
getAlternativeURL() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientTransformer
Returns the alternative URL used for the service.
getAlternativeURL() - Method in interface adams.flow.webservice.AlternativeUrlSupporter
Returns the alternative URL used for the service.
getAnnotation() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.AnnotationEvent
A getter for the annotation this event is for
getAnnotations() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.EventQueue
A getter for the annotations EventQueue adds steps to
getArrayHistogram() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.HeatmapHistogram
Returns the current setup for calculating the histogram.
getArrayHistogram() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HistogramPanel
Returns the current setup for calculating the histogram.
getArtifacts() - Method in class adams.gui.application.AbstractBootstrappPreferencesPanel
Returns the artifacts to display.
getAtomicMove() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.DirWatch
Returns whether to attempt atomic move operation.
getAtomicMove() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.FileLister
Returns whether to attempt atomic move operation.
getAtomicMove() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.FileMover
Returns whether to attempt atomic move operation.
getAttributeName() - Method in class weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.AbstractTweetContentFilter
Returns the name of the string attribute to process.
getAudio() - Method in class adams.data.audio.AbstractAudioContainer
Returns the stored audio.
getAudioFormat() - Method in class adams.flow.source.audiorecorder.AbstractAudioRecorder
Returns the audio format based on the options.
getB() - Method in class adams.data.random.Beta
Returns the second parameter for the beta random variable.
getBackground() - Method in class adams.data.trail.Trail
Returns the optional background image.
getBackground() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AddTrailBackground
Returns the name of the callable background in use.
getBackground() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.GenerateWordCloud
Returns the background to use.
getBackground() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.PixelBoundaryBackground
Returns the background image to use.
getBackgroundImage() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.EventQueue
a getter for the background image stored with the trail
getBackgroundImage() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.ExtractBackgroundDialog
a getter for the background image
getBackgroundInstance() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AddTrailBackground
Returns the image obtained from the callable actor.
getBase() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.EditDistance
Returns the base string to compare against.
getBatchSize() - Method in class weka.classifiers.functions.PyroProxy
Get the batch size to use.
getBibtex() - Static method in class adams.doc.latex.LatexHelper
Returns the bibtex executable.
getBibtex() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.LatexSetup
Returns the bibtex executable to use (no path).
getBigEndian() - Method in class adams.flow.source.audiorecorder.AbstractAudioRecorder
Returns whether to use big endian.
getBinariesDir() - Static method in class adams.doc.latex.LatexHelper
Returns the binaries dir.
getBinariesDir() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.LatexSetup
Returns the binaries directory to use.
getBinary() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Gnuplot
Returns the gnuplot binary to execute.
getBinary() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.SimpleDockerConnection
Returns the docker binary in use.
getBinCalculation() - Method in class adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator.wave.Histogram
Returns how the number of bins is calculated.
getBinding() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.Binding
getter for the keystroke of the binding
getBinding() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.BindingParameterPanel
Returns the binding based on the currently entered info
getBinding() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.EditBindingDialog
a getter for the binding
getBinding() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.Binding
getter for the keystroke of the binding
getBinding() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.BindingParameterPanel
Returns the binding based on the currently entered info
getBinding() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.EditBindingDialog
a getter for the binding
getBindings() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.BindingsEditorPanel
A getter for the m_Bindings
getBindings() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.EditBindingsDialog
a getter for all current bindings
getBindings() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.BindingsEditorPanel
A getter for the m_Bindings
getBindings() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.EditBindingsDialog
a getter for all current bindings
getBinWidth() - Method in class adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator.wave.Histogram
Returns the bin width in use (for some calculations).
getBirthDate() - Method in class com.example.customerservice.Customer
Gets the value of the birthDate property.
getBitRate() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.ffmpeg.ConvertAudio
Returns the bit rate to use.
getBits() - Method in class adams.flow.source.audiorecorder.AbstractAudioRecorder
Returns the sample size in bits.
getBlob() - Method in class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.blob.UploadRequest
Gets the value of the blob property.
getBootstrappOutputDir() - Method in class adams.core.management.AbstractBootstrappClassPathAugmenter
Returns the directory that bootstrapp uses to pull in the libraries.
getBootstrappOutputDir() - Method in class adams.core.management.RenjinClassPathAugmenter
Returns the directory that bootstrapp uses to pull in the libraries.
getBottomRight() - Method in class adams.gui.event.HeatmapPanelSelectionEvent
Returns the bottom-right position.
getBufferedMapImage() - Method in class adams.data.gps.Map
getBufferSize() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAInstanceDumper
Returns the number of instances to buffer before writing them to disk.
getBuildContext() - Method in class adams.flow.maven.AbstractAdamsMojo
The Plexus BuildContext is used to identify files or directories modified since last build, implying functionality used to define if java generation must be performed again.
getBulkActions() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RatControl
Returns whether to enable bulk actions.
getCallableActor() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.flow.AbstractCallablePipeline
Returns the currently set callable actor.
getCallableActor() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.flow.AbstractCallableTransformer
Returns the currently set callable actor.
getCallableActor() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Returns the currently set callable actor.
getCallableActor() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.InputWithCallableTransformer
Returns the currently set callable actor.
getCallableActor() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.CallableActor
Returns the currently set callable actor.
getCallableActor() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.OutputWithCallableTransformer
Returns the currently set callable actor.
getCallableActor() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RESTServer
Returns the currently set callable actor.
getCallableActor() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.WSServer
Returns the currently set callable actor.
getCallableActor() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.TransformTrackedObject
Returns the currently set callable actor.
getCallableName() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.InputWithCallableTransformer
Returns the name of the callable transformer in use.
getCallableName() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.CallableActor
Returns the name of the callable actor in use.
getCallableName() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.OutputWithCallableTransformer
Returns the name of the callable transformer in use.
getCanChangeClassInDialog() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.AbstractCurrentHeatmapFilterWithGOE
Returns whether the class can be changed in the GOE.
getCanChangeClassInDialog() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.AbstractHeatmapViewerPluginWithGOE
Returns whether the class can be changed in the GOE.
getCanChangeClassInDialog() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.AbstractSelectedHeatmapsFilterWithGOE
Returns whether the class can be changed in the GOE.
getCanChangeClassInDialog() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.AbstractSelectedHeatmapsViewerPluginWithGOE
Returns whether the class can be changed in the GOE.
getCanChangeClassInDialog() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.Histogram
Returns whether the class can be changed in the GOE.
getCanChangeClassInDialog() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.plugins.AbstractCurrentTrailFilterWithGOE
Returns whether the class can be changed in the GOE.
getCanChangeClassInDialog() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.plugins.AbstractSelectedTrailsFilterWithGOE
Returns whether the class can be changed in the GOE.
getCanChangeClassInDialog() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.plugins.AbstractSelectedTrailsViewerPluginWithGOE
Returns whether the class can be changed in the GOE.
getCanChangeClassInDialog() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.plugins.AbstractTrailViewerPluginWithGOE
Returns whether the class can be changed in the GOE.
getCanChangeClassInDialog(PropertyEditor) - Method in class adams.gui.goe.MekaGenericObjectEditorHandler
Returns whether the class can be changed in the dialog.
getCanonicalFile(File) - Static method in class adams.flow.maven.shared.FileSystemUtilities
Acquires the canonical File for the supplied file.
getCanonicalPath(File) - Static method in class adams.flow.maven.shared.FileSystemUtilities
Acquires the canonical path for the supplied file.
getCapabilities() - Method in class weka.classifiers.functions.PyroProxy
Returns the Capabilities of this classifier.
getCapabilities() - Method in class weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.AbstractTweetContentFilter
Returns the Capabilities of this filter.
getCapabilities() - Method in class weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.TwitterEmoticonScore
Returns the Capabilities of this filter.
getCapabilities() - Method in class weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.TwitterNLPPos
Returns the Capabilities of this filter.
getCaption() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.Figure
Returns the caption.
getCaption() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.BoofCVTransformer
Returns the text for the menu item to create.
getCaption() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.BufferedImageTransformer
Returns the text for the menu item to create.
getCaption() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.Histogram
Returns the text for the menu item to create.
getCaption() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.Notes
Returns the text for the menu item to create.
getCaption() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.SpreadSheetView
Returns the text for the menu item to create.
getCaption() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.Statistics
Returns the text for the menu item to create.
getCaption() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.plugins.Statistics
Returns the text for the menu item to create.
getCaptureMouse() - Method in class adams.data.video.AbstractScreenRecorder
Returns whether to capture the mouse cursor.
getCaretPosition() - Method in class adams.gui.core.MarkdownTextAreaWithPreview
Returns the current caret position.
getCaretPosition() - Method in class adams.gui.core.MarkdownTextPane
Returns the current position of the cursor.
getCaseIndex(Actor, Token) - Method in class adams.flow.condition.bool.MOAClassification
Returns the index of the case that should get executed.
getCases() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.Switch
Returns the base transmitters to use.
getCategory() - Method in class adams.gui.menu.Annotator
Returns the category of the menu item in which it should appear, i.e., the name of the menu.
getCategory() - Method in class adams.gui.menu.AudioAnnotator
Returns the category of the menu item in which it should appear, i.e., the name of the menu.
getCategory() - Method in class adams.gui.menu.DockerContainers
Returns the category of the menu item in which it should appear, i.e., the name of the menu.
getCategory() - Method in class adams.gui.menu.DockerImages
Returns the category of the menu item in which it should appear, i.e., the name of the menu.
getCategory() - Method in class adams.gui.menu.HeatmapViewer
Returns the category of the menu item in which it should appear, i.e., the name of the menu.
getCategory() - Method in class adams.gui.menu.MekaExperimenter
Returns the category of the menu item in which it should appear, i.e., the name of the menu.
getCategory() - Method in class adams.gui.menu.MekaExplorer
Returns the category of the menu item in which it should appear, i.e., the name of the menu.
getCategory() - Method in class adams.gui.menu.MOA
Returns the category of the menu item in which it should appear, i.e., the name of the menu.
getCategory() - Method in class adams.gui.menu.Screencast
Returns the category of the menu item in which it should appear, i.e., the name of the menu.
getCategory() - Method in class adams.gui.menu.TrailViewer
Returns the category of the menu item in which it should appear, i.e., the name of the menu.
getCategory() - Method in class adams.gui.menu.VLCjPlayer
Returns the category of the menu item in which it should appear, i.e., the name of the menu.
getCategory() - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.About
Returns the category of the menu item in which it should appear, i.e., the name of the menu.
getCategory() - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.AbstractJDKMenuItemDefinition
Returns the category of the menu item in which it should appear, i.e., the name of the menu.
getCategory() - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.AbstractMenuItemDefinition
Returns the category of the menu item in which it should appear, i.e., the name of the menu.
getCategory() - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.FlowEditor
Returns the category of the menu item in which it should appear, i.e., the name of the menu.
getCategory() - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.FlowRunner
Returns the category of the menu item in which it should appear, i.e., the name of the menu.
getCategory() - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.GarbageCollector
Returns the category of the menu item in which it should appear, i.e., the name of the menu.
getCategory() - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.Homepage
Returns the category of the menu item in which it should appear, i.e., the name of the menu.
getCategory() - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.Modules
Returns the category of the menu item in which it should appear, i.e., the name of the menu.
getCategory() - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.ProgramExit
Returns the category of the menu item in which it should appear, i.e., the name of the menu.
getCategory() - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.RemoteCommands
Returns the category of the menu item in which it should appear, i.e., the name of the menu.
getCategory() - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.SystemInfo
Returns the category of the menu item in which it should appear, i.e., the name of the menu.
getCenter() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.Figure
Returns whether to center the figure.
getCentre() - Method in class adams.data.gps.GPSBoundary
getCentroid() - Method in class adams.data.filter.heatmapcrop.CropToCentroid
Returns the centroid filter.
getChannel() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.redisaction.Publish
Returns the name of the channel.
getChannel() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.RedisSubscribe
Returns the name of the channel.
getChannel() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.RedisPublish
Returns the name of the channel.
getChannelIn() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.redisaction.BroadcastAndListen
Returns the channel for receiving data.
getChannelOut() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.redisaction.BroadcastAndListen
Returns the channel for sending data.
getChannels() - Method in class adams.flow.source.audiorecorder.AbstractAudioRecorder
Returns the number of channels to record.
getCharacters() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.EscapeLatexCharacters
Returns the characters to escape.
getCheck() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.FileLister
Returns the file 'in use' check scheme.
getCheckBoxBulkActionToolTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.ratcontrol.AbstractControlPanel
Returns the tool tip for the bulk action checkbox.
getCheckBoxBulkActionToolTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.ratcontrol.RatsControlPanel
Returns the tool tip for the bulk action checkbox.
getCheckHeader() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAInstanceDumper
Returns whether the header gets checked or not.
getChildPath() - Method in class adams.core.RObjectPath
Returns the path without the first element.
getChunkSize() - Method in class adams.data.io.input.ArcInfoASCIIGridReader
Returns the current chunk size (non-grid mode).
getChunkSize() - Method in class adams.flow.source.MOAStream
Returns the chunk size of data to generate; if 1 then Instance by Instance otherwise an Instances object.
getClassCrossReferences() - Method in class adams.flow.control.Keytool
Returns the cross-referenced classes.
getClassifier() - Method in class adams.flow.source.MekaClassifierSetup
Returns the classifier in use.
getClassifier() - Method in class adams.flow.source.MOAClassifierSetup
Returns the classifier in use.
getClassifier() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AbstractCallableMekaClassifierEvaluator
Returns the name of the callable classifier in use.
getClassifier() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MekaTrainClassifier
Returns the name of the callable classifier in use.
getClassifier() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAClassifierEvaluation
Returns the callable classifier to use.
getClassifier() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOATrainClassifier
Returns the name of the callable classifier in use.
getClassifierInstance() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AbstractCallableMekaClassifierEvaluator
Returns an instance of the callable classifier.
getClassifierInstance() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MekaTrainClassifier
Returns an instance of the callable classifier.
getClassifierInstance() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAClassifierEvaluation
Returns an instance of the callable classifier.
getClassifierInstance() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOATrainClassifier
Returns an instance of the callable classifier.
getClassname() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.JsonToObject
Returns the class to map the JSON string to.
getClasspath() - Method in class adams.flow.maven.AbstractAdamsMojo
Returns the classpath parts that can be used for launching a Java process.
getClassPathAugmentation() - Method in class adams.core.management.AbstractBootstrappClassPathAugmenter
Returns the classpath parts (jars, directories) to add to the classpath.
getClassType(PropertyEditor) - Method in class adams.gui.goe.MekaGenericObjectEditorHandler
Returns the class type currently in use.
getCleaner() - Method in class weka.core.tokenizers.TwitterNLPTokenizer
Returns the token cleaner to use.
getClient() - Method in class adams.flow.core.AbstractRESTClient
Returns the webservice client in use.
getClient() - Method in class adams.flow.core.AbstractWSClient
Returns the webservice client in use.
getClient() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.WebserviceInput
Returns the webservice client in use.
getClient() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.WebserviceOutput
Returns the webservice client in use.
getClient() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RedisConnection
Returns the client in use.
getClone() - Method in class adams.data.heatmap.Heatmap
Returns a clone of the object.
getClone() - Method in class adams.data.heatmap.HeatmapValue
Returns a clone of itself.
getCloseAfterSend() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.Socket
Returns whether to close the socket after sending the data.
getClusterer() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.MOAClusterVisualization
Returns the callable clusterer to use.
getClusterer() - Method in class adams.flow.source.MOAClustererSetup
Returns the clusterer in use.
getClusterer() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAClustererEvaluation
Returns the callable clusterer to use.
getClusterer() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOATrainClusterer
Returns the clusterer in use.
getClustererInstance() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.MOAClusterVisualization
Returns an instance of the callable clusterer.
getClustererInstance() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAClustererEvaluation
Returns an instance of the callable clusterer.
getClustererInstance() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOATrainClusterer
Returns an instance of the callable clusterer.
getCodecClass() - Method in enum adams.data.redis.RedisDataType
Returns the associated codec class.
getCollisionMode() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.GenerateWordCloud
Returns the collision mode in use.
getColor() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.AbstractSingleColorHeatmapOverlay
Returns the color for the overlay.
getColor() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.image.QuadrilateralLocationsOverlayFromReport
Returns the color to use for the objects.
getColor() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.object.annotator.DEXTRMarkers
Returns the color in use for point markers.
getColor() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.object.annotator.SAMMarkers
Returns the color in use for point markers.
getColor() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.paintlet.AbstractTrailPaintlet
Get the stroke color for the paintlet.
getColorGenerator() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.HeatmapDisplay
Returns the generator for the color gradient.
getColorGenerator() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapPanel
Returns the generator for the color gradient.
getColorLookup() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.SpectrogramToBufferedImage
Generates the color lookup.
getColorPalette() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.GenerateWordCloud
Returns the color palette to use.
getColors() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.ColorListPalette
Returns the colors to create the palette from.
getColumn() - Method in class adams.data.filter.heatmapcrop.Submap
Returns the column start the submap from.
getColumn() - Method in class adams.data.filter.HeatmapSubmap
Returns the column start the submap from.
getColumn() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapGetValue
Returns the column(s) of the value(s).
getColumn() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapSetValue
Returns the column(s) of the position(s).
getColumnClass(int) - Method in class adams.gui.tools.DockerContainersPanel.TableModel
Returns the class type of the column.
getColumnClass(int) - Method in class adams.gui.tools.DockerImagesPanel.TableModel
Returns the class type of the column.
getColumnCount() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.DockerContainersPanel.TableModel
Returns the number of columns in the table.
getColumnCount() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.DockerImagesPanel.TableModel
Returns the number of columns in the table.
getColumnElevation() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.SpreadSheetToKML
Returns the (optional) column with the elevations.
getColumnFrequency() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.SpreadSheetToWordFrequencies
Returns the column containing the frequencies.
getColumnGPS() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.SpreadSheetToKML
Returns the column with the GPS coordinate objects.
getColumnID() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.SpreadSheetToKML
Returns the (optional) column with the PlaceMark IDs.
getColumnName() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.SpreadSheetToKML
Returns the (optional) column with the PlaceMark names.
getColumnName(int) - Method in class adams.gui.tools.DockerContainersPanel.TableModel
Returns the name of the column.
getColumnName(int) - Method in class adams.gui.tools.DockerImagesPanel.TableModel
Returns the name of the column.
getColumns() - Method in class adams.core.gnuplot.AbstractPlotScriptlet
Returns the columns to use in the plots.
getColumns() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.ColumnCorrelationToHeatmap
Returns the columns to include in the calculations.
getColumns() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.ColumnCovarianceToHeatmap
Returns the columns to include in the calculations.
getColumns() - Method in class adams.data.io.output.GnuplotSpreadSheetWriter
Returns the current placeholder for missing values.
getColumns() - Method in class adams.flow.source.NewHeatmap
Returns the number of columns.
getColumns() - Method in class adams.gui.core.MarkdownTextAreaWithPreview
Returns the columns.
getColumnWord() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.SpreadSheetToWordFrequencies
Returns the column containing the words.
getCommand() - Method in class adams.docker.DockerContainer
Returns the command.
getCommand() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.Generic
Returns the command to execute.
getCommand() - Method in class adams.flow.source.SimpleDockerCommand
Returns the command to run.
getCommand() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Exec
Returns the command to run.
getCommand() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.Exec
Returns the command to run.
getCommand() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.SimpleDockerCommand
Returns the command to run.
getCommand() - Method in class adams.scripting.command.flow.SendRatControlCommand
Returns the command to send.
getCommand() - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.AbstractRemoteCommandActionResponseHandler
Returns the command this handler belongs to.
getCommandContainsPlaceholder() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Exec
Returns whether the command string contains a placeholder which needs to be expanded first.
getCommandContainsPlaceholder() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.Exec
Returns whether the command string contains a placeholder which needs to be expanded first.
getCommandContainsVariable() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Exec
Returns whether the command string contains a variable which needs to be expanded first.
getCommandContainsVariable() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.Exec
Returns whether the command string contains a variable which needs to be expanded first.
getCommandProcessor() - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.AbstractRemoteCommandAction
Returns the command processor in use.
getCommonAncestor(RObjectPath) - Method in class adams.core.RObjectPath
Returns the path that denotes the common ancestor of this and the specified object path.
getCommunication() - Method in class weka.classifiers.functions.PyroProxy
Returns the model proxy to use for communication.
getCommunication() - Method in interface weka.core.PyroProxyObject
Returns the handler for the communication.
getComparator() - Method in class adams.data.audioannotations.AudioAnnotations
Returns the comparator in use.
getComparator() - Method in class adams.data.heatmap.Heatmap
Returns the comparator in use.
getComparator() - Method in class adams.data.trail.Trail
Returns the comparator in use.
getConditions() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.Switch
Returns the conditions to evaluate.
getConfig() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.FFmpeg
Returns the configuration.
getConnection() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.AbstractDockerCommand
Returns the docker connection in use.
getConnection() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.AbstractDockerCommandWithOptions
Returns the docker connection in use.
getConnection() - Method in interface adams.docker.simpledocker.DockerCommand
Returns the docker connection in use.
getConnection(Class) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RedisConnection
Returns the connection in use.
getConnectionTimeout() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientSink
Returns the timeout for the connection.
getConnectionTimeout() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientSource
Returns the timeout for the connection.
getConnectionTimeout() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientTransformer
Returns the timeout for the connection.
getConnectionTimeout() - Method in interface adams.flow.rest.RESTClient
Returns the timeout for the http connection in msec.
getConnectionTimeout() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientSink
Returns the timeout for the connection.
getConnectionTimeout() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientSource
Returns the timeout for the connection.
getConnectionTimeout() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientTransformer
Returns the timeout for the connection.
getConnectionTimeout() - Method in interface adams.flow.webservice.WebServiceClient
Returns the timeout for the http connection in msec.
getConsoleLineLimit() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RatControl
Returns the line limit for the console output.
getContainerID() - Method in class adams.docker.DockerContainer
Returns the container ID.
getContentName() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.TextWriter
Returns the name of the content.
getControlPanels() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RatControl
Returns the current control panels.
getControlPanelsPerRats() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RatControl
Returns the current control panels, grouped by RatControl actor.
getControlStates() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RatControl
Returns the current control states.
getConversion() - Method in class adams.data.filter.heatmapthreshold.AbstractBufferedImageBasedHeatmapThreshold
Returns the conversion to use for turning the heatmap into a BufferedImage.
getConversion() - Method in class adams.data.io.output.SimpleImageHeatmapWriter
Returns the conversion to use for converting the heatmap into an image for the image writer.
getConversion() - Method in class adams.flow.source.WebcamImage
Returns the conversion for converting the BufferedImageContainer into another format if necessary.
getConversion() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapLocateObjects
Returns the conversion to use for converting the heatmap into an image for the locator.
getConverter() - Method in class adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator.AbstractAudioFeatureGenerator
Returns the feature converter in use.
getConverter() - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.AbstractHeatmapFeatureGenerator
Returns the feature converter in use.
getCorrespondingReader() - Method in class adams.data.io.output.GnuplotSpreadSheetWriter
Returns, if available, the corresponding reader.
getCorrespondingReader() - Method in class adams.data.io.output.LatexSpreadSheetWriter
Returns, if available, the corresponding reader.
getCorrespondingWriter() - Method in class adams.data.io.input.ArcInfoASCIIGridReader
Returns, if available, the corresponding writer.
getCorrespondingWriter() - Method in class adams.data.io.input.GnuplotSpreadSheetReader
Returns, if available, the corresponding writer.
getCreated() - Method in class adams.docker.DockerContainer
Returns the created information.
getCreated() - Method in class adams.docker.DockerImage
Returns the created information.
getCurrent() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.AbstractSimpleReportBasedObjectTracker
Returns the field to store the current location of the object in.
getCurrentClassifier() - Method in class adams.flow.source.MOAClassifierSetup
Returns the current classifier, based on the class option.
getCurrentClusterer() - Method in class adams.flow.source.MOAClustererSetup
Returns the current clusterer, based on the class option.
getCurrentEvaluator() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAClassifierEvaluation
Returns the current evaluator, based on the class option.
getCurrentEvaluator() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOARegressorEvaluation
Returns the current evaluator, based on the class option.
getCurrentFile() - Method in class adams.gui.audio.AudioPlaybackPanel
Returns the currently loaded file, if any.
getCurrentFile() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.ExtractBackgroundDialog
Returns the current video file.
getCurrentFile() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.VLCjDirectRenderPanel
getCurrentPanel() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapViewerPanel
Returns the currently selected heatmap panel.
getCurrentPanel() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.TrailViewerPanel
Returns the currently selected trail panel.
getCurrentRegressor() - Method in class adams.flow.source.MOARegressorSetup
Returns the current regressor, based on the class option.
getCurrentStreamFilter() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAFilter
Returns the current stream filter, based on the class option.
getCurrentStreamGenerator() - Method in class adams.flow.source.MOAStream
Returns the current stream generator, based on the class option.
getCustomer() - Method in class com.example.customerservice.UpdateCustomer
Gets the value of the customer property.
getCustomerId() - Method in class com.example.customerservice.Customer
Gets the value of the customerId property.
getCustomerName() - Method in class com.example.customerservice.flow.CustomersByName
Returns the customer name to look up.
getCustomerName() - Method in class com.example.customerservice.flow.CustomersByNameCallableTransformer
Returns the customer name to look up.
getCustomerName() - Method in class com.example.customerservice.flow.UpdateCustomer
Returns the customer name to update.
getCustomerName() - Method in class com.example.customerservice.NoSuchCustomer
Gets the value of the customerName property.
getCustomersByName(String) - Method in interface com.example.customerservice.CustomerService
getCustomersByName(String) - Method in class com.example.customerservice.server.CustomerServiceImpl
GetCustomersByName - Class in com.example.customerservice
Java class for getCustomersByName complex type.
GetCustomersByName() - Constructor for class com.example.customerservice.GetCustomersByName
GetCustomersByNameResponse - Class in com.example.customerservice
Java class for getCustomersByNameResponse complex type.
GetCustomersByNameResponse() - Constructor for class com.example.customerservice.GetCustomersByNameResponse
getCustomerServicePort() - Method in class com.example.customerservice.CustomerServiceService
getCustomerServicePort(WebServiceFeature...) - Method in class com.example.customerservice.CustomerServiceService
getCustomPanel(PropertyEditor) - Method in class adams.gui.goe.MekaGenericObjectEditorHandler
Returns the custom panel of the editor.
getCustomStopMessage() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.KeyManager
Returns the custom message to use when stopping the flow.
getCustomStopMessage() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RedisConnection
Returns the custom message to use when stopping the flow.
getCustomStopMessage() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.TrustManager
Returns the custom message to use when stopping the flow.
getCustomSupplyTextMenuItemCaption() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.StanfordParseTreeDisplay
Returns the text for the menu item.
getCustomSupplyTextMenuItemCaption() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.TrailDisplay
Returns the text for the menu item.
getCustomTextFileFilter() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.StanfordParseTreeDisplay
Returns a custom file filter for the file chooser.
getCustomTextFileFilter() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.TrailDisplay
Returns a custom file filter for the file chooser.
getData() - Method in class adams.data.audioannotations.AudioAnnotationsStatistic
Returns the currently stored trail.
getData() - Method in class adams.data.trail.TrailStatistic
Returns the currently stored trail.
getData() - Method in class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.blob.Blob
Gets the value of the data property.
getData() - Method in class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.text.Text
Gets the value of the data property.
getDatabase() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RedisConnection
Returns the database to use.
getDatabaseConnection() - Method in class adams.data.featuregenerator.AbstractDatabaseConnectionFeatureGenerator
Returns the currently used database connection object, can be null.
getDatabaseConnection() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AudioAnnotationsFilter
Determines the database connection in the flow.
getDatabaseConnection() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapFilter
Determines the database connection in the flow.
getDatabaseConnection() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.TrailFilter
Determines the database connection in the flow.
getDatabaseConnection() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.blob.SimpleRatsBlobService
Determines the database connection in the flow.
getDatabaseConnection() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.text.SimpleRatsTextService
Determines the database connection in the flow.
getDataClass() - Method in enum adams.data.redis.RedisDataType
Returns the associated data class.
getDataContainerClass() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AudioAnnotationsFileWriter
Returns the data container class in use.
getDataContainerClass() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AudioAnnotationsFilter
Returns the data container class in use.
getDataContainerClass() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapFileWriter
Returns the data container class in use.
getDataContainerClass() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapFilter
Returns the data container class in use.
getDataContainerClass() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.TrailFileWriter
Returns the data container class in use.
getDataContainerClass() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.TrailFilter
Returns the data container class in use.
getDataFile() - Method in class adams.core.gnuplot.AbstractScriptletWithDataFile
Returns the data file in use.
getDataFrameColumns() - Method in class adams.flow.source.RSource
Returns the comma-separated list of dataframe column names to retrieve only.
getDataFrameColumns() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RTransformer
Returns the comma-separated list of dataframe column names to retrieve only.
getDataLineInfo(AudioFormat, MessageCollection) - Method in class adams.flow.source.audiorecorder.AbstractAudioRecorder
Returns the data line info.
getDatasetFormat() - Method in class adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator.AbstractAudioFeatureGenerator
Returns the class of the dataset that the converter generates.
getDatasetFormat() - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.AbstractHeatmapFeatureGenerator
Returns the class of the dataset that the converter generates.
getDatasetFormat() - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.CountValues
Returns the class of the dataset that the converter generates.
getDebugScopeRestriction() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Returns the scope restriction in place.
getDebugScopeRestriction(Node) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Returns the scope restriction in place.
getDecayHorizon() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.MOAClusterVisualization
Returns the size of the decay horizon.
getDeepCopy() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AbstractArraySplitter
Returns whether to perform a deep copy of each array element before transferring it into the target array.
getDefaultActors() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rats
Returns the list of default actors.
getDefaultAdditionalInputOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.ffmpeg.AbstractFFmpegPluginWithOptions
Returns the default value for the additional input options.
getDefaultAdditionalOutputOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.ffmpeg.AbstractFFmpegPluginWithOptions
Returns the default value for the additional output options.
getDefaultAdditionalOutputOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.ffmpeg.MovieFromImages
Returns the default value for the additional output options.
getDefaultAlternativeURL() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientSink
Returns the default URL for the service.
getDefaultAlternativeURL() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientSource
Returns the default URL for the service.
getDefaultAlternativeURL() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientTransformer
Returns the default URL for the service.
getDefaultAlternativeURL() - Method in interface adams.flow.rest.AlternativeUrlSupporter
Returns the default URL for the service.
getDefaultAlternativeURL() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientSink
Returns the default URL for the service.
getDefaultAlternativeURL() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientSource
Returns the default URL for the service.
getDefaultAlternativeURL() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientTransformer
Returns the default URL for the service.
getDefaultAlternativeURL() - Method in interface adams.flow.webservice.AlternativeUrlSupporter
Returns the default URL for the service.
getDefaultApplicationTitle() - Method in class adams.terminal.Main
Returns the default title of the application.
getDefaultAttributeName() - Method in class weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.AbstractTweetContentFilter
Returns the default attribute name.
getDefaultBitRate() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.ffmpeg.MovieFromImages
The default setting for fps.
getDefaultCaseIndex(Actor, Token) - Method in class adams.flow.condition.bool.MOAClassification
Returns the index of the default case.
getDefaultClassifier() - Method in class adams.flow.source.MOAClassifierSetup
Returns the default classifier.
getDefaultClassifier() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOATrainClassifier
Returns the default classifier.
getDefaultClassifier() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOATrainRegressor
Returns the default classifier.
getDefaultCleaner() - Method in class weka.core.tokenizers.TwitterNLPTokenizer
Returns the default token cleaner.
getDefaultClient() - Method in class adams.flow.core.AbstractRESTClient
Returns the default client to use.
getDefaultClient() - Method in class adams.flow.core.AbstractWSClient
Returns the default client to use.
getDefaultClient() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.RESTSink
Returns the default client to use.
getDefaultClient() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.WSSink
Returns the default client to use.
getDefaultClient() - Method in class adams.flow.source.RESTSource
Returns the default client to use.
getDefaultClient() - Method in class adams.flow.source.WSSource
Returns the default client to use.
getDefaultClient() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.WebserviceInput
Returns the default client to use.
getDefaultClient() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.WebserviceOutput
Returns the default client to use.
getDefaultClient() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RESTTransformer
Returns the default client to use.
getDefaultClient() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.WSTransformer
Returns the default client to use.
getDefaultClusterer() - Method in class adams.flow.source.MOAClustererSetup
Returns the default clusterer.
getDefaultColor() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.paintlet.AbstractTrailPaintlet
Returns the default color for the stroke.
getDefaultDatabaseConnection() - Method in class adams.data.featuregenerator.AbstractDatabaseConnectionFeatureGenerator
Returns the default database connection.
getDefaultDatabaseConnection() - Method in class adams.data.featuregenerator.FilteredFeatureGenerator
Returns the default database connection.
getDefaultDatabaseConnection() - Method in class adams.data.featuregenerator.MultiGenerator
Returns the default database connection.
getDefaultDatabaseConnection() - Method in class adams.data.filter.HeatmapFeatureGenerator
Returns the default database connection.
getDefaultDatabaseConnection() - Method in class adams.terminal.Main
Returns the default database connection.
getDefaultDisplayType() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RatControl
Returns the default value for displaying the panel in the editor rather than in a separate frame.
getDefaultEvaluator() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAClassifierEvaluation
Returns the default evaluator.
getDefaultEvaluator() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOARegressorEvaluation
Returns the default evaluator.
getDefaultExecutable() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.FFmpegConfig
Returns the default executable.
getDefaultExpression() - Method in class adams.flow.condition.bool.RandomNumberExpression
Returns the default expression to use.
getDefaultFilter() - Method in class adams.data.filter.heatmapcrop.AbstractFilteredHeatmapCrop
Returns the default pre-filter to use.
getDefaultFilter() - Method in class adams.data.filter.heatmapcrop.CropToCentroid
Returns the default pre-filter to use.
getDefaultFilter() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAFilter
Returns the default stream filter.
getDefaultFind() - Method in class weka.core.tokenizers.cleaners.RegExp
Returns the default regular expression for finding tokens to clean.
getDefaultGenerator() - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.AbstractMetaHeatmapFeatureGenerator
Returns the default feature generator to use.
getDefaultGenerator() - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.CountValues
Returns the default generator to use.
getDefaultGenerator() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.AbstractMetaCodeGenerator
Returns the default code generator to use.
getDefaultGenerator() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.BlockSize
Returns the default code generator to use.
getDefaultGenerator() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.Figure
Returns the default code generator to use.
getDefaultGenerator() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.MiniPage
Returns the default code generator to use.
getDefaultGenerator() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.MultiCol
Returns the default code generator to use.
getDefaultGenerator() - Method in class adams.flow.source.MOAStream
Returns the default stream generator.
getDefaultHandlers() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.WebServer
Returns the default handlers.
getDefaultHeight() - Method in class adams.data.io.input.FloatMatrixHeatmapReader
Returns the default height of the heatmap.
getDefaultHeight() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.HeatmapDisplay
Returns the default height for the dialog.
getDefaultHeight() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.TrailDisplay
Returns the default height for the dialog.
getDefaultHeight() - Method in class adams.flow.source.NewTrail
Returns the default height of the trail.
getDefaultHeight() - Method in class adams.flow.source.WebcamImage
Returns the default height of the image.
getDefaultHeight() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.AbstractPositionableHeatmapOverlayWithDimensions
Returns the default height for the overlay.
getDefaultHeight() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.TextOverlay
Returns the default height for the overlay.
getDefaultInfoText() - Method in class adams.gui.application.AbstractBootstrappPreferencesPanel
The default info text to display (gets converted to HTML automatically).
getDefaultInfoText() - Method in class adams.gui.application.RenjinSettingsPanel
The default info text to display (gets converted to HTML automatically).
getDefaultInInterceptor() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTProvider
Returns the default interceptor for incoming messages.
getDefaultInInterceptor() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientSource
Returns the default interceptor for incoming messages.
getDefaultInInterceptor() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientTransformer
Returns the default interceptor for incoming messages.
getDefaultInInterceptor() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceProvider
Returns the default interceptor for incoming messages.
getDefaultInputOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.ffmpeg.GenericPlugin
Returns the default input options.
getDefaultLoggingLevel() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming.XMLLoggingGenerator
Returns the default logging level to use.
getDefaultLoggingLevel() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.XMLLoggingGenerator
Returns the default logging level to use.
getDefaultMaxBuffer() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.AbstractBufferedRatInput
Returns the default maximum for the buffer.
getDefaultMean() - Method in class adams.data.random.Weibull
Returns the default mean to use.
getDefaultMissingValue() - Method in class adams.data.io.input.GnuplotSpreadSheetReader
Returns the default missing value to use.
getDefaultMissingValue() - Method in class adams.data.io.output.GnuplotSpreadSheetWriter
Returns the default missing value.
getDefaultMissingValue() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.Table
Returns the default missing value.
getDefaultModel() - Method in class weka.core.tokenizers.cleaners.RemoveEmoticons
Returns the default model file.
getDefaultModel() - Method in class weka.core.tokenizers.cleaners.WordCluster
Returns the default model file.
getDefaultModel() - Method in class weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.TwitterEmoticonScore
Returns the default model file.
getDefaultModel() - Method in class weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.TwitterNLPPos
Returns the default model file.
getDefaultNumberFormat() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.Table
Returns the default number format.
getDefaultOption() - Method in class adams.flow.source.MOAClassifierSetup
Returns the default class option.
getDefaultOption() - Method in class adams.flow.source.MOAClustererSetup
Returns the default class option.
getDefaultOption() - Method in class adams.flow.source.MOARegressorSetup
Returns the default class option.
getDefaultOption() - Method in class adams.flow.source.MOAStream
Returns the default class option.
getDefaultOption() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAClassifierEvaluation
Returns the default class option.
getDefaultOption() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAFilter
Returns the default class option.
getDefaultOption() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOARegressorEvaluation
Returns the default class option.
getDefaultOption() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOATrainClassifier
Returns the default class option.
getDefaultOption() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOATrainRegressor
Returns the default class option.
getDefaultOutInterceptor() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTProvider
Returns the default interceptor for outgoing messages.
getDefaultOutInterceptor() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientSink
Returns the default interceptor for outgoing messages.
getDefaultOutInterceptor() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientTransformer
Returns the default interceptor for outgoing messages.
getDefaultOutInterceptor() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceProvider
Returns the default interceptor for outgoing messages.
getDefaultOutput() - Method in class adams.data.video.AbstractFileBaseRecorder
Returns the default output file to use.
getDefaultOutput() - Method in class adams.data.video.SampledSoundRecorder
Returns the default output file to use.
getDefaultOutput() - Method in class adams.data.video.SarxosWebcamRecorder
Returns the default output file to use.
getDefaultOutput() - Method in class adams.data.video.XuggleScreenRecorder
Returns the default output file to use.
getDefaultOutputFile() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.MP3ToWave
Returns the default output file.
getDefaultOutputFile() - Method in class adams.flow.source.audiorecorder.AbstractFileBasedAudioRecorder
Returns the default output file.
getDefaultOutputFile() - Method in class adams.flow.source.audiorecorder.FixedDuration
Returns the default output file.
getDefaultOutputFile() - Method in class adams.flow.source.audiorecorder.OnDemand
Returns the default output file.
getDefaultOutputFile() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.BinaryFileWriter
Returns the default output file.
getDefaultOutputFormatter() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.ListContainers
Returns the default output formatter.
getDefaultOutputFormatter() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.ListImages
Returns the default output formatter.
getDefaultOutputOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.ffmpeg.GenericPlugin
Returns the default output options.
getDefaultPathType() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.AbstractFileReferencingCodeGenerator
Returns the default path type to use.
getDefaultPlugins() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.GenericServer
Returns the default plugins to use.
getDefaultPlugins() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.RatsServer
Returns the default plugins to use.
getDefaultPrefix() - Method in class adams.data.featuregenerator.AbstractFeatureGenerator
Returns the default prefix for the generated features.
getDefaultReader() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AudioAnnotationsFileReader
Returns the default reader to use.
getDefaultReader() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapFileReader
Returns the default reader to use.
getDefaultReader() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.TrailFileReader
Returns the default reader to use.
getDefaultReader() - Method in class adams.gui.chooser.AudioAnnotationsFileChooser
Returns the default reader.
getDefaultReader() - Method in class adams.gui.chooser.HeatmapFileChooser
Returns the default reader.
getDefaultReader() - Method in class adams.gui.chooser.TrailFileChooser
Returns the default reader.
getDefaultRegressor() - Method in class adams.flow.source.MOARegressorSetup
Returns the default classifier.
getDefaultRemoveExtension() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.AbstractFileReferencingCodeGenerator
Returns the default for removing the extension.
getDefaultRemoveExtension() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.Include
Returns the default for removing the extension.
getDefaultRemoveExtension() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.Input
Returns the default for removing the extension.
getDefaultReplace() - Method in class weka.core.tokenizers.cleaners.RegExp
Returns the default expression for replacing matching tokens with.
getDefaultSuppliedDir() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.AbstractFileReferencingCodeGenerator
Returns the default for the supplied directory.
getDefaultTimeout() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.AbstractRedisTool
Returns the default timeout in msec.
getDefaultTimeout() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.SAM
Returns the default timeout in msec.
getDefaultTimeout() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.segmentation.tool.AbstractRedisTool
Returns the default timeout in msec.
getDefaultTimeout() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.segmentation.tool.SAM
Returns the default timeout in msec.
getDefaultURL() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTProvider
Returns the default URL for the service.
getDefaultURL() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.echo.EchoServer
Returns the default URL for the service.
getDefaultURL() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.GenericServer
Returns the default URL for the service.
getDefaultURL() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.GroovyServer
Returns the default URL for the service.
getDefaultURL() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceProvider
Returns the default URL for the service.
getDefaultURL() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.blob.RatsBlobServiceWS
Returns the default URL for the service.
getDefaultURL() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.text.RatsTextServiceWS
Returns the default URL for the service.
getDefaultURL() - Method in class com.example.customerservice.flow.CustomerServiceWS
Returns the default URL for the service.
getDefaultUseAbsoluteSource() - Method in class adams.data.io.input.AbstractHeatmapReader
Returns the default for using absolute source filename.
getDefaultValue() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.AbstractCurrentHeatmapFilterWithGOE
Returns the default object to use in the GOE if no last setup is yet available.
getDefaultValue() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.AbstractHeatmapViewerPluginWithGOE
Returns the default object to use in the GOE if no last setup is yet available.
getDefaultValue() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.AbstractSelectedHeatmapsFilterWithGOE
Returns the default object to use in the GOE if no last setup is yet available.
getDefaultValue() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.AbstractSelectedHeatmapsViewerPluginWithGOE
Returns the default object to use in the GOE if no last setup is yet available.
getDefaultValue() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.BoofCVTransformer
Returns the default object to use in the GOE if no last setup is yet available.
getDefaultValue() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.BufferedImageTransformer
Returns the default object to use in the GOE if no last setup is yet available.
getDefaultValue() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.Histogram
Returns the default object to use in the GOE if no last setup is yet available.
getDefaultValue() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.plugins.AbstractCurrentTrailFilterWithGOE
Returns the default object to use in the GOE if no last setup is yet available.
getDefaultValue() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.plugins.AbstractSelectedTrailsFilterWithGOE
Returns the default object to use in the GOE if no last setup is yet available.
getDefaultValue() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.plugins.AbstractSelectedTrailsViewerPluginWithGOE
Returns the default object to use in the GOE if no last setup is yet available.
getDefaultValue() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.plugins.AbstractTrailViewerPluginWithGOE
Returns the default object to use in the GOE if no last setup is yet available.
getDefaultWebService() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.RESTTextReception
Returns the default webservice provider to use.
getDefaultWebService() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.WSBlobReception
Returns the default webservice provider to use.
getDefaultWebService() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.WSTextReception
Returns the default webservice provider to use.
getDefaultWidth() - Method in class adams.data.io.input.FloatMatrixHeatmapReader
Returns the default width of the heatmap.
getDefaultWidth() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.HeatmapDisplay
Returns the default width for the dialog.
getDefaultWidth() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.TrailDisplay
Returns the default width for the dialog.
getDefaultWidth() - Method in class adams.flow.source.NewTrail
Returns the default width of the trail.
getDefaultWidth() - Method in class adams.flow.source.WebcamImage
Returns the default width of the image.
getDefaultWidth() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.AbstractPositionableHeatmapOverlayWithDimensions
Returns the default width for the overlay.
getDefaultWidth() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.TextOverlay
Returns the default width for the overlay.
getDefaultWriter() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AudioAnnotationsFileWriter
Returns the default writer to use.
getDefaultWriter() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapFileWriter
Returns the default writer to use.
getDefaultWriter() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.TrailFileWriter
Returns the default writer to use.
getDefaultWriter() - Method in class adams.gui.chooser.AudioAnnotationsFileChooser
Returns the default writer.
getDefaultWriter() - Method in class adams.gui.chooser.HeatmapFileChooser
Returns the default writer.
getDefaultWriter() - Method in class adams.gui.chooser.TrailFileChooser
Returns the default writer.
getDefaultX() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.AbstractPositionableHeatmapOverlay
Returns the default X position for the overlay.
getDefaultXColumn() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.AbstractMekaThresholdVisualizePanelPlot
Returns the name of the default X column to display.
getDefaultXColumn() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.MekaMacroCurve
Returns the name of the default X column to display.
getDefaultXColumn() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.MekaMicroCurve
Returns the name of the default X column to display.
getDefaultXColumn() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.MekaPrecisionRecall
Returns the name of the default X column to display.
getDefaultXColumn() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.MekaROC
Returns the name of the default X column to display.
getDefaultY() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.AbstractPositionableHeatmapOverlay
Returns the default Y position for the overlay.
getDefaultYColumn() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.AbstractMekaThresholdVisualizePanelPlot
Returns the name of the default Y column to display.
getDefaultYColumn() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.MekaMacroCurve
Returns the name of the default Y column to display.
getDefaultYColumn() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.MekaMicroCurve
Returns the name of the default Y column to display.
getDefaultYColumn() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.MekaPrecisionRecall
Returns the name of the default Y column to display.
getDefaultYColumn() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.MekaROC
Returns the name of the default Y column to display.
getDegree() - Method in class adams.data.gps.Coordinate
Returns the degrees.
getDegreesFreedom() - Method in class adams.data.random.ChiSquare
Returns the degrees of freedom to use.
getDelay() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.AnimatedGifFileWriter
Returns the delay in msec between frames.
getDeleteContainersFlow(String[]) - Method in class adams.gui.tools.DockerContainersPanel
Creates the flow for deleting docker containers.
getDeleteImagesFlow(String[]) - Method in class adams.gui.tools.DockerImagesPanel
Creates the flow for deleting docker images.
getDelimiter() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.WordFrequencyToString
Returns the delimiter to use.
getDescription(StringBuilder, int) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAFilter.FixedInstanceStream
getDialogSize() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.AbstractSelectedHeatmapsViewerPlugin
Returns the size of the dialog.
getDialogSize() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.plugins.AbstractSelectedTrailsViewerPlugin
Returns the size of the dialog.
getDiameter() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.paintlet.Circles
Returns the diameter of the circle.
getDimensionNames(SEXP, int) - Static method in class adams.core.RObjectHelper
Returns the dimension names for the specified dimension.
getDimensions(SEXP) - Static method in class adams.core.RObjectHelper
Returns the dimensions of the object.
getDirMappings() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.SimpleDockerConnection
Returns the directory mappings to make available to the actual docker commands.
getDisableContentTrust() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.Push
Returns whether to disable content trust, i.e., skip signing images.
getDisconnect() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.WebsocketOutput
Returns whether to immediately disconnect after sending the data.
getDisplayID() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapContainer
Returns the displayed container's ID.
getDisplayID() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.TrailContainer
Returns the displayed container's ID.
getDisplayRanges() - Method in class adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator.wave.Histogram
Returns whether to use the bin ranges as their description rather than a simple index.
getDocument() - Method in class adams.gui.core.MarkdownTextAreaWithPreview
Returns the underlying document.
getDocument() - Method in class adams.gui.core.MarkdownTextPane
Returns the underlying document.
getDocumentClass() - Method in class adams.flow.source.NewLatexDocument
Returns the document class to use.
getDocumentClassOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.source.NewLatexDocument
Returns the options to use for the document class.
getDocumentRoot() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.webserver.ResourceHandler
Returns the directory with the static files.
getDrawClustering() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.MOAClusterVisualization
Returns whether to draw the clustering.
getDrawGroundTruth() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.MOAClusterVisualization
Returns whether to draw the ground truth.
getDrawMicroClustering() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.MOAClusterVisualization
Returns whether to draw the micro clustering.
getDrawPoints() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.MOAClusterVisualization
Returns whether to draw the points.
getDuration() - Method in class adams.data.wavefilter.Cut
Returns the duration of the cut.
getDuration() - Method in class adams.flow.source.audiorecorder.FixedDuration
Returns the duration of the recording.
getEditorType() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.AbstractCurrentHeatmapFilterWithGOE
Returns the class to use as type (= superclass) in the GOE.
getEditorType() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.AbstractHeatmapViewerPluginWithGOE
Returns the class to use as type (= superclass) in the GOE.
getEditorType() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.AbstractSelectedHeatmapsFilterWithGOE
Returns the class to use as type (= superclass) in the GOE.
getEditorType() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.AbstractSelectedHeatmapsViewerPluginWithGOE
Returns the class to use as type (= superclass) in the GOE.
getEditorType() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.BoofCVTransformer
Returns the class to use as type (= superclass) in the GOE.
getEditorType() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.BufferedImageTransformer
Returns the class to use as type (= superclass) in the GOE.
getEditorType() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.Histogram
Returns the class to use as type (= superclass) in the GOE.
getEditorType() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.plugins.AbstractCurrentTrailFilterWithGOE
Returns the class to use as type (= superclass) in the GOE.
getEditorType() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.plugins.AbstractSelectedTrailsFilterWithGOE
Returns the class to use as type (= superclass) in the GOE.
getEditorType() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.plugins.AbstractSelectedTrailsViewerPluginWithGOE
Returns the class to use as type (= superclass) in the GOE.
getEditorType() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.plugins.AbstractTrailViewerPluginWithGOE
Returns the class to use as type (= superclass) in the GOE.
getEnabled() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.incoming.AbstractInInterceptorGenerator
Returns whether the generator is enabled, ie instantiating the interceptor.
getEnabled() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.outgoing.AbstractOutInterceptorGenerator
Returns whether the generator is enabled, ie instantiating the interceptor.
getEnabled() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming.AbstractInInterceptorGenerator
Returns whether the generator is enabled, ie instantiating the interceptor.
getEnabled() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.AbstractOutInterceptorGenerator
Returns whether the generator is enabled, ie instantiating the interceptor.
getEncoder() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.ffmpeg.ConvertAudio
Returns the encoder to use.
getEncoding() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.RenjinSink
Returns the encoding to use for the script file.
getEncoding() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.RSink
Returns the encoding to use for the script file.
getEncoding() - Method in class adams.flow.source.RenjinSource
Returns the encoding to use for the script file.
getEncoding() - Method in class adams.flow.source.RSource
Returns the encoding to use for the script file.
getEncoding() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Socket
Returns the encoding to use.
getEncoding() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.Socket
Returns the encoding to use.
getEncoding() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RenjinStandalone
Returns the encoding to use for the script file.
getEncoding() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RStandalone
Returns the encoding to use for the script file.
getEncoding() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RenjinTransformer
Returns the encoding to use for the script file.
getEncoding() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RTransformer
Returns the encoding to use for the script file.
getEncoding() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.WordFrequencyAnalyzer
Returns the encoding to use.
getEnd() - Method in class adams.data.filter.AudioAnnotationsWindow
The end timestamp of annotations.
getEnd() - Method in class adams.data.filter.TrailWindow
The end timestamp of trail.
getEngine() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RenjinContext
Returns the script engine instance.
getEnqueueMessage() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.incoming.Enqueue
Returns whether to enqueue the whole message or just a NullToken.
getEnqueueMessage() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.incoming.EnqueueGenerator
Returns whether to enqueue the whole message or just a NullToken.
getEnqueueMessage() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.outgoing.Enqueue
Returns whether to enqueue the whole message or just a NullToken.
getEnqueueMessage() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.outgoing.EnqueueGenerator
Returns whether to enqueue the whole message or just a NullToken.
getEnqueueMessage() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming.Enqueue
Returns whether to enqueue the whole message or just a NullToken.
getEnqueueMessage() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming.EnqueueGenerator
Returns whether to enqueue the whole message or just a NullToken.
getEnqueueMessage() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.Enqueue
Returns whether to enqueue the whole message or just a NullToken.
getEnqueueMessage() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.EnqueueGenerator
Returns whether to enqueue the whole message or just a NullToken.
getEnvVars() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Exec
Returns the environment variables to overlay on top of the current ones.
getEnvVars() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.Exec
Returns the environment variables to overlay on top of the current ones.
getErrorKey() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.log.LogEntryGenerator
Returns the key to use for the error in the message.
getErrorKey() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.log.SimpleStringGenerator
Returns the key to use for the error in the message.
getEscape() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.ImportContent
Returns whether to escape the content of the import file.
getEvaluator() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAClassifierEvaluation
Returns the evaluator in use.
getEvaluator() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOARegressorEvaluation
Returns the evaluator in use.
getEvents() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.DirWatch
Returns the events to report.
getExclusions() - Method in class adams.gui.application.AbstractBootstrappPreferencesPanel
Returns the exclusions to display.
getExecutable() - Static method in class adams.doc.latex.LatexHelper
Returns the executable, eg pdflatex.
getExecutable() - Method in class adams.flow.control.Keytool
Returns the keytool executable.
getExecutable() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.ffmpeg.AbstractFFmpegPlugin
Returns the ffmpeg executable.
getExecutable() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.FFmpegConfig
Returns the ffmpeg executable.
getExecutable() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.LatexSetup
Returns the executable to use (no path).
getExecutableOptions() - Static method in class adams.doc.latex.LatexHelper
Returns the executable options, eg "-halt-on-error".
getExecutableOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.LatexSetup
Returns the options for the executable to use.
getExecution() - Method in class adams.flow.maven.AbstractAdamsMojo
getExistingFile(String, File) - Static method in class adams.flow.maven.shared.FileSystemUtilities
Retrieves the canonical File matching the supplied path in the following order or priority:
getExpand() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.StanfordParseTreeDisplay
Returns whether to fully expand the tree or not.
getExpandedDirMappings() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.SimpleDockerConnection
Returns the directory mappings to make available to the actual docker commands, with any variables (local and container) and placeholders (local only) expanded.
getExpandedValue() - Method in class adams.core.base.DockerDirectoryMapping
Returns the expanded value.
getExpression() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.HeatmapToBufferedImageExpression
Returns the mathematical expression to use for generating the greyscale values.
getExtensions() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.previewbrowser.AudioFileInfoHandler
Returns the list of extensions (without dot) that this handler can take care of.
getExtensions() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.previewbrowser.AudioFilePlaybackHandler
Returns the list of extensions (without dot) that this handler can take care of.
getExtensions() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.previewbrowser.HeatmapImageHandler
Returns the list of extensions (without dot) that this handler can take care of.
getExtensions() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.previewbrowser.HeatmapSpreadSheetHandler
Returns the list of extensions (without dot) that this handler can take care of.
getExtensions() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.previewbrowser.HTMLHandler
Returns the list of extensions (without dot) that this handler can take care of.
getExtensions() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.previewbrowser.SpeechPlaybackHandler
Returns the list of extensions (without dot) that this handler can take care of.
getExtensions() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.previewbrowser.VlcjVideoHandler
Returns the list of extensions (without dot) that this handler can take care of.
getExtent() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.object.annotator.DEXTRMarkers
Returns the size of the markers.
getExtent() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.object.annotator.SAMMarkers
Returns the size of the markers.
getExternalActor() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.InputWithExternalTransformer
Returns the internal actor.
getExternalActor() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.OutputWithExternalTransformer
Returns the internal actor.
getFactory() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RenjinContext
Returns the factory instance.
getFaultInfo() - Method in exception com.example.customerservice.NoSuchCustomerException
getFFTSampleSize() - Method in class adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator.wave.Spectrogram
Returns the FFT samepl size (power of 2).
getFFTSampleSize() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.WaveToSpectrogram
Returns the FFT samepl size (power of 2).
getField() - Method in enum adams.core.gnuplot.SimplePlot.PlotType
Returns the display string without the "numeric" or "nominal" in parentheses.
getField() - Method in class adams.data.filter.HeatmapNormalizeToField
Returns the field to normalize to.
getField() - Method in class adams.data.filter.HeatmapSubtractField
Returns the field to normalize to.
getFields() - Method in class adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator.AbstractAudioFeatureGenerator
Returns the targets to add.
getFields() - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.AbstractHeatmapFeatureGenerator
Returns the targets to add.
getFile() - Method in class adams.env.LatexDefinition
Returns the properties file name (no path) this definition is for.
getFile() - Method in class adams.env.RProjectDefinition
Returns the properties file name (no path) this definition is for.
getFileChooser() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.VLCjDirectRenderPanel
Returns the file chooser to use.
getFileExists() - Method in class adams.data.io.output.GnuplotSpreadSheetWriter
Returns whether the output file already exists.
getFileFor(URL, String) - Static method in class adams.flow.maven.shared.FileSystemUtilities
Acquires the file for a supplied URL, provided that its protocol is is either a file or a jar.
getFilename() - Method in class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.blob.UploadRequest
Gets the value of the filename property.
getFilename() - Method in class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.blob.UploadResponse
Gets the value of the filename property.
getFilenameGenerator() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.Serialize
Returns the filename generator.
getFilter() - Method in class adams.data.featuregenerator.FilteredFeatureGenerator
Returns the filter.
getFilter() - Method in class adams.data.filter.heatmapcrop.AbstractFilteredHeatmapCrop
Returns the current pre-filter.
getFilter() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.ListContainers
Returns the container filter.
getFilter() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.ListImages
Returns the image filter.
getFilter() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.PruneContainers
Returns the container filter.
getFilter() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.PruneImages
Returns the image filter.
getFilter() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.WaveFilter
Returns the filter in use.
getFilters() - Method in class adams.data.wavefilter.MultiFilter
Returns the filters in use.
getFiltersInitialized() - Method in class adams.gui.chooser.AudioFileChooser
Returns whether the filters have already been initialized.
getFind() - Method in class weka.core.tokenizers.cleaners.RegExp
Returns the regular expression to use for finding tokens to clean.
getFinishBeforeStopping() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Returns whether to finish processing before stopping execution.
getFirst() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.LinearGradientColorPalette
Returns the first color.
getFirstPathComponent() - Method in class adams.core.RObjectPath
Returns the first path component, if available.
getFirstPlot() - Method in class adams.core.gnuplot.SimplePlot
Returns whether the plot is the first plot (because of "plot" or "replot" instruction).
getFirstSteps() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.LinearGradientColorPalette
Returns the number of steps between first/second color.
getFlow(int, boolean, MessageCollection) - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRegisteredFlowRESTPlugin
Retrieves the running flow with the specified ID.
getFlow(int, MessageCollection) - Method in class adams.flow.rest.control.RatControl
Retrieves the running flow with the specified ID.
getFlowContext() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.LocalPathToContainerPath
Returns the flow context, if any.
getFlowContext() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.AbstractCodeGenerator
Returns the flow context, if any.
getFlowContext() - Method in interface adams.doc.latex.generator.CodeGenerator
Returns the flow context, if any.
getFlowContext() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTPluginWithFlowContext
Returns the flow context, if any.
getFlowContext() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTProvider
Returns the owning actor.
getFlowContext() - Method in interface adams.flow.rest.RESTProvider
Returns the owning actor.
getFlowContext() - Method in class adams.flow.source.audiorecorder.AbstractAudioRecorder
Returns the flow context, if any.
getFlowContext() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.webservice.AbstractWebserviceResponseDataPostProcessor
Returns the flow context, if any.
getFlowContext() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.redisaction.AbstractRedisAction
Returns the flow context, if any.
getFlowContext() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceProvider
Returns the owning actor.
getFlowContext() - Method in interface adams.flow.webservice.WebServiceProvider
Returns the owning actor.
getFlowContext() - Method in class weka.classifiers.functions.PyroProxy
Returns the flow context, if any.
getFlowErrorQueue() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Returns the name for the queue in internal storage to feed with flow errors.
getFlowsTable() - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.AbstractRemoteFlowCommandAction
Returns the underlying table for the flows.
getFolds() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.ArrayFolds
Returns the number of folds.
getFolds() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MekaCrossValidationEvaluator
Returns the number of folds.
getFont() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.TextOverlay
Returns the font for the text.
getFontScalar() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.GenerateWordCloud
Returns the font scalar to use.
getFontSize() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.BlockSize
Returns the font size for the block.
getForce() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.RemoveContainers
Returns whether to force the removal.
getFormat() - Static method in class adams.data.trail.Step
Returns the formatter.
getFormat() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.blob.Upload
Returns the mime format.
getFormat() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.text.Upload
Returns the text format.
getFormat() - Method in class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.blob.UploadRequest
Gets the value of the format property.
getFormat() - Method in class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.blob.UploadResponse
Gets the value of the format property.
getFormat() - Method in class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.text.UploadRequest
Gets the value of the format property.
getFormat() - Method in class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.text.UploadResponse
Gets the value of the format property.
getFormatDescription() - Method in class adams.data.io.input.ArcInfoASCIIGridReader
Returns a string describing the format (used in the file chooser).
getFormatDescription() - Method in class adams.data.io.input.FloatMatrixHeatmapReader
Returns a string describing the format (used in the file chooser).
getFormatDescription() - Method in class adams.data.io.input.GnuplotSpreadSheetReader
Returns a string describing the format (used in the file chooser).
getFormatDescription() - Method in class adams.data.io.input.SimpleAudioAnnotationsReader
Returns a string describing the format (used in the file chooser).
getFormatDescription() - Method in class adams.data.io.input.SimpleHeatmapReader
Returns a string describing the format (used in the file chooser).
getFormatDescription() - Method in class adams.data.io.input.SimpleImageHeatmapReader
Returns a string describing the format (used in the file chooser).
getFormatDescription() - Method in class adams.data.io.input.SimpleTrailReader
Returns a string describing the format (used in the file chooser).
getFormatDescription() - Method in class adams.data.io.input.SpreadSheetHeatmapReader
Returns a string describing the format (used in the file chooser).
getFormatDescription() - Method in class adams.data.io.output.FloatMatrixHeatmapWriter
Returns a string describing the format (used in the file chooser).
getFormatDescription() - Method in class adams.data.io.output.GnuplotSpreadSheetWriter
Returns a string describing the format (used in the file chooser).
getFormatDescription() - Method in class adams.data.io.output.LatexSpreadSheetWriter
Returns a string describing the format (used in the file chooser).
getFormatDescription() - Method in class adams.data.io.output.SimpleAudioAnnotationsWriter
Returns a string describing the format (used in the file chooser).
getFormatDescription() - Method in class adams.data.io.output.SimpleHeatmapWriter
Returns a string describing the format (used in the file chooser).
getFormatDescription() - Method in class adams.data.io.output.SimpleImageHeatmapWriter
Returns a string describing the format (used in the file chooser).
getFormatDescription() - Method in class adams.data.io.output.SimpleTrailWriter
Returns a string describing the format (used in the file chooser).
getFormatDescription() - Method in class adams.data.io.output.SpreadSheetHeatmapWriter
Returns a string describing the format (used in the file chooser).
getFormatDescription() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.debug.objectexport.TrailExporter
Returns a string describing the format (used in the file chooser).
getFormatDescription() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.debug.objectexporter.HeatmapExporter
Returns a string describing the format (used in the file chooser).
getFormatExtensions() - Method in class adams.data.io.input.ArcInfoASCIIGridReader
Returns the extension(s) of the format.
getFormatExtensions() - Method in class adams.data.io.input.FloatMatrixHeatmapReader
Returns the extension(s) of the format.
getFormatExtensions() - Method in class adams.data.io.input.GnuplotSpreadSheetReader
Returns the extension(s) of the format.
getFormatExtensions() - Method in class adams.data.io.input.SimpleAudioAnnotationsReader
Returns the extension(s) of the format.
getFormatExtensions() - Method in class adams.data.io.input.SimpleHeatmapReader
Returns the extension(s) of the format.
getFormatExtensions() - Method in class adams.data.io.input.SimpleImageHeatmapReader
Returns the extension(s) of the format.
getFormatExtensions() - Method in class adams.data.io.input.SimpleTrailReader
Returns the extension(s) of the format.
getFormatExtensions() - Method in class adams.data.io.input.SpreadSheetHeatmapReader
Returns the extension(s) of the format.
getFormatExtensions() - Method in class adams.data.io.output.FloatMatrixHeatmapWriter
Returns the extension(s) of the format.
getFormatExtensions() - Method in class adams.data.io.output.GnuplotSpreadSheetWriter
Returns the extension(s) of the format.
getFormatExtensions() - Method in class adams.data.io.output.LatexSpreadSheetWriter
Returns the extension(s) of the format.
getFormatExtensions() - Method in class adams.data.io.output.SimpleAudioAnnotationsWriter
Returns the extension(s) of the format.
getFormatExtensions() - Method in class adams.data.io.output.SimpleHeatmapWriter
Returns the extension(s) of the format.
getFormatExtensions() - Method in class adams.data.io.output.SimpleImageHeatmapWriter
Returns the extension(s) of the format.
getFormatExtensions() - Method in class adams.data.io.output.SimpleTrailWriter
Returns the extension(s) of the format.
getFormatExtensions() - Method in class adams.data.io.output.SpreadSheetHeatmapWriter
Returns the extension(s) of the format.
getFormatExtensions() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.debug.objectexport.TrailExporter
Returns the extension(s) of the format.
getFormatExtensions() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.debug.objectexporter.HeatmapExporter
Returns the extension(s) of the format.
getFormatString() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.Info
Returns the format string for the output.
getFramesPerSecond() - Method in class adams.data.video.AbstractVideoRecorder
Returns the frames per second.
getFramesPerSecond() - Method in class adams.data.video.MultiRecorder
Returns the recorders to use.
getFrequency() - Method in class adams.data.video.AbstractSoundRecorder
Returns the frequency.
getFullName() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.AbstractRatInput
Returns the full name of the receiver.
getFullName() - Method in interface adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.RatInput
Returns the full name of the receiver.
getFullName() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.AbstractRatOutput
Returns the full name of the receiver.
getFullName() - Method in interface adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.RatOutput
Returns the full name of the receiver.
getGenerateDoubles() - Method in class adams.data.random.AbstractCommonsRandomNumberGenerator
Returns whether to return doubles or integers.
getGenerateDoubles() - Method in interface adams.data.random.CommonsRandomNumberGenerator
Returns whether to return doubles or integers.
getGenerateReport() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapLocateObjects
Returns whether to generate an annotated heatmap with a report of all positions instead of separate heatmap objects.
getGenerateUsePackageStatements() - Method in class adams.flow.processor.ListRequiredLatexPackages
Returns whether to generate latex code.
getGenerator() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.HeatmapToBufferedImage
Returns the color generator.
getGenerator() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.HeatmapToBufferedImageExpression
Returns the color generator.
getGenerator() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.HeatmapToBufferedImageWithKey
Returns the number of gradient colors to use.
getGenerator() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.SpectrogramToBufferedImage
Returns the color generator.
getGenerator() - Method in class adams.data.featuregenerator.FilteredFeatureGenerator
Returns the generator.
getGenerator() - Method in class adams.data.filter.HeatmapFeatureGenerator
Returns the current generator.
getGenerator() - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.AbstractMetaHeatmapFeatureGenerator
Returns the base feature generator to use.
getGenerator() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.AbstractMetaCodeGenerator
Returns the base generator to use.
getGenerator() - Method in class adams.flow.condition.bool.RandomNumberExpression
Returns the random number generator in use.
getGenerator() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.LabRat
Returns the generator to use.
getGenerator() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.WebsocketOutput
Returns the client generator to use
getGenerator() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AbstractArraySplitter
Returns the random number generator.
getGenerator() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.LatexAppendDocument
Returns the generator to use.
getGenerator() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RandomNumberGenerator
Returns the random number generator to use.
getGenerators() - Static method in class adams.data.featuregenerator.AbstractFeatureGenerator
Returns a list with classnames of generators.
getGenerators() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.MultiGenerator
Returns the generators to use.
getGradientColors() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.HeatmapToBufferedImage
Generates the gradient colors.
getGradientColors() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.HeatmapToBufferedImageExpression
Generates the gradient colors.
getGradientColors() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.HeatmapToBufferedImageWithKey
Generates the gradient colors.
getGradientColors() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.SpectrogramToBufferedImage
Generates the gradient colors.
getGrammar() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.HeatmapToBufferedImageExpression
Returns a string representation of the grammar.
getGroup() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.ratcontrol.AbstractControlPanel
Returns the Rats group this control belongs to.
getGroup() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.ratcontrol.AbstractControlState
Returns the Rats group this control belongs to.
getGuard() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.EnQueue
Returns the guard for enqueuing the data.
getHandler() - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.Scripted
Gets the handler to use for scripting.
getHandler() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.generator.Scripted
Gets the handler to use for scripting.
getHandlers() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.WebServer
Returns the handlers in use.
getHasOutput() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RatPlague
Returns whether to use an output queue.
getHeader() - Method in class adams.data.heatmap.Heatmap
Returns an empty container with the same meta-data as this one.
getHeader() - Method in class adams.flow.processor.ListRequiredLatexPackages
Returns the header to use in the dialog, i.e., the one-liner that explains the output.
getHeader() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAFilter.FixedInstanceStream
getHeader(int, int) - Method in class adams.data.heatmap.Heatmap
Returns an empty container with the same meta-data as this one, but with different dimensions of the map.
getHeader(Message, String) - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming.XMLLoggingInInterceptor
getHeader(Message, String) - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.XMLLoggingOutInterceptor
getHeaderBold() - Method in class adams.data.io.output.LatexSpreadSheetWriter
Returns whether to make the header bold.
getHeatmap() - Method in class adams.data.heatmap.HeatmapStatistic
Returns the underlying heatmap.
getHeatmap() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapPanel
The current heatmap on display.
getHeatmapPanel() - Method in class adams.gui.event.HeatmapPanelSelectionEvent
Returns the heatmap panel that triggered the event.
getHeatmapPanel() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.AbstractHeatmapOverlay
Returns the heatmap panel this overlay is for.
getHeight() - Method in class adams.data.filter.heatmapcrop.CropToCentroid
Returns the height start the submap from.
getHeight() - Method in class adams.data.filter.heatmapcrop.Rectangle
Returns the height of the rectangle.
getHeight() - Method in class adams.data.filter.heatmapcrop.Submap
Returns the height start the submap from.
getHeight() - Method in class adams.data.filter.HeatmapSubmap
Returns the height start the submap from.
getHeight() - Method in class adams.data.gps.Map
getHeight() - Method in class adams.data.heatmap.Heatmap
Returns the height of the map.
getHeight() - Method in class adams.data.io.input.FloatMatrixHeatmapReader
Returns the height of the heatmap.
getHeight() - Method in class adams.data.trail.Trail
Returns the optional height of the area for the trail.
getHeight() - Method in class adams.data.video.AbstractScreenRecorder
Returns the height of the screen portion (-1 = remainder).
getHeight() - Method in class adams.data.video.AbstractWebcamRecorder
Returns the height of the webcam.
getHeight() - Method in class adams.flow.source.NewTrail
Returns the height of the trail.
getHeight() - Method in class adams.flow.source.WebcamImage
Returns the height of the image.
getHeight() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.GenerateWordCloud
Returns the height for the image.
getHeight() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.RectangleBackground
Returns the height for the background.
getHeight() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.AbstractPositionableHeatmapOverlay
Returns the height.
getHeight() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.AbstractPositionableHeatmapOverlayWithDimensions
Returns the currently set height of the overlay.
getHost() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RedisConnection
Returns the host to connect to.
getHost() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rserve
Returns the Rserve host.
getHtmlAfterTable() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.SpreadSheetToHTML
Returns the HTML code to inject after the table.
getHtmlBeforeTable() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.SpreadSheetToHTML
Returns the HTML code to inject before the table.
getIcon() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.DEXTR
The icon of the tool.
getIcon() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.OPEX
The icon of the tool.
getIcon() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.SAM
The icon of the tool.
getIcon() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.segmentation.tool.DEXTR
The icon of the tool.
getIcon() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.segmentation.tool.SAM
The icon of the tool.
getIconName() - Method in class adams.gui.menu.Annotator
Returns the file name of the icon.
getIconName() - Method in class adams.gui.menu.AudioAnnotator
Returns the file name of the icon.
getIconName() - Method in class adams.gui.menu.DockerContainers
Returns the file name of the icon.
getIconName() - Method in class adams.gui.menu.DockerImages
Returns the file name of the icon.
getIconName() - Method in class adams.gui.menu.HeatmapViewer
Returns the file name of the icon.
getIconName() - Method in class adams.gui.menu.MekaExperimenter
Returns the file name of the icon.
getIconName() - Method in class adams.gui.menu.MekaExplorer
Returns the file name of the icon.
getIconName() - Method in class adams.gui.menu.MOA
Returns the file name of the icon.
getIconName() - Method in class adams.gui.menu.Screencast
Returns the file name of the icon.
getIconName() - Method in class adams.gui.menu.TrailViewer
Returns the file name of the icon.
getIconName() - Method in class adams.gui.menu.VLCjPlayer
Returns the file name of the icon.
getIconName() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.BoofCVTransformer
Returns the icon name.
getIconName() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.BufferedImageTransformer
Returns the icon name.
getIconName() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.Histogram
Returns the icon name.
getIconName() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.Notes
Returns the icon name.
getIconName() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.SpreadSheetView
Returns the icon name.
getIconName() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.Statistics
Returns the icon name.
getIconName() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.plugins.Statistics
Returns the icon name.
getId() - Method in class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.text.UploadRequest
Gets the value of the id property.
getId() - Method in class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.text.UploadResponse
Gets the value of the id property.
getID() - Method in class adams.data.heatmap.Heatmap
Returns the ID.
getID() - Method in class adams.data.video.AbstractWebcamRecorder
Returns the ID of the webcam to use.
getID() - Method in class adams.flow.source.NewAudioAnnotations
Returns the ID of the trail.
getID() - Method in class adams.flow.source.NewHeatmap
Returns the ID.
getID() - Method in class adams.flow.source.NewTrail
Returns the ID of the trail.
getID() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapContainer
Returns the container's ID.
getID() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.TrailContainer
Returns the container's ID.
getId3v1Fields(Mp3File) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.audioinfo.MP3
getId3v2Fields(Mp3File) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.audioinfo.MP3
getIdHeader(Message) - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming.XMLLoggingInInterceptor
Gets theMessageID header in the list of headers.
getIdHeader(Message) - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.XMLLoggingOutInterceptor
Gets theMessageID header in the list of headers.
getImage() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.Image
Returns the image to insert.
getImage() - Method in class adams.docker.DockerContainer
Returns the image.
getImage() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.Pull
Returns the image to pull.
getImage() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.Push
Returns the image to push.
getImage(Object, int) - Method in class adams.flow.sink.AnimatedGifFileWriter
Returns the specified image from the input.
getImageID() - Method in class adams.docker.DockerImage
Returns the image ID (hash).
getImageMimeType(String) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.webserver.AbstractJettyHandler
Returns the appropriate mimetype for the image.
getImagePanel() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapPanel
Returns the underlying image panel
getImagePanel() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.TrailPanel
Returns the underlying image panel
getImageType() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.AbstractBoofCVObjectTracker
Returns the image type to use.
getImplementation() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.blob.RatsBlobServiceWS
Returns the webservice implementation to use.
getImplementation() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.text.RatsTextServiceWS
Returns the webservice implementation to use.
getImport() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.ImportContent
Returns the file to import the content.
getInclude() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.Include
Returns the LaTeX file to include.
getInfoText() - Method in class adams.gui.application.AbstractBootstrappPreferencesPanel
Returns the current info text.
getInfoValues() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MekaResultValues
Returns the info values to retrieve.
getInInterceptor() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTProvider
Returns the interceptor for incoming messages.
getInInterceptor() - Method in interface adams.flow.rest.RESTProvider
Returns the interceptor for incoming messages (actually generator, since interceptors aren't serializable).
getInInterceptor() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientSource
Returns the interceptor for incoming messages.
getInInterceptor() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientTransformer
Returns the interceptor for incoming messages.
getInInterceptor() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceProvider
Returns the interceptor for incoming messages.
getInInterceptor() - Method in interface adams.flow.webservice.WebServiceClientProducer
Returns the interceptor for incoming messages (actually generator, since interceptors aren't serializable).
getInInterceptor() - Method in interface adams.flow.webservice.WebServiceProvider
Returns the interceptor for incoming messages (actually generator, since interceptors aren't serializable).
getInit() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.AbstractSimpleReportBasedObjectTracker
Returns the field with the location for initializing the tracker.
getInitialLocations(AbstractImageContainer) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.AbstractObjectTracker
Returns the initial object locations.
getInitialLocations(AbstractImageContainer) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.AbstractSimpleReportBasedObjectTracker
Returns the initial object locations.
getInitialLocations(AbstractImageContainer) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.MultiObjectTracker
Returns the initial object locations.
getInitialState() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Returns the initial state of the Rat actor.
getInlineScript() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.RenjinSink
Returns to script to execute (when no script file supplied).
getInlineScript() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.RSink
Gets the script.
getInlineScript() - Method in class adams.flow.source.RenjinSource
Returns to script to execute (when no script file supplied).
getInlineScript() - Method in class adams.flow.source.RSource
Returns to script.
getInlineScript() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RenjinStandalone
Returns to script to execute (when no script file supplied).
getInlineScript() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RStandalone
Returns the script.
getInlineScript() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RenjinTransformer
Returns to script to execute (when no script file supplied).
getInlineScript() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RTransformer
Gets the script.
getInlineValue() - Method in class adams.gui.goe.BaseMarkdownEditor
Returns the current value.
getInlineValue() - Method in class adams.gui.goe.GPSEditor
Returns the current value.
getInput() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.Input
Returns the LaTeX file to input.
getInput() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.ffmpeg.AbstractFFmpegPlugin
Returns the input file.
getInput() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RatPlague
Returns the names for the input queues in the internal storage.
getInput() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.AbstractMetaRatInput
Returns the base receiver to use.
getInputOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.ffmpeg.GenericPlugin
Returns the input options to use.
getInputType() - Method in class adams.data.io.input.ArcInfoASCIIGridReader
Returns how to read the data, from a file, stream or reader.
getInputType() - Method in class adams.data.io.input.GnuplotSpreadSheetReader
Returns how to read the data, from a file, stream or reader.
getInterpFactor() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.BoofCVCirculant
Returns the weighting factor mixing old track image and new one.
getInterval() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler.FixedIntervalBufferedImageSampler
Returns the interval between samples in milli-seconds.
getInterval() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler.FixedIntervalBufferedImageSamplerVlcj
Returns the interval between samples in milli-seconds.
getInterval() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MovieImageSequence
Returns the interval to wait in milli-seconds.
getInterval() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.AudioAnnotationPanel
getInterval() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.Binding
a getter for the interval for this binding
getInterval() - Method in interface adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.TickListener
getInterval() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.AnnotationPanel
getInterval() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.Binding
a getter for the interval for this binding
getInterval() - Method in interface adams.gui.visualization.annotator.TickListener
getInvert() - Method in class adams.data.filter.AudioAnnotationsWindow
Returns whether the matching is inverted.
getInvert() - Method in class adams.data.filter.TrailWindow
Returns whether the matching is inverted.
getInvert() - Method in class adams.data.io.output.GnuplotSpreadSheetWriter
Returns whether to invert the matching sense.
getInvert() - Method in class weka.core.tokenizers.cleaners.RemoveEmoticons
Returns whether to invert the matching sense, ie keep only the emoticons rather than removing them.
getInvertMatching() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAMeasurementsFilter
Returns whether the matching sense of the regular expression is inverted.
getIsSample() - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.StandardDeviation
Returns whether the arrays represent samples instead of populations.
getItemClass() - Method in class adams.flow.source.ListWebcams
Returns the based class of the items.
getItemClass() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AudioAnnotationsFileReader
Returns the base class of the items.
getItemClass() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.CoNLLFileReader
Returns the base class of the items.
getItemClass() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.DocumentToSentences
Returns the base class of the items.
getItemClass() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapFileReader
Returns the base class of the items.
getItemClass() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapGetValue
Returns the base class of the items.
getItemClass() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapInfo
Returns the base class of the items.
getItemClass() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapLocateObjects
Returns the base class of the items.
getItemClass() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MovieImageSampler
Returns the base class of the items.
getItemClass() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RenjinObjectInfo
Returns the base class of the items.
getItemClass() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.Tokenize
Returns the base class of the items.
getItemClass() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.TrailFileReader
Returns the base class of the items.
getItemClass() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.TweeboParser
Returns the base class of the items.
getJavaInitializationString() - Method in class adams.gui.goe.BaseMarkdownEditor
Returns a representation of the current property value as java source.
getJavaInitializationString() - Method in class adams.gui.goe.BaseMeasureCollectionEditor
Returns a representation of the current property value as java source.
getJavaInitializationString() - Method in class adams.gui.goe.GPSEditor
Returns a representation of the current property value as java source.
getJavaInitializationString() - Method in class adams.gui.goe.RatReferenceEditor
Returns a representation of the current property value as java source.
getJavaInitializationString() - Method in class adams.gui.goe.RObjectPathEditor
Returns a representation of the current property value as java source.
getKeepExisting() - Method in class adams.data.io.output.GnuplotSpreadSheetWriter
Returns whether any existing file is kept on first execution.
getKeepExisting() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAInstanceDumper
Returns whether any existing file is kept on first execution.
getKey() - Method in class adams.env.LatexDefinition
Returns the key this definition is for.
getKey() - Method in class adams.env.RProjectDefinition
Returns the key this definition is for.
getKey() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.redisaction.Set
Returns the name of the Key.
getKey() - Method in class adams.flow.source.redisaction.Get
Returns the name of the Key.
getKey() - Method in class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.blob.Property
Gets the value of the key property.
getKey() - Method in class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.text.Property
Gets the value of the key property.
GetKeyFromKeyPair - Class in adams.flow.transformer
Retrieves the specified key from the key pair.
GetKeyFromKeyPair() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.GetKeyFromKeyPair
getKeyManagerFactory() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.KeyManager
Returns the KeyManagerFactory instance.
getKeystoreFile() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.KeyManager
Returns the location of the keystore file.
getKeystoreFile() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.TrustManager
Returns the location of the keystore file.
getKeystorePassphrase() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.KeyManager
Returns the passphrase for the keystore file, ignored if empty.
getKeystorePassphrase() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.TrustManager
Returns the passphrase for the keystore file, ignored if empty.
getKeystoreType() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.KeyManager
Returns the type of the keystore.
getKeystoreType() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.TrustManager
Returns the type of the keystore.
getKeytoolExecutablePath() - Method in class adams.flow.control.Keytool
Returns the full path of the JMap executable, if possible.
getKnownParent() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapPanel
Returns the component that acts as this component's parent.
getLabel() - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.CountValues
Returns the custom label to use.
getLabel() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.Figure
Returns the label.
getLabel() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.NewSection
Returns the label.
getLabel() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.nlp.StanfordNode
Returns the label for this node.
getLabelName() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.remotecontrolcenter.panels.RatsTab.RatStatusPanel
Returns the label with the name.
getLabelName() - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.Rats.RatStatusPanel
Returns the label with the name.
getLambda() - Method in class adams.data.random.Exponential
Returns the first parameter for the beta random variable.
getLambda() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.BoofCVCirculant
Returns the regularization term.
getLanguagePack() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.StanfordGrammaticalStructure
Returns the language pack to use.
getLastError() - Method in class adams.core.gnuplot.AbstractScriptlet
Returns the error that occurred during the last generation.
getLastError() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientSink
Returns the last error that occurred.
getLastError() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientSource
Returns the last error that occurred.
getLastError() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientTransformer
Returns the last error that occurred.
getLastError() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.webservice.AbstractWebserviceResponseDataPostProcessor
Returns the last error that occurred.
getLastError() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientSink
Returns the last error that occurred.
getLastError() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientSource
Returns the last error that occurred.
getLastError() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientTransformer
Returns the last error that occurred.
getLastInterceptor() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.incoming.AbstractInInterceptorGenerator
Returns the last interceptor that was generated.
getLastInterceptor() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.outgoing.AbstractOutInterceptorGenerator
Returns the last interceptor that was generated.
getLastInterceptor() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming.AbstractInInterceptorGenerator
Returns the last interceptor that was generated.
getLastInterceptor() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.AbstractOutInterceptorGenerator
Returns the last interceptor that was generated.
getLastPathComponent() - Method in class adams.core.RObjectPath
Returns the last path component, if available.
getLastPressed() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.KeyPressTextField
a getter for the keypress currently stored in the text field
getLastPressed() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.KeyPressTextField
a getter for the keypress currently stored in the text field
getLastURL() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.outgoing.LogURL
Returns the last URL encountered.
getLastURL() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.LogURL
Returns the last URL encountered.
getLatitude() - Method in class adams.data.gps.AbstractGPS
Returns the latitude.
getLeft() - Method in class adams.data.wavefilter.Trim
Returns the starting point of the trim.
getLength() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.DirectRenderMediaPlayerPanel
Gets the length of the media
getLenient() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.RenjinDoubleArrayVectorToSpreadSheet
Returns whether to be lenient with types.
getLenient() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.RenjinListVectorToArray
Returns whether to be lenient with types.
getLimit() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.enqueue.MaxQueueSize
Returns the maximum allowed queue size.
getLineByLine() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.RSink
Returns whether to evaluate the script line by line.
getLineByLine() - Method in class adams.flow.source.RSource
Returns whether to evaluate the script line by line.
getLineByLine() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RStandalone
Returns whether to evaluate the script line by line.
getLineByLine() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RTransformer
Returns whether to evaluate the script line by line.
getLineWrap() - Method in class adams.gui.core.MarkdownTextAreaWithPreview
Returns whether line wrap is enabled.
getListBoxSize() - Method in class adams.terminal.core.MenuListDialogBuilder
Returns the specified size of the internal MenuListBox or null if there is no size and the list box will attempt to take up enough size to draw all items
getListContainersFlow() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.DockerContainersPanel
Creates the flow for retrieving the docker image data.
getListDirectories() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.webserver.ResourceHandler
Returns whether directories are listed.
getListImagesFlow() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.DockerImagesPanel
Creates the flow for retrieving the docker image data.
getLocale() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.Table
Returns the locale in use.
getLocalScope() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Returns the internal local scope transformer.
getLocation() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.ExtractTrackedObject
Returns the field to retrieve the current location of the object from.
getLocation() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.TransformTrackedObject
Returns the field to retrieve the current location of the object from.
getLocation() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.image.selection.SelectObjectToTrack
Returns the field to store the location of the object in.
getLocationPrefix() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.image.selection.SelectMultipleObjectsToTrack
Returns the field to store the location of the object in.
getLocator() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapLocateObjects
Returns the scheme to use for locating the objects.
getLog() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Returns the name of the callable log actor in use.
getLog() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.generator.AbstractRatGenerator
Returns the name of the callable log actor in use.
getLog() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RESTServer
Returns the name of the callable log actor in use.
getLog() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.WSServer
Returns the name of the callable log actor in use.
getLog() - Method in class adams.scripting.requesthandler.LogTextBoxRequestHandler
Returns the log in use.
getLog() - Method in class adams.scripting.responsehandler.LogTextBoxResponseHandler
Returns the log in use.
getLogFile() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.incoming.LogFile
Returns the log file to write to.
getLogFile() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.incoming.LogFileGenerator
Returns the log file to write to.
getLogFile() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.outgoing.LogFile
Returns the log file to write to.
getLogFile() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.outgoing.LogFileGenerator
Returns the log file to write to.
getLogFile() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming.LogFile
Returns the log file to write to.
getLogFile() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming.LogFileGenerator
Returns the log file to write to.
getLogFile() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.LogFile
Returns the log file to write to.
getLogFile() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.LogFileGenerator
Returns the log file to write to.
getLogGenerator() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Returns the generator for turning error messages into log objects.
getLogger() - Static method in class adams.core.RObjectInspector
Returns the logger instance to use.
getLogger() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.incoming.AbstractInInterceptor
Returns the logger in use.
getLogger() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.outgoing.AbstractOutInterceptor
Returns the logger in use.
getLogger() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.webserver.AbstractJettyHandler
Returns the logger in use.
getLogger() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming.AbstractInInterceptor
Returns the logger in use.
getLogger() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.AbstractOutInterceptor
Returns the logger in use.
getLoggingLevel() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.incoming.AbstractInInterceptor
Returns the logging level.
getLoggingLevel() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.outgoing.AbstractOutInterceptor
Returns the logging level.
getLoggingLevel() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.webserver.AbstractJettyHandler
Returns the logging level.
getLoggingLevel() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming.AbstractInInterceptor
Returns the logging level.
getLoggingLevel() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.AbstractOutInterceptor
Returns the logging level.
getLogin() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.SimpleDockerConnection
Returns whether to log in to the registry when the flow starts.
getLogout() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.SimpleDockerConnection
Returns whether to log out to the registry when the flow wraps up.
getLogTextBox() - Method in class adams.terminal.application.AbstractLanternaTerminalApplication
Returns the textbox to be used for logging.
getLogTextBox() - Method in class adams.terminal.Main
Returns the textbox to be used for logging.
getLogTextBox() - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.AbstractRemoteCommandAction
Returns the LogTextBox to use.
getLogTextBox() - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.RemoteLogging
Returns the LogTextBox to use.
getLongitude() - Method in class adams.data.gps.AbstractGPS
Returns the longitude.
getLoop() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.AnimatedGifFileWriter
Returns whether to loop indefinitely.
getManagedClass() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.DockerContainersPanel
Returns the class that is being managed.
getManagedClass() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.DockerImagesPanel
Returns the class that is being managed.
getManualMax() - Method in class adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator.wave.Histogram
Returns the maximum to use when using manual binning with user-supplied max/max enabled.
getManualMax() - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.Histogram
Returns the maximum to use when using manual binning with user-supplied max/max enabled.
getManualMin() - Method in class adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator.wave.Histogram
Returns the minimum to use when using manual binning with user-supplied min/max enabled.
getManualMin() - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.Histogram
Returns the minimum to use when using manual binning with user-supplied min/max enabled.
getMap(AbstractGPS, int, int, int, Map.MapType) - Static method in class adams.data.gps.Map
getMap(GPSBoundary, int, int, Map.MapType) - Static method in class adams.data.gps.Map
getMap(Vector<AbstractGPS>, int, int, Map.MapType) - Static method in class adams.data.gps.Map
getMapImage() - Method in class adams.data.gps.Map
getMax() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.HeatmapToBufferedImage
Returns the maximum in case of using a fixed range.
getMax() - Method in class adams.data.filter.heatmapthreshold.Otsu
Returns the maximum value for the computation.
getMax() - Method in class adams.data.heatmap.Heatmap
Returns the largest value in the heatmap.
getMax() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.LinearFontScalar
Returns the maximum font size.
getMax() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.LogFontScalar
Returns the maximum font size.
getMax() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.SqrtFontScalar
Returns the maximum font size.
getMaxBuffer() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.AbstractBufferedRatInput
Returns the maximum number of items to buffer.
getMaxBuffer() - Method in interface adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.BufferedRatInput
Returns the maximum number of items to buffer.
getMaxFiles() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.FileLister
Returns the maximum number of files to list.
getMaxImages() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MjpegImageSequence
Returns the maximum number of images to extract.
getMaxImages() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MovieImageSequence
Returns the maximum number of images to extract.
getMaximum() - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.CountValues
Returns the maximum.
getMaximumIncluded() - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.CountValues
Returns whether the maximum is included.
getMaxIterations() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.BoofCVMeanShiftLikelihood
Returns the maximum number of iterations.
getMaxPixelValue() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.BoofCVCirculant
Returns the maximum pixel value.
getMaxPixelValue() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.BoofCVMeanShiftLikelihood
Returns the maximum pixel value (usually 255 when using bytes).
getMaxRange() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.HeatmapToBufferedImageWithKey
Get the maximum value in the user defined range
getMaxValue() - Method in class adams.data.heatmap.Heatmap
Returns the largest value in the heatmap.
getMaxValue() - Method in class adams.data.random.AbstractCommonsRandomNumberGenerator
Returns the maximum value of the integers to generate.
getMaxValue() - Method in interface adams.data.random.CommonsRandomNumberGenerator
Returns the maximum value of the integers to generate.
getMaxValue() - Method in class adams.data.random.JMathArrayInt
Returns the maximum value of the numbers to generate.
getMaxValue() - Method in class adams.data.random.Triangular
Returns the maximum value of the numbers to generate.
getMaxValue() - Method in class adams.data.random.Uniform
Returns the maximum value of the numbers to generate.
getMaxWordLength() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.WordFrequencyAnalyzer
Returns the maximum length for words.
getMaxX() - Method in class adams.data.trail.Trail
Returns the step with the largest X value.
getMaxY() - Method in class adams.data.trail.Trail
Returns the step with the largest Y value.
getMeasurementName() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.AbstractMekaMultiPlot
Returns the name of the measurement to retrieve from the Result data structure.
getMeasurementName() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.AbstractMekaSinglePlot
Returns the name of the measurement to retrieve from the Result data structure.
getMeasurementName() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.AbstractMekaThresholdCurve
Returns the name of the measurement to retrieve from the Result data structure.
getMeasurementName() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.MekaMacroCurve
Returns the name of the measurement to retrieve from the Result data structure.
getMeasurementName() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.MekaMicroCurve
Returns the name of the measurement to retrieve from the Result data structure.
getMeasures() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.MOAClusterVisualization
Returns the measures to collect.
getMenu() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.BoofCVTransformer
Returns the text for the menu to place the plugin beneath.
getMenu() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.BufferedImageTransformer
Returns the text for the menu to place the plugin beneath.
getMenu() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.Histogram
Returns the text for the menu to place the plugin beneath.
getMenu() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.Notes
Returns the text for the menu to place the plugin beneath.
getMenu() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.SpreadSheetView
Returns the text for the menu to place the plugin beneath.
getMenu() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.Statistics
Returns the text for the menu to place the plugin beneath.
getMenu() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.plugins.Statistics
Returns the text for the menu to place the plugin beneath.
getMenuBar() - Method in class adams.gui.menu.Screencast.ScreencastPanel
Creates a menu bar (singleton per panel object).
getMenuBar() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.AudioAnnotatorPanel
Creates a menu bar (singleton per panel object).
getMenuBar() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.AnnotatorPanel
Creates a menu bar (singleton per panel object).
getMenuBar() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapViewerPanel
Creates a menu bar (singleton per panel object).
getMenuBar() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.TrailViewerPanel
Creates a menu bar (singleton per panel object).
getMenuBar() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.VLCjDirectRenderPanel
Creates a menu bar (singleton per panel object).
getMenuBar(WindowBasedTextGUI) - Method in class adams.terminal.application.ApplicationMenu
Generates the menu and returns it.
getMessage() - Method in class adams.core.gnuplot.Pause
Returns the message to display in the terminal when pausing.
getMessage() - Method in class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.blob.UploadResponse
Gets the value of the message property.
getMessage() - Method in class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.text.UploadResponse
Gets the value of the message property.
getMetaData() - Method in class adams.data.audioannotations.AudioAnnotation
Returns the meta-data, if any.
getMetaData() - Method in class adams.data.trail.Step
Returns the meta-data, if any.
getMetaData() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AddAudioAnnotation
Returns the meta-data to use (optional).
getMetaData() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AddTrailStep
Returns the meta-data to use (optional).
getMethodNamePrediction() - Method in class weka.classifiers.functions.PyroProxy
Returns the name of the method to call for predictions.
getMethodNameTrain() - Method in class weka.classifiers.functions.PyroProxy
Returns the name of the method to call for training.
getMetricValues() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MekaResultValues
Returns the metric values to retrieve.
getMin() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.HeatmapToBufferedImage
Returns the minimum in case of using a fixed range.
getMin() - Method in class adams.data.filter.heatmapthreshold.Otsu
Returns the minimum value for the computation.
getMin() - Method in class adams.data.heatmap.Heatmap
Returns the smallest value in the heatmap.
getMin() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.LinearFontScalar
Returns the minimum font size.
getMin() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.LogFontScalar
Returns the minimum font size.
getMin() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.SqrtFontScalar
Returns the minimum font size.
getMinimum() - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.CountValues
Returns the minimum.
getMinimumIncluded() - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.CountValues
Returns whether the minimum is included.
getMinRange() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.HeatmapToBufferedImageWithKey
Get the mimum value in the user defined range
getMinute() - Method in class adams.data.gps.Coordinate
Returns the minutes.
getMinValue() - Method in class adams.data.heatmap.Heatmap
Returns the smallest value in the heatmap.
getMinValue() - Method in class adams.data.random.AbstractCommonsRandomNumberGenerator
Returns the minimum value of the integers to generate.
getMinValue() - Method in interface adams.data.random.CommonsRandomNumberGenerator
Returns the minimum value of the integers to generate.
getMinValue() - Method in class adams.data.random.JMathArrayInt
Returns the minimum value of the numbers to generate.
getMinValue() - Method in class adams.data.random.Triangular
Returns the minimum value of the numbers to generate.
getMinValue() - Method in class adams.data.random.Uniform
Returns the minimum value of the numbers to generate.
getMinWordLength() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.WordFrequencyAnalyzer
Returns the minimum length for words.
getMinX() - Method in class adams.data.trail.Trail
Returns the step with the smallest X value.
getMinY() - Method in class adams.data.trail.Trail
Returns the step with the smallest Y value.
getMissingColor() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.HeatmapToBufferedImageWithKey
Get the colour to use for a missing value
getMissingValue() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.SpreadSheetToHeatmap
Returns the value to use for missing values/celss.
getMissingValue() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.Table
Returns the current placeholder for missing values.
getMissingValueColor() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.HeatmapToBufferedImage
Returns the color for missing values.
getMissingValueColor() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.HeatmapToBufferedImageExpression
Returns the color for missing values.
getMissingValueColor() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.HeatmapDisplay
Returns the color for missing values.
getMissingValueColor() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapPanel
Returns the color to use for missing values.
getMissingValuesHandling() - Method in class adams.data.filter.HeatmapThreshold
Returns how missing values are handled.
getMode() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Returns the mode the Rat is run in.
getModel() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.StanfordLexicalizedParser
Returns the model file to load and use.
getModel() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.TweetNLPTagger
Returns the model file to load and use.
getModel() - Method in class weka.core.tokenizers.cleaners.RemoveEmoticons
Returns the model file to load and use.
getModel() - Method in class weka.core.tokenizers.cleaners.WordCluster
Returns the model file to load and use.
getModel() - Method in class weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.TwitterEmoticonScore
Returns the model file to load and use.
getModel() - Method in class weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.TwitterNLPPos
Returns the model file to load and use.
getModelActor() - Method in class adams.flow.condition.bool.MOAClassification
Returns the callable actor to obtain the model from if model file is pointing to a directory.
getModelActor() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AbstractProcessMOAInstanceWithModel
Returns the filter source actor.
getModelFile() - Method in class adams.flow.condition.bool.MOAClassification
Returns the file to load the model from.
getModelFile() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AbstractProcessMOAInstanceWithModel
Returns the file to load the model from.
getModelFromContainer(AbstractContainer, MessageCollection) - Method in class adams.flow.core.MekaClassifierModelLoader
Retrieves the model from the container.
getModelFromContainer(AbstractContainer, MessageCollection) - Method in class adams.flow.core.MOAClassifierModelLoader
Retrieves the model from the container.
getModelFromContainer(AbstractContainer, MessageCollection) - Method in class adams.flow.core.MOAClustererModelLoader
Retrieves the model from the container.
getModelFromContainer(AbstractContainer, MessageCollection) - Method in class adams.flow.core.MOARegressorModelLoader
Retrieves the model from the container.
getModelLoadingType() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AbstractProcessMOAInstanceWithModel
Returns the loading type.
getModelName() - Method in class weka.classifiers.functions.PyroProxy
Returns the name of the model to use.
getModelResetVariable() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AbstractProcessMOAInstanceWithModel
Returns the variable to monitor for changes in order to reset the model.
getModelStorage() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AbstractProcessMOAInstanceWithModel
Returns the filter storage item.
getModifiersEx() - Method in class adams.gui.event.HeatmapPanelSelectionEvent
Returns the associated modifiers.
getMoveFiles() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.DirWatch
Returns whether to move the files to the specified target directory before transmitting them.
getMoveFiles() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.FileLister
Returns whether to move the files to the specified target directory before transmitting them.
getMp3Fields(Mp3File) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.audioinfo.MP3
getName() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.Binding
getter for the name of the binding
getName() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.Binding
getter for the name of the binding
getName() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.DEXTR
The name of the tool.
getName() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.OPEX
The name of the tool.
getName() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.SAM
The name of the tool.
getName() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.segmentation.tool.DEXTR
The name of the tool.
getName() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.segmentation.tool.SAM
The name of the tool.
getName() - Method in class com.example.customerservice.Customer
Gets the value of the name property.
getName() - Method in class com.example.customerservice.GetCustomersByName
Gets the value of the name property.
getNames() - Method in class adams.data.wekapyroproxy.FusionJsonCommunicationProcessor
Returns the names to use for the fusion subsets (corresponds to the subsets).
getNames() - Method in class adams.docker.DockerContainer
Returns the names.
getNameServer() - Method in class weka.classifiers.functions.PyroProxy
Returns the address of the Pyro nameserver.
getNameServer() - Method in interface weka.core.PyroProxyObject
Returns the address of the Pyro nameserver.
getNE() - Method in class adams.data.gps.GPSBoundary
getNoCopy() - Method in class adams.data.wavefilter.Cut
Returns whether to skip creating a copy of the wave before cutting.
getNoCopy() - Method in class adams.data.wavefilter.Trim
Returns whether to skip creating a copy of the wave before trimming.
getNoCopy() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AbstractInPlaceHeatmapTransformer
Returns whether to skip creating a copy of the heatmap before setting value.
getNormalize() - Method in class adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator.wave.Histogram
Returns whether to normalize the data before generating the histogram.
getNormalized() - Method in class adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator.wave.Spectrogram
Returns whether to use normalized or absolute spectrogram.
getNormalized() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.WaveToAmplitudes
Returns whether to extract normalized or absolute amplitudes.
getNormalizers() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.WordFrequencyAnalyzer
Returns the normalizers to use.
getNotes() - Method in class adams.data.audioannotations.AudioAnnotations
Returns the currently stored notes.
getNotes() - Method in class adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator.AbstractAudioFeatureGenerator
Returns the current notes to add as attributes.
getNotes() - Method in class adams.data.heatmap.Heatmap
Returns the currently stored notes.
getNotes() - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.AbstractHeatmapFeatureGenerator
Returns the current notes to add as attributes.
getNotes() - Method in class adams.data.trail.Trail
Returns the currently stored notes.
getNoVariableExpansion() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.AbstractCodeGenerator
Returns whether to skip variable expansion.
getNoVariableExpansion() - Method in interface adams.doc.latex.generator.CodeGenerator
Returns whether to skip variable expansion.
getNumBands() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.BoofCVMeanShiftLikelihood
Returns the number of bands in the image.
getNumberFormat() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.Table
Returns the number format.
getNumBins() - Method in class adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator.wave.Histogram
Returns the number of bins to use in manual calculation.
getNumBins() - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.Histogram
Returns the number of bins to use in manual calculation.
getNumBins() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.BoofCVMeanShiftLikelihood
Returns the number of bins for the histogram.
getNumColumns() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.MultiCol
Returns the number of columns to use.
getNumDecimals() - Method in class adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator.wave.Histogram
Returns the number of decimals to show in the bin description.
getNumDecimals() - Method in class adams.data.io.output.SimpleHeatmapWriter
Returns the number of decimals to output after the decimal point.
getNumExamples() - Method in class adams.flow.source.MOAStream
Returns the number of examples to generate.
getNumFrequencies() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.WordFrequencyAnalyzer
Returns the number of frequencies to return.
getNumIterations() - Method in class adams.data.filter.HeatmapCentroid
Returns the number of iterations for finding the centroid.
getNumOrders() - Method in class com.example.customerservice.Customer
Gets the value of the numOrders property.
getNumSamples() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler.FixedIntervalBufferedImageSampler
Returns the number of samples to take.
getNumSamples() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler.FixedIntervalBufferedImageSamplerVlcj
Returns the number of samples to take.
getOffset() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler.FixedIntervalBufferedImageSampler
Returns the offset for the samples.
getOffset() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler.FixedIntervalBufferedImageSamplerVlcj
Returns the offset for the samples.
getOffsetX() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.TextOverlay
Returns the currently set X offset for the text.
getOffsetY() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.TextOverlay
Returns the currently set Y offset of the text.
getOnlyTableCode() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.SpreadSheetToHTML
Returns whether to omit surrounding body/html tags.
getOnTheFly() - Method in class adams.flow.condition.bool.MOAClassification
Returns whether the model file gets built on the fly and might not be present at start up time.
getOnTheFly() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AbstractProcessMOAInstanceWithModel
Returns whether the model file gets built on the fly and might not be present at start up time.
getOpenFileFilters() - Method in class adams.gui.chooser.AudioFileChooser
Returns the file filters for opening files.
getOperation() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MultiHeatmapOperation
Returns the operation to apply.
getOptional() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.CallableActor
Returns whether the callable actor is optional.
getOptions() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.Figure
Returns the options to use for the figure.
getOptions() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.Image
Returns the options to use for the image.
getOptions() - Method in class weka.core.tokenizers.cleaners.RegExp
Gets the current option settings for the OptionHandler.
getOptions() - Method in class weka.core.tokenizers.cleaners.RemoveEmoticons
Gets the current option settings for the OptionHandler.
getOptions() - Method in class weka.core.tokenizers.cleaners.WordCluster
Gets the current option settings for the OptionHandler.
getOptions() - Method in class weka.core.tokenizers.TwitterNLPTokenizer
Gets the current option settings for the OptionHandler.
getOptions() - Method in class weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.AbstractTweetContentFilter
Gets the current option settings for the OptionHandler.
getOptions() - Method in class weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.TwitterEmoticonScore
Gets the current option settings for the OptionHandler.
getOptions() - Method in class weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.TwitterNLPPos
Gets the current option settings for the OptionHandler.
getOptions(Object) - Method in class adams.core.option.MOACommandLineHandler
Returns the commandline options (without classname) of the specified object.
getOutInterceptor() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTProvider
Returns the interceptor for outgoing messages.
getOutInterceptor() - Method in interface adams.flow.rest.RESTProvider
Returns the interceptor for outgoing messages (actually generator, since interceptors aren't serializable).
getOutInterceptor() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientSink
Returns the interceptor for outgoing messages.
getOutInterceptor() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientTransformer
Returns the interceptor for outgoing messages.
getOutInterceptor() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceProvider
Returns the interceptor for outgoing messages.
getOutInterceptor() - Method in interface adams.flow.webservice.WebServiceClientConsumer
Returns the interceptor for outgoing messages (actually generator, since interceptors aren't serializable).
getOutInterceptor() - Method in interface adams.flow.webservice.WebServiceProvider
Returns the interceptor for outgoing messages (actually generator, since interceptors aren't serializable).
getOutput() - Method in class adams.data.video.AbstractFileBaseRecorder
Returns the output file.
getOutput() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RatPlague
Returns the name of the input queue in the internal storage.
getOutput() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.AbstractMetaRatOutput
Returns the base transmitter to use.
getOutputArray() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.FileLister
Returns whether to generate the as array or as single objects.
getOutputContainerClass() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AudioAnnotationsFilter
Returns the container class in use for the output.
getOutputContainerClass() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapFilter
Returns the container class in use for the output.
getOutputContainerClass() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.TrailFilter
Returns the container class in use for the output.
getOutputDir() - Method in class adams.gui.application.AbstractBootstrappPreferencesPanel
Returns the directory to use for the libraries.
getOutputDir() - Method in class adams.gui.application.RenjinSettingsPanel
Returns the directory to use for the libraries.
getOutputDirectory() - Method in class adams.flow.maven.AbstractAdamsMojo
Retrieves the directory where the generated files should be written to.
getOutputDirectory() - Method in class adams.flow.maven.ActorExecutionMojo
Retrieves the directory where the generated files should be written to.
getOutputDirectory() - Method in class adams.flow.maven.ApplyActorMojo
Retrieves the directory where the generated files should be written to.
getOutputDirectory() - Method in class adams.flow.maven.ClassListerMojo
Retrieves the directory where the generated files should be written to.
getOutputFile() - Method in class adams.core.gnuplot.Initialize
Returns the output file in use (if not x11 as terminal).
getOutputFile() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.MP3ToWave
Get wave output file.
getOutputFile() - Method in class adams.flow.source.audiorecorder.AbstractFileBasedAudioRecorder
Returns the output file.
getOutputFile() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.BinaryFileWriter
Get output file.
getOutputFile() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming.XMLLoggingGenerator
Returns the output file in use.
getOutputFile() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.XMLLoggingGenerator
Returns the output file in use.
getOutputFormat() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAInstanceDumper
Returns the current output format.
getOutputGrid() - Method in class adams.data.io.input.ArcInfoASCIIGridReader
Returns whether to output a grid of values (as stored in the file) instead of the values associated with their GPS coordinates.
getOutputInstance() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAClassifying
Returns whether Instance objects are output instead of PredictionContainer ones.
getOutputInstance() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOARegressing
Returns whether Instance objects are output instead of PredictionContainer ones.
getOutputInterval() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAClassifierEvaluation
Returns the number of tokens after which to evaluate the classifier.
getOutputInterval() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAClustererEvaluation
Returns the number of tokens after which to evaluate the clusterer.
getOutputInterval() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOARegressorEvaluation
Returns the number of tokens after which to evaluate the regressor.
getOutputInterval() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOATrainClassifier
Returns the number of tokens after which to evaluate the classifier.
getOutputInterval() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOATrainClusterer
Returns the number of tokens after which to evaluate the classifier.
getOutputInterval() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOATrainRegressor
Returns the number of tokens after which to evaluate the regressor.
getOutputMetaData() - Method in class adams.data.io.output.SimpleHeatmapWriter
Returns whether to output the meta data as well.
getOutputOnlyModel() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AbstractMOAModelReader
Returns whether only the model is output instead of the container.
getOutputOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.ffmpeg.GenericPlugin
Returns the output options to use.
getOutputPosition() - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.Max
Returns whether to output the position as well.
getOutputPosition() - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.Min
Returns whether to output the position as well.
getOutputPrefix() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAInstanceDumper
Returns the current output prefix.
getOutputs() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.Branch
Returns the base transmitters to use.
getOutputScores() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.StanfordParseTreeToXML
Returns whether to output the scores as well.
getOutputSigmaFactor() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.BoofCVCirculant
Returns the spatial bandwidth.
getOutputStdErr() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Exec
Returns whether stderr instead of stdout is output.
getOutputString() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Socket
Returns whether to output a string.
getOutputType() - Method in class adams.data.io.output.GnuplotSpreadSheetWriter
Returns how the data is written.
getOutputType() - Method in class adams.data.io.output.LatexSpreadSheetWriter
Returns how the data is written.
getOutputType() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MjpegImageSequence
Returns the output type.
getOverlapFactor() - Method in class adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator.wave.Spectrogram
Returns the overlap factor (1/factor).
getOverlapFactor() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.WaveToSpectrogram
Returns the overlap factor (1/factor).
getOverlays() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.HeatmapDisplay
Returns the overlays to use.
getOverlays() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.TrailDisplay
Returns the overlays to use.
getOverridePrefix() - Method in class adams.data.featuregenerator.MultiGenerator
Returns whether the prefix of the generators are overridden.
getOwner() - Method in class adams.core.gnuplot.AbstractScriptlet
Returns the owning actor.
getOwner() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientSink
Returns the owning actor.
getOwner() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientSource
Returns the owning actor.
getOwner() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientTransformer
Returns the owning actor.
getOwner() - Method in interface adams.flow.rest.RESTClient
Returns the owning actor.
getOwner() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.ffmpeg.AbstractFFmpegPlugin
Sets the owner.
getOwner() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.ratcontrol.AbstractControlPanel
Returns the RatControl actor this control belongs to.
getOwner() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.ratcontrol.AbstractControlState
Returns the RatControl actor this control belongs to.
getOwner() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.AbstractRatInput
Returns the actor the receiver belongs to.
getOwner() - Method in interface adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.RatInput
Returns the actor the receiver belongs to.
getOwner() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.AbstractRatOutput
Returns the actor the transmitter belongs to.
getOwner() - Method in interface adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.RatOutput
Returns the actor the transmitter belongs to.
getOwner() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.RatRunnable
Returns the owning actor.
getOwner() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientSink
Returns the owning actor.
getOwner() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientSource
Returns the owning actor.
getOwner() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientTransformer
Returns the owning actor.
getOwner() - Method in interface adams.flow.webservice.blob.OwnedByRatsBlobServiceWS
Returns the current owner.
getOwner() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.blob.SimpleRatsBlobService
Returns the current owner of this webservice.
getOwner() - Method in interface adams.flow.webservice.text.OwnedByRatsTextServiceWS
Returns the current owner.
getOwner() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.text.SimpleRatsTextService
Returns the current owner of this webservice.
getOwner() - Method in interface adams.flow.webservice.WebServiceClient
Returns the owning actor.
getOwner() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapPanel
Returns the owner of this panel.
getOwner() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.TrailPanel
Returns the owner of this panel.
getOwner() - Method in class adams.terminal.application.ApplicationMenu
Returns the owning frame.
getOwner() - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.AbstractMenuItemDefinition
Returns the owning application.
getOwner() - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.AbstractRemoteCommandAction
Returns the owning application.
getPadding() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.GenerateWordCloud
Returns the padding in use.
getPadding() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.BoofCVCirculant
Returns the padding added around the region.
getPageAction() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.NewSection
Returns the page action.
getPaintlet() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.TrailDisplay
Returns the paintlet for drawing the trail.
getPaintlet() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.TrailPanel
Returns the current paintlet in use.
getPaintlets() - Static method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.paintlet.AbstractTrailPaintlet
Returns a list with classnames of paintlets.
getPanelAt(int) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapViewerPanel
Returns the specified heatmap panel.
getPanelAt(int) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.TrailViewerPanel
Returns the specified trail panel.
getPanelCount() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapViewerPanel
Returns the number of panels open.
getPanelCount() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.TrailViewerPanel
Returns the number of panels open.
getParametrizedScripts() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.GroovyServer
Returns the parametrized REST Groovy scripts in use.
getParent() - Method in class adams.data.heatmap.HeatmapValue
Returns the heatmap this point belongs to.
getParentPath() - Method in class adams.core.RObjectPath
Returns the path without the last element.
getPassword() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RedisConnection
Returns the password to use.
getPassword() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.SimpleDockerConnection
Returns the registry password in use.
getPath() - Method in class adams.core.RObjectPath
Returns a clone of the path elements.
getPath() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RenjinGetObject
Returns the path of the object to retrieve.
getPathComponent(int) - Method in class adams.core.RObjectPath
Returns the specified element of the path.
getPathCount() - Method in class adams.core.RObjectPath
Returns the number of path elements this path is made of.
getPathType() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.AbstractFileReferencingCodeGenerator
Returns how to process the file name.
getPerformLazySetup() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Returns whether to perform a lazy setup, ie when first executed.
getPerformTraining() - Method in class weka.classifiers.functions.PyroProxy
Returns whether to train the model as well.
getPipeline() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.flow.AbstractCallablePipeline
Returns the name of the callable actor to use as pipeline.
getPlotName() - Method in class adams.core.gnuplot.SimplePlot
Returns the name of the plot.
getPlotType() - Method in class adams.core.gnuplot.SimplePlot
Returns the plot type in use.
getPlugin() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.FFmpeg
Returns the plugin to use.
getPlugins() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.GenericServer
Returns the REST plugins in use.
getPlugins() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.HeatmapViewerPluginManager
Returns a list of plugin classnames.
getPlugins() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.plugins.TrailViewerPluginManager
Returns a list of plugin classnames.
getPoints() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.DEXTR
Returns the points to send.
getPoints() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.SAM
Returns the points to send.
getPolarBlendMode() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.GenerateWordCloud
Returns the polar blend mode in use.
getPort() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Socket
Returns the port to connect to.
getPort() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RedisConnection
Returns the port to connect to.
getPort() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rserve
Returns the Rserve port.
getPort() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.WebServer
Returns the SMTP port in use.
getPorts() - Method in class adams.docker.DockerContainer
Returns the ports.
getPosition() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.MiniPage
Returns the (optional) position to use.
getPosition() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.DirectRenderMediaPlayerPanel
a getter for the current position in the video playback
getPreface() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.MultiCol
Returns the preface code generator.
getPrefix() - Method in class adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator.AbstractAudioFeatureGenerator
Returns the (optional) prefix for the feature names.
getPrefix() - Method in class adams.data.featuregenerator.AbstractFeatureGenerator
Returns the prefix in use for the generated features.
getPrefix() - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.MultiFeatureGenerator
Returns the prefix to use for disambiguating the attributes.
getPrefix() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapLocateObjects
Returns the field prefix to use when generating a report.
getPrefix() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAMeasurementPlotGenerator
Returns the prefix in use for the plot container names.
getPrettyPrinting() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming.XMLLoggingGenerator
Returns whether pretty-printing is used or not.
getPrettyPrinting() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.XMLLoggingGenerator
Returns whether pretty-printing is used or not.
getPrivateKey() - Method in class adams.flow.source.KeyPairFileReader
Returns the private key file to read.
getPRNG() - Method in class adams.flow.source.KeyPairGenerator
Returns the pseudo random number generator in use.
getProcessFrequency() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.MOAClusterVisualization
Returns the amount of instances to process in one step.
getProcessor() - Method in class adams.gui.flow.tree.annotations.Markdown
Returns the markdown processor to use.
getProducer() - Method in class adams.event.RESTClientProducerResponseDataEvent
Returns the RESTClientProducer that generated the event.
getProducer() - Method in class adams.event.WebServiceClientProducerResponseDataEvent
Returns the WebServiceClientProducer that generated the event.
getProhibitedPrecedingActorReferenceHandlers() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rats
Returns the classes that are prohibited to appear before this reference handler.
getProject() - Method in class adams.flow.maven.AbstractAdamsMojo
getProlog() - Method in class adams.flow.source.NewLatexDocument
Returns the prolog to insert (as comments).
getPromptForPassword() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.KeyManager
Returns whether to prompt for a password if none currently provided.
getPromptForPassword() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RedisConnection
Returns whether to prompt for a password if none currently provided.
getPromptForPassword() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.TrustManager
Returns whether to prompt for a password if none currently provided.
getProp() - Method in class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.blob.Properties
Gets the value of the prop property.
getProp() - Method in class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.text.Properties
Gets the value of the prop property.
getPropagateStorage() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Returns whether to propagate storage items from the local to the outer scope.
getPropagateVariables() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Returns whether to propagate variables from the local to the outer scope.
getProperties() - Static method in class adams.doc.latex.LatexHelper
Returns the underlying properties.
getProperties() - Method in class adams.gui.application.AbstractBootstrappPreferencesPanel
Returns the properties and reads them from disk if necessary.
getProperties() - Static method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapPanel
Returns the properties for this panel.
getProperties() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapViewerPanel
Returns the properties for this panel.
getProperties() - Static method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.TrailPanel
Returns the properties for this panel.
getProperties() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.TrailViewerPanel
Returns the properties for this panel.
getProperties() - Static method in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.VLCjDirectRenderPanel
Returns the properties to use for the video player.
getPropertiesFile() - Method in class adams.gui.application.AbstractBootstrappPreferencesPanel
Returns the name of the properties file to load.
getPropertiesFile() - Method in class adams.gui.application.RenjinSettingsPanel
Returns the name of the properties file to load.
getProps() - Method in class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.blob.Blob
Gets the value of the props property.
getProps() - Method in class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.text.Text
Gets the value of the props property.
getProtocol() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.SSLContext
Returns the protocol to use.
getPruneImagesFlow() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.DockerImagesPanel
Creates the flow for pruning stopped docker containers.
getPruneStoppedContainersFlow() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.DockerContainersPanel
Creates the flow for pruning stopped docker containers.
getPublicKey() - Method in class adams.flow.source.KeyPairFileReader
Returns the public key file to read.
getPullType() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.Run
Returns how to pull the image (overriding setting from SimpleDockerConnection).
getPullType() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.SimpleDockerConnection
Returns how to pull images.
getQueue(StorageName) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.AbstractRatInput
Returns the flow's queue.
getQueue(StorageName) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.AbstractRatOutput
Returns the flow's queue.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.core.gnuplot.AbstractScriptlet
Returns a quick info about the object, which can be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.core.gnuplot.CustomScriptlet
Returns a quick info about the object, which can be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.core.gnuplot.Initialize
Returns a quick info about the object, which can be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.core.gnuplot.MultiScriptlet
Returns a quick info about the object, which can be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.core.gnuplot.Pause
Returns a quick info about the object, which can be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.core.gnuplot.SimplePlot
Returns a quick info about the object, which can be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator.wave.Spectrogram
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.GPSDistance
Returns a quick info about the object, which can be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.HeatmapToBufferedImageExpression
Returns a quick info about the object, which can be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.JsonToObject
Returns a quick info about the object, which can be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.SpreadSheetToHTML
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.SpreadSheetToKML
Returns a quick info about the object, which can be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.WaveToAmplitudes
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.WaveToSpectrogram
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.AbstractHeatmapFeatureGenerator
Returns a quick info about the object, which can be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.AbstractMetaHeatmapFeatureGenerator
Returns a quick info about the object, which can be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.CountValues
Returns a quick info about the object, which can be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.data.wavefilter.AbstractWaveFilter
Returns a quick info about the object, which can be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.data.wavefilter.Cut
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.data.wavefilter.Resample
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.data.wavefilter.Trim
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.AbstractCodeGenerator
Returns a quick info about the object, which can be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.AbstractMetaCodeGenerator
Returns a quick info about the object, which can be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.BlockSize
Returns a quick info about the object, which can be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in interface adams.doc.latex.generator.CodeGenerator
Returns a quick info about the object, which can be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.Figure
Returns a quick info about the object, which can be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.Image
Returns a quick info about the object, which can be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.ImportContent
Returns a quick info about the object, which can be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.Include
Returns a quick info about the object, which can be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.Input
Returns a quick info about the object, which can be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.MiniPage
Returns a quick info about the object, which can be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.MultiCol
Returns a quick info about the object, which can be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.NewSection
Returns a quick info about the object, which can be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.Table
Returns a quick info about the object, which can be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.Generic
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.Info
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.KillContainers
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.ListContainers
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.ListImages
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.PruneContainers
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.PruneImages
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.Pull
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.Push
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.RemoveContainers
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.Run
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.StopContainers
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.condition.bool.MOAClassification
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.condition.bool.RandomNumberExpression
Returns the quick info string to be displayed in the flow editor.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.control.ChangeRatState
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.control.ExecuteRats
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.core.AbstractRESTClient
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.core.AbstractWSClient
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientSink
Returns a quick info about the object, which can be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientSource
Returns a quick info about the object, which can be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientTransformer
Returns a quick info about the object, which can be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.GroovyPlugin
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.AnimatedGifFileWriter
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.ffmpeg.AbstractFFmpegPlugin
Returns a quick info about the plugin, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.ffmpeg.AbstractFFmpegPluginWithOptions
Returns a quick info about the plugin, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.ffmpeg.ConvertAudio
Returns a quick info about the plugin, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.FFmpeg
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.GnuplotScript
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.HeatmapDisplay
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.KeyPairFileWriter
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.MOAClusterVisualization
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.MP3ToWave
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.redisaction.AbstractRedisAction
Returns a quick info about the object, which can be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.redisaction.Publish
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.redisaction.Set
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.RedisSink
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.RenjinFileWriter
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.RenjinSink
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.RSink
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.StanfordParseTreeDisplay
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.TrailDisplay
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.source.audiorecorder.AbstractAudioRecorder
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.source.audiorecorder.AbstractFileBasedAudioRecorder
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.source.AudioRecorder
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.source.KeyPairFileReader
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.source.KeyPairGenerator
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.source.ListWebcams
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.source.MekaClassifierSetup
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.source.MOAClassifierSetup
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.source.MOAClustererSetup
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.source.MOARegressorSetup
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.source.MOAStream
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.source.NewAudioAnnotations
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.source.NewHeatmap
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.source.NewLatexDocument
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.source.NewTrail
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.source.redisaction.AbstractRedisAction
Returns a quick info about the object, which can be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.source.redisaction.Get
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.source.RedisSource
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.source.RenjinSource
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.source.RSource
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.source.SimpleDockerCommand
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.source.WebcamImage
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.source.WebcamInfo
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.FFmpegConfig
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Gnuplot
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.KeyManager
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.LabRat
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RatPlague
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.AbstractMetaRatInput
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.AbstractPollingRatInput
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.AbstractRatInput
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Cron
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.DeQueue
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.DirWatch
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Exec
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.FileLister
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.InputPolling
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.InputWithCallableTransformer
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.InputWithExternalTransformer
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.RedisAction
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.RedisSubscribe
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Socket
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Storage
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Subscribe
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Variable
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.AbstractMetaRatOutput
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.AbstractRatOutput
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.BinaryFileWriter
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.CallableActor
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.ContainerValuePicker
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.DistributedEnQueue
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.EnQueue
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.Exec
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.FileMover
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.FtpUpload
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.OutputWithCallableTransformer
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.OutputWithExternalTransformer
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.Publish
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.QueueDistribute
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.RedisAction
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.RedisPublish
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.SendEmail
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.Serialize
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.Socket
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.TextWriter
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RedisConnection
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RenjinStandalone
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RESTServer
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rserve
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RStandalone
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.SimpleDockerConnection
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.SSLContext
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.TrustManager
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.WebServer
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.WSServer
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AbstractArraySplitter
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AbstractCallableMekaClassifierEvaluator
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AbstractMOAModelReader
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AbstractProcessMOAInstanceWithModel
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AddAudioAnnotation
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AddTrailBackground
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AddTrailStep
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.ArrayFolds
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.ArraySubSample
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AudioData
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AudioInfo
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.DocumentToSentences
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.EditDistance
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.ExtractTrackedObject
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.GenerateWordCloud
Returns a quick info about the object, which can be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.GetKeyFromKeyPair
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapArrayStatistic
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapFeatureGenerator
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapGetValue
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapInfo
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapLocateObjects
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapSetValue
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.LatexAppendDocument
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MekaClassSelector
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MekaCrossValidationEvaluator
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MekaResultValues
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MekaTrainClassifier
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MjpegImageSequence
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAClassifierEvaluation
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAClustererEvaluation
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAFilter
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAInstanceDumper
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAMeasurementPlotGenerator
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAMeasurementsFilter
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOARegressorEvaluation
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOATrainClassifier
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOATrainClusterer
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOATrainRegressor
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MovieImageSampler
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MovieImageSequence
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MovieInfo
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.multiheatmapoperation.AbstractMultiHeatmapOperation
Returns a quick info about the object, which can be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.multiheatmapoperation.AddConstant
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MultiHeatmapOperation
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.AbstractObjectTracker
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.AbstractSimpleReportBasedObjectTracker
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RandomNumberGenerator
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.redisaction.AbstractRedisAction
Returns a quick info about the object, which can be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.redisaction.BroadcastAndListen
Returns a quick info about the object, which can be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RedisTransformer
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RenjinAddContext
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RenjinGetObject
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RenjinObjectInfo
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RenjinTransformer
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RTransformer
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.SimpleDockerCommand
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.StanfordGrammaticalStructure
Returns a quick info about the object, which can be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.StanfordLexicalizedParser
Returns a quick info about the object, which can be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.Stemmer
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.Tokenize
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.TrackObjects
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.TransformTrackedObject
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.WaveFeatureGenerator
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.WaveFilter
Returns a quick info about the actor, which will be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.WordFrequencyAnalyzer
Returns a quick info about the object, which can be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientSink
Returns a quick info about the object, which can be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientSource
Returns a quick info about the object, which can be displayed in the GUI.
getQuickInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientTransformer
Returns a quick info about the object, which can be displayed in the GUI.
getQuiet() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.Push
Returns whether to be less verbose in the output.
getRadius() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.CircleBackground
Returns the radius for the background.
getRandomGenerator() - Method in class adams.data.random.AbstractCommonsRandomNumberGenerator
The underlying random number generator.
getRandomGenerator() - Method in interface adams.data.random.CommonsRandomNumberGenerator
The underlying random number generator.
getRandomGenerator() - Method in class adams.data.random.ISAACRandom
The underlying random number generator.
getRandomGenerator() - Method in class adams.data.random.MersenneTwister
The underlying random number generator.
getRandomGenerator() - Method in class adams.data.random.Well1024a
The underlying random number generator.
getRandomGenerator() - Method in class adams.data.random.Well19937a
The underlying random number generator.
getRandomGenerator() - Method in class adams.data.random.Well19937c
The underlying random number generator.
getRandomGenerator() - Method in class adams.data.random.Well44497a
The underlying random number generator.
getRandomGenerator() - Method in class adams.data.random.Well44497b
The underlying random number generator.
getRandomGenerator() - Method in class adams.data.random.Well512a
The underlying random number generator.
getRange() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MekaClassSelector
Returns the attribute range.
getRat() - Method in class adams.event.RatStateEvent
Returns the rat that changed.
getRat() - Method in class adams.scripting.command.flow.SendRatControlCommand
Returns the full name of the Rat to send the command to.
GetRatControlStatus - Class in adams.scripting.command.flow
Retrieves status of Rat actors managed by RatControl actor from a running/registered flow using its ID.
GetRatControlStatus() - Constructor for class adams.scripting.command.flow.GetRatControlStatus
getRate() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.DirectRenderMediaPlayerPanel
A getter for the playback rate
getRatInput() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.RatsServer
Returns the rat input in use.
getRatInput() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.text.RatsTextUpload
Returns the rat input in use.
getRatInput() - Method in interface adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.RatInputUser
Returns the Rat input associated with.
getRatInput() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.blob.RatsBlobServiceWS
Returns the Rat input associated with this webservice.
getRatInput() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.text.RatsTextServiceWS
Returns the Rat input associated with this webservice.
getRats() - Method in class adams.flow.control.ChangeRatState
Returns the rats to change.
getRats() - Method in class adams.flow.control.ExecuteRats
Returns the rats to change.
getRats() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rats
Returns the receptions to use.
getRatsBlobServicePort() - Method in class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.blob.RatsBlobServiceService
getRatsBlobServicePort(WebServiceFeature...) - Method in class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.blob.RatsBlobServiceService
getRatsTextServicePort() - Method in class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.text.RatsTextServiceService
getRatsTextServicePort(WebServiceFeature...) - Method in class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.text.RatsTextServiceService
getRawData() - Method in interface adams.data.audio.RawAudioDataSupporter
Returns the raw data.
getRawData() - Method in class adams.data.audio.WaveContainer
Returns the raw data.
getReader() - Method in class adams.data.io.input.SimpleImageHeatmapReader
Returns the reader to use.
getReader() - Method in class adams.data.io.input.SpreadSheetHeatmapReader
Returns the spreadsheet reader in use.
getReader() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AudioData
Returns the reader to use.
getReader() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AudioInfo
Returns the reader to use.
getReader() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapPanel
Returns the heatmap reader that was used for loading this heatmap.
getReader() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.TrailPanel
Returns the trail reader that was used for loading this trail.
getReaderClass() - Method in class adams.gui.chooser.AudioAnnotationsFileChooser
Returns the reader superclass for the GOE.
getReaderClass() - Method in class adams.gui.chooser.HeatmapFileChooser
Returns the reader superclass for the GOE.
getReaderClass() - Method in class adams.gui.chooser.TrailFileChooser
Returns the reader superclass for the GOE.
getReaderForFile(File) - Method in class adams.gui.chooser.AudioAnnotationsFileChooser
Returns the reader for the specified file.
getReaderForFile(File) - Method in class adams.gui.chooser.HeatmapFileChooser
Returns the reader for the specified file.
getReaderForFile(File) - Method in class adams.gui.chooser.TrailFileChooser
Returns the reader for the specified file.
getReaders() - Static method in class adams.data.io.input.AbstractAudioAnnotationsReader
Returns a list with classnames of readers.
getReaders() - Static method in class adams.data.io.input.AbstractHeatmapReader
Returns a list with classnames of readers.
getReaders() - Static method in class adams.data.io.input.AbstractTrailReader
Returns a list with classnames of readers.
getReceiveChannel() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.AbstractRedisTool
The channel to receive the data on.
getReceiveChannel() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.DEXTR
The channel to receive the data on.
getReceiveChannel() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.OPEX
The channel to receive the data on.
getReceiveChannel() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.SAM
The channel to receive the data on.
getReceiveChannel() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.segmentation.tool.AbstractRedisTool
The channel to receive the data on.
getReceiveChannel() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.segmentation.tool.DEXTR
The channel to receive the data on.
getReceiveChannel() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.segmentation.tool.SAM
The channel to receive the data on.
getReceiver() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Returns the receiver to use.
getReceiveTimeout() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientSink
Returns the timeout for receiving.
getReceiveTimeout() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientSource
Returns the timeout for receiving.
getReceiveTimeout() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientTransformer
Returns the timeout for receiving.
getReceiveTimeout() - Method in interface adams.flow.rest.RESTClient
Returns the timeout for receiving in msec.
getReceiveTimeout() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientSink
Returns the timeout for receiving.
getReceiveTimeout() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientSource
Returns the timeout for receiving.
getReceiveTimeout() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientTransformer
Returns the timeout for receiving.
getReceiveTimeout() - Method in interface adams.flow.webservice.WebServiceClient
Returns the timeout for receiving in msec.
getReceiveType() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.AbstractRedisTool
Returns the type of data to receive.
getReceiveType() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.DEXTR
Returns the type of data to receive.
getReceiveType() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.OPEX
Returns the type of data to receive.
getReceiveType() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.SAM
Returns the type of data to receive.
getReceiveType() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.segmentation.tool.AbstractRedisTool
Returns the type of data to receive.
getReceiveType() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.segmentation.tool.DEXTR
Returns the type of data to receive.
getReceiveType() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.segmentation.tool.SAM
Returns the type of data to receive.
getReceptionInterrupted() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.AbstractRatInput
Returns whether the reception was interrupted.
getReceptionInterrupted() - Method in interface adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.RatInput
Returns whether the reception was interrupted.
getRecorder() - Method in class adams.flow.source.AudioRecorder
Returns the recorder to use for recording the audio.
getRecorder() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RecordingSetup
Returns the recorder setup to use.
getRecordingWorker(DataLine.Info, AudioFormat) - Method in class adams.flow.source.audiorecorder.FixedDuration
Returns worker runnable for recording audio.
getRecordingWorker(DataLine.Info, AudioFormat) - Method in class adams.flow.source.audiorecorder.OnDemand
Returns worker runnable for recording audio.
getRecordingWorker(DataLine.Info, AudioFormat, AudioFileFormat.Type) - Method in class adams.flow.source.audiorecorder.AbstractFileBasedAudioRecorder
Returns worker runnable for recording audio.
getRedrawInterval() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.MOAClusterVisualization
Returns after how many instances do we repaint.
getRegex() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MekaClassSelector
Returns the regular expression for selecting the attributes.
getRegExp() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.DirWatch
Returns the regular expression to match the filenames against (name only, not path).
getRegExp() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.FileLister
Returns the regular expression for the files.
getRegExp() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAMeasurementsFilter
Returns the regular expression to use for filtering.
getRegExp() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.image.QuadrilateralLocationsOverlayFromReport
Returns the regular expression for the locations in the report.
getRegExps() - Method in class adams.data.wekapyroproxy.FusionJsonCommunicationProcessor
Returns the regular expression to apply to the attribute names for identifying the fusion subsets (incl class).
getRegistry() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.SimpleDockerConnection
Returns the custom registry in use.
getRegressor() - Method in class adams.flow.source.MOARegressorSetup
Returns the regressor in use.
getRegressor() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOARegressorEvaluation
Returns the callable regressor to use.
getRegressor() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOATrainRegressor
Returns the name of the callable regressor in use.
getRegressorInstance() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOARegressorEvaluation
Returns an instance of the callable regressor.
getRegressorInstance() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOATrainRegressor
Returns an instance of the callable regressor.
getRemoteDir() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.FtpUpload
Returns the remote directory.
getRemoteObjectName() - Method in class weka.classifiers.functions.PyroProxy
Returns the name of the remote object to use.
getRemoteObjectName() - Method in interface weka.core.PyroProxyObject
Returns the name of the remote object to use.
getRemoveContainer() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.Run
Returns whether to remove the container after execution.
getRemoveExtension() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.AbstractFileReferencingCodeGenerator
Returns whether to remove the file extension.
getReplace() - Method in class weka.core.tokenizers.cleaners.RegExp
Returns the expression to use for replacing matching tokens with.
getReplacement() - Method in class adams.data.filter.HeatmapThreshold
Returns the replacement value in use.
getReplaceWithMissing() - Method in class adams.data.filter.HeatmapThreshold
Returns whether to replace the values with missing values instead.
getReport() - Method in class adams.data.audioannotations.AudioAnnotations
Returns the report.
getReport() - Method in class adams.data.heatmap.Heatmap
Returns the report.
getReport() - Method in class adams.data.trail.Trail
Returns the report.
getReportField() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.TextOverlay
Returns the report field to output.
getReportMovingErrors() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.FileLister
Returns whether to report errors encountered while moving files rather than just logging them as warnings.
getRepositories() - Method in class adams.gui.application.AbstractBootstrappPreferencesPanel
Returns the repositories to display.
getRepository() - Method in class adams.docker.DockerImage
Returns the repository.
getRequestPayload() - Method in class adams.scripting.command.flow.GetRatControlStatus
Always zero-length array.
getRequestPayload() - Method in class adams.scripting.command.flow.SendRatControlCommand
Always zero-length array.
getRequestPayloadObjects() - Method in class adams.scripting.command.flow.GetRatControlStatus
Returns the objects that represent the request payload.
getRequestPayloadObjects() - Method in class adams.scripting.command.flow.SendRatControlCommand
Returns the objects that represent the request payload.
getRequiredPackages() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.AbstractCodeGenerator
Returns the list of required LaTeX packages for this code generator.
getRequiredPackages() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.BlockSize
Returns the list of required LaTeX packages for this code generator.
getRequiredPackages() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.ClearPage
Returns the list of required LaTeX packages for this code generator.
getRequiredPackages() - Method in interface adams.doc.latex.generator.CodeGenerator
Returns the list of required LaTeX packages for this code generator.
getRequiredPackages() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.CustomStatements
Returns the list of required LaTeX packages for this code generator.
getRequiredPackages() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.Dummy
Returns the list of required LaTeX packages for this code generator.
getRequiredPackages() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.Figure
Returns the list of required LaTeX packages for this code generator.
getRequiredPackages() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.Image
Returns the list of required LaTeX packages for this code generator.
getRequiredPackages() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.ImportContent
Returns the list of required LaTeX packages for this code generator.
getRequiredPackages() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.Include
Returns the list of required LaTeX packages for this code generator.
getRequiredPackages() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.Input
Returns the list of required LaTeX packages for this code generator.
getRequiredPackages() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.ListOfFigures
Returns the list of required LaTeX packages for this code generator.
getRequiredPackages() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.ListOfTables
Returns the list of required LaTeX packages for this code generator.
getRequiredPackages() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.MiniPage
Returns the list of required LaTeX packages for this code generator.
getRequiredPackages() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.MultiCol
Returns the list of required LaTeX packages for this code generator.
getRequiredPackages() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.MultiGenerator
Returns the list of required LaTeX packages for this code generator.
getRequiredPackages() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.NewPage
Returns the list of required LaTeX packages for this code generator.
getRequiredPackages() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.NewSection
Returns the list of required LaTeX packages for this code generator.
getRequiredPackages() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.Table
Returns the list of required LaTeX packages for this code generator.
getRequiredPackages() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.TableOfContents
Returns the list of required LaTeX packages for this code generator.
getRequiredPackages() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.Verbatim
Returns the list of required LaTeX packages for this code generator.
getResponseData() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientSource
Returns the response data, if any.
getResponseData() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientTransformer
Returns the response data, if any.
getResponseData() - Method in interface adams.flow.rest.RESTClientProducer
Returns the response data, if any.
getResponseData() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientSource
Returns the response data, if any.
getResponseData() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientTransformer
Returns the response data, if any.
getResponseData() - Method in interface adams.flow.webservice.WebServiceClientProducer
Returns the response data, if any.
getResponsePayload() - Method in class adams.scripting.command.flow.GetRatControlStatus
Returns the payload of the response, if any.
getResponsePayload() - Method in class adams.scripting.command.flow.SendRatControlCommand
Returns the payload of the response, if any.
getResponsePayloadObjects() - Method in class adams.scripting.command.flow.GetRatControlStatus
Returns the objects that represent the response payload.
getResponsePayloadObjects() - Method in class adams.scripting.command.flow.SendRatControlCommand
Returns the objects that represent the response payload.
getResponsePostProcessor() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.WebserviceOutput
Returns the post-processor for the webservice response, if the client implements WebServiceClientProducer.
getResult() - Method in class adams.terminal.dialog.ComponentDialog
Returns the button that was selected.
getRetrievalDelay() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.EnQueue
Returns the delay to enforce on the retrieval of objects from the queue.
getReturn() - Method in class com.example.customerservice.GetCustomersByNameResponse
Gets the value of the return property.
getReturnType() - Method in class adams.flow.source.RSource
Returns the return type.
getReturnType() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RTransformer
Gets the type of object this flow returns.
getRevenue() - Method in class com.example.customerservice.Customer
Gets the value of the revenue property.
getRevision() - Method in class weka.core.tokenizers.TwitterNLPTokenizer
Returns the revision string.
getRevision() - Method in class weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.TwitterEmoticonScore
Returns the revision string.
getRevision() - Method in class weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.TwitterNLPPos
Returns the revision string.
getRExecutable() - Method in class adams.core.RProjectHelper
Returns the R executable.
getRight() - Method in class adams.data.wavefilter.Trim
Returns the end point of the trim.
getRotation() - Method in class adams.data.filter.HeatmapRotate
Returns the type of rotation to perform.
getRow() - Method in class adams.data.filter.heatmapcrop.Submap
Returns the row start the submap from.
getRow() - Method in class adams.data.filter.HeatmapSubmap
Returns the row start the submap from.
getRow() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapGetValue
Returns the row(s) of the value(s).
getRow() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapSetValue
Returns the row(s) of the position(s).
getRowFormat() - Method in class adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator.AbstractAudioFeatureGenerator
Returns the class of the row that the converter generates.
getRowFormat() - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.AbstractHeatmapFeatureGenerator
Returns the class of the row that the converter generates.
getRowFormat() - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.CountValues
Returns the class of the row that the converter generates.
getRows() - Method in class adams.flow.source.NewHeatmap
Returns the number of rows.
getRows() - Method in class adams.gui.core.MarkdownTextAreaWithPreview
Returns the rows.
getRserveHost() - Method in class adams.core.RProjectHelper
Returns the Rserve host.
getRservePort() - Method in class adams.core.RProjectHelper
Returns the Rserve port.
getRunAsUser() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.Run
Returns whether to run the container as the current user rather than root.
getRunnable(WindowBasedTextGUI) - Method in interface adams.terminal.core.MenuItem
Returns the Runnable to use.
getRunnable(WindowBasedTextGUI) - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.AbstractMenuItemDefinition
Returns the Runnable to use.
getRunnable(WindowBasedTextGUI) - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.AbstractRemoteCommandAction
Returns the Runnable to use.
getSampler() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MovieImageSampler
Returns the sampler to use.
getSampleRate() - Method in class adams.flow.source.audiorecorder.AbstractAudioRecorder
Returns the sample rate to use (hertz).
getSaveFileFilters() - Method in class adams.gui.chooser.AudioFileChooser
Returns the file filters for writing files.
getScaleFactor() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.HeatmapToBufferedImageWithKey
Get the scale factor to enlarge the heatmap by
getSchedule() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Cron
Returns the execution schedule.
getScopeHandlingStorage() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.flow.AbstractCallablePipeline
Returns how storage is handled in the local scope.
getScopeHandlingStorage() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Returns how storage is handled in the local scope.
getScopeHandlingVariables() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.flow.AbstractCallablePipeline
Returns how variables are handled in the local scope.
getScopeHandlingVariables() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Returns how variables are handled in the local scope.
getScript() - Method in class adams.core.gnuplot.CustomScriptlet
Returns the script code.
getScript() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.TweeboParser
Returns the TweeboParser script to use.
getScript() - Method in class adams.gui.core.RSyntaxEditorPanel
Returns the current script.
getScriptContainsPlaceholder() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.RenjinSink
Returns whether the scripts contains a placeholder which needs to be expanded first.
getScriptContainsPlaceholder() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.RSink
Returns whether the scripts contains a placeholder which needs to be expanded first.
getScriptContainsPlaceholder() - Method in class adams.flow.source.RenjinSource
Returns whether the scripts contains a placeholder which needs to be expanded first.
getScriptContainsPlaceholder() - Method in class adams.flow.source.RSource
Returns whether the scripts contains a placeholder which needs to be expanded first.
getScriptContainsPlaceholder() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RenjinStandalone
Returns whether the scripts contains a placeholder which needs to be expanded first.
getScriptContainsPlaceholder() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RStandalone
Returns whether the scripts contains a placeholder which needs to be expanded first.
getScriptContainsPlaceholder() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RenjinTransformer
Returns whether the scripts contains a placeholder which needs to be expanded first.
getScriptContainsPlaceholder() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RTransformer
Returns whether the scripts contains a placeholder which needs to be expanded first.
getScriptContainsVariable() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.RenjinSink
Returns whether the script contains a variable which needs to be expanded first.
getScriptContainsVariable() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.RSink
Returns whether the script contains a variable which needs to be expanded first.
getScriptContainsVariable() - Method in class adams.flow.source.RenjinSource
Returns whether the script contains a variable which needs to be expanded first.
getScriptContainsVariable() - Method in class adams.flow.source.RSource
Returns whether the script contains a variable which needs to be expanded first.
getScriptContainsVariable() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RenjinStandalone
Returns whether the script contains a variable which needs to be expanded first.
getScriptContainsVariable() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RStandalone
Returns whether the script contains a variable which needs to be expanded first.
getScriptContainsVariable() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RenjinTransformer
Returns whether the script contains a variable which needs to be expanded first.
getScriptContainsVariable() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RTransformer
Returns whether the script contains a variable which needs to be expanded first.
getScriptFile() - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.AbstractScriptedFeatureGenerator
Gets the script file.
getScriptFile() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.GroovyPlugin
Gets the script file.
getScriptFile() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.RenjinSink
Gets the script file.
getScriptFile() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.RSink
Gets the script file.
getScriptFile() - Method in class adams.flow.source.RenjinSource
Gets the script file.
getScriptFile() - Method in class adams.flow.source.RSource
Gets the script file.
getScriptFile() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Gnuplot
Returns the script file to execute.
getScriptFile() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.generator.AbstractScriptedRatGenerator
Gets the script file.
getScriptFile() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RenjinStandalone
Gets the script file.
getScriptFile() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RStandalone
Gets the script file.
getScriptFile() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RenjinTransformer
Gets the script file.
getScriptFile() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RTransformer
Gets the script file.
getScriptlet() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.GnuplotScript
Returns the scriptlet in use.
getScriptlets() - Method in class adams.core.gnuplot.MultiScriptlet
Returns the scriptlets in use.
getScriptOptions() - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.AbstractScriptedFeatureGenerator
Gets the script options.
getScriptOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.GroovyPlugin
Gets the script options.
getScriptOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.generator.AbstractScriptedRatGenerator
Gets the script options.
getScriptTipText() - Method in class adams.core.scripting.RScript
Returns the tip text for the script.
getSecond() - Method in class adams.data.gps.Coordinate
Returns the seconds.
getSecond() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.LinearGradientColorPalette
Returns the second color.
getSecondSteps() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.LinearGradientColorPalette
Returns the number of steps between second/third color.
getSeed() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.RandomizeArray
Returns the seed value.
getSeed() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.RandomizeCollection
Returns the seed value.
getSeed() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.ArrayRandomize
Returns the seed value.
getSeed() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MekaCrossValidationEvaluator
Returns the seed value.
getSelectedDirectory() - Method in class adams.terminal.dialog.DirectoryDialogBuilder
Returns the directory that is initially selected in the dialog
getSelectedFlowIDs() - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.AbstractRemoteFlowCommandAction
Returns an ID array of the currently selected flows.
getSelectedObjects(Container) - Method in class adams.gui.goe.BaseMeasureCollectionEditor
Returns the selected objects.
getSelectedObjects(Container) - Method in class adams.gui.goe.DockerDirectoryMappingEditor
Returns the selected objects.
getSelectedObjects(Container) - Method in class adams.gui.goe.GPSEditor
Returns the selected objects.
getSelectedRows() - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.AbstractRemoteFlowCommandAction
Returns an ID array of the currently selected flows.
getSelectedText() - Method in class adams.gui.core.MarkdownTextAreaWithPreview
Returns the underlying text.
getSelectedText() - Method in class adams.gui.core.MarkdownTextPane
getSendChannel() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.AbstractRedisTool
The channel to send the data on.
getSendChannel() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.DEXTR
The channel to send the data on.
getSendChannel() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.OPEX
The channel to send the data on.
getSendChannel() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.SAM
The channel to send the data on.
getSendChannel() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.segmentation.tool.AbstractRedisTool
The channel to send the data on.
getSendChannel() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.segmentation.tool.DEXTR
The channel to send the data on.
getSendChannel() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.segmentation.tool.SAM
The channel to send the data on.
getSendEmail() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.SendEmail
Returns the object for sending emails.
getSendErrorQueue() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Returns the name for the queue in internal storage to feed with send errors.
getSendErrorQueue() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.generator.AbstractRatGenerator
Returns the name for the queue in internal storage to feed with send errors.
getSendToClasses() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapViewerPanel
Returns the classes that the supporter generates.
getSendToClasses() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.TrailViewerPanel
Returns the classes that the supporter generates.
getSendToItem(Class[]) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapViewerPanel
Returns the object to send.
getSendToItem(Class[]) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.TrailViewerPanel
Returns the object to send.
getSendType() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.AbstractRedisTool
Returns the type of data to send.
getSendType() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.DEXTR
Returns the type of data to send.
getSendType() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.OPEX
Returns the type of data to send.
getSendType() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.SAM
Returns the type of data to send.
getSendType() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.segmentation.tool.AbstractRedisTool
Returns the type of data to send.
getSendType() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.segmentation.tool.DEXTR
Returns the type of data to send.
getSendType() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.segmentation.tool.SAM
Returns the type of data to send.
getSerializationType() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.RenjinFileWriter
Returns the serialization type, ie output format.
getShape() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.object.annotator.DEXTRMarkers
Returns the shape in use for markers.
getShape() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.object.annotator.SAMMarkers
Returns the shape in use for markers.
getShowInControl() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Returns whether to show in RatControl.
getShowInControl() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.generator.AbstractRatGenerator
Returns whether to show in RatControl.
getShowKey() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.HeatmapToBufferedImageWithKey
Get whether to display the colour key with the heatmap
getShowOnlyIDs() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.ListContainers
Returns whether to list only the IDs or all the information.
getShowOnlyIDs() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.ListImages
Returns whether to list only the IDs or all the information.
getShowReportTable() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.HeatmapDisplay
Returns whether the report table is visible.
getShrinkFactor() - Method in class adams.data.filter.HeatmapCentroid
Returns the factor to shrink the heatmap with after each iteration
getSigma() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.BoofCVCirculant
Returns the gaussian kernel bandwidth.
getSignal() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.KillContainers
Returns the signal to use.
getSigned() - Method in class adams.flow.source.audiorecorder.AbstractAudioRecorder
Returns whether to use signed data.
getSingleton() - Static method in class adams.core.RProjectHelper
Returns the singleton.
getSize() - Method in class adams.docker.DockerImage
Returns the size.
getSize() - Method in class adams.flow.source.KeyPairGenerator
Returns the key size in bits.
getSize() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.ArraySubSample
Returns the size of the sample (0-1: percentage, >1: absolute number).
getSkip() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.AbstractCodeGenerator
Returns whether the generator is skipped.
getSkip() - Method in interface adams.doc.latex.generator.CodeGenerator
Returns whether the generator is skipped.
getSkipInUse() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.FileLister
Returns whether to skip files that are currently in use.
getSkipMissing() - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.AbstractHeatmapFeatureGeneratorWithSkippableMissingValues
Returns whether to exclude missing values from the histogram calculation.
getSkipMissing() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HistogramPanel
Returns whether to exclude missing values from the histogram calculation.
getSortDescending() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.FileLister
Returns whether to sort in descending manner.
getSorting() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.FileLister
Returns the sorting type.
getSource() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.DirWatch
Returns the incoming directory.
getSource() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.FileLister
Returns the incoming directory.
getSources() - Method in class adams.flow.maven.AbstractJavaGeneratorMojo
Override this method to acquire a List holding all URLs to the sources for which this AbstractJavaGeneratorMojo should generate Java files.
getSources() - Method in class adams.flow.maven.ActorExecutionMojo
Override this method to acquire a List holding all URLs to the sources for which this AbstractJavaGeneratorMojo should generate Java files.
getSources() - Method in class adams.flow.maven.ApplyActorMojo
Override this method to acquire a List holding all URLs to the sources for which this AbstractJavaGeneratorMojo should generate Java files.
getSplitResult() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AbstractArraySplitter
Returns what type of the split to return, e.g., sample or inverse of sample.
getSplitter() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.DocumentToSentences
Returns the splitter to use.
getSplitterOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.splitter.StanfordPTBTokenizer
Returns the splitter options to use.
getSSLContext() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.SSLContext
Returns the SSLContext instance.
getSSLVerifyMode() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RedisConnection
Returns how to verify SSL peers.
getStart() - Method in class adams.data.filter.AudioAnnotationsWindow
The start timestamp of annotations.
getStart() - Method in class adams.data.filter.TrailWindow
The start timestamp of trail.
getStart() - Method in class adams.data.wavefilter.Cut
Returns the starting point of the cut.
getStartTLS() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RedisConnection
Returns whether to use StartTLS with SSL connections.
getState() - Method in class adams.flow.control.ChangeRatState
Returns the new state for the Rat actors.
getStatements() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.CustomStatements
Returns the custom statements to insert.
getStatements() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.Verbatim
Returns the statements to insert as verbatim.
getStatistic() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapArrayStatistic
Returns the statistic in use.
getStatistic(String) - Method in class adams.data.heatmap.HeatmapStatistic
Returns the statistical value for the given statistic name.
getStatisticDescription() - Method in class adams.data.audioannotations.AudioAnnotationsStatistic
Returns a description for this statistic, i.e., trail ID.
getStatisticDescription() - Method in class adams.data.heatmap.HeatmapStatistic
Returns a description for this statistic.
getStatisticDescription() - Method in class adams.data.trail.TrailStatistic
Returns a description for this statistic, i.e., trail ID.
getStatus() - Method in class adams.docker.DockerContainer
Returns the status.
getStemmer() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.Stemmer
Returns the stemmer to use.
getStemmer() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.stemmer.WekaStemmer
Returns the Weka stemmer to use.
getStep() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.AnnotationEvent
A getter for the step this event is for
getStep(TimeMsec) - Method in class adams.data.audioannotations.AudioAnnotations
Returns the step associated with the given timestamp.
getStep(Date) - Method in class adams.data.trail.Trail
Returns the step associated with the given timestamp.
getStopContainersFlow(String[]) - Method in class adams.gui.tools.DockerContainersPanel
Creates the flow for stopping docker containers.
getStopFlowIfCanceled() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.KeyManager
Returns whether to stop the flow if dialog canceled.
getStopFlowIfCanceled() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RedisConnection
Returns whether to stop the flow if dialog canceled.
getStopFlowIfCanceled() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.TrustManager
Returns whether to stop the flow if dialog canceled.
getStopMode() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.KeyManager
Returns the stop mode.
getStopMode() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RedisConnection
Returns the stop mode.
getStopMode() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.TrustManager
Returns the stop mode.
getStoppingTimeout() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Returns the timeout for waiting for the sub-flow to stop.
getStoppingWarningInterval() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Returns the interval for outputting warnings if the sub-flow hasn't stopped yet (and no stopping timeout set).
getStopwords() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.WordFrequencyAnalyzer
Returns the storage item that holds the string array of stopwords to use.
getStorageName() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.Table
Returns the name for the lookup table in the internal storage.
getStorageName() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.incoming.Enqueue
Returns the queue in use.
getStorageName() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.incoming.EnqueueGenerator
Returns the queue in use.
getStorageName() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.outgoing.Enqueue
Returns the queue in use.
getStorageName() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.outgoing.EnqueueGenerator
Returns the queue in use.
getStorageName() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.DeQueue
Returns the name for the queue in the internal storage.
getStorageName() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Storage
Returns the name for the item in the internal storage.
getStorageName() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Subscribe
Returns the name for the queue in the internal storage.
getStorageName() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.EnQueue
Returns the name for the queue in the internal storage.
getStorageName() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.Publish
Returns the name for the pub/sub data structure in the internal storage.
getStorageName() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming.Enqueue
Returns the queue in use.
getStorageName() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming.EnqueueGenerator
Returns the queue in use.
getStorageName() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.Enqueue
Returns the queue in use.
getStorageName() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.EnqueueGenerator
Returns the queue in use.
getStorageNames() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.DistributedEnQueue
Returns the names for the queues in the internal storage.
getStorageNames() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.QueueDistribute
Returns the names for the queues in the internal storage.
getStorageRegExp() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Returns the regular expression that storage item names must match to get propagated.
getStoreBackground() - Method in class adams.data.io.output.SimpleTrailWriter
Returns whether to store the background as well.
getStreamFilter() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAFilter
Returns the data filter in use.
getStreamGenerator() - Method in class adams.flow.source.MOAStream
Returns the data generator in use.
getStreamIndex() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MovieInfo
Returns the stream index.
getStringToPaint() - Method in class adams.gui.goe.BaseMeasureCollectionEditor
Returns the string to paint.
getStringToPaint() - Method in class adams.gui.goe.DockerDirectoryMappingEditor
Returns the string to paint.
getStringToPaint() - Method in class adams.gui.goe.RatReferenceEditor
Returns the string to paint.
getStringToPaint() - Method in class adams.gui.goe.RObjectPathEditor
Returns the string to paint.
getStyleProperties() - Method in class adams.gui.core.RSyntaxEditorPanel
Returns the syntax style definition.
getSubGenerators() - Method in class adams.data.featuregenerator.MultiGenerator
Returns the generators in use.
getSubGenerators() - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.MultiFeatureGenerator
Returns the generators to use.
getSuggestedSize() - Method in class adams.terminal.dialog.DirectoryDialogBuilder
Returns the suggested size for the file dialog
getSuppliedDir() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.AbstractFileReferencingCodeGenerator
Returns the directory to use instead.
getSuppressErrors() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Returns whether suppress errors and only forward them to the log actor.
getSuppressTrailingSpace() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.AbstractEnvironmentWithNoTrailingSpace
Returns whether to suppress the trailing space.
getSuppressTrailingSpace() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.AbstractMetaCodeGeneratorWithNoTrailingSpace
Returns whether to suppress the trailing space.
getSuppressTrailingSpace() - Method in interface adams.doc.latex.generator.EnvironmentWithNoTrailingSpace
Returns whether to suppress the trailing space.
getSW() - Method in class adams.data.gps.GPSBoundary
getSwapped() - Method in class adams.data.spreadsheet.GPSDecimalDegrees
Returns whether the format is swapped, 'long lat' instead of 'lat long'.
getSwapped() - Method in class adams.data.spreadsheet.GPSDecimalMinutes
Returns whether the format is swapped, 'long lat' instead of 'lat long'.
getSwapped() - Method in class adams.data.spreadsheet.GPSDecimalSeconds
Returns whether the format is swapped, 'long lat' instead of 'lat long'.
getSwapped() - Method in interface adams.data.spreadsheet.GPSObjectHandler
Returns whether the format is swapped, 'long lat' instead of 'lat long'.
getTabIcon() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.remotecontrolcenter.panels.RatsTab
Returns the name of icon to use for the tab.
getTag() - Method in class adams.docker.DockerImage
Returns the tag.
getTarget() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.DirWatch
Returns the move-to directory.
getTarget() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.FileLister
Returns the move-to directory.
getTarget() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.FileMover
Returns the directory to move the files to.
getTargetSampleRate() - Method in class adams.data.wavefilter.Resample
Returns the target sample to use.
getTechnicalInformation() - Method in class adams.data.filter.HeatmapCentroid
Returns an instance of a TechnicalInformation object, containing detailed information about the technical background of this class, e.g., paper reference or book this class is based on.
getTechnicalInformation() - Method in class adams.data.filter.heatmapthreshold.Otsu
Returns an instance of a TechnicalInformation object, containing detailed information about the technical background of this class, e.g., paper reference or book this class is based on.
getTechnicalInformation() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.AnimatedGifFileWriter
Returns an instance of a TechnicalInformation object, containing detailed information about the technical background of this class, e.g., paper reference or book this class is based on.
getTechnicalInformation() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.BoofCVTLD
Returns technical information on autocorrelation.
getTerminal() - Method in class adams.core.gnuplot.Initialize
Returns the terminal to use.
getTest() - Method in class com.example.customerservice.Customer
Gets the value of the test property.
getText() - Method in class adams.gui.core.MarkdownTextAreaWithPreview
Returns the markdown code to display.
getText() - Method in class adams.gui.core.MarkdownTextPane
Returns the Markdown text.
getText() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.TextOverlay
Returns the fixed text to output.
getText() - Method in class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.text.UploadRequest
Gets the value of the text property.
getTextColor() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.TextOverlay
Returns the color for the text.
getTextEditorPanel() - Method in class adams.core.scripting.RScript
Returns the configured text editor panel to use in the GOE.
getTextFont() - Method in class adams.gui.core.MarkdownTextAreaWithPreview
Returns the text font in use.
getThird() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.LinearGradientColorPalette
Returns the third color.
getThreshold() - Method in class adams.data.filter.HeatmapThreshold
Returns the threshold algorithm in use.
getThreshold() - Method in class adams.data.filter.heatmapthreshold.Manual
Returns the threshold to use.
getTime() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.DirectRenderMediaPlayerPanel
Returns the current playback time
getTimeout() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Socket
Returns the timeout in milli-second to wait for new connections.
getTimeOut() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.redisaction.BroadcastAndListen
Returns the timeout in msec.
getTimestamp() - Method in class adams.data.audioannotations.AudioAnnotation
Returns the timestamp.
getTimestamp() - Method in class adams.data.trail.Step
Returns the timestamp.
getTimestamp() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AddAudioAnnotation
Returns the timestamp.
getTimestamp() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AddTrailStep
Returns the timestamp.
getTimestamp() - Method in class adams.gui.audio.AudioPlaybackPanel
Returns the current timestamp in millisecond.
getTimeStamp() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler.SingleTimestampMovieSampler
Returns the timestamps to sample.
getTimeStamp() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.TickEvent
A getter for the timestamp
getTimeStamp() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.TickEvent
A getter for the timestamp
getTimeStamp() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.VLCjDirectRenderPanel
Returns the current video time in milliseconds
getTimeStampAsLong() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler.SingleTimestampMovieSampler
getTimeStamps() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler.TimestampMovieSampler
Returns the timestamps to sample.
getTimeStampsAsLong() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler.TimestampMovieSampler
getTipText() - Method in class adams.core.base.BaseMeasureCollection
Returns a tool tip for the GUI editor (ignored if null is returned).
getTipText() - Method in class adams.core.base.DockerDirectoryMapping
Returns a tool tip for the GUI editor (ignored if null is returned).
getTipText() - Method in class adams.core.base.HtmlCode
Returns a tool tip for the GUI editor (ignored if null is returned).
getTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.core.RatReference
Returns a tool tip for the GUI editor (ignored if null is returned).
getTitle() - Method in class adams.core.gnuplot.Initialize
Returns the title to use.
getTitle() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.SpreadSheetToHTML
Returns the HTML title.
getTitle() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.NewSection
Returns the title.
getTitle() - Method in class adams.flow.processor.ListRequiredLatexPackages
Returns the title for the dialog.
getTitle() - Method in class adams.gui.application.LatexSetupPanel
The title of the preference panel.
getTitle() - Method in class adams.gui.application.RenjinSettingsPanel
The title of the preferences.
getTitle() - Method in class adams.gui.application.RProjectSettingsPanel
The title of the preference panel.
getTitle() - Method in class adams.gui.menu.Annotator
Returns the title of the window (and text of menuitem).
getTitle() - Method in class adams.gui.menu.AudioAnnotator
Returns the title of the window (and text of menuitem).
getTitle() - Method in class adams.gui.menu.DockerContainers
Returns the title of the window (and text of menuitem).
getTitle() - Method in class adams.gui.menu.DockerImages
Returns the title of the window (and text of menuitem).
getTitle() - Method in class adams.gui.menu.HeatmapViewer
Returns the title of the window (and text of menuitem).
getTitle() - Method in class adams.gui.menu.MekaExperimenter
Returns the title of the window (and text of menuitem).
getTitle() - Method in class adams.gui.menu.MekaExplorer
Returns the title of the window (and text of menuitem).
getTitle() - Method in class adams.gui.menu.MOA
Returns the title of the window (and text of menuitem).
getTitle() - Method in class adams.gui.menu.Screencast
Returns the title of the window (and text of menuitem).
getTitle() - Method in class adams.gui.menu.TrailViewer
Returns the title of the window (and text of menuitem).
getTitle() - Method in class adams.gui.menu.VLCjPlayer
Returns the title of the window (and text of menuitem).
getTitle() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.remotecontrolcenter.panels.RatsTab
Returns the title of the tab.
getTitle() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapPanel
Returns the database ID or filename as title.
getTitle() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.TrailPanel
Returns the database ID or filename as title.
getTitle() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.VLCjDirectRenderPanel
Returns the base title in use by the title generator.
getTitle() - Method in interface adams.terminal.core.MenuItem
Returns the title of the window (and text of menuitem).
getTitle() - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.About
Returns the title of the window (and text of menuitem).
getTitle() - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.AbstractMenuItemDefinition
Returns the title of the window (and text of menuitem).
getTitle() - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.FlowEditor
Returns the title of the window (and text of menuitem).
getTitle() - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.FlowRunner
Returns the title of the window (and text of menuitem).
getTitle() - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.GarbageCollector
Returns the title of the window (and text of menuitem).
getTitle() - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.Homepage
Returns the title of the window (and text of menuitem).
getTitle() - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.JMap
Returns the title of the window (and text of menuitem).
getTitle() - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.Modules
Returns the title of the window (and text of menuitem).
getTitle() - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.ProgramExit
Returns the title of the window (and text of menuitem).
getTitle() - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.AbstractRemoteCommandAction
Returns the title of the action.
getTitle() - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.Rats
Returns the title of the action.
getTitle() - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.RemoteFlowCommands
Returns the title of the action.
getTitle() - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.RemoteLogging
Returns the title of the action.
getTitle() - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.StartListening
Returns the title of the action.
getTitle() - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.StopListening
Returns the title of the action.
getTitle() - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.RemoteCommands
Returns the title of the window (and text of menuitem).
getTitle() - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.SystemInfo
Returns the title of the window (and text of menuitem).
getTitleGenerator() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.VLCjDirectRenderPanel
Returns the title generator in use.
getToken() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.StringToken
Returns the string token to output.
getTokenizer() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.Tokenize
Returns the tokenizer to use.
getTokenizer() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.tokenizer.WekaTokenizer
Returns the tokenizer to use.
getTokenizerFactory() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.splitter.StanfordPTBTokenizer
Returns the tokenizer factory to use.
getTokenizerFactory() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.tokenizer.StanfordPTBTokenizer
Returns the tokenizer factory to use.
getTokenizerOptions() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.tokenizer.StanfordPTBTokenizer
Returns the tokenizer options to use.
getTolerance() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.HighestTemperature
Returns the tolerance.
getTolerance() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.LowestTemperature
Returns the tolerance.
getTool() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.object.annotator.DEXTRMarkers
Returns the associated tool.
getTool() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.object.annotator.SAMMarkers
Returns the associated tool.
getTopLeft() - Method in class adams.gui.event.HeatmapPanelSelectionEvent
Returns the top-left position.
getTrackers() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.MultiObjectTracker
Returns the trackers to use.
getTrail() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.EventQueue
A getter for the trail EventQueue adds steps to
getTrail() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.TrailPanel
The current trail on display.
GetTrailBackground - Class in adams.flow.transformer
Outputs the background of a trail, if available.
GetTrailBackground() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.GetTrailBackground
getTrailPanel() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.overlay.AbstractTrailOverlay
Returns the trail panel this overlay is for.
getTrailPanel() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.paintlet.AbstractTrailPaintlet
Returns the underlying trail panel.
getTrailPanel() - Method in interface adams.gui.visualization.trail.paintlet.TrailPaintlet
Returns the underlying trail panel.
getTransformer() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.flow.AbstractCallableTransformer
Returns the name of the callable actor to use as transformer.
getTransformer() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.TransformTrackedObject
Returns the reference to the callable transformer to apply to tracked object (optional).
getTransformer() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientSinkWithCallableTransformer
Returns the callable transformer in use.
getTransformer() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientSourceWithCallableTransformer
Returns the callable transformer in use.
getTransformer() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientTransformerWithCallableTransformer
Returns the callable transformer in use.
getTransformer() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceProviderWithCallableTransformer
Returns the callable transformer in use.
getTransformer() - Method in interface adams.flow.webservice.CallableTransformerSupport
Returns the callable transformer in use.
getTransmitter() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Returns the transmitter to use.
getTree() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.nlp.StanfordTree
Returns the Stanford parse tree on display.
getTreeCellRendererComponent(JTree, Object, boolean, boolean, boolean, int, boolean) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.nlp.StanfordRenderer
For rendering the cell.
getTrustManagerFactory() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.TrustManager
Returns the TrustManagerFactory instance.
getType() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.GPSDistance
Returns the type of distance calculation to perform.
getType() - Method in class adams.data.filter.HeatmapThreshold
Returns the type of threshold in use.
getType() - Method in class adams.data.wavefilter.Cut
Returns the indexing type in use.
getType() - Method in class adams.data.wavefilter.Trim
Returns the trim type in use.
getType() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.NewSection
Returns the type.
getType() - Method in enum adams.docker.simpledocker.PullType
Returns the underlying type string.
getType() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.KeyPairFileWriter
Returns the key type to write.
getType() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.redisaction.Publish
Returns the type of the data.
getType() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.redisaction.Set
Returns the type of the data.
getType() - Method in class adams.flow.source.KeyPairFileReader
Returns the type of the algorithm to use.
getType() - Method in class adams.flow.source.KeyPairGenerator
Returns the type of the algorithm to use.
getType() - Method in class adams.flow.source.redisaction.Get
Returns the type of the data.
getType() - Method in class adams.flow.source.WebcamInfo
Returns the type of information to generate.
getType() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.RedisSubscribe
Returns the type of the data.
getType() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.RedisPublish
Returns the type of the data.
getType() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.GetKeyFromKeyPair
Returns the key type to retrieve.
getType() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapInfo
Returns the type of information to generate.
getType() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MovieInfo
Returns the info type.
getType() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.BoofCVMeanShiftLikelihood
Returns the likelihood type
getType() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RenjinObjectInfo
Returns the type of information to generate.
getType() - Method in class com.example.customerservice.Customer
Gets the value of the type property.
getType() - Method in class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.blob.Property
Gets the value of the type property.
getType() - Method in class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.text.Property
Gets the value of the type property.
getTypeIn() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.redisaction.BroadcastAndListen
Returns the type of the data for the in channel.
getTypeOut() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.redisaction.BroadcastAndListen
Returns the type of the data for the out channel.
getUniqueID() - Method in class adams.data.heatmap.Heatmap
Returns the unique ID.
getUnparametrizedScripts() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.GroovyServer
Returns the non-parametrized REST Groovy scripts in use.
getUpdateModel() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAClassifying
Returns whether update the model after making the prediction (in case the class value isn't missing).
getUpdateModel() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAClustering
Returns whether update the model after making the prediction (in case the class value isn't missing).
getUpdateModel() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOARegressing
Returns whether update the model after making the prediction (in case the class value isn't missing).
getURL() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTProvider
Returns the URL used for the service.
getURL() - Method in interface adams.flow.rest.RESTProvider
Returns the URL used for the service.
getURL() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceProvider
Returns the URL used for the service.
getURL() - Method in interface adams.flow.webservice.WebServiceProvider
Returns the URL used for the service.
getURL() - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.AbstractURLMenuItemDefinition
The URL to open in a browser.
getURL() - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.Homepage
The URL to open in a browser.
getUrlFor(File) - Static method in class adams.flow.maven.shared.FileSystemUtilities
Retrieves the URL for the supplied File.
getUseAbsolutePath() - Method in class adams.core.gnuplot.AbstractScriptletWithDataFile
Returns whether to use the data file's absolute path.
getUseAbsoluteSource() - Method in class adams.data.io.input.AbstractHeatmapReader
Returns whether to use absolute source filename rather than just name.
getUseAlternativeURL() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientSink
Returns whether to use the alternative URL used for the service.
getUseAlternativeURL() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientSource
Returns whether to use the alternative URL used for the service.
getUseAlternativeURL() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientTransformer
Returns whether to use the alternative URL used for the service.
getUseAlternativeURL() - Method in interface adams.flow.rest.AlternativeUrlSupporter
Returns whether to use the alternative URL used for the service.
getUseAlternativeURL() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientSink
Returns whether to use the alternative URL used for the service.
getUseAlternativeURL() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientSource
Returns whether to use the alternative URL used for the service.
getUseAlternativeURL() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientTransformer
Returns whether to use the alternative URL used for the service.
getUseAlternativeURL() - Method in interface adams.flow.webservice.AlternativeUrlSupporter
Returns whether to use the alternative URL used for the service.
getUseCompression() - Method in class adams.data.io.output.SimpleHeatmapWriter
Returns whether compression is in use.
getUseCustomRange() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.HeatmapToBufferedImageWithKey
Set whether to use a custom range
getUseDefaultContext() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.SSLContext
Returns whether to use the default SSL context.
getUseFixedMinMax() - Method in class adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator.wave.Histogram
Returns whether to use user-supplied min/max for bin calculation rather than obtain min/max from data.
getUseFixedMinMax() - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.Histogram
Returns whether to use user-supplied min/max for bin calculation rather than obtain min/max from data.
getUseFixedRange() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.HeatmapToBufferedImage
Returns whether to use a fixed range.
getUseLowerCase() - Method in class weka.core.tokenizers.TwitterNLPTokenizer
Returns whether to use lower case.
getUseModelResetVariable() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AbstractProcessMOAInstanceWithModel
Returns the whether to use a variable to monitor for changes in order to reset the model.
getUser() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.SimpleDockerConnection
Returns the registry user in use.
getUseRelationNameAsFilename() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAInstanceDumper
Returns whether the relation name is used as filename.
getUserMode() - Method in class adams.gui.menu.Annotator
Returns the user mode, which determines visibility as well.
getUserMode() - Method in class adams.gui.menu.AudioAnnotator
Returns the user mode, which determines visibility as well.
getUserMode() - Method in class adams.gui.menu.DockerContainers
Returns the user mode, which determines visibility as well.
getUserMode() - Method in class adams.gui.menu.DockerImages
Returns the user mode, which determines visibility as well.
getUserMode() - Method in class adams.gui.menu.HeatmapViewer
Returns the user mode, which determines visibility as well.
getUserMode() - Method in class adams.gui.menu.MekaExperimenter
Returns the user mode, which determines visibility as well.
getUserMode() - Method in class adams.gui.menu.MekaExplorer
Returns the user mode, which determines visibility as well.
getUserMode() - Method in class adams.gui.menu.MOA
Returns the user mode, which determines visibility as well.
getUserMode() - Method in class adams.gui.menu.Screencast
Returns the user mode, which determines visibility as well.
getUserMode() - Method in class adams.gui.menu.TrailViewer
Returns the user mode, which determines visibility as well.
getUserMode() - Method in class adams.gui.menu.VLCjPlayer
Returns the user mode, which determines visibility as well.
getUseSingleDataFile() - Method in class adams.core.gnuplot.MultiScriptlet
Returns whether to use a single data file only.
getUseSSL() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RedisConnection
Returns whether to use SSL for the connection.
getValue() - Method in class adams.data.heatmap.HeatmapValue
Returns the value in the heatmap.
getValue() - Method in class adams.flow.source.NewHeatmap
Returns the initial value.
getValue() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapSetValue
Returns the value to set in the position(s).
getValue() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.multiheatmapoperation.AddConstant
Returns the constant value to add.
getValue() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.nlp.StanfordNode
Returns the value for this node.
getValue() - Method in class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.blob.Property
Gets the value of the value property.
getValue() - Method in class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.text.Property
Gets the value of the value property.
getValue(PropertyEditor) - Method in class adams.gui.goe.MekaGenericObjectEditorHandler
Returns the value currently being edited.
getValueAt(int, int) - Method in class adams.gui.tools.DockerContainersPanel.TableModel
Returns the Object at the given position.
getValueAt(int, int) - Method in class adams.gui.tools.DockerImagesPanel.TableModel
Returns the Object at the given position.
getValueName() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.ContainerValuePicker
Returns the name of the value to tee off.
getVariableName() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.RenjinSink
Returns the variable name to use in the Renjin context.
getVariableName() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Variable
Returns the name of the variable.
getVariableName() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapFeatureGenerator
Returns the name of the variable to monitor.
getVariableName() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RenjinAddContext
Returns the variable name to use in the Renjin context.
getVariableName() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RenjinTransformer
Returns the variable name to use in the Renjin context.
getVariableName() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.WaveFeatureGenerator
Returns the name of the variable to monitor.
getVariables() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.AbstractRatOutput
Returns the Variables instance to use.
getVariablesRegExp() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Returns the regular expression that variable names must match to get propagated.
getVideoDimensions(String) - Static method in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.VideoUtilities
Retrieves the dimensions of a video contained in the given file
getWait() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.StopContainers
Returns the number of seconds to wait before stopping.
getWait() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.enqueue.MaxQueueSize
Returns the time to wait between checks.
getWaitFTP() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.FtpUpload
Returns the number of milli-seconds to wait before FTPing the files.
getWaitingPeriod() - Method in class adams.core.gnuplot.Pause
Returns the waiting period in seconds before closing the plot.
getWaitList() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.FileLister
Returns the number of milli-seconds to wait after listing the files.
getWaitMove() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.FileMover
Returns the number of milli-seconds to wait before moving the files.
getWaitPoll() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.AbstractPollingRatInput
Returns the number of milli-seconds to wait before polling again.
getWaitPoll() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.DirWatch
Returns the number of milli-seconds to wait before polling again whether files have arrived.
getWaitPoll() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.InputPolling
Returns the number of milli-seconds to wait before polling again.
getWaitPoll() - Method in interface adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.PollingRatInput
Returns the number of milli-seconds to wait before polling again.
getWebcam() - Method in class adams.flow.source.WebcamImage
Returns the webcam name (leave empty for default one).
getWebcam() - Method in class adams.flow.source.WebcamInfo
Returns the webcam name (leave empty for default one).
getWebService() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.RESTTextReception
Returns the webservice provider in use.
getWebService() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.WSBlobReception
Returns the webservice provider in use.
getWebService() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.WSTextReception
Returns the webservice provider in use.
getWebService() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RESTServer
Returns the webservice in use.
getWebService() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.WSServer
Returns the webservice in use.
getWelcomeFiles() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.webserver.ResourceHandler
Returns the files to serve automatically if URL does not list file.
getWidth() - Method in class adams.data.filter.heatmapcrop.CropToCentroid
Returns the width start the submap from.
getWidth() - Method in class adams.data.filter.heatmapcrop.Rectangle
Returns the width of the submap.
getWidth() - Method in class adams.data.filter.heatmapcrop.Submap
Returns the width start the submap from.
getWidth() - Method in class adams.data.filter.HeatmapSubmap
Returns the width start the submap from.
getWidth() - Method in class adams.data.gps.Map
getWidth() - Method in class adams.data.heatmap.Heatmap
Returns the width of the map.
getWidth() - Method in class adams.data.io.input.FloatMatrixHeatmapReader
Returns the width of the heatmap.
getWidth() - Method in class adams.data.trail.Trail
Returns the optional width of the area for the trail.
getWidth() - Method in class adams.data.video.AbstractScreenRecorder
Returns the width of the screen portion (-1 = remainder).
getWidth() - Method in class adams.data.video.AbstractWebcamRecorder
Returns the width of the webcam.
getWidth() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.MiniPage
Returns the width.
getWidth() - Method in class adams.flow.source.NewTrail
Returns the width of the trail.
getWidth() - Method in class adams.flow.source.WebcamImage
Returns the width of the image.
getWidth() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.GenerateWordCloud
Returns the width for the image.
getWidth() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.RectangleBackground
Returns the width for the background.
getWidth() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.AbstractPositionableHeatmapOverlay
Returns the width.
getWidth() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.AbstractPositionableHeatmapOverlayWithDimensions
Returns the currently set width of the overlay.
getWorkingDirectory() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Exec
Returns the current working directory for the command.
getWorkingDirectory() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.Exec
Returns the current working directory for the command.
getWorkSpace() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.BoofCVCirculant
Returns the gaussian kernel bandwidth.
getWrapStyleWord() - Method in class adams.gui.core.MarkdownTextAreaWithPreview
Returns whether word wrap is enabled.
getWrapUpAfterExecution() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Returns whether to wrap up the actors after execution.
getWriter() - Method in class adams.data.io.output.SimpleImageHeatmapWriter
Returns the image writer to use.
getWriter() - Method in class adams.data.io.output.SpreadSheetHeatmapWriter
Returns the spreadsheet writer in use.
getWriter() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.TextWriter
Returns whether files gets only appended or not.
getWriterClass() - Method in class adams.gui.chooser.AudioAnnotationsFileChooser
Returns the writer superclass for the GOE.
getWriterClass() - Method in class adams.gui.chooser.HeatmapFileChooser
Returns the writer superclass for the GOE.
getWriterClass() - Method in class adams.gui.chooser.TrailFileChooser
Returns the writer superclass for the GOE.
getWriterForFile(File) - Method in class adams.gui.chooser.AudioAnnotationsFileChooser
Returns the writer for the specified file.
getWriterForFile(File) - Method in class adams.gui.chooser.HeatmapFileChooser
Returns the writer for the specified file.
getWriterForFile(File) - Method in class adams.gui.chooser.TrailFileChooser
Returns the writer for the specified file.
getWriters() - Static method in class adams.data.io.output.AbstractAudioAnnotationsWriter
Returns a list with classnames of writers.
getWriters() - Static method in class adams.data.io.output.AbstractHeatmapWriter
Returns a list with classnames of writers.
getWriters() - Static method in class adams.data.io.output.AbstractTrailWriter
Returns a list with classnames of writers.
getWsdlLocation() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientSink
Returns the WSDL location.
getWsdlLocation() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientSource
Returns the WSDL location.
getWsdlLocation() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientTransformer
Returns the WSDL location.
getWsdlLocation() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.blob.Upload
Returns the WSDL location.
getWsdlLocation() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.text.Upload
Returns the WSDL location.
getWsdlLocation() - Method in interface adams.flow.webservice.WsdlUrlProvider
Returns the WSDL location.
getWsdlLocation() - Method in class com.example.customerservice.flow.CustomersByName
Returns the WSDL location.
getWsdlLocation() - Method in class com.example.customerservice.flow.CustomersByNameCallableTransformer
Returns the WSDL location.
getWsdlLocation() - Method in class com.example.customerservice.flow.UpdateCustomer
Returns the WSDL location.
getX() - Method in class adams.data.filter.heatmapcrop.Rectangle
Returns the row start the rectangle from.
getX() - Method in class adams.data.heatmap.HeatmapValue
Returns the X position in the map.
getX() - Method in class adams.data.trail.Step
Returns the X of the step.
getX() - Method in class adams.data.video.AbstractScreenRecorder
Returns the X position of the screen portion (0-based).
getX() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AddTrailStep
Returns the X of the step.
getX() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.RectangleBackground
Returns the x for the background.
getX() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.AbstractPositionableHeatmapOverlay
Returns the currently set X position of the overlay.
getX(int) - Method in class adams.data.heatmap.Heatmap
Returns the X location from the position.
getXLabel() - Method in class adams.core.gnuplot.Initialize
Returns the title for the X axis.
getY() - Method in class adams.data.filter.heatmapcrop.Rectangle
Returns the column start the rectangle from.
getY() - Method in class adams.data.heatmap.HeatmapValue
Returns the Y position in the map.
getY() - Method in class adams.data.trail.Step
Returns the Y of the step.
getY() - Method in class adams.data.video.AbstractScreenRecorder
Returns the Y position of the screen portion (0-based).
getY() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AddTrailStep
Returns the Y of the step.
getY() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.RectangleBackground
Returns the y for the background.
getY() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.AbstractPositionableHeatmapOverlay
Returns the currently set Y position of the overlay.
getY(int) - Method in class adams.data.heatmap.Heatmap
Returns Y location from the position.
getYLabel() - Method in class adams.core.gnuplot.Initialize
Returns the title for the Y axis.
getZLabel() - Method in class adams.core.gnuplot.Initialize
Returns the title for the Z axis.
getZoom() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.HeatmapDisplay
Returns the zoom level in percent.
getZoom() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.TrailDisplay
Returns the zoom level in percent.
getZoom() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapPanel
Returns the zoom factor (0-16).
getZoom() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.TrailPanel
Returns the zoom factor (0-16).
GifSequenceWriter - Class in adams.data.video
GifSequenceWriter(ImageOutputStream, int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class adams.data.video.GifSequenceWriter
Creates a new GifSequenceWriter
gifWriter - Variable in class adams.data.video.GifSequenceWriter
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.core.gnuplot.CustomScriptlet
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.core.gnuplot.Initialize
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.core.gnuplot.MultiScriptlet
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.core.gnuplot.Pause
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.core.gnuplot.SimplePlot
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.core.management.RenjinClassPathAugmenter
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.audioannotations.AudioAnnotationsStatistic
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator.wave.Fingerprint
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator.wave.Histogram
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator.wave.Spectrogram
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.BufferedImageToHeatmap
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.ColumnCorrelationToHeatmap
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.ColumnCovarianceToHeatmap
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.EscapeLatexCharacters
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.GPSDistance
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.HeatmapToArray
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.HeatmapToBufferedImage
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.HeatmapToBufferedImageExpression
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.HeatmapToBufferedImageWithKey
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.HeatmapToSpreadSheet
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.HTMLToDOM
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.HTMLToText
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.JsonToObject
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.LocalPathToContainerPath
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.MarkdownToHTML
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.MOAInstancesToWEKAInstances
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.ObjectToJson
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.RandomizeArray
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.RandomizeCollection
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.RenderHTMLAsText
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.RenjinDoubleArrayVectorToSpreadSheet
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.RenjinListVectorToArray
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.SpectrogramToBufferedImage
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.SpreadSheetToHeatmap
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.SpreadSheetToHTML
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.SpreadSheetToKML
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.SpreadSheetToWordFrequencies
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.StanfordParseTreeToSpreadSheet
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.StanfordParseTreeToXML
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.TrailToSpreadSheet
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.WaveToAmplitudes
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.WaveToSpectrogram
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.WaveToWaveContainer
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.WEKAInstancesToMOAInstances
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.WordFrequenciesToSpreadShet
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.WordFrequencyToString
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.featuregenerator.FilteredFeatureGenerator
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.featuregenerator.Max
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.featuregenerator.Mean
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.featuregenerator.Median
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.featuregenerator.Min
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.featuregenerator.MultiGenerator
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.featuregenerator.PassThrough
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.filter.AudioAnnotationsWindow
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.filter.HeatmapCentroid
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.filter.heatmapcrop.CropToCentroid
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.filter.heatmapcrop.Dummy
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.filter.HeatmapCrop
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.filter.heatmapcrop.Rectangle
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.filter.heatmapcrop.Submap
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.filter.HeatmapFeatureGenerator
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.filter.HeatmapNormalize
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.filter.HeatmapNormalizeToField
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.filter.HeatmapRotate
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.filter.HeatmapStandardize
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.filter.HeatmapSubmap
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.filter.HeatmapSubtractField
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.filter.HeatmapThreshold
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.filter.heatmapthreshold.Manual
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.filter.heatmapthreshold.Otsu
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.filter.TrailWindow
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.CountValues
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.Histogram
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.Max
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.Mean
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.Median
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.Min
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.MultiFeatureGenerator
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.Scripted
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.StandardDeviation
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.Values
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.io.input.ArcInfoASCIIGridReader
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.io.input.FloatMatrixHeatmapReader
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.io.input.GnuplotSpreadSheetReader
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.io.input.SimpleAudioAnnotationsReader
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.io.input.SimpleHeatmapReader
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.io.input.SimpleImageHeatmapReader
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.io.input.SimpleTrailReader
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.io.input.SpreadSheetHeatmapReader
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.io.output.FloatMatrixHeatmapWriter
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.io.output.GnuplotSpreadSheetWriter
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.io.output.LatexSpreadSheetWriter
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.io.output.SimpleAudioAnnotationsWriter
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.io.output.SimpleHeatmapWriter
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.io.output.SimpleImageHeatmapWriter
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.io.output.SimpleTrailWriter
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.io.output.SpreadSheetHeatmapWriter
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.random.Beta
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.random.Cauchy
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.random.ChiSquare
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.random.Exponential
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.random.ISAACRandom
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.random.JMathArrayInt
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.random.LogNormal
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.random.MersenneTwister
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.random.Normal
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.random.Triangular
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.random.Uniform
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.random.Weibull
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.random.Well1024a
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.random.Well19937a
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.random.Well19937c
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.random.Well44497a
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.random.Well44497b
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.random.Well512a
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.spreadsheet.GPSDecimalDegrees
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.spreadsheet.GPSDecimalMinutes
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.spreadsheet.GPSDecimalSeconds
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.trail.TrailStatistic
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.video.MultiRecorder
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.video.SampledSoundRecorder
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.video.SarxosWebcamRecorder
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.video.XuggleScreenRecorder
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.wavefilter.Cut
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.wavefilter.MultiFilter
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.wavefilter.PassThrough
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.wavefilter.Resample
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.wavefilter.Trim
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.wekapyroproxy.FusionJsonCommunicationProcessor
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.wekapyroproxy.NullCommunicationProcessor
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.data.wekapyroproxy.SimpleJsonCommunicationProcessor
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.db.datatype.DataTypeSetupPostGIS
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.BlockSize
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.ClearPage
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.CustomStatements
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.Dummy
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.Figure
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.Image
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.ImportContent
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.Include
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.Input
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.ListOfFigures
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.ListOfTables
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.MiniPage
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.MultiCol
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.MultiGenerator
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.NewPage
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.NewSection
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.Table
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.TableOfContents
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.Verbatim
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.BuildImage
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.ExecContainer
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.Generic
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.GenericWithArgs
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.Info
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.KillContainers
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.ListContainers
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.ListImages
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.PauseContainers
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.PruneContainers
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.PruneImages
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.Pull
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.Push
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.RemoveContainers
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.RemoveImages
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.Run
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.RunWithArgs
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.StartContainers
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.StopContainers
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.condition.bool.MOAClassification
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.condition.bool.RandomNumberExpression
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.control.ChangeRatState
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.control.ExecuteRats
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.control.Keytool
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.core.MekaClassifierModelLoader
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.core.MOAClassifierModelLoader
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.core.MOAClustererModelLoader
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.core.MOARegressorModelLoader
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.processor.ListRequiredLatexPackages
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.control.RatControl
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.control.StopFlow
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.echo.Echo
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.echo.EchoClientSink
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.echo.EchoClientSource
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.echo.EchoClientTransformer
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.echo.EchoServer
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.flow.CallableJsonPipeline
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.flow.CallableJsonTransformer
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.flow.CallableTextPipeline
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.flow.CallableTextTransformer
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.GenericServer
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.GroovyPlugin
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.GroovyServer
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.incoming.BaseLoggingGenerator
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.incoming.EnqueueGenerator
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.incoming.LogFileGenerator
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.incoming.NullGenerator
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.outgoing.BaseLoggingGenerator
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.outgoing.EnqueueGenerator
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.outgoing.LogFileGenerator
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.outgoing.LogURLGenerator
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.outgoing.NullGenerator
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.RatsServer
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.text.RatsTextUpload
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.AnimatedGifFileWriter
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.AudioPlayback
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.ffmpeg.ConvertAudio
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.ffmpeg.GenericPlugin
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.FFmpeg
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.ffmpeg.MovieFromImages
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.GnuplotScript
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.HeatmapDisplay
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.HeatmapHistogram
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.KeyPairFileWriter
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.MekaGraphVisualizer
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.MekaMacroCurve
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.MekaMicroCurve
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.MekaPrecisionRecall
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.MekaROC
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.MOAClusterVisualization
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.MOAModelWriter
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.MP3ToWave
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.redisaction.Null
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.redisaction.Publish
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.redisaction.Set
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.RedisSink
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.RenjinFileWriter
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.RenjinSink
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.RESTSink
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.RSink
Info about this flow.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.StanfordParseTreeDisplay
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.TrailDisplay
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.WSSink
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.source.audiorecorder.FixedDuration
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.source.AudioRecorder
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.source.audiorecorder.OnDemand
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.source.KeyPairFileReader
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.source.KeyPairGenerator
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.source.ListWebcams
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.source.MekaClassifierSetup
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.source.MOAClassifierSetup
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.source.MOAClustererSetup
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.source.MOARegressorSetup
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.source.MOAStream
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.source.NewAudioAnnotations
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.source.NewHeatmap
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.source.NewLatexDocument
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.source.NewTrail
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.source.redisaction.Get
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.source.redisaction.Null
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.source.RedisSource
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.source.RenjinSource
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.source.RESTSource
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.source.RSource
Description of the flow.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.source.SimpleDockerCommand
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.source.WebcamImage
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.source.WebcamInfo
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.source.WSSource
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.FFmpegConfig
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Gnuplot
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.KeyManager
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.LabRat
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.LatexSetup
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RatControl
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RatPlague
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.generator.Dummy
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.generator.Scripted
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rats
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Cron
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.DeQueue
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.DirWatch
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.DummyCronInput
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.DummyInput
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Exec
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.FileLister
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.InputPolling
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.InputWithCallableTransformer
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.InputWithExternalTransformer
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.RedisAction
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.RedisSubscribe
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.RESTTextReception
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Socket
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Storage
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.StringToken
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Subscribe
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Variable
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.WebserviceInput
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.WSBlobReception
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.WSTextReception
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.log.LogEntryGenerator
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.log.SimpleStringGenerator
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.BinaryFileWriter
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.Branch
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.CallableActor
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.ContainerValuePicker
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.DistributedEnQueue
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.DummyOutput
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.EnQueue
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.enqueue.MaxQueueSize
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.enqueue.PassThrough
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.Exec
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.FileMover
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.FtpUpload
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.OutputWithCallableTransformer
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.OutputWithExternalTransformer
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.Publish
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.QueueDistribute
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.RedisAction
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.RedisPublish
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.SendEmail
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.Serialize
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.SimpleContainerContent
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.Socket
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.Switch
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.TextWriter
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.webservice.NullPostProcessor
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.WebserviceOutput
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.WebsocketOutput
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RecordingSetup
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RedisConnection
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RenjinContext
Overall description of this flow.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RenjinStandalone
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RESTServer
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rserve
Overall description of this flow.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RStandalone
Overall description of this flow.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.SimpleDockerConnection
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.SSLContext
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.StartRecording
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.StopRecording
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.TrustManager
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.webserver.AbstractHandler
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.webserver.DefaultHandler
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.WebServer
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.webserver.ResourceHandler
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.webserver.RunningFlowsHandler
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.WSServer
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AddAudioAnnotation
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AddTrailBackground
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AddTrailStep
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.ArrayFolds
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.ArrayRandomize
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.ArraySubSample
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AudioAnnotationsFileReader
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AudioAnnotationsFileWriter
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AudioData
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.audiodata.Wave
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AudioInfo
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.audioinfo.MP3
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.audioinfo.Wave
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.CoNLLFileReader
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.DocumentToSentences
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.EditDistance
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.ExtractTrackedObject
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.GenerateWordCloud
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.GetKeyFromKeyPair
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.GetTrailBackground
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapArrayStatistic
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapFeatureGenerator
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapFileReader
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapFileWriter
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapGetValue
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapInfo
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapLocateObjects
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapSetValue
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.HTMLFileReader
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.LatexAppendDocument
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.LatexCloseDocument
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.LatexCompile
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MekaClassifying
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MekaClassSelector
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MekaCrossValidationEvaluator
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MekaPrepareData
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MekaResultSummary
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MekaResultValues
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MekaTrainClassifier
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MekaTrainTestSetEvaluator
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MjpegImageSequence
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAClassifierEvaluation
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAClassifying
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAClustererEvaluation
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAClustering
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAFilter
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAInstanceDumper
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOALearningEvaluation
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAMeasurementPlotGenerator
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAMeasurementsFilter
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAModelReader
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOARegressing
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOARegressorEvaluation
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOATrainClassifier
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOATrainClusterer
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOATrainRegressor
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler.FixedIntervalBufferedImageSampler
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler.FixedIntervalBufferedImageSamplerVlcj
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MovieImageSampler
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler.SingleTimestampMovieSampler
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler.TimestampMovieSampler
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MovieImageSequence
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MovieInfo
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.multiheatmapoperation.Add
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.multiheatmapoperation.AddConstant
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MultiHeatmapOperation
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.multiheatmapoperation.PassThrough
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.multiheatmapoperation.Subtract
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.BoofCVCirculant
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.BoofCVMeanShiftLikelihood
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.BoofCVSparseFlow
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.BoofCVTLD
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.MultiObjectTracker
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RandomNumberGenerator
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.redisaction.BroadcastAndListen
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.redisaction.PassThrough
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RedisTransformer
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RenjinAddContext
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RenjinFileReader
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RenjinGetObject
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RenjinObjectInfo
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RenjinTransformer
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RESTTransformer
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RTransformer
Info about this flow.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.SimpleDockerCommand
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.splitter.StanfordPTBTokenizer
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.StanfordGrammaticalStructure
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.StanfordLexicalizedParser
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.Stemmer
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.stemmer.NullStemmer
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.stemmer.WekaStemmer
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.Tokenize
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.tokenizer.StanfordPTBTokenizer
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.tokenizer.Twokenize
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.tokenizer.WekaTokenizer
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.TrackObjects
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.TrailFileReader
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.TrailFileWriter
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.TransformTrackedObject
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.TweeboParser
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.TweetNLPTagger
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.WaveFeatureGenerator
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.WaveFilter
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.CircleBackground
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.ColorListPalette
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.DefaultBackground
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.DefaultColorPalette
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.DefaultFontScalar
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.LinearFontScalar
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.LinearGradientColorPalette
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.LogFontScalar
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.PixelBoundaryBackground
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.RectangleBackground
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.SqrtFontScalar
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.WordFrequencyAnalyzer
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.WSTransformer
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.blob.RatsBlobServiceWS
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.blob.SimpleRatsBlobService
Returns a string for the GUI that describes this object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.blob.Upload
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming.BaseLoggingGenerator
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming.EnqueueGenerator
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming.LogFileGenerator
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming.NullGenerator
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming.XMLLoggingGenerator
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.BaseLoggingGenerator
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.EnqueueGenerator
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.LogFileGenerator
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.LogURLGenerator
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.NullGenerator
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.XMLLoggingGenerator
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.text.RatsTextServiceWS
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.text.SimpleRatsTextService
Returns a string for the GUI that describes this object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.text.Upload
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.gui.flow.tree.annotations.Markdown
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.previewbrowser.AudioFileInfoHandler
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.previewbrowser.AudioFilePlaybackHandler
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.previewbrowser.HeatmapImageHandler
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.previewbrowser.HeatmapSpreadSheetHandler
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.previewbrowser.HTMLHandler
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.previewbrowser.SpeechPlaybackHandler
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.previewbrowser.VlcjVideoHandler
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.remotecontrolcenter.panels.RatsTab.RatStatusResponseHandler
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.Centroid
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.HighestTemperature
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.LowestTemperature
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.Null
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.TextOverlay
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.selection.Crop
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.selection.NullProcessor
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.image.QuadrilateralLocationsOverlayFromReport
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.image.selection.SelectMultipleObjectsToTrack
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.image.selection.SelectObjectToTrack
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.object.annotator.DEXTRMarkers
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.object.annotator.SAMMarkers
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.DEXTR
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.OPEX
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.SAM
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.segmentation.tool.DEXTR
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.segmentation.tool.SAM
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.overlay.Null
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.paintlet.Circles
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.paintlet.Lines
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.scripting.command.flow.GetRatControlStatus
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.scripting.command.flow.SendRatControlCommand
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.scripting.requesthandler.LogTextBoxRequestHandler
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.scripting.responsehandler.LogTextBoxResponseHandler
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.terminal.Main
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.AbstractRemoteCommandActionResponseHandler
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.Rats.RatStatusResponseHandler
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class com.example.customerservice.flow.CustomersByName
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class com.example.customerservice.flow.CustomersByNameCallableTransformer
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class com.example.customerservice.flow.CustomerServiceWS
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class com.example.customerservice.flow.UpdateCustomer
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfo() - Method in class weka.classifiers.functions.PyroProxy
Returns a string describing classifier.
globalInfo() - Method in class weka.core.tokenizers.cleaners.NormalizeTwitterHashtag
Returns a string describing the cleaner.
globalInfo() - Method in class weka.core.tokenizers.cleaners.NormalizeTwitterUsers
Returns a string describing the cleaner.
globalInfo() - Method in class weka.core.tokenizers.cleaners.NormalizeURLs
Returns a string describing the cleaner.
globalInfo() - Method in class weka.core.tokenizers.cleaners.RegExp
Returns a string describing the cleaner.
globalInfo() - Method in class weka.core.tokenizers.cleaners.RemoveEmoticons
Returns a string describing the cleaner.
globalInfo() - Method in class weka.core.tokenizers.cleaners.WordCluster
Returns a string describing the cleaner.
globalInfo() - Method in class weka.core.tokenizers.TwitterNLPTokenizer
Returns a string describing the tokenizer.
globalInfo() - Method in class weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.TwitterEmoticonScore
Returns a string describing this filter.
globalInfo() - Method in class weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.TwitterNLPPos
Returns a string describing this filter.
globalInfoBase() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.flow.AbstractCallablePipeline
Returns a string describing the object.
globalInfoBase() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.flow.AbstractCallableTransformer
Returns a string describing the object.
Gnuplot - Class in adams.flow.standalone
Executes Gnuplot with the specified script file.

NB: Add the absolute path to the binary, if gnuplot is not on the system's path.
Gnuplot() - Constructor for class adams.flow.standalone.Gnuplot
GnuplotScript - Class in adams.flow.sink
Actor for generating Gnuplot script files for plotting data stored in the data file that is received as input.
GnuplotScript() - Constructor for class adams.flow.sink.GnuplotScript
GnuplotSpreadSheetReader - Class in adams.data.io.input
Reads data in Gnuplot format.
GnuplotSpreadSheetReader() - Constructor for class adams.data.io.input.GnuplotSpreadSheetReader
GnuplotSpreadSheetWriter - Class in adams.data.io.output
Outputs all numeric columns of a spreadsheet in Gnuplot format.
GnuplotSpreadSheetWriter() - Constructor for class adams.data.io.output.GnuplotSpreadSheetWriter
GPSBoundary - Class in adams.data.gps
GPSBoundary(AbstractGPS, AbstractGPS) - Constructor for class adams.data.gps.GPSBoundary
GPSDecimalDegrees - Class in adams.data.gps
GPS coordinates in decimal notation.
GPSDecimalDegrees - Class in adams.data.spreadsheet
Handler for GPSDecimalDegrees objects.
GPSDecimalDegrees() - Constructor for class adams.data.gps.GPSDecimalDegrees
Default constructor.
GPSDecimalDegrees() - Constructor for class adams.data.spreadsheet.GPSDecimalDegrees
GPSDecimalDegrees(double, double) - Constructor for class adams.data.gps.GPSDecimalDegrees
Initialize GPS with latitude and longitude (in decimal notation).
GPSDecimalDegrees(AbstractGPS) - Constructor for class adams.data.gps.GPSDecimalDegrees
Initialize GPS with latitude and longitude from the specified object.
GPSDecimalDegrees(Coordinate, Coordinate) - Constructor for class adams.data.gps.GPSDecimalDegrees
Initialize GPS with latitude and longitude.
GPSDecimalDegrees(String) - Constructor for class adams.data.gps.GPSDecimalDegrees
Initialize GPS with latitude and longitude in string representation.
GPSDecimalDegrees(String, boolean) - Constructor for class adams.data.gps.GPSDecimalDegrees
Initialize GPS with latitude and longitude in string representation.
GPSDecimalMinutes - Class in adams.data.gps
GPS coordinates with degrees in integer and minutes (incl seconds) in decimal notation.
GPSDecimalMinutes - Class in adams.data.spreadsheet
Handler for GPSDecimalMinutes objects.
GPSDecimalMinutes() - Constructor for class adams.data.gps.GPSDecimalMinutes
Default constructor.
GPSDecimalMinutes() - Constructor for class adams.data.spreadsheet.GPSDecimalMinutes
GPSDecimalMinutes(double, double) - Constructor for class adams.data.gps.GPSDecimalMinutes
Initialize GPS with latitude and longitude (in decimal notation).
GPSDecimalMinutes(AbstractGPS) - Constructor for class adams.data.gps.GPSDecimalMinutes
Initialize GPS with latitude and longitude from the specified object.
GPSDecimalMinutes(Coordinate, Coordinate) - Constructor for class adams.data.gps.GPSDecimalMinutes
Initialize GPS with latitude and longitude.
GPSDecimalMinutes(String) - Constructor for class adams.data.gps.GPSDecimalMinutes
Initialize GPS with latitude and longitude in string representation.
GPSDecimalMinutes(String, boolean) - Constructor for class adams.data.gps.GPSDecimalMinutes
Initialize GPS with latitude and longitude in string representation.
GPSDecimalSeconds - Class in adams.data.gps
GPS coordinates with degrees and minutes as integers and seconds in decimal notation.
GPSDecimalSeconds - Class in adams.data.spreadsheet
Handler for GPSDecimalSeconds objects.
GPSDecimalSeconds() - Constructor for class adams.data.gps.GPSDecimalSeconds
Default constructor.
GPSDecimalSeconds() - Constructor for class adams.data.spreadsheet.GPSDecimalSeconds
GPSDecimalSeconds(double, double) - Constructor for class adams.data.gps.GPSDecimalSeconds
Initialize GPS with latitude and longitude (in decimal notation).
GPSDecimalSeconds(AbstractGPS) - Constructor for class adams.data.gps.GPSDecimalSeconds
Initialize GPS with latitude and longitude from the specified object.
GPSDecimalSeconds(Coordinate, Coordinate) - Constructor for class adams.data.gps.GPSDecimalSeconds
Initialize GPS with latitude and longitude.
GPSDecimalSeconds(String) - Constructor for class adams.data.gps.GPSDecimalSeconds
Initialize GPS with latitude and longitude in string representation.
GPSDecimalSeconds(String, boolean) - Constructor for class adams.data.gps.GPSDecimalSeconds
Initialize GPS with latitude and longitude in string representation.
GPSDistance - Class in adams.data.conversion
Computes the distance in meters between two GPS points.
GPSDistance() - Constructor for class adams.data.conversion.GPSDistance
GPSDistance.DistanceCalculationType - Enum in adams.data.conversion
How to calculate the distance.
GPSEditor - Class in adams.gui.goe
A PropertyEditor for GPS coordinates.
GPSEditor() - Constructor for class adams.gui.goe.GPSEditor
GPSObjectHandler - Interface in adams.data.spreadsheet
Interface for GPS object handlers.
GPSParsing - Class in adams.core.option.parsing
For parsing GPS options.
GPSParsing() - Constructor for class adams.core.option.parsing.GPSParsing
GPSToPixel(AbstractGPS, int, int) - Method in class adams.data.gps.Map
grayToIntensity(Heatmap, int) - Method in class adams.data.conversion.HeatmapToBufferedImage
Turns the gray value back into an intensity value.
grayToIntensity(Heatmap, int) - Method in interface adams.data.conversion.HeatmapToBufferedImageConversion
Turns the gray value back into an intensity value.
grayToIntensity(Heatmap, int) - Method in class adams.data.conversion.HeatmapToBufferedImageWithKey
Turns the gray value back into an intensity value.
GroovyPlugin - Class in adams.flow.rest
Wrapper for a REST plugin written in Groovy.
GroovyPlugin() - Constructor for class adams.flow.rest.GroovyPlugin
GroovyServer - Class in adams.flow.rest
GenericREST service provider, which allows you to assemble the REST plugins that should make up the service from Groovy scripts.
Scripts either need to implement adams.flow.rest.RESTPlugin interface or be derived from the adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTPlugin superclass.
Automatically sets the flow context of plugins, if they should implement the adams.flow.core.FlowContextHandler interface.
If implementing the adams.core.logging.LoggingLevelHandler interface, they plugin receives the same logging level as this server.
GroovyServer() - Constructor for class adams.flow.rest.GroovyServer
group(List<String>) - Static method in class adams.core.io.CoNLLHelper
Groups the lines read from a file containing one or more CoNLL token sequences into separate groups, represented by a single string.
guardTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.EnQueue
Returns the tip text for this property.
GUIIMAGE - adams.flow.transformer.MjpegImageSequence.OutputType


handle(String, Request, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.webserver.AbstractJettyHandler
Handles the request.
handleError(Actor, String, String) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Handles the given error message with the flow that this actor belongs to, if the flow has error logging turned on.
handleException(String, Throwable) - Method in class adams.flow.sink.ffmpeg.AbstractFFmpegPlugin
Outputs the stacktrace along with the message on stderr and returns a combination of both of them as string.
handleException(String, Throwable) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.AbstractRatInput
Outputs the stacktrace along with the message on stderr and returns a combination of both of them as string.
handleException(String, Throwable) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.AbstractRatOutput
Outputs the stacktrace along with the message on stderr and returns a combination of both of them as string.
handleMessage(Message) - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.incoming.BaseLogging
Intercepts a message.
handleMessage(Message) - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.incoming.Enqueue
Intercepts a message.
handleMessage(Message) - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.incoming.LogFile
Intercepts a message.
handleMessage(Message) - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.outgoing.BaseLogging
Intercepts a message.
handleMessage(Message) - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.outgoing.Enqueue
Intercepts a message.
handleMessage(Message) - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.outgoing.LogFile
Intercepts a message.
handleMessage(Message) - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.outgoing.LogURL
Intercepts a message.
handleMessage(Message) - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming.BaseLogging
Intercepts a message.
handleMessage(Message) - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming.Enqueue
Intercepts a message.
handleMessage(Message) - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming.LogFile
Intercepts a message.
handleMessage(Message) - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming.XMLLoggingInInterceptor
handleMessage(Message) - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.BaseLogging
Intercepts a message.
handleMessage(Message) - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.Enqueue
Intercepts a message.
handleMessage(Message) - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.LogFile
Intercepts a message.
handleMessage(Message) - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.LogURL
Intercepts a message.
handleMessage(Message) - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.XMLLoggingOutInterceptor
Handler - Interface in adams.flow.standalone.webserver
Interface for handler wrappers that return a configured Handler.
handlersTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.WebServer
Returns the tip text for this property.
handlerTipText() - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.Scripted
Returns the tip text for this property.
handlerTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.generator.Scripted
Returns the tip text for this property.
handles(Class) - Method in class adams.core.option.MOACommandLineHandler
Checks whether the given class can be processed.
handles(Class) - Method in class adams.data.spreadsheet.GPSDecimalDegrees
Checks whether the handler can process the given class.
handles(Class) - Method in class adams.data.spreadsheet.GPSDecimalMinutes
Checks whether the handler can process the given class.
handles(Class) - Method in class adams.data.spreadsheet.GPSDecimalSeconds
Checks whether the handler can process the given class.
handles(Class) - Method in class adams.flow.core.MOAPropertyValueConverter
Checks whether this converter handles the particular class.
handles(Class) - Method in class adams.gui.goe.MekaGenericObjectEditorHandler
Checks whether the given class can be processed.
handles(Class) - Method in class adams.gui.help.MOAObjectHelpGenerator
Returns whether this class is handled by this generator.
handles(Class) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.debug.objectexport.TrailExporter
Checks whether the exporter can handle the specified class.
handles(Class) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.debug.objectexporter.HeatmapExporter
Checks whether the exporter can handle the specified class.
handles(Class) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.debug.objectrenderer.HeatmapRenderer
Checks whether the renderer can handle the specified class.
handles(Class) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.debug.objectrenderer.TrailRenderer
Checks whether the renderer can handle the specified class.
HARVESINE - adams.data.conversion.GPSDistance.DistanceCalculationType
hasApprovalButton() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.AbstractSelectedHeatmapsFilterWithGOE
Returns whether the dialog has an approval button.
hasApprovalButton() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.AbstractSelectedHeatmapsViewerPlugin
Returns whether the dialog has an approval button.
hasApprovalButton() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.AbstractSelectedHeatmapsViewerPluginWithGOE
Returns whether the dialog has an approval button.
hasApprovalButton() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.plugins.AbstractSelectedTrailsFilterWithGOE
Returns whether the dialog has an approval button.
hasApprovalButton() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.plugins.AbstractSelectedTrailsViewerPlugin
Returns whether the dialog has an approval button.
hasApprovalButton() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.plugins.AbstractSelectedTrailsViewerPluginWithGOE
Returns whether the dialog has an approval button.
hasBackground() - Method in class adams.data.trail.Trail
Checks whether a background is set.
hasCallableActor() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Checks whether a reference to the callable actor is currently available.
hasCallableActor() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.CallableActor
Checks whether a reference to the callable actor is currently available.
hasCallableActor() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RESTServer
Checks whether a reference to the callable actor is currently available.
hasCallableActor() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.WSServer
Checks whether a reference to the callable actor is currently available.
hasCallableActor() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.TransformTrackedObject
Checks whether a reference to the callable actor is currently available.
hasCancelButton() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.AbstractSelectedHeatmapsFilterWithGOE
Returns whether the dialog has a cancel button.
hasCancelButton() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.AbstractSelectedHeatmapsViewerPlugin
Returns whether the dialog has a cancel button.
hasCancelButton() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.AbstractSelectedHeatmapsViewerPluginWithGOE
Returns whether the dialog has a cancel button.
hasCancelButton() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.plugins.AbstractSelectedTrailsFilterWithGOE
Returns whether the dialog has a cancel button.
hasCancelButton() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.plugins.AbstractSelectedTrailsViewerPlugin
Returns whether the dialog has a cancel button.
hasCancelButton() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.plugins.AbstractSelectedTrailsViewerPluginWithGOE
Returns whether the dialog has a cancel button.
hasCustomPanel(PropertyEditor) - Method in class adams.gui.goe.MekaGenericObjectEditorHandler
Checks whether the editor supplies its own panel.
hashCode() - Method in class adams.core.RObjectPath
Returns the hashcode of the underlying array.
hashCode() - Method in class adams.docker.DockerContainer
Generates a hash code.
hashCode() - Method in class adams.docker.DockerImage
Generates a hash code.
hasHeight() - Method in class adams.data.trail.Trail
Checks whether a height is set.
HASHTAG - Static variable in class weka.core.tokenizers.cleaners.NormalizeTwitterHashtag
the hashtag to replace all hashtags with.
hasInput() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.RESTSink
Returns whether an input token is currently present.
hasInput() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.WSSink
Returns whether an input token is currently present.
hasInput() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RESTTransformer
Returns whether an input token is currently present.
hasInput() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.WSTransformer
Returns whether an input token is currently present.
hasLastError() - Method in class adams.core.gnuplot.AbstractScriptlet
Checks whether an error was encountered during the last generation.
hasLastError() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientSink
Checks whether there was an error with the last call.
hasLastError() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientSource
Checks whether there was an error with the last call.
hasLastError() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientTransformer
Checks whether there was an error with the last call.
hasLastError() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.webservice.AbstractWebserviceResponseDataPostProcessor
Checks whether there was an error with the last call.
hasLastError() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientSink
Checks whether there was an error with the last call.
hasLastError() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientSource
Checks whether there was an error with the last call.
hasLastError() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientTransformer
Checks whether there was an error with the last call.
hasLastInterceptor() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.incoming.AbstractInInterceptorGenerator
Checks whether there is a last interceptor available.
hasLastInterceptor() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.outgoing.AbstractOutInterceptorGenerator
Checks whether there is a last interceptor available.
hasLastInterceptor() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming.AbstractInInterceptorGenerator
Checks whether there is a last interceptor available.
hasLastInterceptor() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.AbstractOutInterceptorGenerator
Checks whether there is a last interceptor available.
hasLazySetupPerformed() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Returns whether lazy setup has been performed.
hasMetaData() - Method in class adams.data.audioannotations.AudioAnnotation
Checks whether any meta-data is present.
hasMetaData() - Method in class adams.data.trail.Step
Checks whether any meta-data is present.
hasMoreChunks() - Method in class adams.data.io.input.ArcInfoASCIIGridReader
Checks whether there is more data to read.
hasMoreElements() - Method in class weka.core.tokenizers.TwitterNLPTokenizer
Tests if this enumeration contains more elements.
hasMoreInstances() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAFilter.FixedInstanceStream
hasOutputTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RatPlague
Returns the tip text for this property.
hasParent() - Method in class adams.data.heatmap.HeatmapValue
Returns whether the point belongs to a heatmap.
hasPendingOutput() - Method in class adams.flow.source.MOAClassifierSetup
Checks whether there is pending output to be collected after executing the flow item.
hasPendingOutput() - Method in class adams.flow.source.MOAClustererSetup
Checks whether there is pending output to be collected after executing the flow item.
hasPendingOutput() - Method in class adams.flow.source.MOARegressorSetup
Checks whether there is pending output to be collected after executing the flow item.
hasPendingOutput() - Method in class adams.flow.source.MOAStream
Checks whether there is pending output to be collected after executing the flow item.
hasPendingOutput() - Method in class adams.flow.source.RESTSource
Checks whether there is pending output to be collected after executing the flow item.
hasPendingOutput() - Method in class adams.flow.source.RSource
Returns true if the is pending output.
hasPendingOutput() - Method in class adams.flow.source.SimpleDockerCommand
Checks whether there is pending output to be collected after executing the flow item.
hasPendingOutput() - Method in class adams.flow.source.WebcamImage
Checks whether there is pending output to be collected after executing the flow item.
hasPendingOutput() - Method in class adams.flow.source.WSSource
Checks whether there is pending output to be collected after executing the flow item.
hasPendingOutput() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.AbstractBufferedRatInput
Checks whether any output can be collected.
hasPendingOutput() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.AbstractMetaRatInput
Checks whether any output can be collected.
hasPendingOutput() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.AbstractRatInput
Checks whether any output can be collected.
hasPendingOutput() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.DeQueue
Checks whether any output can be collected.
hasPendingOutput() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.DirWatch
Checks whether any output can be collected.
hasPendingOutput() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.DummyCronInput
Checks whether any output can be collected.
hasPendingOutput() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.DummyInput
Checks whether any output can be collected.
hasPendingOutput() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Exec
Checks whether any output can be collected.
hasPendingOutput() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.FileLister
Checks whether any output can be collected.
hasPendingOutput() - Method in interface adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.RatInput
Checks whether any output can be collected.
hasPendingOutput() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.RedisAction
Checks whether any output can be collected.
hasPendingOutput() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Storage
Checks whether any output can be collected.
hasPendingOutput() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.StringToken
Checks whether any output can be collected.
hasPendingOutput() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Variable
Checks whether any output can be collected.
hasPendingOutput() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.ArrayFolds
Checks whether there is pending output to be collected after executing the flow item.
hasPendingOutput() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapFeatureGenerator
Checks whether there is pending output to be collected after executing the flow item.
hasPendingOutput() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MjpegImageSequence
Checks whether there is pending output to be collected after executing the flow item.
hasPendingOutput() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAMeasurementPlotGenerator
Checks whether there is pending output to be collected after executing the flow item.
hasPendingOutput() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MovieImageSequence
Checks whether there is pending output to be collected after executing the flow item.
hasPendingOutput() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RESTTransformer
Checks whether there is pending output to be collected after executing the flow item.
hasPendingOutput() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RTransformer
Returns true if the is pending output.
hasPendingOutput() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.SimpleDockerCommand
Checks whether there is pending output to be collected after executing the flow item.
hasPendingOutput() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.WaveFeatureGenerator
Checks whether there is pending output to be collected after executing the flow item.
hasPendingOutput() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.WSTransformer
Checks whether there is pending output to be collected after executing the flow item.
hasRegistered() - Method in class adams.gui.goe.MekaEditorsRegistration
Returns whether registration already occurred.
hasReport() - Method in class adams.data.audioannotations.AudioAnnotations
Checks whether a report is present.
hasReport() - Method in class adams.data.heatmap.Heatmap
Checks whether a report is present.
hasReport() - Method in class adams.data.trail.Trail
Checks whether a report is present.
hasResponseData() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientSource
Checks whether there is any response data to be collected.
hasResponseData() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientTransformer
Checks whether there is any response data to be collected.
hasResponseData() - Method in interface adams.flow.rest.RESTClientProducer
Checks whether there is any response data to be collected.
hasResponseData() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientSource
Checks whether there is any response data to be collected.
hasResponseData() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientTransformer
Checks whether there is any response data to be collected.
hasResponseData() - Method in interface adams.flow.webservice.WebServiceClientProducer
Checks whether there is any response data to be collected.
hasSendToItem(Class[]) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapViewerPanel
Checks whether something to send is available.
hasSendToItem(Class[]) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.TrailViewerPanel
Checks whether something to send is available.
hasValue() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.nlp.StanfordNode
Checks whether there is any JSON object attached.
hasWidth() - Method in class adams.data.trail.Trail
Checks whether a width is set.
headerBoldTipText() - Method in class adams.data.io.output.LatexSpreadSheetWriter
Returns the tip text for this property.
HEADERS - Static variable in class adams.core.io.CoNLLHelper
the CoNLL headers.
Heatmap - Class in adams.data.heatmap
Simple wrapper around a 2-D array representing a heatmap.
Heatmap(double[][]) - Constructor for class adams.data.heatmap.Heatmap
Initializes the heatmap with the 2-D data.
Heatmap(int, int) - Constructor for class adams.data.heatmap.Heatmap
Initializes an empty heatmap with a given size.
HeatmapArrayStatistic - Class in adams.flow.transformer
Generates statistics from a heatmap, interpreting it as an array (row-wise concatenated).
HeatmapArrayStatistic() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapArrayStatistic
HeatmapCentroid - Class in adams.data.filter
Computes the centroid of a heatmap and adds this to the heatmap's report.
It is possible to perform multiple iterations and each time with a shrunken heatmap.
HeatmapCentroid() - Constructor for class adams.data.filter.HeatmapCentroid
heatmapChanged(HeatmapPanel) - Method in interface adams.gui.event.HeatmapPanelSelectionListener
Notifies the overlay that the image has changed.
heatmapChanged(HeatmapPanel) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.selection.AbstractSelectionProcessor
Notifies the overlay that the heatmap has changed.
HeatmapContainer - Class in adams.gui.visualization.heatmap
Container for heatmaps.
HeatmapContainer(HeatmapContainerManager, Heatmap) - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapContainer
Initializes the container.
HeatmapContainerManager - Class in adams.gui.visualization.heatmap
Container manager for heatmaps.
HeatmapContainerManager() - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapContainerManager
HeatmapCrop - Class in adams.data.filter
Generates a cropped heatmap by applying the specified crop algorithm.
HeatmapCrop() - Constructor for class adams.data.filter.HeatmapCrop
HeatmapDisplay - Class in adams.flow.sink
Actor that displays heatmaps.
HeatmapDisplay() - Constructor for class adams.flow.sink.HeatmapDisplay
HeatmapExporter - Class in adams.gui.visualization.debug.objectexporter
Exports Heatmap objects in the simple heatmap format.
HeatmapExporter() - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.debug.objectexporter.HeatmapExporter
HeatmapFeatureGenerator - Class in adams.data.filter
A filter that modifies the quantitation reports of chromatograms being passed through.
HeatmapFeatureGenerator - Class in adams.flow.transformer
Applies a heatmap feature generator to the incoming heatmap and outputs the generated features.
HeatmapFeatureGenerator() - Constructor for class adams.data.filter.HeatmapFeatureGenerator
HeatmapFeatureGenerator() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapFeatureGenerator
HeatmapFileChooser - Class in adams.gui.chooser
A specialized JFileChooser that lists all available file Readers and Writers for heatmaps.
HeatmapFileChooser() - Constructor for class adams.gui.chooser.HeatmapFileChooser
Constructs a FileChooser pointing to the user's default directory.
HeatmapFileChooser(File) - Constructor for class adams.gui.chooser.HeatmapFileChooser
Constructs a FileChooser using the given File as the path.
HeatmapFileChooser(String) - Constructor for class adams.gui.chooser.HeatmapFileChooser
Constructs a FileChooser using the given path.
HeatmapFileReader - Class in adams.flow.transformer
Reads heat map files.
HeatmapFileReader() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapFileReader
HeatmapFileWriter - Class in adams.flow.transformer
Writes heat map files.
HeatmapFileWriter() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapFileWriter
HeatmapFilter - Class in adams.flow.transformer
Filters data using the specified filter.
HeatmapFilter() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapFilter
HeatmapFilterContainer - Class in adams.flow.container
Container for spectrum filters.
HeatmapFilterContainer() - Constructor for class adams.flow.container.HeatmapFilterContainer
Initializes the container.
HeatmapFilterContainer(Object, Filter, Heatmap) - Constructor for class adams.flow.container.HeatmapFilterContainer
Initializes the container with the filter and the associated data.
HeatmapGetValue - Class in adams.flow.transformer
Extracts values from a heatmap.
HeatmapGetValue() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapGetValue
HeatmapHistogram - Class in adams.flow.sink
Displays a histogram of a gray image or histograms per channel for color image.
HeatmapHistogram() - Constructor for class adams.flow.sink.HeatmapHistogram
HeatmapImageHandler - Class in adams.gui.tools.previewbrowser
Displays a heatmap as image.
HeatmapImageHandler() - Constructor for class adams.gui.tools.previewbrowser.HeatmapImageHandler
HeatmapInfo - Class in adams.flow.transformer
Outputs statistics of a heatmap object.
HeatmapInfo() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapInfo
HeatmapInfo.InfoType - Enum in adams.flow.transformer
The type of information to generate.
HeatmapLocateObjects - Class in adams.flow.transformer
Locates objects in a heatmap and forwards a sub-heatmap per located object, cropped around the object.
It is also possible to simply annotate the heatmap by storing the locations of the located objects in the report.
HeatmapLocateObjects() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapLocateObjects
HeatmapNormalize - Class in adams.data.filter
Normalizes the values of a heatmap to have a range of 0 to 1.
HeatmapNormalize() - Constructor for class adams.data.filter.HeatmapNormalize
HeatmapNormalizeToField - Class in adams.data.filter
Divides all the heatmap values by the value of the specified numeric field.
If the report field is not available or not numeric, then an error gets attached to the notes.
HeatmapNormalizeToField() - Constructor for class adams.data.filter.HeatmapNormalizeToField
HeatmapPanel - Class in adams.gui.visualization.heatmap
Panel for displaying a single heatmap.
HeatmapPanel(HeatmapViewerPanel) - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapPanel
Initializes the panel.
HeatmapPanelSelectionEvent - Class in adams.gui.event
Event that gets sent in case of a box selection event in the HeatmapPanel.
HeatmapPanelSelectionEvent(HeatmapPanel, Point, Point, int) - Constructor for class adams.gui.event.HeatmapPanelSelectionEvent
Initializes the event.
HeatmapPanelSelectionListener - Interface in adams.gui.event
Interface for listening for selection events in the HeatmapPanel.
HeatmapRenderer - Class in adams.gui.visualization.debug.objectrenderer
Renders Heatmap objects.
HeatmapRenderer() - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.debug.objectrenderer.HeatmapRenderer
HeatmapRotate - Class in adams.data.filter
Rotates a heatmap by a specified number of degrees clockwise.
HeatmapRotate() - Constructor for class adams.data.filter.HeatmapRotate
HeatmapRotate.Rotation - Enum in adams.data.filter
Defines the type of rotation to perform.
HeatmapSetValue - Class in adams.flow.transformer
Sets the value of the specified positions in a heatmap.
HeatmapSetValue() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapSetValue
HeatmapSpreadSheetHandler - Class in adams.gui.tools.previewbrowser
Displays a heatmap as a spreadsheet.
HeatmapSpreadSheetHandler() - Constructor for class adams.gui.tools.previewbrowser.HeatmapSpreadSheetHandler
HeatmapStandardize - Class in adams.data.filter
Standardizes the values of a heatmap to have mean of 1 and stdev 1.
NB: normally, the mean is 0 when standardizing, but heatmaps only allow positive values.
HeatmapStandardize() - Constructor for class adams.data.filter.HeatmapStandardize
HeatmapStatistic - Class in adams.data.heatmap
Generates some statistics for a heatmap.
HeatmapStatistic() - Constructor for class adams.data.heatmap.HeatmapStatistic
Initializes the statistics.
HeatmapStatistic(Heatmap) - Constructor for class adams.data.heatmap.HeatmapStatistic
Initializes the statistics with the specified heatmap.
HeatmapSubmap - Class in adams.data.filter
Creates a submap, specified by the coordinates of the top-left corner (row and column), width and height.
HeatmapSubmap() - Constructor for class adams.data.filter.HeatmapSubmap
HeatmapSubtractField - Class in adams.data.filter
Subtracts the value of the numeric field from all non-zero heatmap values.
Values that fall below zero are automatically set to zero (minimum value for a heatmap).
HeatmapSubtractField() - Constructor for class adams.data.filter.HeatmapSubtractField
HeatmapThreshold - Class in adams.data.filter
Replaces all intensity values that are either below or above a user-specified threshold, depending on the selected threshold type, using the pre-defined replacement value.
HeatmapThreshold() - Constructor for class adams.data.filter.HeatmapThreshold
HeatmapThreshold.MissingValuesHandling - Enum in adams.data.filter
Determines how missing values are treated.
HeatmapThreshold.Type - Enum in adams.data.filter
The type of threshold.
HeatmapToArray - Class in adams.data.conversion
Turns a heatmap into a Double array.
HeatmapToArray() - Constructor for class adams.data.conversion.HeatmapToArray
HeatmapToBufferedImage - Class in adams.data.conversion
Turns a heatmap into a BufferedImage.
HeatmapToBufferedImage() - Constructor for class adams.data.conversion.HeatmapToBufferedImage
HeatmapToBufferedImageConversion - Interface in adams.data.conversion
Indicator interface for conversion that convert heatmaps into BufferedImage objects.
HeatmapToBufferedImageExpression - Class in adams.data.conversion
Turns a heatmap into a BufferedImage, using the provided expression for generating greyscale values (0-255).

The following grammar is used:

expr_list ::= '=' expr_list expr_part | expr_part ;
expr_part ::= expr ;

expr ::= ( expr )

# data types
| number
| string
| boolean
| date

# constants
| true
| false
| pi
| e
| now()
| today()

# negating numeric value
| -expr

# comparisons
| expr < expr
| expr <= expr
| expr > expr
| expr >= expr
| expr = expr
| expr != expr (or: expr <> expr)

# boolean operations
| ! expr (or: not expr)
| expr & expr (or: expr and expr)
| expr | expr (or: expr or expr)
| if[else] ( expr , expr (if true) , expr (if false) )
| ifmissing ( variable , expr (default value if variable is missing) )
| isNaN ( expr )

# arithmetics
| expr + expr
| expr - expr
| expr * expr
| expr / expr
| expr ^ expr (power of)
| expr % expr (modulo)

# numeric functions
| abs ( expr )
| sqrt ( expr )
| cbrt ( expr )
| log ( expr )
| log10 ( expr )
| exp ( expr )
| sin ( expr )
| sinh ( expr )
| cos ( expr )
| cosh ( expr )
| tan ( expr )
| tanh ( expr )
| atan ( expr )
| atan2 ( exprY , exprX )
| hypot ( exprX , exprY )
| signum ( expr )
| rint ( expr )
| floor ( expr )
| pow[er] ( expr , expr )
| ceil ( expr )
| min ( expr1 , expr2 )
| max ( expr1 , expr2 )
| year ( expr )
| month ( expr )
| day ( expr )
| hour ( expr )
| minute ( expr )
| second ( expr )
| weekday ( expr )
| weeknum ( expr )

# string functions
| substr ( expr , start [, end] )
| left ( expr , len )
| mid ( expr , start , len )
| right ( expr , len )
| rept ( expr , count )
| concatenate ( expr1 , expr2 [, expr3-5] )
| lower[case] ( expr )
| upper[case] ( expr )
| trim ( expr )
| matches ( expr , regexp )
| trim ( expr )
| len[gth] ( str )
| find ( search , expr [, pos] )
| replace ( str , pos , len , newstr )
| substitute ( str , find , replace [, occurrences] )

- Variables are either all upper case letters (e.g., "ABC") or any character apart from "]" enclosed by "[" and "]" (e.g., "[Hello World]").
- 'start' and 'end' for function 'substr' are indices that start at 1.
- Index 'end' for function 'substr' is excluded (like Java's 'String.substring(int,int)' method)
- Line comments start with '#'.
- Semi-colons (';') or commas (',') can be used as separator in the formulas,
e.g., 'pow(2,2)' is equivalent to 'pow(2;2)'
- dates have to be of format 'yyyy-MM-dd' or 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'
- times have to be of format 'HH:mm:ss' or 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'
- the characters in square brackets in function names are optional:
HeatmapToBufferedImageExpression() - Constructor for class adams.data.conversion.HeatmapToBufferedImageExpression
HeatmapToBufferedImageWithKey - Class in adams.data.conversion
Turns a heatmap into a BufferedImage, allows the generation of a key in the image.
HeatmapToBufferedImageWithKey() - Constructor for class adams.data.conversion.HeatmapToBufferedImageWithKey
HeatmapToSpreadSheet - Class in adams.data.conversion
Turns a heatmap into a spreadsheet object.
HeatmapToSpreadSheet() - Constructor for class adams.data.conversion.HeatmapToSpreadSheet
HeatmapValue - Class in adams.data.heatmap
Wrapper class for a value in a heatmap.
HeatmapValue() - Constructor for class adams.data.heatmap.HeatmapValue
Initializes the heatmap value with 0.0 and coordinates of 0,0.
HeatmapValue(int, int, double) - Constructor for class adams.data.heatmap.HeatmapValue
Initializes the heatmap value.
HeatmapViewer - Class in adams.gui.menu
For displaying heatmaps.
HeatmapViewer() - Constructor for class adams.gui.menu.HeatmapViewer
Initializes the menu item with no owner.
HeatmapViewer(AbstractApplicationFrame) - Constructor for class adams.gui.menu.HeatmapViewer
Initializes the menu item.
HeatmapViewerPanel - Class in adams.gui.visualization.heatmap
Panel for viewing/processing heatmaps.
HeatmapViewerPanel() - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapViewerPanel
HeatmapViewerPluginManager - Class in adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins
Manages the plugins of the heatmap viewer tool.
HeatmapViewerPluginManager(HeatmapViewerPanel) - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.HeatmapViewerPluginManager
Initializes the manager.
HEIGHT - adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapInfo.InfoType
the height.
HEIGHT - Static variable in class adams.data.heatmap.HeatmapStatistic
the height.
heightTipText() - Method in class adams.data.filter.heatmapcrop.CropToCentroid
Returns the tip text for this property.
heightTipText() - Method in class adams.data.filter.heatmapcrop.Rectangle
Returns the tip text for this property.
heightTipText() - Method in class adams.data.filter.heatmapcrop.Submap
Returns the tip text for this property.
heightTipText() - Method in class adams.data.filter.HeatmapSubmap
Returns the tip text for this property.
heightTipText() - Method in class adams.data.io.input.FloatMatrixHeatmapReader
Returns the tip text for this property.
heightTipText() - Method in class adams.data.video.AbstractScreenRecorder
Returns the tip text for this property.
heightTipText() - Method in class adams.data.video.AbstractWebcamRecorder
Returns the tip text for this property.
heightTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.source.NewTrail
Returns the tip text for this property.
heightTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.source.WebcamImage
Returns the tip text for this property.
heightTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.GenerateWordCloud
Returns the tip text for this property.
heightTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.RectangleBackground
Returns the tip text for this property.
heightTipText() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.AbstractPositionableHeatmapOverlayWithDimensions
Returns the tip text for this property.
heightTipText() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.TextOverlay
Returns the tip text for this property.
HelpMojo - Class in adams.flow.maven
Display help information on adams-maven-plugin.
Call mvn adams:help -Ddetail=true -Dgoal=<goal-name> to display parameter details.
HelpMojo() - Constructor for class adams.flow.maven.HelpMojo
HighestTemperature - Class in adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay
Overlays the heatmap with the points that have the highest temperature.
HighestTemperature() - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.HighestTemperature
HISTEPS - adams.core.gnuplot.SimplePlot.PlotType
Histogram - Class in adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator.wave
Generates a histogram from the audio data.
Histogram - Class in adams.data.heatmapfeatures
Generates a histogram.
Histogram - Class in adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins
Displays the histogram for heatmap(s).
Histogram() - Constructor for class adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator.wave.Histogram
Histogram() - Constructor for class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.Histogram
Histogram() - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.Histogram
HistogramPanel - Class in adams.gui.visualization.heatmap
Generates and displays histogram from a heatmap.
HistogramPanel() - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HistogramPanel
Homepage - Class in adams.terminal.menu
Outputs the project homepage.
Homepage() - Constructor for class adams.terminal.menu.Homepage
Initializes the menu item with no owner.
Homepage(AbstractTerminalApplication) - Constructor for class adams.terminal.menu.Homepage
Initializes the menu item.
hostTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RedisConnection
Returns the tip text for this property.
hostTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rserve
Returns the tip text for this property.
htmlAfterTableTipText() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.SpreadSheetToHTML
Returns the tip text for this property.
htmlBeforeTableTipText() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.SpreadSheetToHTML
Returns the tip text for this property.
HtmlCode - Class in adams.core.base
Wrapper for HTML code.
HtmlCode() - Constructor for class adams.core.base.HtmlCode
Initializes the string with length 0.
HtmlCode(String) - Constructor for class adams.core.base.HtmlCode
Initializes the object with the string to parse.
HTMLFileReader - Class in adams.flow.transformer
Reads an HTML file and forwards the parsed org.w3c.dom.Document object.
HTMLFileReader() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.HTMLFileReader
HTMLHandler - Class in adams.gui.tools.previewbrowser
Displays HTML files: html,htm

Valid options are:

HTMLHandler() - Constructor for class adams.gui.tools.previewbrowser.HTMLHandler
HTMLToDOM - Class in adams.data.conversion
Turns an HTML String into a org.w3c.dom.Document DOM object.
HTMLToDOM() - Constructor for class adams.data.conversion.HTMLToDOM
HTMLToText - Class in adams.data.conversion
Extracts the text from an HTML string.
HTMLToText() - Constructor for class adams.data.conversion.HTMLToText
huge - adams.doc.latex.generator.BlockSize.FontSize
Huge - adams.doc.latex.generator.BlockSize.FontSize
hybrid - adams.data.gps.Map.MapType


id - Variable in class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.text.UploadRequest
id - Variable in class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.text.UploadResponse
IDTipText() - Method in class adams.data.video.AbstractWebcamRecorder
Returns the tip text for this property.
IDTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.source.NewAudioAnnotations
Returns the tip text for this property.
IDTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.source.NewHeatmap
Returns the tip text for this property.
IDTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.source.NewTrail
Returns the tip text for this property.
IDTipText() - Method in class adams.scripting.command.flow.GetRatControlStatus
Returns the tip text for this property.
IDTipText() - Method in class adams.scripting.command.flow.SendRatControlCommand
Returns the tip text for this property.
Image - Class in adams.doc.latex.generator
Inserts the specified image.
Image() - Constructor for class adams.doc.latex.generator.Image
imageChanged(ImagePanel.PaintPanel) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapPanel
Notifies the overlay that the image has changed.
imageMetaData - Variable in class adams.data.video.GifSequenceWriter
imageTipText() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.Image
Returns the tip text for this property.
imageTipText() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.Pull
Returns the tip text for this property.
imageTipText() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.Push
Returns the tip text for this property.
imageTypeTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.AbstractBoofCVObjectTracker
Returns the tip text for this property.
imageWriteParam - Variable in class adams.data.video.GifSequenceWriter
implementationTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.blob.RatsBlobServiceWS
Description of this option.
implementationTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.text.RatsTextServiceWS
Description of this option.
implementsMoreEfficientBatchPrediction() - Method in class weka.classifiers.functions.PyroProxy
Returns true if this BatchPredictor can generate batch predictions in an efficient manner.
ImportContent - Class in adams.doc.latex.generator
Imports the content of the specified file.
ImportContent() - Constructor for class adams.doc.latex.generator.ImportContent
importTipText() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.ImportContent
Returns the tip text for this property.
IMPULSES - adams.core.gnuplot.SimplePlot.PlotType
Include - Class in adams.doc.latex.generator
Includes the specified LaTeX file.
Include() - Constructor for class adams.doc.latex.generator.Include
includeTipText() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.Include
Returns the tip text for this property.
indexOf(String) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Returns the index of the actor.
indexOf(String) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapContainerManager
Returns the index of the first ID or display ID that matches the specified one.
indexOf(String) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.TrailContainerManager
Returns the index of the first ID or display ID that matches the specified one.
Info - Class in adams.docker.simpledocker
Outputs information about the docker environment ('docker info').
Info() - Constructor for class adams.docker.simpledocker.Info
infoValuesTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MekaResultValues
Returns the tip text for this property.
inInterceptorTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTProvider
Returns the tip text for this property.
inInterceptorTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientSource
Returns the tip text for this property.
inInterceptorTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientTransformer
Returns the tip text for this property.
inInterceptorTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceProvider
Returns the tip text for this property.
initActions() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.AudioAnnotatorPanel
for initializing actions
initActions() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.BindingsEditorPanel
Initializes the actions used by buttons and so-forth
initActions() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.AnnotatorPanel
for initializing actions
initActions() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.BindingsEditorPanel
Initializes the actions used by buttons and so-forth
initDatabase() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTPluginWithDatabaseConnection
Initializes the database from the flow context.
initFilterHelp() - Method in class adams.flow.container.AudioTrailFilterContainer
Initializes help strings specific to the filter.
initFilterHelp() - Method in class adams.flow.container.HeatmapFilterContainer
Initializes help strings specific to the filter.
initFilterHelp() - Method in class adams.flow.container.TrailFilterContainer
Initializes help strings specific to the filter.
initForDisplay() - Method in class adams.gui.goe.BaseMarkdownEditor
Initializes the display of the value.
initForDisplay() - Method in class adams.gui.goe.BaseMeasureCollectionEditor
Initializes the display of the value.
initForDisplay() - Method in class adams.gui.goe.DockerDirectoryMappingEditor
Initializes the display of the value.
initForDisplay() - Method in class adams.gui.goe.GPSEditor
Initializes the display of the value.
initForDisplay() - Method in class adams.gui.goe.RatReferenceEditor
Initializes the display of the value.
initForDisplay() - Method in class adams.gui.goe.RObjectPathEditor
Initializes the display of the value.
initGUI() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.ratcontrol.AbstractControlPanel
Initializes the widgets.
initGUI() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.ratcontrol.RatControlPanel
Initializes the widgets.
initGUI() - Method in class adams.gui.application.AbstractBootstrappPreferencesPanel
Initializes the members.
initGUI() - Method in class adams.gui.application.LatexSetupPanel
Initializes the members.
initGUI() - Method in class adams.gui.application.RProjectSettingsPanel
Initializes the widgets.
initGUI() - Method in class adams.gui.audio.AudioPlaybackPanel
Initializes the widgets.
initGUI() - Method in class adams.gui.core.MarkdownTextAreaWithPreview
Initializes the widgets.
initGUI() - Method in class adams.gui.core.MarkdownTextPane
Initializes the widgets.
initGUI() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.AudioAnnotationPanel
initGUI() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.AudioAnnotatorPanel
Initializes the widgets.
initGUI() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.BindingParameterPanel
initGUI() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.BindingsEditorPanel
initGUI() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.EditBindingDialog
initGUI() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.EditBindingsDialog
initGUI() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.DockerContainersPanel
Initializes the widgets.
initGUI() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.DockerImagesPanel
Initializes the widgets.
initGUI() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.remotecontrolcenter.panels.RatsTab
Initializes the widgets.
initGUI() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.remotecontrolcenter.panels.RatsTab.RatStatusPanel
initializes the widgets.
initGUI() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.AnnotationPanel
initGUI() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.AnnotatorPanel
Initializes the widgets.
initGUI() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.BindingParameterPanel
initGUI() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.BindingsEditorPanel
initGUI() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.EditBindingDialog
initGUI() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.EditBindingsDialog
initGUI() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.ExtractBackgroundDialog
Initializes the widgets.
initGUI() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapPanel
Initializes the widgets.
initGUI() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapViewerPanel
Initializes the widgets.
initGUI() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.TrailPanel
Initializes the widgets.
initGUI() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.TrailViewerPanel
Initializes the widgets.
initGUI() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.DirectRenderMediaPlayerPanel
initGUI() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.VLCjDirectRenderPanel
For initializing the GUI.
initGUI() - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.Rats.RatStatusPanel
initializes the widgets.
initHelp() - Method in class adams.flow.container.ErrorContainer
Initializes the help strings.
initHelp() - Method in class adams.flow.container.MekaResultContainer
Initializes the help strings.
initHelp() - Method in class adams.flow.container.MOAClusteringContainer
Initializes the help strings.
initHelp() - Method in class adams.flow.container.MOAModelContainer
Initializes the help strings.
initHelp() - Method in class adams.flow.container.MOAPredictionContainer
Initializes the help strings.
initialize() - Method in class adams.core.base.BaseMeasureCollection
Initializes the internal object.
initialize() - Method in class adams.data.featuregenerator.AbstractDatabaseConnectionFeatureGenerator
Initializes the members.
initialize() - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.AbstractScript
Initializes the members.
initialize() - Method in class adams.data.io.output.AbstractAudioAnnotationsWriter
Initializes the members.
initialize() - Method in class adams.data.io.output.AbstractTrailWriter
Initializes the members.
initialize() - Method in class adams.data.io.output.FloatMatrixHeatmapWriter
Initializes the members.
initialize() - Method in class adams.data.io.output.GnuplotSpreadSheetWriter
Initializes the members.
initialize() - Method in class adams.data.io.output.SimpleHeatmapWriter
Initializes the members.
initialize() - Method in class adams.data.io.output.SimpleImageHeatmapWriter
Initializes the members.
initialize() - Method in class adams.data.io.output.SpreadSheetHeatmapWriter
Initializes the members.
initialize() - Method in class adams.flow.control.ChangeRatState
Initializes the members.
initialize() - Method in class adams.flow.control.ExecuteRats
Initializes the members.
initialize() - Method in class adams.flow.core.MOAPropertyValueConverter
Initializes member variables.
initialize() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractParametrizedGroovyRESTPlugin
Initializes the members.
initialize() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientSource
Initializes the members.
initialize() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientTransformer
Initializes the members.
initialize() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.flow.AbstractCallablePipeline
Initializes the members.
initialize() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.flow.AbstractCallableTransformer
Initializes the members.
initialize() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.incoming.AbstractInInterceptor
Initializes the members.
initialize() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.incoming.Enqueue
Initializes the members.
initialize() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.incoming.LogFile
Initializes the members.
initialize() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.outgoing.AbstractOutInterceptor
Initializes the members.
initialize() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.outgoing.Enqueue
Initializes the members.
initialize() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.outgoing.LogFile
Initializes the members.
initialize() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.outgoing.LogURL
Initializes the members.
initialize() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.ffmpeg.AbstractFFmpegPlugin
Initializes the members.
initialize() - Method in class adams.flow.source.MOAClassifierSetup
Initializes the members.
initialize() - Method in class adams.flow.source.MOAClustererSetup
Initializes the members.
initialize() - Method in class adams.flow.source.MOARegressorSetup
Initializes the members.
initialize() - Method in class adams.flow.source.MOAStream
Initializes the members.
initialize() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Initializes the members.
initialize() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RatControl
Initializes the members.
initialize() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RatPlague
Initializes the members.
initialize() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.generator.AbstractScript
Initializes the members.
initialize() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rats
Initializes the members.
initialize() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.AbstractBufferedRatInput
Initializes the members.
initialize() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.AbstractMetaRatInput
Initializes the members.
initialize() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.AbstractRatInput
Initializes the members.
initialize() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.DeQueue
Initializes the members.
initialize() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.DirWatch
Initializes the members.
initialize() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.FileLister
Initializes the members.
initialize() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.InputWithCallableTransformer
Initializes the members.
initialize() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Storage
Initializes the members.
initialize() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Variable
Initializes the members.
initialize() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.AbstractRatOutput
Initializes the members.
initialize() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.CallableActor
Initializes the members.
initialize() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.OutputWithCallableTransformer
Initializes the members.
initialize() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RESTServer
Initializes the members.
initialize() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.webserver.AbstractJettyHandler
Initializes the members.
initialize() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.WSServer
Initializes the members.
initialize() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AbstractProcessMOAInstanceWithModel
initialize() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.ArrayFolds
Initializes the members.
initialize() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapFeatureGenerator
Initializes the members.
initialize() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapGetValue
Initializes the members.
initialize() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapSetValue
Initializes the members.
initialize() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAClassifierEvaluation
Initializes the members.
initialize() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAFilter
Initializes the members.
initialize() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAInstanceDumper
Initializes the members.
initialize() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAMeasurementPlotGenerator
Initializes the members.
initialize() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOARegressorEvaluation
Initializes the members.
initialize() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler.FixedIntervalBufferedImageSamplerVlcj
Initializes the members.
initialize() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler.SingleTimestampMovieSampler
Initializes the members.
initialize() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler.TimestampMovieSampler
Initializes the members.
initialize() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.redisaction.AbstractRedisAction
Initializes the members.
initialize() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.TransformTrackedObject
Initializes the members.
initialize() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.WaveFeatureGenerator
Initializes the members.
initialize() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientSource
Initializes the members.
initialize() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientTransformer
Initializes the members.
initialize() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming.AbstractInInterceptor
Initializes the members.
initialize() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming.Enqueue
Initializes the members.
initialize() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming.LogFile
Initializes the members.
initialize() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.AbstractOutInterceptor
Initializes the members.
initialize() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.Enqueue
Initializes the members.
initialize() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.LogFile
Initializes the members.
initialize() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.LogURL
Initializes the members.
initialize() - Method in class adams.gui.audio.AudioPlaybackPanel
Initializes the members.
initialize() - Method in class adams.gui.core.MarkdownTextAreaWithPreview
Initializes the members.
initialize() - Method in class adams.gui.core.MarkdownTextPane
Initializes the members.
initialize() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.AudioAnnotationPanel
initialize() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.AudioAnnotatorPanel
Initializes the members.
initialize() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.BindingsEditorPanel
initialize() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.EditBindingDialog
initialize() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.EditBindingsDialog
initialize() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.AnnotationPanel
initialize() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.AnnotatorPanel
Initializes the members.
initialize() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.BindingsEditorPanel
initialize() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.EditBindingDialog
initialize() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.EditBindingsDialog
initialize() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapPanel
Initializes the members.
initialize() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapViewerPanel
Initializes the members.
initialize() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HistogramPanel
Initializes the members.
initialize() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.nlp.StanfordRenderer
Initializes the members.
initialize() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.nlp.StanfordTree
Initializes the members.
initialize() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.object.annotator.DEXTRMarkers
Initializes the members.
initialize() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.object.annotator.SAMMarkers
Initializes the members.
initialize() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.DEXTR
Initializes the members.
initialize() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.SAM
Initializes the members.
initialize() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.paintlet.AbstractTrailPaintlet
Initializes the members.
initialize() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.TrailPanel
Initializes the members.
initialize() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.TrailViewerPanel
Initializes the members.
initialize() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.DirectRenderMediaPlayerPanel
initialize() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.VLCjDirectRenderPanel
For initializing members.
initialize() - Method in class adams.scripting.command.flow.GetRatControlStatus
Initializes the members.
initialize() - Method in class adams.scripting.command.flow.SendRatControlCommand
Initializes the members.
initialize() - Method in class adams.terminal.application.AbstractLanternaTerminalApplication
Initializes the members.
initialize() - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.AbstractMenuItemDefinition
Initializes members.
initialize() - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.AbstractRemoteCommandAction
Initializes members.
initialize() - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.RemoteFlowCommands
Initializes the members.
initialize(PyroProxy, Instances) - Method in class adams.data.wekapyroproxy.AbstractCommunicationProcessor
Converts the instance into a different format.
Initialize - Class in adams.core.gnuplot
Initializes the plotting.
Initialize() - Constructor for class adams.core.gnuplot.Initialize
initializeLogging() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.incoming.AbstractInInterceptor
Pre-configures the logging.
initializeLogging() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.outgoing.AbstractOutInterceptor
Pre-configures the logging.
initializeLogging() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming.AbstractInInterceptor
Pre-configures the logging.
initializeLogging() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.AbstractOutInterceptor
Pre-configures the logging.
initialStateTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Returns the tip text for this property.
initPipeline() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.flow.AbstractCallablePipeline
Initializes the pipeline.
initReception() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.AbstractMetaRatInput
Initializes the reception.
initReception() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.AbstractRatInput
Initializes the reception.
initReception() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Cron
Initializes the reception.
initReception() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.DeQueue
Initializes the reception.
initReception() - Method in interface adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.RatInput
Initializes the reception.
initReception() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.RedisSubscribe
Initializes the reception.
initReception() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Socket
Initializes the reception.
initReception() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Subscribe
Initializes the reception.
initScriptObject() - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.AbstractScriptedFeatureGenerator
Tries to initialize the scripts object, sets its options and performs some checks.
initScriptObject() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.generator.AbstractScriptedRatGenerator
Tries to initialize the scripts object, sets its options and performs some checks.
initSession() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.SendEmail
Initializes the SMTP session if required.
initTerminal() - Method in class adams.terminal.application.AbstractLanternaTerminalApplication
Initializes the terminal.
initTerminal() - Method in class adams.terminal.Main
Initializes the terminal.
initTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.AbstractSimpleReportBasedObjectTracker
Returns the tip text for this property.
initTracking(AbstractImageContainer) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.AbstractObjectTracker
Initializes the tracker.
initTracking(AbstractImageContainer) - Method in interface adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.ObjectTracker
Initializes the tracker.
initTransformer() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.flow.AbstractCallableTransformer
Initializes the transformer.
initTransmission() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.AbstractMetaRatOutput
Initializes the transmission.
initTransmission() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.AbstractRatOutput
Initializes the transmission.
initTransmission() - Method in interface adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.RatOutput
Initializes the transmission.
inlineScriptTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.RenjinSink
Returns the tip text for this property.
inlineScriptTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.RSink
Tool tip about the script.
inlineScriptTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.source.RenjinSource
Returns the tip text for this property.
inlineScriptTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.source.RSource
Returns a description of the script.
inlineScriptTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RenjinStandalone
Returns the tip text for this property.
inlineScriptTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RStandalone
Description of the script.
inlineScriptTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RenjinTransformer
Returns the tip text for this property.
inlineScriptTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RTransformer
Tool tip about the script.
input(Token) - Method in class adams.flow.sink.RESTSink
The method that accepts the input token and then processes it.
input(Token) - Method in class adams.flow.sink.WSSink
The method that accepts the input token and then processes it.
input(Token) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RESTTransformer
The method that accepts the input token and then processes it.
input(Token) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.WSTransformer
The method that accepts the input token and then processes it.
input(Object) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.AbstractRatOutput
The data to transmit.
input(Object) - Method in interface adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.RatOutput
The data to transmit.
Input - Class in adams.doc.latex.generator
Inputs the specified LaTeX file.
Input() - Constructor for class adams.doc.latex.generator.Input
INPUT - Static variable in class adams.flow.sink.RSink
the placeholder for the input value.
INPUT - Static variable in class adams.flow.transformer.RTransformer
the placeholder for the input value.
inputOptionsTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.ffmpeg.GenericPlugin
Returns the tip text for this property.
InputPolling - Class in adams.flow.standalone.rats.input
Turns the base-input into one that performs polling every x msec.
InputPolling() - Constructor for class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.InputPolling
inputTipText() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.Input
Returns the tip text for this property.
inputTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RatPlague
Returns the tip text for this property.
inputTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.AbstractMetaRatInput
Returns the tip text for this property.
InputWithCallableTransformer - Class in adams.flow.standalone.rats.input
Meta-receiver that passes the received data through a callable transformer before passing it on.
InputWithCallableTransformer() - Constructor for class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.InputWithCallableTransformer
InputWithExternalTransformer - Class in adams.flow.standalone.rats.input
Meta-receiver that passes the received data through an external transformer before passing it on.
InputWithExternalTransformer() - Constructor for class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.InputWithExternalTransformer
instanceToRow(Instance) - Method in class adams.data.wekapyroproxy.SimpleJsonCommunicationProcessor
Converts a single Instance into a JSON array (excluding class).
instanceToRow(Instance, BaseString) - Method in class adams.data.wekapyroproxy.FusionJsonCommunicationProcessor
Converts a single Instance into a JSON array.
Integer - adams.core.RDataType
InterceptorHelper - Class in adams.flow.rest.interceptor
Helper class for interceptor related stuff.
InterceptorHelper - Class in adams.flow.webservice.interceptor
Helper class for interceptor related stuff.
InterceptorHelper() - Constructor for class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.InterceptorHelper
InterceptorHelper() - Constructor for class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.InterceptorHelper
InterceptorWithActor - Interface in adams.flow.rest.interceptor
Interceptor that has access to an actor.
InterceptorWithActor - Interface in adams.flow.webservice.interceptor
Interceptor that has access to an actor.
interpFactorTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.BoofCVCirculant
Returns the tip text for this property.
interruptReception() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.AbstractRatInput
Interrupts the reception (eg when pausing).
interruptReception() - Method in interface adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.RatInput
Interrupts the reception (eg when pausing).
intervalTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler.FixedIntervalBufferedImageSampler
Returns the tip text for this property.
intervalTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler.FixedIntervalBufferedImageSamplerVlcj
Returns the tip text for this property.
intervalTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MovieImageSequence
Returns the tip text for this property.
invalidateMinMax() - Method in class adams.data.trail.Trail
Invalidates the min/max X/Y members.
INVERT - Static variable in class weka.core.tokenizers.cleaners.RemoveEmoticons
invertMatchingTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAMeasurementsFilter
Returns the tip text for this property.
invertTipText() - Method in class adams.data.filter.AudioAnnotationsWindow
Returns the tip text for this property.
invertTipText() - Method in class adams.data.filter.TrailWindow
Returns the tip text for this property.
invertTipText() - Method in class adams.data.io.output.GnuplotSpreadSheetWriter
Returns the tip text for this property.
invertTipText() - Method in class weka.core.tokenizers.cleaners.RemoveEmoticons
Returns the tip text for this property.
IS_OPEN - adams.flow.source.WebcamInfo.InfoType
whether webcam is in use.
ISAACRandom - Class in adams.data.random
ISAAC: a fast cryptographic pseudo-random number generator.

For more information see:

ISAACRandom() - Constructor for class adams.data.random.ISAACRandom
isAntiAliasingEnabled() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.paintlet.Circles
Returns whether anti-aliasing is used.
isAntiAliasingEnabled() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.paintlet.Lines
Returns whether anti-aliasing is used.
isAppending() - Method in class adams.data.io.output.GnuplotSpreadSheetWriter
Returns whether the next spreadsheet will get appended.
isBackedUp(String) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.AbstractRatOutput
Checks whether a specified key is present in the current backup state.
isBreakpointPresent() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Returns whether a breakpoint is present.
isBulkActionEnabled() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.ratcontrol.AbstractControlPanel
Checks whether bulk action is enabled.
isChecked() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.ratcontrol.AbstractControlPanel
Checks whether bulk action checkbox is selected.
isDescendant(RObjectPath) - Method in class adams.core.RObjectPath
Checks whether the specified object path is a descendant of this object path object.
isEditable() - Method in class adams.gui.core.MarkdownTextAreaWithPreview
Returns whether the text area is editable or not.
isEditable() - Method in class adams.gui.core.MarkdownTextPane
Returns whether the text pane is editable or not.
isEmpty() - Method in class adams.core.RObjectPath
Returns whether the path is empty or not.
isEmpty() - Method in class adams.data.heatmap.Heatmap
Only false if all values are missing.
isHtml(Class) - Method in class adams.gui.help.MOAObjectHelpGenerator
Returns whether the generated help is HTML or plain text.
isInfoLoggingEnabled() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.incoming.AbstractInInterceptor
Returns whether info logging is enabled.
isInfoLoggingEnabled() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.outgoing.AbstractOutInterceptor
Returns whether info logging is enabled.
isInfoLoggingEnabled() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming.AbstractInInterceptor
Returns whether info logging is enabled.
isInfoLoggingEnabled() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.AbstractOutInterceptor
Returns whether info logging is enabled.
isInitialized() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.AbstractObjectTracker
Returns whether the tracker has been initialized.
isInitialized() - Method in interface adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.ObjectTracker
Returns whether the tracker has been initialized.
isInlineEditingAvailable() - Method in class adams.gui.goe.BaseMarkdownEditor
Checks whether inline editing is available.
isInlineEditingAvailable() - Method in class adams.gui.goe.GPSEditor
Checks whether inline editing is available.
isInlineValueValid(String) - Method in class adams.gui.goe.BaseMarkdownEditor
Checks whether the value id valid.
isInlineValueValid(String) - Method in class adams.gui.goe.GPSEditor
Checks whether the value id valid.
isInverted() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.Binding
getter for the inverted option
isInverted() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.Binding
getter for the inverted option
isLoggingEnabled() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.incoming.AbstractInInterceptor
Returns whether logging is enabled.
isLoggingEnabled() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.outgoing.AbstractOutInterceptor
Returns whether logging is enabled.
isLoggingEnabled() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.webserver.AbstractJettyHandler
Returns whether logging is enabled.
isLoggingEnabled() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming.AbstractInInterceptor
Returns whether logging is enabled.
isLoggingEnabled() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.AbstractOutInterceptor
Returns whether logging is enabled.
isLogVisible() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapPanel
Returns whether the report table is visible.
isMatch(HeatmapContainer, String, boolean) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapContainerManager
Returns whether the container matches the current search.
isMatch(TrailContainer, String, boolean) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.TrailContainerManager
Returns whether the container matches the current search.
isMissing(int) - Method in class adams.data.heatmap.Heatmap
Sets the map value at the specified position from the top left corner of the map, walking through row-wise.
isMissing(int, int) - Method in class adams.data.heatmap.Heatmap
Sets the map value at the specified location to missing.
isMissingValue() - Method in class adams.data.heatmap.HeatmapValue
Returns whether the value represents a missing value.
isMissingValue(double) - Static method in class adams.data.heatmap.Heatmap
Checks whether the value represents a missing value.
isModified() - Method in class adams.core.RProjectHelper
Whether the settings got modified.
isMute() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.DirectRenderMediaPlayerPanel
checks to see if the player is muted
isNegative() - Method in class adams.data.gps.Coordinate
Returns whether the coordinate is negative.
isPaintable() - Method in class adams.gui.goe.MOAClassOptionEditor
Returns true since this editor is paintable.
isPausable() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.ratcontrol.AbstractControlPanel
Returns whether the control panel is enabled.
isPausable() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.ratcontrol.AbstractControlState
Returns whether the control panel is enabled.
isPaused() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Returns whether the object is currently paused.
isPaused() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rats
Returns whether the object is currently paused.
isPaused() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.RatRunnable
Returns whether the execution has been suspended.
isPaused() - Method in class adams.gui.audio.AudioPlaybackPanel
Returns whether playback is currently paused.
isPlaying() - Method in class adams.gui.audio.AudioPlaybackPanel
Returns whether playback is currently active.
isPlaying() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.DirectRenderMediaPlayerPanel
A getter for the playing state of the player
isReadOnly() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.DockerContainersPanel
Returns whether modified data cannot be stored.
isReadOnly() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.DockerImagesPanel
Returns whether modified data cannot be stored.
isReceptionRunning() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.AbstractRatInput
Returns whether the reception is currently running.
isReceptionRunning() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Cron
Returns whether the reception is currently running.
isReceptionRunning() - Method in interface adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.RatInput
Returns whether the reception is currently running.
isReferencingRequired() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rats
Returns whether actors have to be referenced elsewhere in the flow or whether it is optional.
isReGenerationRequired() - Method in class adams.flow.maven.AbstractAdamsMojo
isReGenerationRequired() - Method in class adams.flow.maven.AbstractJavaGeneratorMojo
Java generation is required if any of the file products is outdated/stale.
isReGenerationRequired() - Method in class adams.flow.maven.ClassListerMojo
Java generation is required if any of the file products is outdated/stale.
isReportVisible() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapPanel
Returns whether the report table is visible.
isRestartable() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAFilter.FixedInstanceStream
isRunnableActive() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Returns whwether the runnable is currently active.
isRunning() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTProvider
Returns whether the service is running.
isRunning() - Method in interface adams.flow.rest.RESTProvider
Returns whether the service is running.
isRunning() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceProvider
Returns whether the service is running.
isRunning() - Method in interface adams.flow.webservice.WebServiceProvider
Returns whether the service is running.
isSampleTipText() - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.StandardDeviation
Returns the tip text for this property.
isSearchMatch(SearchParameters, int) - Method in class adams.gui.tools.DockerContainersPanel.TableModel
Tests whether the search matches the specified row.
isSearchMatch(SearchParameters, int) - Method in class adams.gui.tools.DockerImagesPanel.TableModel
Tests whether the search matches the specified row.
isSearchPanelVisible() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapPanel
Returns whether the search panel is visible.
isSearchPanelVisible() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.TrailPanel
Returns whether the search panel is visible.
isShowHiddenDirectories() - Method in class adams.terminal.dialog.DirectoryDialogBuilder
Checks if hidden directories will be visible in the dialog
isSingleton() - Method in class adams.gui.menu.Annotator
Whether the panel can only be displayed once.
isSingleton() - Method in class adams.gui.menu.AudioAnnotator
Whether the panel can only be displayed once.
isSingleton() - Method in class adams.gui.menu.DockerContainers
Whether the panel can only be displayed once.
isSingleton() - Method in class adams.gui.menu.DockerImages
Whether the panel can only be displayed once.
isSingleton() - Method in class adams.gui.menu.HeatmapViewer
Whether the panel can only be displayed once.
isSingleton() - Method in class adams.gui.menu.MekaExperimenter
Whether the panel can only be displayed once.
isSingleton() - Method in class adams.gui.menu.MekaExplorer
Whether the panel can only be displayed once.
isSingleton() - Method in class adams.gui.menu.MOA
Whether the panel can only be displayed once.
isSingleton() - Method in class adams.gui.menu.Screencast
Whether the panel can only be displayed once.
isSingleton() - Method in class adams.gui.menu.TrailViewer
Whether the panel can only be displayed once.
isSingleton() - Method in class adams.gui.menu.VLCjPlayer
Whether the panel can only be displayed once.
isSliderVisible() - Method in class adams.gui.audio.AudioPlaybackPanel
Returns whether the slider is visible.
isSortedList() - Method in class adams.flow.processor.ListRequiredLatexPackages
Returns whether the list should be sorted.
isSoundMuted() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.VLCjDirectRenderPanel
Gets the muted state of the sound
isStoppable() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.ratcontrol.RatControlPanel
Returns whether the "stoppable" state of the control panel is enabled.
isStoppable() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.ratcontrol.RatControlState
Returns whether the "stoppable" state of the control state is enabled.
isStopped() - Method in class adams.flow.source.audiorecorder.AbstractAudioRecorder
Whether the execution has been stopped.
isStopped() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.AbstractRatInput
Returns whether the receiver has been stopped.
isStopped() - Method in interface adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.RatInput
Returns whether the receiver has been stopped.
isStopped() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.AbstractRatOutput
Returns whether the transmitter has been stopped.
isStopped() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.enqueue.AbstractEnqueueGuard
Whether the execution has been stopped.
isStopped() - Method in interface adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.RatOutput
Returns whether the transmitter has been stopped.
isStopped() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.redisaction.AbstractRedisAction
Whether the execution has been stopped.
isSuccess() - Method in class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.blob.UploadResponse
Gets the value of the success property.
isSuccess() - Method in class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.text.UploadResponse
Gets the value of the success property.
isTimeVisible() - Method in class adams.gui.audio.AudioPlaybackPanel
Returns whether the time is visible.
isToggleable() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.Binding
getter for the toggleable option
isToggleable() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.Binding
getter for the toggleable option
isUnchanged(String) - Method in class adams.gui.goe.BaseMeasureCollectionEditor
Checks whether the string is the same as the currently used one.
isUnchanged(String) - Method in class adams.gui.goe.GPSEditor
Checks whether the string is the same as the currently used one.
isUnchanged(String) - Method in class adams.gui.goe.RatReferenceEditor
Checks whether the string is the same as the currently used one.
isUnchanged(String) - Method in class adams.gui.goe.RObjectPathEditor
Checks whether the string is the same as the currently used one.
isUniqueList() - Method in class adams.flow.processor.ListRequiredLatexPackages
Returns whether the list should not contain any duplicates.
isUpdatingStorage() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.DeQueue
Returns whether storage items are being updated.
isUpdatingStorage() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Subscribe
Returns whether storage items are being updated.
isUpdatingStorage() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.DistributedEnQueue
Returns whether storage items are being updated.
isUpdatingStorage() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.EnQueue
Returns whether storage items are being updated.
isUpdatingStorage() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.Publish
Returns whether storage items are being updated.
isUpdatingStorage() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.QueueDistribute
Returns whether storage items are being updated.
isUsingStorage() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.Table
Returns whether storage items are being used.
isUsingStorage() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Storage
Returns whether storage items are being used.
isValid() - Method in class adams.flow.container.ErrorContainer
Checks whether the setup of the container is valid.
isValid() - Method in class adams.flow.container.MekaResultContainer
Checks whether the setup of the container is valid.
isValid() - Method in class adams.flow.container.MOAClusteringContainer
Checks whether the setup of the container is valid.
isValid() - Method in class adams.flow.container.MOAModelContainer
Checks whether the setup of the container is valid.
isValid() - Method in class adams.flow.container.MOAPredictionContainer
Checks whether the setup of the container is valid.
isValid(AbstractOption, Object, OptionTraversalPath) - Method in class adams.flow.processor.ListRequiredLatexPackages
Checks whether the object is valid and should be added to the list.
isValid(String) - Method in class adams.core.base.BaseMeasureCollection
Checks whether the string value is a valid presentation for this class.
isValid(String) - Method in class adams.core.base.DockerDirectoryMapping
Checks whether the string value is a valid presentation for this class.
isValid(String) - Method in class adams.data.gps.AbstractGPS
Checks whether the string can be parsed.
isValid(String) - Method in class adams.gui.goe.BaseMeasureCollectionEditor
Checks whether the string is valid.
isValid(String) - Method in class adams.gui.goe.GPSEditor
Checks whether the string is valid.
isValid(String) - Method in class adams.gui.goe.RatReferenceEditor
Checks whether the string is valid.
isValid(String) - Method in class adams.gui.goe.RObjectPathEditor
Checks whether the string is valid.
isValid(String) - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.FlowEditor
Checks whether the flow is valid.
isValid(String, boolean) - Method in class adams.data.gps.AbstractGPS
Checks whether the string can be parsed.
isVideoLoaded() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.VLCjDirectRenderPanel
Gets the loaded status of the video
isVideoPaused() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.VLCjDirectRenderPanel
Gets the paused status of the video
isVideoPlaying() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.VLCjDirectRenderPanel
Gets the playing status of the video
isVLCInstalled() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.VLCjDirectRenderPanel
Gets the VLC install status
iterator() - Method in class adams.data.heatmap.Heatmap
Returns an iterator over the elements in this collection.


JMap - Class in adams.terminal.menu
Runs jmap and displays the result.
JMap() - Constructor for class adams.terminal.menu.JMap
Initializes the menu item with no owner.
JMap(AbstractTerminalApplication) - Constructor for class adams.terminal.menu.JMap
Initializes the menu item.
JMathArrayInt - Class in adams.data.random
Random generator that generates random integers using JMathArray's randInt method.
JMathArrayInt() - Constructor for class adams.data.random.JMathArrayInt
joinOptions(String[]) - Method in class adams.core.option.MOACommandLineHandler
Turns the option array back into a commandline.
JsonToObject - Class in adams.data.conversion
Maps the JSON string to the specified class using Jackson's Databind functionality (https://github.com/FasterXML/jackson-databind).
JsonToObject() - Constructor for class adams.data.conversion.JsonToObject


keepExistingTipText() - Method in class adams.data.io.output.GnuplotSpreadSheetWriter
Returns the tip text for this property.
keepExistingTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAInstanceDumper
Returns the tip text for this property.
key - Variable in class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.blob.Property
key - Variable in class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.text.Property
KEY - Static variable in class adams.env.LatexDefinition
the key as constant.
KEY - Static variable in class adams.env.RProjectDefinition
the key as constant.
KEY_BOTTOM - Static variable in class adams.data.io.input.ArcInfoASCIIGridReader
the bottom corner key.
KEY_CELLSIZE - Static variable in class adams.data.io.input.ArcInfoASCIIGridReader
the number of columns key.
KEY_COMPRESSDIRSTRUCTURE - Static variable in class adams.core.bootstrapp.BootstrappUtils
the key for whether to compress the directory structure.
KEY_DEPENDENCIES - Static variable in class adams.core.bootstrapp.BootstrappUtils
the key for the dependencies (comma-separated 'group:artifact:version').
KEY_EXCLUSIONS - Static variable in class adams.core.bootstrapp.BootstrappUtils
the key for the excluded dependencies (comma-separated 'group:artifact:').
KEY_HEIGHT - Static variable in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.selection.Crop
the height key.
KEY_LEFT - Static variable in class adams.data.io.input.ArcInfoASCIIGridReader
the left corner key.
KEY_MAVENHOME - Static variable in class adams.core.bootstrapp.BootstrappUtils
the key for the alternative maven home.
KEY_MAVENUSERSETTINGS - Static variable in class adams.core.bootstrapp.BootstrappUtils
the key for the maven user settings.
KEY_NODATAVALUE - Static variable in class adams.data.io.input.ArcInfoASCIIGridReader
the no data value key.
KEY_NUMCOLS - Static variable in class adams.data.io.input.ArcInfoASCIIGridReader
the number of columns key.
KEY_NUMROWS - Static variable in class adams.data.io.input.ArcInfoASCIIGridReader
the number of rows key.
KEY_OUTPUTDIR - Static variable in class adams.core.bootstrapp.BootstrappUtils
the key for the output dir.
KEY_OWNER - Static variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Cron
the key for the owner in the JobExecutionContent.
KEY_REPOSITORIES - Static variable in class adams.core.bootstrapp.BootstrappUtils
the key for the repositories (comma-separated 'id;name;url').
KEY_WIDTH - Static variable in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.selection.Crop
the width key.
KEY_X - Static variable in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.selection.Crop
the x key.
KEY_Y - Static variable in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.selection.Crop
the y key.
KeyManager - Class in adams.flow.standalone
Initializes a KeyManagerFactory instance using the specified keystore file and algorithm.
For keystore types, please refer to:

KeyManager() - Constructor for class adams.flow.standalone.KeyManager
KeyPairElement - Enum in adams.flow.core
Enum for the elements of a KeyPair.
KeyPairFileReader - Class in adams.flow.source
Reads private and public keys in DER format from the specified files and forwards them as pair.
For algorithm types, see:

- generates:

KeyPairFileReader() - Constructor for class adams.flow.source.KeyPairFileReader
KeyPairFileWriter - Class in adams.flow.sink
Writes either the private or public key of a key pair to disk using the binary DER format.
KeyPairFileWriter() - Constructor for class adams.flow.sink.KeyPairFileWriter
KeyPairGenerator - Class in adams.flow.source
Generates a private/public key pair.
For algorithm types, see:
For PRNG types, see:

- generates:

KeyPairGenerator() - Constructor for class adams.flow.source.KeyPairGenerator
KeyPressTextField - Class in adams.gui.tools.audioannotator
A text field that reads key presses and displays them
KeyPressTextField - Class in adams.gui.visualization.annotator
A text field that reads key presses and displays them
KeyPressTextField() - Constructor for class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.KeyPressTextField
KeyPressTextField() - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.KeyPressTextField
keystoreFileTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.KeyManager
Returns the tip text for this property.
keystoreFileTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.TrustManager
Returns the tip text for this property.
keystorePassphraseTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.KeyManager
Returns the tip text for this property.
keystorePassphraseTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.TrustManager
Returns the tip text for this property.
keystoreTypeTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.KeyManager
Returns the tip text for this property.
keystoreTypeTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.TrustManager
Returns the tip text for this property.
keyTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.redisaction.Set
Returns the tip text for this property.
keyTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.source.redisaction.Get
Returns the tip text for this property.
Keytool - Class in adams.flow.control
Runs keytool whenever a token gets passed through.
Keytool() - Constructor for class adams.flow.control.Keytool
killAdams() - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.AbstractRemoteFlowCommandAction
Kills the ADAMS instance.
KillContainers - Class in adams.docker.simpledocker
For killing containers.
KillContainers() - Constructor for class adams.docker.simpledocker.KillContainers


LABEL_HAPPY - Static variable in class weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.TwitterEmoticonScore
the happy label.
LABEL_NEUTRAL - Static variable in class weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.TwitterEmoticonScore
the neutral label.
LABEL_SAD - Static variable in class weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.TwitterEmoticonScore
the sad label.
labelTipText() - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.CountValues
Returns the tip text for this property.
labelTipText() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.Figure
Returns the tip text for this property.
labelTipText() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.NewSection
Returns the tip text for this property.
LabRat - Class in adams.flow.standalone
Replaces itself at runtime with the actual Rat setup(s) created using the generator.
LabRat() - Constructor for class adams.flow.standalone.LabRat
lambdaTipText() - Method in class adams.data.random.Exponential
Returns the tip text for this property.
lambdaTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.BoofCVCirculant
Returns the tip text for this property.
LANGUAGE - adams.flow.transformer.MovieInfo.InfoType
the language (per stream).
languagePackTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.StanfordGrammaticalStructure
Returns the tip text for this property.
Lanterna - Class in adams.core.io.console
Helper for input using lanterna.
Lanterna(MultiWindowTextGUI, TextBox) - Constructor for class adams.core.io.console.Lanterna
Initializes the console helper.
large - adams.doc.latex.generator.BlockSize.FontSize
Large - adams.doc.latex.generator.BlockSize.FontSize
LARGE - adams.doc.latex.generator.BlockSize.FontSize
LAST_TIMESTAMP - Static variable in class adams.data.audioannotations.AudioAnnotationsStatistic
LAST_TIMESTAMP - Static variable in class adams.data.trail.TrailStatistic
lastActive() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Returns the last non-skipped actor.
LatexAppendDocument - Class in adams.flow.transformer
Appends the text generated from the specified LaTeX code generator.
LatexAppendDocument() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.LatexAppendDocument
LatexCloseDocument - Class in adams.flow.transformer
Closes a LaTeX document by inserting a '\end{document}' statement.
LatexCloseDocument() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.LatexCloseDocument
LatexCompile - Class in adams.flow.transformer
Compiles the incoming LaTeX document (file name).
LatexCompile() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.LatexCompile
LatexDefinition - Class in adams.env
Definition for the LaTeX props file.
LatexDefinition() - Constructor for class adams.env.LatexDefinition
LatexHelper - Class in adams.doc.latex
Helper class for LaTeX setup.
LatexHelper() - Constructor for class adams.doc.latex.LatexHelper
LatexSetup - Class in adams.flow.standalone
Allows to configure LaTex and override the system-wide settings.
LatexSetup() - Constructor for class adams.flow.standalone.LatexSetup
LatexSetupPanel - Class in adams.gui.application
Panel for configuring the system-wide LaTeX settings.
LatexSetupPanel() - Constructor for class adams.gui.application.LatexSetupPanel
LatexSpreadSheetWriter - Class in adams.data.io.output
Generates LaTeX tables from spreadsheets.
LatexSpreadSheetWriter() - Constructor for class adams.data.io.output.LatexSpreadSheetWriter
launch() - Method in class adams.gui.menu.Annotator
Launches the functionality of the menu item.
launch() - Method in class adams.gui.menu.AudioAnnotator
Launches the functionality of the menu item.
launch() - Method in class adams.gui.menu.DockerContainers
Launches the functionality of the menu item.
launch() - Method in class adams.gui.menu.DockerImages
Launches the functionality of the menu item.
launch() - Method in class adams.gui.menu.HeatmapViewer
Launches the functionality of the menu item.
launch() - Method in class adams.gui.menu.MekaExperimenter
Launches the functionality of the menu item.
launch() - Method in class adams.gui.menu.MekaExplorer
Launches the functionality of the menu item.
launch() - Method in class adams.gui.menu.MOA
Launches the functionality of the menu item.
launch() - Method in class adams.gui.menu.Screencast
Launches the functionality of the menu item.
launch() - Method in class adams.gui.menu.TrailViewer
Launches the functionality of the menu item.
launch() - Method in class adams.gui.menu.VLCjPlayer
Launches the functionality of the menu item.
lazySetup() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Performs the lazy setup.
leftTipText() - Method in class adams.data.wavefilter.Trim
Returns the tip text for this property.
LENGTH - adams.flow.transformer.RenjinObjectInfo.InfoType
lenientTipText() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.RenjinDoubleArrayVectorToSpreadSheet
Returns the tip text for this property.
lenientTipText() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.RenjinListVectorToArray
Returns the tip text for this property.
limitTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.enqueue.MaxQueueSize
Returns the tip text for this property.
LinearFontScalar - Class in adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud
Uses linear scaling between the specified min and max.
LinearFontScalar() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.LinearFontScalar
LinearGradientColorPalette - Class in adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud
Generates a linear gradient between the two colors or three colors if the second steps is >0.
LinearGradientColorPalette() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.LinearGradientColorPalette
lineByLineTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.RSink
Returns the tip text for this property.
lineByLineTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.source.RSource
Returns the tip text for this property.
lineByLineTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RStandalone
Returns the tip text for this property.
lineByLineTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RTransformer
Returns the tip text for this property.
Lines - Class in adams.gui.visualization.trail.paintlet
Connects the steps with lines.
Lines() - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.trail.paintlet.Lines
LINES - adams.core.gnuplot.SimplePlot.PlotType
LINESPOINTS - adams.core.gnuplot.SimplePlot.PlotType
list(RObjectPath, SEXP) - Static method in class adams.core.RObjectInspector
Returns the paths for all objects in the provided object.
list(SEXP) - Static method in class adams.core.RObjectInspector
Returns the paths for all objects in the provided object.
ListContainers - Class in adams.docker.simpledocker
For listing container IDs.
ListContainers() - Constructor for class adams.docker.simpledocker.ListContainers
listDirectoriesTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.webserver.ResourceHandler
Returns the tip text for this property.
ListImages - Class in adams.docker.simpledocker
For listing image IDs.
ListImages() - Constructor for class adams.docker.simpledocker.ListImages
ListOfFigures - Class in adams.doc.latex.generator
Inserts the statement for the list of figures.
ListOfFigures() - Constructor for class adams.doc.latex.generator.ListOfFigures
ListOfTables - Class in adams.doc.latex.generator
Inserts the statement for the list of tables.
ListOfTables() - Constructor for class adams.doc.latex.generator.ListOfTables
listOptions() - Method in class weka.core.tokenizers.cleaners.RegExp
Returns an enumeration describing the available options.
listOptions() - Method in class weka.core.tokenizers.cleaners.RemoveEmoticons
Returns an enumeration describing the available options.
listOptions() - Method in class weka.core.tokenizers.cleaners.WordCluster
Returns an enumeration describing the available options.
listOptions() - Method in class weka.core.tokenizers.TwitterNLPTokenizer
Returns an enumeration describing the available options.
listOptions() - Method in class weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.AbstractTweetContentFilter
Returns an enumeration describing the available options.
listOptions() - Method in class weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.TwitterEmoticonScore
Returns an enumeration describing the available options.
listOptions() - Method in class weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.TwitterNLPPos
Returns an enumeration describing the available options.
ListRequiredLatexPackages - Class in adams.flow.processor
Generates a list of all the packages required by the adams.doc.latex.generator.CodeGenerator-derived LaTeX generators.
ListRequiredLatexPackages() - Constructor for class adams.flow.processor.ListRequiredLatexPackages
listToString(RList) - Static method in class adams.core.RDataHelper
Turns an RList into a string.
ListWebcams - Class in adams.flow.source
Outputs the names of the available webcams.
ListWebcams() - Constructor for class adams.flow.source.ListWebcams
load() - Method in class adams.gui.application.RProjectSettingsPanel
Loads the values from the props file and displays them.
load() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapViewerPanel
Loads heatmaps from disk, popping up a file chooser dialog.
load() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.TrailViewerPanel
Loads trails from disk, popping up a file chooser dialog.
load(File) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapViewerPanel
Loads the specified file from disk.
load(File) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.TrailViewerPanel
Loads the specified file from disk.
load(File[], AbstractHeatmapReader) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapViewerPanel
Loads heatmaps from disk, popping up a file chooser dialog.
load(File[], AbstractTrailReader) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.TrailViewerPanel
Loads trails from disk, popping up a file chooser dialog.
loadAll() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.DockerContainersPanel
Loads all the objects.
loadAll() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.DockerImagesPanel
Loads all the objects.
loadAnnotations(AudioAnnotations) - Method in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.EventQueue
Loads a saved annotations EventQueue adds steps to.
loadBinding(Binding) - Method in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.BindingParameterPanel
Loads a binding into the panel for editing
loadBinding(Binding) - Method in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.EditBindingDialog
loads a binding into the edit binding panel
loadBinding(Binding) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.BindingParameterPanel
Loads a binding into the panel for editing
loadBinding(Binding) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.EditBindingDialog
loads a binding into the edit binding panel
loadBindings() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.AudioAnnotatorPanel
Loads bindings from a file selected by the user
loadBindings() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.AnnotatorPanel
Loads bindings from a file selected by the user
loadBindings(String) - Method in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.AudioAnnotatorPanel
Loads bindings from a file selected by the user
loadBindings(String) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.AnnotatorPanel
Loads bindings from a file selected by the user
loadImage(String) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.webserver.AbstractJettyHandler
Returns the byte array for the specified image.
loadPlugin(Actor) - Method in class adams.flow.rest.GroovyPlugin
Loads the Groovy REST plugin.
loadPlugins() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.GroovyServer
Loads the plugin scripts.
loadScriptObject() - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.AbstractScriptedFeatureGenerator
Loads the scripts object and sets its options.
loadScriptObject() - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.Scripted
Loads the scripts object and sets its options.
loadScriptObject() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.generator.AbstractScriptedRatGenerator
Loads the scripts object and sets its options.
loadScriptObject() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.generator.Scripted
Loads the scripts object and sets its options.
loadTrail(Trail) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.EventQueue
Loads a saved trail EventQueue adds steps to.
loadWsdl(URL) - Static method in class adams.flow.rest.RESTUtils
Loads the WSDL from the given location.
loadWsdl(URL) - Static method in class adams.flow.webservice.WebserviceUtils
Loads the WSDL from the given location.
localDir() - Method in class adams.core.base.DockerDirectoryMapping
Returns the "local" part of the mapping.
localeTipText() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.Table
Returns the tip text for this property.
LocalPathToContainerPath - Class in adams.data.conversion
Converts a local path into a container one

LocalPathToContainerPath() - Constructor for class adams.data.conversion.LocalPathToContainerPath
locate(Heatmap) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.HighestTemperature
Locates the points with the highest temperature.
locate(Heatmap) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.LowestTemperature
Locates the points with the highest temperature.
locationPrefixTipText() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.image.selection.SelectMultipleObjectsToTrack
Returns the tip text for this property.
locationTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.ExtractTrackedObject
Returns the tip text for this property.
locationTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.TransformTrackedObject
Returns the tip text for this property.
locationTipText() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.image.selection.SelectObjectToTrack
Returns the tip text for this property.
locatorTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapLocateObjects
Returns the tip text for this property.
log(String) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapPanel
Logs the message in the log panel.
log(String) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.TrailPanel
Logs the message in the log panel.
log(String, String) - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTProvider
Logs an error message if a valid global log actor has been set up.
log(String, String) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Logs an error message if a valid callable log actor has been set up.
log(String, String) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RESTServer
Logs an error message if a valid callable log actor has been set up.
log(String, String) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.WSServer
Logs an error message if a valid callable log actor has been set up.
log(String, String) - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceProvider
Logs an error message if a valid global log actor has been set up.
LogEntryGenerator - Class in adams.flow.standalone.rats.log
Generates simple LogEntry objects.
LogEntryGenerator() - Constructor for class adams.flow.standalone.rats.log.LogEntryGenerator
logError(String) - Method in class adams.terminal.application.AbstractLanternaTerminalApplication
Logs the error.
logError(String) - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.AbstractMenuItemDefinition
Logs the error.
logError(String) - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.AbstractRemoteCommandAction
Logs the error.
logError(String) - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.RemoteLogging
Logs the error.
logError(String, Throwable) - Method in class adams.terminal.application.AbstractLanternaTerminalApplication
Logs the error.
logError(String, Throwable) - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.AbstractMenuItemDefinition
Logs the error.
logError(String, Throwable) - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.AbstractRemoteCommandAction
Logs the error.
logError(String, Throwable) - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.RemoteLogging
Logs the error.
LogFile - Class in adams.flow.rest.interceptor.incoming
Interceptor for incoming messages, writing them to a file.
LogFile - Class in adams.flow.rest.interceptor.outgoing
Interceptor for outgoing messages, writing the data to a log file.
LogFile - Class in adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming
Interceptor for incoming messages, writing them to a file.
LogFile - Class in adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing
Interceptor for outgoing messages, writing the data to a log file.
LogFile() - Constructor for class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.incoming.LogFile
Initializes the interceptor.
LogFile() - Constructor for class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.outgoing.LogFile
Initializes the interceptor.
LogFile() - Constructor for class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming.LogFile
Initializes the interceptor.
LogFile() - Constructor for class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.LogFile
Initializes the interceptor.
LogFileGenerator - Class in adams.flow.rest.interceptor.incoming
Generator for LogFile.
LogFileGenerator - Class in adams.flow.rest.interceptor.outgoing
Generator for LogFile.
LogFileGenerator - Class in adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming
Generator for LogFile.
LogFileGenerator - Class in adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing
Generator for LogFile.
LogFileGenerator() - Constructor for class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.incoming.LogFileGenerator
LogFileGenerator() - Constructor for class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.outgoing.LogFileGenerator
LogFileGenerator() - Constructor for class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming.LogFileGenerator
LogFileGenerator() - Constructor for class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.LogFileGenerator
logFileTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.incoming.LogFileGenerator
Returns the tip text for this property.
logFileTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.outgoing.LogFileGenerator
Returns the tip text for this property.
logFileTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming.LogFileGenerator
Returns the tip text for this property.
logFileTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.LogFileGenerator
Returns the tip text for this property.
LogFontScalar - Class in adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud
Uses log scaling between the specified min and max.
LogFontScalar() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.LogFontScalar
logGeneratorTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Returns the tip text for this property.
logger - Variable in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming.XMLLoggingInInterceptor
logger - Variable in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.XMLLoggingOutInterceptor
LOGGER - Static variable in class adams.core.RObjectInspector
for logging errors etc.
LoggingResponseHandler(RemoteLogging) - Constructor for class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.RemoteLogging.LoggingResponseHandler
Initializes the handler.
LogHandler(Main) - Constructor for class adams.terminal.Main.LogHandler
login(String, String, String, String) - Static method in class adams.docker.SimpleDockerHelper
Performs a login.
loginTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.SimpleDockerConnection
Returns the tip text for this property.
logMessage(String) - Method in class adams.terminal.application.AbstractLanternaTerminalApplication
Logs the message.
logMessage(String) - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.AbstractMenuItemDefinition
Logs the message.
logMessage(String) - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.AbstractRemoteCommandAction
Logs the message.
logMessage(String) - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.RemoteLogging
Logs the message.
logNormal(double, double) - Method in class adams.data.random.Random
Generate a random number from a LogNormal random variable.
LogNormal - Class in adams.data.random
Generates random numbers from a log normal distribution with specified mean and standard deviation.
LogNormal() - Constructor for class adams.data.random.LogNormal
logout(String, String) - Static method in class adams.docker.SimpleDockerHelper
Performs a login.
logoutTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.SimpleDockerConnection
Returns the tip text for this property.
logProperties(StringBuilder, Message) - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming.XMLLoggingInInterceptor
Method intended for use within subclasses.
logProperties(StringBuilder, Message) - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.XMLLoggingOutInterceptor
Method intended for use within subclasses.
logSystemPropertiesAndBasedir() - Method in class adams.flow.maven.AbstractAdamsMojo
Prints out the system properties to the Maven Log at Debug level.
LogTextBox - Class in adams.terminal.core
Simple log text box.
LogTextBox() - Constructor for class adams.terminal.core.LogTextBox
Default constructor, this creates a single-line LogTextBox of size 10 which is initially empty
LogTextBox(TerminalSize) - Constructor for class adams.terminal.core.LogTextBox
Creates a new empty LogTextBox with a specific size
LogTextBox(TerminalSize, TextBox.Style) - Constructor for class adams.terminal.core.LogTextBox
Creates a new empty LogTextBox with a specific size and style
LogTextBox(TerminalSize, String) - Constructor for class adams.terminal.core.LogTextBox
Creates a new empty LogTextBox with a specific size and initial content
LogTextBox(TerminalSize, String, TextBox.Style) - Constructor for class adams.terminal.core.LogTextBox
Main constructor of the LogTextBox which decides size, initial content and style
LogTextBox(String) - Constructor for class adams.terminal.core.LogTextBox
Constructor that creates a LogTextBox with an initial content and attempting to be big enough to display the whole text at once without scrollbars
LogTextBox(String, TextBox.Style) - Constructor for class adams.terminal.core.LogTextBox
Creates a LogTextBox that has an initial content and attempting to be big enough to display the whole text at once without scrollbars.
LogTextBoxRequestHandler - Class in adams.scripting.requesthandler
For logging requests.
LogTextBoxRequestHandler() - Constructor for class adams.scripting.requesthandler.LogTextBoxRequestHandler
LogTextBoxResponseHandler - Class in adams.scripting.responsehandler
For logging responses.
LogTextBoxResponseHandler() - Constructor for class adams.scripting.responsehandler.LogTextBoxResponseHandler
logTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Returns the tip text for this property.
logTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.generator.AbstractRatGenerator
Returns the tip text for this property.
logTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RESTServer
Returns the tip text for this property.
logTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.WSServer
Returns the tip text for this property.
LogURL - Class in adams.flow.rest.interceptor.outgoing
Interceptor for outgoing messages that simply logs the outgoing URL.
LogURL - Class in adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing
Interceptor for outgoing messages that simply logs the outgoing URL.
LogURL() - Constructor for class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.outgoing.LogURL
Initializes the interceptor.
LogURL() - Constructor for class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.LogURL
Initializes the interceptor.
LogURLGenerator - Class in adams.flow.rest.interceptor.outgoing
Generator for LogURL.
LogURLGenerator - Class in adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing
Generator for LogURL.
LogURLGenerator() - Constructor for class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.outgoing.LogURLGenerator
LogURLGenerator() - Constructor for class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.LogURLGenerator
loopTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.AnimatedGifFileWriter
Returns the tip text for this property.
LowestTemperature - Class in adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay
Overlays the heatmap with the points that have the lowest temperature.
LowestTemperature() - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.LowestTemperature


m_A - Variable in class adams.data.random.Beta
the first parameter of the beta random variable.
m_Action - Variable in class adams.flow.sink.RedisSink
the action to execute.
m_Action - Variable in class adams.flow.source.RedisSource
the action to execute.
m_Action - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.RedisAction
the name of the action.
m_Action - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.RedisAction
the name of the action.
m_Action - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.RedisTransformer
the action to execute.
m_Action - Variable in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.AudioAnnotationPanel
the action to perform when the binding is activate
m_Action - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.AnnotationPanel
the action to perform when the binding is activate
m_ActionClearBackground - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.AnnotatorPanel
clear background action
m_ActionEditBindings - Variable in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.AudioAnnotatorPanel
Edit Bindings action
m_ActionEditBindings - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.AnnotatorPanel
Edit Bindings action
m_ActionExportAnnotations - Variable in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.AudioAnnotatorPanel
Export annotations
m_ActionExportAnnotations - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.AnnotatorPanel
Export annotations
m_ActionExtractBackground - Variable in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.AudioAnnotatorPanel
extract background action
m_ActionExtractBackground - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.AnnotatorPanel
extract background action
m_ActionLoadBindings - Variable in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.AudioAnnotatorPanel
open bindings
m_ActionLoadBindings - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.AnnotatorPanel
open bindings
m_ActionNewAnnotations - Variable in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.AudioAnnotatorPanel
New annotations action
m_ActionNewAnnotations - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.AnnotatorPanel
New annotations action
m_ActionNewBindings - Variable in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.AudioAnnotatorPanel
New Bindings action.
m_ActionNewBindings - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.AnnotatorPanel
New Bindings action.
m_ActionOpenAnnotations - Variable in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.AudioAnnotatorPanel
m_ActionOpenAnnotations - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.AnnotatorPanel
m_ActionOpenBackground - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.AnnotatorPanel
open background action
m_ActionPause - Variable in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.AudioAnnotatorPanel
Pause action
m_ActionPlay - Variable in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.AudioAnnotatorPanel
Play action
m_ActionSaveAnnotations - Variable in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.AudioAnnotatorPanel
m_ActionSaveAnnotations - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.AnnotatorPanel
m_ActionSaveBackground - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.AnnotatorPanel
save background action
m_ActionSaveBindings - Variable in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.AudioAnnotatorPanel
save bindings
m_ActionSaveBindings - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.AnnotatorPanel
save bindings
m_ActionStop - Variable in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.AudioAnnotatorPanel
Stop action
m_ActionViewBackground - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.AnnotatorPanel
view background action
m_Actor - Variable in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.incoming.Enqueue
the actor to use for getting access to queues.
m_Actor - Variable in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.outgoing.Enqueue
the actor to use for getting access to queues.
m_Actor - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.ratcontrol.AbstractControlPanel
the actor to manage.
m_Actor - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.ratcontrol.AbstractControlState
the actor to manage.
m_Actor - Variable in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming.Enqueue
the actor to use for getting access to queues.
m_Actor - Variable in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.Enqueue
the actor to use for getting access to queues.
m_ActorFile - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.InputWithExternalTransformer
the file the external actor is stored in.
m_ActorFile - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.OutputWithExternalTransformer
the file the external actor is stored in.
m_Actors - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
the actors for transforming the data.
m_ActualAlgorithm - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapFeatureGenerator
the actual algorithm to apply to the image.
m_ActualAlgorithm - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.WaveFeatureGenerator
the actual algorithm to apply to the image.
m_ActualBinary - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.SimpleDockerConnection
the actual docker binary to use.
m_ActualClassifier - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.MekaTrainClassifier
the actual Meka classifier.
m_ActualClassifier - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAClassifierEvaluation
the model to use for prediction/training.
m_ActualClassifier - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.MOATrainClassifier
the actual classifier to use.
m_ActualClusterer - Variable in class adams.flow.sink.MOAClusterVisualization
the cluster algorithm to use.
m_ActualClusterer - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAClustererEvaluation
the model to use for prediction/training.
m_ActualClusterer - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.MOATrainClusterer
the actual clusterer to use.
m_ActualEvaluator - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAClassifierEvaluation
the actual evaluator to use.
m_ActualEvaluator - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.MOARegressorEvaluation
the actual evaluator to use.
m_ActualMeasures - Variable in class adams.flow.sink.MOAClusterVisualization
the measure collections contain all the measures
m_ActualPassphrase - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.KeyManager
the actual password to use.
m_ActualPassphrase - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.TrustManager
the actual password to use.
m_ActualPassword - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.RedisConnection
the actual password to use.
m_ActualRecorder - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.RecordingSetup
the configured recorder.
m_ActualRegressor - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.MOARegressorEvaluation
the model to use for prediction/training.
m_ActualRegressor - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.MOATrainRegressor
the actual regressor to use.
m_ActualStreamFilter - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAFilter
The actual stream filter object.
m_ActualStreamGenerator - Variable in class adams.flow.source.MOAStream
the actual stream generator to use.
m_ActualToken - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.StringToken
the current string waiting to be output.
m_ActualTransformer - Variable in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientSinkWithCallableTransformer
the actual transformer to use.
m_ActualTransformer - Variable in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientSourceWithCallableTransformer
the actual transformer to use.
m_ActualTransformer - Variable in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientTransformerWithCallableTransformer
the actual transformer to use.
m_ActualTransformer - Variable in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceProviderWithCallableTransformer
the actual transformer to use.
m_AddAction - Variable in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.BindingsEditorPanel
the action 'add'
m_AddAction - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.BindingsEditorPanel
the action 'add'
m_AddButton - Variable in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.BindingsEditorPanel
the button for adding a binding
m_AddButton - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.BindingsEditorPanel
the button for adding a binding
m_AdditionalArguments - Variable in class adams.docker.simpledocker.GenericWithArgs
the additional arguments.
m_AdditionalArguments - Variable in class adams.docker.simpledocker.KillContainers
the additional arguments.
m_AdditionalArguments - Variable in class adams.docker.simpledocker.PauseContainers
the additional arguments.
m_AdditionalArguments - Variable in class adams.docker.simpledocker.RemoveContainers
the additional arguments.
m_AdditionalArguments - Variable in class adams.docker.simpledocker.RemoveImages
the additional arguments.
m_AdditionalArguments - Variable in class adams.docker.simpledocker.RunWithArgs
the additional arguments.
m_AdditionalArguments - Variable in class adams.docker.simpledocker.StartContainers
the additional arguments.
m_AdditionalArguments - Variable in class adams.docker.simpledocker.StopContainers
the additional arguments.
m_AdditionalInputOptions - Variable in class adams.flow.sink.ffmpeg.AbstractFFmpegPluginWithOptions
additional input options to use for ffmpeg.
m_AdditionalOptions - Variable in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.AbstractScript
for storing the additional options.
m_AdditionalOptions - Variable in class adams.flow.control.Keytool
additional options for keytool.
m_AdditionalOptions - Variable in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractParametrizedGroovyRESTPlugin
for storing the additional options.
m_AdditionalOptions - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.generator.AbstractScript
for storing the additional options.
m_AdditionalOptions - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.StanfordLexicalizedParser
the additional options for the parser.
m_AdditionalOutputOptions - Variable in class adams.flow.sink.ffmpeg.AbstractFFmpegPluginWithOptions
additional output options to use for ffmpeg.
m_AdditionalStatements - Variable in class adams.flow.source.NewLatexDocument
the additional statements to include.
m_Address - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.Socket
the address to open.
m_Algorithm - Variable in class adams.data.filter.HeatmapCrop
the crop algorithm.
m_Algorithm - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.KeyManager
the algorithm to use.
m_Algorithm - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.TrustManager
the algorithm to use.
m_Algorithm - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapFeatureGenerator
the algorithm to apply to the image.
m_Algorithm - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.TrackObjects
the object tracker.
m_Algorithm - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.WaveFeatureGenerator
the algorithm to apply to the image.
m_All - Variable in class adams.docker.simpledocker.ListContainers
whether to list all containers.
m_All - Variable in class adams.docker.simpledocker.ListImages
whether to list all images (incl intermediate ones).
m_All - Variable in class adams.docker.simpledocker.PruneImages
whether to prune all images, not just dangling ones.
m_AllowTransposition - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.EditDistance
whether to allow transposition.
m_AllTags - Variable in class adams.docker.simpledocker.Push
whether to push all tags.
m_AlternativeURL - Variable in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientSink
the URL of the webservice.
m_AlternativeURL - Variable in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientSource
the URL of the webservice.
m_AlternativeURL - Variable in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientTransformer
the URL of the webservice.
m_AlternativeURL - Variable in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientSink
the URL of the webservice.
m_AlternativeURL - Variable in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientSource
the URL of the webservice.
m_AlternativeURL - Variable in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientTransformer
the URL of the webservice.
m_Annotation - Variable in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.AnnotationEvent
The annotation we're passing to the listeners
m_AnnotationQueue - Variable in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.EventQueue
the internal queue
m_Annotations - Variable in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.EventQueue
the annotations we add the steps to
m_AnnotationsFileChooser - Variable in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.AudioAnnotatorPanel
m_AnnotationsFileChooser - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.AnnotatorPanel
m_Annotator - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.DEXTR
the internally used annotator.
m_Annotator - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.SAM
the internally used annotator.
m_AntiAliasingEnabled - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.paintlet.Circles
whether anti-aliasing is enabled.
m_AntiAliasingEnabled - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.paintlet.Lines
whether anti-aliasing is enabled.
m_Appending - Variable in class adams.data.io.output.GnuplotSpreadSheetWriter
whether to append spreadsheets.
m_ArrayHistogram - Variable in class adams.flow.sink.HeatmapHistogram
for generating the histogram.
m_ArrayHistogram - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HistogramPanel
for generating the histogram.
m_AtomicMove - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.DirWatch
whether to perform an atomic move.
m_AtomicMove - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.FileLister
whether to perform an atomic move.
m_AtomicMove - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.FileMover
whether to perform an atomic move.
m_AttributeName - Variable in class weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.AbstractTweetContentFilter
the name of the string attribute to process.
m_AudioPlayer - Variable in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.Ticker
the media player to get timestamps from
m_B - Variable in class adams.data.random.Beta
the second parameter of the beta random variable.
m_Background - Variable in class adams.data.trail.Trail
the background image.
m_Background - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.AddTrailBackground
the name of the callable actor.
m_Background - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.GenerateWordCloud
the background.
m_Background - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.PixelBoundaryBackground
the background image.
m_Background - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.ExtractBackgroundDialog
the background image extracted
m_BackgroundFileChooser - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.AnnotatorPanel
file chooser for images
m_BackgroundImage - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.AnnotatorPanel
the extracted background image
m_BackupState - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.AbstractRatOutput
for backing up the state of an actor.
m_Base - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.EditDistance
the base string to use for computing the distance.
m_BaseImageBase64 - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.DEXTR
the cached base image as base64 JPEG.
m_BaseImageBase64 - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.SAM
the cached base image as base64 JPEG.
m_BaseImageBase64 - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.segmentation.tool.DEXTR
the cached base image as base64 JPEG.
m_BaseImageBase64 - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.segmentation.tool.SAM
the cached base image as base64 JPEG.
m_BatchSize - Variable in class weka.classifiers.functions.PyroProxy
the batch size.
m_Bibtex - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.LatexSetup
the bibtex executable.
m_BigEndian - Variable in class adams.flow.source.audiorecorder.AbstractAudioRecorder
whether big endian or little endian.
m_BinariesDir - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.LatexSetup
the path to the binaries.
m_Binary - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.Gnuplot
the binary to execute.
m_Binary - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.SimpleDockerConnection
the alternative docker binary to use.
m_BinCalculation - Variable in class adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator.wave.Histogram
how to calculate the number of bins.
m_Binding - Variable in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.AudioAnnotationPanel
The binding this panel manages
m_Binding - Variable in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.Binding
the keystroke the name is bound to
m_Binding - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.AnnotationPanel
The binding this panel manages
m_Binding - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.Binding
the keystroke the name is bound to
m_BindingField - Variable in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.BindingParameterPanel
a text field for the key press
m_BindingField - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.BindingParameterPanel
a text field for the key press
m_BindingPanel - Variable in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.AudioAnnotatorPanel
a panel for the annotation bindings
m_BindingPanel - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.AnnotatorPanel
a panel for the annotation bindings
m_Bindings - Variable in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.AudioAnnotatorPanel
the list to store the bindings
m_Bindings - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.AnnotatorPanel
the list to store the bindings
m_BindingsDialog - Variable in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.AudioAnnotatorPanel
m_BindingsDialog - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.AnnotatorPanel
m_BindingsList - Variable in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.BindingsEditorPanel
the list of current bindings
m_BindingsList - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.BindingsEditorPanel
the list of current bindings
m_BinWidth - Variable in class adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator.wave.Histogram
the bin width - used for some calculations.
m_BitRate - Variable in class adams.flow.sink.ffmpeg.ConvertAudio
the bitrate to use.
m_Bits - Variable in class adams.flow.source.audiorecorder.AbstractAudioRecorder
the sample size in bits.
m_BottomRight - Variable in class adams.data.filter.heatmapcrop.AbstractHeatmapCrop
the bottom-right corner.
m_BottomRight - Variable in class adams.gui.event.HeatmapPanelSelectionEvent
the bottom-right of the selection.
m_boundary - Variable in class adams.data.gps.Map
m_BreakpointPresent - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
whether a Breakpoint actor is part of the sub-flow.
m_Buffer - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.AbstractBufferedRatInput
the queue to use for buffering.
m_Buffer - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAInstanceDumper
the buffer.
m_BufferFormatCallback - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.DirectRenderMediaPlayerPanel
m_BufferSize - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAInstanceDumper
the size of the buffer.
m_BulkActions - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.RatControl
whether to allow bulk actions.
m_Button - Variable in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.AudioAnnotationPanel
a button to indicate when a binding is pressed or toggled on
m_Button - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.AnnotationPanel
a button to indicate when a binding is pressed or toggled on
m_ButtonClear - Variable in class adams.terminal.Main
the button for clearing the log.
m_ButtonDelete - Variable in class adams.gui.tools.DockerContainersPanel
the button for deleting selected containers.
m_ButtonDelete - Variable in class adams.gui.tools.DockerImagesPanel
the button for deleting selected images.
m_ButtonExecute - Variable in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.RemoteFlowCommands
the button for executing the command.
m_ButtonKillAdams - Variable in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.AbstractRemoteFlowCommandAction
the button for killing the ADAMS isntance.
m_ButtonMute - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.VLCjDirectRenderPanel
Mute button
m_ButtonPause - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.VLCjDirectRenderPanel
the "pause" button
m_ButtonPauseFlow - Variable in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.AbstractRemoteFlowCommandAction
the button for pausing the flow.
m_ButtonPauseResume - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.ratcontrol.AbstractControlPanel
the button for pausing/resuming.
m_ButtonPauseResume - Variable in class adams.gui.audio.AudioPlaybackPanel
the button pausing/resuming playback.
m_ButtonPauseResume - Variable in class adams.gui.tools.remotecontrolcenter.panels.RatsTab.RatStatusPanel
the button for pause/resume.
m_ButtonPauseResume - Variable in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.Rats.RatStatusPanel
the button for pause/resume.
m_ButtonPlay - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.VLCjDirectRenderPanel
the "play" button
m_ButtonPreview - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.ExtractBackgroundDialog
preview button
m_ButtonPrune - Variable in class adams.gui.tools.DockerImagesPanel
the button for pruning images.
m_ButtonPruneStopped - Variable in class adams.gui.tools.DockerContainersPanel
the button for pruning stopped containers.
m_ButtonRefresh - Variable in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.AbstractRemoteFlowCommandAction
the button for refreshing the flows.
m_ButtonRefreshRats - Variable in class adams.gui.tools.remotecontrolcenter.panels.RatsTab
the button for updating the rats states.
m_ButtonRefreshRats - Variable in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.Rats
the button for updating the rats states.
m_ButtonResumeFlow - Variable in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.AbstractRemoteFlowCommandAction
the button for resuming the flow.
m_ButtonStart - Variable in class adams.gui.audio.AudioPlaybackPanel
the button starting playback.
m_ButtonStart - Variable in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.RemoteLogging
the button for starting the logging.
m_ButtonStop - Variable in class adams.gui.audio.AudioPlaybackPanel
the button stopping playback.
m_ButtonStop - Variable in class adams.gui.tools.DockerContainersPanel
the button for stopping selected containers.
m_ButtonStop - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.VLCjDirectRenderPanel
the "pause" button
m_ButtonStop - Variable in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.RemoteLogging
the button for stopping the logging.
m_ButtonStopAdams - Variable in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.AbstractRemoteFlowCommandAction
the button for stopping the ADAMS instance.
m_ButtonStopFlow - Variable in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.AbstractRemoteFlowCommandAction
the button for stopping the flow.
m_ButtonStopStart - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.ratcontrol.RatControlPanel
the button for stopping/starting.
m_ButtonStopStart - Variable in class adams.gui.tools.remotecontrolcenter.panels.RatsTab.RatStatusPanel
the button for stop/start.
m_ButtonStopStart - Variable in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.Rats.RatStatusPanel
the button for stop/start.
m_CallableActor - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.InputWithCallableTransformer
the callable actor.
m_CallableActor - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.CallableActor
the callable actor.
m_CallableActor - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.OutputWithCallableTransformer
the callable actor.
m_CallableActor - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.TransformTrackedObject
the callable actor.
m_CallableName - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.InputWithCallableTransformer
the callable name.
m_CallableName - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.CallableActor
the callable name.
m_CallableName - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.OutputWithCallableTransformer
the callable name.
m_Caption - Variable in class adams.doc.latex.generator.Figure
the caption of the section.
m_CaptureMouse - Variable in class adams.data.video.AbstractScreenRecorder
whether to capture the mouse cursor.
m_Cases - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.Switch
the RatOutput schemes to pass the data on to.
m_Center - Variable in class adams.doc.latex.generator.Figure
whether to center the figure.
m_Centroid - Variable in class adams.data.filter.heatmapcrop.CropToCentroid
the centroid filter.
m_Centroid - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.Centroid
the calculated centroid.
m_Channel - Variable in class adams.flow.sink.redisaction.Publish
the name of the channel.
m_Channel - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.RedisSubscribe
the name of the channel to subscribe to.
m_Channel - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.RedisPublish
the name of the channel.
m_ChannelIn - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.redisaction.BroadcastAndListen
the channel for receiving data.
m_ChannelOut - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.redisaction.BroadcastAndListen
the channel for sending data.
m_Channels - Variable in class adams.flow.source.audiorecorder.AbstractAudioRecorder
the number of channels.
m_Characters - Variable in class adams.data.conversion.EscapeLatexCharacters
the characters to escaped.
m_Check - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.FileLister
the 'in use' check scheme.
m_CheckBoxBulkAction - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.ratcontrol.AbstractControlPanel
the checkbox for bulk actions.
m_CheckBoxForeground - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.SAM
whether foreground or background.
m_CheckBoxForeground - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.segmentation.tool.SAM
whether foreground or background.
m_CheckHeader - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAInstanceDumper
whether to check the header.
m_ChooserLatexBinaries - Variable in class adams.gui.application.LatexSetupPanel
the directory with the binaries.
m_ChunkSize - Variable in class adams.data.io.input.ArcInfoASCIIGridReader
the chunk size.
m_ChunkSize - Variable in class adams.flow.source.MOAStream
the chunk size, if 1 then Instance by Instance.
m_ClassAttName - Variable in class adams.data.wekapyroproxy.FusionJsonCommunicationProcessor
the class attribute name.
m_Classifier - Variable in class adams.flow.source.MekaClassifierSetup
the weka classifier.
m_Classifier - Variable in class adams.flow.source.MOAClassifierSetup
the weka classifier.
m_Classifier - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.AbstractCallableMekaClassifierEvaluator
the name of the callable Meka classifier.
m_Classifier - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.MekaTrainClassifier
the name of the callable Meka classifier.
m_Classifier - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAClassifierEvaluation
the name of the callable classifier to use.
m_Classifier - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.MOATrainClassifier
the MOA classifier.
m_Classname - Variable in class adams.data.conversion.JsonToObject
the class to map the json to.
m_Cleaner - Variable in class weka.core.tokenizers.TwitterNLPTokenizer
the cleaner to use.
m_Client - Variable in class adams.flow.core.AbstractRESTClient
the webservice client to use.
m_Client - Variable in class adams.flow.core.AbstractWSClient
the webservice client to use.
m_Client - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Socket
the current client socket.
m_Client - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.WebserviceInput
the webservice client to use.
m_Client - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.WebserviceOutput
the webservice client to use.
m_Client - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.WebsocketOutput
the client instance.
m_Client - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.RedisConnection
the client object.
m_Client - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.AbstractRedisTool
the client object.
m_Client - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.segmentation.tool.AbstractRedisTool
the client object.
m_Clip - Variable in class adams.gui.audio.AudioPlaybackPanel
the current clip.
m_CloseAfterSend - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.Socket
whether to close the socket after sending data.
m_Clusterer - Variable in class adams.flow.sink.MOAClusterVisualization
the name of the callable clusterer to use.
m_Clusterer - Variable in class adams.flow.source.MOAClustererSetup
the MOA clusterer.
m_Clusterer - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAClustererEvaluation
the name of the callable clusterer to use.
m_Clusterer - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.MOATrainClusterer
the name of the callable MOA clusterer.
m_Clusters - Variable in class weka.core.tokenizers.cleaners.WordCluster
the clusters (word -> cluster).
m_CollisionMode - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.GenerateWordCloud
the collision mode.
m_Color - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.AbstractSingleColorHeatmapOverlay
the color to paint the centroid in.
m_Color - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.image.QuadrilateralLocationsOverlayFromReport
the color for the locataions.
m_Color - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.object.annotator.DEXTRMarkers
the color for the markers.
m_Color - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.object.annotator.SAMMarkers
the color for the markers.
m_Color - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.paintlet.AbstractTrailPaintlet
Color of the stroke for the paintlet
m_ColorGenerator - Variable in class adams.flow.sink.HeatmapDisplay
the generator for the color gradient.
m_ColorGenerator - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapPanel
the color generator to use.
m_ColorLookup - Variable in class adams.data.conversion.SpectrogramToBufferedImage
the lookup table.
m_ColorPalette - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.GenerateWordCloud
the color palette to use.
m_ColorPalette - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.AbstractColorPalette
the color palette to use.
m_Colors - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.ColorListPalette
the colors to use.
m_Column - Variable in class adams.data.filter.heatmapcrop.Submap
the column to start (top-left).
m_Column - Variable in class adams.data.filter.HeatmapSubmap
the column to start (top-left).
m_Column - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapGetValue
the column of the value to obtain.
m_Column - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapSetValue
the column of the cell to obtain.
m_ColumnElevation - Variable in class adams.data.conversion.SpreadSheetToKML
the column with the (optional) elevation.
m_ColumnFrequency - Variable in class adams.data.conversion.SpreadSheetToWordFrequencies
the column with the frequencies.
m_ColumnGPS - Variable in class adams.data.conversion.SpreadSheetToKML
the column with the GPS objects.
m_ColumnID - Variable in class adams.data.conversion.SpreadSheetToKML
the column with the (optional) ID of the PlaceMark.
m_ColumnName - Variable in class adams.data.conversion.SpreadSheetToKML
the column with the (optional) name of the PlaceMark.
m_Columns - Variable in class adams.core.gnuplot.AbstractPlotScriptlet
the columns to use.
m_Columns - Variable in class adams.data.conversion.ColumnCorrelationToHeatmap
the range of columns to compute the correlation for.
m_Columns - Variable in class adams.data.conversion.ColumnCovarianceToHeatmap
the range of columns to compute the correlation for.
m_Columns - Variable in class adams.data.io.output.GnuplotSpreadSheetWriter
the range of columns to output in the data file.
m_Columns - Variable in class adams.flow.source.NewHeatmap
the number of columns.
m_ColumnWord - Variable in class adams.data.conversion.SpreadSheetToWordFrequencies
the column with the words.
m_ComboBoxDimX - Variable in class adams.flow.sink.MOAClusterVisualization
the combobox for the X dimension.
m_ComboBoxDimY - Variable in class adams.flow.sink.MOAClusterVisualization
the combobox for the Y dimension.
m_ComboBoxValue - Variable in class adams.gui.goe.BaseMeasureCollectionEditor
The combobox with the values.
m_Command - Variable in class adams.docker.DockerContainer
the command.
m_Command - Variable in class adams.docker.simpledocker.Generic
the docker command to execute.
m_Command - Variable in class adams.flow.source.SimpleDockerCommand
the command to execute.
m_Command - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Exec
the command to run.
m_Command - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.Exec
the command to run.
m_Command - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.SimpleDockerCommand
the command to execute.
m_Command - Variable in class adams.scripting.command.flow.SendRatControlCommand
the command.
m_Command - Variable in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.AbstractRemoteCommandActionResponseHandler
the owner.
m_Command - Variable in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.Rats.RatStatusResponseHandler
the owner.
m_Command - Variable in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.RemoteLogging.RemoteListenerRunnableWithLog
the window to output the records to.
m_CommandContainsPlaceholder - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Exec
whether the command string contains a placeholder, which needs to be expanded first.
m_CommandContainsPlaceholder - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.Exec
whether the command string contains a placeholder, which needs to be expanded first.
m_CommandContainsVariable - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Exec
whether the command string contains a variable, which needs to be expanded first.
m_CommandContainsVariable - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.Exec
whether the command string contains a variable, which needs to be expanded first.
m_CommandLineHandler - Variable in class adams.flow.core.MOAPropertyValueConverter
the commandline handler to use.
m_CommandProcessor - Variable in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.AbstractRemoteCommandAction
the command processor.
m_Communication - Variable in class weka.classifiers.functions.PyroProxy
the instance converter to use.
m_Comparator - Static variable in class adams.data.audioannotations.AudioAnnotations
the comparator to use.
m_Comparator - Static variable in class adams.data.heatmap.Heatmap
the singleton comparator.
m_Comparator - Static variable in class adams.data.trail.Trail
the comparator to use.
m_Compatibility - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.TransformTrackedObject
for compatibility comparisons.
m_Conditions - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.Switch
the "conditions" for the various switch cases.
m_Config - Variable in class adams.flow.sink.FFmpeg
the ffmpeg configuration.
m_Configured - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.CallableActor
whether the callable actor has been configured.
m_Connection - Variable in class adams.data.conversion.LocalPathToContainerPath
the docker connection in use.
m_Connection - Variable in class adams.docker.simpledocker.AbstractDockerCommand
the docker connection.
m_Connection - Variable in class adams.docker.simpledocker.AbstractDockerCommandWithOptions
the docker connection.
m_Connection - Variable in class adams.flow.sink.RedisSink
the current connection.
m_Connection - Variable in class adams.flow.source.RedisSource
the current connection.
m_Connection - Variable in class adams.flow.source.SimpleDockerCommand
the docker connection.
m_Connection - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.RedisAction
the redis connection to use.
m_Connection - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.RedisSubscribe
the redis connection to use.
m_Connection - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.FtpUpload
the FTP connection to use.
m_Connection - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.RedisAction
the redis connection to use.
m_Connection - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.RedisPublish
the redis connection to use.
m_Connection - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.Rserve
the connection in use.
m_Connection - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.RedisTransformer
the current connection.
m_Connection - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.SimpleDockerCommand
the docker connection.
m_Connection - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.AbstractRedisTool
the connection object.
m_Connection - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.segmentation.tool.AbstractRedisTool
the connection object.
m_Connections - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.RedisConnection
the connection object.
m_ConnectionTimeout - Variable in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientSink
the connection timeout.
m_ConnectionTimeout - Variable in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientSource
the connection timeout.
m_ConnectionTimeout - Variable in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientTransformer
the connection timeout.
m_ConnectionTimeout - Variable in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientSink
the connection timeout.
m_ConnectionTimeout - Variable in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientSource
the connection timeout.
m_ConnectionTimeout - Variable in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientTransformer
the connection timeout.
m_ConsoleLineLimit - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.RatControl
the line limit for the console output.
m_ContainerID - Variable in class adams.docker.DockerContainer
the container ID.
m_ContainerIn - Variable in class adams.flow.webservice.blob.Upload
input container
m_ContainerIn - Variable in class adams.flow.webservice.text.Upload
input container
m_Containers - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAMeasurementPlotGenerator
the generated containers.
m_ContentName - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.TextWriter
the name of the content (e.g., can be used in the filename).
m_Context - Variable in class adams.core.io.console.Lanterna
the lanterna context.
m_Context - Variable in class adams.flow.sink.RenjinSink
the context.
m_Context - Variable in class adams.flow.source.RenjinSource
the context.
m_Context - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.RenjinStandalone
the context.
m_Context - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.RenjinAddContext
the context.
m_Context - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.RenjinTransformer
the context.
m_ControlPanels - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.RatControl
the control panels.
m_ControlPanelsPerRats - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.RatControl
the control panels per Rats actor.
m_ControlsPanel - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.VLCjDirectRenderPanel
the panel for our video controls
m_ControlStates - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.RatControl
the control states.
m_Conversion - Variable in class adams.data.filter.heatmapthreshold.AbstractBufferedImageBasedHeatmapThreshold
for generating the BufferedImage.
m_Conversion - Variable in class adams.data.io.output.SimpleImageHeatmapWriter
for converting the heatmap into an image.
m_Conversion - Variable in class adams.flow.source.WebcamImage
the conversion to perform.
m_Conversion - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapLocateObjects
for converting the heatmap into an image.
m_Converter - Variable in class adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator.AbstractAudioFeatureGenerator
the feature converter to use.
m_Converter - Variable in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.AbstractHeatmapFeatureGenerator
the feature converter to use.
m_Count - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.MjpegImageSequence
the current of images.
m_Count - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAClassifierEvaluation
the current count of tokens that have passed through this actor.
m_Count - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAClustererEvaluation
the current count of tokens that have passed through this actor.
m_Count - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.MOARegressorEvaluation
the current count of tokens that have passed through this actor.
m_Count - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.MOATrainClassifier
the current count of tokens that have passed through this actor.
m_Count - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.MOATrainClusterer
the current count of tokens that have passed through this actor.
m_Count - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.MOATrainRegressor
the current count of tokens that have passed through this actor.
m_Count - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.MovieImageSequence
the current of images.
m_Counter - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAInstanceDumper
the counter for the filenames.
m_Counter - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAMeasurementPlotGenerator
the counter for the X value of the containers.
m_CountExamples - Variable in class adams.flow.source.MOAStream
the number of examples generated so far.
m_Created - Variable in class adams.docker.DockerContainer
when the image was created.
m_Created - Variable in class adams.docker.DockerImage
when the image was created.
m_Current - Variable in class adams.flow.source.WebcamImage
the webcam.
m_Current - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.AbstractBufferedRatInput
the current item to return.
m_Current - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.QueueDistribute
the current queue to serve.
m_Current - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.AbstractSimpleReportBasedObjectTracker
the report field to store the tracked location in.
m_CurrentFile - Variable in class adams.gui.audio.AudioPlaybackPanel
the current file.
m_CurrentFile - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.ExtractBackgroundDialog
current file
m_CurrentFile - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.VLCjDirectRenderPanel
The path to the file we're currently viewing
m_CurrentFilter - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapViewerPanel
the current filter.
m_CurrentFilter - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.TrailViewerPanel
the current filter.
m_CurrentImage - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler.FixedIntervalBufferedImageSamplerVlcj
a container for storing the current image
m_CurrentImage - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler.SingleTimestampMovieSampler
a container for storing the current image
m_CurrentImage - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler.TimestampMovieSampler
a container for storing the current image
m_CurrentInput - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.ArrayFolds
the current input.
m_CustomEditor - Variable in class adams.gui.goe.MOAClassOptionEditor
the custom editor.
m_CustomerName - Variable in class com.example.customerservice.flow.CustomersByName
the name of the customers to look up.
m_CustomerName - Variable in class com.example.customerservice.flow.CustomersByNameCallableTransformer
the name of the customers to look up.
m_CustomerName - Variable in class com.example.customerservice.flow.UpdateCustomer
the name of the customers to look up.
m_CustomStopMessage - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.KeyManager
the custom stop message to use if flow gets stopped due to cancelation.
m_CustomStopMessage - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.RedisConnection
the custom stop message to use if flow gets stopped due to cancelation.
m_CustomStopMessage - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.TrustManager
the custom stop message to use if flow gets stopped due to cancelation.
m_Data - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.AbstractMetaRatInput
the data queue.
m_Data - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.RedisAction
the received data.
m_Data - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.redisaction.BroadcastAndListen
the received data.
m_Database - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.RedisConnection
the database.
m_DatabaseConnection - Variable in class adams.data.featuregenerator.AbstractDatabaseConnectionFeatureGenerator
the database connection.
m_DatabaseConnection - Variable in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTPluginWithDatabaseConnection
the database to use.
m_DatabaseConnection - Variable in class adams.flow.webservice.blob.SimpleRatsBlobService
the database connection.
m_DatabaseConnection - Variable in class adams.flow.webservice.text.SimpleRatsTextService
the database connection.
m_DataFile - Variable in class adams.core.gnuplot.AbstractScriptletWithDataFile
the data file to use.
m_DataFrameColumns - Variable in class adams.flow.source.RSource
the comma-separated list of dataframe column names in case of {@see RDataType#DataFrame}.
m_DataFrameColumns - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.RTransformer
the comma-separated list of dataframe column names in case of {@see RDataType#DataFrame}.
m_DateFormat - Static variable in class adams.data.audioannotations.AudioAnnotation
for formatting the timestamp.
m_dateFormatter - Variable in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.AudioAnnotatorPanel
Date formatter for outputting timestamps
m_dateFormatter - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.AnnotatorPanel
Date formater for outputing timestamps
m_dateFormatter - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.VLCjDirectRenderPanel
Date formatter for outputing timestamps
m_DecayHorizon - Variable in class adams.flow.sink.MOAClusterVisualization
amount of relevant instances; older instances will be dropped; creates the 'sliding window' over the stream; is strongly connected to the decay rate and decay threshold
m_DecayRate - Variable in class adams.flow.sink.MOAClusterVisualization
the decay rate of the stream, often reffered to as lambda; is being calculated from the horizion and the threshold as these are more intuitive to define
m_DecayThreshold - Variable in class adams.flow.sink.MOAClusterVisualization
the decay threshold defines the minimum weight of an instance to be relevant
m_DeepCopy - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.AbstractArraySplitter
whether to perform a deep copy of the elements.
m_Degree - Variable in class adams.data.gps.Coordinate
m_DegreesFreedom - Variable in class adams.data.random.ChiSquare
the degrees of freedom to use.
m_Delay - Variable in class adams.flow.sink.AnimatedGifFileWriter
the time between frames in msec.
m_DeleteAction - Variable in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.BindingsEditorPanel
the action 'delete'
m_DeleteAction - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.BindingsEditorPanel
the action 'delete'
m_DeleteButton - Variable in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.BindingsEditorPanel
the button for deleting a binding
m_DeleteButton - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.BindingsEditorPanel
the button for deleting a binding
m_Delimiter - Variable in class adams.data.conversion.WordFrequencyToString
the delimiter to use.
m_DetectedObjectVariables - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.AbstractRatOutput
the variable names (referencing callable actors or storage) that are used within this output.
m_DetectedVariables - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.AbstractRatOutput
the variable names that are used within this output.
m_DialogColorGenerator - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapViewerPanel
the dialog for selecting the color provider.
m_DialogFilter - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapViewerPanel
the filter dialog.
m_DialogFilter - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.TrailViewerPanel
the filter dialog.
m_DialogMissingValueColor - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapViewerPanel
the dialog for selecting the missing value color.
m_DialogOverlay - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapViewerPanel
the dialog for selecting an overlay.
m_DialogOverlay - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.TrailViewerPanel
the dialog for selecting an overlay.
m_DialogSelectionProcessor - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapViewerPanel
the dialog for selecting an selection processor.
m_Diameter - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.paintlet.Circles
the diameter of the circle.
m_DirMappings - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.SimpleDockerConnection
the directory mappings to use.
m_DisableContentTrust - Variable in class adams.docker.simpledocker.Push
whether to disable content trust.
m_Disconnect - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.WebsocketOutput
whether to disconnect immediately.
m_DisplayRanges - Variable in class adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator.wave.Histogram
whether to use the ranges as bin description.
m_Distance - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.EditDistance
the distance.
m_DocumentClass - Variable in class adams.flow.source.NewLatexDocument
the document class.
m_DocumentClassOptions - Variable in class adams.flow.source.NewLatexDocument
optional parameters for the document class.
m_DocumentRoot - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.webserver.ResourceHandler
the document root.
m_DrawClustering - Variable in class adams.flow.sink.MOAClusterVisualization
whether to draw the clustering.
m_DrawGroundTruth - Variable in class adams.flow.sink.MOAClusterVisualization
whether to draw the ground truth.
m_DrawMicroClustering - Variable in class adams.flow.sink.MOAClusterVisualization
whether to draw the micro clustering.
m_DrawPoints - Variable in class adams.flow.sink.MOAClusterVisualization
whether to draw the points.
m_Duration - Variable in class adams.data.wavefilter.Cut
the duration.
m_Duration - Variable in class adams.flow.source.audiorecorder.FixedDuration
the duration to record.
m_EditAction - Variable in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.BindingsEditorPanel
the action 'edit'
m_EditAction - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.BindingsEditorPanel
the action 'edit'
m_EditButton - Variable in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.BindingsEditorPanel
the save button
m_EditButton - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.BindingsEditorPanel
the save button
m_EditComponent - Variable in class adams.gui.goe.MOAClassOptionEditor
the component for editing.
m_EditDialog - Variable in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.BindingsEditorPanel
dialog for editing or adding a binding
m_EditDialog - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.BindingsEditorPanel
dialog for editing or adding a binding
m_Editor - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.AbstractSelectedHeatmapsFilterWithGOE
the GOE editor with the transformer.
m_Editor - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.AbstractSelectedHeatmapsViewerPluginWithGOE
the GOE editor with the transformer.
m_Editor - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.plugins.AbstractSelectedTrailsFilterWithGOE
the GOE editor with the transformer.
m_Editor - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.plugins.AbstractSelectedTrailsViewerPluginWithGOE
the GOE editor with the transformer.
m_EditorPaneInfo - Variable in class adams.gui.application.AbstractBootstrappPreferencesPanel
the label with the option info text.
m_Enabled - Variable in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.incoming.AbstractInInterceptorGenerator
whether the generator is enabled.
m_Enabled - Variable in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.outgoing.AbstractOutInterceptorGenerator
whether the generator is enabled.
m_Enabled - Variable in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming.AbstractInInterceptorGenerator
whether the generator is enabled.
m_Enabled - Variable in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.AbstractOutInterceptorGenerator
whether the generator is enabled.
m_Encoder - Variable in class adams.flow.sink.ffmpeg.ConvertAudio
the output encoder to use.
m_Encoding - Variable in class adams.flow.sink.RenjinSink
the encoding to use.
m_Encoding - Variable in class adams.flow.sink.RSink
the encoding to use.
m_Encoding - Variable in class adams.flow.source.RenjinSource
the encoding to use.
m_Encoding - Variable in class adams.flow.source.RSource
the encoding to use.
m_Encoding - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Socket
the encoding to use.
m_Encoding - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.Socket
the encoding to use.
m_Encoding - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.RenjinStandalone
the encoding to use.
m_Encoding - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.RStandalone
the encoding to use.
m_Encoding - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.RenjinTransformer
the encoding to use.
m_Encoding - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.RTransformer
the encoding to use.
m_Encoding - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.WordFrequencyAnalyzer
the encoding to use.
m_End - Variable in class adams.data.filter.AudioAnnotationsWindow
the end point.
m_End - Variable in class adams.data.filter.TrailWindow
the end point.
m_Endpoint - Variable in class adams.flow.webservice.blob.RatsBlobServiceWS
end point for the web service
m_Endpoint - Variable in class adams.flow.webservice.text.RatsTextServiceWS
end point for the web service
m_Endpoint - Variable in class com.example.customerservice.flow.CustomerServiceWS
the endpoint.
m_Engine - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.RenjinContext
the script engine in use.
m_Engine - Variable in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.StartListening
the remote engine commandline.
m_EnqueueMessage - Variable in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.incoming.Enqueue
whether to enqueue the message or just a NullToken.
m_EnqueueMessage - Variable in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.incoming.EnqueueGenerator
whether to enqueue the message or just a NullToken.
m_EnqueueMessage - Variable in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.outgoing.Enqueue
whether to enqueue the message or just a NullToken.
m_EnqueueMessage - Variable in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.outgoing.EnqueueGenerator
whether to enqueue the message or just a NullToken.
m_EnqueueMessage - Variable in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming.Enqueue
whether to enqueue the message or just a NullToken.
m_EnqueueMessage - Variable in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming.EnqueueGenerator
whether to enqueue the message or just a NullToken.
m_EnqueueMessage - Variable in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.Enqueue
whether to enqueue the message or just a NullToken.
m_EnqueueMessage - Variable in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.EnqueueGenerator
whether to enqueue the message or just a NullToken.
m_EnvVars - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Exec
environment variables.
m_EnvVars - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.Exec
environment variables.
m_ErrorKey - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.log.LogEntryGenerator
the key to use for the error.
m_ErrorKey - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.log.SimpleStringGenerator
the key to use for the error.
m_Escape - Variable in class adams.doc.latex.generator.ImportContent
whether to escape the content.
m_Evaluator - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAClassifierEvaluation
the evaluation to use.
m_Evaluator - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.MOARegressorEvaluation
the evaluation to use.
m_EventQueue - Variable in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.AudioAnnotatorPanel
the queue that handles binding events
m_EventQueue - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.AnnotatorPanel
the queue that handles binding events
m_Events - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.DirWatch
the events to look for.
m_Executable - Variable in class adams.flow.control.Keytool
the keytool executable.
m_Executable - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.FFmpegConfig
the ffmpeg executable.
m_Executable - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.LatexSetup
the executable.
m_ExecutableOptions - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.LatexSetup
the executable options.
m_Executor - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.VLCjDirectRenderPanel
a scheduler to deal with the slider
m_ExecutorHandler - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.VLCjDirectRenderPanel
the handler for the scheduled event
m_Expand - Variable in class adams.flow.sink.StanfordParseTreeDisplay
whether to fully expand the tree.
m_ExpandedDirMappings - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.SimpleDockerConnection
the expanded directory mappings in use.
m_ExportFileChooser - Variable in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.AudioAnnotatorPanel
the file chooser for exporting trails.
m_ExportFileChooser - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.AnnotatorPanel
the file chooser for exporting trails.
m_Expression - Variable in class adams.data.conversion.HeatmapToBufferedImageExpression
the math expression.
m_Extent - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.object.annotator.DEXTRMarkers
the maximum width/height of the shape to plot around the marker points.
m_Extent - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.object.annotator.SAMMarkers
the maximum width/height of the shape to plot around the marker points.
m_ExternalActor - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.InputWithExternalTransformer
the external actor itself.
m_ExternalActor - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.OutputWithExternalTransformer
the external actor itself.
m_ExtractDialog - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.AnnotatorPanel
the dialog for extracting the background image
m_Factory - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.RenjinContext
the factory in use.
m_Factory - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler.FixedIntervalBufferedImageSamplerVlcj
a media player factory for getting the media player
m_Factory - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler.SingleTimestampMovieSampler
a media player factory for getting the media player
m_Factory - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler.TimestampMovieSampler
a media player factory for getting the media player
m_Factory - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.StanfordGrammaticalStructure
the grammar structure factory.
m_Favicon - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.webserver.AbstractJettyHandler
the byte array of the favicon.
m_FeatureGeneratorObject - Variable in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.Scripted
the loaded script object.
m_FFTSampleSize - Variable in class adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator.wave.Spectrogram
the FFT sample size (power of 2).
m_FFTSampleSize - Variable in class adams.data.conversion.WaveToSpectrogram
the FFT sample size (power of 2).
m_Field - Variable in class adams.data.filter.HeatmapNormalizeToField
the field containing the ambient temperature.
m_Field - Variable in class adams.data.filter.HeatmapSubtractField
the field containing the numeric value.
m_Fields - Variable in class adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator.AbstractAudioFeatureGenerator
fields to add to the output data.
m_Fields - Variable in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.AbstractHeatmapFeatureGenerator
fields to add to the output data.
m_File - Variable in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.outgoing.OutgoingFileBasedCallback
the file to write the collected data to.
m_File - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler.SingleTimestampMovieSampler
m_File - Variable in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.OutgoingFileBasedCallback
the file to write the collected data to.
m_FileChooser - Variable in class adams.gui.audio.AudioPlaybackPanel
the filechooser for selecing audio files.
m_FileChooser - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapViewerPanel
for loading heatmaps from disk.
m_FileChooser - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.TrailViewerPanel
for loading trails from disk.
m_FileChooser - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.VLCjDirectRenderPanel
the file chooser
m_FileExists - Variable in class adams.data.io.output.GnuplotSpreadSheetWriter
whether the file already exists.
m_FilenameGenerator - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.Serialize
the filename generator to use.
m_FileRExecutable - Variable in class adams.gui.application.RProjectSettingsPanel
the R executable.
m_Files - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.DirWatch
the files that were picked up by the watch service.
m_Files - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.FileLister
the located files.
m_Filter - Variable in class adams.data.featuregenerator.FilteredFeatureGenerator
the pre-filter for filtering the data.
m_Filter - Variable in class adams.data.filter.heatmapcrop.AbstractFilteredHeatmapCrop
the filter to apply to the data first.
m_Filter - Variable in class adams.docker.simpledocker.ListContainers
for filtering the containers.
m_Filter - Variable in class adams.docker.simpledocker.ListImages
for filtering the images.
m_Filter - Variable in class adams.docker.simpledocker.PruneContainers
for filtering the containers.
m_Filter - Variable in class adams.docker.simpledocker.PruneImages
for filtering the containers.
m_Filter - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.WaveFilter
how to trim.
m_FilterAll - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapViewerPanel
indicates whether filter is applied to all heatmaps.
m_FilterAll - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.TrailViewerPanel
indicates whether filter is applied to all trails.
m_FilterError - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.AbstractCurrentHeatmapFilter
for storing filtering errors.
m_FilterError - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.AbstractSelectedHeatmapsFilter
for storing filtering errors.
m_FilterError - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.plugins.AbstractCurrentTrailFilter
for storing filtering errors.
m_FilterError - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.plugins.AbstractSelectedTrailsFilter
for storing filtering errors.
m_FilterOverlayOriginalData - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapViewerPanel
indicates whether the filtered data was overlayed over the original.
m_FilterOverlayOriginalData - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.TrailViewerPanel
indicates whether the filtered data was overlayed over the original.
m_Filters - Variable in class adams.data.wavefilter.MultiFilter
the filters.
m_Filters - Static variable in class adams.gui.chooser.AudioFileChooser
the list of audio filters.
m_Find - Variable in class weka.core.tokenizers.cleaners.RegExp
the regular expression to use.
m_First - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.LinearGradientColorPalette
the first color.
m_FirstPlot - Variable in class adams.core.gnuplot.SimplePlot
whether the plot is the first plot.
m_FirstSteps - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.LinearGradientColorPalette
the number of steps to use between first/second color.
m_FixedInstanceStream - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAFilter
The fixed instance stream to stream the incoming instances.
m_FlowContext - Variable in class adams.data.conversion.LocalPathToContainerPath
the flow context.
m_FlowContext - Variable in class adams.doc.latex.generator.AbstractCodeGenerator
the flow context.
m_FlowContext - Variable in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTPluginWithFlowContext
the flow context.
m_FlowContext - Variable in class adams.flow.source.audiorecorder.AbstractAudioRecorder
the flow context.
m_FlowContext - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.webservice.AbstractWebserviceResponseDataPostProcessor
the flow context.
m_FlowContext - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.redisaction.AbstractRedisAction
the flow context.
m_FlowContext - Variable in class weka.classifiers.functions.PyroProxy
the flow context.
m_FlowErrorQueue - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
the name of the (optional) queue in internal storage for sending flow error to.
m_Folds - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.ArrayFolds
the number of folds.
m_Folds - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.MekaCrossValidationEvaluator
the number of folds.
m_Font - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.TextOverlay
the font to use.
m_FontScalar - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.GenerateWordCloud
the font scalar to use.
m_FontSize - Variable in class adams.doc.latex.generator.BlockSize
the font size.
m_Force - Variable in class adams.docker.simpledocker.RemoveContainers
whether to force the removal.
m_Foreground - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.SAM
whether foreground.
m_Foreground - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.segmentation.tool.SAM
whether foreground.
m_Format - Static variable in class adams.data.trail.Step
for formatting the timestamp.
m_Format - Variable in class adams.flow.webservice.blob.Upload
the format.
m_Format - Variable in class adams.flow.webservice.text.Upload
the format.
m_FormatString - Variable in class adams.docker.simpledocker.Info
for custom formatting.
m_FramesPerSecond - Variable in class adams.data.video.AbstractVideoRecorder
the frames per second.
m_Frequency - Variable in class adams.data.video.AbstractSoundRecorder
the frequency to use.
m_FullPath - Variable in class adams.core.RObjectPath
the full path.
m_GenerateDoubles - Variable in class adams.data.random.AbstractCommonsRandomNumberGenerator
whether to generate doubles or integers.
m_GenerateReport - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapLocateObjects
whether to generate an annotated image rather than single heatmap objects.
m_GenerateUsePackageStatements - Variable in class adams.flow.processor.ListRequiredLatexPackages
whether to generate latex code.
m_Generator - Variable in class adams.data.conversion.HeatmapToBufferedImage
the generator to use.
m_Generator - Variable in class adams.data.conversion.HeatmapToBufferedImageExpression
the generator to use.
m_Generator - Variable in class adams.data.conversion.HeatmapToBufferedImageWithKey
The generator to use
m_Generator - Variable in class adams.data.conversion.SpectrogramToBufferedImage
the generator to use.
m_Generator - Variable in class adams.data.featuregenerator.FilteredFeatureGenerator
the actual feature generator.
m_Generator - Variable in class adams.data.filter.HeatmapFeatureGenerator
the report filter.
m_Generator - Variable in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.AbstractMetaHeatmapFeatureGenerator
the base feature generator.
m_Generator - Variable in class adams.data.random.AbstractCommonsRandomNumberGenerator
the generator used internally.
m_Generator - Variable in class adams.doc.latex.generator.AbstractMetaCodeGenerator
the base generator to use.
m_Generator - Variable in class adams.flow.condition.bool.RandomNumberExpression
the random number generator.
m_Generator - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.LabRat
the generator to use.
m_Generator - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.WebsocketOutput
the client generator.
m_Generator - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.AbstractArraySplitter
the random number generator.
m_Generator - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.LatexAppendDocument
the code generator to use.
m_Generator - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.RandomNumberGenerator
the random number generator to use.
m_GeneratorObject - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.generator.Scripted
the loaded script object.
m_Generators - Variable in class adams.data.featuregenerator.MultiGenerator
the generators.
m_Generators - Variable in class adams.doc.latex.generator.MultiGenerator
the generators to use.
m_GOECommand - Variable in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.RemoteFlowCommands
the commandline of the command to execute.
m_googleZoom - Variable in class adams.data.gps.Map
m_GradientColors - Variable in class adams.data.conversion.HeatmapToBufferedImage
the gradient colors.
m_GradientColors - Variable in class adams.data.conversion.HeatmapToBufferedImageExpression
the gradient colors.
m_GradientColors - Variable in class adams.data.conversion.HeatmapToBufferedImageWithKey
the gradient colors
m_GradientColors - Variable in class adams.data.conversion.SpectrogramToBufferedImage
the gradient colors.
m_Graphcanvas - Variable in class adams.flow.sink.MOAClusterVisualization
panel to hold the graph
m_Group - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.ratcontrol.AbstractControlPanel
the rats group this belongs to.
m_Group - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.ratcontrol.AbstractControlState
the rats group this belongs to.
m_gtClustering - Variable in class adams.flow.sink.MOAClusterVisualization
all possible clusterings
m_Guard - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.EnQueue
the guard for enqueuing the data.
m_GUI - Variable in class adams.terminal.application.AbstractLanternaTerminalApplication
the GUI.
m_Handler - Variable in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.Scripted
the scripting handler to use.
m_Handler - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.generator.Scripted
the scripting handler to use.
m_Handler - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Subscribe
the pub/sub handler.
m_Handlers - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.WebServer
the handlers to use.
m_Handlers - Variable in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.Ticker
A list of handlers for scheduled ticks
m_Handlers - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.Ticker
A list of handlers for scheduled ticks
m_HasActors - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.RatRunnable
whether we have any actors to apply to the data.
m_HasOutput - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.RatPlague
whether to use an output queue.
m_Header - Variable in class adams.data.io.input.ArcInfoASCIIGridReader
the size of the header in rows.
m_Header - Variable in class adams.data.io.output.GnuplotSpreadSheetWriter
the header of the first spreadsheet written to file, if appending is active.
m_Header - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAInstanceDumper
the header of the dataset.
m_HeaderBold - Variable in class adams.data.io.output.LatexSpreadSheetWriter
whether to make header bold.
m_Heatmap - Variable in class adams.data.heatmap.HeatmapStatistic
the heatmap to create the statistics for.
m_Heatmap - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapPanel
the heatmap on display.
m_HeatmapImage - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapPanel
the panel for displaying the heatmap as image.
m_HeatmapPanel - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.AbstractHeatmapOverlay
the heatmap panel.
m_HeatmapTable - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapPanel
the table with the heatmap as spreadsheet.
m_Height - Variable in class adams.data.filter.heatmapcrop.CropToCentroid
the height of the crop region around the centroid.
m_Height - Variable in class adams.data.filter.heatmapcrop.Rectangle
the height of the submap.
m_Height - Variable in class adams.data.filter.heatmapcrop.Submap
the height of the submap.
m_Height - Variable in class adams.data.filter.HeatmapSubmap
the height of the submap.
m_Height - Variable in class adams.data.io.input.FloatMatrixHeatmapReader
the height of the heatmap.
m_Height - Variable in class adams.data.video.AbstractScreenRecorder
the height of the screen portion to grab (-1 = remainder).
m_Height - Variable in class adams.data.video.AbstractWebcamRecorder
the height of the screen portion to grab (-1 = remainder).
m_Height - Variable in class adams.flow.source.NewTrail
the height of the trail.
m_Height - Variable in class adams.flow.source.WebcamImage
the height of the image.
m_Height - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.GenerateWordCloud
the height.
m_Height - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.RectangleBackground
the height.
m_Height - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.AbstractPositionableHeatmapOverlayWithDimensions
the height of the overlay.
m_Helper - Variable in class adams.flow.rest.flow.AbstractCallablePipeline
the helper class.
m_Helper - Variable in class adams.flow.rest.flow.AbstractCallableTransformer
the helper class.
m_Helper - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
the helper class.
m_Helper - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.InputWithCallableTransformer
the helper class.
m_Helper - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.CallableActor
the helper class.
m_Helper - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.OutputWithCallableTransformer
the helper class.
m_Helper - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.RESTServer
the helper class.
m_Helper - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.WSServer
the helper class.
m_Helper - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.TransformTrackedObject
the helper class.
m_HistogramList - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.Histogram
the list of histogram panels.
m_Host - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.RedisConnection
the host.
m_Host - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.Rserve
the Rserve host.
m_HtmlAfterTable - Variable in class adams.data.conversion.SpreadSheetToHTML
the HTML code to inject after the table.
m_HtmlBeforeTable - Variable in class adams.data.conversion.SpreadSheetToHTML
the HTML code to inject before the table.
m_IconArray - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.nlp.StanfordRenderer
the icon for JSON arrays.
m_IconBool - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.nlp.StanfordRenderer
the icon for other booleans.
m_IconNum - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.nlp.StanfordRenderer
the icon for other numbers.
m_IconObject - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.nlp.StanfordRenderer
the icon for JSON objects.
m_IconOther - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.nlp.StanfordRenderer
the icon for other objects.
m_IconStr - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.nlp.StanfordRenderer
the icon for other strings.
m_ID - Variable in class adams.data.heatmap.Heatmap
the ID of the heatmap (basically the filename).
m_ID - Variable in class adams.data.video.AbstractWebcamRecorder
the ID of the webcam.
m_ID - Variable in class adams.flow.source.NewAudioAnnotations
the ID of the trail.
m_ID - Variable in class adams.flow.source.NewHeatmap
the ID.
m_ID - Variable in class adams.flow.source.NewTrail
the ID of the trail.
m_ID - Variable in class adams.gui.tools.remotecontrolcenter.panels.RatsTab.RatStatusPanel
the flow ID.
m_ID - Variable in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.Rats.RatStatusPanel
the flow ID.
m_Image - Variable in class adams.doc.latex.generator.Image
the image to insert.
m_Image - Variable in class adams.docker.DockerContainer
the image.
m_Image - Variable in class adams.docker.simpledocker.Pull
the image to pull.
m_Image - Variable in class adams.docker.simpledocker.Push
the image to push.
m_Image - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler.FixedIntervalBufferedImageSamplerVlcj
an image to feed the buffer into
m_Image - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler.SingleTimestampMovieSampler
an image to feed the buffer into
m_Image - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler.TimestampMovieSampler
an image to feed the buffer into
m_Image - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.DirectRenderMediaPlayerPanel
an image to fill with the video frame
m_ImageID - Variable in class adams.docker.DockerImage
the image ID (hash).
m_ImageMimeTypes - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.webserver.AbstractJettyHandler
the mimetypes cache (ext - mimetype).
m_ImageModified - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.webserver.AbstractJettyHandler
the modified timestamps for the images (image - timestamp).
m_ImageOperation - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.ExtractBackgroundDialog
the multi image operation we're going to use
m_ImagePanel - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.ExtractBackgroundDialog
Image Panel for displaying the preview
m_ImageSampler - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.ExtractBackgroundDialog
the sampler we're going to use
m_ImageSamplerSelectionPanel - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.ExtractBackgroundDialog
editor panel
m_ImageType - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.AbstractBoofCVObjectTracker
the image type.
m_Implementation - Variable in class adams.flow.webservice.blob.RatsBlobServiceWS
the webservice implementation to use.
m_Implementation - Variable in class adams.flow.webservice.text.RatsTextServiceWS
the webservice implementation to use.
m_Import - Variable in class adams.doc.latex.generator.ImportContent
the file to import.
m_Include - Variable in class adams.doc.latex.generator.Include
the file to include.
m_InfoValues - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.MekaResultValues
the info values to extract.
m_InInterceptor - Variable in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTProvider
the interceptor generator for incoming messages.
m_InInterceptor - Variable in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientSource
the interceptor generator for incoming messages.
m_InInterceptor - Variable in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientTransformer
the interceptor generator for incoming messages.
m_InInterceptor - Variable in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceProvider
the interceptor generator for incoming messages.
m_Init - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.AbstractSimpleReportBasedObjectTracker
the report field with the location to initialize the tracker with.
m_Initialized - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.AbstractObjectTracker
whether the tracker has been intialized.
m_InitialState - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
the initial state.
m_InlineScript - Variable in class adams.flow.sink.RenjinSink
Script to pass to r
m_InlineScript - Variable in class adams.flow.sink.RSink
Script to pass to r
m_InlineScript - Variable in class adams.flow.source.RenjinSource
Script to pass to r
m_InlineScript - Variable in class adams.flow.source.RSource
Script to pass to r
m_InlineScript - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.RenjinStandalone
Script to pass to r
m_InlineScript - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.RStandalone
The R script.
m_InlineScript - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.RenjinTransformer
Script to pass to r
m_InlineScript - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.RTransformer
Script to pass to r
m_Input - Variable in class adams.doc.latex.generator.Input
the file to input.
m_Input - Variable in class adams.flow.sink.ffmpeg.AbstractFFmpegPlugin
the input file.
m_Input - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.RatPlague
the names of the input queues in the internal storage.
m_Input - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.AbstractMetaRatInput
the base RatInput to use.
m_Input - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.AbstractRatOutput
the input.
m_InputOptions - Variable in class adams.flow.sink.ffmpeg.GenericPlugin
input options to use for ffmpeg.
m_InputToken - Variable in class adams.flow.sink.RESTSink
the input token.
m_InputToken - Variable in class adams.flow.sink.WSSink
the input token.
m_InputToken - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.RESTTransformer
the input token.
m_InputToken - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.WSTransformer
the input token.
m_Instance - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAFilter.FixedInstanceStream
m_Instances - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAFilter.FixedInstanceStream
m_Interactive - Variable in class adams.gui.tools.remotecontrolcenter.panels.RatsTab.RatStatusPanel
whether it is interactive.
m_InterpFactor - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.BoofCVCirculant
Weighting factor mixing old track image and new one.
m_Interval - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler.FixedIntervalBufferedImageSampler
the interval in msec between the .
m_Interval - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler.FixedIntervalBufferedImageSamplerVlcj
the interval in msec between the .
m_Interval - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.MovieImageSequence
the interval in milli-seconds.
m_Interval - Variable in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.AudioAnnotationPanel
The Interval which this toggle runs at
m_Interval - Variable in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.Binding
the interval to repete a toggleable binding
m_Interval - Variable in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.BindingParameterPanel
an input field for the interval for this binding
m_Interval - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.AnnotationPanel
The Interval which this toggle runs at
m_Interval - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.Binding
the interval to repete a toggleable binding
m_Interval - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.BindingParameterPanel
an input field for the interval for this binding
m_Invert - Variable in class adams.data.filter.AudioAnnotationsWindow
whether to invert the matching.
m_Invert - Variable in class adams.data.filter.TrailWindow
whether to invert the matching.
m_Invert - Variable in class weka.core.tokenizers.cleaners.RemoveEmoticons
whether to invert the matching sense.
m_Inverted - Variable in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.Binding
is the binding inverted
m_Inverted - Variable in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.BindingParameterPanel
a checkbox to indicate if the binding is inverted
m_Inverted - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.Binding
is the binding inverted
m_Inverted - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.BindingParameterPanel
a checkbox to indicate if the binding is inverted
m_InvertMatching - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAMeasurementsFilter
whether to invert the matching sense.
m_IsNumeric - Variable in class adams.data.io.output.GnuplotSpreadSheetWriter
indicator whether a column is numeric or not.
m_IsSample - Variable in class adams.data.filter.HeatmapStandardize
whether the arrays are samples or populations.
m_IsSample - Variable in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.StandardDeviation
whether the arrays are samples or populations.
m_IsToggleable - Variable in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.AudioAnnotationPanel
a bool to say if this is a toggleable binding or not
m_IsToggleable - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.AnnotationPanel
a bool to say if this is a toggleable binding or not
m_IsToggled - Variable in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.AudioAnnotationPanel
a bool to say if this binding is currently toggled on
m_IsToggled - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.AnnotationPanel
a bool to say if this binding is currently toggled on
m_KeepExisting - Variable in class adams.data.io.output.GnuplotSpreadSheetWriter
whether to keep existing files the first time the writer is called.
m_KeepExisting - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAInstanceDumper
whether to keep existing output files when actor is called for the first time, in order to allow appending to files from multiple locations in flow.
m_Key - Variable in class adams.flow.sink.redisaction.Set
the key to use for storing the object.
m_Key - Variable in class adams.flow.source.redisaction.Get
the key of the object to get.
m_KeyListener - Variable in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.KeyPressTextField
the listener that retrieves the keypress
m_KeyListener - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.KeyPressTextField
the listener that retrieves the keypress
m_KeyListener - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.object.annotator.DEXTRMarkers
the key listener.
m_KeyListener - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.object.annotator.SAMMarkers
the key listener.
m_KeyManager - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.SSLContext
the KeyManager instance to use.
m_KeyManagerFactory - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.KeyManager
the key manager factory in use.
m_KeystoreFile - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.KeyManager
the location of the keystore.
m_KeystoreFile - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.TrustManager
the location of the keystore.
m_KeystorePassphrase - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.KeyManager
the passphrase for the keystore file.
m_KeystorePassphrase - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.TrustManager
the passphrase for the keystore file.
m_KeystoreType - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.KeyManager
the keystore type.
m_KeystoreType - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.TrustManager
the keystore type.
m_Label - Variable in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.CountValues
the optional label for the generated feature.
m_Label - Variable in class adams.doc.latex.generator.Figure
the (optional) label for the section.
m_Label - Variable in class adams.doc.latex.generator.NewSection
the (optional) label for the section.
m_LabelInteractive - Variable in class adams.gui.tools.remotecontrolcenter.panels.RatsTab.RatStatusPanel
the label for interactive actors.
m_LabelMediaLength - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.VLCjDirectRenderPanel
label for the length of the current media file
m_LabelName - Variable in class adams.gui.tools.remotecontrolcenter.panels.RatsTab.RatStatusPanel
the label.
m_LabelName - Variable in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.Rats.RatStatusPanel
the label.
m_LabelPlaybackTime - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.VLCjDirectRenderPanel
label for time
m_LabelTime - Variable in class adams.gui.audio.AudioPlaybackPanel
the text displaying the time.
m_Lambda - Variable in class adams.data.random.Exponential
the lambda parameter.
m_Lambda - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.BoofCVCirculant
Regularization term.
m_LanguagePack - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.StanfordGrammaticalStructure
the language pack.
m_LastError - Variable in class adams.core.gnuplot.AbstractScriptlet
stores the error message if the check failed.
m_LastError - Variable in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientSink
the last error that was generated.
m_LastError - Variable in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientSource
the last error that was generated.
m_LastError - Variable in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientTransformer
the last error that was generated.
m_LastError - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.webservice.AbstractWebserviceResponseDataPostProcessor
the last error that was generated.
m_LastError - Variable in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientSink
the last error that was generated.
m_LastError - Variable in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientSource
the last error that was generated.
m_LastError - Variable in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientTransformer
the last error that was generated.
m_LastHeatmapPanel - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.debug.objectrenderer.HeatmapRenderer
the cached setup.
m_LastInterceptor - Variable in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.incoming.AbstractInInterceptorGenerator
the last interceptor generated.
m_LastInterceptor - Variable in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.outgoing.AbstractOutInterceptorGenerator
the last interceptor generated.
m_LastInterceptor - Variable in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming.AbstractInInterceptorGenerator
the last interceptor generated.
m_LastInterceptor - Variable in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.AbstractOutInterceptorGenerator
the last interceptor generated.
m_LastLocations - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.AbstractObjectTracker
the last location(s).
m_LastPressed - Variable in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.KeyPressTextField
Store the last pressed key
m_LastPressed - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.KeyPressTextField
Store the last pressed key
m_LastPtsWrite - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler.FixedIntervalBufferedImageSampler
the last frame write.
m_LastPtsWrite - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.MovieImageSequence
the last frame write.
m_LastTrailPanel - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.debug.objectrenderer.TrailRenderer
the last setup.
m_LastURL - Variable in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.outgoing.LogURL
the last url.
m_LastURL - Variable in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.LogURL
the last url.
m_LatexSetup - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.LatexCompile
the latex setup.
m_Latitude - Variable in class adams.data.gps.AbstractGPS
m_LazySetupPeformed - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
whether lazy initialization has been performed.
m_Left - Variable in class adams.data.wavefilter.Trim
the left trim.
m_Left - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAFilter.FixedInstanceStream
m_Lenient - Variable in class adams.data.conversion.RenjinDoubleArrayVectorToSpreadSheet
whether to be lenient with types.
m_Lenient - Variable in class adams.data.conversion.RenjinListVectorToArray
whether to be lenient with types.
m_Limit - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.enqueue.MaxQueueSize
the limit for the queue.
m_LineByLine - Variable in class adams.flow.sink.RSink
whether to evaluate line by line.
m_LineByLine - Variable in class adams.flow.source.RSource
whether to evaluate line by line.
m_LineByLine - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.RStandalone
whether to evaluate line by line.
m_LineByLine - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.RTransformer
whether to evaluate line by line.
m_ListDirectories - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.webserver.ResourceHandler
whether to list directories.
m_Listener - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler.FixedIntervalBufferedImageSampler
the listener to use.
m_Listener - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.MovieImageSequence
the listener to use.
m_Listeners - Variable in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.AudioAnnotationPanel
The list of listeners registered with this panel
m_Listeners - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.AnnotationPanel
The list of listeners registered with this panel
m_Lister - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.FileLister
the lister for listing the files.
m_LoadPropertiesFileChooser - Variable in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.AudioAnnotatorPanel
the file chooser for saving bindings.
m_LoadPropertiesFileChooser - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.AnnotatorPanel
the file chooser for saving bindings.
m_Locale - Variable in class adams.doc.latex.generator.Table
the locale to use.
m_Location - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.ExtractTrackedObject
the report field with the tracked location.
m_Location - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.TransformTrackedObject
the report field to store the tracked location in.
m_Location - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.image.selection.SelectObjectToTrack
the report field to store the tracked location in.
m_LocationPrefix - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.image.selection.SelectMultipleObjectsToTrack
the report field prefix to store the tracked locations in.
m_Locations - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.image.QuadrilateralLocationsOverlayFromReport
the cached locations.
m_Locator - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapLocateObjects
the algorithm to use.
m_Log - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
the callable name.
m_Log - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.generator.AbstractRatGenerator
the callable name.
m_Log - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.RESTServer
the callable name.
m_Log - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.WSServer
the callable name.
m_Log - Variable in class adams.scripting.requesthandler.LogTextBoxRequestHandler
the log to use.
m_Log - Variable in class adams.scripting.responsehandler.LogTextBoxResponseHandler
the log to use.
m_Log - Variable in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.RemoteFlowCommands
the log for the responses.
m_LogActor - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
the callable log actor.
m_LogActor - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.RESTServer
the callable log actor.
m_LogActor - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.WSServer
the callable log actor.
m_LogFile - Variable in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.incoming.LogFile
the file to write to.
m_LogFile - Variable in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.incoming.LogFileGenerator
the file to write to.
m_LogFile - Variable in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.outgoing.LogFile
the file to write to.
m_LogFile - Variable in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.outgoing.LogFileGenerator
the file to write to.
m_LogFile - Variable in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming.LogFile
the file to write to.
m_LogFile - Variable in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming.LogFileGenerator
the file to write to.
m_LogFile - Variable in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.LogFile
the file to write to.
m_LogFile - Variable in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.LogFileGenerator
the file to write to.
m_LogGenerator - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
the generator for the log objects.
m_Logger - Variable in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.incoming.AbstractInInterceptor
the logger in use.
m_Logger - Variable in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.outgoing.AbstractOutInterceptor
the logger in use.
m_Logger - Variable in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.outgoing.OutgoingLoggingCallback
the logger to use for outputting the collected data.
m_Logger - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.webserver.AbstractJettyHandler
for logging.
m_Logger - Variable in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming.AbstractInInterceptor
the logger in use.
m_Logger - Variable in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.AbstractOutInterceptor
the logger in use.
m_Logger - Variable in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.OutgoingLoggingCallback
the logger to use for outputting the collected data.
m_Logger - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.VLCjDirectRenderPanel
the logger used to output information to the adams console
m_LoggingLevel - Variable in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.incoming.AbstractInInterceptor
the logging level.
m_LoggingLevel - Variable in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.outgoing.AbstractOutInterceptor
the logging level.
m_LoggingLevel - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.webserver.AbstractJettyHandler
the logging level.
m_LoggingLevel - Variable in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming.AbstractInInterceptor
the logging level.
m_LoggingLevel - Variable in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.AbstractOutInterceptor
the logging level.
m_LoggingPrefix - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.AbstractRatInput
the logging prefix.
m_LoggingPrefix - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.AbstractRatOutput
the logging prefix.
m_Login - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.SimpleDockerConnection
whether to login into the registry when starting the flow.
m_Logout - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.SimpleDockerConnection
whether to logout from the registry when stopping the flow.
m_LogPanel - Variable in class adams.flow.sink.MOAClusterVisualization
for outputting textual stats.
m_LogTabbedPane - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapPanel
the tabbed pane for image/report and log.
m_LogTabbedPane - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.TrailPanel
the tabbed pane for image/report and log.
m_Longitude - Variable in class adams.data.gps.AbstractGPS
m_Loop - Variable in class adams.flow.sink.AnimatedGifFileWriter
whether to loop continuously.
m_Macro - Variable in class adams.flow.sink.MOAClusterVisualization
m_MainWindow - Variable in class adams.terminal.application.AbstractLanternaTerminalApplication
the main window.
m_ManualMax - Variable in class adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator.wave.Histogram
the manual maximum.
m_ManualMax - Variable in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.Histogram
the manual maximum.
m_ManualMin - Variable in class adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator.wave.Histogram
the manual minimum.
m_ManualMin - Variable in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.Histogram
the manual minimum.
m_Map - Variable in class adams.data.heatmap.Heatmap
the actual heat map.
m_mapImage - Variable in class adams.data.gps.Map
m_Mapper - Variable in class adams.data.conversion.JsonToObject
the mapper instance to use.
m_Mapper - Variable in class adams.data.conversion.ObjectToJson
the mapper instance to use.
m_Mapping - Variable in class adams.data.wekapyroproxy.FusionJsonCommunicationProcessor
the mapping between fusion subset names and attribute indices.
m_maptype - Variable in class adams.data.gps.Map
m_Markdown - Variable in class adams.gui.core.MarkdownTextPane
the markdown text.
m_MarkdownProcessor - Variable in class adams.data.conversion.MarkdownToHTML
the markdown processor.
m_MarkdownProcessor - Variable in class adams.gui.flow.tree.annotations.Markdown
m_MarkerColor - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.DEXTR
the marker color.
m_MarkerColor - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.SAM
the marker color.
m_MarkerColor - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.segmentation.tool.DEXTR
the marker color.
m_MarkerColor - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.segmentation.tool.SAM
the marker color.
m_MarkerSize - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.DEXTR
the marker size.
m_MarkerSize - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.SAM
the marker size.
m_MarkerSize - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.segmentation.tool.DEXTR
the marker size.
m_MarkerSize - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.segmentation.tool.SAM
the marker size.
m_MaskFormat - Variable in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.BindingParameterPanel
a mask formatter to make sure the input is valid
m_MaskFormat - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.BindingParameterPanel
a mask formatter to make sure the input is valid
m_Max - Variable in class adams.data.conversion.HeatmapToBufferedImage
the fixed max.
m_Max - Variable in class adams.data.filter.heatmapthreshold.Otsu
the max value.
m_Max - Variable in class adams.data.heatmap.Heatmap
the maximum intensity value.
m_Max - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.LinearFontScalar
the maximum font size.
m_Max - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.LogFontScalar
the maximum font size.
m_Max - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.SqrtFontScalar
the maximum font size.
m_MaxBuffer - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.AbstractBufferedRatInput
the maximum number of items to buffer.
m_MaxImages - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.MjpegImageSequence
the maximum number of images to output (-1 = all).
m_MaxImages - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.MovieImageSequence
the maximum number of images to output (-1 = all).
m_Maximum - Variable in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.CountValues
the maximum value.
m_MaximumIncluded - Variable in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.CountValues
whether the maximum value is included.
m_MaxIterations - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.BoofCVMeanShiftLikelihood
the maximum number of iterations.
m_MaxObjectSize - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.DEXTR
the maximum object size (width/height).
m_MaxObjectSize - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.SAM
the maximum object size (width/height).
m_MaxPixelValue - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.BoofCVCirculant
Maximum pixel value.
m_MaxPixelValue - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.BoofCVMeanShiftLikelihood
the maximum pixel value.
m_MaxRange - Variable in class adams.data.conversion.HeatmapToBufferedImageWithKey
Maximum value of the range
m_MaxValue - Variable in class adams.data.random.AbstractCommonsRandomNumberGenerator
the maximum value for the numbers to generate.
m_MaxValue - Variable in class adams.data.random.JMathArrayInt
the maximum value for the numbers to generate.
m_MaxValue - Variable in class adams.data.random.Triangular
the maximum value for the numbers to generate.
m_MaxValue - Variable in class adams.data.random.Uniform
the maximum value for the numbers to generate.
m_MaxWordLength - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.WordFrequencyAnalyzer
the max word length.
m_MaxX - Variable in class adams.data.trail.Trail
the step with the maximum X.
m_MaxY - Variable in class adams.data.trail.Trail
the step with the maximum Y.
m_Measures - Variable in class adams.flow.sink.MOAClusterVisualization
the measures to use.
m_MediaComponent - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.DirectRenderMediaPlayerPanel
Media component for playing the video
m_MediaLength - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.VLCjDirectRenderPanel
media length
m_MediaPlayer - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler.FixedIntervalBufferedImageSamplerVlcj
headless media player
m_MediaPlayer - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler.SingleTimestampMovieSampler
headless media player
m_MediaPlayer - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler.TimestampMovieSampler
headless media player
m_MediaPlayerComponent - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.VLCjDirectRenderPanel
the media player component used to play video
m_MenuAnnotationLoadRecentAnnotations - Variable in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.AudioAnnotatorPanel
recent files menu for Annotations
m_MenuAnnotationLoadRecentAnnotations - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.AnnotatorPanel
recent files menu for Annotations
m_MenuBackgroundLoadRecentBackground - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.AnnotatorPanel
recent files menu for backgrounds
m_MenuBar - Variable in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.AudioAnnotatorPanel
menu bad
m_MenuBar - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.AnnotatorPanel
menu bad
m_MenuBar - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapViewerPanel
the menu bar.
m_MenuBar - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.TrailViewerPanel
the menu bar.
m_MenuBar - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.VLCjDirectRenderPanel
the menu bar, if used.
m_MenuBar - Variable in class adams.terminal.Main
the menu bar.
m_MenuFileLoadRecent - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.VLCjDirectRenderPanel
the "load recent" submenu.
m_MenuFileLoadRecentAudioFiles - Variable in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.AudioAnnotatorPanel
recent files menu for audio files
m_MenuFileLoadRecentBindings - Variable in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.AudioAnnotatorPanel
recent bindings menu
m_MenuFileLoadRecentBindings - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.AnnotatorPanel
recent bindings menu
m_MenuFileLoadRecentVideos - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.AnnotatorPanel
recent files menu for videos
m_MenuItemAnnotationsOpen - Variable in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.AudioAnnotatorPanel
m_MenuItemAnnotationsOpen - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.AnnotatorPanel
m_MenuItemAudioOpen - Variable in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.AudioAnnotatorPanel
menu item for 'open'
m_MenuItemBackgroundExtract - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.AnnotatorPanel
menu item for background extract
m_MenuItemBackgroundSaveAs - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.AnnotatorPanel
menu item for background save as
m_MenuItemBackgroundView - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.AnnotatorPanel
menu item for background view
m_MenuItemFileClose - Variable in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.AudioAnnotatorPanel
for closing the program
m_MenuItemFileClose - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.VLCjDirectRenderPanel
the menu item "close".
m_MenuItemFileCloseAll - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapViewerPanel
the "close all" menu item.
m_MenuItemFileCloseAll - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.TrailViewerPanel
the "close all" menu item.
m_MenuItemFileCloseCurrent - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapViewerPanel
the "close current" menu item.
m_MenuItemFileCloseCurrent - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.TrailViewerPanel
the "close current" menu item.
m_MenuItemFileOpen - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.AnnotatorPanel
menu item for 'open'
m_MenuItemFileOpen - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.VLCjDirectRenderPanel
the menu item "open".
m_MenuItemFileOpenRecent - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapViewerPanel
the "load recent" submenu.
m_MenuItemFileOpenRecent - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.TrailViewerPanel
the "load recent" submenu.
m_MenuItemFileReloadAll - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapViewerPanel
the "reload all" menu item.
m_MenuItemFileReloadAll - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.TrailViewerPanel
the "reload all" menu item.
m_MenuItemFileReloadCurrent - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapViewerPanel
the "reload current" menu item.
m_MenuItemFileReloadCurrent - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.TrailViewerPanel
the "reload current" menu item.
m_MenuItemFileSaveAs - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapViewerPanel
the "save as" menu item.
m_MenuItemFileSaveAs - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.TrailViewerPanel
the "save as" menu item.
m_MenuItemProcessFilterAllHeatmaps - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapViewerPanel
the filter all menu item.
m_MenuItemProcessFilterAllTrails - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.TrailViewerPanel
the filter all menu item.
m_MenuItemProcessFilterHeatmap - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapViewerPanel
the filter menu item.
m_MenuItemProcessFilterTrail - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.TrailViewerPanel
the filter menu item.
m_MenuItemSetSpeed - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.VLCjDirectRenderPanel
the menu item "Set Speed"
m_MenuItemVideoClose - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.AnnotatorPanel
for closing the program
m_MenuItemVideoPause - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.VLCjDirectRenderPanel
the menu item "pause"
m_MenuItemVideoPlay - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.VLCjDirectRenderPanel
the menu item "play"
m_MenuItemVideoShowHideControls - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.VLCjDirectRenderPanel
the menu item "show/hide controls"
m_MenuItemVideoStop - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.VLCjDirectRenderPanel
the menu item "stop"
m_MenuItemViewAddOverlay - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapViewerPanel
the add overlay menu item.
m_MenuItemViewAddOverlay - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.TrailViewerPanel
the add overlay menu item.
m_MenuItemViewAddSelectionProcessor - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapViewerPanel
the selection processor menu item.
m_MenuItemViewApplyAll - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapViewerPanel
whether to apply overlay changes to all panels.
m_MenuItemViewColorGenerator - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapViewerPanel
the color generator menu item.
m_MenuItemViewMissingValueColor - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapViewerPanel
the missing value color menu item.
m_MenuItemViewOverlaysApplyAll - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.TrailViewerPanel
whether to apply overlay changes to all panels.
m_MenuItemViewRemoveOverlays - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapViewerPanel
the remove overlays menu item.
m_MenuItemViewRemoveOverlays - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.TrailViewerPanel
the remove overlays menu item.
m_MenuItemViewRemoveSelectionProcessors - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapViewerPanel
the remove selection processors menu item.
m_MenuItemViewZoomIn - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapViewerPanel
the menu item "zoom in".
m_MenuItemViewZoomIn - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.TrailViewerPanel
the menu item "zoom in".
m_MenuItemViewZoomOut - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapViewerPanel
the menu item "zoom out".
m_MenuItemViewZoomOut - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.TrailViewerPanel
the menu item "zoom out".
m_MenuViewZoom - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapViewerPanel
the menu "zoom".
m_MenuViewZoom - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.TrailViewerPanel
the menu "zoom".
m_Message - Variable in class adams.core.gnuplot.Pause
the message to display in the terminal.
m_Message - Variable in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.outgoing.AbstractOutgoingCallback
the message this callback is for.
m_Message - Variable in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.AbstractOutgoingCallback
the message this callback is for.
m_MetaData - Variable in class adams.data.audioannotations.AudioAnnotation
the optional meta-data.
m_MetaData - Variable in class adams.data.io.input.ArcInfoASCIIGridReader
the meta data.
m_MetaData - Variable in class adams.data.trail.Step
the optional meta-data.
m_MetaData - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.AddAudioAnnotation
the optional meta-data.
m_MetaData - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.AddTrailStep
the optional meta-data.
m_MethodNamePrediction - Variable in class weka.classifiers.functions.PyroProxy
the Pyro remote method for prediction.
m_MethodNameTrain - Variable in class weka.classifiers.functions.PyroProxy
the Pyro remote method for training.
m_MetricValues - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.MekaResultValues
the metric values to extract.
m_Micro - Variable in class adams.flow.sink.MOAClusterVisualization
m_MicroSecondsBetweenFrames - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler.FixedIntervalBufferedImageSampler
the interval for the frames.
m_MicroSecondsBetweenFrames - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.MovieImageSequence
the interval for the frames.
m_Min - Variable in class adams.data.conversion.HeatmapToBufferedImage
the fixed min.
m_Min - Variable in class adams.data.filter.heatmapthreshold.Otsu
the min value.
m_Min - Variable in class adams.data.heatmap.Heatmap
the minimum intensity value.
m_Min - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.LinearFontScalar
the minimum font size.
m_Min - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.LogFontScalar
the minimum font size.
m_Min - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.SqrtFontScalar
the minimum font size.
m_Minimum - Variable in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.CountValues
the minimum value.
m_MinimumIncluded - Variable in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.CountValues
whether the minimum value is included.
m_MinObjectSize - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.DEXTR
the minimum object size (width/height).
m_MinObjectSize - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.SAM
the minimum object size (width/height).
m_MinRange - Variable in class adams.data.conversion.HeatmapToBufferedImageWithKey
Minimum value of the range
m_Minute - Variable in class adams.data.gps.Coordinate
m_MinValue - Variable in class adams.data.random.AbstractCommonsRandomNumberGenerator
the minimum value for the numbers to generate.
m_MinValue - Variable in class adams.data.random.JMathArrayInt
the minimum value for the numbers to generate.
m_MinValue - Variable in class adams.data.random.Triangular
the minimum value for the numbers to generate.
m_MinValue - Variable in class adams.data.random.Uniform
the minimum value for the numbers to generate.
m_MinWordLength - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.WordFrequencyAnalyzer
the min word length.
m_MinX - Variable in class adams.data.trail.Trail
the step with the minimum X.
m_MinY - Variable in class adams.data.trail.Trail
the step with the minimum Y.
m_MissingColor - Variable in class adams.data.conversion.HeatmapToBufferedImageWithKey
colour to use to display a missing value
m_MissingValue - Variable in class adams.data.conversion.SpreadSheetToHeatmap
the default value for missing values.
m_MissingValue - Variable in class adams.doc.latex.generator.Table
The placeholder for missing values.
m_MissingValueColor - Variable in class adams.data.conversion.HeatmapToBufferedImage
the color for missing values.
m_MissingValueColor - Variable in class adams.data.conversion.HeatmapToBufferedImageExpression
the color for missing values.
m_MissingValueColor - Variable in class adams.flow.sink.HeatmapDisplay
the color for missing values.
m_MissingValueColor - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapPanel
the color to use for missing values.
m_MissingValuesHandling - Variable in class adams.data.filter.HeatmapThreshold
how missing values are treated.
m_Mode - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
the mode.
m_Model - Variable in class adams.flow.condition.bool.MOAClassification
the model that was loaded from the model file.
m_Model - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.AbstractProcessMOAInstanceWithModel
the model that was loaded from the model file.
m_Model - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.StanfordLexicalizedParser
the model file.
m_Model - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.TweetNLPTagger
the model to use.
m_Model - Variable in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.BindingsEditorPanel
the model list for the listbox
m_Model - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.BindingsEditorPanel
the model list for the listbox
m_Model - Variable in class weka.core.tokenizers.cleaners.RemoveEmoticons
the model to use.
m_Model - Variable in class weka.core.tokenizers.cleaners.WordCluster
the model to use.
m_Model - Variable in class weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.TwitterEmoticonScore
the model to use.
m_Model - Variable in class weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.TwitterNLPPos
the model to use.
m_ModelActor - Variable in class adams.flow.condition.bool.MOAClassification
the callable actor to get the model from.
m_ModelFile - Variable in class adams.flow.condition.bool.MOAClassification
the serialized model to load.
m_ModelLoader - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.AbstractProcessMOAInstanceWithModel
the model loader.
m_ModelName - Variable in class weka.classifiers.functions.PyroProxy
the model name.
m_ModelResetVariable - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.AbstractProcessMOAInstanceWithModel
the variable to monitor for changes, triggering resets of the model.
m_Modified - Variable in class adams.core.RProjectHelper
whether the settings got modified.
m_ModifiedTimestamp - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.webserver.AbstractJettyHandler
the modifued timestamp for the images.
m_ModifiersEx - Variable in class adams.gui.event.HeatmapPanelSelectionEvent
the associated modifiers.
m_Monitor - Variable in class adams.flow.source.audiorecorder.FixedDuration
the monitor thread.
m_Monitor - Variable in class adams.flow.source.audiorecorder.OnDemand
the monitor thread.
m_MouseListener - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.object.annotator.DEXTRMarkers
the mouse listener.
m_MouseListener - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.object.annotator.SAMMarkers
the mouse listener.
m_MoveFiles - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.DirWatch
whether to move the files before transmitting them.
m_MoveFiles - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.FileLister
whether to move the files before transmitting them.
m_MultiImageOperationSelectionPanel - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.ExtractBackgroundDialog
image operation selection panel
m_MultiPagePane - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapViewerPanel
the tabbed pane for the heatmaps.
m_MuteListeners - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.VLCjDirectRenderPanel
the listeners for the play event.
m_Name - Variable in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.Binding
the name of the binding
m_Name - Variable in class adams.gui.tools.remotecontrolcenter.panels.RatsTab.RatStatusPanel
the name of the rat.
m_Name - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.Binding
the name of the binding
m_Name - Variable in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.Rats.RatStatusPanel
the name of the rat.
m_NameField - Variable in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.BindingParameterPanel
a text field for the name
m_NameField - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.BindingParameterPanel
a text field for the name
m_Names - Variable in class adams.data.wekapyroproxy.FusionJsonCommunicationProcessor
the names for the fusion subsets.
m_Names - Variable in class adams.docker.DockerContainer
the names.
m_NameServer - Variable in class weka.classifiers.functions.PyroProxy
the Pyro nameserver.
m_NameServerActor - Variable in class weka.classifiers.functions.PyroProxy
the nameserver actor.
m_NameServerProxy - Variable in class weka.classifiers.functions.PyroProxy
the nameserver.
m_NE - Variable in class adams.data.gps.GPSBoundary
m_Negative - Variable in class adams.data.gps.Coordinate
whether the coordinate is negative.
m_NextQueue - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.DistributedEnQueue
the index of the next queue to be used.
m_NoCopy - Variable in class adams.data.wavefilter.Cut
whether to skip creating a copy of the container.
m_NoCopy - Variable in class adams.data.wavefilter.Trim
whether to skip creating a copy of the container.
m_NoCopy - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.AbstractInPlaceHeatmapTransformer
whether to skip creating a copy of the spreadsheet.
m_Normalize - Variable in class adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator.wave.Histogram
whether to normalize the data.
m_Normalized - Variable in class adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator.wave.Spectrogram
whether to return the normalized spectrogram.
m_Normalized - Variable in class adams.data.conversion.WaveToAmplitudes
whether to return normalized amplitudes.
m_Normalizers - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.WordFrequencyAnalyzer
the normalizers to use.
m_Notes - Variable in class adams.data.audioannotations.AudioAnnotations
the notes.
m_Notes - Variable in class adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator.AbstractAudioFeatureGenerator
the notes to add as attributes.
m_Notes - Variable in class adams.data.heatmap.Heatmap
the attached notes.
m_Notes - Variable in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.AbstractHeatmapFeatureGenerator
the notes to add as attributes.
m_Notes - Variable in class adams.data.trail.Trail
the notes.
m_NotesList - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.Notes
the containers for the notes.
m_NoVariableExpansion - Variable in class adams.doc.latex.generator.AbstractCodeGenerator
whether to not expand variables.
m_NumBands - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.BoofCVMeanShiftLikelihood
the number of bands in the image.
m_NumberFormat - Variable in class adams.doc.latex.generator.Table
The format for the numbers.
m_NumBins - Variable in class adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator.wave.Histogram
the number of bins in case of manual bin calculation.
m_NumBins - Variable in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.Histogram
the number of bins in case of manual bin calculation.
m_NumBins - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.BoofCVMeanShiftLikelihood
the number of bins.
m_NumColumns - Variable in class adams.doc.latex.generator.MultiCol
the number of columns.
m_NumDecimals - Variable in class adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator.wave.Histogram
the number of decimals to show.
m_NumDecimals - Variable in class adams.data.io.output.SimpleHeatmapWriter
the number of decimals to use.
m_NumExamples - Variable in class adams.flow.source.MOAStream
the maximum number of instance objects to generate.
m_NumFrequencies - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.WordFrequencyAnalyzer
the number of requencies to return.
m_NumIterations - Variable in class adams.data.filter.HeatmapCentroid
the number of iterations to perform.
m_NumSamples - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler.FixedIntervalBufferedImageSampler
the number of samples to generate.
m_NumSamples - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler.FixedIntervalBufferedImageSamplerVlcj
the number of samples to generate.
m_Offset - Variable in class adams.data.io.input.ArcInfoASCIIGridReader
the current offset.
m_Offset - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler.FixedIntervalBufferedImageSampler
the offset.
m_Offset - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler.FixedIntervalBufferedImageSamplerVlcj
the offset.
m_OffsetX - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.TextOverlay
the X offset of the overlay.
m_OffsetY - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.TextOverlay
the Y offset of the overlay.
m_OnlyTableCode - Variable in class adams.data.conversion.SpreadSheetToHTML
whether to generate only table code.
m_OnTheFly - Variable in class adams.flow.condition.bool.MOAClassification
whether the model gets built on the fly and might not be present at the start.
m_OnTheFly - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.AbstractProcessMOAInstanceWithModel
whether the model gets built on the fly and might not be present at the start.
m_Operation - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.MultiHeatmapOperation
the operation to use.
m_Optional - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.CallableActor
whether the callable actor is optional.
m_Options - Variable in class adams.doc.latex.generator.Figure
optional parameters for the image.
m_Options - Variable in class adams.doc.latex.generator.Image
optional parameters for the image.
m_OrigStream - Variable in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.outgoing.AbstractOutgoingCallback
the output stream to use.
m_OrigStream - Variable in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.AbstractOutgoingCallback
the output stream to use.
m_OutInterceptor - Variable in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTProvider
the interceptor generator for outgoing messages.
m_OutInterceptor - Variable in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientSink
the interceptor generator for outgoing messages.
m_OutInterceptor - Variable in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientTransformer
the interceptor generator for outgoing messages.
m_OutInterceptor - Variable in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceProvider
the interceptor generator for outgoing messages.
m_Output - Variable in class adams.data.video.AbstractFileBaseRecorder
the output file.
m_Output - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.RatPlague
the name of the output queue in the internal storage.
m_Output - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.DeQueue
the item obtained from the queue.
m_Output - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Exec
the output.
m_Output - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Storage
the item obtained from the queue.
m_Output - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Variable
the item obtained from the queue.
m_Output - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.AbstractMetaRatOutput
the base RatOutput to use.
m_OutputArray - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.FileLister
whether to output an array instead of single items.
m_OutputFile - Variable in class adams.core.gnuplot.Initialize
the output file if not 'x11' as terminal.
m_OutputFile - Variable in class adams.flow.sink.MP3ToWave
the output file.
m_OutputFile - Variable in class adams.flow.source.audiorecorder.AbstractFileBasedAudioRecorder
the output file.
m_OutputFile - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.BinaryFileWriter
the output file.
m_OutputFile - Variable in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming.XMLLoggingGenerator
the optional output file to write the XML messages to.
m_OutputFile - Variable in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.XMLLoggingGenerator
the optional output file to write the XML messages to.
m_OutputFormat - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAInstanceDumper
the output format.
m_OutputGrid - Variable in class adams.data.io.input.ArcInfoASCIIGridReader
whether to output the grid instead the values alongside their GPS coordinates.
m_OutputInstance - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAClassifying
whether to output weka.core.Instance objects or PredictionContainers.
m_OutputInstance - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.MOARegressing
whether to output weka.core.Instance objects or PredictionContainers.
m_OutputInterval - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAClassifierEvaluation
the output interval.
m_OutputInterval - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAClustererEvaluation
the output interval.
m_OutputInterval - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.MOARegressorEvaluation
the output interval.
m_OutputInterval - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.MOATrainClassifier
the output interval.
m_OutputInterval - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.MOATrainClusterer
the output interval.
m_OutputInterval - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.MOATrainRegressor
the output interval.
m_OutputMetaData - Variable in class adams.data.io.output.SimpleHeatmapWriter
whether to output the meta data as well.
m_OutputOnlyModel - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.AbstractMOAModelReader
whether to only output the model.
m_OutputOptions - Variable in class adams.flow.sink.ffmpeg.GenericPlugin
output options to use for ffmpeg.
m_OutputPosition - Variable in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.Max
whether to output the position as well.
m_OutputPosition - Variable in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.Min
whether to output the position as well.
m_OutputPrefix - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAInstanceDumper
the output prefix.
m_Outputs - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.Branch
the RatOutput schemes to pass the data on to.
m_OutputScores - Variable in class adams.data.conversion.StanfordParseTreeToXML
whether to output the scores as well.
m_OutputSigmaFactor - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.BoofCVCirculant
Spatial bandwidth.
m_OutputStdErr - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Exec
whether to output stderr instead of stdout.
m_OutputString - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Socket
whether to output a string.
m_OutputToken - Variable in class adams.flow.source.MOAClassifierSetup
the output token.
m_OutputToken - Variable in class adams.flow.source.MOAClustererSetup
the output token.
m_OutputToken - Variable in class adams.flow.source.MOARegressorSetup
the output token.
m_OutputType - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.MjpegImageSequence
the output type.
m_OverlapFactor - Variable in class adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator.wave.Spectrogram
the overlap factor (1/factor).
m_OverlapFactor - Variable in class adams.data.conversion.WaveToSpectrogram
the overlap factor (1/factor).
m_Overlays - Variable in class adams.flow.sink.HeatmapDisplay
the overlays to use.
m_Overlays - Variable in class adams.flow.sink.TrailDisplay
the overlays to use.
m_OverridePrefix - Variable in class adams.data.featuregenerator.MultiGenerator
whether to override the sub-generators' prefix.
m_Owner - Variable in class adams.core.gnuplot.AbstractScriptlet
the owning actor.
m_Owner - Variable in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientSink
the owner.
m_Owner - Variable in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientSource
the owner.
m_Owner - Variable in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientTransformer
the owner.
m_Owner - Variable in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTProvider
the owning actor.
m_Owner - Variable in class adams.flow.sink.ffmpeg.AbstractFFmpegPlugin
the owning actor.
m_Owner - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.ratcontrol.AbstractControlPanel
the owner.
m_Owner - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.ratcontrol.AbstractControlState
the owner.
m_Owner - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.AbstractRatInput
the owner.
m_Owner - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.AbstractRatOutput
the owner.
m_Owner - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.RatRunnable
the owning Rat.
m_Owner - Variable in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientSink
the owner.
m_Owner - Variable in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientSource
the owner.
m_Owner - Variable in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientTransformer
the owner.
m_Owner - Variable in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceProvider
the owning actor.
m_Owner - Variable in class adams.flow.webservice.blob.SimpleRatsBlobService
web service object
m_Owner - Variable in class adams.flow.webservice.text.SimpleRatsTextService
web service object
m_Owner - Variable in class adams.gui.tools.remotecontrolcenter.panels.RatsTab.RatStatusPanel
the owner.
m_Owner - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapPanel
the owner.
m_Owner - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.TrailPanel
the owner.
m_Owner - Variable in class adams.terminal.application.ApplicationMenu
the parent application frame.
m_Owner - Variable in class adams.terminal.Main.LogHandler
the owner.
m_Owner - Variable in class adams.terminal.menu.AbstractMenuItemDefinition
the owning application.
m_Owner - Variable in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.AbstractRemoteCommandAction
the owning application.
m_Owner - Variable in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.Rats.RatStatusPanel
the owner.
m_Owner - Variable in class com.example.customerservice.server.CustomerServiceImpl
the ADAMS owner.
m_Padding - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.GenerateWordCloud
the padding.
m_Padding - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.BoofCVCirculant
How much padding is added around the region requested by the user.
m_PageAction - Variable in class adams.doc.latex.generator.NewSection
the page action.
m_Paintlet - Variable in class adams.flow.sink.TrailDisplay
the paintlet to use.
m_PanelArtifacts - Variable in class adams.gui.application.AbstractBootstrappPreferencesPanel
the artifacts.
m_PanelBottom - Variable in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.AbstractRemoteFlowCommandAction
the bottom panel for additional content.
m_PanelColor - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.DEXTR
the marker color.
m_PanelColor - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.SAM
the marker color.
m_PanelColor - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.segmentation.tool.DEXTR
the marker color.
m_PanelColor - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.segmentation.tool.SAM
the marker color.
m_PanelExclusions - Variable in class adams.gui.application.AbstractBootstrappPreferencesPanel
the exclusions.
m_PanelFlows - Variable in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.AbstractRemoteFlowCommandAction
the panel for the connection/table.
m_PanelInfo - Variable in class adams.gui.application.AbstractBootstrappPreferencesPanel
the panel with optional info text.
m_PanelLog - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapPanel
the log panel.
m_PanelLog - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.TrailPanel
the log panel.
m_PanelMain - Variable in class adams.terminal.Main
the main panel.
m_PanelParameters - Variable in class adams.gui.application.AbstractBootstrappPreferencesPanel
the parameters.
m_PanelParameters - Variable in class adams.gui.application.LatexSetupPanel
the parameters.
m_PanelParameters - Variable in class adams.gui.application.RProjectSettingsPanel
the panel for the parameters.
m_PanelRats - Variable in class adams.gui.tools.remotecontrolcenter.panels.RatsTab
the panel with rats.
m_PanelRats - Variable in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.Rats
the panel with rats.
m_PanelRepositories - Variable in class adams.gui.application.AbstractBootstrappPreferencesPanel
the repositories.
m_PanePreview - Variable in class adams.gui.core.MarkdownTextAreaWithPreview
the preview.
m_PaneView - Variable in class adams.gui.core.MarkdownTextPane
for rendering the markdown.
m_ParametrizedScripts - Variable in class adams.flow.rest.GroovyServer
the parametrized scripts.
m_Parent - Variable in class adams.data.heatmap.HeatmapValue
the parent.
m_Parser - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.StanfordLexicalizedParser
the parser in use.
m_Parts - Variable in class adams.core.RObjectPath
the elements of the path.
m_Password - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.RedisConnection
the password to use.
m_Password - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.SimpleDockerConnection
the registry password.
m_Path - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.RenjinGetObject
the path of the object to get.
m_PathType - Variable in class adams.doc.latex.generator.AbstractFileReferencingCodeGenerator
how to process the file path.
m_Pattern - Variable in class weka.core.tokenizers.cleaners.NormalizeURLs
the compiled pattern.
m_Pattern - Variable in class weka.core.tokenizers.cleaners.RegExp
the compiled pattern.
m_Pausable - Variable in class adams.gui.tools.remotecontrolcenter.panels.RatsTab.RatStatusPanel
whether it is pausable.
m_Pausable - Variable in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.Rats.RatStatusPanel
whether it is pausable.
m_Paused - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.Rats
whether the execution has been paused.
m_Paused - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.RatRunnable
whether the execution has been paused.
m_Paused - Variable in class adams.gui.audio.AudioPlaybackPanel
whether the playback is paused.
m_Paused - Variable in class adams.gui.tools.remotecontrolcenter.panels.RatsTab.RatStatusPanel
whether it is paused.
m_Paused - Variable in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.Rats.RatStatusPanel
whether it is paused.
m_PauseListeners - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.VLCjDirectRenderPanel
the listeners for the play event.
m_PauseResume - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.ratcontrol.AbstractControlState
the button for pausing/resuming.
m_PerformLazySetup - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
whether to perform lazy initialization of sub-actors.
m_PerformTraining - Variable in class weka.classifiers.functions.PyroProxy
whether to perform training.
m_Pipeline - Variable in class adams.flow.rest.flow.AbstractCallablePipeline
the callable transformer to use as processing pipeline.
m_PipelineActor - Variable in class adams.flow.rest.flow.AbstractCallablePipeline
the actual actor.
m_PipelineActorInitialized - Variable in class adams.flow.rest.flow.AbstractCallablePipeline
whether the pipeline actor has been set up.
m_PlaybackFinished - Variable in class adams.flow.sink.AudioPlayback
whether the playback has finished.
m_PlaybackTime - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.VLCjDirectRenderPanel
current playback time
m_Player - Variable in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.AudioAnnotationPanel
The playback we're annotating for
m_Player - Variable in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.AudioAnnotatorPanel
a audio player panel
m_Playing - Variable in class adams.gui.audio.AudioPlaybackPanel
whether audio is being played back.
m_Playing - Variable in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.EventQueue
a flag that says if we're paused or not
m_Playing - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.EventQueue
a flag that says if we're paused or not
m_PlayListeners - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.VLCjDirectRenderPanel
the listeners for the play event.
m_PlotName - Variable in class adams.core.gnuplot.SimplePlot
the name of the plot.
m_PlotType - Variable in class adams.core.gnuplot.SimplePlot
the plot type to use.
m_Plugin - Variable in class adams.flow.sink.FFmpeg
the plugin to execute.
m_PluginManager - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapViewerPanel
manages the plugins.
m_PluginManager - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.TrailViewerPanel
manages the plugins.
m_Plugins - Variable in class adams.flow.rest.GenericServer
the plugins that make up the server.
m_PointArray - Variable in class adams.flow.sink.MOAClusterVisualization
the array of points to process.
m_PointBuffer - Variable in class adams.flow.sink.MOAClusterVisualization
the buffer for the data points.
m_Points - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.HighestTemperature
the list of points with highest temperature.
m_Points - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.LowestTemperature
the list of points with highest temperature.
m_Points - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.object.annotator.DEXTRMarkers
the points.
m_Points - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.object.annotator.SAMMarkers
the points.
m_Points - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.DEXTR
the points to send.
m_Points - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.SAM
the points to send.
m_PolarBlendMode - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.GenerateWordCloud
the blendmode when combining two frequency lists.
m_PollTimeout - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.AbstractBufferedRatInput
the internal timeout interval for polling the queue in msec.
m_PollTimeout - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.DeQueue
the internal timeout interval for polling the queue in msec.
m_Port - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Socket
the port to listen on.
m_Port - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.RedisConnection
the port.
m_Port - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.Rserve
the Rserve port.
m_Port - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.WebServer
the port the server is running on.
m_Port - Variable in class com.example.customerservice.flow.CustomersByName
the port instance.
m_Port - Variable in class com.example.customerservice.flow.CustomersByNameCallableTransformer
the port instance.
m_Port - Variable in class com.example.customerservice.flow.UpdateCustomer
the port instance.
m_Ports - Variable in class adams.docker.DockerContainer
the ports.
m_Position - Variable in class adams.doc.latex.generator.MiniPage
the optional position.
m_Preface - Variable in class adams.doc.latex.generator.MultiCol
optional preface code generator.
m_Prefix - Variable in class adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator.AbstractAudioFeatureGenerator
the prefix to use for the fields.
m_Prefix - Variable in class adams.data.featuregenerator.AbstractFeatureGenerator
the prefix for the feature fields.
m_Prefix - Variable in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.MultiFeatureGenerator
the prefix to use to disambiguate the attributes.
m_Prefix - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapLocateObjects
the prefix to use when generating a report.
m_Prefix - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAMeasurementPlotGenerator
a prefix for all the plot container names.
m_PrettyPrinting - Variable in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming.XMLLoggingGenerator
whether to use pretty-printing.
m_PrettyPrinting - Variable in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.XMLLoggingGenerator
whether to use pretty-printing.
m_PreviousImage - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler.FixedIntervalBufferedImageSamplerVlcj
a container for storing the previous image
m_PreviousImage - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler.SingleTimestampMovieSampler
a container for storing the previous image
m_PreviousImage - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler.TimestampMovieSampler
a container for storing the previous image
m_PrivateKey - Variable in class adams.flow.source.KeyPairFileReader
the private key file.
m_PRNG - Variable in class adams.flow.source.KeyPairGenerator
the pseudo random number generator to use.
m_ProcessCounter - Variable in class adams.flow.sink.MOAClusterVisualization
the process counter.
m_ProcessFrequency - Variable in class adams.flow.sink.MOAClusterVisualization
amount of instances to process in one step
m_Processor - Variable in class adams.gui.core.MarkdownTextAreaWithPreview
the markdown processor.
m_Processor - Variable in class adams.gui.core.MarkdownTextPane
the markdown processor.
m_ProcessOutput - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.Gnuplot
for executing gnuplot.
m_ProcessOutput - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Exec
for executing the command.
m_ProcessOutput - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.Exec
for executing the command.
m_ProcessOutput - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.LatexCompile
for executing latex.
m_ProcessOutput - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.TweeboParser
for executing the tweebo parser.
m_Prolog - Variable in class adams.flow.source.NewLatexDocument
the optional prolog (inserted as comments).
m_PromptForPassword - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.KeyManager
whether to prompt the user for a password if none provided.
m_PromptForPassword - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.RedisConnection
whether to prompt the user for a password if none provided.
m_PromptForPassword - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.TrustManager
whether to prompt the user for a password if none provided.
m_Properties - Variable in class adams.core.RProjectHelper
the properties.
m_Properties - Static variable in class adams.doc.latex.LatexHelper
the properties.
m_Properties - Variable in class adams.gui.application.AbstractBootstrappPreferencesPanel
the properties.
m_Properties - Static variable in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapPanel
the setup for the panel.
m_Properties - Static variable in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapViewerPanel
the setup for the panel.
m_Properties - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.SpreadSheetView
the properties to use for display parameters.
m_Properties - Static variable in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.TrailPanel
the setup for the panel.
m_Properties - Static variable in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.TrailViewerPanel
the setup for the panel.
m_Properties - Static variable in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.VLCjDirectRenderPanel
the properties to use.
m_Protocol - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.SSLContext
the protocol to use.
m_ProvidedCustomerName - Variable in class com.example.customerservice.flow.CustomersByName
the provided customer name.
m_ProvidedCustomerName - Variable in class com.example.customerservice.flow.CustomersByNameCallableTransformer
the provided customer name.
m_ProvidedCustomerName - Variable in class com.example.customerservice.flow.UpdateCustomer
the provided customer name.
m_PublicKey - Variable in class adams.flow.source.KeyPairFileReader
the public key file.
m_PubSubConnection - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.RedisSubscribe
the pub/sub connection object.
m_PubSubConnection - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.redisaction.BroadcastAndListen
the pub/sub connection object.
m_PubSubConnection - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.AbstractRedisTool
the pub/sub connection object.
m_PubSubConnection - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.segmentation.tool.AbstractRedisTool
the pub/sub connection object.
m_PubSubListener - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.RedisSubscribe
the pub/sub listener.
m_PubSubListener - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.redisaction.BroadcastAndListen
the pub/sub listener.
m_PubSubListener - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.AbstractRedisTool
the pub/sub listener.
m_PubSubListener - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.segmentation.tool.AbstractRedisTool
the pub/sub listener.
m_PullType - Variable in class adams.docker.simpledocker.Run
how to pull.
m_PullType - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.SimpleDockerConnection
how to pull.
m_Queue - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.DeQueue
the current queue.
m_Queue - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.ArrayFolds
the queue of folds.
m_Queue - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapFeatureGenerator
the generated objects.
m_Queue - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.WaveFeatureGenerator
the generated objects.
m_Quiet - Variable in class adams.docker.simpledocker.Push
whether to be less verbose.
m_Radius - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.CircleBackground
the radius.
m_RandEngine - Variable in class adams.data.random.Random
the random number generator.
m_Random - Variable in class adams.data.random.Beta
the random number generator to use.
m_Random - Variable in class adams.data.random.Cauchy
the actual generator.
m_Random - Variable in class adams.data.random.ChiSquare
the random number generator to use.
m_Random - Variable in class adams.data.random.Exponential
the random number generator to use.
m_Random - Variable in class adams.data.random.JMathArrayInt
the random number generator to use.
m_Random - Variable in class adams.data.random.LogNormal
the actual generator.
m_Random - Variable in class adams.data.random.Normal
the actual generator.
m_Random - Variable in class adams.data.random.Triangular
the random number generator to use.
m_Random - Variable in class adams.data.random.Uniform
the random number generator to use.
m_Random - Variable in class adams.data.random.Weibull
the actual generator.
m_Range - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.MekaClassSelector
the attribute range.
m_Rat - Variable in class adams.event.RatStateEvent
the Rat that has changed.
m_Rat - Variable in class adams.scripting.command.flow.SendRatControlCommand
the rat name.
m_RatHelper - Variable in class adams.flow.control.ChangeRatState
the helper for the rat actors.
m_RatHelper - Variable in class adams.flow.control.ExecuteRats
the helper for the rat actors.
m_RatInput - Variable in class adams.flow.rest.RatsServer
the rat input.
m_RatInput - Variable in class adams.flow.rest.text.RatsTextUpload
the rat input.
m_RatInput - Variable in class adams.flow.webservice.blob.RatsBlobServiceWS
the associated rat input.
m_RatInput - Variable in class adams.flow.webservice.text.RatsTextServiceWS
the associated rat input.
m_Rats - Variable in class adams.flow.control.ChangeRatState
the rats to change.
m_Rats - Variable in class adams.flow.control.ExecuteRats
the rats to execute.
m_RatsConfigured - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.RatPlague
whether the sub-rats have been set up.
m_Raw - Variable in class adams.data.io.input.ArcInfoASCIIGridReader
the raw data.
m_RConn - Variable in class adams.flow.sink.RSink
Connection to Rserve
m_RConn - Variable in class adams.flow.source.RSource
Connection to Rserve
m_RConn - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.RStandalone
Connection to Rserve
m_RConn - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.RTransformer
Connection to Rserve
m_Reader - Variable in class adams.data.io.input.SimpleImageHeatmapReader
the image reader to use.
m_Reader - Variable in class adams.data.io.input.SpreadSheetHeatmapReader
the spreadsheet reader to use.
m_Reader - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.AudioData
the reader.
m_Reader - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.AudioInfo
the reader.
m_Reader - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler.FixedIntervalBufferedImageSampler
the reader to use.
m_Reader - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.MovieImageSequence
the reader to use.
m_Reader - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapPanel
the reader that was used for reading in the heatmap.
m_Reader - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.TrailPanel
the reader that was used for reading in the trail.
m_ReceivedData - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.AbstractRedisTool
the data received via Redis.
m_ReceivedData - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.segmentation.tool.AbstractRedisTool
the data received via Redis.
m_Receiver - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
the receiver to use.
m_ReceiveTimeout - Variable in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientSink
the receive timeout.
m_ReceiveTimeout - Variable in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientSource
the receive timeout.
m_ReceiveTimeout - Variable in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientTransformer
the receive timeout.
m_ReceiveTimeout - Variable in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientSink
the receive timeout.
m_ReceiveTimeout - Variable in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientSource
the receive timeout.
m_ReceiveTimeout - Variable in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientTransformer
the receive timeout.
m_RecentAnnotationsHandler - Variable in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.AudioAnnotatorPanel
Recent file handler for Annotations
m_RecentAnnotationsHandler - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.AnnotatorPanel
Recent file handler for Annotations
m_RecentAudioFilesHandler - Variable in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.AudioAnnotatorPanel
Recent file handler for audio files
m_RecentBackgroundHandler - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.AnnotatorPanel
Recent file handler for backgrounds
m_RecentBindingsHandler - Variable in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.AudioAnnotatorPanel
handler for recent bindings
m_RecentBindingsHandler - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.AnnotatorPanel
handler for recent bindings
m_RecentFilesHandler - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapViewerPanel
the recent files handler.
m_RecentFilesHandler - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.TrailViewerPanel
the recent files handler.
m_RecentFilesHandler - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.VLCjDirectRenderPanel
for handling recent files.
m_RecentVideosHandler - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.AnnotatorPanel
Recent file handler for videos
m_ReceptionInterrupted - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.AbstractRatInput
whether reception was interrupted.
m_ReceptionRunning - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.AbstractRatInput
whether reception is currently underway.
m_Recorder - Variable in class adams.flow.source.AudioRecorder
the recorder scheme to use.
m_Recorder - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.RecordingSetup
the recording setup to use.
m_Recorders - Variable in class adams.data.video.MultiRecorder
the recorders to use.
m_Recording - Variable in class adams.flow.source.audiorecorder.FixedDuration
the recording worker thread.
m_Recording - Variable in class adams.flow.source.audiorecorder.OnDemand
the recording worker thread.
m_RedisDB - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.AbstractRedisTool
the redis database.
m_RedisDB - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.segmentation.tool.AbstractRedisTool
the redis database.
m_RedisHost - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.AbstractRedisTool
the redis host.
m_RedisHost - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.segmentation.tool.AbstractRedisTool
the redis host.
m_RedisPort - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.AbstractRedisTool
the redis port.
m_RedisPort - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.segmentation.tool.AbstractRedisTool
the redis port.
m_RedisReceive - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.AbstractRedisTool
the redis receive channel.
m_RedisReceive - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.segmentation.tool.AbstractRedisTool
the redis receive channel.
m_RedisSend - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.AbstractRedisTool
the redis send channel.
m_RedisSend - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.segmentation.tool.AbstractRedisTool
the redis send channel.
m_RedisTimeout - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.AbstractRedisTool
the timeout in milli-seconds.
m_RedisTimeout - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.segmentation.tool.AbstractRedisTool
the timeout in milli-seconds.
m_RedrawInterval - Variable in class adams.flow.sink.MOAClusterVisualization
after how many instances do we repaint the streampanel? the GUI becomes very slow with small values.
m_RefreshTimer - Variable in class adams.gui.audio.AudioPlaybackPanel
timer for refreshing the playback time.
m_Regex - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.MekaClassSelector
the regular expression on the attribute for selecting the sub-set of attributes.
m_RegExp - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.DirWatch
the regular expression to match the file names against.
m_RegExp - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAMeasurementsFilter
the regexp to use on the measurement names.
m_RegExp - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.image.QuadrilateralLocationsOverlayFromReport
the regexp for the locations in the report.
m_RegExps - Variable in class adams.data.wekapyroproxy.FusionJsonCommunicationProcessor
the regular expressions to identify fusion subsets.
m_Registered - Static variable in class adams.gui.goe.MekaEditorsRegistration
whether registration already occurred.
m_Registry - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.SimpleDockerConnection
the docker registry to use.
m_Regressor - Variable in class adams.flow.source.MOARegressorSetup
the weka classifier.
m_Regressor - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.MOARegressorEvaluation
the name of the callable regressor to use.
m_Regressor - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.MOATrainRegressor
the MOA regressor.
m_RemoteDir - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.FtpUpload
the directory to upload the file to.
m_RemoteObject - Variable in class weka.classifiers.functions.PyroProxy
the remote object.
m_RemoteObjectName - Variable in class weka.classifiers.functions.PyroProxy
the Pyro remote object.
m_RemoveContainer - Variable in class adams.docker.simpledocker.Run
whether to remove the container after execution.
m_RemoveExtension - Variable in class adams.doc.latex.generator.AbstractFileReferencingCodeGenerator
whether to remove the extension.
m_Replace - Variable in class weka.core.tokenizers.cleaners.RegExp
the replacement to use.
m_Replacement - Variable in class adams.data.filter.HeatmapThreshold
the replacement value.
m_ReplaceWithMissing - Variable in class adams.data.filter.HeatmapThreshold
whether to replace with missing values.
m_Report - Variable in class adams.data.audioannotations.AudioAnnotations
the attached report.
m_Report - Variable in class adams.data.heatmap.Heatmap
meta-information on the heatmap.
m_Report - Variable in class adams.data.trail.Trail
the attached report.
m_ReportField - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.TextOverlay
the report value.
m_ReportMovingErrors - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.FileLister
whether to return errors when moving files.
m_ReportTable - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapPanel
the report of the heatmap.
m_ReportTable - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.TrailPanel
the report of the trail.
m_Repository - Variable in class adams.docker.DockerImage
the repository this image is from.
m_RequestData - Variable in class adams.flow.rest.echo.EchoClientSink
the request data.
m_RequestData - Variable in class adams.flow.rest.echo.EchoClientTransformer
the request data.
m_ResetModel - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.AbstractProcessMOAInstanceWithModel
whether we need to reset the model.
m_Response - Variable in class adams.scripting.command.flow.SendRatControlCommand
the response.
m_ResponseData - Variable in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientSource
the response data.
m_ResponseData - Variable in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientTransformer
the response data.
m_ResponseData - Variable in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientSource
the response data.
m_ResponseData - Variable in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientTransformer
the response data.
m_ResponseDataListeners - Variable in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientSource
the listeners for reponse data.
m_ResponseDataListeners - Variable in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientTransformer
the listeners for reponse data.
m_ResponseDataListeners - Variable in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientSource
the listeners for reponse data.
m_ResponseDataListeners - Variable in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientTransformer
the listeners for reponse data.
m_ResponseLogger - Variable in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.RemoteFlowCommands
the response logger.
m_ResponsePostProcessor - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.WebserviceOutput
the post-processor for the response (if applicable).
m_RetrievalDelay - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.EnQueue
the retrieval delay in msecs.
m_returnedObject - Variable in class adams.flow.source.RSource
Object returned from r
m_returnedObject - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.RTransformer
Object returned from r
m_returnType - Variable in class adams.flow.source.RSource
Data type of object returned from r script
m_returnType - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.RTransformer
Data type of object returned from r script
m_Right - Variable in class adams.data.wavefilter.Trim
the right trim.
m_Rotation - Variable in class adams.data.filter.HeatmapRotate
the type of rotation to perform.
m_Row - Variable in class adams.data.filter.heatmapcrop.Submap
the row to start (top-left).
m_Row - Variable in class adams.data.filter.HeatmapSubmap
the row to start (top-left).
m_Row - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapGetValue
the row of the cell to obtain.
m_Row - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapSetValue
the row of the cell to obtain.
m_Rows - Variable in class adams.flow.source.NewHeatmap
the number of rows.
m_Rserve - Variable in class adams.flow.sink.RSink
the Rserve actor.
m_Rserve - Variable in class adams.flow.source.RSource
the Rserve actor.
m_Rserve - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.RStandalone
the Rserve actor.
m_Rserve - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.RTransformer
the Rserve actor.
m_RunAsUser - Variable in class adams.docker.simpledocker.Run
whether to run in user context (-u $(id -u):$(id -g)).
m_Runnable - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
the runnable doing the work.
m_Runnable - Variable in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.EventQueue
the runable we use for the internal thread
m_Runnable - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.EventQueue
the runable we use for the internal thread
m_Runnable - Variable in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.RemoteLogging
the runnable.
m_Running - Variable in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTProvider
whether the webservice is running.
m_Running - Variable in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceProvider
whether the webservice is running.
m_Sampler - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.MovieImageSampler
the sampler to use.
m_SampleRate - Variable in class adams.flow.source.audiorecorder.AbstractAudioRecorder
the sample rate.
m_Samples - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler.FixedIntervalBufferedImageSampler
the samples.
m_Samples - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler.FixedIntervalBufferedImageSamplerVlcj
the samples.
m_Samples - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler.SingleTimestampMovieSampler
the samples.
m_Samples - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler.TimestampMovieSampler
the samples.
m_SavePropertiesFileChooser - Variable in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.AudioAnnotatorPanel
the file chooser for saving bindings.
m_SavePropertiesFileChooser - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.AnnotatorPanel
the file chooser for saving bindings.
m_scale - Variable in class adams.data.gps.Map
m_ScaleFactor - Variable in class adams.data.conversion.HeatmapToBufferedImageWithKey
scale factor to enlarge the heatmap
m_Schedule - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Cron
the cron schedule.
m_Scheduler - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Cron
the scheduler.
m_Scheduler - Variable in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.Ticker
A scheduler to execute our command
m_Scheduler - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.Ticker
A scheduler to execute our command
m_ScopeHandlingStorage - Variable in class adams.flow.rest.flow.AbstractCallablePipeline
how to handle the storage.
m_ScopeHandlingVariables - Variable in class adams.flow.rest.flow.AbstractCallablePipeline
how to handle the variables.
m_Scores - Variable in class weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.TwitterEmoticonScore
the scores.
m_Screen - Variable in class adams.terminal.application.AbstractLanternaTerminalApplication
the screen in use.
m_Script - Variable in class adams.core.gnuplot.CustomScriptlet
the custom script code.
m_Script - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.TweeboParser
the tweebo parser shell script.
m_ScriptContainsPlaceholder - Variable in class adams.flow.sink.RenjinSink
whether the script contains a placeholder, which needs to be expanded first.
m_ScriptContainsPlaceholder - Variable in class adams.flow.sink.RSink
whether the script contains a placeholder, which needs to be expanded first.
m_ScriptContainsPlaceholder - Variable in class adams.flow.source.RenjinSource
whether the script contains a placeholder, which needs to be expanded first.
m_ScriptContainsPlaceholder - Variable in class adams.flow.source.RSource
whether the script contains a placeholder, which needs to be expanded first.
m_ScriptContainsPlaceholder - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.RenjinStandalone
whether the script contains a placeholder, which needs to be expanded first.
m_ScriptContainsPlaceholder - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.RStandalone
whether the script contains a placeholder, which needs to be expanded first.
m_ScriptContainsPlaceholder - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.RenjinTransformer
whether the script contains a placeholder, which needs to be expanded first.
m_ScriptContainsPlaceholder - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.RTransformer
whether the script contains a placeholder, which needs to be expanded first.
m_ScriptContainsVariable - Variable in class adams.flow.sink.RenjinSink
whether the script contains a variable, which needs to be expanded first.
m_ScriptContainsVariable - Variable in class adams.flow.sink.RSink
whether the script contains a variable, which needs to be expanded first.
m_ScriptContainsVariable - Variable in class adams.flow.source.RenjinSource
whether the script contains a variable, which needs to be expanded first.
m_ScriptContainsVariable - Variable in class adams.flow.source.RSource
whether the script contains a variable, which needs to be expanded first.
m_ScriptContainsVariable - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.RenjinStandalone
whether the script contains a variable, which needs to be expanded first.
m_ScriptContainsVariable - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.RStandalone
whether the script contains a variable, which needs to be expanded first.
m_ScriptContainsVariable - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.RenjinTransformer
whether the script contains a variable, which needs to be expanded first.
m_ScriptContainsVariable - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.RTransformer
whether the script contains a variable, which needs to be expanded first.
m_ScriptFile - Variable in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.AbstractScriptedFeatureGenerator
the script.
m_ScriptFile - Variable in class adams.flow.rest.GroovyPlugin
the script.
m_ScriptFile - Variable in class adams.flow.sink.RenjinSink
the script.
m_ScriptFile - Variable in class adams.flow.sink.RSink
the script.
m_ScriptFile - Variable in class adams.flow.source.RenjinSource
the script.
m_ScriptFile - Variable in class adams.flow.source.RSource
the script.
m_ScriptFile - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.Gnuplot
the script file to execute.
m_ScriptFile - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.generator.AbstractScriptedRatGenerator
the script.
m_ScriptFile - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.RenjinStandalone
the script.
m_ScriptFile - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.RStandalone
the script.
m_ScriptFile - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.RenjinTransformer
the script.
m_ScriptFile - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.RTransformer
the script.
m_Scriptlet - Variable in class adams.flow.sink.GnuplotScript
the script generator to use.
m_Scriptlets - Variable in class adams.core.gnuplot.MultiScriptlet
the custom script code.
m_ScriptObject - Variable in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.AbstractScriptedFeatureGenerator
the loaded script object.
m_ScriptObject - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.generator.AbstractScriptedRatGenerator
the loaded script object.
m_ScriptOptions - Variable in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.AbstractScriptedFeatureGenerator
the options for the script.
m_ScriptOptions - Variable in class adams.flow.rest.GroovyPlugin
the options for the script.
m_ScriptOptions - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.generator.AbstractScriptedRatGenerator
the options for the script.
m_SearchPanel - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapPanel
the search panel for the heatmap report.
m_SearchPanel - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapViewerPanel
the search panel for the heatmap report.
m_SearchPanel - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.TrailPanel
the search panel for the trail report.
m_SearchPanel - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.TrailViewerPanel
the search panel for the trail report.
m_Second - Variable in class adams.data.gps.Coordinate
m_Second - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.LinearGradientColorPalette
the second color.
m_SecondSteps - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.LinearGradientColorPalette
the number of steps to use between second/third color.
m_Seed - Variable in class adams.data.conversion.RandomizeArray
the seed value.
m_Seed - Variable in class adams.data.conversion.RandomizeCollection
the seed value.
m_Seed - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.ArrayRandomize
the seed value.
m_Seed - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.MekaCrossValidationEvaluator
the seed value.
m_SelectedPanels - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.AbstractSelectedHeatmapsViewerPlugin
for panels to work on.
m_SelectedPanels - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.plugins.AbstractSelectedTrailsViewerPlugin
for panels to work on.
m_SelectionListeners - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapPanel
the selection listeners.
m_SendEmail - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.SendEmail
for sending the emails.
m_SendErrorQueue - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
the name of the (optional) queue in internal storage for sending send error to.
m_SendErrorQueue - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.generator.AbstractRatGenerator
the name of the (optional) queue in internal storage for sending send error to.
m_SerializationType - Variable in class adams.flow.sink.RenjinFileWriter
the output format.
m_ServeIcon - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.webserver.AbstractJettyHandler
whether to serve the icon.
m_Server - Variable in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTProvider
the server.
m_Server - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Socket
the socket in use.
m_Server - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.WebServer
the jetty server.
m_Service - Variable in class com.example.customerservice.flow.CustomersByName
the service instance.
m_Service - Variable in class com.example.customerservice.flow.CustomersByNameCallableTransformer
the service instance.
m_Service - Variable in class com.example.customerservice.flow.UpdateCustomer
the service instance.
m_Setup - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.AbstractRecordingSetupUser
the setup to use.
m_Shape - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.object.annotator.DEXTRMarkers
the marker shape.
m_Shape - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.object.annotator.SAMMarkers
the marker shape.
m_ShowInControl - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
whether to show in RatControl.
m_ShowInControl - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.generator.AbstractRatGenerator
whether to show in RatControl.
m_ShowKey - Variable in class adams.data.conversion.HeatmapToBufferedImageWithKey
Whether to display the colour key on the heatmap
m_ShowOnlyIDs - Variable in class adams.docker.simpledocker.ListContainers
whether to only show the IDs.
m_ShowOnlyIDs - Variable in class adams.docker.simpledocker.ListImages
whether to only show the IDs.
m_ShowReportTable - Variable in class adams.flow.sink.HeatmapDisplay
whether to show the report table.
m_ShrinkFactor - Variable in class adams.data.filter.HeatmapCentroid
the factor to shrink the heatmap after each iteration.
m_Shutdown - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.Rserve
whether we need to shutdown the server.
m_Sigma - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.BoofCVCirculant
gaussian kernel bandwidth.
m_Signal - Variable in class adams.docker.simpledocker.KillContainers
the signal to send.
m_Signed - Variable in class adams.flow.source.audiorecorder.AbstractAudioRecorder
whether signed or unsigned.
m_Single - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAFilter.FixedInstanceStream
m_Singleton - Static variable in class adams.core.RProjectHelper
the singleton.
m_Size - Variable in class adams.docker.DockerImage
the size of the image.
m_Size - Variable in class adams.flow.source.KeyPairGenerator
the key size.
m_Size - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.ArraySubSample
the size of the sub-sample.
m_Skip - Variable in class adams.doc.latex.generator.AbstractCodeGenerator
whether to skip the transformation and just forward the token.
m_SkipBulkActionTrigger - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.ratcontrol.AbstractControlPanel
whether to skip bulk triggers.
m_SkipInUse - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.FileLister
whether to skip 'in-use' files.
m_SkipMissing - Variable in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.AbstractHeatmapFeatureGeneratorWithSkippableMissingValues
whether to skip missing values.
m_SkipMissing - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HistogramPanel
whether to skip missing values.
m_Slider - Variable in class adams.gui.audio.AudioPlaybackPanel
the slider for the current position.
m_SliderPosition - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.VLCjDirectRenderPanel
slider for changing video position
m_Socket - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.Socket
the socket to use.
m_Source - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.DirWatch
the directory to watch.
m_SpeedCounter - Variable in class adams.flow.sink.MOAClusterVisualization
the speed counter.
m_SpinnerModel - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.VLCjDirectRenderPanel
the model for our spinner
m_SpinnerRate - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.VLCjDirectRenderPanel
spinner for setting the playback rate
m_SpinnerRservePort - Variable in class adams.gui.application.RProjectSettingsPanel
the Rserve port.
m_SplitPane - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapPanel
the split pane for image/spreadsheet and report.
m_SplitPane - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.TrailPanel
the split pane for image/spreadsheet and report.
m_SplitResult - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.AbstractArraySplitter
the type of data to return.
m_Splitter - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.DocumentToSentences
the splitter to use.
m_SplitterOptions - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.splitter.StanfordPTBTokenizer
the options for the splitter.
m_SSLContext - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.SSLContext
the SSL context.
m_SSLVerifyMode - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.RedisConnection
how to verify peers.
m_Start - Variable in class adams.data.filter.AudioAnnotationsWindow
the starting point.
m_Start - Variable in class adams.data.filter.TrailWindow
the starting point.
m_Start - Variable in class adams.data.wavefilter.Cut
the start.
m_StartTLS - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.RedisConnection
whether to start TLS.
m_State - Variable in class adams.flow.control.ChangeRatState
the state to change the rat to.
m_StateListeners - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
the state listeners.
m_Statements - Variable in class adams.doc.latex.generator.CustomStatements
the statements to return.
m_Statements - Variable in class adams.doc.latex.generator.Verbatim
the statements to add in verbatim.
m_Statistic - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapArrayStatistic
the statistic to generate.
m_Statistics - Variable in class adams.data.heatmap.HeatmapStatistic
the statistics.
m_StatsList - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.Statistics
the collected statistics.
m_StatsList - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.plugins.Statistics
the collected statistics.
m_Status - Variable in class adams.docker.DockerContainer
the status of the container.
m_Status - Variable in class adams.scripting.command.flow.GetRatControlStatus
the status.
m_StatusBar - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapViewerPanel
the status bar.
m_StatusBar - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.TrailViewerPanel
the status bar.
m_Stemmer - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.Stemmer
the tokenizer to use.
m_Stemmer - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.stemmer.WekaStemmer
the actual stemmer.
m_Step - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.AnnotationEvent
The step we're passing to the listeners
m_Steps - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.EventQueue
the internal queue
m_StopFlowIfCanceled - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.KeyManager
whether to stop the flow if canceled.
m_StopFlowIfCanceled - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.RedisConnection
whether to stop the flow if canceled.
m_StopFlowIfCanceled - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.TrustManager
whether to stop the flow if canceled.
m_StopListeners - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.VLCjDirectRenderPanel
the listeners for the play event.
m_StopMode - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.KeyManager
how to perform the stop.
m_StopMode - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.RedisConnection
how to perform the stop.
m_StopMode - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.TrustManager
how to perform the stop.
m_Stoppable - Variable in class adams.gui.tools.remotecontrolcenter.panels.RatsTab.RatStatusPanel
whether it is stoppable.
m_Stoppable - Variable in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.Rats.RatStatusPanel
whether it is stoppable.
m_Stopped - Variable in class adams.flow.source.audiorecorder.AbstractAudioRecorder
whether recording has been stopped.
m_Stopped - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.AbstractRatInput
whether the reception was stopped.
m_Stopped - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.AbstractRatOutput
whether the reception was stopped.
m_Stopped - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.enqueue.AbstractEnqueueGuard
whether the scheme has been stopped.
m_Stopped - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler.AbstractMovieImageSampler
whether the sampler was stopped.
m_Stopped - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.redisaction.AbstractRedisAction
whether the action has been stopped.
m_Stopped - Variable in class adams.gui.tools.remotecontrolcenter.panels.RatsTab.RatStatusPanel
whether it is stopped.
m_Stopped - Variable in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.Rats.RatStatusPanel
whether it is stopped.
m_Stopping - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
whether the rat is currently being stopped.
m_StopStart - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.ratcontrol.RatControlState
the button for stopping/starting.
m_Stopwords - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.WordFrequencyAnalyzer
the stopwords to retrieve from storage.
m_StorageName - Variable in class adams.doc.latex.generator.Table
the storage name of the spreadsheet to insert.
m_StorageName - Variable in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.incoming.Enqueue
the queue to enqueue the token in.
m_StorageName - Variable in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.incoming.EnqueueGenerator
the queue to enqueue the token in.
m_StorageName - Variable in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.outgoing.Enqueue
the queue to enqueue the token in.
m_StorageName - Variable in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.outgoing.EnqueueGenerator
the queue to enqueue the token in.
m_StorageName - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.DeQueue
the name of the queue in the internal storage.
m_StorageName - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Storage
the name of the item in the internal storage.
m_StorageName - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Subscribe
the name of the queue in the internal storage.
m_StorageName - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.EnQueue
the name of the queue in the internal storage.
m_StorageName - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.Publish
the name of the queue in the internal storage.
m_StorageName - Variable in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming.Enqueue
the queue to enqueue the token in.
m_StorageName - Variable in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming.EnqueueGenerator
the queue to enqueue the token in.
m_StorageName - Variable in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.Enqueue
the queue to enqueue the token in.
m_StorageName - Variable in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.EnqueueGenerator
the queue to enqueue the token in.
m_StorageNames - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.DistributedEnQueue
the name of the queue in the internal storage.
m_StorageNames - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.QueueDistribute
the names of the queues in the internal storage.
m_StoreBackground - Variable in class adams.data.io.output.SimpleTrailWriter
whether to save the background as well.
m_StreamFilter - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAFilter
The stream filter to use.
m_StreamGenerator - Variable in class adams.flow.source.MOAStream
the stream generator object.
m_StreamIndex - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.MovieInfo
the stream index.
m_StreamPanel - Variable in class adams.flow.sink.MOAClusterVisualization
stream panel that datapoints and clusterings will be drawn to
m_SubGenerators - Variable in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.MultiFeatureGenerator
the generators to use.
m_SubHeaders - Variable in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.MultiFeatureGenerator
the sub-headers.
m_SuppliedDir - Variable in class adams.doc.latex.generator.AbstractFileReferencingCodeGenerator
the supplied directory.
m_SuppressErrors - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
whether errors a suppressed (only forwarded to log actor).
m_SuppressTrailingSpace - Variable in class adams.doc.latex.generator.AbstractEnvironmentWithNoTrailingSpace
whether to suppress the trailing space or not.
m_SuppressTrailingSpace - Variable in class adams.doc.latex.generator.AbstractMetaCodeGeneratorWithNoTrailingSpace
whether to suppress the trailing space or not.
m_SW - Variable in class adams.data.gps.GPSBoundary
m_Swapped - Variable in class adams.data.spreadsheet.GPSDecimalDegrees
whether format is "long lat" instead of "lat long".
m_Swapped - Variable in class adams.data.spreadsheet.GPSDecimalMinutes
whether format is "long lat" instead of "lat long".
m_Swapped - Variable in class adams.data.spreadsheet.GPSDecimalSeconds
whether format is "long lat" instead of "lat long".
m_Tab - Variable in class adams.gui.tools.remotecontrolcenter.panels.RatsTab.RatStatusResponseHandler
the owner.
m_TabbedPane - Variable in class adams.flow.sink.AbstractMekaMultiPlot
the tabbed pane for the plots.
m_TabbedPane - Variable in class adams.flow.sink.MekaGraphVisualizer
the tabbed pane for the graphs.
m_TabbedPane - Variable in class adams.gui.core.MarkdownTextAreaWithPreview
the tabbed pane.
m_TabbedPane - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapPanel
the tabbed pane for the image and spreadsheet view.
m_TabbedPane - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.TrailPanel
the tabbed pane for the image and spreadsheet view.
m_TabbedPane - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.TrailViewerPanel
the tabbed pane for the trails.
m_TableFlows - Variable in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.AbstractRemoteFlowCommandAction
the table with the remote flows.
m_TableList - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.SpreadSheetView
the list of spreadsheet tables.
m_Tag - Variable in class adams.docker.DockerImage
the tag of this image.
m_Tagger - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.TweetNLPTagger
the tagger.
m_Tagger - Variable in class weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.TwitterNLPPos
the tagger.
m_Target - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.DirWatch
the directory to move the files to.
m_Target - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.FileLister
the directory to move the files to.
m_Target - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.FileMover
the target directory.
m_TargetSampleRate - Variable in class adams.data.wavefilter.Resample
the target sample rate.
m_TargetTime - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler.SingleTimestampMovieSampler
m_TargetTime - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler.TimestampMovieSampler
m_Terminal - Variable in class adams.core.gnuplot.Initialize
the terminal to use.
m_Terminal - Variable in class adams.terminal.application.AbstractLanternaTerminalApplication
the terminal in use.
m_Text - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.TextOverlay
the fixed text.
m_TextAreaConsole - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.RatControl
the textarea with console output.
m_TextBibtex - Variable in class adams.gui.application.LatexSetupPanel
the bibtex executable.
m_TextBoxLog - Variable in class adams.core.io.console.Lanterna
the text box for logging output.
m_TextBoxLog - Variable in class adams.terminal.Main
the textbox for the logging.
m_TextCode - Variable in class adams.gui.core.MarkdownTextAreaWithPreview
the text area for writing markdown code.
m_TextColor - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.TextOverlay
the color of the text.
m_TextCommand - Variable in class adams.gui.tools.DockerContainersPanel
the command field.
m_TextContainerID - Variable in class adams.gui.tools.DockerContainersPanel
the container ID field.
m_TextCoordinates - Variable in class adams.gui.goe.GPSEditor
The text field with the coordinates.
m_TextCreated - Variable in class adams.gui.tools.DockerContainersPanel
the created field.
m_TextCreated - Variable in class adams.gui.tools.DockerImagesPanel
the created field.
m_TextExecutable - Variable in class adams.gui.application.LatexSetupPanel
the executable.
m_TextExecutableOptions - Variable in class adams.gui.application.LatexSetupPanel
the executable options.
m_TextImage - Variable in class adams.gui.tools.DockerContainersPanel
the image field.
m_TextImageID - Variable in class adams.gui.tools.DockerImagesPanel
the image ID field.
m_TextLocal - Variable in class adams.gui.goe.DockerDirectoryMappingEditor
The text field with the key.
m_TextLocal - Variable in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.AbstractRemoteFlowCommandAction
the local machine.
m_TextLocal - Variable in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.RemoteLogging
the local host.
m_TextLog - Variable in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.RemoteLogging
for outputting the logging info.
m_TextMarkerSize - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.DEXTR
the marker size.
m_TextMarkerSize - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.SAM
the marker size.
m_TextMarkerSize - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.segmentation.tool.DEXTR
the marker size.
m_TextMarkerSize - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.segmentation.tool.SAM
the marker size.
m_TextMaxFailures - Variable in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.RemoteLogging
the maximum number of connection failures.
m_TextMaxObjectSize - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.DEXTR
the maximum object size (width/height).
m_TextMaxObjectSize - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.SAM
the maximum object size (width/height).
m_TextMinObjectSize - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.DEXTR
the minimum object size (width/height).
m_TextMinObjectSize - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.SAM
the minimum object size (width/height).
m_TextNames - Variable in class adams.gui.tools.DockerContainersPanel
the names field.
m_TextPorts - Variable in class adams.gui.tools.DockerContainersPanel
the ports field.
m_TextRedisHost - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.AbstractRedisTool
the redis host/port.
m_TextRedisHost - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.segmentation.tool.AbstractRedisTool
the redis host/port.
m_TextRedisReceive - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.AbstractRedisTool
the redis channel for receiving.
m_TextRedisReceive - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.segmentation.tool.AbstractRedisTool
the redis channel for receiving.
m_TextRedisSend - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.AbstractRedisTool
the redis channel for sending.
m_TextRedisSend - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.segmentation.tool.AbstractRedisTool
the redis channel for sending.
m_TextRedisTimeout - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.AbstractRedisTool
the redis timeout.
m_TextRedisTimeout - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.segmentation.tool.AbstractRedisTool
the redis timeout.
m_TextRemote - Variable in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.AbstractRemoteFlowCommandAction
the remote machine.
m_TextRemote - Variable in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.RemoteLogging
the remote host.
m_TextRepository - Variable in class adams.gui.tools.DockerImagesPanel
the repository field.
m_TextRserveHost - Variable in class adams.gui.application.RProjectSettingsPanel
the Rserve host.
m_TextSize - Variable in class adams.gui.tools.DockerImagesPanel
the size field.
m_TextStatus - Variable in class adams.gui.tools.DockerContainersPanel
the status field.
m_TextTag - Variable in class adams.gui.tools.DockerImagesPanel
the tag field.
m_TextValue - Variable in class adams.gui.goe.BaseMarkdownEditor
The text area with the value.
m_TextValue - Variable in class adams.gui.goe.RatReferenceEditor
The text field with the value.
m_TextValue - Variable in class adams.gui.goe.RObjectPathEditor
The text field with the value.
m_Third - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.LinearGradientColorPalette
the third color.
m_Threshold - Variable in class adams.data.filter.HeatmapThreshold
the threshold.
m_Threshold - Variable in class adams.data.filter.heatmapthreshold.Manual
the manual threshold.
m_Ticker - Variable in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.AudioAnnotatorPanel
the ticker that takes care of toggleable bindigns
m_Ticker - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.AnnotatorPanel
the ticker that takes care of toggleable bindigns
m_Ticks - Variable in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.Ticker
a set of the runnable's
m_TimeOffset - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler.SingleTimestampMovieSampler
m_TimeOffset - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler.TimestampMovieSampler
m_Timeout - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Socket
the timeout for the socket.
m_TimeOut - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.redisaction.BroadcastAndListen
the timeout in msec.
m_Timestamp - Variable in class adams.data.audioannotations.AudioAnnotation
the timestamp of the step.
m_Timestamp - Variable in class adams.data.trail.Step
the timestamp of the step.
m_Timestamp - Variable in class adams.flow.sink.MOAClusterVisualization
the timestamp for the data.
m_Timestamp - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.AddAudioAnnotation
the timestamp.
m_Timestamp - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.AddTrailStep
the timestamp.
m_Timestamp - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler.SingleTimestampMovieSampler
the timestamps to grab.
m_TimeStamp - Variable in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.TickEvent
the timestamp
m_TimeStamp - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.TickEvent
the timestamp
m_TimeStampLong - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler.SingleTimestampMovieSampler
List of time stamps to sample
m_Timestamps - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler.TimestampMovieSampler
the timestamps to grab.
m_TimeStampsLong - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler.TimestampMovieSampler
List of time stamps to sample
m_Title - Variable in class adams.core.gnuplot.Initialize
the plot title.
m_Title - Variable in class adams.data.conversion.SpreadSheetToHTML
the title to use.
m_Title - Variable in class adams.doc.latex.generator.NewSection
the title of the section.
m_TitleGenerator - Variable in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.AudioAnnotatorPanel
a title generator
m_TitleGenerator - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.AnnotatorPanel
a title generator
m_TitleGenerator - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.VLCjDirectRenderPanel
for generating the title.
m_TitleList - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.Histogram
the titles for the panels.
m_TitleList - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.SpreadSheetView
the titles for the panels.
m_Toggleable - Variable in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.Binding
is the binding toggleable?
m_Toggleable - Variable in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.BindingParameterPanel
a checkbox to indicate if the binding is toggleable or not
m_Toggleable - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.Binding
is the binding toggleable?
m_Toggleable - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.BindingParameterPanel
a checkbox to indicate if the binding is toggleable or not
m_Token - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.StringToken
the string to output.
m_TokenIterator - Variable in class weka.core.tokenizers.TwitterNLPTokenizer
the iterator for the tokens.
m_Tokenizer - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.Tokenize
the tokenizer to use.
m_Tokenizer - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.tokenizer.WekaTokenizer
the tokenizer to use.
m_TokenizerFactory - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.splitter.StanfordPTBTokenizer
the tokenizer factory to use.
m_TokenizerFactory - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.tokenizer.StanfordPTBTokenizer
the tokenizer factory to use.
m_TokenizerOptions - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.tokenizer.StanfordPTBTokenizer
the options for the tokenizer.
m_Tolerance - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.HighestTemperature
the tolerance in temperature to consider still "highest" temperature.
m_Tolerance - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.LowestTemperature
the tolerance in temperature to consider still "highest" temperature.
m_Tool - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.object.annotator.DEXTRMarkers
the associated tool.
m_Tool - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.object.annotator.SAMMarkers
the associated tool.
m_TopLeft - Variable in class adams.data.filter.heatmapcrop.AbstractHeatmapCrop
the top-left corner.
m_TopLeft - Variable in class adams.gui.event.HeatmapPanelSelectionEvent
the top-left of the selection.
m_Tracker - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.AbstractBoofCVObjectTracker
the tracker.
m_Trackers - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.MultiObjectTracker
the trackers to use.
m_Trail - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.EventQueue
the trail we add the steps to
m_Trail - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.TrailPanel
the trail on display.
m_TrailImage - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.TrailPanel
the panel for displaying the trail as image.
m_TrailPaintlet - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.TrailPanel
the default paintlet.
m_TrailPanel - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.overlay.AbstractTrailOverlay
the trail panel.
m_TrailPanel - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.paintlet.AbstractTrailPaintlet
the trail panel.
m_TrailTable - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.TrailPanel
the table with the trail as spreadsheet.
m_Transformer - Variable in class adams.flow.rest.flow.AbstractCallableTransformer
the callable transformer to use for processing.
m_Transformer - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.TransformTrackedObject
the callable transformer to apply to the tracked object.
m_Transformer - Variable in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientSinkWithCallableTransformer
the callable transformer.
m_Transformer - Variable in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientSourceWithCallableTransformer
the callable transformer.
m_Transformer - Variable in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientTransformerWithCallableTransformer
the callable transformer.
m_Transformer - Variable in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceProviderWithCallableTransformer
the callable transformer.
m_TransformerActor - Variable in class adams.flow.rest.flow.AbstractCallableTransformer
the actual actor.
m_TransformerActorInitialized - Variable in class adams.flow.rest.flow.AbstractCallableTransformer
whether the transformer actor has been set up.
m_Transmitter - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
the transmitter to use.
m_Tree - Variable in class adams.flow.sink.StanfordParseTreeDisplay
the tree displaying the parse tree.
m_Tree - Variable in class adams.gui.goe.RatReferenceEditor
The tree displaying all the callable actors.
m_Tree - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.nlp.StanfordTree
the underlying Stanford tree.
m_TrustManager - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.SSLContext
the TrustManager instance to use.
m_TrustManagerFactory - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.TrustManager
the trust manager factory in use.
m_Type - Variable in class adams.data.conversion.GPSDistance
the type of calculation to perform.
m_Type - Variable in class adams.data.filter.HeatmapThreshold
the type of threshold.
m_Type - Variable in class adams.data.wavefilter.Cut
the starting/duration.
m_Type - Variable in class adams.data.wavefilter.Trim
how to trim.
m_Type - Variable in class adams.doc.latex.generator.NewSection
the type of section.
m_Type - Variable in class adams.flow.sink.KeyPairFileWriter
which key to write.
m_Type - Variable in class adams.flow.sink.redisaction.Publish
the data type.
m_Type - Variable in class adams.flow.sink.redisaction.Set
the data type.
m_Type - Variable in class adams.flow.source.KeyPairFileReader
the algorithm.
m_Type - Variable in class adams.flow.source.KeyPairGenerator
the algorithm.
m_Type - Variable in class adams.flow.source.redisaction.Get
the data type.
m_Type - Variable in class adams.flow.source.WebcamInfo
the information to retrieve.
m_Type - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.RedisSubscribe
the data type.
m_Type - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.RedisPublish
the data type.
m_Type - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.GetKeyFromKeyPair
which key to write.
m_Type - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapInfo
the type of information to generate.
m_Type - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.MovieInfo
the info type.
m_Type - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.BoofCVMeanShiftLikelihood
the type of likelihood.
m_Type - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.RenjinObjectInfo
the type of information to generate.
m_TypeIn - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.redisaction.BroadcastAndListen
the data type for the incoming channel.
m_TypeOut - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.redisaction.BroadcastAndListen
the data type for the out channel.
m_UnparametrizedScripts - Variable in class adams.flow.rest.GroovyServer
the scripts with the plugins that make up the server.
m_UpdateModel - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAClassifying
whether to update the model after making the prediction.
m_UpdateModel - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAClustering
whether to update the model after making the prediction.
m_UpdateModel - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.MOARegressing
whether to update the model after making the prediction.
m_URL - Variable in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTProvider
the URL of the webservice.
m_URL - Variable in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceProvider
the URL of the webservice.
m_UseAbsolutePath - Variable in class adams.core.gnuplot.AbstractScriptletWithDataFile
whether to use absolute path for data file.
m_UseAbsoluteSource - Variable in class adams.data.io.input.AbstractHeatmapReader
whether to use absolute filename for the source report field or just the file's name.
m_UseAlternativeURL - Variable in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientSink
whether to use an alternative URL.
m_UseAlternativeURL - Variable in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientSource
whether to use an alternative URL.
m_UseAlternativeURL - Variable in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientTransformer
whether to use an alternative URL.
m_UseAlternativeURL - Variable in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientSink
whether to use an alternative URL.
m_UseAlternativeURL - Variable in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientSource
whether to use an alternative URL.
m_UseAlternativeURL - Variable in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientTransformer
whether to use an alternative URL.
m_UseCompression - Variable in class adams.data.io.output.SimpleHeatmapWriter
whether to use compression.
m_UseCustomRange - Variable in class adams.data.conversion.HeatmapToBufferedImageWithKey
Whether to use a use defined range
m_UseDefaultContext - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.SSLContext
whether to use default context.
m_UseFixedMinMax - Variable in class adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator.wave.Histogram
whether to use fixed min/max for manual bin calculation.
m_UseFixedMinMax - Variable in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.Histogram
whether to use fixed min/max for manual bin calculation.
m_UseFixedRange - Variable in class adams.data.conversion.HeatmapToBufferedImage
whether to use a fixed min/max.
m_UseLowerCase - Variable in class weka.core.tokenizers.TwitterNLPTokenizer
whether to lower-case the tweet.
m_UseModelResetVariable - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.AbstractProcessMOAInstanceWithModel
whether to use a variable to monitor for changes, triggering resets of the model.
m_User - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.SimpleDockerConnection
the registry user.
m_UseRelationNameAsFilename - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAInstanceDumper
whether to use the relation name as filename.
m_UseSingleDataFile - Variable in class adams.core.gnuplot.MultiScriptlet
whether to enforce all scriptlets to use the same data file.
m_UseSSL - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.RedisConnection
whether to use SSL.
m_UUID - Variable in class adams.data.heatmap.Heatmap
the unique ID.
m_Value - Variable in class adams.data.heatmap.HeatmapValue
the heatmap value.
m_Value - Variable in class adams.flow.source.NewHeatmap
the initial value.
m_Value - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapSetValue
the value to set.
m_Value - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.multiheatmapoperation.AddConstant
the constant value to add.
m_Value - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.nlp.StanfordNode
the underlying value.
m_ValueName - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.ContainerValuePicker
the value to pick.
m_VariableName - Variable in class adams.flow.sink.RenjinSink
the name to use in the context.
m_VariableName - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Variable
the variable name.
m_VariableName - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapFeatureGenerator
the variable to listen to.
m_VariableName - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.RenjinAddContext
the name to use in the context.
m_VariableName - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.RenjinTransformer
the name to use in the context.
m_VariableName - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.WaveFeatureGenerator
the variable to listen to.
m_VariablesUpdated - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.AbstractRatOutput
whether the output needs re-setting up because of modified variables.
m_Video - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.MjpegImageSequence
the video.
m_VideoDimension - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler.FixedIntervalBufferedImageSamplerVlcj
the dimensions of the video
m_VideoDimension - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler.SingleTimestampMovieSampler
the dimensions of the video
m_VideoDimension - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler.TimestampMovieSampler
the dimensions of the video
m_VideoHeight - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.DirectRenderMediaPlayerPanel
The height of the video
m_VideoLoaded - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.VLCjDirectRenderPanel
flag to say if video is loaded
m_VideoPaused - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.VLCjDirectRenderPanel
flag to say if video is paused
m_VideoPlayer - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.AnnotationPanel
The video player we're annotating for
m_VideoPlayer - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.AnnotatorPanel
a video player panel
m_VideoPlaying - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.VLCjDirectRenderPanel
flag for player state, playing/not playing
m_VideoStreamIndex - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler.FixedIntervalBufferedImageSampler
The video stream index, used to ensure we display frames from one and only one video stream from the media container.
m_VideoStreamIndex - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.MovieImageSequence
The video stream index, used to ensure we display frames from one and only one video stream from the media container.
m_VideoWidth - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.DirectRenderMediaPlayerPanel
The width of the video
m_VLCInstalled - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.VLCjDirectRenderPanel
flag to check that VLC is installed.
m_Vocabulary - Variable in class weka.core.tokenizers.cleaners.RemoveEmoticons
the vocabulary.
m_Vocabulary - Variable in class weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.TwitterNLPPos
the vocabulary.
m_Wait - Variable in class adams.docker.simpledocker.StopContainers
for number of seconds to wait.
m_Wait - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.enqueue.MaxQueueSize
the time in msec to wait between checks.
m_WaitFTP - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.FtpUpload
the waiting period in msec before FTPing the files.
m_WaitingPeriod - Variable in class adams.core.gnuplot.Pause
the time in seconds to wait before the plot closes.
m_WaitList - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.FileLister
the waiting period in msec after listing the files.
m_WaitMove - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.FileMover
the waiting period in msec before moving the files.
m_WaitPoll - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.AbstractPollingRatInput
the waiting period in msec before polling again.
m_WaitPoll - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.DirWatch
the waiting period in msec before polling again.
m_WaitPoll - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.InputPolling
the waiting period in msec before polling again.
m_Watch - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.DirWatch
the watch service.
m_Webcam - Variable in class adams.flow.source.WebcamImage
the webcam to access.
m_Webcam - Variable in class adams.flow.source.WebcamInfo
the webcam to output the info about.
m_WebService - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.RESTTextReception
the webservice to run.
m_WebService - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.WSBlobReception
the webservice to run.
m_WebService - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.WSTextReception
the webservice to run.
m_WebService - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.RESTServer
the webservice to run.
m_WebService - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.WSServer
the webservice to run.
m_WelcomeFiles - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.webserver.ResourceHandler
the welcome files (no path).
m_Width - Variable in class adams.data.filter.heatmapcrop.CropToCentroid
the width of the crop region around the centroid.
m_Width - Variable in class adams.data.filter.heatmapcrop.Rectangle
the width of the submap.
m_Width - Variable in class adams.data.filter.heatmapcrop.Submap
the width of the submap.
m_Width - Variable in class adams.data.filter.HeatmapSubmap
the width of the submap.
m_Width - Variable in class adams.data.io.input.FloatMatrixHeatmapReader
the width of the heatmap.
m_Width - Variable in class adams.data.video.AbstractScreenRecorder
the width of the screen portion to grab (-1 = remainder).
m_Width - Variable in class adams.data.video.AbstractWebcamRecorder
the width of the screen portion to grab (-1 = remainder).
m_Width - Variable in class adams.doc.latex.generator.MiniPage
the width.
m_Width - Variable in class adams.flow.source.NewTrail
the width of the trail.
m_Width - Variable in class adams.flow.source.WebcamImage
the width of the image.
m_Width - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.GenerateWordCloud
the width.
m_Width - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.RectangleBackground
the width.
m_Width - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.AbstractPositionableHeatmapOverlayWithDimensions
the width of the overlay.
m_WorkingDirectory - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Exec
the current working directory.
m_WorkingDirectory - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.Exec
the current working directory.
m_WorkSpace - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.BoofCVCirculant
Length of size in work space image.
m_WrapUpAfterExecution - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
whether to wrap up after executing the actors.
m_Writer - Variable in class adams.data.io.output.SimpleImageHeatmapWriter
the writer to use.
m_Writer - Variable in class adams.data.io.output.SpreadSheetHeatmapWriter
the spreadsheet writer to use.
m_Writer - Variable in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.TextWriter
the writer to use.
m_X - Variable in class adams.data.filter.heatmapcrop.Rectangle
the row to start (top-left).
m_X - Variable in class adams.data.heatmap.HeatmapValue
the X position in the heatmap.
m_X - Variable in class adams.data.trail.Step
the X of the step.
m_X - Variable in class adams.data.video.AbstractScreenRecorder
the X position of the screen portion to grab (0-based).
m_X - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.AddTrailStep
the X of the step.
m_X - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.RectangleBackground
the x.
m_X - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.AbstractPositionableHeatmapOverlay
the X position of the overlay.
m_x_pixels - Variable in class adams.data.gps.Map
m_XLabel - Variable in class adams.core.gnuplot.Initialize
the title of the X axis.
m_Y - Variable in class adams.data.filter.heatmapcrop.Rectangle
the column to start (top-left).
m_Y - Variable in class adams.data.heatmap.HeatmapValue
the Y position in the heatmap.
m_Y - Variable in class adams.data.trail.Step
the Y of the step.
m_Y - Variable in class adams.data.video.AbstractScreenRecorder
the Y position of the screen portion to grab (0-based).
m_Y - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.AddTrailStep
the Y of the step.
m_Y - Variable in class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.RectangleBackground
the y.
m_Y - Variable in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.AbstractPositionableHeatmapOverlay
the Y position of the overlay.
m_y_pixels - Variable in class adams.data.gps.Map
m_YLabel - Variable in class adams.core.gnuplot.Initialize
the title of the Y axis.
m_ZLabel - Variable in class adams.core.gnuplot.Initialize
the title of the Z axis.
m_Zoom - Variable in class adams.flow.sink.HeatmapDisplay
the zoom level.
m_Zoom - Variable in class adams.flow.sink.TrailDisplay
the zoom level.
main(String[]) - Static method in class adams.core.RObjectInspector
main(String[]) - Static method in class adams.data.io.input.ArcInfoASCIIGridReader
Runs the reader from the command-line.
main(String[]) - Static method in class adams.data.io.input.GnuplotSpreadSheetReader
Runs the reader from the command-line.
main(String[]) - Static method in class adams.data.video.GifSequenceWriter
public GifSequenceWriter( BufferedOutputStream outputStream, int imageType, int timeBetweenFramesMS, boolean loopContinuously) {
main(String[]) - Static method in class adams.gui.core.MarkdownTextAreaWithPreview
For testing only.
main(String[]) - Static method in class adams.gui.core.MarkdownTextPane
For testing only.
main(String[]) - Static method in class adams.terminal.Main
Starts the terminal application from commandline.
main(String[]) - Static method in class weka.classifiers.functions.PyroProxy
Main method for running this class.
main(String[]) - Static method in class weka.core.tokenizers.TwitterNLPTokenizer
Runs the tokenizer with the given options and strings to tokenize.
main(String[]) - Static method in class weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.TwitterEmoticonScore
Main method for testing this class.
main(String[]) - Static method in class weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.TwitterNLPPos
Main method for testing this class.
Main - Class in adams.terminal
Main ADAMS application - terminal-based.
Main() - Constructor for class adams.terminal.Main
Main.LogHandler - Class in adams.terminal
The log handler for the application.
makeStep(TimeMsec) - Method in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.AudioAnnotationPanel
Creates a step for a given timestamp and alerts the listeners
makeStep(Date) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.AnnotationPanel
Creates a step for a given timestamp and alerts the listeners
Manual - Class in adams.data.filter.heatmapthreshold
Performs no calculation, simply returns the user-specified threshold.
Manual() - Constructor for class adams.data.filter.heatmapthreshold.Manual
MANUAL - adams.flow.core.RatMode
manualMaxTipText() - Method in class adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator.wave.Histogram
Returns the tip text for this property.
manualMaxTipText() - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.Histogram
Returns the tip text for this property.
manualMinTipText() - Method in class adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator.wave.Histogram
Returns the tip text for this property.
manualMinTipText() - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.Histogram
Returns the tip text for this property.
Map - Class in adams.data.gps
Map() - Constructor for class adams.data.gps.Map
Map.MapType - Enum in adams.data.gps
Markdown - Class in adams.gui.flow.tree.annotations
Turns the markdown annotations into HTML.
Markdown() - Constructor for class adams.gui.flow.tree.annotations.Markdown
MarkdownTextAreaWithPreview - Class in adams.gui.core
Text area for handling Markdown with code and preview tabs.
MarkdownTextAreaWithPreview() - Constructor for class adams.gui.core.MarkdownTextAreaWithPreview
MarkdownTextPane - Class in adams.gui.core
Renders Markdown text.
MarkdownTextPane() - Constructor for class adams.gui.core.MarkdownTextPane
MarkdownToHTML - Class in adams.data.conversion
Converts Markdown to HTML.
MarkdownToHTML() - Constructor for class adams.data.conversion.MarkdownToHTML
marshal(Date) - Method in class org.w3._2001.xmlschema.Adapter1
marshal(Date) - Method in class org.w3._2001.xmlschema.Adapter2
Max - Class in adams.data.featuregenerator
Outputs the largest intensity value in the heatmap as feature.
Max - Class in adams.data.heatmapfeatures
Extracts the highest value.
Max() - Constructor for class adams.data.featuregenerator.Max
Max() - Constructor for class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.Max
MAX - adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapInfo.InfoType
the maximum value.
MAX_DELTA_TIMESTAMP - Static variable in class adams.data.audioannotations.AudioAnnotationsStatistic
MAX_DELTA_TIMESTAMP - Static variable in class adams.data.trail.TrailStatistic
MAX_DELTA_X - Static variable in class adams.data.trail.TrailStatistic
MAX_DELTA_Y - Static variable in class adams.data.trail.TrailStatistic
MAX_RATE - Static variable in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.VLCjDirectRenderPanel
MAX_X - Static variable in class adams.data.trail.TrailStatistic
MAX_Y - Static variable in class adams.data.trail.TrailStatistic
maxBufferTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.AbstractBufferedRatInput
Returns the tip text for this property.
maxBufferTipText() - Method in interface adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.BufferedRatInput
Returns the tip text for this property.
maxFilesTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.FileLister
Returns the tip text for this property.
maxImagesTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MjpegImageSequence
Returns the tip text for this property.
maxImagesTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MovieImageSequence
Returns the tip text for this property.
MAXIMUM - Static variable in class adams.data.heatmap.HeatmapStatistic
the maximum value.
maximumIncludedTipText() - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.CountValues
Returns the tip text for this property.
maximumTipText() - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.CountValues
Returns the tip text for this property.
maxIterationsTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.BoofCVMeanShiftLikelihood
Returns the tip text for this property.
maxNumSheetsRequired() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.multiheatmapoperation.AbstractMultiHeatmapOperation
Returns the maximum number of heatmaps that are required for the operation.
maxNumSheetsRequired() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.multiheatmapoperation.Add
Returns the maximum number of heatmaps that are required for the operation.
maxNumSheetsRequired() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.multiheatmapoperation.AddConstant
Returns the maximum number of heatmaps that are required for the operation.
maxNumSheetsRequired() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.multiheatmapoperation.PassThrough
Returns the maximum number of heatmaps that are required for the operation.
maxNumSheetsRequired() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.multiheatmapoperation.Subtract
Returns the maximum number of heatmaps that are required for the operation.
maxPixelValueTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.BoofCVCirculant
Returns the tip text for this property.
maxPixelValueTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.BoofCVMeanShiftLikelihood
Returns the tip text for this property.
MaxQueueSize - Class in adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.enqueue
Ensures that the queue doesn't exceed the specified size; waits till the queue can accept data again.
MaxQueueSize() - Constructor for class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.enqueue.MaxQueueSize
maxRangeTipText() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.HeatmapToBufferedImageWithKey
Tip text for this property
maxTipText() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.HeatmapToBufferedImage
Returns the tip text for this property.
maxTipText() - Method in class adams.data.filter.heatmapthreshold.Otsu
Returns the tip text for this property.
maxTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.LinearFontScalar
Returns the tip text for this property.
maxTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.LogFontScalar
Returns the tip text for this property.
maxTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.SqrtFontScalar
Returns the tip text for this property.
maxValueTipText() - Method in class adams.data.random.AbstractCommonsRandomNumberGenerator
Returns the tip text for this property.
maxValueTipText() - Method in interface adams.data.random.CommonsRandomNumberGenerator
Returns the tip text for this property.
maxValueTipText() - Method in class adams.data.random.JMathArrayInt
Returns the tip text for this property.
maxValueTipText() - Method in class adams.data.random.Triangular
Returns the tip text for this property.
maxValueTipText() - Method in class adams.data.random.Uniform
Returns the tip text for this property.
maxWordLengthTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.WordFrequencyAnalyzer
Returns the tip text for this property.
Mean - Class in adams.data.featuregenerator
Outputs the mean of the intensity values in the heatmap as feature.
Mean - Class in adams.data.heatmapfeatures
Determines the mean.
Mean() - Constructor for class adams.data.featuregenerator.Mean
Mean() - Constructor for class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.Mean
MEAN_DELTA_TIMESTAMP - Static variable in class adams.data.audioannotations.AudioAnnotationsStatistic
MEAN_DELTA_TIMESTAMP - Static variable in class adams.data.trail.TrailStatistic
MEAN_DELTA_X - Static variable in class adams.data.trail.TrailStatistic
MEAN_DELTA_Y - Static variable in class adams.data.trail.TrailStatistic
measuresTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.MOAClusterVisualization
Returns the tip text for this property.
Median - Class in adams.data.featuregenerator
Outputs the median of the intensity values in the heatmap as feature.
Median - Class in adams.data.heatmapfeatures
Determines the median.
Median() - Constructor for class adams.data.featuregenerator.Median
Median() - Constructor for class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.Median
MEDIAN_DELTA_TIMESTAMP - Static variable in class adams.data.audioannotations.AudioAnnotationsStatistic
MEDIAN_DELTA_TIMESTAMP - Static variable in class adams.data.trail.TrailStatistic
MEDIAN_DELTA_X - Static variable in class adams.data.trail.TrailStatistic
MEDIAN_DELTA_Y - Static variable in class adams.data.trail.TrailStatistic
MekaClassifierModelLoader - Class in adams.flow.core
Manages Meka classifier models.
MekaClassifierModelLoader() - Constructor for class adams.flow.core.MekaClassifierModelLoader
MekaClassifierSetup - Class in adams.flow.source
Outputs an instance of the specified MEKA classifier.
MekaClassifierSetup() - Constructor for class adams.flow.source.MekaClassifierSetup
MekaClassifying - Class in adams.flow.transformer
Uses a serialized model to perform predictions on the data being passed through.
The following order is used to obtain the model (when using AUTO):
MekaClassifying() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.MekaClassifying
MekaClassSelector - Class in adams.flow.transformer
Determines which attributes to use as class attributes using either a regular expression or an attribute index range.
In case the attribute range is a non-empty string, this will take precedence over the regular expression.
Anything that follows a ':' or ' ' (blank) gets removed from the original relation name in order to create a valid MEKA one.
MekaClassSelector() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.MekaClassSelector
MekaCrossValidationEvaluator - Class in adams.flow.transformer
Cross-validates a Meka classifier on an incoming dataset.
MekaCrossValidationEvaluator() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.MekaCrossValidationEvaluator
MekaEditorsRegistration - Class in adams.gui.goe
Registers the MEKA GenericObjectEditor editors.
MekaEditorsRegistration() - Constructor for class adams.gui.goe.MekaEditorsRegistration
MekaExperimenter - Class in adams.gui.menu
Opens the MEKA Experimenter.
MekaExperimenter() - Constructor for class adams.gui.menu.MekaExperimenter
Initializes the menu item with no owner.
MekaExperimenter(AbstractApplicationFrame) - Constructor for class adams.gui.menu.MekaExperimenter
Initializes the menu item.
MekaExplorer - Class in adams.gui.menu
Opens the MEKA Explorer.
MekaExplorer() - Constructor for class adams.gui.menu.MekaExplorer
Initializes the menu item with no owner.
MekaExplorer(AbstractApplicationFrame) - Constructor for class adams.gui.menu.MekaExplorer
Initializes the menu item.
MekaGenericObjectEditorHandler - Class in adams.gui.goe
Handler for the MEKA GenericObjectEditor.
MekaGenericObjectEditorHandler() - Constructor for class adams.gui.goe.MekaGenericObjectEditorHandler
MekaGraphVisualizer - Class in adams.flow.sink
Displays graphs obtained from a model that implements meka.core.MultiLabelDrawable.
MekaGraphVisualizer() - Constructor for class adams.flow.sink.MekaGraphVisualizer
MekaMacroCurve - Class in adams.flow.sink
Displays macro-averaged curve.
MekaMacroCurve() - Constructor for class adams.flow.sink.MekaMacroCurve
MekaMicroCurve - Class in adams.flow.sink
Displays micro-averaged curve.
MekaMicroCurve() - Constructor for class adams.flow.sink.MekaMicroCurve
MekaPrecisionRecall - Class in adams.flow.sink
Displays precision-recall plots for each of the labels.
MekaPrecisionRecall() - Constructor for class adams.flow.sink.MekaPrecisionRecall
MekaPrepareData - Class in adams.flow.transformer
Prepares the incoming dataset to be compatible with MEKA classifiers.
Uses information stored in the relation name of the dataset.
MekaPrepareData() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.MekaPrepareData
MekaResultContainer - Class in adams.flow.container
A container for Result objects, with optional trained model.
MekaResultContainer() - Constructor for class adams.flow.container.MekaResultContainer
Initializes the container.
MekaResultContainer(Result) - Constructor for class adams.flow.container.MekaResultContainer
Initializes the container with no header.
MekaResultContainer(Result, Object) - Constructor for class adams.flow.container.MekaResultContainer
Initializes the container with no header.
MekaResultSummary - Class in adams.flow.transformer
Turns the Meka meka.core.Result object into a string.
MekaResultSummary() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.MekaResultSummary
MekaResultValues - Class in adams.flow.transformer
Extracts values from a meka.core.Result object and generates a spreadsheet.
MekaResultValues() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.MekaResultValues
MekaROC - Class in adams.flow.sink
Displays ROC (receiver operator curve) plots for each of the labels.
MekaROC() - Constructor for class adams.flow.sink.MekaROC
MekaTrainClassifier - Class in adams.flow.transformer
Trains a Meka classifier based on the incoming dataset and outputs the built classifier alongside the training header (in a model container).
MekaTrainClassifier() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.MekaTrainClassifier
MekaTrainTestSetEvaluator - Class in adams.flow.transformer
Trains a Meka classifier on an incoming training dataset (from a container) and then evaluates it on the test set (also from a container).
The classifier setup being used in the evaluation is a callable 'Classifier' actor.
MekaTrainTestSetEvaluator() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.MekaTrainTestSetEvaluator
Menu - Class in adams.terminal.core
Represents a lanterna menu.
Menu(String, WindowBasedTextGUI) - Constructor for class adams.terminal.core.Menu
Initializes the menu.
MenuBar - Class in adams.terminal.core
A lanterna menubar offering drop-down menus.
MenuBar() - Constructor for class adams.terminal.core.MenuBar
Initializes the menubar.
MenuItem - Interface in adams.terminal.core
Interface for lanterna menu items.
MenuListDialog - Class in adams.terminal.core
Dialog containing a multiple item action list box
MenuListDialogBuilder - Class in adams.terminal.core
Dialog builder for the MenuListDialog class, use this to create instances of that class and to customize them
MenuListDialogBuilder() - Constructor for class adams.terminal.core.MenuListDialogBuilder
Default constructor
mergeWith(DataContainer) - Method in class adams.data.heatmap.Heatmap
Merges its own data with the one provided by the specified object.
MersenneTwister - Class in adams.data.random
This class implements a powerful pseudo-random number generator developed by Makoto Matsumoto and Takuji Nishimura during 1996-1997.
MersenneTwister() - Constructor for class adams.data.random.MersenneTwister
message - Variable in class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.blob.UploadResponse
message - Variable in class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.text.UploadResponse
messageTipText() - Method in class adams.core.gnuplot.Pause
Returns the tip text for this property.
metaDataTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AddAudioAnnotation
Returns the tip text for this property.
metaDataTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AddTrailStep
Returns the tip text for this property.
methodNamePredictionTipText() - Method in class weka.classifiers.functions.PyroProxy
Returns the tip text for this property.
methodNameTrainTipText() - Method in class weka.classifiers.functions.PyroProxy
Returns the tip text for this property.
metricValuesTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MekaResultValues
Returns the tip text for this property.
Min - Class in adams.data.featuregenerator
Outputs the smallest intensity value in the heatmap as feature.
Min - Class in adams.data.heatmapfeatures
Extracts the lowest value.
Min() - Constructor for class adams.data.featuregenerator.Min
Min() - Constructor for class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.Min
MIN - adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapInfo.InfoType
the minimum value.
MIN_DELTA_TIMESTAMP - Static variable in class adams.data.audioannotations.AudioAnnotationsStatistic
MIN_DELTA_TIMESTAMP - Static variable in class adams.data.trail.TrailStatistic
MIN_DELTA_X - Static variable in class adams.data.trail.TrailStatistic
MIN_DELTA_Y - Static variable in class adams.data.trail.TrailStatistic
MIN_RATE - Static variable in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.VLCjDirectRenderPanel
MIN_X - Static variable in class adams.data.trail.TrailStatistic
MIN_Y - Static variable in class adams.data.trail.TrailStatistic
MINIMUM - Static variable in class adams.data.heatmap.HeatmapStatistic
the minimum value.
minimumIncludedTipText() - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.CountValues
Returns the tip text for this property.
minimumTipText() - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.CountValues
Returns the tip text for this property.
MiniPage - Class in adams.doc.latex.generator
Inserts a minipage environment.
MiniPage() - Constructor for class adams.doc.latex.generator.MiniPage
minNumSheetsRequired() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.multiheatmapoperation.AbstractMultiHeatmapOperation
Returns the minimum number of heatmaps that are required for the operation.
minNumSheetsRequired() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.multiheatmapoperation.Add
Returns the minimum number of heatmaps that are required for the operation.
minNumSheetsRequired() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.multiheatmapoperation.AddConstant
Returns the minimum number of heatmaps that are required for the operation.
minNumSheetsRequired() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.multiheatmapoperation.PassThrough
Returns the minimum number of heatmaps that are required for the operation.
minNumSheetsRequired() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.multiheatmapoperation.Subtract
Returns the minimum number of heatmaps that are required for the operation.
minRangeTipText() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.HeatmapToBufferedImageWithKey
Tip text for this property
minTipText() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.HeatmapToBufferedImage
Returns the tip text for this property.
minTipText() - Method in class adams.data.filter.heatmapthreshold.Otsu
Returns the tip text for this property.
minTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.LinearFontScalar
Returns the tip text for this property.
minTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.LogFontScalar
Returns the tip text for this property.
minTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.SqrtFontScalar
Returns the tip text for this property.
minValueTipText() - Method in class adams.data.random.AbstractCommonsRandomNumberGenerator
Returns the tip text for this property.
minValueTipText() - Method in interface adams.data.random.CommonsRandomNumberGenerator
Returns the tip text for this property.
minValueTipText() - Method in class adams.data.random.JMathArrayInt
Returns the tip text for this property.
minValueTipText() - Method in class adams.data.random.Triangular
Returns the tip text for this property.
minValueTipText() - Method in class adams.data.random.Uniform
Returns the tip text for this property.
minWordLengthTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.WordFrequencyAnalyzer
Returns the tip text for this property.
MISSING - adams.docker.simpledocker.PullType
MISSING - adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapInfo.InfoType
the number of missing values.
MISSING_VALUE - Static variable in class adams.data.heatmap.Heatmap
the missing value.
MISSING_VALUE - Static variable in class adams.data.io.input.GnuplotSpreadSheetReader
the default for missing values.
missingColorTipText() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.HeatmapToBufferedImageWithKey
Tip text for this property
missingValueColorTipText() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.HeatmapToBufferedImage
Returns the tip text for this property.
missingValueColorTipText() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.HeatmapToBufferedImageExpression
Returns the tip text for this property.
missingValueColorTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.HeatmapDisplay
Returns the tip text for this property.
missingValuesHandlingTipText() - Method in class adams.data.filter.HeatmapThreshold
Returns the tip text for this property.
missingValueTipText() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.SpreadSheetToHeatmap
Returns the tip text for this property.
missingValueTipText() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.Table
Returns the tip text for this property.
MjpegImageSequence - Class in adams.flow.transformer
Streams the individual frames from the MJPEG video file obtained as input.
Images are output as boofcv.struct.image.GrayF32 (FRAME) or java.awt.image.BufferedImage (GUIIMAGE).
In case of output type BOTH, an array of frame (first) and GUI image (second) is output.
MjpegImageSequence() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.MjpegImageSequence
MjpegImageSequence.OutputType - Enum in adams.flow.transformer
Defines the output.
MOA - Class in adams.gui.menu
Displays the MOA GUI.
MOA() - Constructor for class adams.gui.menu.MOA
Initializes the menu item with no owner.
MOA(AbstractApplicationFrame) - Constructor for class adams.gui.menu.MOA
Initializes the menu item.
MOAClassification - Class in adams.flow.condition.bool
Uses the index of the classification, i.e., the predicted label, as index of the switch

MOAClassification() - Constructor for class adams.flow.condition.bool.MOAClassification
MOAClassifierEvaluation - Class in adams.flow.transformer
Evaluates a MOA classifier using prequential evaluation.
MOAClassifierEvaluation() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.MOAClassifierEvaluation
MOAClassifierModelLoader - Class in adams.flow.core
Manages classifier models.
MOAClassifierModelLoader() - Constructor for class adams.flow.core.MOAClassifierModelLoader
MOAClassifierSetup - Class in adams.flow.source
Outputs an instance of the specified MOA classifier.
MOAClassifierSetup() - Constructor for class adams.flow.source.MOAClassifierSetup
MOAClassifying - Class in adams.flow.transformer
Uses a serialized MOA model to perform predictions on the data being passed through.
The following order is used to obtain the model (when using AUTO):
MOAClassifying() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.MOAClassifying
MOAClassOptionEditor - Class in adams.gui.goe
An editor for MOA ClassOption objects.
MOAClassOptionEditor() - Constructor for class adams.gui.goe.MOAClassOptionEditor
MOAClassOptionParsing - Class in adams.core.option.parsing
For parsing MOAClassOption options.
MOAClassOptionParsing() - Constructor for class adams.core.option.parsing.MOAClassOptionParsing
MOAClustererEvaluation - Class in adams.flow.transformer
Evaluates a MOA clusterer using prequential evaluation.
MOAClustererEvaluation() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.MOAClustererEvaluation
MOAClustererModelLoader - Class in adams.flow.core
Manages classifier models.
MOAClustererModelLoader() - Constructor for class adams.flow.core.MOAClustererModelLoader
MOAClustererSetup - Class in adams.flow.source
Outputs an instance of the specified MOA clusterer.
MOAClustererSetup() - Constructor for class adams.flow.source.MOAClustererSetup
MOAClustering - Class in adams.flow.transformer
Uses a serialized MOA model to cluster data being passed through.
The following order is used to obtain the model (when using AUTO):
MOAClustering() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.MOAClustering
MOAClusteringContainer - Class in adams.flow.container
A container for clusterings made by a clusterer.
MOAClusteringContainer() - Constructor for class adams.flow.container.MOAClusteringContainer
Initializes the container.
MOAClusteringContainer(Instance, int, double[]) - Constructor for class adams.flow.container.MOAClusteringContainer
Initializes the container.
MOAClusteringContainer(Instance, int, double[], double, double[], double[]) - Constructor for class adams.flow.container.MOAClusteringContainer
Initializes the container.
MOAClusterVisualization - Class in adams.flow.sink
Visualizes MOA clusters.
MOAClusterVisualization() - Constructor for class adams.flow.sink.MOAClusterVisualization
MOACommandLineHandler - Class in adams.core.option
Handles objects of classes that implement the weka.core.OptionHandler interface.
MOACommandLineHandler() - Constructor for class adams.core.option.MOACommandLineHandler
MOAFilter - Class in adams.flow.transformer
Applies a MOA stream filter to the incoming MOA instances.
MOAFilter() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.MOAFilter
MOAFilter.FixedInstanceStream - Class in adams.flow.transformer
MOAHelper - Class in adams.core
Helper class for MOA related stuff.
MOAHelper() - Constructor for class adams.core.MOAHelper
MOAInstanceDumper - Class in adams.flow.transformer
Dumps MOA Instance objects into an ARFF file.
MOAInstanceDumper() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.MOAInstanceDumper
MOAInstanceDumper.OutputFormat - Enum in adams.flow.transformer
The format to output the data in.
MOAInstancesToWEKAInstances - Class in adams.data.conversion
Converts MOA instances into WEKA instances.
MOAInstancesToWEKAInstances() - Constructor for class adams.data.conversion.MOAInstancesToWEKAInstances
MOALearningEvaluation - Class in adams.flow.transformer
Generates a string representation from the measurements obtained from a MOA classifier or clusterer.
MOALearningEvaluation() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.MOALearningEvaluation
MOAMeasurementPlotGenerator - Class in adams.flow.transformer
Generates plot containers from the measurements.
MOAMeasurementPlotGenerator() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.MOAMeasurementPlotGenerator
MOAMeasurementsFilter - Class in adams.flow.transformer
Filters the measures based on the measurement name.
MOAMeasurementsFilter() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.MOAMeasurementsFilter
MOAModelContainer - Class in adams.flow.container
A container for models (e.g., classifier or clusterer) and an optional header of a dataset.
MOAModelContainer() - Constructor for class adams.flow.container.MOAModelContainer
Initializes the container.
MOAModelContainer(Object) - Constructor for class adams.flow.container.MOAModelContainer
Initializes the container with no header.
MOAModelContainer(Object, Instances) - Constructor for class adams.flow.container.MOAModelContainer
Initializes the container with no header.
MOAModelContainer(Object, Instances, Instances) - Constructor for class adams.flow.container.MOAModelContainer
Initializes the container with no header.
MOAModelReader - Class in adams.flow.transformer
Actor for loading a model (classifier or clusterer).
MOAModelReader() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.MOAModelReader
MOAModelWriter - Class in adams.flow.sink
Actor for saving a MOA model (classifier or clusterer) alongside an optional header (i.e., weka.core.Instances object) as file.
MOAModelWriter() - Constructor for class adams.flow.sink.MOAModelWriter
MOAObjectHelpGenerator - Class in adams.gui.help
Help generator for MOA objects.
MOAObjectHelpGenerator() - Constructor for class adams.gui.help.MOAObjectHelpGenerator
MOAPredictionContainer - Class in adams.flow.container
A container for predictions made by a classifier.
MOAPredictionContainer() - Constructor for class adams.flow.container.MOAPredictionContainer
Initializes the container.
MOAPredictionContainer(Instance, double, double[]) - Constructor for class adams.flow.container.MOAPredictionContainer
Initializes the container.
MOAPredictionContainer(Instance, double, double[], String) - Constructor for class adams.flow.container.MOAPredictionContainer
Initializes the container.
MOAPropertyValueConverter - Class in adams.flow.core
Handler for MOA classes.
MOAPropertyValueConverter() - Constructor for class adams.flow.core.MOAPropertyValueConverter
MOARegressing<T extends moa.classifiers.Classifier & moa.classifiers.Regressor> - Class in adams.flow.transformer
Uses a serialized MOA model to perform predictions on the data being passed through.
The following order is used to obtain the model (when using AUTO):
MOARegressing() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.MOARegressing
MOARegressorEvaluation - Class in adams.flow.transformer
Evaluates a MOA regressor using prequential evaluation.
MOARegressorEvaluation() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.MOARegressorEvaluation
MOARegressorModelLoader - Class in adams.flow.core
Manages classifier models.
MOARegressorModelLoader() - Constructor for class adams.flow.core.MOARegressorModelLoader
MOARegressorSetup - Class in adams.flow.source
MOARegressorSetup() - Constructor for class adams.flow.source.MOARegressorSetup
MOAStream - Class in adams.flow.source
Generates artificial data using a MOA stream generator.
MOAStream() - Constructor for class adams.flow.source.MOAStream
MOATrainClassifier - Class in adams.flow.transformer
Trains a MOA classifier based on the incoming data.
MOATrainClassifier() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.MOATrainClassifier
MOATrainClusterer - Class in adams.flow.transformer
Trains a MOA clusterer based on the incoming data.
MOATrainClusterer() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.MOATrainClusterer
MOATrainRegressor - Class in adams.flow.transformer
Trains a MOA regressor based on the incoming data.
MOATrainRegressor() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.MOATrainRegressor
MODEL - Static variable in class weka.core.tokenizers.cleaners.RemoveEmoticons
MODEL - Static variable in class weka.core.tokenizers.cleaners.WordCluster
MODEL - Static variable in class weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.TwitterEmoticonScore
MODEL - Static variable in class weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.TwitterNLPPos
modelActorTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.condition.bool.MOAClassification
Returns the tip text for this property.
modelActorTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AbstractProcessMOAInstanceWithModel
Returns the tip text for this property.
modelFileTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.condition.bool.MOAClassification
Returns the tip text for this property.
modelFileTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AbstractProcessMOAInstanceWithModel
Returns the tip text for this property.
modelLoadingTypeTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AbstractProcessMOAInstanceWithModel
Returns the tip text for this property.
modelNameTipText() - Method in class weka.classifiers.functions.PyroProxy
Returns the tip text for this property.
modelResetVariableTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AbstractProcessMOAInstanceWithModel
Returns the tip text for this property.
modelStorageTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AbstractProcessMOAInstanceWithModel
Returns the tip text for this property.
modelTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.StanfordLexicalizedParser
Returns the tip text for this property.
modelTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.TweetNLPTagger
Returns the tip text for this property.
modelTipText() - Method in class weka.core.tokenizers.cleaners.RemoveEmoticons
Returns the tip text for this property.
modelTipText() - Method in class weka.core.tokenizers.cleaners.WordCluster
Returns the tip text for this property.
modelTipText() - Method in class weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.TwitterEmoticonScore
Returns the tip text for this property.
modelTipText() - Method in class weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.TwitterNLPPos
Returns the tip text for this property.
modeTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Returns the tip text for this property.
modifiedListener(boolean) - Method in class adams.data.trail.Trail
Method that gets notified about changes in the collection of data points.
Modules - Class in adams.terminal.menu
Lists the modules.
Modules() - Constructor for class adams.terminal.menu.Modules
Initializes the menu item with no owner.
Modules(AbstractTerminalApplication) - Constructor for class adams.terminal.menu.Modules
Initializes the menu item.
moveFilesTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.DirWatch
Returns the tip text for this property.
moveFilesTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.FileLister
Returns the tip text for this property.
MOVIE_DURATION - adams.flow.transformer.MovieInfo.InfoType
the movie duration.
MOVIE_START_TIME - adams.flow.transformer.MovieInfo.InfoType
the movie start time.
MovieFromImages - Class in adams.flow.sink.ffmpeg
Creates a movie out of a range of images.
MovieFromImages() - Constructor for class adams.flow.sink.ffmpeg.MovieFromImages
MovieImageSampler - Class in adams.flow.transformer
Outputs sample images from a movie file generated by the specified sampler algorithm.
MovieImageSampler() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.MovieImageSampler
MovieImageSequence - Class in adams.flow.transformer
Streams the individual frames from a video file obtained as input.
Images are output as java.awt.image.BufferedImage.
MovieImageSequence() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.MovieImageSequence
MovieInfo - Class in adams.flow.transformer
Outputs basic information about a video and its audio/video streams.
MovieInfo() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.MovieInfo
MovieInfo.InfoType - Enum in adams.flow.transformer
The type of information to extract.
MP3 - Class in adams.flow.transformer.audioinfo
Outputs information on the incoming Wave data.
MP3() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.audioinfo.MP3
MP3ToWave - Class in adams.flow.sink
Converts the incoming MP3 file into a Wave file (the output file).
MP3ToWave() - Constructor for class adams.flow.sink.MP3ToWave
MultiCol - Class in adams.doc.latex.generator
Inserts a 'multicol' environment, providing multiple columns and an optional preface across the columns.
MultiCol() - Constructor for class adams.doc.latex.generator.MultiCol
MultiFeatureGenerator - Class in adams.data.heatmapfeatures
Applies multiple generators to the same heatmap and merges the generate a feature vectors side-by-side.
MultiFeatureGenerator() - Constructor for class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.MultiFeatureGenerator
MultiFilter - Class in adams.data.wavefilter
MultiFilter() - Constructor for class adams.data.wavefilter.MultiFilter
MultiGenerator - Class in adams.data.featuregenerator
A meta-generator that applies multiple feature generators to the data.
MultiGenerator - Class in adams.doc.latex.generator
Appends the output of the specified generators to the document.
MultiGenerator() - Constructor for class adams.data.featuregenerator.MultiGenerator
MultiGenerator() - Constructor for class adams.doc.latex.generator.MultiGenerator
MultiHeatmapOperation - Class in adams.flow.transformer
Applies the specified operation the incoming heatmap array.
MultiHeatmapOperation() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.MultiHeatmapOperation
MultiObjectTracker - Class in adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker
Applies all the specified trackers to the image container.
MultiObjectTracker() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.MultiObjectTracker
MultiRecorder - Class in adams.data.video
MultiRecorder() - Constructor for class adams.data.video.MultiRecorder
MultiScriptlet - Class in adams.core.gnuplot
Allows the user to chain multiple scriplets together.
MultiScriptlet() - Constructor for class adams.core.gnuplot.MultiScriptlet
mute() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.DirectRenderMediaPlayerPanel
mutes the player
mute() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.VLCjDirectRenderPanel
Mutes the video


name - Variable in class com.example.customerservice.Customer
name - Variable in class com.example.customerservice.GetCustomersByName
names() - Method in class adams.flow.container.ErrorContainer
Returns all value names that can be used (theoretically).
names() - Method in class adams.flow.container.MekaResultContainer
Returns all value names that can be used (theoretically).
names() - Method in class adams.flow.container.MOAClusteringContainer
Returns all value names that can be used (theoretically).
names() - Method in class adams.flow.container.MOAModelContainer
Returns all value names that can be used (theoretically).
names() - Method in class adams.flow.container.MOAPredictionContainer
Returns all value names that can be used (theoretically).
nameServerTipText() - Method in class weka.classifiers.functions.PyroProxy
Returns the tip text for this property.
nameServerTipText() - Method in interface weka.core.PyroProxyObject
Returns the tip text for this property.
namesTipText() - Method in class adams.data.wekapyroproxy.FusionJsonCommunicationProcessor
Returns the tip text for this property.
NAN - Static variable in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.CountValues
the placeholder for NaN.
NEVER - adams.docker.simpledocker.PullType
newArray(Object, TIntArrayList, String) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AbstractArraySplitter
Creates a new array from the old and the given indices.
NewAudioAnnotations - Class in adams.flow.source
Generates empty annotations with the specified dimensions.
NewAudioAnnotations() - Constructor for class adams.flow.source.NewAudioAnnotations
newBackground() - Method in class adams.data.trail.Trail
Creates a new background image with white as background color.
newBackground(Color) - Method in class adams.data.trail.Trail
Creates a new background image.
newBindings() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.AudioAnnotatorPanel
Resets the bindings.
newBindings() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.AnnotatorPanel
Resets the bindings.
newBytesListener() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.RedisSubscribe
Returns a new pub/sub listener for byte arrays.
newBytesListener() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.redisaction.BroadcastAndListen
Returns a new pub/sub listener for byte arrays.
newBytesListener() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.AbstractRedisTool
Returns a new pub/sub listener for byte arrays.
newBytesListener() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.segmentation.tool.AbstractRedisTool
Returns a new pub/sub listener for byte arrays.
newComparator() - Method in class adams.data.audioannotations.AudioAnnotations
Returns a new instance of the default comparator.
newComparator() - Method in class adams.data.heatmap.Heatmap
Returns a new instance of the default comparator.
newComparator() - Method in class adams.data.trail.Trail
Returns a new instance of the default comparator.
newConnection() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rserve
Returns a new connection to the Rserve server.
newConnection(MessageCollection) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RedisConnection
Creates a new connection.
newContainer(Comparable) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapContainerManager
Returns a new container containing the given payload.
newContainer(Comparable) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.TrailContainerManager
Returns a new container containing the given payload.
newDisplayRunnable() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RatControl
Returns a runnable that displays frame, etc.
NewHeatmap - Class in adams.flow.source
Creates a new heatmap of the specified size and fills it with the initial value.
NewHeatmap() - Constructor for class adams.flow.source.NewHeatmap
NewLatexDocument - Class in adams.flow.source
Creates a new LaTeX document.
NewLatexDocument() - Constructor for class adams.flow.source.NewLatexDocument
NEWLINE - Static variable in class adams.flow.maven.AbstractAdamsMojo
Platform-independent newline control string.
newListener() - Method in class adams.terminal.core.Menu
Returns the button listener, which pops up the action list dialog displaying the menu.
newModelLoader() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AbstractProcessMOAInstanceWithModel
Instantiates the model loader to use.
newModelLoader() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MekaClassifying
Instantiates the model loader to use.
newModelLoader() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAClassifying
Instantiates the model loader to use.
newModelLoader() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAClustering
Instantiates the model loader to use.
newModelLoader() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOARegressing
Instantiates the model loader to use.
NewPage - Class in adams.doc.latex.generator
Adds a '\newpage' directive.
NewPage() - Constructor for class adams.doc.latex.generator.NewPage
NEWPAGE - adams.doc.latex.generator.NewSection.PageAction
newPanel() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.AbstractMekaMultiPlot
Creates the panel to display in the dialog.
newPanel() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.AbstractMekaSinglePlot
Creates the panel to display in the dialog.
newPanel() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.HeatmapDisplay
Creates the panel to display in the dialog.
newPanel() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.HeatmapHistogram
Creates the panel to display in the dialog.
newPanel() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.MekaGraphVisualizer
Creates the panel to display in the dialog.
newPanel() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.MOAClusterVisualization
Creates the panel to display in the dialog.
newPanel() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.StanfordParseTreeDisplay
Creates the panel to display in the dialog.
newPanel() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.TrailDisplay
Creates the panel to display in the dialog.
newPanel() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RatControl
Creates the panel to display in the dialog.
newPanel(Heatmap) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapViewerPanel
Creates a new panel and configures it.
newPanel(Trail) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.TrailViewerPanel
Creates a new panel and configures it.
newPoint() - Method in class adams.data.audioannotations.AudioAnnotations
Returns a new instance of a DataContainer point.
newPoint() - Method in class adams.data.heatmap.Heatmap
Returns a new instance of a DataContainer point.
newPoint() - Method in class adams.data.trail.Trail
Returns a new instance of a DataContainer point.
NewSection - Class in adams.doc.latex.generator
Adds a new section to the document with an optional label for cross-referencing.
NewSection() - Constructor for class adams.doc.latex.generator.NewSection
NewSection.PageAction - Enum in adams.doc.latex.generator
The page action.
NewSection.SectionType - Enum in adams.doc.latex.generator
The types of sections.
newStringListener() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.RedisSubscribe
Returns a new pub/sub listener for strings.
newStringListener() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.redisaction.BroadcastAndListen
Returns a new pub/sub listener for strings.
newStringListener() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.AbstractRedisTool
Returns a new pub/sub listener for strings.
newStringListener() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.segmentation.tool.AbstractRedisTool
Returns a new pub/sub listener for strings.
newTab(Heatmap, String) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapViewerPanel
Adds a new tab using the heatmap and adds the comment to the log.
newTableModel() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.DockerContainersPanel
Returns an instance of a new table model.
newTableModel() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.DockerImagesPanel
Returns an instance of a new table model.
newTracker() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.AbstractBoofCVObjectTracker
Instantiates a new tracker.
newTracker() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.BoofCVCirculant
Instantiates a new tracker.
newTracker() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.BoofCVMeanShiftLikelihood
Instantiates a new tracker.
newTracker() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.BoofCVSparseFlow
Instantiates a new tracker.
newTracker() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.BoofCVTLD
Instantiates a new tracker.
NewTrail - Class in adams.flow.source
Generates an empty trail with the specified dimensions.
NewTrail() - Constructor for class adams.flow.source.NewTrail
nextChunk() - Method in class adams.data.io.input.ArcInfoASCIIGridReader
Returns the next chunk.
nextElement() - Method in class weka.core.tokenizers.TwitterNLPTokenizer
Returns the next element of this enumeration if this enumeration object has at least one more element to provide.
nextInstance() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAFilter.FixedInstanceStream
NO_DATA - Static variable in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.AbstractRemoteFlowCommandAction
NO_TIME - Static variable in class adams.gui.audio.AudioPlaybackPanel
the placeholder for no time.
noCopyTipText() - Method in class adams.data.wavefilter.Cut
Returns the tip text for this property.
noCopyTipText() - Method in class adams.data.wavefilter.Trim
Returns the tip text for this property.
noCopyTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AbstractInPlaceHeatmapTransformer
Returns the tip text for this property.
NON_ZEROES - adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapInfo.InfoType
the number of non-zero values.
NONE - adams.doc.latex.generator.NewSection.PageAction
normal(double, double) - Method in class adams.data.random.Random
Generate a random number from a Gaussian (Normal) random variable.
Normal - Class in adams.data.random
Generates random numbers from a normal distribution with specified mean and standard deviation.
Normal() - Constructor for class adams.data.random.Normal
normalizedTipText() - Method in class adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator.wave.Spectrogram
Returns the tip text for this property.
normalizedTipText() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.WaveToAmplitudes
Returns the tip text for this property.
normalizersTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.WordFrequencyAnalyzer
Returns the tip text for this property.
normalizeTipText() - Method in class adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator.wave.Histogram
Returns the tip text for this property.
NormalizeTwitterHashtag - Class in weka.core.tokenizers.cleaners
Replaces all hashtags with the same dummy hashtag.
NormalizeTwitterHashtag() - Constructor for class weka.core.tokenizers.cleaners.NormalizeTwitterHashtag
NormalizeTwitterUsers - Class in weka.core.tokenizers.cleaners
Replaces all users with the same dummy user.
NormalizeTwitterUsers() - Constructor for class weka.core.tokenizers.cleaners.NormalizeTwitterUsers
NormalizeURLs - Class in weka.core.tokenizers.cleaners
Replaces all urls with the same dummy url.
NormalizeURLs() - Constructor for class weka.core.tokenizers.cleaners.NormalizeURLs
normalsize - adams.doc.latex.generator.BlockSize.FontSize
NoSuchCustomer - Class in com.example.customerservice
Java class for NoSuchCustomer complex type.
NoSuchCustomer() - Constructor for class com.example.customerservice.NoSuchCustomer
NoSuchCustomerException - Exception in com.example.customerservice
This class was generated by Apache CXF 3.6.2 2024-07-26T23:25:37.195+12:00 Generated source version: 3.6.2
NoSuchCustomerException() - Constructor for exception com.example.customerservice.NoSuchCustomerException
NoSuchCustomerException(String) - Constructor for exception com.example.customerservice.NoSuchCustomerException
NoSuchCustomerException(String, NoSuchCustomer) - Constructor for exception com.example.customerservice.NoSuchCustomerException
NoSuchCustomerException(String, NoSuchCustomer, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.example.customerservice.NoSuchCustomerException
NoSuchCustomerException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.example.customerservice.NoSuchCustomerException
notEmpty(String, String) - Static method in class adams.flow.maven.shared.Validate
Validates that the supplied object is not null, and throws an IllegalArgumentException otherwise.
Notes - Class in adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins
Displays the statistics about heatmaps.
Notes() - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.Notes
notesTipText() - Method in class adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator.AbstractAudioFeatureGenerator
Returns the tip text for this property.
notesTipText() - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.AbstractHeatmapFeatureGenerator
Returns the tip text for this property.
notifyListeners(AudioAnnotation) - Method in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.AudioAnnotationPanel
Notifies all listeners
notifyListeners(Step) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.AnnotationPanel
Notifies all listeners
notifyMuteListeners() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.VLCjDirectRenderPanel
Notifies all mute listeners.
notifyPauseListeners() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.VLCjDirectRenderPanel
Notifies all pause listeners.
notifyPlayListeners() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.VLCjDirectRenderPanel
Notifies all play listeners.
notifyRatStateListeners() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Notifies all the listeners.
notifyResponseDataListeners() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientSource
Notifies all listeners that response data has arrived.
notifyResponseDataListeners() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientTransformer
Notifies all listeners that response data has arrived.
notifyResponseDataListeners() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientSource
Notifies all listeners that response data has arrived.
notifyResponseDataListeners() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientTransformer
Notifies all listeners that response data has arrived.
notifyStopListeners() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.VLCjDirectRenderPanel
Notifies all stop listeners.
NOTITLE - Static variable in class adams.core.gnuplot.SimplePlot
the 'notitle' keyword.
notNull(Object, String) - Static method in class adams.flow.maven.shared.Validate
Validates that the supplied object is not null, and throws a NullPointerException otherwise.
noVariableExpansionTipText() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.AbstractCodeGenerator
Returns the tip text for this property.
noVariableExpansionTipText() - Method in interface adams.doc.latex.generator.CodeGenerator
Returns the tip text for this property.
Null - Class in adams.flow.sink.redisaction
Dummy, does nothing.
Null - Class in adams.flow.source.redisaction
Dummy, generates nothing.
Null - Class in adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay
Dummy overlay, does nothing.
Null - Class in adams.gui.visualization.trail.overlay
Dummy overlay, does nothing.
Null() - Constructor for class adams.flow.sink.redisaction.Null
Null() - Constructor for class adams.flow.source.redisaction.Null
Null() - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.Null
Null() - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.trail.overlay.Null
NullCommunicationProcessor - Class in adams.data.wekapyroproxy
Dummy, does nothing.
NullCommunicationProcessor() - Constructor for class adams.data.wekapyroproxy.NullCommunicationProcessor
NullGenerator - Class in adams.flow.rest.interceptor.incoming
Does not generate an interceptor.
NullGenerator - Class in adams.flow.rest.interceptor.outgoing
Does not generate an interceptor.
NullGenerator - Class in adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming
Does not generate an interceptor.
NullGenerator - Class in adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing
Does not generate an interceptor.
NullGenerator() - Constructor for class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.incoming.NullGenerator
NullGenerator() - Constructor for class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.outgoing.NullGenerator
NullGenerator() - Constructor for class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming.NullGenerator
NullGenerator() - Constructor for class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.NullGenerator
NullPostProcessor - Class in adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.webservice
Dummy, does nothing with the response.
NullPostProcessor() - Constructor for class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.webservice.NullPostProcessor
NullProcessor - Class in adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.selection
Dummy processor, does nothing.
NullProcessor() - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.selection.NullProcessor
NullStemmer - Class in adams.flow.transformer.stemmer
Dummy stemmer, performs no stemming.
NullStemmer() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.stemmer.NullStemmer
NUM_COLUMNS - adams.flow.transformer.RenjinObjectInfo.InfoType
NUM_DECIMALS - Static variable in class adams.data.gps.AbstractGPS
the number of decimals to user.
NUM_DECIMALS - Static variable in class adams.data.gps.Coordinate
the number of decimals to be used by the seconds.
NUM_ROWS - adams.flow.transformer.RenjinObjectInfo.InfoType
NUM_STREAMS - adams.flow.transformer.MovieInfo.InfoType
the number of streams.
numBandsTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.BoofCVMeanShiftLikelihood
Returns the tip text for this property.
NUMBER_OF_POINTS - Static variable in class adams.data.audioannotations.AudioAnnotationsStatistic
NUMBER_OF_POINTS - Static variable in class adams.data.trail.TrailStatistic
numberFormatTipText() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.Table
Returns the tip text for this property.
numBinsTipText() - Method in class adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator.wave.Histogram
Returns the tip text for this property.
numBinsTipText() - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.Histogram
Returns the tip text for this property.
numBinsTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.BoofCVMeanShiftLikelihood
Returns the tip text for this property.
numColumnsTipText() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.MultiCol
Returns the tip text for this property.
numDecimalsTipText() - Method in class adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator.wave.Histogram
Returns the tip text for this property.
numDecimalsTipText() - Method in class adams.data.io.output.SimpleHeatmapWriter
Returns the tip text for this property.
NUMERIC - nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.blob.DataType
NUMERIC - nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.text.DataType
numExamplesTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.source.MOAStream
Returns the tip text for this property.
numFrequenciesTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.WordFrequencyAnalyzer
Returns the tip text for this property.
numIterationsTipText() - Method in class adams.data.filter.HeatmapCentroid
Returns the tip text for this property.
numOrders - Variable in class com.example.customerservice.Customer
numSamplesTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler.FixedIntervalBufferedImageSampler
Returns the tip text for this property.
numSamplesTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler.FixedIntervalBufferedImageSamplerVlcj
Returns the tip text for this property.
nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.blob - package nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.blob
nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.text - package nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.text


ObjectFactory - Class in com.example.customerservice
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the com.example.customerservice package.
ObjectFactory - Class in nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.blob
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.blob package.
ObjectFactory - Class in nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.text
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.text package.
ObjectFactory() - Constructor for class com.example.customerservice.ObjectFactory
Create a new ObjectFactory that can be used to create new instances of schema derived classes for package: com.example.customerservice
ObjectFactory() - Constructor for class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.blob.ObjectFactory
Create a new ObjectFactory that can be used to create new instances of schema derived classes for package: nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.blob
ObjectFactory() - Constructor for class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.text.ObjectFactory
Create a new ObjectFactory that can be used to create new instances of schema derived classes for package: nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.text
objectToFields(DockerContainer) - Method in class adams.gui.tools.DockerContainersPanel
Updates the field with the specified object.
objectToFields(DockerImage) - Method in class adams.gui.tools.DockerImagesPanel
Updates the field with the specified object.
ObjectToJson - Class in adams.data.conversion
Turns the object into a JSON string using Jackson's ObjectMapper (https://github.com/FasterXML/jackson-databind).
ObjectToJson() - Constructor for class adams.data.conversion.ObjectToJson
objectToString(Object) - Static method in class adams.core.RDataHelper
Turns an R object into a string.
objectToStrings(AbstractOption, Object, OptionTraversalPath) - Method in class adams.flow.processor.ListRequiredLatexPackages
Returns the string representation of the object that is added to the list.
ObjectTracker - Interface in adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker
Interface for object trackers.
OFF_COLOUR - Static variable in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.AudioAnnotationPanel
the off colour for a togglable button's boarder
OFF_COLOUR - Static variable in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.AnnotationPanel
the off colour for a togglable button's boarder
offsetTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler.FixedIntervalBufferedImageSampler
Returns the tip text for this property.
offsetTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler.FixedIntervalBufferedImageSamplerVlcj
Returns the tip text for this property.
offsetXTipText() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.TextOverlay
Returns the tip text for this property.
offsetYTipText() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.TextOverlay
Returns the tip text for this property.
ON_COLOUR - Static variable in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.AudioAnnotationPanel
the on colour for a togglable button's boarder
ON_COLOUR - Static variable in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.AnnotationPanel
the on colour for a togglable button's boarder
onCancel() - Method in class adams.terminal.dialog.ComponentDialog
onCancel() - Method in class adams.terminal.dialog.OptionDialog
onClose() - Method in class adams.terminal.dialog.ComponentDialog
onClose(CachedOutputStream) - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.outgoing.AbstractOutgoingCallback
Finishes up writing the data to a buffer and calling AbstractOutgoingCallback.write(LoggingMessage) with the buffer.
onClose(CachedOutputStream) - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.AbstractOutgoingCallback
Finishes up writing the data to a buffer and calling AbstractOutgoingCallback.write(LoggingMessage) with the buffer.
onClose(CachedOutputStream) - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.XMLLoggingOutInterceptor.SimpleLoggingCallback
OnDemand - Class in adams.flow.source.audiorecorder
Records a WAV file from when the user starts recording to when the user ends it.
OnDemand() - Constructor for class adams.flow.source.audiorecorder.OnDemand
onFlush(CachedOutputStream) - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.outgoing.AbstractOutgoingCallback
Not used.
onFlush(CachedOutputStream) - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.AbstractOutgoingCallback
Not used.
onFlush(CachedOutputStream) - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.XMLLoggingOutInterceptor.SimpleLoggingCallback
onlyTableCodeTipText() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.SpreadSheetToHTML
Returns the tip text for this property.
onOK() - Method in class adams.terminal.dialog.ComponentDialog
onOK() - Method in class adams.terminal.dialog.OptionDialog
onTheFlyTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.condition.bool.MOAClassification
Returns the tip text for this property.
onTheFlyTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AbstractProcessMOAInstanceWithModel
Returns the tip text for this property.
open() - Method in class adams.gui.audio.AudioPlaybackPanel
Lets the user select an audio file for playback.
open() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.VLCjDirectRenderPanel
Pops up dialog to open a file.
open(File) - Method in class adams.gui.audio.AudioPlaybackPanel
Opens the specified file for playback.
open(File) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.VLCjDirectRenderPanel
Opens the specified file.
open(String) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.DirectRenderMediaPlayerPanel
opens a file for playing
openAnnotations() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.AudioAnnotatorPanel
Loads annotations from a trail file
openAnnotations() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.AnnotatorPanel
Loads annotations from a trail file
openAnnotations(PlaceholderFile) - Method in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.AudioAnnotatorPanel
Loads annotations from a trail file
openAnnotations(PlaceholderFile) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.AnnotatorPanel
Loads annotations from a trail file
openBackground() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.AnnotatorPanel
loads a background from a file
openBackground(PlaceholderFile) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.AnnotatorPanel
operationTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MultiHeatmapOperation
Returns the tip text for this property.
OPEX - Class in adams.gui.visualization.object.tools
Sends the image to Redis and expects object predictions in OPEX back.
OPEX() - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.OPEX
optionalTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.CallableActor
Returns the tip text for this property.
OptionDialog - Class in adams.terminal.dialog
Dialog for displaying a combobox with options.
OptionDialog(String, String, String[], String) - Constructor for class adams.terminal.dialog.OptionDialog
Default constructor, takes a title for the dialog and runs code shared for dialogs
OptionDialog(String, String, String[], String, Collection<Window.Hint>) - Constructor for class adams.terminal.dialog.OptionDialog
Default constructor, takes a title for the dialog and runs code shared for dialogs
optionsTipText() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.Figure
Returns the tip text for this property.
optionsTipText() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.Image
Returns the tip text for this property.
org.apache.xerces.jaxp.datatype - package org.apache.xerces.jaxp.datatype
org.w3._2001.xmlschema - package org.w3._2001.xmlschema
Otsu - Class in adams.data.filter.heatmapthreshold
Computes the variance based threshold using Otsu's method from an input image (gray scale; boofcv.struct.image.GrayU8).

For more information see:
Otsu() - Constructor for class adams.data.filter.heatmapthreshold.Otsu
OUTGOING_BINARY_CONTENT_MESSAGE - Static variable in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.InterceptorHelper
OUTGOING_BINARY_CONTENT_MESSAGE - Static variable in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.InterceptorHelper
OUTGOING_LOG_SETUP - Static variable in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.InterceptorHelper
OUTGOING_LOG_SETUP - Static variable in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.InterceptorHelper
OutgoingFileBasedCallback - Class in adams.flow.rest.interceptor.outgoing
Callback class for outgoing logging.
OutgoingFileBasedCallback - Class in adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing
Callback class for outgoing logging.
OutgoingFileBasedCallback(File, Message, OutputStream) - Constructor for class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.outgoing.OutgoingFileBasedCallback
Initializes the callback.
OutgoingFileBasedCallback(File, Message, OutputStream) - Constructor for class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.OutgoingFileBasedCallback
Initializes the callback.
OutgoingLoggingCallback - Class in adams.flow.rest.interceptor.outgoing
Callback class for outgoing logging.
OutgoingLoggingCallback - Class in adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing
Callback class for outgoing logging.
OutgoingLoggingCallback(Logger, Message, OutputStream) - Constructor for class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.outgoing.OutgoingLoggingCallback
Initializes the callback.
OutgoingLoggingCallback(Logger, Message, OutputStream) - Constructor for class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.OutgoingLoggingCallback
Initializes the callback.
outInterceptorTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTProvider
Returns the tip text for this property.
outInterceptorTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientSink
Returns the tip text for this property.
outInterceptorTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientTransformer
Returns the tip text for this property.
outInterceptorTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceProvider
Returns the tip text for this property.
output() - Method in class adams.flow.source.MOAClassifierSetup
Returns the generated token.
output() - Method in class adams.flow.source.MOAClustererSetup
Returns the generated token.
output() - Method in class adams.flow.source.MOARegressorSetup
Returns the generated token.
output() - Method in class adams.flow.source.MOAStream
Returns the generated token.
output() - Method in class adams.flow.source.RESTSource
Returns the generated token.
output() - Method in class adams.flow.source.RSource
Turns the returned object into a token to be passed through the system.
output() - Method in class adams.flow.source.SimpleDockerCommand
Returns the generated token.
output() - Method in class adams.flow.source.WebcamImage
Returns the generated token.
output() - Method in class adams.flow.source.WSSource
Returns the generated token.
output() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.AbstractBufferedRatInput
Returns the received data.
output() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.AbstractMetaRatInput
Returns the received data.
output() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.AbstractRatInput
Returns the received data.
output() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.DeQueue
Returns the received data.
output() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.DirWatch
Returns the received data.
output() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.DummyCronInput
Returns the received data.
output() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.DummyInput
Returns the received data.
output() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Exec
Returns the received data.
output() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.FileLister
Returns the received data.
output() - Method in interface adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.RatInput
Returns the received data.
output() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.RedisAction
Returns the received data.
output() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Storage
Returns the received data.
output() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.StringToken
Returns the received data.
output() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Variable
Returns the received data.
output() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.ArrayFolds
Returns the generated token.
output() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapFeatureGenerator
Returns the generated token.
output() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MjpegImageSequence
Returns the generated token.
output() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAMeasurementPlotGenerator
Returns the generated token.
output() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MovieImageSequence
Returns the generated token.
output() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RESTTransformer
Returns the generated token.
output() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RTransformer
Turns the returned object into a token to be passed through the system.
output() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.SimpleDockerCommand
Returns the generated token.
output() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.WaveFeatureGenerator
Returns the generated token.
output() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.WSTransformer
Returns the generated token.
outputArrayTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.source.ListWebcams
Returns the tip text for this property.
outputArrayTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.FileLister
Returns the tip text for this property.
outputArrayTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.CoNLLFileReader
Returns the tip text for this property.
outputArrayTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.DocumentToSentences
Returns the tip text for this property.
outputArrayTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapGetValue
Returns the tip text for this property.
outputArrayTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapInfo
Returns the tip text for this property.
outputArrayTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapLocateObjects
Returns the tip text for this property.
outputArrayTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MovieImageSampler
Returns the tip text for this property.
outputArrayTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RenjinObjectInfo
Returns the tip text for this property.
outputArrayTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.Tokenize
Returns the tip text for this property.
outputArrayTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.TweeboParser
Returns the tip text for this property.
outputFile - Variable in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming.XMLLoggingInInterceptor
the file to output the XML messages to - disabled if null.
outputFile - Variable in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.XMLLoggingOutInterceptor
the file to output the XML messages to - disabled if null.
outputFileTipText() - Method in class adams.core.gnuplot.Initialize
Returns the tip text for this property.
outputFileTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.AbstractMOAModelWriter
Returns the tip text for this property.
outputFileTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.AnimatedGifFileWriter
Returns the tip text for this property.
outputFileTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.FFmpeg
Returns the tip text for this property.
outputFileTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.GnuplotScript
Returns the tip text for this property.
outputFileTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.KeyPairFileWriter
Returns the tip text for this property.
outputFileTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.MP3ToWave
Returns the tip text for this property.
outputFileTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.RenjinFileWriter
Returns the tip text for this property.
outputFileTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.source.audiorecorder.AbstractFileBasedAudioRecorder
Returns the tip text for this property.
outputFileTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.source.audiorecorder.FixedDuration
Returns the tip text for this property.
outputFileTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.source.audiorecorder.OnDemand
Returns the tip text for this property.
outputFileTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.BinaryFileWriter
Returns the tip text for this property.
outputFileTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming.XMLLoggingGenerator
Returns the tip text for this property.
outputFileTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.XMLLoggingGenerator
Returns the tip text for this property.
outputFormatTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAInstanceDumper
Returns the tip text for this property.
outputGridTipText() - Method in class adams.data.io.input.ArcInfoASCIIGridReader
Returns the tip text for this property.
outputInstanceTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAClassifying
Returns the tip text for this property.
outputInstanceTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOARegressing
Returns the tip text for this property.
outputIntervalTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAClassifierEvaluation
Returns the tip text for this property.
outputIntervalTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAClustererEvaluation
Returns the tip text for this property.
outputIntervalTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOARegressorEvaluation
Returns the tip text for this property.
outputIntervalTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOATrainClassifier
Returns the tip text for this property.
outputIntervalTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOATrainClusterer
Returns the tip text for this property.
outputIntervalTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOATrainRegressor
Returns the tip text for this property.
outputMetaDataTipText() - Method in class adams.data.io.output.SimpleHeatmapWriter
Returns the tip text for this property.
outputOnlyModelTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AbstractMOAModelReader
Returns the tip text for this property.
outputOptionsTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.ffmpeg.GenericPlugin
Returns the tip text for this property.
outputPositionTipText() - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.Max
Returns the tip text for this property.
outputPositionTipText() - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.Min
Returns the tip text for this property.
outputPrefixTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAInstanceDumper
Returns the tip text for this property.
outputScoresTipText() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.StanfordParseTreeToXML
Returns the tip text for this property.
outputSigmaFactorTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.BoofCVCirculant
Returns the tip text for this property.
outputStdErrTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Exec
Returns the tip text for this property.
outputsTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.Branch
Returns the tip text for this property.
outputStringTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Socket
Returns the tip text for this property.
outputTipText() - Method in class adams.data.video.AbstractFileBaseRecorder
Returns the tip text for this property.
outputTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RatPlague
Returns the tip text for this property.
outputTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.AbstractMetaRatOutput
Returns the tip text for this property.
outputTypeTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MjpegImageSequence
Returns the tip text for this property.
OutputWithCallableTransformer - Class in adams.flow.standalone.rats.output
Meta-transmitter that passes the data through the callable transformer before forwarding it to the base-transmitter.
OutputWithCallableTransformer() - Constructor for class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.OutputWithCallableTransformer
OutputWithExternalTransformer - Class in adams.flow.standalone.rats.output
Meta-transmitter that passes the data through the external transformer before forwarding it to the base-transmitter.
OutputWithExternalTransformer() - Constructor for class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.OutputWithExternalTransformer
overlapFactorTipText() - Method in class adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator.wave.Spectrogram
Returns the tip text for this property.
overlapFactorTipText() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.WaveToSpectrogram
Returns the tip text for this property.
overlaysTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.HeatmapDisplay
Returns the tip text for this property.
overlaysTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.TrailDisplay
Returns the tip text for this property.
overridePrefixTipText() - Method in class adams.data.featuregenerator.MultiGenerator
Returns the tip text for this property.
OwnedByRatsBlobServiceWS - Interface in adams.flow.webservice.blob
Interface for classes that are owned by RatsBlobServiceWS.
OwnedByRatsTextServiceWS - Interface in adams.flow.webservice.text
Interface for classes that are owned by RatsTextServiceWS.


pack(float[], byte[], int, AudioFormat) - Static method in class adams.data.audio.SimpleAudioConversion
Converts: from an audio sample array (float[]) to a byte array (byte[]).
packageName - Variable in class adams.flow.maven.AbstractJavaGeneratorMojo
The package under which the source files will be generated.
paddingTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.GenerateWordCloud
Returns the tip text for this property.
paddingTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.BoofCVCirculant
Returns the tip text for this property.
pageActionTipText() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.NewSection
Returns the tip text for this property.
paint(Graphics) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.DirectRenderMediaPlayerPanel
paintData(Graphics, Trail) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.paintlet.AbstractTrailPaintlet
Paints the given data.
paintData(Graphics, Trail) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.paintlet.Circles
Paints the given data.
paintData(Graphics, Trail) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.paintlet.Lines
Paints the given data.
paintData(Graphics, Trail) - Method in interface adams.gui.visualization.trail.paintlet.TrailPaintlet
Paints the given data.
paintletTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.TrailDisplay
Returns the tip text for this property.
paintOverlay(ImagePanel.PaintPanel, Graphics) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.AbstractHeatmapOverlay
Paints the overlay over the image.
paintOverlay(ImagePanel.PaintPanel, Graphics) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.overlay.AbstractTrailOverlay
Paints the overlay over the image.
paintValue(Graphics, Rectangle) - Method in class adams.gui.goe.BaseMarkdownEditor
Paints a representation of the current Object.
paintValue(Graphics, Rectangle) - Method in class adams.gui.goe.BaseMeasureCollectionEditor
Paints a representation of the current Object.
paintValue(Graphics, Rectangle) - Method in class adams.gui.goe.GPSEditor
Paints a representation of the current Object.
paintValue(Graphics, Rectangle) - Method in class adams.gui.goe.RatReferenceEditor
Paints a representation of the current Object.
paintValue(Graphics, Rectangle) - Method in class adams.gui.goe.RObjectPathEditor
Paints a representation of the current Object.
PARAGRAPH - adams.doc.latex.generator.NewSection.SectionType
parametrizedScriptsTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.GroovyServer
Returns the tip text for this property.
parse(String) - Method in enum adams.core.gnuplot.SimplePlot.PlotType
Parses the given string and returns the associated enum.
parse(String) - Static method in class adams.core.io.CoNLLHelper
Parses the given string in CoNLL format (one token per line).
parse(String) - Method in class adams.data.gps.AbstractGPS
Parses the string.
parse(String) - Method in class adams.data.spreadsheet.GPSDecimalDegrees
Parses the given string.
parse(String) - Method in class adams.data.spreadsheet.GPSDecimalMinutes
Parses the given string.
parse(String) - Method in class adams.data.spreadsheet.GPSDecimalSeconds
Parses the given string.
parse(String) - Method in class adams.gui.goe.BaseMeasureCollectionEditor
Parses the given string and returns the generated object.
parse(String) - Method in class adams.gui.goe.RatReferenceEditor
Parses the given string and returns the generated object.
parse(String) - Method in class adams.gui.goe.RObjectPathEditor
Parses the given string and returns the generated object.
parse(String, boolean) - Method in class adams.data.gps.AbstractGPS
Parses the string.
parse(String, boolean) - Method in class adams.data.gps.GPSDecimalDegrees
Parses the string.
parse(String, boolean) - Method in class adams.data.gps.GPSDecimalMinutes
Parses the string.
parse(String, boolean) - Method in class adams.data.gps.GPSDecimalSeconds
Parses the string.
parsePrediction(PyroProxy, Object) - Method in class adams.data.wekapyroproxy.AbstractCommunicationProcessor
Parses the prediction.
parsePredictions(PyroProxy, Object) - Method in class adams.data.wekapyroproxy.AbstractCommunicationProcessor
Parses the predictions.
parseReceivedData(byte[], MessageCollection) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.OPEX
Parses the received data and updates the GUI.
parseReceivedData(I, MessageCollection) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.AbstractRedisTool
Parses the received data and updates the GUI.
parseReceivedData(I, MessageCollection) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.segmentation.tool.AbstractRedisTool
Parses the received data and updates the GUI.
parseReceivedData(String, MessageCollection) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.DEXTR
Parses the received data and updates the GUI.
parseReceivedData(String, MessageCollection) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.SAM
Parses the received data and updates the GUI.
parseReceivedData(String, MessageCollection) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.segmentation.tool.DEXTR
Parses the received data and updates the GUI.
parseReceivedData(String, MessageCollection) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.segmentation.tool.SAM
Parses the received data and updates the GUI.
PART - adams.doc.latex.generator.NewSection.SectionType
PassThrough - Class in adams.data.featuregenerator
A dummy generator that just passes the data through.
PassThrough - Class in adams.data.wavefilter
Dummy, does nothing.
PassThrough - Class in adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.enqueue
Just enqueues the data.
PassThrough - Class in adams.flow.transformer.multiheatmapoperation
Dummy, just passes through the data.
PassThrough - Class in adams.flow.transformer.redisaction
Just passes through the object, no Redis interaction.
PassThrough() - Constructor for class adams.data.featuregenerator.PassThrough
PassThrough() - Constructor for class adams.data.wavefilter.PassThrough
PassThrough() - Constructor for class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.enqueue.PassThrough
PassThrough() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.multiheatmapoperation.PassThrough
PassThrough() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.redisaction.PassThrough
passwordTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RedisConnection
Returns the tip text for this property.
passwordTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.SimpleDockerConnection
Returns the tip text for this property.
pathTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RenjinGetObject
Returns the tip text for this property.
pathTypeTipText() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.AbstractFileReferencingCodeGenerator
Returns the tip text for this property.
PATTERN - Static variable in class weka.core.tokenizers.cleaners.NormalizeURLs
the pattern to match.
pause() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.ratcontrol.AbstractControlPanel
Pauses the rat.
pause() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.ratcontrol.AbstractControlState
Pauses the rat.
pause() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.DirectRenderMediaPlayerPanel
Pauses the video playback
pause() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.VLCjDirectRenderPanel
Pauses the video assuming there is a video loaded and playing
Pause - Class in adams.core.gnuplot
Inserts a pause statement to keep the plot open; the use needs to press the enter key in the terminal to close the plot.
Pause() - Constructor for class adams.core.gnuplot.Pause
PAUSE - adams.scripting.command.flow.SendRatControlCommand.Command
PauseContainers - Class in adams.docker.simpledocker
For pausing containers.
PauseContainers() - Constructor for class adams.docker.simpledocker.PauseContainers
PAUSED - adams.flow.core.RatState
pauseExecution() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Pauses the execution.
pauseExecution() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rats
Pauses the execution.
pauseExecution() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.RatRunnable
Pauses the execution.
pauseFlow() - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.AbstractRemoteFlowCommandAction
Pauses the selected flow(s).
pauseOrResume() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.ratcontrol.AbstractControlPanel
Pauses/resumes the rat.
pauseOrResume() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.ratcontrol.AbstractControlState
Pauses/resumes the rat.
pauseOrResume() - Method in class adams.gui.audio.AudioPlaybackPanel
Pauses or resumes the playback.
pauseResume() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.remotecontrolcenter.panels.RatsTab.RatStatusPanel
Pauses/resumes the rat.
pauseResume() - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.Rats.RatStatusPanel
Pauses/resumes the rat.
PERCENTAGE - adams.data.conversion.EscapeLatexCharacters.Characters
performExecution() - Method in class adams.flow.maven.AbstractAdamsMojo
Implement this method to perform this Mojo's execution.
performExecution() - Method in class adams.flow.maven.AbstractJavaGeneratorMojo
Implement this method to perform this Mojo's execution.
performExecution() - Method in class adams.flow.maven.ClassListerMojo
Implement this method to perform this Mojo's execution.
performFlush() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAInstanceDumper
Performs the flush.
performLazySetupTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Returns the tip text for this property.
performPaint(Graphics) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.paintlet.AbstractTrailPaintlet
The paint routine of the paintlet.
performTrainingTipText() - Method in class weka.classifiers.functions.PyroProxy
Returns the tip text for this property.
performVariableChecks() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
For performing variable checks.
ping(String) - Method in class adams.flow.rest.echo.Echo
pipelineTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.flow.AbstractCallablePipeline
Returns the tip text for this property.
PixelBoundaryBackground - Class in adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud
Generates a background mode based on the transparent pixel-boundaries of the specified image.
PixelBoundaryBackground() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.PixelBoundaryBackground
play() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.DirectRenderMediaPlayerPanel
Plays the current media
play() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.VLCjDirectRenderPanel
Plays or stops the video depending on what state it's in currently.
plotNameTipText() - Method in class adams.core.gnuplot.SimplePlot
Returns the tip text for this property.
plotTypeTipText() - Method in class adams.core.gnuplot.SimplePlot
Returns the tip text for this property.
pluginsTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.GenericServer
Returns the tip text for this property.
pluginTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.FFmpeg
Returns the tip text for this property.
POINTS - adams.core.gnuplot.SimplePlot.PlotType
polarBlendModeTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.GenerateWordCloud
Returns the tip text for this property.
poll() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.AbstractBufferedRatInput
Waits for the next data object, polling the queue.
poll(StorageQueueHandler) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.DeQueue
Waits for the next data object, polling the queue.
PollingRatInput - Interface in adams.flow.standalone.rats.input
Interface for RatInput schemes that perform polling.
portTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Socket
Returns the tip text for this property.
portTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RedisConnection
Returns the tip text for this property.
portTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rserve
Returns the tip text for this property.
portTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.WebServer
Returns the tip text for this property.
POS_PREFIX - Static variable in class weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.TwitterNLPPos
positionTipText() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.MiniPage
Returns the tip text for this property.
postCrop(Heatmap) - Method in class adams.data.filter.heatmapcrop.AbstractHeatmapCrop
Hook method after the crop happened.
postProcess(T) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.webservice.AbstractWebserviceResponseDataPostProcessor
For post-processing the response data.
postProcessData() - Method in class adams.data.io.input.AbstractHeatmapReader
For performing post-processing.
postProcessHeader(HeaderDefinition) - Method in class adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator.AbstractAudioFeatureGenerator
Post-processes the header, adding fields and notes.
postProcessHeader(HeaderDefinition) - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.AbstractHeatmapFeatureGenerator
Post-processes the header, adding fields and notes.
postProcessRow(Heatmap, List<Object>) - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.AbstractHeatmapFeatureGenerator
Post-processes the generated row, adding notes and fields.
postProcessRow(T, List<Object>) - Method in class adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator.AbstractAudioFeatureGenerator
Post-processes the generated row, adding notes and fields.
postProcessRows(Heatmap, List<Object>[]) - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.AbstractHeatmapFeatureGenerator
Post-processes the generated rows, adding notes and fields.
postProcessRows(T, List<Object>[]) - Method in class adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator.AbstractAudioFeatureGenerator
Post-processes the generated rows, adding notes and fields.
postProcessTrackedObjects(AbstractImageContainer, List<QuadrilateralLocation>) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.AbstractObjectTracker
Hook method for post-processing the tracked objects.
postProcessTrackedObjects(AbstractImageContainer, List<QuadrilateralLocation>) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.AbstractSimpleReportBasedObjectTracker
Hook method for post-processing the tracked objects.
postQuery() - Method in class adams.flow.core.AbstractRESTClient
Hook method after the webservice got queried.
postQuery() - Method in class adams.flow.core.AbstractWSClient
Hook method after the webservice got queried.
postQuery() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientSink
Hook method after querying the webservice.
postQuery() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientSource
Hook method after querying the webservice.
postQuery() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientTransformer
Hook method after querying the webservice.
postQuery() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientSink
Hook method after querying the webservice.
postQuery() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientSource
Hook method after querying the webservice.
postQuery() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientTransformer
Hook method after querying the webservice.
postReceive() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.AbstractMetaRatInput
Hook method after calling the base-input's receive() method.
postReceive() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.InputWithCallableTransformer
Passes the collected data from the base-receiver through the callabler transformer.
postReceive() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.InputWithExternalTransformer
Passes the collected data from the base-receiver through the callabler transformer.
postRun() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.RatRunnable
Hook method after the run finished.
postRun() - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.RemoteLogging.RemoteListenerRunnableWithLog
Hook method after the run finished.
postRun(WindowBasedTextGUI) - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.AbstractMenuItemDefinition
Cleans up after the execution.
postRun(WindowBasedTextGUI) - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.AbstractRemoteCommandAction
Cleans up after the execution.
postTransmit() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.AbstractMetaRatOutput
Hook method after calling the base-output's transmit() method.
powlaw(double, double) - Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.houle.RngPack.RandomElement
generate a power-law distribution with exponent alpha and lower cutoff cut
preCrop(Heatmap) - Method in class adams.data.filter.heatmapcrop.AbstractHeatmapCrop
Hook method before the crop happens.
prefaceTipText() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.MultiCol
Returns the tip text for this property.
PREFIX - Static variable in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.selection.Crop
the prefix for the crop coordinates.
PREFIX_FEATURE - Static variable in class adams.data.featuregenerator.AbstractFeatureGenerator
the default prefix for the feature fields.
PREFIX_META - Static variable in class adams.data.audioannotations.AudioAnnotations
PREFIX_META - Static variable in class adams.data.trail.Trail
prefixTipText() - Method in class adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator.AbstractAudioFeatureGenerator
Returns the tip text for this property.
prefixTipText() - Method in class adams.data.featuregenerator.AbstractFeatureGenerator
Returns the tip text for this property.
prefixTipText() - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.MultiFeatureGenerator
Returns the tip text for this property.
prefixTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapLocateObjects
Returns the tip text for this property.
prefixTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAMeasurementPlotGenerator
Returns the tip text for this property.
prepareMedia(String) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.DirectRenderMediaPlayerPanel
Pre prepares a media file for playing
prepareResponsePayload() - Method in class adams.scripting.command.flow.GetRatControlStatus
Hook method for preparing the response payload,
prepareResponsePayload() - Method in class adams.scripting.command.flow.SendRatControlCommand
Hook method for preparing the response payload,
preprocess(String) - Method in class adams.data.gps.AbstractGPS
Removes the parentheses and comma in the string: "(north, west)" becomes "north west"
preQuery() - Method in class adams.flow.core.AbstractRESTClient
Hook method before the webservice gets queried.
preQuery() - Method in class adams.flow.core.AbstractWSClient
Hook method before the webservice gets queried.
preQuery() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientSink
Hook method before querying the webservice.
preQuery() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientSource
Hook method before querying the webservice.
preQuery() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientTransformer
Hook method before querying the webservice.
preQuery() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientSink
Hook method before querying the webservice.
preQuery() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientSinkWithCallableTransformer
Hook method before querying the webservice.
preQuery() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientSource
Hook method before querying the webservice.
preQuery() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientSourceWithCallableTransformer
Hook method before querying the webservice.
preQuery() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientTransformer
Hook method before querying the webservice.
preQuery() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientTransformerWithCallableTransformer
Hook method before querying the webservice.
preReceive() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.AbstractMetaRatInput
Hook method before calling the base-input's receive() method.
preRun(WindowBasedTextGUI) - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.AbstractMenuItemDefinition
Prepares before the execution.
preRun(WindowBasedTextGUI) - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.AbstractRemoteCommandAction
Prepares before the execution.
preTransmit() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.AbstractMetaRatOutput
Hook method before calling the base-output's transmit() method.
preTransmit() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.OutputWithCallableTransformer
Hook method before calling the base-output's transmit() method.
preTransmit() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.OutputWithExternalTransformer
Hook method before calling the base-output's transmit() method.
prettyPrint - Variable in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming.XMLLoggingInInterceptor
whether to use pretty printing.
prettyPrint - Variable in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.XMLLoggingOutInterceptor
whether to use pretty printing.
prettyPrint(StringBuilder) - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming.XMLLoggingInInterceptor
Pretty prints the buffer, if enabled.
prettyPrint(StringBuilder) - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.XMLLoggingOutInterceptor
Pretty prints the buffer, if enabled.
prettyPrintingTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming.XMLLoggingGenerator
Returns the tip text for this property.
prettyPrintingTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.XMLLoggingGenerator
Returns the tip text for this property.
printlnErr(String) - Method in class adams.core.io.console.Lanterna
Outputs the error message.
printlnOut(String) - Method in class adams.core.io.console.Lanterna
Outputs the message.
PRIVATE - adams.flow.core.KeyPairElement
PRIVATE - com.example.customerservice.CustomerType
privateKeyTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.source.KeyPairFileReader
Returns the tip text for this property.
PRNGTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.source.KeyPairGenerator
Returns the tip text for this property.
process() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.AbstractHeatmapViewerPluginWithGOE
Processes the heatmap.
process() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.AbstractSelectedHeatmapsViewerPlugin
Processes all the selected panels.
process() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.plugins.AbstractSelectedTrailsViewerPlugin
Processes all the selected panels.
process() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.plugins.AbstractTrailViewerPluginWithGOE
Processes the trail.
process(Heatmap[], MessageCollection) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.multiheatmapoperation.AbstractMultiHeatmapOperation
Processes the heatmaps.
process(HeatmapPanel) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.AbstractApplyImageTransformer
Processes the specified panel.
process(HeatmapPanel) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.AbstractSelectedHeatmapsFilter
Processes the panel.
process(HeatmapPanel) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.AbstractSelectedHeatmapsViewerPlugin
Processes the specified panel.
process(HeatmapPanel) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.Histogram
Processes the specified panel.
process(HeatmapPanel) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.Notes
Processes the specified panel.
process(HeatmapPanel) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.SpreadSheetView
Processes the specified panel.
process(HeatmapPanel) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.Statistics
Processes the specified panel.
process(TrailPanel) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.plugins.AbstractSelectedTrailsFilter
Processes the panel.
process(TrailPanel) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.plugins.AbstractSelectedTrailsViewerPlugin
Processes the specified panel.
process(TrailPanel) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.plugins.Statistics
Processes the specified panel.
process(BufferedImage) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.AbstractApplyImageTransformer
Processes the image.
process(BufferedImage) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.BoofCVTransformer
Processes the image.
process(BufferedImage) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.BufferedImageTransformer
Processes the image.
process(String) - Method in class adams.flow.rest.flow.CallableJsonPipeline
Processes the measurement.
process(String) - Method in class adams.flow.rest.flow.CallableJsonTransformer
Processes the measurement.
process(String) - Method in class adams.flow.rest.flow.CallableTextPipeline
Processes the measurement.
process(String) - Method in class adams.flow.rest.flow.CallableTextTransformer
Processes the measurement.
process(Instances) - Method in class weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.TwitterEmoticonScore
Processes the given data (may change the provided dataset) and returns the modified version.
process(Instances) - Method in class weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.TwitterNLPPos
Processes the given data (may change the provided dataset) and returns the modified version.
processClusterings(ArrayList<DataPoint>) - Method in class adams.flow.sink.MOAClusterVisualization
Processes the clusterings and initiates the drawing.
processData(WaveContainer) - Method in class adams.data.wavefilter.AbstractWaveFilter
Performs the actual filtering.
processData(WaveContainer) - Method in class adams.data.wavefilter.Cut
Performs the actual filtering.
processData(WaveContainer) - Method in class adams.data.wavefilter.MultiFilter
Performs the actual filtering.
processData(WaveContainer) - Method in class adams.data.wavefilter.PassThrough
Performs the actual filtering.
processData(WaveContainer) - Method in class adams.data.wavefilter.Resample
Performs the actual filtering.
processData(WaveContainer) - Method in class adams.data.wavefilter.Trim
Performs the actual filtering.
processData(AudioAnnotations) - Method in class adams.data.filter.AudioAnnotationsWindow
Performs the actual filtering.
processData(Heatmap) - Method in class adams.data.featuregenerator.AbstractFeatureGenerator
Performs the actual feature generation.
processData(Heatmap) - Method in class adams.data.featuregenerator.FilteredFeatureGenerator
Processes the data/report.
processData(Heatmap) - Method in class adams.data.featuregenerator.Max
Performs the actual feature generation.
processData(Heatmap) - Method in class adams.data.featuregenerator.Mean
Performs the actual feature generation.
processData(Heatmap) - Method in class adams.data.featuregenerator.Median
Performs the actual feature generation.
processData(Heatmap) - Method in class adams.data.featuregenerator.Min
Performs the actual feature generation.
processData(Heatmap) - Method in class adams.data.featuregenerator.MultiGenerator
Performs the actual feature generation.
processData(Heatmap) - Method in class adams.data.featuregenerator.PassThrough
Does nothing with the report.
processData(Heatmap) - Method in class adams.data.filter.HeatmapCentroid
Performs the actual filtering.
processData(Heatmap) - Method in class adams.data.filter.HeatmapCrop
Performs the actual filtering.
processData(Heatmap) - Method in class adams.data.filter.HeatmapFeatureGenerator
Performs the actual filtering.
processData(Heatmap) - Method in class adams.data.filter.HeatmapNormalize
Performs the actual filtering.
processData(Heatmap) - Method in class adams.data.filter.HeatmapNormalizeToField
Performs the actual filtering.
processData(Heatmap) - Method in class adams.data.filter.HeatmapRotate
Performs the actual filtering.
processData(Heatmap) - Method in class adams.data.filter.HeatmapStandardize
Performs the actual filtering.
processData(Heatmap) - Method in class adams.data.filter.HeatmapSubmap
Performs the actual filtering.
processData(Heatmap) - Method in class adams.data.filter.HeatmapSubtractField
Performs the actual filtering.
processData(Heatmap) - Method in class adams.data.filter.HeatmapThreshold
Performs the actual filtering.
processData(Trail) - Method in class adams.data.filter.TrailWindow
Performs the actual filtering.
processFile(PlaceholderFile) - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.AbstractFileReferencingCodeGenerator
Processes the file according to the path type.
processFinish() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.AbstractSelectedHeatmapsViewerPlugin
Finishes up the processing.
processFinish() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.Histogram
Finishes up the processing.
processFinish() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.Notes
processFinish() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.SpreadSheetView
Finishes up the processing.
processFinish() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.Statistics
Finishes up the processing.
processFinish() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.plugins.AbstractSelectedTrailsViewerPlugin
Finishes up the processing.
processFinish() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.plugins.Statistics
Finishes up the processing.
processFrequencyTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.MOAClusterVisualization
Returns the tip text for this property.
processInit() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.AbstractSelectedHeatmapsViewerPlugin
Initializes the processing.
processInit() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.AbstractSelectedHeatmapsViewerPluginWithGOE
Initializes the processing.
processInit() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.Histogram
Initializes the processing.
processInit() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.Notes
Initializes the processing.
processInit() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.SpreadSheetView
Initializes the processing.
processInit() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.Statistics
Initializes the processing.
processInit() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.plugins.AbstractSelectedTrailsViewerPlugin
Initializes the processing.
processInit() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.plugins.AbstractSelectedTrailsViewerPluginWithGOE
Initializes the processing.
processInit() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.plugins.Statistics
Initializes the processing.
processInstance(Instance) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AbstractProcessMOAInstanceWithModel
Processes the instance and generates the output token.
processInstance(Instance) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAClassifying
Processes the instance and generates the output token.
processInstance(Instance) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAClustering
Processes the instance and generates the output token.
processInstance(Instance) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOARegressing
Processes the instance and generates the output token.
processInstance(Instance) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MekaClassifying
Processes the instance and generates the output token.
processSelection(HeatmapPanel, Point, Point, int) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.selection.AbstractSelectionProcessor
Process the selection that occurred in the heatmap panel.
ProgramExit - Class in adams.terminal.menu
Exits the application.
ProgramExit() - Constructor for class adams.terminal.menu.ProgramExit
prologTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.source.NewLatexDocument
Returns the tip text for this property.
promptForPasswordTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.KeyManager
Returns the tip text for this property.
promptForPasswordTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RedisConnection
Returns the tip text for this property.
promptForPasswordTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.TrustManager
Returns the tip text for this property.
prop - Variable in class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.blob.Properties
prop - Variable in class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.text.Properties
propagateStorageTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Returns the tip text for this property.
propagateVariablesTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Returns the tip text for this property.
Properties - Class in nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.blob
Java class for Properties complex type.
Properties - Class in nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.text
Java class for Properties complex type.
Properties() - Constructor for class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.blob.Properties
Properties() - Constructor for class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.text.Properties
Property - Class in nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.blob
Java class for Property complex type.
Property - Class in nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.text
Java class for Property complex type.
Property() - Constructor for class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.blob.Property
Property() - Constructor for class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.text.Property
props - Variable in class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.blob.Blob
props - Variable in class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.text.Text
propsToBootstrapp(Properties) - Static method in class adams.core.bootstrapp.BootstrappUtils
Instantiates a bootstrapp Main object using the provided properties.
protocolTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.SSLContext
Returns the tip text for this property.
pruneBackup() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.AbstractRatOutput
Removes entries from the backup.
pruneBackup() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RecordingSetup
Removes entries from the backup.
pruneBackup() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AbstractProcessMOAInstanceWithModel
Removes entries from the backup.
pruneBackup() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.ArrayFolds
pruneBackup() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapFeatureGenerator
Removes entries from the backup.
pruneBackup() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAClassifierEvaluation
Removes entries from the backup.
pruneBackup() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAClustererEvaluation
Removes entries from the backup.
pruneBackup() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAInstanceDumper
Removes entries from the backup.
pruneBackup() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOARegressorEvaluation
Removes entries from the backup.
pruneBackup() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOATrainClassifier
Removes entries from the backup.
pruneBackup() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOATrainClusterer
Removes entries from the backup.
pruneBackup() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOATrainRegressor
Removes entries from the backup.
pruneBackup() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.StanfordLexicalizedParser
Removes entries from the backup.
pruneBackup() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.TransformTrackedObject
Removes entries from the backup.
pruneBackup() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.WaveFeatureGenerator
Removes entries from the backup.
pruneBackup(String) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.AbstractRatOutput
Removes the object with the specified key from the current backup state.
PruneContainers - Class in adams.docker.simpledocker
For pruning stopped containers.
PruneContainers() - Constructor for class adams.docker.simpledocker.PruneContainers
pruneImages() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.DockerImagesPanel
Prunes all stopped containers.
PruneImages - Class in adams.docker.simpledocker
For pruning images.
PruneImages() - Constructor for class adams.docker.simpledocker.PruneImages
pruneStoppedContainers() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.DockerContainersPanel
Prunes all stopped containers.
PUBLIC - adams.flow.core.KeyPairElement
publicKeyTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.source.KeyPairFileReader
Returns the tip text for this property.
publish(LogRecord) - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.RemoteLogging.RemoteListenerRunnableWithLog
Publishes the record.
Publish - Class in adams.flow.sink.redisaction
Publishes the incoming message to the specified channel.
Publish - Class in adams.flow.standalone.rats.output
Publishes the incoming data using the specified publish/subscribe handler in storage.
Publish() - Constructor for class adams.flow.sink.redisaction.Publish
Publish() - Constructor for class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.Publish
Pull - Class in adams.docker.simpledocker
Pulls the specified image.
Pull() - Constructor for class adams.docker.simpledocker.Pull
PullType - Enum in adams.docker.simpledocker
How to handle pulling of images.
pullTypeTipText() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.Run
Returns the tip text for this property.
pullTypeTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.SimpleDockerConnection
Returns the tip text for this property.
Push - Class in adams.docker.simpledocker
Pushes the specified image.
Push() - Constructor for class adams.docker.simpledocker.Push
PyroProxy - Class in weka.classifiers.functions
Proxy for a python model using Pyro4 for communication.
PyroProxy() - Constructor for class weka.classifiers.functions.PyroProxy
PyroProxyObject - Interface in weka.core
Interface for classes that make use of Pyro4.


QuadrilateralLocationsOverlayFromReport - Class in adams.gui.visualization.image
Displays the quadrilateral locations of tracked objects in the image, using data from the attached report.
QuadrilateralLocationsOverlayFromReport() - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.image.QuadrilateralLocationsOverlayFromReport
query() - Method in class adams.flow.core.AbstractRESTClient
Queries the webservice.
query() - Method in class adams.flow.core.AbstractWSClient
Queries the webservice.
query() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientSink
Queries the webservice.
query() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientSource
Queries the webservice.
query() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientTransformer
Queries the webservice.
query() - Method in interface adams.flow.rest.RESTClient
Queries the webservice.
query() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientSink
Queries the webservice.
query() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientSource
Queries the webservice.
query() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientTransformer
Queries the webservice.
query() - Method in interface adams.flow.webservice.WebServiceClient
Queries the webservice.
QueueDistribute - Class in adams.flow.standalone.rats.output
Enqueues the incoming data in the queues in internal storage, performing load-balancing by iterating through them.
QueueDistribute() - Constructor for class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.QueueDistribute
queueFlowError(Object, String) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Creates an ErrorContainer with the provided data and puts it in the Rat.m_FlowErrorQueue (if the queue is available).
queueSendError(Object, String) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Creates an ErrorContainer with the provided data and puts it in the Rat.m_SendErrorQueue (if the queue is available).
quietTipText() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.Push
Returns the tip text for this property.


R_EXECUTABLE - Static variable in class adams.core.RProjectHelper
the R executable.
rad_deg(double) - Static method in class adams.data.gps.Map
radiusTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.CircleBackground
Returns the tip text for this property.
randInt(int, int) - Method in class adams.data.random.Random
Generate a random integer.
Random - Class in adams.data.random
Based on JMathArray's org.math.array.util.Random class.
Random() - Constructor for class adams.data.random.Random
Initializes the random number generator with a default (but fixed) seed value.
Random(long) - Constructor for class adams.data.random.Random
Initializes the random number generator with the specified seed value.
Random.Function - Interface in adams.data.random
Based on JMathArray's org.math.array.util.Function.
RandomElement - Class in edu.cornell.lassp.houle.RngPack
RandomElement is an abstract class that encapsulates random number generators.
RandomElement() - Constructor for class edu.cornell.lassp.houle.RngPack.RandomElement
RandomizeArray - Class in adams.data.conversion
Randomizes the order of the elements in the array.
The random number generator gets initialized every time with the given seed.
RandomizeArray() - Constructor for class adams.data.conversion.RandomizeArray
RandomizeCollection - Class in adams.data.conversion
Randomizes the order of the elements in the collection.
The random number generator gets initialized every time with the given seed.
RandomizeCollection() - Constructor for class adams.data.conversion.RandomizeCollection
RandomNumberExpression - Class in adams.flow.condition.bool
Evaluates to 'true' if the expression evaluates to 'true'.
The 'X' in the expression is the number generated by the random number generator.

The following grammar is used for evaluating the boolean expressions:

expr_list ::= '=' expr_list expr_part | expr_part ;
expr_part ::= expr ;

expr ::= ( expr )

# data types
| number
| string
| boolean
| date

# constants
| true
| false
| pi
| e
| now()
| today()

# negating numeric value
| -expr

# comparisons
| expr < expr
| expr <= expr
| expr > expr
| expr >= expr
| expr = expr
| expr != expr (or: expr <> expr)

# boolean operations
| ! expr (or: not expr)
| expr & expr (or: expr and expr)
| expr | expr (or: expr or expr)
| if[else] ( expr , expr (if true) , expr (if false) )
| ifmissing ( variable , expr (default value if variable is missing) )

# arithmetics
| expr + expr
| expr - expr
| expr * expr
| expr / expr
| expr ^ expr (power of)
| expr % expr (modulo)

# numeric functions
| abs ( expr )
| sqrt ( expr )
| log ( expr )
| exp ( expr )
| sin ( expr )
| cos ( expr )
| tan ( expr )
| rint ( expr )
| floor ( expr )
| pow[er] ( expr , expr )
| ceil ( expr )
| year ( expr )
| month ( expr )
| day ( expr )
| hour ( expr )
| minute ( expr )
| second ( expr )
| weekday ( expr )
| weeknum ( expr )

# string functions
| substr ( expr , start [, end] )
| left ( expr , len )
| mid ( expr , start , len )
| right ( expr , len )
| rept ( expr , count )
| concatenate ( expr1 , expr2 [, expr3-5] )
| lower[case] ( expr )
| upper[case] ( expr )
| trim ( expr )
| matches ( expr , regexp )
| trim ( expr )
| len[gth] ( str )
| find ( search , expr [, pos] )
| replace ( str , pos , len , newstr )
| substitute ( str , find , replace [, occurrences] )

- Variables are either all upper case letters (e.g., "ABC") or any character apart from "]" enclosed by "[" and "]" (e.g., "[Hello World]").
- 'start' and 'end' for function 'substr' are indices that start at 1.
- Index 'end' for function 'substr' is excluded (like Java's 'String.substring(int,int)' method)
- Line comments start with '#'
- Semi-colons (';') or commas (',') can be used as separator in the formulas,
e.g., 'pow(2,2)' is equivalent to 'pow(2;2)'
- dates have to be of format 'yyyy-MM-dd' or 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'
- times have to be of format 'HH:mm:ss' or 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'
- the characters in square brackets in function names are optional:
RandomNumberExpression() - Constructor for class adams.flow.condition.bool.RandomNumberExpression
RandomNumberGenerator - Class in adams.flow.transformer
Replaces the incoming token with a random number

- accepts:
- generates:

RandomNumberGenerator() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.RandomNumberGenerator
RandomSeedable - Class in edu.cornell.lassp.houle.RngPack
RandomSeedable is an abstract class that extends the RandomElement class to include the ability to automatically generate a valid long seed from the clock.
RandomSeedable() - Constructor for class edu.cornell.lassp.houle.RngPack.RandomSeedable
rangeTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MekaClassSelector
Returns the tip text for this property.
Ranmar - Class in edu.cornell.lassp.houle.RngPack
RANMAR is a lagged Fibonacci generator proposed by Marsaglia and Zaman and is a good research grade generator.
Ranmar() - Constructor for class edu.cornell.lassp.houle.RngPack.Ranmar
Initialize Ranmar with a default seed taken from Marsaglia and Zaman's paper.
Ranmar(int) - Constructor for class edu.cornell.lassp.houle.RngPack.Ranmar
Initialize Ranmar with a specified integer seed
Ranmar(long) - Constructor for class edu.cornell.lassp.houle.RngPack.Ranmar
Initialize Ranmar with a specified long seed
Ranmar(Date) - Constructor for class edu.cornell.lassp.houle.RngPack.Ranmar
Seed RANMAR from the clock.
Rat - Class in adams.flow.standalone
Defines a single reception/transmission setup.
Rat() - Constructor for class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
RatControl - Class in adams.flow.rest.control
Controls Rat actors in flows with RatControl actors.
RatControl - Class in adams.flow.standalone
Control actor for Rats/Rat actors.
RatControl() - Constructor for class adams.flow.rest.control.RatControl
RatControl() - Constructor for class adams.flow.standalone.RatControl
RatControlPanel - Class in adams.flow.standalone.ratcontrol
Control panel for Rat actor.
RatControlPanel() - Constructor for class adams.flow.standalone.ratcontrol.RatControlPanel
RatControlState - Class in adams.flow.standalone.ratcontrol
Control state for Rat actor.
RatControlState() - Constructor for class adams.flow.standalone.ratcontrol.RatControlState
RATE_STEP - Static variable in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.VLCjDirectRenderPanel
RatHelper - Class in adams.flow.core
Helper class for Rat actors.
RatHelper() - Constructor for class adams.flow.core.RatHelper
RatInput - Interface in adams.flow.standalone.rats.input
Interface for input receivers for the RATS framework.
RatInputUser - Interface in adams.flow.standalone.rats.input
Interface for classes that make use of RatInput classes.
RatMode - Enum in adams.flow.core
Determines how a Rat actor is run.
RatOutput - Interface in adams.flow.standalone.rats.output
Interface for output transmitters for the RATS framework.
RatPlague - Class in adams.flow.standalone
Replaces itself at runtime with a copy of itself, as many times as there are input queues.
RatPlague() - Constructor for class adams.flow.standalone.RatPlague
RatReference - Class in adams.flow.core
Wrapper around the name of a Rat (= string).
RatReference() - Constructor for class adams.flow.core.RatReference
Initializes the string with length 0.
RatReference(String) - Constructor for class adams.flow.core.RatReference
Initializes the object with the string to parse.
RatReferenceEditor - Class in adams.gui.goe
A PropertyEditor for RatReference objects.
RatReferenceEditor() - Constructor for class adams.gui.goe.RatReferenceEditor
RatReferenceParsing - Class in adams.core.option.parsing
For parsing RatReference options.
RatReferenceParsing() - Constructor for class adams.core.option.parsing.RatReferenceParsing
RatRunnable - Class in adams.flow.standalone.rats
Runnable class for Rat used in a thread.
RatRunnable(Rat, boolean) - Constructor for class adams.flow.standalone.rats.RatRunnable
Initializes the runnable.
Rats - Class in adams.flow.standalone
Encapsulates all Rat setups.
Rats - Class in adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand
For managing Rats.
Rats() - Constructor for class adams.flow.standalone.Rats
Rats() - Constructor for class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.Rats
Initializes the action with no owner.
Rats(AbstractTerminalApplication) - Constructor for class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.Rats
Initializes the action.
Rats.RatStatusPanel - Class in adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand
Panel for a single Rat.
Rats.RatStatusResponseHandler - Class in adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand
Custom handler for intercepting the responses from the ListFlows remote command.
RatsBlobHelper - Class in adams.flow.core
Helper class for converting blobs.
RatsBlobHelper() - Constructor for class adams.flow.core.RatsBlobHelper
RatsBlobService - Interface in nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.blob
This class was generated by Apache CXF 3.6.2 2024-07-26T23:25:46.832+12:00 Generated source version: 3.6.2
RatsBlobServicePort - Static variable in class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.blob.RatsBlobServiceService
RatsBlobServiceService - Class in nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.blob
This class was generated by Apache CXF 3.6.2 2024-07-26T23:25:46.867+12:00 Generated source version: 3.6.2
RatsBlobServiceService() - Constructor for class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.blob.RatsBlobServiceService
RatsBlobServiceService(URL) - Constructor for class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.blob.RatsBlobServiceService
RatsBlobServiceService(URL, QName) - Constructor for class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.blob.RatsBlobServiceService
RatsBlobServiceWS - Class in adams.flow.webservice.blob
Webservice for RATS Blob.
RatsBlobServiceWS() - Constructor for class adams.flow.webservice.blob.RatsBlobServiceWS
RatsControlPanel - Class in adams.flow.standalone.ratcontrol
Control panel for Rats actor.
RatsControlPanel() - Constructor for class adams.flow.standalone.ratcontrol.RatsControlPanel
RatsControlState - Class in adams.flow.standalone.ratcontrol
Control state for Rats actor.
RatsControlState() - Constructor for class adams.flow.standalone.ratcontrol.RatsControlState
RatsServer - Class in adams.flow.rest
Generic REST service provider for the RATS framework, which allows you to assemble the REST plugins that should make up the service.
Automatically sets the flow context of plugins, if they should implement the adams.flow.core.FlowContextHandler interface, and for rat input context, if they should implement the adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.RatInputUser interface.
RatsServer() - Constructor for class adams.flow.rest.RatsServer
RatsTab - Class in adams.gui.tools.remotecontrolcenter.panels
Tab for managing rats.
RatsTab() - Constructor for class adams.gui.tools.remotecontrolcenter.panels.RatsTab
RatsTab.RatStatusPanel - Class in adams.gui.tools.remotecontrolcenter.panels
Panel for a single Rat.
RatsTab.RatStatusResponseHandler - Class in adams.gui.tools.remotecontrolcenter.panels
Custom handler for intercepting the responses from the ListFlows remote command.
RatState - Enum in adams.flow.core
The possible states for a Rat.
ratStateChanged(RatStateEvent) - Method in interface adams.event.RatStateListener
Gets called in case the state of a Rat actor changes.
ratStateChanged(RatStateEvent) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RatControl
Gets called in case the state of a Rat actor changes.
RatStateEvent - Class in adams.event
Gets sent if a rat state changes.
RatStateEvent(Object, Rat) - Constructor for class adams.event.RatStateEvent
Initializes event.
RatStateListener - Interface in adams.event
Interface for classes that listen to Rat state changes.
RatStatusPanel(RatsTab, int, String, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class adams.gui.tools.remotecontrolcenter.panels.RatsTab.RatStatusPanel
Initializes the panel.
RatStatusPanel(Rats, int, String, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.Rats.RatStatusPanel
Initializes the panel.
RatStatusResponseHandler(RatsTab) - Constructor for class adams.gui.tools.remotecontrolcenter.panels.RatsTab.RatStatusResponseHandler
Initializes the handler.
RatStatusResponseHandler(Rats) - Constructor for class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.Rats.RatStatusResponseHandler
Initializes the handler.
RatsTextHelper - Class in adams.flow.core
Helper class for converting text.
RatsTextHelper() - Constructor for class adams.flow.core.RatsTextHelper
RatsTextService - Interface in nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.text
This class was generated by Apache CXF 3.6.2 2024-07-26T23:25:44.857+12:00 Generated source version: 3.6.2
RatsTextServicePort - Static variable in class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.text.RatsTextServiceService
RatsTextServiceService - Class in nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.text
This class was generated by Apache CXF 3.6.2 2024-07-26T23:25:44.890+12:00 Generated source version: 3.6.2
RatsTextServiceService() - Constructor for class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.text.RatsTextServiceService
RatsTextServiceService(URL) - Constructor for class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.text.RatsTextServiceService
RatsTextServiceService(URL, QName) - Constructor for class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.text.RatsTextServiceService
RatsTextServiceWS - Class in adams.flow.webservice.text
Webservice for RATS Text.
RatsTextServiceWS() - Constructor for class adams.flow.webservice.text.RatsTextServiceWS
RatsTextUpload - Class in adams.flow.rest.text
Simple plugin for submitting text in plain-text format to RATS input.
RatsTextUpload() - Constructor for class adams.flow.rest.text.RatsTextUpload
ratsTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.control.ChangeRatState
Returns the tip text for this property.
ratsTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.control.ExecuteRats
Returns the tip text for this property.
ratsTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rats
Returns the tip text for this property.
RatsTree - Class in adams.gui.goe.ratstree
Displays classes in a tree structure.
RatsTree() - Constructor for class adams.gui.goe.ratstree.RatsTree
Initializes the tree with no classes.
ratTipText() - Method in class adams.scripting.command.flow.SendRatControlCommand
Returns the tip text for this property.
raw() - Method in class adams.data.random.Random
Generate a random number between 0 and 1.
raw() - Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.houle.RngPack.RandomElement
The abstract method that must be defined to make a working RandomElement.
raw() - Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.houle.RngPack.Ranmar
The generator
raw(double[]) - Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.houle.RngPack.RandomElement
Fill an entire array with doubles.
raw(double[], int) - Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.houle.RngPack.RandomElement
Fill part or all of an array with doubles.
raw(double[], int) - Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.houle.RngPack.Ranmar
A version of the generator for filling arrays, inlined for speed
RawAudioDataSupporter - Interface in adams.data.audio
Interface for classes that give access to the raw audio data.
RDataHelper - Class in adams.core
Helper class for R-related stuff.
RDataHelper() - Constructor for class adams.core.RDataHelper
RDataType - Enum in adams.core
Datatype containing the types of data that R flows can return.
read(BufferedReader) - Method in class adams.data.io.input.SimpleHeatmapReader
Reads its content from the given reader.
read(Object) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.audiodata.AbstractAudioDataReader
Reads the data from the input.
read(Object) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.audioinfo.AbstractAudioInfoReader
Reads the info from the input.
read(String) - Method in class adams.data.io.input.SimpleHeatmapReader
Reads its content from the given file.
readData() - Method in class adams.data.io.input.ArcInfoASCIIGridReader
Generates spreadsheets from the raw ASCII data.
readData() - Method in class adams.data.io.input.FloatMatrixHeatmapReader
Performs the actual reading.
readData() - Method in class adams.data.io.input.SimpleAudioAnnotationsReader
Performs the actual reading.
readData() - Method in class adams.data.io.input.SimpleHeatmapReader
Performs the actual reading.
readData() - Method in class adams.data.io.input.SimpleImageHeatmapReader
Performs the actual reading.
readData() - Method in class adams.data.io.input.SimpleTrailReader
Performs the actual reading.
readData() - Method in class adams.data.io.input.SpreadSheetHeatmapReader
Performs the actual reading.
readerTipText() - Method in class adams.data.io.input.SimpleImageHeatmapReader
Returns the tip text for this property.
readerTipText() - Method in class adams.data.io.input.SpreadSheetHeatmapReader
Returns the tip text for this property.
readerTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AudioData
Returns the tip text for this property.
readerTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AudioInfo
Returns the tip text for this property.
receive() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.AbstractRatInput
Initiates the reception of data.
receive() - Method in interface adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.RatInput
Initiates the reception of data.
receiveData() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Cron
Retrieves data using the base input.
receiverTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Returns the tip text for this property.
receiveTimeoutTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientSink
Returns the tip text for this property.
receiveTimeoutTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientSource
Returns the tip text for this property.
receiveTimeoutTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientTransformer
Returns the tip text for this property.
receiveTimeoutTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientSink
Returns the tip text for this property.
receiveTimeoutTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientSource
Returns the tip text for this property.
receiveTimeoutTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientTransformer
Returns the tip text for this property.
record() - Method in class adams.flow.source.audiorecorder.AbstractAudioRecorder
Records the audio.
recordersTipText() - Method in class adams.data.video.MultiRecorder
Returns the tip text for this property.
recorderTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.source.AudioRecorder
Returns the tip text for this property.
recorderTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RecordingSetup
Returns the tip text for this property.
RecordingSetup - Class in adams.flow.standalone
Defines a recording setup for sound and video.
RecordingSetup() - Constructor for class adams.flow.standalone.RecordingSetup
Rectangle - Class in adams.data.filter.heatmapcrop
Crops the map to the specified rectangle x and y (both 1-based), width and height.
Rectangle() - Constructor for class adams.data.filter.heatmapcrop.Rectangle
RectangleBackground - Class in adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud
Generates a rectangular background.
RectangleBackground() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.RectangleBackground
RedisAction - Class in adams.flow.standalone.rats.input
Executes the specified Redis action.
RedisAction - Class in adams.flow.standalone.rats.output
Executes the specified Redis action.
RedisAction() - Constructor for class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.RedisAction
RedisAction() - Constructor for class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.RedisAction
RedisConnection - Class in adams.flow.standalone
Defines a connection to a Redis server.
RedisConnection() - Constructor for class adams.flow.standalone.RedisConnection
RedisDataType - Enum in adams.data.redis
Enumeration of support data types.
RedisPublish - Class in adams.flow.standalone.rats.output
Publishes the incoming message to the specified channel.
RedisPublish() - Constructor for class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.RedisPublish
RedisSink - Class in adams.flow.sink
Applies the specified action to the incoming object.
RedisSink() - Constructor for class adams.flow.sink.RedisSink
RedisSource - Class in adams.flow.source
Executes the specified action to generate output.
RedisSource() - Constructor for class adams.flow.source.RedisSource
RedisSubscribe - Class in adams.flow.standalone.rats.input
Executes the specified Redis channel.
RedisSubscribe() - Constructor for class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.RedisSubscribe
RedisTransformer - Class in adams.flow.transformer
Executes the specified action to generate output.
RedisTransformer() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.RedisTransformer
redrawIntervalTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.MOAClusterVisualization
Returns the tip text for this property.
refresh() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapPanel
Regenerates the image of the current heatmap and redisplays it.
refresh() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.TrailPanel
Regenerates the image of the current trail and redisplays it.
refreshFlows() - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.AbstractRemoteFlowCommandAction
Refreshes the list of flows.
refreshRats() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.remotecontrolcenter.panels.RatsTab
Sends command to retrieve rats status.
refreshRats() - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.Rats
Sends command to retrieve rats status.
RegExp - Class in weka.core.tokenizers.cleaners
Cleans tokens based on regular expressions, i.e., if token matches regexp it gets replaced with the specified expression.
RegExp() - Constructor for class weka.core.tokenizers.cleaners.RegExp
regExpsTipText() - Method in class adams.data.wekapyroproxy.FusionJsonCommunicationProcessor
Returns the tip text for this property.
regExpTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.DirWatch
Returns the tip text for this property.
regExpTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.FileLister
Returns the tip text for this property.
regExpTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAMeasurementsFilter
Returns the tip text for this property.
regExpTipText() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.image.QuadrilateralLocationsOverlayFromReport
Returns the tip text for this property.
regexTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MekaClassSelector
Returns the tip text for this property.
registryTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.SimpleDockerConnection
Returns the tip text for this property.
regressorTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.source.MOARegressorSetup
Returns the tip text for this property.
regressorTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOARegressorEvaluation
Returns the tip text for this property.
regressorTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOATrainRegressor
Returns the tip text for this property.
rejection(Random.Function, double, double, double) - Method in class adams.data.random.Random
Generate a random number from a random variable definied by its density function, using the rejection technic.
release() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.DirectRenderMediaPlayerPanel
releases the media player to clean up memory usage
reload() - Method in class adams.core.RProjectHelper
Reloads the properties file.
reload() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapPanel
Reloads the data, if possible.
reload() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.TrailPanel
Reloads the data, if possible.
reloadAll() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapViewerPanel
Reloads all heatmaps.
reloadAll() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.TrailViewerPanel
Reloads all trails.
reloadCurrent() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapViewerPanel
Reloads the current panel's heatmap.
reloadCurrent() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.TrailViewerPanel
Reloads the current panel's trail.
RemoteCommands - Class in adams.terminal.menu
Remote commands.
RemoteCommands() - Constructor for class adams.terminal.menu.RemoteCommands
remoteDirTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.FtpUpload
Returns the tip text for this property.
RemoteFlowCommands - Class in adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand
For executing actions on remote flows.
RemoteFlowCommands() - Constructor for class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.RemoteFlowCommands
RemoteListenerRunnableWithLog(int, int, RemoteLogging) - Constructor for class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.RemoteLogging.RemoteListenerRunnableWithLog
Initializes the runnable.
RemoteLogging - Class in adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand
Allows remote logging.
RemoteLogging() - Constructor for class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.RemoteLogging
Initializes the action with no owner.
RemoteLogging(AbstractTerminalApplication) - Constructor for class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.RemoteLogging
Initializes the action.
RemoteLogging.LoggingResponseHandler - Class in adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand
Updates the buttons accordingly and displays error messages.
RemoteLogging.RemoteListenerRunnableWithLog - Class in adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand
Runnable that outputs the log records to a log.
remoteObjectNameTipText() - Method in class weka.classifiers.functions.PyroProxy
Returns the tip text for this property.
remoteObjectNameTipText() - Method in interface weka.core.PyroProxyObject
Returns the tip text for this property.
remove(int) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Removes the actor at the given position and returns the removed object.
remove(DockerContainer) - Method in class adams.gui.tools.DockerContainersPanel
Removes the object.
remove(DockerImage) - Method in class adams.gui.tools.DockerImagesPanel
Removes the object.
remove(Object) - Method in class adams.data.heatmap.Heatmap
Sets the value at the location of the provided object to missing.
removeAll() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Removes all actors.
removeAll() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.Ticker
Shuts down all threads and removes them and the ticks from the ticker
removeAll() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.Ticker
Shuts down all threads and removes them and the ticks from the ticker
removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class adams.data.heatmap.Heatmap
Sets all values in this heatmap to 0.0 for locations stored in the collection provided.
RemoveContainers - Class in adams.docker.simpledocker
For removing containers.
RemoveContainers() - Constructor for class adams.docker.simpledocker.RemoveContainers
removeContainerTipText() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.Run
Returns the tip text for this property.
RemoveEmoticons - Class in weka.core.tokenizers.cleaners
Removes emoticons, based on a provided lists of emoticon strings.
RemoveEmoticons() - Constructor for class weka.core.tokenizers.cleaners.RemoveEmoticons
removeExtensionTipText() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.AbstractFileReferencingCodeGenerator
Returns the tip text for this property.
RemoveImages - Class in adams.docker.simpledocker
For removing images.
RemoveImages() - Constructor for class adams.docker.simpledocker.RemoveImages
removeMuteListener(ActionListener) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.VLCjDirectRenderPanel
Removes the listener for the mute events.
removeOverlays() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapPanel
Removes all overlays.
removeOverlays() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.TrailPanel
Removes all overlays.
removePauseListener(ActionListener) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.VLCjDirectRenderPanel
Removes the listener for the pause events.
removePlayListener(ActionListener) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.VLCjDirectRenderPanel
Removes the listener for the play events.
removeRatStateListener(RatStateListener) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Removes the state listener.
removeResponseDataListener(RESTClientProducerResponseDataListener) - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientSource
Removes the listener for response data being received.
removeResponseDataListener(RESTClientProducerResponseDataListener) - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientTransformer
Removes the listener for response data being received.
removeResponseDataListener(RESTClientProducerResponseDataListener) - Method in interface adams.flow.rest.RESTClientProducer
Removes the listener for response data being received.
removeResponseDataListener(WebServiceClientProducerResponseDataListener) - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientSource
Removes the listener for response data being received.
removeResponseDataListener(WebServiceClientProducerResponseDataListener) - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientTransformer
Removes the listener for response data being received.
removeResponseDataListener(WebServiceClientProducerResponseDataListener) - Method in interface adams.flow.webservice.WebServiceClientProducer
Removes the listener for response data being received.
removeSelectionListener(HeatmapPanelSelectionListener) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapPanel
Removes the given listener from the internal list of selection listeners.
removeSelectionListeners() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapPanel
Removes all listeners from the internal list of selection listeners.
removeStopListener(ActionListener) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.VLCjDirectRenderPanel
Removes the listener for the stop events.
RenderHTMLAsText - Class in adams.data.conversion
Renders an HTML string as text.
RenderHTMLAsText() - Constructor for class adams.data.conversion.RenderHTMLAsText
RenjinAddContext - Class in adams.flow.transformer
Adds the object passing through to the Renjin context.
RenjinAddContext() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.RenjinAddContext
RenjinClassPathAugmenter - Class in adams.core.management
Classpath augmenter for Renjin (uses bootstrapp to pull in dependencies).
RenjinClassPathAugmenter() - Constructor for class adams.core.management.RenjinClassPathAugmenter
RenjinContext - Class in adams.flow.standalone
Provides the Renjin context.
RenjinContext() - Constructor for class adams.flow.standalone.RenjinContext
RenjinDoubleArrayVectorToSpreadSheet - Class in adams.data.conversion
Turns a double array vector matrix into a spreadsheet.
RenjinDoubleArrayVectorToSpreadSheet() - Constructor for class adams.data.conversion.RenjinDoubleArrayVectorToSpreadSheet
RenjinFileReader - Class in adams.flow.transformer
Reads .rdata files.
RenjinFileReader() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.RenjinFileReader
RenjinFileWriter - Class in adams.flow.sink
Writes R data to disk.
RenjinFileWriter() - Constructor for class adams.flow.sink.RenjinFileWriter
RenjinGetObject - Class in adams.flow.transformer
Forwards the R object identified by the path.
RenjinGetObject() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.RenjinGetObject
RenjinListVectorToArray - Class in adams.data.conversion
Converts an R list into an array.
RenjinListVectorToArray() - Constructor for class adams.data.conversion.RenjinListVectorToArray
RenjinObjectInfo - Class in adams.flow.transformer
Outputs information on an R object.
RenjinObjectInfo() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.RenjinObjectInfo
RenjinObjectInfo.InfoType - Enum in adams.flow.transformer
the information type.
RenjinSettingsPanel - Class in adams.gui.application
Settings panel for Renjin.
RenjinSettingsPanel() - Constructor for class adams.gui.application.RenjinSettingsPanel
RenjinSink - Class in adams.flow.sink
Adds the object passing through to the Renjin context and executes the script.
RenjinSink() - Constructor for class adams.flow.sink.RenjinSink
RenjinSource - Class in adams.flow.source
Executes the specified script and forwards the result.
RenjinSource() - Constructor for class adams.flow.source.RenjinSource
RenjinStandalone - Class in adams.flow.standalone
Executes the specified script.
RenjinStandalone() - Constructor for class adams.flow.standalone.RenjinStandalone
RenjinTransformer - Class in adams.flow.transformer
Adds the object passing through to the Renjin context and executes the script.
RenjinTransformer() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.RenjinTransformer
REPLACE - adams.data.filter.HeatmapThreshold.MissingValuesHandling
always replaces misssing values.
REPLACE - Static variable in class weka.core.tokenizers.cleaners.RegExp
replacementTipText() - Method in class adams.data.filter.HeatmapThreshold
Returns the tip text for this property.
replaceTipText() - Method in class weka.core.tokenizers.cleaners.RegExp
Returns the tip text for this property.
replaceWithMissingTipText() - Method in class adams.data.filter.HeatmapThreshold
Returns the tip text for this property.
reportFieldTipText() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.TextOverlay
Returns the tip text for this property.
reportMovingErrorsTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.FileLister
Returns the tip text for this property.
requestFailed(RemoteCommand, String) - Method in class adams.scripting.requesthandler.LogTextBoxRequestHandler
Handles failed requests.
requestRejected(RemoteCommand, String) - Method in class adams.scripting.requesthandler.LogTextBoxRequestHandler
Handles rejected requests.
requestSuccessful(RemoteCommand) - Method in class adams.scripting.requesthandler.LogTextBoxRequestHandler
Handles successfuly requests.
requiresFlowContext() - Method in class adams.flow.source.audiorecorder.AbstractAudioRecorder
Returns whether flow context is actually required.
requiresFlowContext() - Method in class adams.flow.source.audiorecorder.FixedDuration
Returns whether flow context is actually required.
requiresFlowContext() - Method in class adams.flow.source.audiorecorder.OnDemand
Returns whether flow context is actually required.
requiresWrapper() - Method in class adams.gui.application.AbstractBootstrappPreferencesPanel
Returns whether the panel requires a wrapper scrollpane/panel for display.
requiresWrapper() - Method in class adams.gui.application.LatexSetupPanel
Returns whether the panel requires a wrapper scrollpane/panel for display.
requiresWrapper() - Method in class adams.gui.application.RProjectSettingsPanel
Returns whether the panel requires a wrapper scrollpane/panel for display.
RERUN_CITATIONS - Static variable in class adams.flow.transformer.LatexCompile
citations need a rerun.
RERUN_CROSSREF - Static variable in class adams.flow.transformer.LatexCompile
cross-references need a rerun.
RERUN_OUTLINES - Static variable in class adams.flow.transformer.LatexCompile
outlines need a rerun.
Resample - Class in adams.data.wavefilter
Adjusts the data to use the target sample rate.
Resample() - Constructor for class adams.data.wavefilter.Resample
reset() - Method in class adams.core.gnuplot.AbstractScriptlet
Resets the scriptlet.
reset() - Method in class adams.core.gnuplot.AbstractScriptletWithDataFile
Resets the scriptlet.
reset() - Method in class adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator.AbstractAudioFeatureGenerator
Resets the scheme, i.e., the header information.
reset() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.HeatmapToBufferedImage
Resets the object.
reset() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.HeatmapToBufferedImageExpression
Resets the object.
reset() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.HeatmapToBufferedImageWithKey
Resets the object.
reset() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.SpectrogramToBufferedImage
Resets the object.
reset() - Method in class adams.data.featuregenerator.AbstractFeatureGenerator
Resets the generator.
reset() - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.AbstractHeatmapFeatureGenerator
Resets the scheme, i.e., the header information.
reset() - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.AbstractScriptedFeatureGenerator
Resets the conversion.
reset() - Method in class adams.data.io.input.ArcInfoASCIIGridReader
Resets the scheme.
reset() - Method in class adams.data.io.output.GnuplotSpreadSheetWriter
Resets the writer.
reset() - Method in class adams.data.random.AbstractCommonsRandomNumberGenerator
Resets the generator.
reset() - Method in class adams.data.random.Beta
Resets the generator.
reset() - Method in class adams.data.random.Cauchy
Resets the generator.
reset() - Method in class adams.data.random.ChiSquare
Resets the generator.
reset() - Method in class adams.data.random.Exponential
Resets the generator.
reset() - Method in class adams.data.random.JMathArrayInt
Resets the generator.
reset() - Method in class adams.data.random.LogNormal
Resets the generator.
reset() - Method in class adams.data.random.Normal
Resets the generator.
reset() - Method in class adams.data.random.Triangular
Resets the generator.
reset() - Method in class adams.data.random.Uniform
Resets the generator.
reset() - Method in class adams.data.random.Weibull
Resets the generator.
reset() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTPluginWithDatabaseConnection
Resets the plugin.
reset() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.flow.AbstractCallablePipeline
Resets the scheme.
reset() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.flow.AbstractCallableTransformer
Resets the scheme.
reset() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.ffmpeg.AbstractFFmpegPlugin
Resets the scheme.
reset() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.FFmpeg
Resets the scheme.
reset() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.MOAClusterVisualization
Resets the object.
reset() - Method in class adams.flow.source.MOAStream
Initializes the members.
reset() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.AbstractRecordingSetupUser
Resets the scheme.
reset() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.KeyManager
Resets the scheme.
reset() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.generator.AbstractScriptedRatGenerator
Resets the conversion.
reset() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.DirWatch
Resets the scheme.
reset() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.InputWithCallableTransformer
Resets the scheme.
reset() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.CallableActor
Resets the scheme.
reset() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.DistributedEnQueue
Resets the scheme.
reset() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.OutputWithCallableTransformer
Resets the scheme.
reset() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.QueueDistribute
Resets the scheme.
reset() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.SimpleDockerConnection
Resets the scheme.
reset() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.TrustManager
Resets the scheme.
reset() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AbstractProcessMOAInstanceWithModel
Resets the scheme.
reset() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.ArrayFolds
Resets the scheme.
reset() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.EditDistance
Resets the scheme.
reset() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapFeatureGenerator
Resets the scheme.
reset() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAClassifierEvaluation
Initializes the members.
reset() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAClustererEvaluation
Initializes the members.
reset() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAFilter
Initializes the members.
reset() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAInstanceDumper
Resets the scheme.
reset() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAMeasurementPlotGenerator
Resets the actor.
reset() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOARegressorEvaluation
Initializes the members.
reset() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOATrainClassifier
Initializes the members.
reset() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOATrainClusterer
Initializes the members.
reset() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOATrainRegressor
Initializes the members.
reset() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler.SingleTimestampMovieSampler
reset() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler.TimestampMovieSampler
reset() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.AbstractObjectTracker
Resets the scheme.
reset() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.splitter.StanfordPTBTokenizer
Resets the scheme.
reset() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.StanfordLexicalizedParser
Resets the object.
reset() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.tokenizer.StanfordPTBTokenizer
Resets the scheme.
reset() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.TransformTrackedObject
Resets the scheme.
reset() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.TweetNLPTagger
Resets the scheme.
reset() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.WaveFeatureGenerator
Resets the scheme.
reset() - Method in class adams.gui.application.AbstractBootstrappPreferencesPanel
Resets the settings to their default.
reset() - Method in class adams.gui.application.LatexSetupPanel
Resets the settings to their default.
reset() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.Centroid
Resets the overlay.
reset() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.HighestTemperature
Resets the scheme.
reset() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.LowestTemperature
Resets the scheme.
reset() - Method in class com.example.customerservice.flow.CustomersByName
Resets the scheme.
reset() - Method in class com.example.customerservice.flow.CustomersByNameCallableTransformer
Resets the scheme.
reset() - Method in class com.example.customerservice.flow.UpdateCustomer
Resets the scheme.
reset() - Method in class weka.core.tokenizers.cleaners.NormalizeURLs
Resets the cleaner.
reset() - Method in class weka.core.tokenizers.cleaners.RegExp
Resets the cleaner.
reset() - Method in class weka.core.tokenizers.cleaners.RemoveEmoticons
Resets the scheme.
reset() - Method in class weka.core.tokenizers.cleaners.WordCluster
Resets the scheme.
reset() - Method in class weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.TwitterEmoticonScore
Resets the scheme.
reset() - Method in class weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.TwitterNLPPos
Resets the scheme.
resetAnnotations() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.EventQueue
Resets the annotations to an empty one.
resetBindingBar() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.AudioAnnotatorPanel
resetBindingBar() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.AnnotatorPanel
resetMinMax() - Method in class adams.data.heatmap.Heatmap
Resets the min/max values.
resetTime() - Method in class adams.gui.audio.AudioPlaybackPanel
Resets the time/slider.
resetTrail() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.EventQueue
Resets the trail to an empty one.
RESOLUTION - adams.flow.source.WebcamInfo.InfoType
current resolution.
ResourceHandler - Class in adams.flow.standalone.webserver
Configurable ResourceHandler.
ResourceHandler() - Constructor for class adams.flow.standalone.webserver.ResourceHandler
RESPONSE_ALREADY_PAUSED - Static variable in class adams.scripting.command.flow.SendRatControlCommand
response: already paused.
RESPONSE_ALREADY_RUNNING - Static variable in class adams.scripting.command.flow.SendRatControlCommand
response: already running.
RESPONSE_ALREADY_STOPPED - Static variable in class adams.scripting.command.flow.SendRatControlCommand
response: already stopped.
RESPONSE_NO_SUPPORTED - Static variable in class adams.scripting.command.flow.SendRatControlCommand
response: command not supported.
RESPONSE_NOT_FOUND - Static variable in class adams.scripting.command.flow.SendRatControlCommand
response: rat not found.
RESPONSE_SUCCESS - Static variable in class adams.scripting.command.flow.SendRatControlCommand
response: success.
responseFailed(RemoteCommand, String) - Method in class adams.gui.tools.remotecontrolcenter.panels.RatsTab.RatStatusResponseHandler
Handles failed responses.
responseFailed(RemoteCommand, String) - Method in class adams.scripting.responsehandler.LogTextBoxResponseHandler
Handles failed responses.
responseFailed(RemoteCommand, String) - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.AbstractRemoteFlowCommandAction.FlowListResponseHandler
Handles failed responses.
responseFailed(RemoteCommand, String) - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.Rats.RatStatusResponseHandler
Handles failed responses.
responseFailed(RemoteCommand, String) - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.RemoteLogging.LoggingResponseHandler
Handles failed responses.
responsePostProcessorTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.WebserviceOutput
Returns the tip text for this property.
responseSuccessful(RemoteCommand) - Method in class adams.gui.tools.remotecontrolcenter.panels.RatsTab.RatStatusResponseHandler
Handles successful responses.
responseSuccessful(RemoteCommand) - Method in class adams.scripting.responsehandler.LogTextBoxResponseHandler
Handles successful responses.
responseSuccessful(RemoteCommand) - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.AbstractRemoteFlowCommandAction.FlowListResponseHandler
Handles successful responses.
responseSuccessful(RemoteCommand) - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.Rats.RatStatusResponseHandler
Handles successful responses.
responseSuccessful(RemoteCommand) - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.RemoteLogging.LoggingResponseHandler
Handles successful responses.
restart() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAFilter.FixedInstanceStream
restart(int) - Method in class adams.flow.rest.control.StopFlow
Stops the flow with the specified ID.
RESTClient - Interface in adams.flow.rest
Interface for classes that use REST webservices.
RESTClientConsumer<T> - Interface in adams.flow.rest
Interface for classes that use REST, sending data to them.
RESTClientProducer<T> - Interface in adams.flow.rest
Interface for classes that use webRESTservices.
RESTClientProducerResponseDataEvent - Class in adams.event
Gets sent when a RESTClientProducer received data.
RESTClientProducerResponseDataEvent(RESTClientProducer) - Constructor for class adams.event.RESTClientProducerResponseDataEvent
Constructs a prototypical Event.
RESTClientProducerResponseDataListener - Interface in adams.event
Interface for classes that listen to events of webservices receiving response data.
restoreState(Hashtable<String, Object>) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.AbstractRatOutput
Restores the state of the actor before the variables got updated.
restoreState(Hashtable<String, Object>) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RecordingSetup
Restores the state of the actor before the variables got updated.
restoreState(Hashtable<String, Object>) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AbstractProcessMOAInstanceWithModel
Restores the state of the actor before the variables got updated.
restoreState(Hashtable<String, Object>) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.ArrayFolds
Restores the state of the actor before the variables got updated.
restoreState(Hashtable<String, Object>) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapFeatureGenerator
Restores the state of the actor before the variables got updated.
restoreState(Hashtable<String, Object>) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAClassifierEvaluation
Restores the state of the actor before the variables got updated.
restoreState(Hashtable<String, Object>) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAClustererEvaluation
Restores the state of the actor before the variables got updated.
restoreState(Hashtable<String, Object>) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAInstanceDumper
Restores the state of the actor before the variables got updated.
restoreState(Hashtable<String, Object>) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOARegressorEvaluation
Restores the state of the actor before the variables got updated.
restoreState(Hashtable<String, Object>) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOATrainClassifier
Restores the state of the actor before the variables got updated.
restoreState(Hashtable<String, Object>) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOATrainClusterer
Restores the state of the actor before the variables got updated.
restoreState(Hashtable<String, Object>) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOATrainRegressor
Restores the state of the actor before the variables got updated.
restoreState(Hashtable<String, Object>) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.StanfordLexicalizedParser
Restores the state of the actor before the variables got updated.
restoreState(Hashtable<String, Object>) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.TransformTrackedObject
Restores the state of the actor before the variables got updated.
restoreState(Hashtable<String, Object>) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.WaveFeatureGenerator
Restores the state of the actor before the variables got updated.
RESTPlugin - Interface in adams.flow.rest
Interface for classes that provide REST functionality.
RESTProvider - Interface in adams.flow.rest
Interface for REST webservice providers, i.e., the server side.
restReponseDataReceived(RESTClientProducerResponseDataEvent) - Method in interface adams.event.RESTClientProducerResponseDataListener
Gets called whenever data was received from the webservice.
RESTServer - Class in adams.flow.standalone
Runs a REST webservice.
RESTServer() - Constructor for class adams.flow.standalone.RESTServer
RESTSink - Class in adams.flow.sink
Sends data to a REST webservice.
RESTSink() - Constructor for class adams.flow.sink.RESTSink
RESTSource - Class in adams.flow.source
Obtains data from a REST webservice and forwards it.
RESTSource() - Constructor for class adams.flow.source.RESTSource
RESTTextReception - Class in adams.flow.standalone.rats.input
Uses a REST webservice for receiving text.
RESTTextReception() - Constructor for class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.RESTTextReception
RESTTransformer - Class in adams.flow.transformer
Sends data to a REST webservice and forwards the response.
RESTTransformer() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.RESTTransformer
RESTUtils - Class in adams.flow.rest
Utility class around REST webservices.
RESTUtils() - Constructor for class adams.flow.rest.RESTUtils
result - Variable in class adams.terminal.dialog.ComponentDialog
the button that was selected.
result - Variable in class adams.terminal.dialog.OptionDialog
the chosen option.
resume() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.ratcontrol.AbstractControlPanel
Resumes the rat.
resume() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.ratcontrol.AbstractControlState
Resumes the rat.
RESUME - adams.scripting.command.flow.SendRatControlCommand.Command
resumeExecution() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Resumes the execution.
resumeExecution() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.RatRunnable
Resumes the execution.
resumeExecution() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rats
Resumes the execution.
resumeFlow() - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.AbstractRemoteFlowCommandAction
Resumes the selected flow(s).
retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class adams.data.heatmap.Heatmap
Always throws UnsupportedOperationException.
retrievalDelayTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.EnQueue
Returns the tip text for this property.
retrieveParameters() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.AbstractRedisTool
Retrieves the parameters from the GUI.
retrieveParameters() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.DEXTR
Retrieves the parameters from the GUI.
retrieveParameters() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.SAM
Retrieves the parameters from the GUI.
retrieveParameters() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.segmentation.tool.AbstractRedisTool
Retrieves the parameters from the GUI.
retrieveParameters() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.segmentation.tool.DEXTR
Retrieves the parameters from the GUI.
retrieveParameters() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.segmentation.tool.SAM
Retrieves the parameters from the GUI.
returnTypeTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.source.RSource
A description of the return type.
returnTypeTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RTransformer
Tool tip about the return type.
revenue - Variable in class com.example.customerservice.Customer
rightTipText() - Method in class adams.data.wavefilter.Trim
Returns the tip text for this property.
roadmap - adams.data.gps.Map.MapType
RObjectHelper - Class in adams.core
Helper class for common R object operations.
RObjectHelper() - Constructor for class adams.core.RObjectHelper
RObjectInspector - Class in adams.core
Helper class for inspection R objects (SEXP).
RObjectInspector() - Constructor for class adams.core.RObjectInspector
RObjectPath - Class in adams.core
Breaks up a string denoting a full name of an object within an R SEXP data structure into the individual path elements.
RObjectPath() - Constructor for class adams.core.RObjectPath
Initializes the path.
RObjectPath(String) - Constructor for class adams.core.RObjectPath
Initializes the path.
RObjectPath(String[]) - Constructor for class adams.core.RObjectPath
Initializes the path with the specified elements.
RObjectPathEditor - Class in adams.gui.goe
A PropertyEditor for RObjectPath objects.
RObjectPathEditor() - Constructor for class adams.gui.goe.RObjectPathEditor
RObjectPathParsing - Class in adams.core.option.parsing
For parsing RObjectPath options.
RObjectPathParsing() - Constructor for class adams.core.option.parsing.RObjectPathParsing
ROOT - Static variable in class adams.gui.visualization.nlp.StanfordNode
the label for the root node in case of multiple hierarchies.
ROTATE_180_DEGREES - adams.data.filter.HeatmapRotate.Rotation
180 degrees.
ROTATE_270_DEGREES - adams.data.filter.HeatmapRotate.Rotation
270 degrees.
ROTATE_90_DEGREES - adams.data.filter.HeatmapRotate.Rotation
90 degrees.
rotationTipText() - Method in class adams.data.filter.HeatmapRotate
Returns the tip text for this property.
rowsTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.source.NewHeatmap
Returns the tip text for this property.
rowTipText() - Method in class adams.data.filter.heatmapcrop.Submap
Returns the tip text for this property.
rowTipText() - Method in class adams.data.filter.HeatmapSubmap
Returns the tip text for this property.
rowTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapGetValue
Returns the tip text for this property.
rowTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapSetValue
Returns the tip text for this property.
RProjectDefinition - Class in adams.env
Definition for the R project props file.
RProjectDefinition() - Constructor for class adams.env.RProjectDefinition
RProjectHelper - Class in adams.core
Helper class for the R project setup.
RProjectSettingsPanel - Class in adams.gui.application
Panel for configuring the R-Project settings.
RProjectSettingsPanel() - Constructor for class adams.gui.application.RProjectSettingsPanel
RScript - Class in adams.core.scripting
Wrapper for a R scripts to be editable in the GOE.
RScript() - Constructor for class adams.core.scripting.RScript
Initializes the string with length 0.
RScript(String) - Constructor for class adams.core.scripting.RScript
Initializes the object with the string to parse.
Rserve - Class in adams.flow.standalone
Establishes a connection to the Rserve server.
Rserve() - Constructor for class adams.flow.standalone.Rserve
RSERVE_HOST - Static variable in class adams.core.RProjectHelper
the Rserve host to connect to.
RSERVE_PORT - Static variable in class adams.core.RProjectHelper
the Rserve port to connect on.
RSink - Class in adams.flow.sink
Carries out an r command on the token passed in.
RSink() - Constructor for class adams.flow.sink.RSink
RSource - Class in adams.flow.source
Carries out an R function on the input script and returns data of a particular type.
RSource() - Constructor for class adams.flow.source.RSource
RStandalone - Class in adams.flow.standalone
Carries out an R function on the input script.
RStandalone() - Constructor for class adams.flow.standalone.RStandalone
RSyntaxEditorPanel - Class in adams.gui.core
Loads the syntax highlighting properties file for RScript.
RSyntaxEditorPanel() - Constructor for class adams.gui.core.RSyntaxEditorPanel
RTransformer - Class in adams.flow.transformer
Carries out an r command on the token passed in.
RTransformer() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.RTransformer
Run - Class in adams.docker.simpledocker
Performs the 'docker run' command in either blocking or async fashion.
Run() - Constructor for class adams.docker.simpledocker.Run
runAsUserTipText() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.Run
Returns the tip text for this property.
RUNNING - adams.flow.core.RatState
RunningFlowsHandler - Class in adams.flow.standalone.webserver
Handler for displaying the currently running flows.
RunningFlowsHandler() - Constructor for class adams.flow.standalone.webserver.RunningFlowsHandler
RunningFlowsHandler.CustomHandler - Class in adams.flow.standalone.webserver
Handler for displaying the currently running flows.
RunWithArgs - Class in adams.docker.simpledocker
TODO: What this class does.
RunWithArgs() - Constructor for class adams.docker.simpledocker.RunWithArgs


SAM - Class in adams.gui.visualization.object.tools
Uses SAN (via docker and redis) to aid human in annotating.
SAM - Class in adams.gui.visualization.segmentation.tool
Uses SAM (via docker and redis) to aid human in annotating.
SAM() - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.SAM
SAM() - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.segmentation.tool.SAM
SAMMarkers - Class in adams.gui.visualization.object.annotator
Annotator plugin that works only in conjunction with the SAM tool.
SAMMarkers() - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.object.annotator.SAMMarkers
SAMMarkers.Shape - Enum in adams.gui.visualization.object.annotator
Enum for the marker shape to plot around the marker points.
sample(File) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler.AbstractMovieImageSampler
Samples images from a movie file.
SampledSoundRecorder - Class in adams.data.video
Configures the com.github.fracpete.screencast4j.record.sound.SampledSoundRecorder sound recorder.
SampledSoundRecorder() - Constructor for class adams.data.video.SampledSoundRecorder
sampleRateTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.source.audiorecorder.AbstractAudioRecorder
Returns the tip text for this property.
samplerTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MovieImageSampler
Returns the tip text for this property.
SAMPLES - adams.data.wavefilter.WaveIndexingType
SarxosWebcamRecorder - Class in adams.data.video
Configures the com.github.fracpete.screencast4j.record.webcam.SarxosWebcamRecorder webcam recorder.
SarxosWebcamRecorder() - Constructor for class adams.data.video.SarxosWebcamRecorder
satellite - adams.data.gps.Map.MapType
save() - Method in class adams.core.RProjectHelper
Saves the settings in the user's home directory.
saveAnnotations() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.AudioAnnotatorPanel
Saves the current annotation to a trail file
saveAnnotations() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.AnnotatorPanel
Saves the current annotation to a trail file
saveAs() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapViewerPanel
Saves the current heatmap to disk.
saveAs() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.TrailViewerPanel
Saves the current trail to disk.
saveBackground() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.AnnotatorPanel
Saves the background to the selected file
saveBindings() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.AudioAnnotatorPanel
Saves the current bindings to a file selected by the user
saveBindings() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.AnnotatorPanel
Saves the current bindings to a file selected by the user
scaleFactorTipText() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.HeatmapToBufferedImageWithKey
Tip text for this property
scheduleTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Cron
Returns the tip text for this property.
scopeHandlingStorageTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.flow.AbstractCallablePipeline
Returns the tip text for this property.
scopeHandlingStorageTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Returns the tip text for this property.
scopeHandlingVariablesTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.flow.AbstractCallablePipeline
Returns the tip text for this property.
scopeHandlingVariablesTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Returns the tip text for this property.
Screencast - Class in adams.gui.menu
Allows recording of screencasts.
Screencast() - Constructor for class adams.gui.menu.Screencast
Initializes the menu item with no owner.
Screencast(AbstractApplicationFrame) - Constructor for class adams.gui.menu.Screencast
Initializes the menu item.
Screencast.ScreencastPanel - Class in adams.gui.menu
Derived ScreencastPanel, exposes the menubar to ADAMS.
ScreencastPanel() - Constructor for class adams.gui.menu.Screencast.ScreencastPanel
scriptContainsPlaceholderTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.RenjinSink
Returns the tip text for this property.
scriptContainsPlaceholderTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.RSink
Returns the tip text for this property.
scriptContainsPlaceholderTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.source.RenjinSource
Returns the tip text for this property.
scriptContainsPlaceholderTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.source.RSource
Returns the tip text for this property.
scriptContainsPlaceholderTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RenjinStandalone
Returns the tip text for this property.
scriptContainsPlaceholderTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RStandalone
Returns the tip text for this property.
scriptContainsPlaceholderTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RenjinTransformer
Returns the tip text for this property.
scriptContainsPlaceholderTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RTransformer
Returns the tip text for this property.
scriptContainsVariableTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.RenjinSink
Returns the tip text for this property.
scriptContainsVariableTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.RSink
Returns the tip text for this property.
scriptContainsVariableTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.source.RenjinSource
Returns the tip text for this property.
scriptContainsVariableTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.source.RSource
Returns the tip text for this property.
scriptContainsVariableTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RenjinStandalone
Returns the tip text for this property.
scriptContainsVariableTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RStandalone
Returns the tip text for this property.
scriptContainsVariableTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RenjinTransformer
Returns the tip text for this property.
scriptContainsVariableTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RTransformer
Returns the tip text for this property.
Scripted - Class in adams.data.heatmapfeatures
A feature generator that uses any scripting handler for processing the data with a script located in the specified file.
Scripted - Class in adams.flow.standalone.rats.generator
A rat generator that uses any scripting handler for generating the rat actor(s) with a script located in the specified file.
Scripted() - Constructor for class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.Scripted
Scripted() - Constructor for class adams.flow.standalone.rats.generator.Scripted
scriptFileTipText() - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.AbstractScriptedFeatureGenerator
Returns the tip text for this property.
scriptFileTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.GroovyPlugin
Returns the tip text for this property.
scriptFileTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.RenjinSink
Returns the tip text for this property.
scriptFileTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.RSink
Returns the tip text for this property.
scriptFileTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.source.RenjinSource
Returns the tip text for this property.
scriptFileTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.source.RSource
Returns the tip text for this property.
scriptFileTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Gnuplot
Returns the tip text for this property.
scriptFileTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.generator.AbstractScriptedRatGenerator
Returns the tip text for this property.
scriptFileTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RenjinStandalone
Returns the tip text for this property.
scriptFileTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RStandalone
Returns the tip text for this property.
scriptFileTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RenjinTransformer
Returns the tip text for this property.
scriptFileTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RTransformer
Returns the tip text for this property.
scriptletsTipText() - Method in class adams.core.gnuplot.MultiScriptlet
Returns the tip text for this property.
scriptletTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.GnuplotScript
Returns the tip text for this property.
scriptOptionsTipText() - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.AbstractScriptedFeatureGenerator
Returns the tip text for this property.
scriptOptionsTipText() - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.Scripted
Returns the tip text for this property.
scriptOptionsTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.GroovyPlugin
Returns the tip text for this property.
scriptOptionsTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.generator.AbstractScriptedRatGenerator
Returns the tip text for this property.
scriptOptionsTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.generator.Scripted
Returns the tip text for this property.
scriptsize - adams.doc.latex.generator.BlockSize.FontSize
scriptTipText() - Method in class adams.core.gnuplot.CustomScriptlet
Returns the tip text for this property.
scriptTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.TweeboParser
Returns the tip text for this property.
search(String, boolean) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapPanel
Performs a search.
search(String, boolean) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapViewerPanel
Performs a search.
search(String, boolean) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.TrailPanel
Performs a search.
search(String, boolean) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.TrailViewerPanel
Performs a search.
SECONDS - adams.data.wavefilter.WaveIndexingType
secondStepsTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.LinearGradientColorPalette
Returns the tip text for this property.
secondTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.LinearGradientColorPalette
Returns the tip text for this property.
SECTION - adams.doc.latex.generator.NewSection.SectionType
seedTipText() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.RandomizeArray
Returns the tip text for this property.
seedTipText() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.RandomizeCollection
Returns the tip text for this property.
seedTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.ArrayRandomize
Returns the tip text for this property.
seedTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MekaCrossValidationEvaluator
Returns the tip text for this property.
selectColorGenerator() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapViewerPanel
Lets the user select a new color generator.
selectDirectory(String, PlaceholderDirectory) - Method in class adams.core.io.console.Lanterna
Lets the user select a directory.
selected(HeatmapPanelSelectionEvent) - Method in interface adams.gui.event.HeatmapPanelSelectionListener
Invoked when a selection happened in a ImagePanel.
selected(HeatmapPanelSelectionEvent) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.selection.AbstractSelectionProcessor
Invoked when a selection happened in a HeatmapPanel.
selected(ImagePanelSelectionEvent) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapPanel
Invoked when a selection happened in a ImagePanel.
selectFiles(String, PlaceholderFile...) - Method in class adams.core.io.console.Lanterna
Lets the user select files.
selectMissingValueColor() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapViewerPanel
Shows a color dialog for selecting the color representing missing values.
SelectMultipleObjectsToTrack - Class in adams.gui.visualization.image.selection
Allows the user to select multiple regions (ie objects) to track.
Uses 1-based index as suffix for enumerating locations.
When also holding the CTRL key down, this will delete any encompassed region.
SelectMultipleObjectsToTrack() - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.image.selection.SelectMultipleObjectsToTrack
SelectObjectToTrack - Class in adams.gui.visualization.image.selection
Allows the user to select a region (ie object) to track.
When also holding the CTRL key down, this will delete any selected region.
SelectObjectToTrack() - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.image.selection.SelectObjectToTrack
selectOption(String, String[]) - Method in class adams.core.io.console.Lanterna
Lets the user select from a number of choices.
selectOption(String, String[], String) - Method in class adams.core.io.console.Lanterna
Lets the user select from a number of choices.
selectOverlay() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapViewerPanel
Lets the user select an overlay from a dialog.
selectOverlay() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.TrailViewerPanel
Lets the user select an overlay from a dialog.
selectSelectionProcessor() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapViewerPanel
Lets the user select a selection processor from a dialog.
self() - Method in class adams.terminal.core.MenuListDialogBuilder
self() - Method in class adams.terminal.dialog.DirectoryDialogBuilder
sendCommand(RemoteCommand) - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.AbstractRemoteFlowCommandAction
Sends the specified command, not waiting for a response.
sendCommand(RemoteCommand, RemoteCommandProcessor, BaseHostname) - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.AbstractRemoteCommandAction
Sends the specified command, not waiting for a response.
sendCommandWithReponse(RemoteCommandWithResponse) - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.AbstractRemoteFlowCommandAction
Sends the specified command.
sendCommandWithReponse(RemoteCommandWithResponse, RemoteCommandProcessor, ResponseHandler, BaseHostname, BaseHostname, int) - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.AbstractRemoteCommandAction
Sends the specified command and the response handler for intercepting the result.
sendCommandWithReponse(RemoteCommandWithResponse, ResponseHandler) - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.AbstractRemoteFlowCommandAction
Sends the specified command and the response handler for intercepting the result.
sendData() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.AbstractRedisTool
Communicates with DEXTR and updates the canvas.
sendData() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.segmentation.tool.AbstractRedisTool
Communicates with DEXTR and updates the canvas.
SendEmail - Class in adams.flow.standalone.rats.output
Transmitter for sending emails.

SendEmail() - Constructor for class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.SendEmail
sendEmailTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.SendEmail
Returns the tip text for this property.
sendErrorQueueTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Returns the tip text for this property.
sendErrorQueueTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.generator.AbstractRatGenerator
Returns the tip text for this property.
SendRatControlCommand - Class in adams.scripting.command.flow
Sends a control command for a Rat to a remote flow.
SendRatControlCommand() - Constructor for class adams.scripting.command.flow.SendRatControlCommand
SendRatControlCommand.Command - Enum in adams.scripting.command.flow
Enumeration of available commands.
serializationTypeTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.RenjinFileWriter
Returns the tip text for this property.
Serialize - Class in adams.flow.standalone.rats.output
Saves the objects that it receives using serialization under the filename created by the filename generator.
Serialize() - Constructor for class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.Serialize
serveFavicon(String, Request, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.webserver.AbstractJettyHandler
Serves the favicon.
serveImage(String, Request, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.webserver.AbstractJettyHandler
Serves the requested image.
SERVICE - Static variable in class com.example.customerservice.CustomerServiceService
SERVICE - Static variable in class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.blob.RatsBlobServiceService
SERVICE - Static variable in class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.text.RatsTextServiceService
SESSION_FILE - Static variable in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapViewerPanel
the file to store the recent files in.
SESSION_FILE - Static variable in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.TrailViewerPanel
the file to store the recent files in.
SESSION_FILE - Static variable in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.VLCjDirectRenderPanel
the file to store the recent files in.
set(double[]) - Method in class adams.data.heatmap.Heatmap
Sets all the values, if the size of the array matches this heatmap.
set(int, double) - Method in class adams.data.heatmap.Heatmap
Sets the map value at the specified position from the top left corner of the map, walking through row-wise.
set(int, int, double) - Method in class adams.data.heatmap.Heatmap
Sets the map value at the specified location.
set(int, Actor) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Sets the actor at the given position.
set(Double[]) - Method in class adams.data.heatmap.Heatmap
Sets all the values, if the size of the array matches this heatmap.
Set - Class in adams.flow.sink.redisaction
Sets the incoming data under the specified key.
Set() - Constructor for class adams.flow.sink.redisaction.Set
setA(double) - Method in class adams.data.random.Beta
Sets the first parameter for the beta random variable.
setAction(AbstractRedisAction) - Method in class adams.flow.sink.RedisSink
Sets the action to execute.
setAction(AbstractRedisAction) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.RedisAction
Sets the name of the action.
setAction(AbstractRedisAction) - Method in class adams.flow.source.RedisSource
Sets the action to execute.
setAction(AbstractRedisAction) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.RedisAction
Sets the name of the action.
setAction(AbstractRedisAction) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RedisTransformer
Sets the action to execute.
setActionLabel(String) - Method in class adams.terminal.dialog.DirectoryDialogBuilder
Defines the label to be but on the confirmation button (default: "ok").
setActor(Actor) - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.incoming.Enqueue
Sets the actor to use.
setActor(Actor) - Method in interface adams.flow.rest.interceptor.InterceptorWithActor
Sets the actor to use.
setActor(Actor) - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.outgoing.Enqueue
Sets the actor to use.
setActor(Actor) - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming.Enqueue
Sets the actor to use.
setActor(Actor) - Method in interface adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.InterceptorWithActor
Sets the actor to use.
setActor(Actor) - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.Enqueue
Sets the actor to use.
setActor(T) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.ratcontrol.AbstractControlPanel
Sets the actor to manage.
setActor(T) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.ratcontrol.AbstractControlState
Sets the actor to manage.
setActorFile(FlowFile) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.InputWithExternalTransformer
Sets the file containing the external actor.
setActorFile(FlowFile) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.OutputWithExternalTransformer
Sets the file containing the external actor.
setActors(Actor[]) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Sets the flow items for this sequence.
setAdditionalArguments(String[]) - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.GenericWithArgs
Sets the additional arguments to append to the command.
setAdditionalArguments(String[]) - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.KillContainers
Sets the additional arguments to append to the command.
setAdditionalArguments(String[]) - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.PauseContainers
Sets the additional arguments to append to the command.
setAdditionalArguments(String[]) - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.RemoveContainers
Sets the additional arguments to append to the command.
setAdditionalArguments(String[]) - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.RemoveImages
Sets the additional arguments to append to the command.
setAdditionalArguments(String[]) - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.RunWithArgs
Sets the additional arguments to append to the command.
setAdditionalArguments(String[]) - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.StartContainers
Sets the additional arguments to append to the command.
setAdditionalArguments(String[]) - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.StopContainers
Sets the additional arguments to append to the command.
setAdditionalInputOptions(String) - Method in class adams.flow.sink.ffmpeg.AbstractFFmpegPluginWithOptions
Sets the additional input options to use.
setAdditionalOptions(BaseString[]) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.StanfordLexicalizedParser
Sets the additional options for the parser.
setAdditionalOptions(AdditionalOptions) - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.AbstractScript
Sets the additional options.
setAdditionalOptions(AdditionalOptions) - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractParametrizedGroovyRESTPlugin
Sets the additional options.
setAdditionalOptions(AdditionalOptions) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.generator.AbstractScript
Sets the additional options.
setAdditionalOptions(String) - Method in class adams.flow.control.Keytool
Sets the additional options for keytool.
setAdditionalOutputOptions(String) - Method in class adams.flow.sink.ffmpeg.AbstractFFmpegPluginWithOptions
Sets the additional output options to use.
setAdditionalStatements(BaseText) - Method in class adams.flow.source.NewLatexDocument
Sets the additional statements to insert.
setAddress(BaseHostname) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.Socket
Sets the address.
setAlgorithm(AbstractWaveFeatureGenerator) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.WaveFeatureGenerator
Sets the algorithm to use.
setAlgorithm(AbstractHeatmapCrop) - Method in class adams.data.filter.HeatmapCrop
Sets the crop algorithm.
setAlgorithm(AbstractHeatmapFeatureGenerator) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapFeatureGenerator
Sets the algorithm to use.
setAlgorithm(ObjectTracker) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.TrackObjects
Sets the tracking algorithm.
setAlgorithm(String) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.KeyManager
Sets the algorithm to use.
setAlgorithm(String) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.TrustManager
Sets the algorithm to use.
setAll(boolean) - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.ListContainers
Sets whether to list all containers, not just running ones.
setAll(boolean) - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.ListImages
Sets whether to list all images, including intermediate ones.
setAll(boolean) - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.PruneImages
Sets whether to prune all images, not just dangling ones.
setAllowTransposition(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.EditDistance
Sets whether transposition is allowed.
setAllTags(boolean) - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.Push
Sets whether to push all tags.
setAlternativeURL(String) - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientSink
Sets the alternative URL to use.
setAlternativeURL(String) - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientSource
Sets the alternative URL to use.
setAlternativeURL(String) - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientTransformer
Sets the alternative URL to use.
setAlternativeURL(String) - Method in interface adams.flow.rest.AlternativeUrlSupporter
Sets the alternative URL to use.
setAlternativeURL(String) - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientSink
Sets the alternative URL to use.
setAlternativeURL(String) - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientSource
Sets the alternative URL to use.
setAlternativeURL(String) - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientTransformer
Sets the alternative URL to use.
setAlternativeURL(String) - Method in interface adams.flow.webservice.AlternativeUrlSupporter
Sets the alternative URL to use.
setAntiAliasingEnabled(boolean) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.paintlet.Circles
Sets whether to use anti-aliasing.
setAntiAliasingEnabled(boolean) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.paintlet.Lines
Sets whether to use anti-aliasing.
setAppending(boolean) - Method in class adams.data.io.output.GnuplotSpreadSheetWriter
Sets whether the next write call is to append the data to the existing file.
setArrayHistogram(ArrayHistogram) - Method in class adams.flow.sink.HeatmapHistogram
Sets the setup for calculating the histogram.
setArrayHistogram(ArrayHistogram) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HistogramPanel
Sets the setup for calculating the histogram.
setAtomicMove(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.DirWatch
Sets whether to attempt atomic move operation.
setAtomicMove(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.FileLister
Sets whether to attempt atomic move operation.
setAtomicMove(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.FileMover
Sets whether to attempt atomic move operation.
setAttributeName(String) - Method in class weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.AbstractTweetContentFilter
Sets the name of the string attribute to process.
setAudio(T) - Method in class adams.data.audio.AbstractAudioContainer
Sets the audio to use.
setB(double) - Method in class adams.data.random.Beta
Sets the second parameter for the beta random variable.
setBackground(PlaceholderFile) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.PixelBoundaryBackground
Sets the background image to use.
setBackground(CallableActorReference) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AddTrailBackground
Sets the name of the callable background to use.
setBackground(AbstractBackground) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.GenerateWordCloud
Sets the background to use.
setBackground(BufferedImage) - Method in class adams.data.trail.Trail
Sets the optional background image.
setBackgroundImage(BufferedImage) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.EventQueue
sets the background image to be stored with the trail.
setBase(String) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.EditDistance
Sets the base string to compare against.
setBatchSize(String) - Method in class weka.classifiers.functions.PyroProxy
Set the batch size to use.
setBibtex(String) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.LatexSetup
Sets the bibtex executable to use (no path).
setBigEndian(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.source.audiorecorder.AbstractAudioRecorder
Sets whether to use big endian.
setBinariesDir(PlaceholderDirectory) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.LatexSetup
Sets the binaries directory to use.
setBinary(PlaceholderFile) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.SimpleDockerConnection
Sets the docker binary to use.
setBinary(String) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Gnuplot
Sets the gnuplot binary to execute.
setBinCalculation(ArrayHistogram.BinCalculation) - Method in class adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator.wave.Histogram
Sets how the number of bins is calculated.
setBindings(List<Binding>) - Method in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.BindingsEditorPanel
Sets the m_Bindings to the ones supplied
setBindings(List<Binding>) - Method in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.EditBindingsDialog
loads in a list of bindings
setBindings(List<Binding>) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.BindingsEditorPanel
Sets the m_Bindings to the ones supplied
setBindings(List<Binding>) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.EditBindingsDialog
loads in a list of bindings
setBinWidth(double) - Method in class adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator.wave.Histogram
Sets the bin width to use (for some calculations).
setBirthDate(Date) - Method in class com.example.customerservice.Customer
Sets the value of the birthDate property.
setBitRate(int) - Method in class adams.flow.sink.ffmpeg.ConvertAudio
Sets the bit rate to use.
setBits(int) - Method in class adams.flow.source.audiorecorder.AbstractAudioRecorder
Sets the sample size in bits.
setBlob(Blob) - Method in class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.blob.UploadRequest
Sets the value of the blob property.
setBoundary(Vector<AbstractGPS>) - Method in class adams.data.gps.Map
setBufferSize(int) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAInstanceDumper
Sets the number of instances to buffer before writing them to disk.
setBulkActionEnabled(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.ratcontrol.AbstractControlPanel
Sets whether bulk action is enabled.
setBulkActions(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RatControl
Sets whether to enable bulk actions.
setCallableName(CallableActorReference) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.InputWithCallableTransformer
Sets the name of the callable transformer to use.
setCallableName(CallableActorReference) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.CallableActor
Sets the name of the callable actor to use.
setCallableName(CallableActorReference) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.OutputWithCallableTransformer
Sets the name of the callable transformer to use.
setCanChangeClassInDialog(PropertyEditor, boolean) - Method in class adams.gui.goe.MekaGenericObjectEditorHandler
Sets whether the class can be changed in the dialog.
setCaption(String) - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.Figure
Sets the caption.
setCaptureMouse(boolean) - Method in class adams.data.video.AbstractScreenRecorder
Sets whether to capture the mouse cursor.
setCaretPosition(int) - Method in class adams.gui.core.MarkdownTextAreaWithPreview
Sets the caret position.
setCaretPosition(int) - Method in class adams.gui.core.MarkdownTextPane
Sets the position of the cursor.
setCaretPositionLast() - Method in class adams.gui.core.MarkdownTextAreaWithPreview
Sets the position of the cursor at the end.
setCaretPositionLast() - Method in class adams.gui.core.MarkdownTextPane
Sets the position of the cursor at the end.
setCases(RatOutput[]) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.Switch
Sets the base transmitters to use.
setCenter(boolean) - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.Figure
Sets whether to center the figure.
setCentroid(HeatmapCentroid) - Method in class adams.data.filter.heatmapcrop.CropToCentroid
Sets the centroid filter.
setChannel(String) - Method in class adams.flow.sink.redisaction.Publish
Sets the name of the channel.
setChannel(String) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.RedisSubscribe
Sets the name of the channel.
setChannel(String) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.RedisPublish
Sets the name of the channel.
setChannelIn(String) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.redisaction.BroadcastAndListen
Sets the channel for receiving data.
setChannelOut(String) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.redisaction.BroadcastAndListen
Sets the channel for sending data.
setChannels(int) - Method in class adams.flow.source.audiorecorder.AbstractAudioRecorder
Sets the number of channels to record.
setCharacters(EscapeLatexCharacters.Characters[]) - Method in class adams.data.conversion.EscapeLatexCharacters
Sets the characters to escape.
setCheck(AbstractFileUseCheck) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.FileLister
Sets the file 'in use' check scheme.
setChecked(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.ratcontrol.AbstractControlPanel
Sets the selected state of the bulk action checkbox.
setChecked(boolean, boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.ratcontrol.AbstractControlPanel
Sets the selected state of the bulk action checkbox.
setCheckHeader(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAInstanceDumper
Sets whether to check the header or not.
setChunkSize(int) - Method in class adams.data.io.input.ArcInfoASCIIGridReader
Sets the maximum chunk size (non-grid mode).
setChunkSize(int) - Method in class adams.flow.source.MOAStream
Sets the chunk size of data to generate; if 1 then Instance by Instance otherwise an Instances object.
setClassifier(CallableActorReference) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AbstractCallableMekaClassifierEvaluator
Sets the name of the callable classifier to use.
setClassifier(CallableActorReference) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MekaTrainClassifier
Sets the name of the callable classifier to use.
setClassifier(CallableActorReference) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAClassifierEvaluation
Sets the callable classifier to use.
setClassifier(CallableActorReference) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOATrainClassifier
Sets the name of the callable classifier to use.
setClassifier(MultiLabelClassifier) - Method in class adams.flow.source.MekaClassifierSetup
Sets the classifier to use.
setClassifier(ClassOption) - Method in class adams.flow.source.MOAClassifierSetup
Sets the classifier to use.
setClassname(BaseClassname) - Method in class adams.data.conversion.JsonToObject
Sets the class to map the JSON string to.
setClassType(PropertyEditor, Class) - Method in class adams.gui.goe.MekaGenericObjectEditorHandler
Sets the class type to use.
setCleaner(TokenCleaner) - Method in class weka.core.tokenizers.TwitterNLPTokenizer
Sets the token cleaner to use.
setClient(RESTClient) - Method in class adams.flow.core.AbstractRESTClient
Sets the webservice client to use.
setClient(WebServiceClient) - Method in class adams.flow.core.AbstractWSClient
Sets the webservice client to use.
setClient(WebServiceClient) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.WebserviceInput
Sets the webservice client to use.
setClient(WebServiceClient) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.WebserviceOutput
Sets the webservice client to use.
setCloseAfterSend(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.Socket
Sets whether to close the socket after sending the data.
setClusterer(CallableActorReference) - Method in class adams.flow.sink.MOAClusterVisualization
Sets the callable clusterer to use.
setClusterer(CallableActorReference) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAClustererEvaluation
Sets the callable clusterer to use.
setClusterer(CallableActorReference) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOATrainClusterer
Sets the clusterer to use.
setClusterer(ClassOption) - Method in class adams.flow.source.MOAClustererSetup
Sets the clusterer to use.
setCollisionMode(CollisionMode) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.GenerateWordCloud
Sets the collision mode to use.
setColor(Color) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.AbstractSingleColorHeatmapOverlay
Sets the color for the overlay.
setColor(Color) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.image.QuadrilateralLocationsOverlayFromReport
Sets the color to use for the objects.
setColor(Color) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.object.annotator.DEXTRMarkers
Sets the color to use for point markers.
setColor(Color) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.object.annotator.SAMMarkers
Sets the color to use for point markers.
setColor(Color) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.paintlet.AbstractTrailPaintlet
Set the stroke color for the paintlet.
setColorGenerator(ColorGradientGenerator) - Method in class adams.flow.sink.HeatmapDisplay
Sets the generator for the color gradient.
setColorGenerator(ColorGradientGenerator) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapPanel
Sets the generator for the color gradient.
setColorPalette(AbstractColorPalette) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.GenerateWordCloud
Sets the color palette to use.
setColors(BaseColor[]) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.ColorListPalette
Sets the colors to create the palette from.
setColumn(int) - Method in class adams.data.filter.heatmapcrop.Submap
Sets the column to start the submap from.
setColumn(int) - Method in class adams.data.filter.HeatmapSubmap
Sets the column to start the submap from.
setColumn(Range) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapGetValue
Sets the column(s) of the value(s).
setColumn(Range) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapSetValue
Sets the column(s) of the position(s).
setColumnElevation(SpreadSheetColumnIndex) - Method in class adams.data.conversion.SpreadSheetToKML
Sets the (optional) column with the elevations.
setColumnFrequency(SpreadSheetColumnIndex) - Method in class adams.data.conversion.SpreadSheetToWordFrequencies
Sets the column containing the frequencies.
setColumnGPS(SpreadSheetColumnIndex) - Method in class adams.data.conversion.SpreadSheetToKML
Sets the column with the GPS coordinate objects.
setColumnID(SpreadSheetColumnIndex) - Method in class adams.data.conversion.SpreadSheetToKML
Sets the (optional) column with the PlaceMark IDs.
setColumnName(SpreadSheetColumnIndex) - Method in class adams.data.conversion.SpreadSheetToKML
Sets the (optional) column with the PlaceMark names.
setColumns(int) - Method in class adams.flow.source.NewHeatmap
Sets the number of columns.
setColumns(int) - Method in class adams.gui.core.MarkdownTextAreaWithPreview
Sets the columns.
setColumns(Range) - Method in class adams.data.io.output.GnuplotSpreadSheetWriter
Sets the placeholder for missing values.
setColumns(SpreadSheetColumnRange) - Method in class adams.data.conversion.ColumnCorrelationToHeatmap
Sets the columns to include in the calculations.
setColumns(SpreadSheetColumnRange) - Method in class adams.data.conversion.ColumnCovarianceToHeatmap
Sets the columns to include in the calculations.
setColumns(String) - Method in class adams.core.gnuplot.AbstractPlotScriptlet
Sets the columns to use in the plots.
setColumnWord(SpreadSheetColumnIndex) - Method in class adams.data.conversion.SpreadSheetToWordFrequencies
Sets the column containing the words.
setComboBoxIndices(Instances, ThresholdVisualizePanel) - Method in class adams.flow.sink.AbstractMekaThresholdVisualizePanelPlot
Sets the combobox indices.
setCommand(DockerCommand) - Method in class adams.flow.source.SimpleDockerCommand
Sets the command to run.
setCommand(DockerCommandWithProgrammaticArguments) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.SimpleDockerCommand
Sets the command to run.
setCommand(SendRatControlCommand.Command) - Method in class adams.scripting.command.flow.SendRatControlCommand
Sets the command to send.
setCommand(String) - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.Generic
Sets the command to execute.
setCommand(String) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Exec
Sets the command to run.
setCommand(String) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.Exec
Sets the command to run.
setCommandContainsPlaceholder(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Exec
Sets whether the command string contains a placeholder which needs to be expanded first.
setCommandContainsPlaceholder(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.Exec
Sets whether the command string contains a placeholder which needs to be expanded first.
setCommandContainsVariable(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Exec
Sets whether the command string contains a variable which needs to be expanded first.
setCommandContainsVariable(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.Exec
Sets whether the command string contains a variable which needs to be expanded first.
setCommandProcessor(RemoteCommandProcessor) - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.AbstractRemoteCommandAction
Sets the command processor to use.
setCommunication(AbstractCommunicationProcessor) - Method in class weka.classifiers.functions.PyroProxy
Sets the model proxy to use for communication.
setCommunication(AbstractCommunicationProcessor) - Method in interface weka.core.PyroProxyObject
Sets the handler for the communication.
setConditions(BooleanCondition[]) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.Switch
Sets the conditions to evaluate.
setConnection(SimpleDockerConnection) - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.AbstractDockerCommand
Sets the docker connection to use.
setConnection(SimpleDockerConnection) - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.AbstractDockerCommandWithOptions
Sets the docker connection to use.
setConnection(SimpleDockerConnection) - Method in interface adams.docker.simpledocker.DockerCommand
Sets the docker connection to use.
setConnectionTimeout(int) - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientSink
Sets the timeout for connection.
setConnectionTimeout(int) - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientSource
Sets the timeout for connection.
setConnectionTimeout(int) - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientTransformer
Sets the timeout for connection.
setConnectionTimeout(int) - Method in interface adams.flow.rest.RESTClient
Sets the timeout for the http connection in msec.
setConnectionTimeout(int) - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientSink
Sets the timeout for connection.
setConnectionTimeout(int) - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientSource
Sets the timeout for connection.
setConnectionTimeout(int) - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientTransformer
Sets the timeout for connection.
setConnectionTimeout(int) - Method in interface adams.flow.webservice.WebServiceClient
Sets the timeout for the http connection in msec.
setConsoleLineLimit(int) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RatControl
Sets the line limit for the console output.
setContentName(String) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.TextWriter
Sets name of the content.
setConversion(BufferedImageToOtherFormatConversion) - Method in class adams.flow.source.WebcamImage
Sets the conversion for converting the BufferedImageContainer into another format if necessary.
setConversion(HeatmapToBufferedImage) - Method in class adams.data.io.output.SimpleImageHeatmapWriter
Sets the conversion for converting the heatmap into an image for the image writer.
setConversion(HeatmapToBufferedImage) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapLocateObjects
Sets the conversion for converting the heatmap into an image for the locator.
setConversion(HeatmapToBufferedImageConversion) - Method in class adams.data.filter.heatmapthreshold.AbstractBufferedImageBasedHeatmapThreshold
Sets the conversion to use for turning the heatmap into a BufferedImage.
setConverter(AbstractFeatureConverter) - Method in class adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator.AbstractAudioFeatureGenerator
Sets the feature converter to use.
setConverter(AbstractFeatureConverter) - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.AbstractHeatmapFeatureGenerator
Sets the feature converter to use.
setCurrent(Field) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.AbstractSimpleReportBasedObjectTracker
Sets the field to store the current location of the object in.
setCurrentFile(PlaceholderFile) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.ExtractBackgroundDialog
The current video file.
setCustomer(Customer) - Method in class com.example.customerservice.UpdateCustomer
Sets the value of the customer property.
setCustomerId(int) - Method in class com.example.customerservice.Customer
Sets the value of the customerId property.
setCustomerName(String) - Method in class com.example.customerservice.flow.CustomersByName
Sets the customer name to look up.
setCustomerName(String) - Method in class com.example.customerservice.flow.CustomersByNameCallableTransformer
Sets the customer name to look up.
setCustomerName(String) - Method in class com.example.customerservice.flow.UpdateCustomer
Sets the customer name to update.
setCustomerName(String) - Method in class com.example.customerservice.NoSuchCustomer
Sets the value of the customerName property.
setCustomStopMessage(String) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.KeyManager
Sets the custom message to use when stopping the flow.
setCustomStopMessage(String) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RedisConnection
Sets the custom message to use when stopping the flow.
setCustomStopMessage(String) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.TrustManager
Sets the custom message to use when stopping the flow.
setData(AudioAnnotations) - Method in class adams.data.audioannotations.AudioAnnotationsStatistic
Sets the data to use as basis for the calculations.
setData(Trail) - Method in class adams.data.trail.TrailStatistic
Sets the data to use as basis for the calculations.
setData(Instance) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAFilter.FixedInstanceStream
setData(Instances) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAFilter.FixedInstanceStream
setData(DataHandler) - Method in class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.blob.Blob
Sets the value of the data property.
setData(DataHandler) - Method in class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.text.Text
Sets the value of the data property.
setDatabase(int) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RedisConnection
Sets the database to use.
setDatabaseConnection(AbstractDatabaseConnection) - Method in class adams.data.featuregenerator.AbstractDatabaseConnectionFeatureGenerator
Sets the database connection object to use.
setDataFile(PlaceholderFile) - Method in class adams.core.gnuplot.AbstractScriptletWithDataFile
Sets the data file to use.
setDataFrameColumns(String) - Method in class adams.flow.source.RSource
Sets the comma-separated list of dataframe column names to retrieve only.
setDataFrameColumns(String) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RTransformer
Sets the comma-separated list of dataframe column names to retrieve only.
setDecayHorizon(int) - Method in class adams.flow.sink.MOAClusterVisualization
Sets the size of the decay horizon.
setDeepCopy(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AbstractArraySplitter
Sets whether to perform a deep copy of each array element before transferring it into the target array.
setDegreesFreedom(int) - Method in class adams.data.random.ChiSquare
Sets the degrees of freedom to use.
setDelay(int) - Method in class adams.flow.sink.AnimatedGifFileWriter
Sets the delay in msec between frames.
setDelimiter(String) - Method in class adams.data.conversion.WordFrequencyToString
Sets the delimiter to use.
setDiameter(int) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.paintlet.Circles
Sets the circle diameter.
setDirMappings(DockerDirectoryMapping[]) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.SimpleDockerConnection
Sets the directory mappings to make available to the actual docker commands.
setDisableContentTrust(boolean) - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.Push
Sets whether to disable content trust, i.e., skip signing images.
setDisconnect(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.WebsocketOutput
Sets whether to immediately disconnect after sending the data.
setDisplayRanges(boolean) - Method in class adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator.wave.Histogram
Sets whether to use the bin ranges as their description rather than a simple index.
setDocumentClass(String) - Method in class adams.flow.source.NewLatexDocument
Sets the document class to use.
setDocumentClassOptions(String) - Method in class adams.flow.source.NewLatexDocument
Sets the options to use for the document class.
setDocumentRoot(PlaceholderDirectory) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.webserver.ResourceHandler
Sets the directory with the static files.
setDrawClustering(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.sink.MOAClusterVisualization
Sets whether to draw the clustering.
setDrawGroundTruth(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.sink.MOAClusterVisualization
Sets whether to draw the ground truth.
setDrawMicroClustering(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.sink.MOAClusterVisualization
Sets whether to draw the micro clustering.
setDrawPoints(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.sink.MOAClusterVisualization
Sets whether to draw the points.
setDuration(double) - Method in class adams.data.wavefilter.Cut
Sets the duration of the cut.
setDuration(int) - Method in class adams.flow.source.audiorecorder.FixedDuration
Sets the duration of the recording.
setEditable(boolean) - Method in class adams.gui.core.MarkdownTextAreaWithPreview
Sets whether the text area is editable or not.
setEditable(boolean) - Method in class adams.gui.core.MarkdownTextPane
Sets whether the text pane is editable or not.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.incoming.AbstractInInterceptorGenerator
Sets whether the generator is enabled, ie instantiating the interceptor.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.outgoing.AbstractOutInterceptorGenerator
Sets whether the generator is enabled, ie instantiating the interceptor.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming.AbstractInInterceptorGenerator
Sets whether the generator is enabled, ie instantiating the interceptor.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.AbstractOutInterceptorGenerator
Sets whether the generator is enabled, ie instantiating the interceptor.
setEncoder(String) - Method in class adams.flow.sink.ffmpeg.ConvertAudio
Sets the encoder to use.
setEncoding(BaseCharset) - Method in class adams.flow.sink.RenjinSink
Sets the encoding to use for the script file.
setEncoding(BaseCharset) - Method in class adams.flow.sink.RSink
Sets the encoding to use for the script file.
setEncoding(BaseCharset) - Method in class adams.flow.source.RenjinSource
Sets the encoding to use for the script file.
setEncoding(BaseCharset) - Method in class adams.flow.source.RSource
Sets the encoding to use for the script file.
setEncoding(BaseCharset) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Socket
Sets the encoding to use.
setEncoding(BaseCharset) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.Socket
Sets the encoding to use.
setEncoding(BaseCharset) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RenjinStandalone
Sets the encoding to use for the script file.
setEncoding(BaseCharset) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RStandalone
Sets the encoding to use for the script file.
setEncoding(BaseCharset) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RenjinTransformer
Sets the encoding to use for the script file.
setEncoding(BaseCharset) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RTransformer
Sets the encoding to use for the script file.
setEncoding(BaseCharset) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.WordFrequencyAnalyzer
Sets the encoding to use.
setEnd(BaseTimeMsec) - Method in class adams.data.filter.AudioAnnotationsWindow
Sets the end timestamp for annotations.
setEnd(BaseTimeMsec) - Method in class adams.data.filter.TrailWindow
Sets the end timestamp for trail.
setEnqueueMessage(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.incoming.Enqueue
Sets whether to enqueue the whole message or just a NullToken.
setEnqueueMessage(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.incoming.EnqueueGenerator
Sets whether to enqueue the whole message or just a NullToken.
setEnqueueMessage(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.outgoing.Enqueue
Sets whether to enqueue the whole message or just a NullToken.
setEnqueueMessage(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.outgoing.EnqueueGenerator
Sets whether to enqueue the whole message or just a NullToken.
setEnqueueMessage(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming.Enqueue
Sets whether to enqueue the whole message or just a NullToken.
setEnqueueMessage(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming.EnqueueGenerator
Sets whether to enqueue the whole message or just a NullToken.
setEnqueueMessage(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.Enqueue
Sets whether to enqueue the whole message or just a NullToken.
setEnqueueMessage(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.EnqueueGenerator
Sets whether to enqueue the whole message or just a NullToken.
setEnvVars(BaseKeyValuePair[]) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Exec
Sets the environment variables to overlay on top of the current ones.
setEnvVars(BaseKeyValuePair[]) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.Exec
Sets the environment variables to overlay on top of the current ones.
setErrorHandler(ErrorHandler) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Sets the error handler to use for handling errors in the flow.
setErrorKey(String) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.log.LogEntryGenerator
Sets the key to use for the error in the message.
setErrorKey(String) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.log.SimpleStringGenerator
Sets the key to use for the error in the message.
setEscape(boolean) - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.ImportContent
Sets whether to escape the content of the import file.
setEvaluator(ClassOption) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAClassifierEvaluation
Sets the evaluator to use.
setEvaluator(ClassOption) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOARegressorEvaluation
Sets the evaluator to use.
setEvents(WatchEventKind[]) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.DirWatch
Sets the events to report.
setExecutable(PlaceholderFile) - Method in class adams.flow.control.Keytool
Sets the keytool executable.
setExecutable(PlaceholderFile) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.FFmpegConfig
Sets the ffmpeg executable.
setExecutable(String) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.LatexSetup
Sets the executable to use (no path).
setExecutableOptions(String) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.LatexSetup
Sets the options for the executable to use.
setExpand(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.sink.StanfordParseTreeDisplay
Sets whether to fully expand the tree or not.
setExpression(MathematicalExpressionText) - Method in class adams.data.conversion.HeatmapToBufferedImageExpression
Sets the mathematical expression to use for generating the greyscale values.
setExtent(int) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.object.annotator.DEXTRMarkers
Sets the size of the markers.
setExtent(int) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.object.annotator.SAMMarkers
Sets the size of the markers.
setFFTSampleSize(int) - Method in class adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator.wave.Spectrogram
Sets the FFT sample size (power of 2).
setFFTSampleSize(int) - Method in class adams.data.conversion.WaveToSpectrogram
Sets the FFT sample size (power of 2).
setField(Field) - Method in class adams.data.filter.HeatmapNormalizeToField
Sets the field to normalize to.
setField(Field) - Method in class adams.data.filter.HeatmapSubtractField
Sets the field to normalize to.
setFields(Field[]) - Method in class adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator.AbstractAudioFeatureGenerator
Sets the targets to add.
setFields(Field[]) - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.AbstractHeatmapFeatureGenerator
Sets the targets to add.
setFileExists(boolean) - Method in class adams.data.io.output.GnuplotSpreadSheetWriter
Sets whether the output file already exists.
setFilename(String) - Method in class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.blob.UploadRequest
Sets the value of the filename property.
setFilename(String) - Method in class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.blob.UploadResponse
Sets the value of the filename property.
setFilenameGenerator(AbstractFilenameGenerator) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.Serialize
Sets the filename generator.
setFilter(Filter) - Method in class adams.data.featuregenerator.FilteredFeatureGenerator
Sets the filter.
setFilter(Filter) - Method in class adams.data.filter.heatmapcrop.AbstractFilteredHeatmapCrop
Sets the pre-filter.
setFilter(AbstractWaveFilter) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.WaveFilter
Sets the filter to use.
setFilter(String) - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.ListContainers
Sets the container filter.
setFilter(String) - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.ListImages
Sets the image filter.
setFilter(String) - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.PruneContainers
Sets the container filter.
setFilter(String) - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.PruneImages
Sets the image filter.
setFilters(AbstractWaveFilter[]) - Method in class adams.data.wavefilter.MultiFilter
Sets the filters to use.
setFind(String) - Method in class weka.core.tokenizers.cleaners.RegExp
Sets the regular expression to use for finding tokens to clean.
setFinishBeforeStopping(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Sets whether to finish processing before stopping execution.
setFirst(BaseColor) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.LinearGradientColorPalette
Sets the first color.
setFirstPlot(boolean) - Method in class adams.core.gnuplot.SimplePlot
Sets whether the plot is the first plot or not (because of "plot" or "replot" instruction).
setFirstSteps(int) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.LinearGradientColorPalette
Sets the number of steps between first/second color.
setFlowContext(Actor) - Method in class adams.data.conversion.LocalPathToContainerPath
Sets the flow context.
setFlowContext(Actor) - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.AbstractCodeGenerator
Sets the flow context.
setFlowContext(Actor) - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.AbstractMetaCodeGenerator
Sets the flow context.
setFlowContext(Actor) - Method in interface adams.doc.latex.generator.CodeGenerator
Sets the flow context.
setFlowContext(Actor) - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTPluginWithDatabaseConnection
Sets the flow context.
setFlowContext(Actor) - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTPluginWithFlowContext
Sets the flow context.
setFlowContext(Actor) - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTProvider
Sets the actor that executes this webservice.
setFlowContext(Actor) - Method in interface adams.flow.rest.RESTProvider
Sets the actor that executes this webservice.
setFlowContext(Actor) - Method in class adams.flow.source.audiorecorder.AbstractAudioRecorder
Sets the flow context.
setFlowContext(Actor) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.webservice.AbstractWebserviceResponseDataPostProcessor
Sets the flow context.
setFlowContext(Actor) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.redisaction.AbstractRedisAction
Sets the flow context.
setFlowContext(Actor) - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceProvider
Sets the actor that executes this webservice.
setFlowContext(Actor) - Method in interface adams.flow.webservice.WebServiceProvider
Sets the actor that executes this webservice.
setFlowContext(Actor) - Method in class weka.classifiers.functions.PyroProxy
Sets the flow context.
setFlowErrorQueue(StorageName) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Sets the name for the queue in internal storage to feed with flow errors.
setFolds(int) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.ArrayFolds
Sets the number of folds.
setFolds(int) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MekaCrossValidationEvaluator
Sets the number of folds.
setFont(Font) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.TextOverlay
Sets the font for the text.
setFontScalar(AbstractFontScalar) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.GenerateWordCloud
Sets the font scalar to use.
setFontSize(BlockSize.FontSize) - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.BlockSize
Sets the font size for the block.
setForce(boolean) - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.RemoveContainers
Sets whether to force the removal.
setFormat(String) - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.blob.Upload
Sets the mime format.
setFormat(String) - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.text.Upload
Sets the text format.
setFormat(String) - Method in class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.blob.UploadRequest
Sets the value of the format property.
setFormat(String) - Method in class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.blob.UploadResponse
Sets the value of the format property.
setFormat(String) - Method in class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.text.UploadRequest
Sets the value of the format property.
setFormat(String) - Method in class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.text.UploadResponse
Sets the value of the format property.
setFormatString(String) - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.Info
Sets the format string for the output.
setFramesPerSecond(int) - Method in class adams.data.video.AbstractVideoRecorder
Sets the frames per second.
setFrequency(float) - Method in class adams.data.video.AbstractSoundRecorder
Sets the frequency.
setGenerateDoubles(boolean) - Method in class adams.data.random.AbstractCommonsRandomNumberGenerator
Sets whether to return doubles or integers.
setGenerateDoubles(boolean) - Method in interface adams.data.random.CommonsRandomNumberGenerator
Sets whether to return doubles or integers.
setGenerateReport(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapLocateObjects
Sets whether to generate an annotated heatmap with a report of all positions instead of separate heatmap objects.
setGenerateUsePackageStatements(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.processor.ListRequiredLatexPackages
Sets whether to generate latex code.
setGenerator(AbstractFeatureGenerator) - Method in class adams.data.featuregenerator.FilteredFeatureGenerator
Sets the generator.
setGenerator(AbstractFeatureGenerator) - Method in class adams.data.filter.HeatmapFeatureGenerator
Sets the generator to use.
setGenerator(AbstractHeatmapFeatureGenerator) - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.AbstractMetaHeatmapFeatureGenerator
Sets the base feature generator to use.
setGenerator(RandomIntegerRangeGenerator) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AbstractArraySplitter
Sets the random number generator.
setGenerator(RandomNumberGenerator) - Method in class adams.flow.condition.bool.RandomNumberExpression
Sets the random number generator to use.
setGenerator(RandomNumberGenerator) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RandomNumberGenerator
Sets the random number generator to use.
setGenerator(CodeGenerator) - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.AbstractMetaCodeGenerator
Sets the base generator to use.
setGenerator(CodeGenerator) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.LatexAppendDocument
Sets the generator to use.
setGenerator(AbstractRatGenerator) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.LabRat
Sets the generator to use.
setGenerator(WebSocketClientGenerator) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.WebsocketOutput
Sets the client generator to use.
setGenerator(ColorGradientGenerator) - Method in class adams.data.conversion.HeatmapToBufferedImage
Sets the color generator.
setGenerator(ColorGradientGenerator) - Method in class adams.data.conversion.HeatmapToBufferedImageExpression
Sets the color generator.
setGenerator(ColorGradientGenerator) - Method in class adams.data.conversion.HeatmapToBufferedImageWithKey
Sets the number of gradient colors to use.
setGenerator(ColorGradientGenerator) - Method in class adams.data.conversion.SpectrogramToBufferedImage
Sets the color generator.
setGenerators(CodeGenerator[]) - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.MultiGenerator
Sets the generators to use.
setGroup(Rats) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.ratcontrol.AbstractControlPanel
Sets the Rats groups this control belongs to.
setGroup(Rats) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.ratcontrol.AbstractControlState
Sets the Rats groups this control belongs to.
setGuard(AbstractEnqueueGuard) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.EnQueue
Sets the guard for enqueuing the data.
setHandler(AbstractScriptingHandler) - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.Scripted
Sets the handler to use for scripting.
setHandler(AbstractScriptingHandler) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.generator.Scripted
Sets the handler to use for scripting.
setHandlers(Handler[]) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.WebServer
Sets the handlers to use.
setHasOutput(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RatPlague
Sets whether an output queue should be used.
setHeaderBold(boolean) - Method in class adams.data.io.output.LatexSpreadSheetWriter
Sets whether to make the header bold.
setHeatmap(Heatmap) - Method in class adams.data.heatmap.HeatmapStatistic
Sets the heatmap to generate the statistics for.
setHeatmap(Heatmap) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapPanel
Sets the heatmap to display.
setHeatmapPanel(HeatmapPanel) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.AbstractHeatmapOverlay
Sets the heatmap panel this overlay is for.
setHeight(float) - Method in class adams.flow.source.NewTrail
Sets the height of the trail.
setHeight(int) - Method in class adams.data.filter.heatmapcrop.CropToCentroid
Sets the height of the submap.
setHeight(int) - Method in class adams.data.filter.heatmapcrop.Rectangle
Sets the height of the rectangle.
setHeight(int) - Method in class adams.data.filter.heatmapcrop.Submap
Sets the height of the submap.
setHeight(int) - Method in class adams.data.filter.HeatmapSubmap
Sets the height of the submap.
setHeight(int) - Method in class adams.data.io.input.FloatMatrixHeatmapReader
Sets the height of the heatmap.
setHeight(int) - Method in class adams.data.video.AbstractScreenRecorder
Sets the height of the screen portion (-1 = remainder).
setHeight(int) - Method in class adams.data.video.AbstractWebcamRecorder
Sets the height of the webcam.
setHeight(int) - Method in class adams.flow.source.WebcamImage
Sets the height of the image.
setHeight(int) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.GenerateWordCloud
Sets the height for the image.
setHeight(int) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.RectangleBackground
Sets the height for the background.
setHeight(int) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.AbstractPositionableHeatmapOverlayWithDimensions
Sets the height of the overlay.
setHeight(Float) - Method in class adams.data.trail.Trail
Sets the optional height of the area for the trail.
setHost(String) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RedisConnection
Sets the host to connect to.
setHost(String) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rserve
Sets the Rserve host.
setHtmlAfterTable(HtmlCode) - Method in class adams.data.conversion.SpreadSheetToHTML
Sets the HTML code to inject after the table.
setHtmlBeforeTable(HtmlCode) - Method in class adams.data.conversion.SpreadSheetToHTML
Sets the HTML code to inject before the table.
setId(String) - Method in class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.text.UploadRequest
Sets the value of the id property.
setId(String) - Method in class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.text.UploadResponse
Sets the value of the id property.
setID(String) - Method in class adams.data.heatmap.Heatmap
Sets the ID.
setID(String) - Method in class adams.data.video.AbstractWebcamRecorder
Sets the ID of the webcam to use.
setID(String) - Method in class adams.flow.source.NewAudioAnnotations
Sets the ID of the trail.
setID(String) - Method in class adams.flow.source.NewHeatmap
Sets the ID.
setID(String) - Method in class adams.flow.source.NewTrail
Sets the ID of the trail.
setID(String) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapContainer
Sets the container's ID.
setID(String) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.TrailContainer
Sets the container's ID.
setImage(PlaceholderFile) - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.Image
Sets the image to insert.
setImage(String) - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.Pull
Sets the image to pull.
setImage(String) - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.Push
Sets the image to push.
setImageType(BoofCVImageType) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.AbstractBoofCVObjectTracker
Sets the image type to use.
setImplementation(RatsBlobService) - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.blob.RatsBlobServiceWS
Sets the webservice implementation to use.
setImplementation(RatsTextService) - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.text.RatsTextServiceWS
Sets the webservice implementation to use.
setImport(PlaceholderFile) - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.ImportContent
Sets the file to import the content.
setInclude(PlaceholderFile) - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.Include
Sets the LaTeX file to include.
setInfoText(String) - Method in class adams.gui.application.AbstractBootstrappPreferencesPanel
Sets the info text to display (gets converted to HTML automatically).
setInfoValues(BaseString[]) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MekaResultValues
Sets the info values to retrieve.
setInInterceptor(AbstractInInterceptorGenerator) - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTProvider
Sets the interceptor for incoming messages.
setInInterceptor(AbstractInInterceptorGenerator) - Method in interface adams.flow.rest.RESTProvider
Sets the interceptor for incoming messages (actually generator, since interceptors aren't serializable).
setInInterceptor(AbstractInInterceptorGenerator) - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientSource
Sets the interceptor for incoming messages.
setInInterceptor(AbstractInInterceptorGenerator) - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientTransformer
Sets the interceptor for incoming messages.
setInInterceptor(AbstractInInterceptorGenerator) - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceProvider
Sets the interceptor for incoming messages.
setInInterceptor(AbstractInInterceptorGenerator) - Method in interface adams.flow.webservice.WebServiceClientProducer
Sets the interceptor for incoming messages (actually generator, since interceptors aren't serializable).
setInInterceptor(AbstractInInterceptorGenerator) - Method in interface adams.flow.webservice.WebServiceProvider
Sets the interceptor for incoming messages (actually generator, since interceptors aren't serializable).
setInit(Field) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.AbstractSimpleReportBasedObjectTracker
Sets the field with the location for initializing the tracker.
setInitialState(RatState) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Sets the initial state of the Rat actor.
setInlineScript(RScript) - Method in class adams.flow.sink.RenjinSink
Sets the script to execute (when no script file supplied).
setInlineScript(RScript) - Method in class adams.flow.sink.RSink
Sets the script.
setInlineScript(RScript) - Method in class adams.flow.source.RenjinSource
Sets the script to execute (when no script file supplied).
setInlineScript(RScript) - Method in class adams.flow.source.RSource
Sets the script to be fed to R.
setInlineScript(RScript) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RenjinStandalone
Sets the script to execute (when no script file supplied).
setInlineScript(RScript) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RStandalone
Sets the script to be fed into R.
setInlineScript(RScript) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RenjinTransformer
Sets the script to execute (when no script file supplied).
setInlineScript(RScript) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RTransformer
Sets the script.
setInlineValue(String) - Method in class adams.gui.goe.BaseMarkdownEditor
Sets the value to use.
setInlineValue(String) - Method in class adams.gui.goe.GPSEditor
Sets the value to use.
setInput(PlaceholderFile) - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.Input
Sets the LaTeX file to input.
setInput(PlaceholderFile) - Method in class adams.flow.sink.ffmpeg.AbstractFFmpegPlugin
Sets the input file.
setInput(StorageName[]) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RatPlague
Sets the names for the input queues in the internal storage.
setInput(RatInput) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.AbstractMetaRatInput
Sets the base receiver to use.
setInputOptions(String) - Method in class adams.flow.sink.ffmpeg.GenericPlugin
Sets the input options to use.
setInterpFactor(double) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.BoofCVCirculant
Sets the weighting factor mixing old track image and new one.
setInterval(int) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler.FixedIntervalBufferedImageSampler
Sets the interval in milli-seconds between samples.
setInterval(int) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler.FixedIntervalBufferedImageSamplerVlcj
Sets the interval in milli-seconds between samples.
setInterval(int) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MovieImageSequence
Sets the interval in milli-seconds to wait.
setInvert(boolean) - Method in class adams.data.filter.AudioAnnotationsWindow
Sets whether to invert the matching.
setInvert(boolean) - Method in class adams.data.filter.TrailWindow
Sets whether to invert the matching.
setInvert(boolean) - Method in class adams.data.io.output.GnuplotSpreadSheetWriter
Sets whether to invert the matching sense.
setInvert(boolean) - Method in class weka.core.tokenizers.cleaners.RemoveEmoticons
Sets whether to invert the matching sense, ie keep only the emoticons rather than removing them.
setInvertMatching(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAMeasurementsFilter
Sets whether to invert the matching sense of the regular expression.
setIsSample(boolean) - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.StandardDeviation
Sets whether the arrays represent samples instead of populations.
setKeepExisting(boolean) - Method in class adams.data.io.output.GnuplotSpreadSheetWriter
Sets whether to keep any existing file on first execution.
setKeepExisting(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAInstanceDumper
Sets whether to keep any existing file on first execution.
setKey(String) - Method in class adams.flow.sink.redisaction.Set
Sets the name of the Key.
setKey(String) - Method in class adams.flow.source.redisaction.Get
Sets the name of the Key.
setKey(String) - Method in class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.blob.Property
Sets the value of the key property.
setKey(String) - Method in class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.text.Property
Sets the value of the key property.
setKeystoreFile(PlaceholderFile) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.KeyManager
Sets the location of the keystore file.
setKeystoreFile(PlaceholderFile) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.TrustManager
Sets the location of the keystore file.
setKeystorePassphrase(BasePassword) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.KeyManager
Sets the passphrase for the keystore file, ignored if empty.
setKeystorePassphrase(BasePassword) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.TrustManager
Sets the passphrase for the keystore file, ignored if empty.
setKeystoreType(String) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.KeyManager
Sets the type of the keystore.
setKeystoreType(String) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.TrustManager
Sets the type of the keystore.
setLabel(String) - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.CountValues
Sets the custom label to use.
setLabel(String) - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.Figure
Sets the label.
setLabel(String) - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.NewSection
Sets the label.
setLambda(double) - Method in class adams.data.random.Exponential
Sets the first parameter for the beta random variable.
setLambda(double) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.BoofCVCirculant
Sets the regularization term.
setLanguagePack(TreebankLanguagePack) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.StanfordGrammaticalStructure
Sets the language pack to use.
setLastPressed(KeyStroke) - Method in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.KeyPressTextField
a setter for the keypress stored in the field
setLastPressed(KeyStroke) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.KeyPressTextField
a setter for the keypress stored in the field
setLeft(double) - Method in class adams.data.wavefilter.Trim
Sets the starting point of the trim.
setLenient(boolean) - Method in class adams.data.conversion.RenjinDoubleArrayVectorToSpreadSheet
Sets whether to be lenient with types.
setLenient(boolean) - Method in class adams.data.conversion.RenjinListVectorToArray
Sets whether to be lenient with types.
setLimit(int) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.enqueue.MaxQueueSize
Sets the maximum allowed queue size.
setLineByLine(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.sink.RSink
Sets whether to evaluate the script line by line.
setLineByLine(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.source.RSource
Sets whether to evaluate the script line by line.
setLineByLine(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RStandalone
Sets whether to evaluate the script line by line.
setLineByLine(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RTransformer
Sets whether to evaluate the script line by line.
setLineWrap(boolean) - Method in class adams.gui.core.MarkdownTextAreaWithPreview
Sets whether to line wrap or not.
setListBoxSize(TerminalSize) - Method in class adams.terminal.core.MenuListDialogBuilder
Sets the size of the internal MenuListBox in columns and rows, forcing scrollbars to appear if the space isn't big enough to contain all the items
setListDirectories(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.webserver.ResourceHandler
Sets whether to list directories.
setLocale(Locale) - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.Table
Sets the locale to use.
setLocation(Field) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.ExtractTrackedObject
Sets the field to store the retrieve location of the object from.
setLocation(Field) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.TransformTrackedObject
Sets the field to store the retrieve location of the object from.
setLocation(Field) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.image.selection.SelectObjectToTrack
Sets the field to store the location of the object in.
setLocationPrefix(Field) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.image.selection.SelectMultipleObjectsToTrack
Sets the field prefix to store the location of the object in.
setLocator(AbstractObjectLocator) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapLocateObjects
Sets the scheme for locating the objects.
setLog(CallableActorReference) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Sets the name of the callable log actor to use.
setLog(CallableActorReference) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.generator.AbstractRatGenerator
Sets the name of the callable log actor to use.
setLog(CallableActorReference) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RESTServer
Sets the name of the callable log actor to use.
setLog(CallableActorReference) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.WSServer
Sets the name of the callable log actor to use.
setLog(LogTextBox) - Method in class adams.scripting.requesthandler.LogTextBoxRequestHandler
Sets the log to use.
setLog(LogTextBox) - Method in class adams.scripting.responsehandler.LogTextBoxResponseHandler
Sets the log to use.
setLogFile(PlaceholderFile) - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.incoming.LogFileGenerator
Sets the log file to write to.
setLogFile(PlaceholderFile) - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.outgoing.LogFileGenerator
Sets the log file to write to.
setLogFile(PlaceholderFile) - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming.LogFileGenerator
Sets the log file to write to.
setLogFile(PlaceholderFile) - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.LogFileGenerator
Sets the log file to write to.
setLogFile(File) - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.incoming.LogFile
Sets the log file to write to.
setLogFile(File) - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.outgoing.LogFile
Sets the log file to write to.
setLogFile(File) - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming.LogFile
Sets the log file to write to.
setLogFile(File) - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.LogFile
Sets the log file to write to.
setLogGenerator(AbstractLogObjectGenerator) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Sets the generator for turning error messages into log objects.
setLoggingLevel(LoggingLevel) - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.incoming.AbstractInInterceptor
Sets the logging level.
setLoggingLevel(LoggingLevel) - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.outgoing.AbstractOutInterceptor
Sets the logging level.
setLoggingLevel(LoggingLevel) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Sets the logging level.
setLoggingLevel(LoggingLevel) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.FileLister
Sets the logging level.
setLoggingLevel(LoggingLevel) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.webserver.AbstractJettyHandler
Sets the logging level.
setLoggingLevel(LoggingLevel) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AbstractProcessMOAInstanceWithModel
Sets the logging level.
setLoggingLevel(LoggingLevel) - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming.AbstractInInterceptor
Sets the logging level.
setLoggingLevel(LoggingLevel) - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.AbstractOutInterceptor
Sets the logging level.
setLogin(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.SimpleDockerConnection
Sets whether to log in to the registry when the flow starts.
setLogout(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.SimpleDockerConnection
Sets whether to log out to the registry when the flow wraps up.
setLogVisible(boolean) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapPanel
Sets the visibility state of the report table.
setLoop(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.sink.AnimatedGifFileWriter
Sets whether to loop indefinitely.
setManualMax(double) - Method in class adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator.wave.Histogram
Sets the maximum to use when using manual binning with user-supplied max/max enabled.
setManualMax(double) - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.Histogram
Sets the maximum to use when using manual binning with user-supplied max/max enabled.
setManualMin(double) - Method in class adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator.wave.Histogram
Sets the minimum to use when using manual binning with user-supplied min/max enabled.
setManualMin(double) - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.Histogram
Sets the minimum to use when using manual binning with user-supplied min/max enabled.
setMapType(Map.MapType) - Method in class adams.data.gps.Map
setMax(double) - Method in class adams.data.conversion.HeatmapToBufferedImage
Sets the maximum in case of using a fixed range.
setMax(int) - Method in class adams.data.filter.heatmapthreshold.Otsu
Sets the maximum value for the computation.
setMax(int) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.LinearFontScalar
Sets the maximum font size.
setMax(int) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.LogFontScalar
Sets the maximum font size.
setMax(int) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.SqrtFontScalar
Sets the maximum font size.
setMaxBuffer(int) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.AbstractBufferedRatInput
Sets the maximum number of items to buffer.
setMaxBuffer(int) - Method in interface adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.BufferedRatInput
Sets the maximum number of items to buffer.
setMaxFiles(int) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.FileLister
Sets the maximum number of files to list.
setMaxImages(int) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MjpegImageSequence
Sets the maximum number of images to extract.
setMaxImages(int) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MovieImageSequence
Sets the maximum number of images to extract.
setMaximum(double) - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.CountValues
Sets the maximum.
setMaximumIncluded(boolean) - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.CountValues
Sets whether to exclude the maximum.
setMaxIterations(int) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.BoofCVMeanShiftLikelihood
Sets the maximum number of iterations.
setMaxPixelValue(double) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.BoofCVCirculant
Sets the maximum pixel value.
setMaxPixelValue(int) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.BoofCVMeanShiftLikelihood
Sets the maximum pixel value (usually 255 when using bytes).
setMaxRange(double) - Method in class adams.data.conversion.HeatmapToBufferedImageWithKey
Set the maximum value in the user defined range
setMaxValue(double) - Method in class adams.data.random.Triangular
Sets the maximum value of the numbers to generate.
setMaxValue(double) - Method in class adams.data.random.Uniform
Sets the maximum value of the numbers to generate.
setMaxValue(int) - Method in class adams.data.random.AbstractCommonsRandomNumberGenerator
Sets the maximum value of the integers to generate.
setMaxValue(int) - Method in interface adams.data.random.CommonsRandomNumberGenerator
Sets the maximum value of the integers to generate.
setMaxValue(int) - Method in class adams.data.random.JMathArrayInt
Sets the maximum value of the numbers to generate.
setMaxWordLength(int) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.WordFrequencyAnalyzer
Sets the maximum length for words.
setMeasures(BaseMeasureCollection[]) - Method in class adams.flow.sink.MOAClusterVisualization
Sets the measures to collect.
setMessage(String) - Method in class adams.core.gnuplot.Pause
Sets the message to display in the terminal when pausing.
setMessage(String) - Method in class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.blob.UploadResponse
Sets the value of the message property.
setMessage(String) - Method in class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.text.UploadResponse
Sets the value of the message property.
setMetaData(BaseKeyValuePair[]) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AddAudioAnnotation
Sets the meta-data to use (optional).
setMetaData(BaseKeyValuePair[]) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AddTrailStep
Sets the meta-data to use (optional).
setMetaData(HashMap<String, Object>) - Method in class adams.data.audioannotations.AudioAnnotation
Sets the meta-data to use.
setMetaData(HashMap<String, Object>) - Method in class adams.data.trail.Step
Sets the meta-data to use.
setMethodNamePrediction(String) - Method in class weka.classifiers.functions.PyroProxy
Sets the name of the method to call for predictions.
setMethodNameTrain(String) - Method in class weka.classifiers.functions.PyroProxy
Sets the name of the method to call for training.
setMetricValues(BaseString[]) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MekaResultValues
Sets the metric values to retrieve.
setMin(double) - Method in class adams.data.conversion.HeatmapToBufferedImage
Sets the minimum in case of using a fixed range.
setMin(int) - Method in class adams.data.filter.heatmapthreshold.Otsu
Sets the minimum value for the computation.
setMin(int) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.LinearFontScalar
Sets the minimum font size.
setMin(int) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.LogFontScalar
Sets the minimum font size.
setMin(int) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.SqrtFontScalar
Sets the minimum font size.
setMinimum(double) - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.CountValues
Sets the minimum.
setMinimumIncluded(boolean) - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.CountValues
Sets whether to exclude the minimum.
setMinRange(double) - Method in class adams.data.conversion.HeatmapToBufferedImageWithKey
Set the minimum value in the user defined range
setMinValue(double) - Method in class adams.data.random.Triangular
Sets the minimum value of the numbers to generate.
setMinValue(double) - Method in class adams.data.random.Uniform
Sets the minimum value of the numbers to generate.
setMinValue(int) - Method in class adams.data.random.AbstractCommonsRandomNumberGenerator
Sets the minimum value of the integers to generate.
setMinValue(int) - Method in interface adams.data.random.CommonsRandomNumberGenerator
Sets the minimum value of the integers to generate.
setMinValue(int) - Method in class adams.data.random.JMathArrayInt
Sets the minimum value of the numbers to generate.
setMinWordLength(int) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.WordFrequencyAnalyzer
Sets the minimum length for words.
setMissing(int) - Method in class adams.data.heatmap.Heatmap
Sets the map value at the specified position to missing from the top left corner of the map, walking through row-wise.
setMissing(int, int) - Method in class adams.data.heatmap.Heatmap
Sets the map value at the specified location.
setMissingColor(Color) - Method in class adams.data.conversion.HeatmapToBufferedImageWithKey
Set the colour to use for a missing value
setMissingValue(double) - Method in class adams.data.conversion.SpreadSheetToHeatmap
Sets the value to use for missing values/cells.
setMissingValue(String) - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.Table
Sets the placeholder for missing values.
setMissingValueColor(Color) - Method in class adams.data.conversion.HeatmapToBufferedImage
Sets the color for missing values.
setMissingValueColor(Color) - Method in class adams.data.conversion.HeatmapToBufferedImageExpression
Sets the color for missing values.
setMissingValueColor(Color) - Method in class adams.flow.sink.HeatmapDisplay
Sets the color for missing values.
setMissingValueColor(Color) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapPanel
Sets the color to use for missing values.
setMissingValuesHandling(HeatmapThreshold.MissingValuesHandling) - Method in class adams.data.filter.HeatmapThreshold
Sets how missing values are handled.
setMode(RatMode) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Sets the mode the Rat is run in.
setModel(PlaceholderFile) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.StanfordLexicalizedParser
Sets the model file to load and use.
setModel(PlaceholderFile) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.TweetNLPTagger
Sets the model file to load and use.
setModel(File) - Method in class weka.core.tokenizers.cleaners.RemoveEmoticons
Sets the model file to load and use.
setModel(File) - Method in class weka.core.tokenizers.cleaners.WordCluster
Sets the model file to load and use.
setModel(File) - Method in class weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.TwitterEmoticonScore
Sets the model file to load and use.
setModel(File) - Method in class weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.TwitterNLPPos
Sets the model file to load and use.
setModelActor(CallableActorReference) - Method in class adams.flow.condition.bool.MOAClassification
Sets the callable actor to obtain the model from if model file is pointing to a directory.
setModelActor(CallableActorReference) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AbstractProcessMOAInstanceWithModel
Sets the filter source actor.
setModelFile(PlaceholderFile) - Method in class adams.flow.condition.bool.MOAClassification
Sets the file to load the model from.
setModelFile(PlaceholderFile) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AbstractProcessMOAInstanceWithModel
Sets the file to load the model from.
setModelLoadingType(AbstractModelLoader.ModelLoadingType) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AbstractProcessMOAInstanceWithModel
Sets the loading type.
setModelName(String) - Method in class weka.classifiers.functions.PyroProxy
Sets the name of the model to use.
setModelResetVariable(VariableName) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AbstractProcessMOAInstanceWithModel
Sets the variable to monitor for changes in order to reset the model.
setModelStorage(StorageName) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AbstractProcessMOAInstanceWithModel
Sets the filter storage item.
setMoveFiles(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.DirWatch
Sets whether to move the files to the specified target directory before transmitting them.
setMoveFiles(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.FileLister
Sets whether to move the files to the specified target directory before transmitting them.
setName(String) - Method in class com.example.customerservice.Customer
Sets the value of the name property.
setName(String) - Method in class com.example.customerservice.GetCustomersByName
Sets the value of the name property.
setNames(BaseString[]) - Method in class adams.data.wekapyroproxy.FusionJsonCommunicationProcessor
Sets the names to use for the fusion subsets (corresponds to the subsets).
setNameServer(BaseHostname) - Method in class weka.classifiers.functions.PyroProxy
Sets the address of the Pyro nameserver.
setNameServer(BaseHostname) - Method in interface weka.core.PyroProxyObject
Sets the address of the Pyro nameserver.
setNoCopy(boolean) - Method in class adams.data.wavefilter.Cut
Sets whether to skip creating a copy of the wave before cutting.
setNoCopy(boolean) - Method in class adams.data.wavefilter.Trim
Sets whether to skip creating a copy of the wave before trimming.
setNoCopy(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AbstractInPlaceHeatmapTransformer
Sets whether to skip creating a copy of the heatmap before setting value.
setNormalize(boolean) - Method in class adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator.wave.Histogram
Sets whether to normalize the data before generating the histogram.
setNormalized(boolean) - Method in class adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator.wave.Spectrogram
Sets whether to use normalized or absolute spectrogram.
setNormalized(boolean) - Method in class adams.data.conversion.WaveToAmplitudes
Sets whether to extract normalized or absolute amplitudes.
setNormalizers(Normalizer[]) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.WordFrequencyAnalyzer
Sets the normalizers to use.
setNotes(BaseString[]) - Method in class adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator.AbstractAudioFeatureGenerator
Sets the notes to add as attributes.
setNotes(BaseString[]) - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.AbstractHeatmapFeatureGenerator
Sets the notes to add as attributes.
setNoVariableExpansion(boolean) - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.AbstractCodeGenerator
Sets whether to skip variable expansion.
setNoVariableExpansion(boolean) - Method in interface adams.doc.latex.generator.CodeGenerator
Sets whether to skip variable expansion.
setNumBands(int) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.BoofCVMeanShiftLikelihood
Sets the number of bands in the image.
setNumberFormat(String) - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.Table
Sets the number format.
setNumBins(int) - Method in class adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator.wave.Histogram
Sets the number of bins to use in manual calculation.
setNumBins(int) - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.Histogram
Sets the number of bins to use in manual calculation.
setNumBins(int) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.BoofCVMeanShiftLikelihood
Sets the number of bins for the histogram.
setNumColumns(int) - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.MultiCol
Sets the number of columns to use.
setNumDecimals(int) - Method in class adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator.wave.Histogram
Sets the number of decimals to show in the bin description.
setNumDecimals(int) - Method in class adams.data.io.output.SimpleHeatmapWriter
Sets the number of decimals to output after the decimal point.
setNumExamples(int) - Method in class adams.flow.source.MOAStream
Sets the maximum number of examples to generate.
setNumFrequencies(int) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.WordFrequencyAnalyzer
Sets the number of frequencies to return.
setNumIterations(int) - Method in class adams.data.filter.HeatmapCentroid
Sets the number of iterations for finding the centroid.
setNumOrders(Integer) - Method in class com.example.customerservice.Customer
Sets the value of the numOrders property.
setNumSamples(int) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler.FixedIntervalBufferedImageSampler
Sets the number of samples to take.
setNumSamples(int) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler.FixedIntervalBufferedImageSamplerVlcj
Sets the number of samples to take.
setOffset(BaseTimeMsec) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler.FixedIntervalBufferedImageSampler
Sets the offset for the samples.
setOffset(BaseTimeMsec) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler.FixedIntervalBufferedImageSamplerVlcj
Sets the offset for the samples.
setOffsetX(int) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.TextOverlay
Sets the X offset for the text.
setOffsetY(int) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.TextOverlay
Sets the Y offset of the text.
setOnlyTableCode(boolean) - Method in class adams.data.conversion.SpreadSheetToHTML
Sets whether to omit surrounding body/html tags.
setOnTheFly(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.condition.bool.MOAClassification
Sets whether the model file gets built on the fly and might not be present at start up time.
setOnTheFly(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AbstractProcessMOAInstanceWithModel
Sets whether the model file gets built on the fly and might not be present at start up time.
setOperation(AbstractMultiHeatmapOperation) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MultiHeatmapOperation
Sets the operation to apply.
setOptional(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.CallableActor
Sets whether the callable actor is optional.
setOptions(Object, String[]) - Method in class adams.core.option.MOACommandLineHandler
Sets the options of the specified object.
setOptions(String) - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.Figure
Sets the options to use for the figure.
setOptions(String) - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.Image
Sets the options to use for the image.
setOptions(String[]) - Method in class weka.core.tokenizers.cleaners.RegExp
Sets the OptionHandler's options using the given list.
setOptions(String[]) - Method in class weka.core.tokenizers.cleaners.RemoveEmoticons
Sets the OptionHandler's options using the given list.
setOptions(String[]) - Method in class weka.core.tokenizers.cleaners.WordCluster
Sets the OptionHandler's options using the given list.
setOptions(String[]) - Method in class weka.core.tokenizers.TwitterNLPTokenizer
Sets the OptionHandler's options using the given list.
setOptions(String[]) - Method in class weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.AbstractTweetContentFilter
Sets the OptionHandler's options using the given list.
setOptions(String[]) - Method in class weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.TwitterEmoticonScore
Sets the OptionHandler's options using the given list.
setOptions(String[]) - Method in class weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.TwitterNLPPos
Sets the OptionHandler's options using the given list.
setOutInterceptor(AbstractOutInterceptorGenerator) - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTProvider
Sets the interceptor for outgoing messages.
setOutInterceptor(AbstractOutInterceptorGenerator) - Method in interface adams.flow.rest.RESTProvider
Sets the interceptor for outgoing messages (actually generator, since interceptors aren't serializable).
setOutInterceptor(AbstractOutInterceptorGenerator) - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientSink
Sets the interceptor for outgoing messages.
setOutInterceptor(AbstractOutInterceptorGenerator) - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientTransformer
Sets the interceptor for outgoing messages.
setOutInterceptor(AbstractOutInterceptorGenerator) - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceProvider
Sets the interceptor for outgoing messages.
setOutInterceptor(AbstractOutInterceptorGenerator) - Method in interface adams.flow.webservice.WebServiceClientConsumer
Sets the interceptor for outgoing messages (actually generator, since interceptors aren't serializable).
setOutInterceptor(AbstractOutInterceptorGenerator) - Method in interface adams.flow.webservice.WebServiceProvider
Sets the interceptor for outgoing messages (actually generator, since interceptors aren't serializable).
setOutput(PlaceholderFile) - Method in class adams.data.video.AbstractFileBaseRecorder
Sets the output file to use.
setOutput(StorageName) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RatPlague
Sets the name for the output queues in the internal storage.
setOutput(RatOutput) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.AbstractMetaRatOutput
Sets the base transmitter to use.
setOutputArray(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.FileLister
Sets whether to generate data as array or as single objects.
setOutputFile(PlaceholderFile) - Method in class adams.core.gnuplot.Initialize
Sets the output file to use (if not x11 as terminal).
setOutputFile(PlaceholderFile) - Method in class adams.flow.sink.MP3ToWave
Set wave output file.
setOutputFile(PlaceholderFile) - Method in class adams.flow.source.audiorecorder.AbstractFileBasedAudioRecorder
Sets the output file.
setOutputFile(PlaceholderFile) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.BinaryFileWriter
Set output file.
setOutputFile(PlaceholderFile) - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming.XMLLoggingGenerator
Sets the output file in use.
setOutputFile(PlaceholderFile) - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.XMLLoggingGenerator
Sets the output file in use.
setOutputFormat(MOAInstanceDumper.OutputFormat) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAInstanceDumper
Sets the output format.
setOutputGrid(boolean) - Method in class adams.data.io.input.ArcInfoASCIIGridReader
Sets whether to output a grid of values (as stored in the file) instead of the values associated with their GPS coordinates.
setOutputInstance(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAClassifying
Sets whether to output Instance objects instead of PredictionContainer ones.
setOutputInstance(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOARegressing
Sets whether to output Instance objects instead of PredictionContainer ones.
setOutputInterval(int) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAClassifierEvaluation
Sets the number of tokens after which to evaluate the classifier.
setOutputInterval(int) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAClustererEvaluation
Sets the number of tokens after which to evaluate the clusterer.
setOutputInterval(int) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOARegressorEvaluation
Sets the number of tokens after which to evaluate the regressor.
setOutputInterval(int) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOATrainClassifier
Sets the number of tokens after which to evaluate the classifier.
setOutputInterval(int) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOATrainClusterer
Sets the number of tokens after which to evaluate the classifier.
setOutputInterval(int) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOATrainRegressor
Sets the number of tokens after which to evaluate the regressor.
setOutputMetaData(boolean) - Method in class adams.data.io.output.SimpleHeatmapWriter
Sets whether to output the meta data as well.
setOutputOnlyModel(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AbstractMOAModelReader
Sets whether to output only the model instead of the container.
setOutputOptions(String) - Method in class adams.flow.sink.ffmpeg.GenericPlugin
Sets the output options to use.
setOutputPosition(boolean) - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.Max
Sets whether to output the position as well.
setOutputPosition(boolean) - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.Min
Sets whether to output the position as well.
setOutputPrefix(PlaceholderFile) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAInstanceDumper
Sets the prefix for the output (path + partial filename).
setOutputs(RatOutput[]) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.Branch
Sets the base transmitters to use.
setOutputScores(boolean) - Method in class adams.data.conversion.StanfordParseTreeToXML
Sets whether to output the scores as well.
setOutputSigmaFactor(double) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.BoofCVCirculant
Sets the spatial bandwidth.
setOutputStdErr(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Exec
Sets whether to output stderr instead of stdout.
setOutputString(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Socket
Sets whether to output a string.
setOutputType(MjpegImageSequence.OutputType) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MjpegImageSequence
Sets the output type.
setOverlapFactor(int) - Method in class adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator.wave.Spectrogram
Sets the overlap factor (1/factor).
setOverlapFactor(int) - Method in class adams.data.conversion.WaveToSpectrogram
Sets the overlap factor (1/factor).
setOverlays(AbstractHeatmapOverlay[]) - Method in class adams.flow.sink.HeatmapDisplay
Sets the overlays to use.
setOverlays(AbstractTrailOverlay[]) - Method in class adams.flow.sink.TrailDisplay
Sets the overlays to use.
setOverridePrefix(boolean) - Method in class adams.data.featuregenerator.MultiGenerator
Sets whether to override the generators' prefix.
setOwner(Actor) - Method in class adams.core.gnuplot.AbstractScriptlet
Sets the owning actor.
setOwner(Actor) - Method in class adams.core.gnuplot.MultiScriptlet
Sets the owning actor.
setOwner(Actor) - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientSink
Sets the actor that executes this webservice.
setOwner(Actor) - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientSource
Sets the actor that executes this webservice.
setOwner(Actor) - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientTransformer
Sets the actor that executes this webservice.
setOwner(Actor) - Method in interface adams.flow.rest.RESTClient
Sets the actor that executes this webservice.
setOwner(Actor) - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientSink
Sets the actor that executes this webservice.
setOwner(Actor) - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientSource
Sets the actor that executes this webservice.
setOwner(Actor) - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientTransformer
Sets the actor that executes this webservice.
setOwner(Actor) - Method in interface adams.flow.webservice.WebServiceClient
Sets the actor that executes this webservice.
setOwner(FFmpeg) - Method in class adams.flow.sink.ffmpeg.AbstractFFmpegPlugin
Sets the owner.
setOwner(Rat) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.AbstractMetaRatInput
Sets the actor the receiver belongs to.
setOwner(Rat) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.AbstractRatInput
Sets the actor the receiver belongs to.
setOwner(Rat) - Method in interface adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.RatInput
Sets the actor the receiver belongs to.
setOwner(Rat) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.AbstractMetaRatOutput
Sets the actor the transmitter belongs to.
setOwner(Rat) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.AbstractRatOutput
Sets the actor the transmitter belongs to.
setOwner(Rat) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.Branch
Sets the actor the transmitter belongs to.
setOwner(Rat) - Method in interface adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.RatOutput
Sets the actor the transmitter belongs to.
setOwner(Rat) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.Switch
Sets the actor the transmitter belongs to.
setOwner(RatControl) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.ratcontrol.AbstractControlPanel
Sets the RatControl actor this control belongs to.
setOwner(RatControl) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.ratcontrol.AbstractControlState
Sets the RatControl actor this control belongs to.
setOwner(RatsBlobServiceWS) - Method in interface adams.flow.webservice.blob.OwnedByRatsBlobServiceWS
Sets the owner.
setOwner(RatsBlobServiceWS) - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.blob.SimpleRatsBlobService
Sets the owner of this webservice.
setOwner(RatsTextServiceWS) - Method in interface adams.flow.webservice.text.OwnedByRatsTextServiceWS
Sets the owner.
setOwner(RatsTextServiceWS) - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.text.SimpleRatsTextService
Sets the owner of this webservice.
setOwner(AbstractTerminalApplication) - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.AbstractMenuItemDefinition
Sets the owning application.
setOwner(AbstractTerminalApplication) - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.AbstractRemoteCommandAction
Sets the owning application.
setPadding(double) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.BoofCVCirculant
Sets the padding added around the region.
setPadding(int) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.GenerateWordCloud
Sets the padding to use.
setPageAction(NewSection.PageAction) - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.NewSection
Sets the page action.
setPaintlet(TrailPaintlet) - Method in class adams.flow.sink.TrailDisplay
Sets the paintlet for drawing the trail.
setPaintlet(TrailPaintlet) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.TrailPanel
Sets the paintlet to use.
setPanel(TrailPanel) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.paintlet.AbstractTrailPaintlet
Sets the panel to use, null to disable painting.
setPanel(TrailPanel) - Method in interface adams.gui.visualization.trail.paintlet.TrailPaintlet
Sets the panel to use, null to disable painting.
setParametrizedScripts(GroovyPlugin[]) - Method in class adams.flow.rest.GroovyServer
Sets the parametrized REST Groovy scripts to use.
setParent(DataContainer) - Method in class adams.data.heatmap.HeatmapValue
Sets the heatmap this point belongs to.
setParent(Actor) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Sets the parent of this actor, e.g., the group it belongs to.
setPassword(BasePassword) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RedisConnection
Sets the password to use.
setPassword(BasePassword) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.SimpleDockerConnection
Sets the registry password to use.
setPath(RObjectPath) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RenjinGetObject
Sets the path of the object to retrieve.
setPathType(AbstractFileReferencingCodeGenerator.PathType) - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.AbstractFileReferencingCodeGenerator
Sets how to process the file name.
setPausable(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.ratcontrol.AbstractControlPanel
Sets the "pauseable" state of the control panel.
setPausable(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.ratcontrol.AbstractControlState
Sets the "pauseable" state of the control panel.
setPerformLazySetup(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Sets whether to perform a lazy setup, ie when first executed.
setPerformTraining(boolean) - Method in class weka.classifiers.functions.PyroProxy
Sets whether to train the model as well.
setPipeline(CallableActorReference) - Method in class adams.flow.rest.flow.AbstractCallablePipeline
Sets the name of the callable actor to use as pipeline.
setPlaybackRate(String) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.VLCjDirectRenderPanel
Sets the playback rate to the given rate
setPlotName(String) - Method in class adams.core.gnuplot.SimplePlot
Sets the name of the plot.
setPlotType(SimplePlot.PlotType) - Method in class adams.core.gnuplot.SimplePlot
Sets the plot type to use.
setPlugin(AbstractFFmpegPlugin) - Method in class adams.flow.sink.FFmpeg
Sets the plugin to use.
setPlugins(RESTPlugin[]) - Method in class adams.flow.rest.GenericServer
Sets the REST plugins to use.
setPoints(List<Point>) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.DEXTR
Sets the points to send.
setPoints(List<Point>) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.SAM
Sets the points to send.
setPolarBlendMode(PolarBlendMode) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.GenerateWordCloud
Sets the polar blend mode to use.
setPort(int) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Socket
Sets the port to connect to.
setPort(int) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RedisConnection
Sets the port to connect to.
setPort(int) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rserve
Sets the Rserve port.
setPort(int) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.WebServer
Sets the SMTP port to use.
setPosition(float) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.DirectRenderMediaPlayerPanel
Sets the position in the video
setPosition(String) - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.MiniPage
Sets the (optional) position to use.
setPreface(CodeGenerator) - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.MultiCol
Sets the optional preface code generator.
setPrefix(String) - Method in class adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator.AbstractAudioFeatureGenerator
Sets the (optional) prefix for the feature names.
setPrefix(String) - Method in class adams.data.featuregenerator.AbstractFeatureGenerator
Sets the prefix to use for the generated features.
setPrefix(String) - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.MultiFeatureGenerator
Sets the prefix to user for disambiguating the attributes.
setPrefix(String) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapLocateObjects
Sets the field prefix to use when generating a report.
setPrefix(String) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAMeasurementPlotGenerator
Sets the prefix to use for the plot container names.
setPrettyPrinting(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming.XMLLoggingGenerator
Sets whether to use pretty-printing or not.
setPrettyPrinting(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.XMLLoggingGenerator
Sets whether to use pretty-printing or not.
setPrivateKey(PlaceholderFile) - Method in class adams.flow.source.KeyPairFileReader
Sets the private key file to read.
setPRNG(String) - Method in class adams.flow.source.KeyPairGenerator
Sets the pseudo random number generator to use.
setProcessFrequency(int) - Method in class adams.flow.sink.MOAClusterVisualization
Sets the amount of instances to process in one step.
setProlog(BaseText) - Method in class adams.flow.source.NewLatexDocument
Sets the prolog to insert (as comments).
setPromptForPassword(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.KeyManager
Sets whether to prompt for a password if none currently provided.
setPromptForPassword(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RedisConnection
Sets whether to prompt for a password if none currently provided.
setPromptForPassword(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.TrustManager
Sets whether to prompt for a password if none currently provided.
setPropagateStorage(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Sets whether to propagate storage items from the local to the outer scope.
setPropagateVariables(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Sets whether to propagate variables from the local to the outer scope.
setProps(Properties) - Method in class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.blob.Blob
Sets the value of the props property.
setProps(Properties) - Method in class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.text.Text
Sets the value of the props property.
setProtocol(String) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.SSLContext
Sets the protocol to use.
setPublicKey(PlaceholderFile) - Method in class adams.flow.source.KeyPairFileReader
Sets the public key file to read.
setPullType(PullType) - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.Run
Sets how to pull the image (overriding setting from SimpleDockerConnection).
setPullType(PullType) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.SimpleDockerConnection
Sets how to pull images.
setQuiet(boolean) - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.Push
Sets whether to be less verbose in the output.
setRadius(int) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.CircleBackground
Sets the radius for the background.
setRange(WekaAttributeRange) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MekaClassSelector
Sets the attribute range.
setRat(String) - Method in class adams.scripting.command.flow.SendRatControlCommand
Sets the full name of the Rat to send the command to.
setRate(float) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.DirectRenderMediaPlayerPanel
Sets the playback rate
setRatInput(RatInput) - Method in class adams.flow.rest.RatsServer
Sets the rat input to use.
setRatInput(RatInput) - Method in class adams.flow.rest.text.RatsTextUpload
Sets the rat input to use.
setRatInput(RatInput) - Method in interface adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.RatInputUser
Sets the Rat input associated with.
setRatInput(RatInput) - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.blob.RatsBlobServiceWS
Sets the Rat input associated with this webservice.
setRatInput(RatInput) - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.text.RatsTextServiceWS
Sets the Rat input associated with this webservice.
setRats(Actor[]) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rats
Sets the receptions to use.
setRats(RatReference[]) - Method in class adams.flow.control.ChangeRatState
Sets the rats to change.
setRats(RatReference[]) - Method in class adams.flow.control.ExecuteRats
Sets the rats to change.
setReader(AbstractHeatmapReader) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapPanel
Sets the heatmap reader that was used for loading this heatmap.
setReader(AbstractTrailReader) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.TrailPanel
Sets the trail reader that was used for loading this trail.
setReader(ImageReader) - Method in class adams.data.io.input.SimpleImageHeatmapReader
Sets the reader to use.
setReader(SpreadSheetReader) - Method in class adams.data.io.input.SpreadSheetHeatmapReader
Sets the spreadsheet reader to use.
setReader(AbstractAudioDataReader) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AudioData
Sets the reader to use.
setReader(AbstractAudioInfoReader) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AudioInfo
Sets the reader to use.
setReceiver(RatInput) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Sets the receiver to use.
setReceiveTimeout(int) - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientSink
Sets the timeout for receiving.
setReceiveTimeout(int) - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientSource
Sets the timeout for receiving.
setReceiveTimeout(int) - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientTransformer
Sets the timeout for receiving.
setReceiveTimeout(int) - Method in interface adams.flow.rest.RESTClient
Sets the timeout for receiving in msec.
setReceiveTimeout(int) - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientSink
Sets the timeout for receiving.
setReceiveTimeout(int) - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientSource
Sets the timeout for receiving.
setReceiveTimeout(int) - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientTransformer
Sets the timeout for receiving.
setReceiveTimeout(int) - Method in interface adams.flow.webservice.WebServiceClient
Sets the timeout for receiving in msec.
setRecorder(AbstractRecorder) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RecordingSetup
Sets the recorder setup to use.
setRecorder(AbstractAudioRecorder) - Method in class adams.flow.source.AudioRecorder
Sets the recorder to use for recording the audio.
setRecorders(AbstractRecorder[]) - Method in class adams.data.video.MultiRecorder
Sets the recorders to use.
setRedrawInterval(int) - Method in class adams.flow.sink.MOAClusterVisualization
Sets after how many instances do we repaint.
setRegex(BaseRegExp) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MekaClassSelector
Sets the regular expression for selecting the attributes.
setRegExp(BaseRegExp) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.DirWatch
Sets the regular expression to match the filenames against (name only, not path).
setRegExp(BaseRegExp) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.FileLister
Sets the regular expression for the files.
setRegExp(BaseRegExp) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAMeasurementsFilter
Sets the regular expression to use for filtering.
setRegExp(BaseRegExp) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.image.QuadrilateralLocationsOverlayFromReport
Sets the regular expression for the locations in the report.
setRegExps(BaseRegExp[]) - Method in class adams.data.wekapyroproxy.FusionJsonCommunicationProcessor
Sets the regular expression to apply to the attribute names for identifying the fusion subsets (incl class).
setRegistry(String) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.SimpleDockerConnection
Sets the custom registry to use.
setRegressor(CallableActorReference) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOARegressorEvaluation
Sets the callable regressor to use.
setRegressor(CallableActorReference) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOATrainRegressor
Sets the name of the callable regressor to use.
setRegressor(ClassOption) - Method in class adams.flow.source.MOARegressorSetup
Sets the regressor to use.
setRemoteDir(String) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.FtpUpload
Sets the remote directory.
setRemoteObjectName(String) - Method in class weka.classifiers.functions.PyroProxy
Sets the name of the remote object to use.
setRemoteObjectName(String) - Method in interface weka.core.PyroProxyObject
Sets the name of the remote object to use.
setRemoveContainer(boolean) - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.Run
Sets whether to remove the container after execution.
setRemoveExtension(boolean) - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.AbstractFileReferencingCodeGenerator
Sets whether to remove the file extension.
setReplace(String) - Method in class weka.core.tokenizers.cleaners.RegExp
Sets the expression to use for replacing matching tokens with.
setReplacement(double) - Method in class adams.data.filter.HeatmapThreshold
Sets the replacement value to use.
setReplaceWithMissing(boolean) - Method in class adams.data.filter.HeatmapThreshold
Sets whether to replace the values with missing values instead.
setReport(Report) - Method in class adams.data.audioannotations.AudioAnnotations
Sets a new report.
setReport(Report) - Method in class adams.data.heatmap.Heatmap
Sets a new report.
setReport(Report) - Method in class adams.data.trail.Trail
Sets a new report.
setReportField(Field) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.TextOverlay
Sets the report field to output.
setReportMovingErrors(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.FileLister
Sets whether to report errors encountered while moving files rather than just logging them as warnings.
setReportVisible(boolean) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapPanel
Sets the visibility state of the report table.
setRequestData(BlobContainer) - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.blob.Upload
Sets the data for the request, if any.
setRequestData(TextContainer) - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.text.Upload
Sets the data for the request, if any.
setRequestData(String) - Method in class adams.flow.rest.echo.EchoClientSink
Sets the data for the request, if any.
setRequestData(String) - Method in class adams.flow.rest.echo.EchoClientTransformer
Sets the data for the request, if any.
setRequestData(String) - Method in class com.example.customerservice.flow.CustomersByName
Sets the data for the request, if any.
setRequestData(String) - Method in class com.example.customerservice.flow.CustomersByNameCallableTransformer
Sets the data for the request, if any.
setRequestData(String) - Method in class com.example.customerservice.flow.UpdateCustomer
Sets the data for the request, if any.
setRequestData(T) - Method in interface adams.flow.rest.RESTClientConsumer
Sets the data for the request, if any.
setRequestData(T) - Method in interface adams.flow.webservice.WebServiceClientConsumer
Sets the data for the request, if any.
setRequestPayload(byte[]) - Method in class adams.scripting.command.flow.GetRatControlStatus
setRequestPayload(byte[]) - Method in class adams.scripting.command.flow.SendRatControlCommand
setResponseData(O) - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientSource
Sets the response data.
setResponseData(O) - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientTransformer
Sets the response data.
setResponseData(O) - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientSource
Sets the response data.
setResponseData(O) - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientTransformer
Sets the response data.
setResponseData(T) - Method in interface adams.flow.rest.RESTClientProducer
Sets the response data.
setResponseData(T) - Method in interface adams.flow.webservice.WebServiceClientProducer
Sets the response data.
setResponsePayload(byte[]) - Method in class adams.scripting.command.flow.GetRatControlStatus
Sets the payload for the response.
setResponsePayload(byte[]) - Method in class adams.scripting.command.flow.SendRatControlCommand
Sets the payload for the response.
setResponsePostProcessor(AbstractWebserviceResponseDataPostProcessor) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.WebserviceOutput
Sets the post-processor for the webservice response, if the client implements WebServiceClientProducer.
setRetrievalDelay(long) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.EnQueue
Sets the delay to enforce on the retrieval of objects from the queue.
setReturnType(RDataType) - Method in class adams.flow.source.RSource
Determines the return type of the flow.
setReturnType(RDataType) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RTransformer
Sets the type of object this flow returns.
setRevenue(double) - Method in class com.example.customerservice.Customer
Sets the value of the revenue property.
setRExecutable(File) - Method in class adams.core.RProjectHelper
Updates the R executable.
setRight(double) - Method in class adams.data.wavefilter.Trim
Sets the end point of the trim.
setRotation(HeatmapRotate.Rotation) - Method in class adams.data.filter.HeatmapRotate
Sets the type of rotation to perform.
setRow(int) - Method in class adams.data.filter.heatmapcrop.Submap
Sets the row to start the submap from.
setRow(int) - Method in class adams.data.filter.HeatmapSubmap
Sets the row to start the submap from.
setRow(Range) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapGetValue
Sets the row(s) of the value(s).
setRow(Range) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapSetValue
Sets the row(s) of the position(s).
setRows(int) - Method in class adams.flow.source.NewHeatmap
Sets the number of rows.
setRows(int) - Method in class adams.gui.core.MarkdownTextAreaWithPreview
Sets the rows.
setRserveHost(String) - Method in class adams.core.RProjectHelper
Updates the Rserve host.
setRservePort(int) - Method in class adams.core.RProjectHelper
Updates the Rserve port.
setRunAsUser(boolean) - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.Run
Sets whether to run the container as the current user rather than root.
setSampler(AbstractMovieImageSampler) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MovieImageSampler
Sets the sampler to use.
setSampleRate(float) - Method in class adams.flow.source.audiorecorder.AbstractAudioRecorder
Sets the sample rate to use (hertz).
setScaleFactor(int) - Method in class adams.data.conversion.HeatmapToBufferedImageWithKey
Set the scale factor to enlarge the heatmap by
setSchedule(CronSchedule) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Cron
Sets the execution schedule.
setScopeHandlingStorage(ScopeHandler.ScopeHandling) - Method in class adams.flow.rest.flow.AbstractCallablePipeline
Sets how to handle storage in the local scope.
setScopeHandlingStorage(ScopeHandler.ScopeHandling) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Sets how to handle storage in the local scope.
setScopeHandlingVariables(ScopeHandler.ScopeHandling) - Method in class adams.flow.rest.flow.AbstractCallablePipeline
Sets how to handle variables into the local scope.
setScopeHandlingVariables(ScopeHandler.ScopeHandling) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Sets how to handle variables into the local scope.
setScript(BaseText) - Method in class adams.core.gnuplot.CustomScriptlet
Sets the script code.
setScript(PlaceholderFile) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.TweeboParser
Sets the TweeboParser script to use.
setScriptContainsPlaceholder(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.sink.RenjinSink
Sets whether the script contains a placeholder which needs to be expanded first.
setScriptContainsPlaceholder(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.sink.RSink
Sets whether the script contains a placeholder which needs to be expanded first.
setScriptContainsPlaceholder(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.source.RenjinSource
Sets whether the script contains a placeholder which needs to be expanded first.
setScriptContainsPlaceholder(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.source.RSource
Sets whether the script contains a placeholder which needs to be expanded first.
setScriptContainsPlaceholder(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RenjinStandalone
Sets whether the script contains a placeholder which needs to be expanded first.
setScriptContainsPlaceholder(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RStandalone
Sets whether the script contains a placeholder which needs to be expanded first.
setScriptContainsPlaceholder(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RenjinTransformer
Sets whether the script contains a placeholder which needs to be expanded first.
setScriptContainsPlaceholder(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RTransformer
Sets whether the script contains a placeholder which needs to be expanded first.
setScriptContainsVariable(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.sink.RenjinSink
Sets whether the script contains a variable which needs to be expanded first.
setScriptContainsVariable(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.sink.RSink
Sets whether the script contains a variable which needs to be expanded first.
setScriptContainsVariable(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.source.RenjinSource
Sets whether the script contains a variable which needs to be expanded first.
setScriptContainsVariable(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.source.RSource
Sets whether the script contains a variable which needs to be expanded first.
setScriptContainsVariable(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RenjinStandalone
Sets whether the script contains a variable which needs to be expanded first.
setScriptContainsVariable(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RStandalone
Sets whether the script contains a variable which needs to be expanded first.
setScriptContainsVariable(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RenjinTransformer
Sets whether the script contains a variable which needs to be expanded first.
setScriptContainsVariable(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RTransformer
Sets whether the script contains a variable which needs to be expanded first.
setScriptFile(PlaceholderFile) - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.AbstractScriptedFeatureGenerator
Sets the script file.
setScriptFile(PlaceholderFile) - Method in class adams.flow.rest.GroovyPlugin
Sets the script file.
setScriptFile(PlaceholderFile) - Method in class adams.flow.sink.RenjinSink
Sets the script file.
setScriptFile(PlaceholderFile) - Method in class adams.flow.sink.RSink
Sets the script file.
setScriptFile(PlaceholderFile) - Method in class adams.flow.source.RenjinSource
Sets the script file.
setScriptFile(PlaceholderFile) - Method in class adams.flow.source.RSource
Sets the script file.
setScriptFile(PlaceholderFile) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Gnuplot
Sets the script file to execute.
setScriptFile(PlaceholderFile) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.generator.AbstractScriptedRatGenerator
Sets the script file.
setScriptFile(PlaceholderFile) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RenjinStandalone
Sets the script file.
setScriptFile(PlaceholderFile) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RStandalone
Sets the script file.
setScriptFile(PlaceholderFile) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RenjinTransformer
Sets the script file.
setScriptFile(PlaceholderFile) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RTransformer
Sets the script file.
setScriptlet(AbstractScriptlet) - Method in class adams.flow.sink.GnuplotScript
Sets the scriptlet to use.
setScriptlets(AbstractScriptlet[]) - Method in class adams.core.gnuplot.MultiScriptlet
Sets the scriptlets to use.
setScriptOptions(BaseText) - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.AbstractScriptedFeatureGenerator
Sets the script options.
setScriptOptions(BaseText) - Method in class adams.flow.rest.GroovyPlugin
Sets the script options.
setScriptOptions(BaseText) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.generator.AbstractScriptedRatGenerator
Sets the script options.
setSearchPanelVisible(boolean) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapPanel
Sets whether to display the search panel or not.
setSearchPanelVisible(boolean) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.TrailPanel
Sets whether to display the search panel or not.
setSecond(BaseColor) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.LinearGradientColorPalette
Sets the second color.
setSecondSteps(int) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.LinearGradientColorPalette
Sets the number of steps between second/third color.
setSeed(long) - Method in class adams.data.conversion.RandomizeArray
Sets the seed value.
setSeed(long) - Method in class adams.data.conversion.RandomizeCollection
Sets the seed value.
setSeed(long) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.ArrayRandomize
Sets the seed value.
setSeed(long) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MekaCrossValidationEvaluator
Sets the seed value.
setSelectedDirectory(File) - Method in class adams.terminal.dialog.DirectoryDialogBuilder
Sets the directory that is initially selected in the dialog
setSendEmail(AbstractSendEmail) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.SendEmail
Sets the object for sending emails.
setSendErrorQueue(StorageName) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Sets the name for the queue in internal storage to feed with send errors.
setSendErrorQueue(StorageName) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.generator.AbstractRatGenerator
Sets the name for the queue in internal storage to feed with send errors.
setSerializationType(Serialization.SerializationType) - Method in class adams.flow.sink.RenjinFileWriter
Sets the serialization type, ie output format.
setShape(DEXTRMarkers.Shape) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.object.annotator.DEXTRMarkers
Sets the shape to use for markers.
setShape(SAMMarkers.Shape) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.object.annotator.SAMMarkers
Sets the shape to use for markers.
setShowHiddenDirectories(boolean) - Method in class adams.terminal.dialog.DirectoryDialogBuilder
Sets if hidden directories should be visible in the dialog (default: false
setShowInControl(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Sets whether to show in RatControl.
setShowInControl(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.generator.AbstractRatGenerator
Sets whether to show in RatControl.
setShowKey(boolean) - Method in class adams.data.conversion.HeatmapToBufferedImageWithKey
Set whether to display the colour key with the heatmap
setShowOnlyIDs(boolean) - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.ListContainers
Sets whether to list only the IDs or all the information.
setShowOnlyIDs(boolean) - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.ListImages
Sets whether to list only the IDs or all the information.
setShowReportTable(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.sink.HeatmapDisplay
Sets whether the report value is visible.
setShrinkFactor(double) - Method in class adams.data.filter.HeatmapCentroid
Sets the factor to shrink the heatmap with after each iteration.
setSigma(double) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.BoofCVCirculant
Sets the gaussian kernel bandwidth.
setSignal(String) - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.KillContainers
Sets the signal to use.
setSigned(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.source.audiorecorder.AbstractAudioRecorder
Sets whether to use signed data.
setSize(double) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.ArraySubSample
Sets the size of the sample (0-1: percentage, >1: absolute number).
setSize(int) - Method in class adams.flow.source.KeyPairGenerator
Sets the key size in bits.
setSize(WindowBasedTextGUI, double, double) - Method in class adams.terminal.dialog.ComponentDialog
Sets the width and height of the dialog according to the percentage of the overall available screen real estate.
setSkip(boolean) - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.AbstractCodeGenerator
Sets whether the generator is skipped.
setSkip(boolean) - Method in interface adams.doc.latex.generator.CodeGenerator
Sets whether the generator is skipped.
setSkipInUse(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.FileLister
Sets whether to skip files that are currently in use.
setSkipMissing(boolean) - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.AbstractHeatmapFeatureGeneratorWithSkippableMissingValues
Sets whether to exclude missing values from the histogram calculation.
setSkipMissing(boolean) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HistogramPanel
Sets whether to exclude missing values from the histogram calculation.
setSliderVisible(boolean) - Method in class adams.gui.audio.AudioPlaybackPanel
Sets the visible state of the slider.
setSortDescending(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.FileLister
Sets whether to sort in descending manner.
setSorting(Sorting) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.FileLister
Sets the sorting type.
setSource(PlaceholderDirectory) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.DirWatch
Sets the incoming directory.
setSource(PlaceholderDirectory) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.FileLister
Sets the incoming directory.
setSplitResult(SplitResultType) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AbstractArraySplitter
Sets what type of the split to return, e.g., sample or inverse of sample.
setSplitter(AbstractDocumentToSentences) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.DocumentToSentences
Sets the splitter to use.
setSplitterOptions(String) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.splitter.StanfordPTBTokenizer
Sets the splitter options to use.
setSSLVerifyMode(SslVerifyMode) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RedisConnection
Sets how to verify SSL peers.
setStart(double) - Method in class adams.data.wavefilter.Cut
Sets the starting point of the cut.
setStart(BaseTimeMsec) - Method in class adams.data.filter.AudioAnnotationsWindow
Sets the start timestamp for annotations.
setStart(BaseTimeMsec) - Method in class adams.data.filter.TrailWindow
Sets the start timestamp for trail.
setStartTLS(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RedisConnection
Sets whether to use StartTLS with SSL connections.
setState(RatState) - Method in class adams.flow.control.ChangeRatState
Sets the new state for the Rat actors.
setStatements(BaseText) - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.CustomStatements
Sets the custom statements to insert.
setStatements(BaseText) - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.Verbatim
Sets the statements to insert as verbatim.
setStatistic(AbstractArrayStatistic) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapArrayStatistic
Sets the statistic to use.
setStemmer(Stemmer) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.Stemmer
Sets the stemmer to use.
setStemmer(Stemmer) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.stemmer.WekaStemmer
Sets the Weka stemmer to use.
setStopFlowIfCanceled(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.KeyManager
Sets whether to stop the flow if dialog canceled.
setStopFlowIfCanceled(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RedisConnection
Sets whether to stop the flow if dialog canceled.
setStopFlowIfCanceled(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.TrustManager
Sets whether to stop the flow if dialog canceled.
setStopMode(StopMode) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.KeyManager
Sets the stop mode.
setStopMode(StopMode) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RedisConnection
Sets the stop mode.
setStopMode(StopMode) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.TrustManager
Sets the stop mode.
setStoppable(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.ratcontrol.RatControlPanel
Sets the "stoppable" state of the control panel.
setStoppable(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.ratcontrol.RatControlState
Sets the "stoppable" state of the control staet.
setStoppingTimeout(int) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Sets the timeout for waiting for the sub-flow to stop.
setStoppingWarningInterval(int) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Sets the interval for outputting warnings if the sub-flow hasn't stopped yet (and no stopping timeout set).
setStopwords(StorageName) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.WordFrequencyAnalyzer
Sets the storage item that holds the string array of stopwords to use.
setStorageName(StorageName) - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.Table
Sets the name for the lookup table in the internal storage.
setStorageName(StorageName) - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.incoming.Enqueue
Sets the queue to use.
setStorageName(StorageName) - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.incoming.EnqueueGenerator
Sets the queue to use.
setStorageName(StorageName) - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.outgoing.Enqueue
Sets the queue to use.
setStorageName(StorageName) - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.outgoing.EnqueueGenerator
Sets the queue to use.
setStorageName(StorageName) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.DeQueue
Sets the name for the queue in the internal storage.
setStorageName(StorageName) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Storage
Sets the name for the item in the internal storage.
setStorageName(StorageName) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Subscribe
Sets the name for the queue in the internal storage.
setStorageName(StorageName) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.EnQueue
Sets the name for the queue in the internal storage.
setStorageName(StorageName) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.Publish
Sets the name for the pub/sub data structure in the internal storage.
setStorageName(StorageName) - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming.Enqueue
Sets the queue to use.
setStorageName(StorageName) - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming.EnqueueGenerator
Sets the queue to use.
setStorageName(StorageName) - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.Enqueue
Sets the queue to use.
setStorageName(StorageName) - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.EnqueueGenerator
Sets the queue to use.
setStorageNames(StorageName[]) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.DistributedEnQueue
Sets the names for the queues in the internal storage.
setStorageNames(StorageName[]) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.QueueDistribute
Sets the names for the queues in the internal storage.
setStorageRegExp(BaseRegExp) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Sets the regular expression that storage item names must match to get propagated.
setStoreBackground(boolean) - Method in class adams.data.io.output.SimpleTrailWriter
Sets whether to store the background as well.
setStreamFilter(ClassOption) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAFilter
Sets the stream filter to use.
setStreamGenerator(ClassOption) - Method in class adams.flow.source.MOAStream
Sets the stream generator to use.
setStreamIndex(Index) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MovieInfo
Sets the stream index.
setSubGenerators(AbstractFeatureGenerator[]) - Method in class adams.data.featuregenerator.MultiGenerator
Sets the generators to use.
setSubGenerators(AbstractHeatmapFeatureGenerator[]) - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.MultiFeatureGenerator
Sets the generators to use.
setSuccess(boolean) - Method in class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.blob.UploadResponse
Sets the value of the success property.
setSuccess(boolean) - Method in class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.text.UploadResponse
Sets the value of the success property.
setSuggestedSize(TerminalSize) - Method in class adams.terminal.dialog.DirectoryDialogBuilder
Sets the suggested size for the file dialog, it won't have exactly this size but roughly.
setSuppliedDir(String) - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.AbstractFileReferencingCodeGenerator
Sets the directory to use instead.
setSuppressErrors(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Sets whether to suppress errors and only forward them to the log actor.
setSuppressTrailingSpace(boolean) - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.AbstractEnvironmentWithNoTrailingSpace
Sets whether to suppress the trailing space.
setSuppressTrailingSpace(boolean) - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.AbstractMetaCodeGeneratorWithNoTrailingSpace
Sets whether to suppress the trailing space.
setSuppressTrailingSpace(boolean) - Method in interface adams.doc.latex.generator.EnvironmentWithNoTrailingSpace
Sets whether to suppress the trailing space.
setSwapped(boolean) - Method in class adams.data.spreadsheet.GPSDecimalDegrees
Sets whether the format is swapped, 'long lat' instead of 'lat long'.
setSwapped(boolean) - Method in class adams.data.spreadsheet.GPSDecimalMinutes
Sets whether the format is swapped, 'long lat' instead of 'lat long'.
setSwapped(boolean) - Method in class adams.data.spreadsheet.GPSDecimalSeconds
Sets whether the format is swapped, 'long lat' instead of 'lat long'.
setSwapped(boolean) - Method in interface adams.data.spreadsheet.GPSObjectHandler
Sets whether the format is swapped, 'long lat' instead of 'lat long'.
setTarget(PlaceholderDirectory) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.DirWatch
Sets the move-to directory.
setTarget(PlaceholderDirectory) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.FileLister
Sets the move-to directory.
setTarget(PlaceholderDirectory) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.FileMover
Sets the directory to move the files to.
setTargetSampleRate(int) - Method in class adams.data.wavefilter.Resample
Sets the target sample rate to use.
setTerminal(String) - Method in class adams.core.gnuplot.Initialize
Sets the terminal to use.
setTest(BigDecimal) - Method in class com.example.customerservice.Customer
Sets the value of the test property.
setText(String) - Method in class adams.gui.core.MarkdownTextAreaWithPreview
Sets the markdown code to display.
setText(String) - Method in class adams.gui.core.MarkdownTextPane
Sets the Markdown text and renders it.
setText(String) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.TextOverlay
Sets the fixed text to output.
setText(Text) - Method in class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.text.UploadRequest
Sets the value of the text property.
setTextColor(Color) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.TextOverlay
Sets the color for the text.
setTextFont(Font) - Method in class adams.gui.core.MarkdownTextAreaWithPreview
Sets the text font.
setThird(BaseColor) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.LinearGradientColorPalette
Sets the third color.
setThreshold(double) - Method in class adams.data.filter.heatmapthreshold.Manual
Sets the threshold to use.
setThreshold(AbstractHeatmapThreshold) - Method in class adams.data.filter.HeatmapThreshold
Sets the threshold algorithm to use.
setTimeout(int) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Socket
Sets the timeout in milli-second to wait for new connections.
setTimeOut(int) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.redisaction.BroadcastAndListen
Sets the timeout in msec.
setTimestamp(BaseDateTimeMsec) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AddAudioAnnotation
Sets the timestamp.
setTimestamp(BaseDateTimeMsec) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AddTrailStep
Sets the timestamp.
setTimestamp(TimeMsec) - Method in class adams.data.audioannotations.AudioAnnotation
Sets the timestamp.
setTimestamp(Date) - Method in class adams.data.trail.Step
Sets the timestamp.
setTimeStamp(BaseTimeMsec) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler.SingleTimestampMovieSampler
Sets the timestamps to sample
setTimeStampAsLong(long) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler.SingleTimestampMovieSampler
setTimeStamps(BaseTimeMsec[]) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler.TimestampMovieSampler
Sets the timestamps to sample
setTimeStampsAsLong(long[]) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler.TimestampMovieSampler
setTimeVisible(boolean) - Method in class adams.gui.audio.AudioPlaybackPanel
Sets the visible state of the time.
setTitle(String) - Method in class adams.core.gnuplot.Initialize
Sets the title to use.
setTitle(String) - Method in class adams.data.conversion.SpreadSheetToHTML
Sets the HTML title.
setTitle(String) - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.NewSection
Sets the title.
setTitle(String) - Method in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.AudioAnnotatorPanel
Sets the base title to use for the title generator.
setTitle(String) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.AnnotatorPanel
Sets the base title to use for the title generator.
setTitle(String) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.VLCjDirectRenderPanel
Sets the base title to use for the title generator.
setTitle(String) - Method in class adams.terminal.Main
Sets the title to use.
setToken(String) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.StringToken
Sets the string token to output.
setTokenizer(AbstractTokenizer) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.Tokenize
Sets the tokenizer to use.
setTokenizer(Tokenizer) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.tokenizer.WekaTokenizer
Sets the tokenizer to use.
setTokenizerOptions(String) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.tokenizer.StanfordPTBTokenizer
Sets the tokenizer options to use.
setTolerance(double) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.HighestTemperature
Sets the tolerance.
setTolerance(double) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.LowestTemperature
Sets the tolerance.
setTool(DEXTR) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.object.annotator.DEXTRMarkers
Sets the associated tool.
setTool(SAM) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.object.annotator.SAMMarkers
Sets the associated tool.
setTrackers(ObjectTracker[]) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.MultiObjectTracker
Sets the trackers to use.
setTrail(Trail) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.TrailPanel
Sets the trail to display.
setTrailPanel(TrailPanel) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.overlay.AbstractTrailOverlay
Sets the trail panel this overlay is for.
setTransformer(CallableActorReference) - Method in class adams.flow.rest.flow.AbstractCallableTransformer
Sets the name of the callable actor to use as transformer.
setTransformer(CallableActorReference) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.TransformTrackedObject
Sets the reference to the callable transformer to apply to tracked object (optional).
setTransformer(CallableActorReference) - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientSinkWithCallableTransformer
Sets the callable transformer to use.
setTransformer(CallableActorReference) - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientSourceWithCallableTransformer
Sets the callable transformer to use.
setTransformer(CallableActorReference) - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientTransformerWithCallableTransformer
Sets the callable transformer to use.
setTransformer(CallableActorReference) - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceProviderWithCallableTransformer
Sets the callable transformer to use.
setTransformer(CallableActorReference) - Method in interface adams.flow.webservice.CallableTransformerSupport
Sets the callable transformer to use.
setTransmitter(RatOutput) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Sets the transmitter to use.
setTree(Tree) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.nlp.StanfordTree
Sets the Stanford parse tree object to display.
setType(GPSDistance.DistanceCalculationType) - Method in class adams.data.conversion.GPSDistance
Sets the type of distance calculation to perform.
setType(HeatmapThreshold.Type) - Method in class adams.data.filter.HeatmapThreshold
Sets the type of threshold to use.
setType(RedisDataType) - Method in class adams.flow.sink.redisaction.Publish
Sets the type of the data.
setType(RedisDataType) - Method in class adams.flow.sink.redisaction.Set
Sets the type of the data.
setType(RedisDataType) - Method in class adams.flow.source.redisaction.Get
Sets the type of the data.
setType(RedisDataType) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.RedisSubscribe
Sets the type of the data.
setType(RedisDataType) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.RedisPublish
Sets the type of the data.
setType(WaveIndexingType) - Method in class adams.data.wavefilter.Cut
Sets the indexing type to use.
setType(WaveIndexingType) - Method in class adams.data.wavefilter.Trim
Sets the trim type to use.
setType(NewSection.SectionType) - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.NewSection
Sets the type.
setType(KeyPairElement) - Method in class adams.flow.sink.KeyPairFileWriter
Sets the key type to write.
setType(KeyPairElement) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.GetKeyFromKeyPair
Sets the key type to retrieve.
setType(WebcamInfo.InfoType) - Method in class adams.flow.source.WebcamInfo
Sets the type of information to generate.
setType(HeatmapInfo.InfoType) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapInfo
Sets the type of information to generate.
setType(MovieInfo.InfoType) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MovieInfo
Sets the info type.
setType(RenjinObjectInfo.InfoType) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RenjinObjectInfo
Sets the type of information to generate.
setType(MeanShiftLikelihoodType) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.BoofCVMeanShiftLikelihood
Sets the likelihood type.
setType(CustomerType) - Method in class com.example.customerservice.Customer
Sets the value of the type property.
setType(String) - Method in class adams.flow.source.KeyPairFileReader
Sets the type of the key pair algorithm to use.
setType(String) - Method in class adams.flow.source.KeyPairGenerator
Sets the type of the key pair algorithm to use.
setType(DataType) - Method in class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.blob.Property
Sets the value of the type property.
setType(DataType) - Method in class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.text.Property
Sets the value of the type property.
setTypeIn(RedisDataType) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.redisaction.BroadcastAndListen
Sets the type of the data for the in channel.
setTypeOut(RedisDataType) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.redisaction.BroadcastAndListen
Sets the type of the data for the out channel.
setUnparametrizedScripts(PlaceholderFile[]) - Method in class adams.flow.rest.GroovyServer
Sets the non-parametrized REST Groovy scripts to use.
setUp() - Method in class adams.flow.control.ChangeRatState
Initializes the item for flow execution.
setUp() - Method in class adams.flow.control.ExecuteRats
Initializes the item for flow execution.
setUp() - Method in class adams.flow.core.AbstractRESTClient
Initializes the item for flow execution.
setUp() - Method in class adams.flow.core.AbstractWSClient
Initializes the item for flow execution.
setUp() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.ffmpeg.AbstractFFmpegPlugin
Checks the configuration.
setUp() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.FFmpeg
Initializes the item for flow execution.
setUp() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.RedisSink
Initializes the item for flow execution.
setUp() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.RenjinSink
Initializes the item for flow execution.
setUp() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.RSink
Sets up the connection to Rserve.
setUp() - Method in class adams.flow.source.RedisSource
Initializes the item for flow execution.
setUp() - Method in class adams.flow.source.RenjinSource
Initializes the item for flow execution.
setUp() - Method in class adams.flow.source.RSource
Sets up the connection to Rserve.
setUp() - Method in class adams.flow.source.SimpleDockerCommand
Initializes the item for flow execution.
setUp() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.AbstractRecordingSetupUser
Initializes the item for flow execution.
setUp() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.FFmpegConfig
Initializes the item for flow execution.
setUp() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.LabRat
Initializes the item for flow execution.
setUp() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Initializes the item for flow execution.
setUp() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RatControl
Initializes the item for flow execution.
setUp() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RatPlague
Initializes the item for flow execution.
setUp() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.AbstractBufferedRatInput
Hook method for performing checks at setup time.
setUp() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.AbstractMetaRatInput
Hook method for performing checks at setup time.
setUp() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.AbstractRatInput
Hook method for performing checks at setup time.
setUp() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.InputWithCallableTransformer
Hook method for performing checks at setup time.
setUp() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.InputWithExternalTransformer
Hook method for performing checks at setup time.
setUp() - Method in interface adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.RatInput
Hook method for performing checks at setup time.
setUp() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.RedisAction
Hook method for performing checks at setup time.
setUp() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.RedisSubscribe
Hook method for performing checks at setup time.
setUp() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.AbstractMetaRatOutput
Hook method for performing checks at setup time.
setUp() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.AbstractRatOutput
Hook method for performing checks at setup time.
setUp() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.Branch
Hook method for performing checks at setup time.
setUp() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.DistributedEnQueue
Hook method for performing checks at setup time.
setUp() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.OutputWithCallableTransformer
Hook method for performing checks at setup time.
setUp() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.OutputWithExternalTransformer
Hook method for performing checks at setup time.
setUp() - Method in interface adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.RatOutput
Hook method for performing checks at setup time.
setUp() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.RedisAction
Hook method for performing checks at setup time.
setUp() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.RedisPublish
Hook method for performing checks at setup time.
setUp() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.Switch
Hook method for performing checks at setup time.
setUp() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RenjinStandalone
Initializes the item for flow execution.
setUp() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RESTServer
Initializes the item for flow execution.
setUp() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RStandalone
Sets up the connection to Rserve.
setUp() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.SimpleDockerConnection
Initializes the item for flow execution.
setUp() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.SSLContext
Initializes the item for flow execution.
setUp() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.WSServer
Initializes the item for flow execution.
setUp() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AbstractCallableMekaClassifierEvaluator
Initializes the item for flow execution.
setUp() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AbstractProcessMOAInstanceWithModel
Initializes the item for flow execution.
setUp() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.LatexCompile
Initializes the item for flow execution.
setUp() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAInstanceDumper
Initializes the item for flow execution.
setUp() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RedisTransformer
Initializes the item for flow execution.
setUp() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RenjinAddContext
Initializes the item for flow execution.
setUp() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RenjinTransformer
Initializes the item for flow execution.
setUp() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RTransformer
Sets up the connection to Rserve.
setUp() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.SimpleDockerCommand
Initializes the item for flow execution.
setUp() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.StanfordLexicalizedParser
Initializes the item for flow execution.
setUp() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.TransformTrackedObject
Initializes the item for flow execution.
setUp() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.TweeboParser
Initializes the item for flow execution.
setUp(Actor) - Method in class adams.flow.condition.bool.MOAClassification
Initializes the item for flow execution.
setUpCallableActor() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.CallableActor
Configures the callable actor.
setUpCallableActor() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.TransformTrackedObject
Configures the callable actor.
setUpControlStates() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RatControl
Configures the control states.
setupDataTypes(Connection) - Method in class adams.db.datatype.DataTypeSetupPostGIS
Configures the data types.
setUpdateModel(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAClassifying
Sets whether to update the model after making the prediction (in case the class value isn't missing).
setUpdateModel(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAClustering
Sets whether to update the model after making the prediction (in case the class value isn't missing).
setUpdateModel(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOARegressing
Sets whether to update the model after making the prediction (in case the class value isn't missing).
setUpExternalActor() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.InputWithExternalTransformer
Sets up the external actor.
setUpExternalActor() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.OutputWithExternalTransformer
Sets up the external actor.
setupIncomingBuffer(Message) - Static method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.InterceptorHelper
Configures the buffer for the incoming message.
setupIncomingBuffer(Message) - Static method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.InterceptorHelper
Configures the buffer for the incoming message.
setUpModel() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AbstractProcessMOAInstanceWithModel
Loads the model from the model file.
setUpModel(Actor) - Method in class adams.flow.condition.bool.MOAClassification
Loads the model from the model file.
setupOutgoingBuffer(Message) - Static method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.InterceptorHelper
Configures the buffer for the outgoing message.
setupOutgoingBuffer(Message) - Static method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.InterceptorHelper
Configures the buffer for the outgoing message.
setUpRats(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RatPlague
Sets up the rats.
setURL(String) - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTProvider
Sets the URL to use.
setURL(String) - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceProvider
Sets the URL to use.
setUseAbsolutePath(boolean) - Method in class adams.core.gnuplot.AbstractScriptletWithDataFile
Sets whether to use the data file's absolute path.
setUseAbsoluteSource(boolean) - Method in class adams.data.io.input.AbstractHeatmapReader
Sets whether to use absolute source filename rather than just name.
setUseAlternativeURL(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientSink
Sets whether to use the alternative URL.
setUseAlternativeURL(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientSource
Sets whether to use the alternative URL.
setUseAlternativeURL(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientTransformer
Sets whether to use the alternative URL.
setUseAlternativeURL(boolean) - Method in interface adams.flow.rest.AlternativeUrlSupporter
Sets whether to use the alternative URL.
setUseAlternativeURL(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientSink
Sets whether to use the alternative URL.
setUseAlternativeURL(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientSource
Sets whether to use the alternative URL.
setUseAlternativeURL(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientTransformer
Sets whether to use the alternative URL.
setUseAlternativeURL(boolean) - Method in interface adams.flow.webservice.AlternativeUrlSupporter
Sets whether to use the alternative URL.
setUseCompression(boolean) - Method in class adams.data.io.output.SimpleHeatmapWriter
Sets whether to use compression.
setUseCustomRange(boolean) - Method in class adams.data.conversion.HeatmapToBufferedImageWithKey
Set whether to use a custom range
setUseDefaultContext(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.SSLContext
Sets whether to use the default SSL context.
setUseFixedMinMax(boolean) - Method in class adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator.wave.Histogram
Sets whether to use user-supplied min/max for bin calculation rather than obtain min/max from data.
setUseFixedMinMax(boolean) - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.Histogram
Sets whether to use user-supplied min/max for bin calculation rather than obtain min/max from data.
setUseFixedRange(boolean) - Method in class adams.data.conversion.HeatmapToBufferedImage
Sets whether to use a fixed range.
setUseLowerCase(boolean) - Method in class weka.core.tokenizers.TwitterNLPTokenizer
Sets whether to use lower case.
setUseModelResetVariable(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AbstractProcessMOAInstanceWithModel
Sets the whether to use a variable to monitor for changes in order to reset the model.
setUser(String) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.SimpleDockerConnection
Sets the registry user to use.
setUseRelationNameAsFilename(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAInstanceDumper
Sets whether to use the relation name as filename instead.
setUseSingleDataFile(boolean) - Method in class adams.core.gnuplot.MultiScriptlet
Sets whether to use a single data file only.
setUseSSL(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RedisConnection
Sets whether to use SSL for the connection.
setValue(double) - Method in class adams.flow.source.NewHeatmap
Sets the initial value.
setValue(double) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.multiheatmapoperation.AddConstant
Sets the constant value to add.
setValue(PropertyEditor, Object) - Method in class adams.gui.goe.MekaGenericObjectEditorHandler
Sets the editor value.
setValue(Double) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapSetValue
Sets the value to set in the position(s).
setValue(String) - Method in class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.blob.Property
Sets the value of the value property.
setValue(String) - Method in class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.text.Property
Sets the value of the value property.
setValueName(String) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.ContainerValuePicker
Sets the name of the value to tee off.
setVariableName(VariableName) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Variable
Sets the name of the variable.
setVariableName(VariableName) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapFeatureGenerator
Sets the name of the variable to monitor.
setVariableName(VariableName) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.WaveFeatureGenerator
Sets the name of the variable to monitor.
setVariableName(String) - Method in class adams.flow.sink.RenjinSink
Sets the variable name to use in the Renjin context.
setVariableName(String) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RenjinAddContext
Sets the variable name to use in the Renjin context.
setVariableName(String) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RenjinTransformer
Sets the variable name to use in the Renjin context.
setVariablesRegExp(BaseRegExp) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Sets the regular expression that variable names must match to get propagated.
setWait(int) - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.StopContainers
Sets the number of seconds to wait before stopping.
setWait(int) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.enqueue.MaxQueueSize
Sets the time to wait between checks.
setWaitFTP(int) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.FtpUpload
Sets the number of milli-seconds to wait before FTPing the files.
setWaitingPeriod(int) - Method in class adams.core.gnuplot.Pause
Sets the waiting period in seconds before closing the plot.
setWaitList(int) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.FileLister
Sets the number of milli-seconds to wait after listing the files.
setWaitMove(int) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.FileMover
Sets the number of milli-seconds to wait before moving the files.
setWaitPoll(int) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.AbstractPollingRatInput
Sets the number of milli-seconds to wait before polling.
setWaitPoll(int) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.DirWatch
Sets the number of milli-seconds to wait before polling whether files have arrived.
setWaitPoll(int) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.InputPolling
Sets the number of milli-seconds to wait before polling.
setWaitPoll(int) - Method in interface adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.PollingRatInput
Sets the number of milli-seconds to wait before polling.
setWebcam(String) - Method in class adams.flow.source.WebcamImage
Sets the webcam name (leave empty for default one).
setWebcam(String) - Method in class adams.flow.source.WebcamInfo
Sets the webcam name (leave empty for default one).
setWebService(RESTProvider) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.RESTTextReception
Sets the webservice provider to use.
setWebService(RESTProvider) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RESTServer
Sets the webservice to use.
setWebService(WebServiceProvider) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.WSBlobReception
Sets the webservice provider to use.
setWebService(WebServiceProvider) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.WSTextReception
Sets the webservice provider to use.
setWebService(WebServiceProvider) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.WSServer
Sets the webservice to use.
setWelcomeFiles(BaseString[]) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.webserver.ResourceHandler
Sets the files to serve automatically if URL does not list file.
setWidth(float) - Method in class adams.flow.source.NewTrail
Sets the width of the trail.
setWidth(int) - Method in class adams.data.filter.heatmapcrop.CropToCentroid
Sets the width of the submap.
setWidth(int) - Method in class adams.data.filter.heatmapcrop.Rectangle
Sets the width of the rectangle.
setWidth(int) - Method in class adams.data.filter.heatmapcrop.Submap
Sets the width of the submap.
setWidth(int) - Method in class adams.data.filter.HeatmapSubmap
Sets the width of the submap.
setWidth(int) - Method in class adams.data.io.input.FloatMatrixHeatmapReader
Sets the width of the heatmap.
setWidth(int) - Method in class adams.data.video.AbstractScreenRecorder
Sets the width of the screen portion (-1 = remainder).
setWidth(int) - Method in class adams.data.video.AbstractWebcamRecorder
Sets the width of the webcam.
setWidth(int) - Method in class adams.flow.source.WebcamImage
Sets the width of the image.
setWidth(int) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.GenerateWordCloud
Sets the width for the image.
setWidth(int) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.RectangleBackground
Sets the width for the background.
setWidth(int) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.AbstractPositionableHeatmapOverlayWithDimensions
Sets the width of the overlay.
setWidth(Float) - Method in class adams.data.trail.Trail
Sets the optional width of the area for the trail.
setWidth(String) - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.MiniPage
Sets the width.
setWidthHeight(int, int) - Method in class adams.data.gps.Map
setWorkingDirectory(String) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Exec
Sets the current working directory for the command.
setWorkingDirectory(String) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.Exec
Sets the current working directory for the command.
setWorkSpace(int) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.BoofCVCirculant
Sets the gaussian kernel bandwidth.
setWrapStyleWord(boolean) - Method in class adams.gui.core.MarkdownTextAreaWithPreview
Sets whether to word wrap or not.
setWrapUpAfterExecution(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Sets whether to wrap up the actors after execution.
setWriter(AbstractTextWriter) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.TextWriter
Sets whether to append to the file or not.
setWriter(ImageWriter) - Method in class adams.data.io.output.SimpleImageHeatmapWriter
Sets the image writer to use.
setWriter(SpreadSheetWriter) - Method in class adams.data.io.output.SpreadSheetHeatmapWriter
Sets the spreadsheet writer to use.
setX(float) - Method in class adams.data.trail.Step
Sets the X of the step.
setX(float) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AddTrailStep
Sets the X of the step.
setX(int) - Method in class adams.data.filter.heatmapcrop.Rectangle
Sets the row to start the rectangle from.
setX(int) - Method in class adams.data.video.AbstractScreenRecorder
Sets the X position of the screen portion (0-based).
setX(int) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.RectangleBackground
Sets the x for the background.
setX(int) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.AbstractPositionableHeatmapOverlay
Sets the X position of the overlay.
setXLabel(String) - Method in class adams.core.gnuplot.Initialize
Sets the title for the X axis.
setY(float) - Method in class adams.data.trail.Step
Sets the Y of the step.
setY(float) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AddTrailStep
Sets the Y of the step.
setY(int) - Method in class adams.data.filter.heatmapcrop.Rectangle
Sets the column to start the rectangle from.
setY(int) - Method in class adams.data.video.AbstractScreenRecorder
Sets the Y position of the screen portion (0-based).
setY(int) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.RectangleBackground
Sets the y for the background.
setY(int) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.AbstractPositionableHeatmapOverlay
Sets the Y position of the overlay.
setYLabel(String) - Method in class adams.core.gnuplot.Initialize
Sets the title for the Y axis.
setZLabel(String) - Method in class adams.core.gnuplot.Initialize
Sets the title for the Z axis.
setZoom() - Method in class adams.data.gps.Map
setZoom(double) - Method in class adams.flow.sink.HeatmapDisplay
Sets the zoom level in percent (0-1600).
setZoom(double) - Method in class adams.flow.sink.TrailDisplay
Sets the zoom level in percent (0-1600).
setZoom(double) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapPanel
Sets the zoom factor (0-16).
setZoom(double) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.TrailPanel
Sets the zoom factor (0-16).
shallowCopy() - Method in class adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator.AbstractAudioFeatureGenerator
Returns a shallow copy of itself, i.e., based on the commandline options.
shallowCopy() - Method in class adams.data.featuregenerator.AbstractFeatureGenerator
Returns a shallow copy of itself, i.e., based on the commandline options.
shallowCopy() - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.AbstractHeatmapFeatureGenerator
Returns a shallow copy of itself, i.e., based on the commandline options.
shallowCopy() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.AbstractRatInput
Returns a shallow copy of itself, i.e., based on the commandline options.
shallowCopy() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.AbstractRatOutput
Returns a shallow copy of itself, i.e., based on the commandline options.
shallowCopy() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.selection.AbstractSelectionProcessor
Returns a shallow copy of itself, i.e., based on the commandline options.
shallowCopy(boolean) - Method in class adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator.AbstractAudioFeatureGenerator
Returns a shallow copy of itself, i.e., based on the commandline options.
shallowCopy(boolean) - Method in class adams.data.featuregenerator.AbstractFeatureGenerator
Returns a shallow copy of itself, i.e., based on the commandline options.
shallowCopy(boolean) - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.AbstractHeatmapFeatureGenerator
Returns a shallow copy of itself, i.e., based on the commandline options.
shallowCopy(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.AbstractRatInput
Returns a shallow copy of itself, i.e., based on the commandline options.
shallowCopy(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.AbstractRatOutput
Returns a shallow copy of itself, i.e., based on the commandline options.
shallowCopy(boolean) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.selection.AbstractSelectionProcessor
Returns a shallow copy of itself, i.e., based on the commandline options.
shapeTipText() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.object.annotator.DEXTRMarkers
Returns the tip text for this property.
shapeTipText() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.object.annotator.SAMMarkers
Returns the tip text for this property.
shouldExecutionBeSkipped() - Method in class adams.flow.maven.AbstractAdamsMojo
Implement this method to check if this AbstractAdamsMojo should skip executing altogether.
shouldExecutionBeSkipped() - Method in class adams.flow.maven.ActorExecutionMojo
Implement this method to check if this AbstractAdamsMojo should skip executing altogether.
shouldExecutionBeSkipped() - Method in class adams.flow.maven.ApplyActorMojo
Implement this method to check if this AbstractAdamsMojo should skip executing altogether.
shouldExecutionBeSkipped() - Method in class adams.flow.maven.ClassListerMojo
Implement this method to check if this AbstractAdamsMojo should skip executing altogether.
showConsole() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RatControl
Shows the text area with the console output.
showControls(boolean) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.VLCjDirectRenderPanel
Hides or shows the control panel
showDialog(WindowBasedTextGUI) - Method in class adams.terminal.dialog.ComponentDialog
Shows the dialog.
showDialog(WindowBasedTextGUI) - Method in class adams.terminal.dialog.DirectoryDialog
showDialog(WindowBasedTextGUI) - Method in class adams.terminal.dialog.OptionDialog
showDialog(WindowBasedTextGUI, String, String, Component) - Static method in class adams.terminal.dialog.ComponentDialog
Shortcut for quickly showing a OptionDialog.
showDialog(WindowBasedTextGUI, String, String, Component, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class adams.terminal.dialog.ComponentDialog
Shortcut for quickly showing a OptionDialog.
showDialog(WindowBasedTextGUI, String, String, Component, Collection<Window.Hint>) - Static method in class adams.terminal.dialog.ComponentDialog
Shortcut for quickly showing a OptionDialog.
showDialog(WindowBasedTextGUI, String, String, Component, Collection<Window.Hint>, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class adams.terminal.dialog.ComponentDialog
Shortcut for quickly showing a OptionDialog.
showDialog(WindowBasedTextGUI, String, String, Runnable...) - Static method in class adams.terminal.core.MenuListDialog
Helper method for immediately displaying a MenuListDialog, the method will return when the dialog is closed
showDialog(WindowBasedTextGUI, String, String, String[], String) - Static method in class adams.terminal.dialog.OptionDialog
Shortcut for quickly showing a OptionDialog.
showDialog(WindowBasedTextGUI, String, String, String[], String, Collection<Window.Hint>) - Static method in class adams.terminal.dialog.OptionDialog
Shortcut for quickly showing a OptionDialog.
showField(Map<String, Object>, String, String) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.audioinfo.MP3
showField(Map<String, Object>, String, String, boolean, String) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.audioinfo.MP3
showField(Map<String, Object>, String, String, String) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.audioinfo.MP3
showInControlTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Returns the tip text for this property.
showInControlTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.generator.AbstractRatGenerator
Returns the tip text for this property.
showKeyTipText() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.HeatmapToBufferedImageWithKey
Tip text for this property
showOnlyIDsTipText() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.ListContainers
Returns the tip text for this property.
showOnlyIDsTipText() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.ListImages
Returns the tip text for this property.
showReportTableTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.HeatmapDisplay
Returns the tip text for this property.
showStatus(String) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapViewerPanel
Displays a message.
showStatus(String) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.TrailViewerPanel
Displays a message.
shrinkFactorTipText() - Method in class adams.data.filter.HeatmapCentroid
Returns the tip text for this property.
sigmaTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.BoofCVCirculant
Returns the tip text for this property.
signalTipText() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.KillContainers
Returns the tip text for this property.
signedTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.source.audiorecorder.AbstractAudioRecorder
Returns the tip text for this property.
SimpleAudioAnnotationsReader - Class in adams.data.io.input
Reads audio annotations in simple CSV-like format.
See adams.data.io.output.SimpleAudioTrailWriter for more details on format.
SimpleAudioAnnotationsReader() - Constructor for class adams.data.io.input.SimpleAudioAnnotationsReader
SimpleAudioAnnotationsWriter - Class in adams.data.io.output
Writes audio annotations in simple CSV-like format.

SimpleAudioAnnotationsWriter() - Constructor for class adams.data.io.output.SimpleAudioAnnotationsWriter
SimpleAudioConversion - Class in adams.data.audio
Performs rudimentary audio format conversion.
SimpleContainerContent - Class in adams.flow.standalone.rats.output
Extracts the content from the 'simple' container (containers derived from adams.data.container.AbstractSimpleContainer) and passes this on to the base rat output scheme.
SimpleContainerContent() - Constructor for class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.SimpleContainerContent
SimpleDockerCommand - Class in adams.flow.source
Executes the specified docker command and forwards the output it generates.
SimpleDockerCommand - Class in adams.flow.transformer
Supplies the specified docker command with the incoming additional arguments and forwards the output it generates on execution.
SimpleDockerCommand() - Constructor for class adams.flow.source.SimpleDockerCommand
SimpleDockerCommand() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.SimpleDockerCommand
SimpleDockerConnection - Class in adams.flow.standalone
Wraps around the local docker binary and can (optionally) log in to the registry (and log out once the flow finishes).
SimpleDockerConnection() - Constructor for class adams.flow.standalone.SimpleDockerConnection
SimpleDockerHelper - Class in adams.docker
Helper class for issuing docker commands.
SimpleDockerHelper() - Constructor for class adams.docker.SimpleDockerHelper
SimpleHeatmapReader - Class in adams.data.io.input
Reads heatmaps in the internal heatmap CSV format.
SimpleHeatmapReader() - Constructor for class adams.data.io.input.SimpleHeatmapReader
SimpleHeatmapWriter - Class in adams.data.io.output
Writer that stores heatmaps in a simple CSV-like format.
SimpleHeatmapWriter() - Constructor for class adams.data.io.output.SimpleHeatmapWriter
SimpleImageHeatmapReader - Class in adams.data.io.input
Reads an image with the specified reader and turns the grayscale version of the image into a heatmap.
SimpleImageHeatmapReader() - Constructor for class adams.data.io.input.SimpleImageHeatmapReader
SimpleImageHeatmapWriter - Class in adams.data.io.output
Turns the heatmap into an image and uses the specified image writer for saving it to a file.
SimpleImageHeatmapWriter() - Constructor for class adams.data.io.output.SimpleImageHeatmapWriter
SimpleJsonCommunicationProcessor - Class in adams.data.wekapyroproxy
Turns Instances/Instance into simple JSON.
SimpleJsonCommunicationProcessor() - Constructor for class adams.data.wekapyroproxy.SimpleJsonCommunicationProcessor
SimpleLoggingCallback(StringBuilder) - Constructor for class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.XMLLoggingOutInterceptor.SimpleLoggingCallback
SimplePlot - Class in adams.core.gnuplot
For simple plots, like line plots.
SimplePlot() - Constructor for class adams.core.gnuplot.SimplePlot
SimplePlot.PlotType - Enum in adams.core.gnuplot
Enumeration of available plot types.
SimpleRatsBlobService - Class in adams.flow.webservice.blob
Class that implements the RATS spectrum web service.
SimpleRatsBlobService() - Constructor for class adams.flow.webservice.blob.SimpleRatsBlobService
Default Constructor.
SimpleRatsTextService - Class in adams.flow.webservice.text
Class that implements the RATS spectrum web service.
SimpleRatsTextService() - Constructor for class adams.flow.webservice.text.SimpleRatsTextService
Default Constructor.
SimpleStringGenerator - Class in adams.flow.standalone.rats.log
Generates a simple string from actor path, type and message.
SimpleStringGenerator() - Constructor for class adams.flow.standalone.rats.log.SimpleStringGenerator
SimpleTrailReader - Class in adams.data.io.input
Reads trails in simple CSV-like format.
See adams.data.io.output.SimpleTrailWriter for more details on format.
SimpleTrailReader() - Constructor for class adams.data.io.input.SimpleTrailReader
SimpleTrailWriter - Class in adams.data.io.output
Writes trails in the simple CSV-like format.
The report and trail image come before the actual trail data.
The report data is prefixed with '# ' and the background is prefixed with '% '.
The background data are the gzipped RGBA bytes of the image (obtained row-by-row from image).
SimpleTrailWriter() - Constructor for class adams.data.io.output.SimpleTrailWriter
SingleTimestampMovieSampler - Class in adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler
TODO: what class does.
SingleTimestampMovieSampler() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler.SingleTimestampMovieSampler
size() - Method in class adams.data.heatmap.Heatmap
Returns the total amount of data points in the map.
size() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Returns the size of the group.
sizeTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.source.KeyPairGenerator
Returns the tip text for this property.
sizeTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.ArraySubSample
Returns the tip text for this property.
SKIP - adams.data.filter.HeatmapThreshold.MissingValuesHandling
ignores missing values.
skipInUseTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.FileLister
Returns the tip text for this property.
skipMissingTipText() - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.AbstractHeatmapFeatureGeneratorWithSkippableMissingValues
Returns the tip text for this property.
skipTipText() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.AbstractCodeGenerator
Returns the tip text for this property.
skipTipText() - Method in interface adams.doc.latex.generator.CodeGenerator
Returns the tip text for this property.
SLEEP_TIME - Static variable in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.EventQueue
a constant defining the amount of time to sleep for
SLEEP_TIME - Static variable in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.EventQueue
a constant defining the amount of time to sleep for
small - adams.doc.latex.generator.BlockSize.FontSize
Socket - Class in adams.flow.standalone.rats.input
Listens on the specified port for incoming data.
Can either output raw byte arrays or strings (using the specified encoding).
Socket - Class in adams.flow.standalone.rats.output
Just outputs the data to the specified socket.
Any incoming data that isn't a byte array gets converted to a string and its bytes (using the specified encoding) are then transmitted.
Socket() - Constructor for class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Socket
Socket() - Constructor for class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.Socket
sortDescendingTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.FileLister
Returns the tip text for this property.
sortingTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.FileLister
Returns the tip text for this property.
sourceTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.DirWatch
Returns the tip text for this property.
sourceTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.FileLister
Returns the tip text for this property.
Spectrogram - Class in adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator.wave
Generates a spectrogram from the audio data.
Spectrogram() - Constructor for class adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator.wave.Spectrogram
SpectrogramToBufferedImage - Class in adams.data.conversion
Generates an image from the incoming spectrogram.
SpectrogramToBufferedImage() - Constructor for class adams.data.conversion.SpectrogramToBufferedImage
SpeechPlaybackHandler - Class in adams.gui.tools.previewbrowser
Allows the playback of speech audio files and also displays the associated text file.
SpeechPlaybackHandler() - Constructor for class adams.gui.tools.previewbrowser.SpeechPlaybackHandler
SPHERICAL_LAW_OF_COSINES - adams.data.conversion.GPSDistance.DistanceCalculationType
split(String) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.splitter.AbstractDocumentToSentences
Splits the given document string into sentences.
splitMessage(StringBuilder) - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming.XMLLoggingInInterceptor
Splits the message into (if possible): header, actual message and footer.
splitOptions(String) - Method in class adams.core.option.MOACommandLineHandler
Splits the commandline into an array.
splitResultTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AbstractArraySplitter
Returns the tip text for this property.
splitterOptionsTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.splitter.StanfordPTBTokenizer
Returns the tip text for this property.
splitterTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.DocumentToSentences
Returns the tip text for this property.
SpreadSheetHeatmapReader - Class in adams.data.io.input
Turns spreadsheets into heatmaps.
SpreadSheetHeatmapReader() - Constructor for class adams.data.io.input.SpreadSheetHeatmapReader
SpreadSheetHeatmapWriter - Class in adams.data.io.output
Writes heat map files using a spreadsheet format.
SpreadSheetHeatmapWriter() - Constructor for class adams.data.io.output.SpreadSheetHeatmapWriter
spreadsheetToDataframe(SpreadSheet) - Static method in class adams.core.RDataHelper
Turns a spreadsheet into an R dataframe.
SpreadSheetToHeatmap - Class in adams.data.conversion
Turns an all-numeric spreadsheet into a heatmap.
Missing values/cells are tolerated and replaced with the specified value for missing values.
SpreadSheetToHeatmap() - Constructor for class adams.data.conversion.SpreadSheetToHeatmap
SpreadSheetToHTML - Class in adams.data.conversion
Turns a spreadsheet into an HTML table.
SpreadSheetToHTML() - Constructor for class adams.data.conversion.SpreadSheetToHTML
SpreadSheetToKML - Class in adams.data.conversion
Turns a spreadsheet into a KML (Keyhole Markup Language) XML data structure.
For more information see:

SpreadSheetToKML() - Constructor for class adams.data.conversion.SpreadSheetToKML
SpreadSheetToWordFrequencies - Class in adams.data.conversion
Turns a spreadsheet with two columns for words and frequencies into an array of word frequency objects.
SpreadSheetToWordFrequencies() - Constructor for class adams.data.conversion.SpreadSheetToWordFrequencies
SpreadSheetView - Class in adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins
Displays the heatmap as spreadsheet.
SpreadSheetView() - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.SpreadSheetView
SqrtFontScalar - Class in adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud
Uses squareroot scaling between the specified min and max.
SqrtFontScalar() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.SqrtFontScalar
SSLContext - Class in adams.flow.standalone
Initializes an SSL context using the specified context.
For protocols, see:
Requires adams.flow.core.KeyManagerFactoryProvider and adams.flow.core.TrustManagerFactoryProvider standalones to be present.
You don't have to use these actors if you enable the 'useDefaultContext' option.
SSLContext() - Constructor for class adams.flow.standalone.SSLContext
SSLVerifyModeTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RedisConnection
Returns the tip text for this property.
StandardDeviation - Class in adams.data.heatmapfeatures
Determines the standard deviation.
StandardDeviation() - Constructor for class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.StandardDeviation
StanfordGrammaticalStructure - Class in adams.flow.transformer
Turns a Stanford parse tree into a grammatical structure.
StanfordGrammaticalStructure() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.StanfordGrammaticalStructure
StanfordLexicalizedParser - Class in adams.flow.transformer
Parses a string (= sentence) or string array (= tokenized sentence) using the Stanford LexicalizedParser.
StanfordLexicalizedParser() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.StanfordLexicalizedParser
StanfordNode - Class in adams.gui.visualization.nlp
Specialized tree node.
StanfordNode(String, Tree) - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.nlp.StanfordNode
Initializes the node with the specified label.
StanfordParseTreeDisplay - Class in adams.flow.sink
Displays a JSON object as tree structure.
StanfordParseTreeDisplay() - Constructor for class adams.flow.sink.StanfordParseTreeDisplay
StanfordParseTreeToSpreadSheet - Class in adams.data.conversion
Turns the leaves of a Stanford parse tree into a spreadsheet.
StanfordParseTreeToSpreadSheet() - Constructor for class adams.data.conversion.StanfordParseTreeToSpreadSheet
StanfordParseTreeToXML - Class in adams.data.conversion
Turns a Stanford parse tree into an XML string.
StanfordParseTreeToXML() - Constructor for class adams.data.conversion.StanfordParseTreeToXML
StanfordPTBTokenizer - Class in adams.flow.transformer.splitter
Uses Stanford's PTBTokenizer.

For more details on the options see:

StanfordPTBTokenizer - Class in adams.flow.transformer.tokenizer
Uses Stanford's PTBTokenizer.

For more details on the options see:

StanfordPTBTokenizer() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.splitter.StanfordPTBTokenizer
StanfordPTBTokenizer() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.tokenizer.StanfordPTBTokenizer
StanfordRenderer - Class in adams.gui.visualization.nlp
A specialized renderer for the JsonTree elements.
StanfordRenderer() - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.nlp.StanfordRenderer
Initializes the renderer.
StanfordTree - Class in adams.gui.visualization.nlp
Specialized tree for displaying Stanford parse trees.
StanfordTree() - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.nlp.StanfordTree
start() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTProvider
Starts the service.
start() - Method in interface adams.flow.rest.RESTProvider
Starts the service.
start() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.ratcontrol.RatControlPanel
Starts the rat.
start() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.ratcontrol.RatControlState
Starts the rat.
start() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceProvider
Starts the service.
start() - Method in interface adams.flow.webservice.WebServiceProvider
Starts the service.
start() - Method in class adams.gui.audio.AudioPlaybackPanel
Starts the playback.
start() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.EventQueue
start() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.EventQueue
start() - Method in class adams.terminal.application.AbstractLanternaTerminalApplication
Starts the application.
START - adams.scripting.command.flow.SendRatControlCommand.Command
StartContainers - Class in adams.docker.simpledocker
For starting containers.
StartContainers() - Constructor for class adams.docker.simpledocker.StartContainers
startListening() - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.RemoteLogging
Starts the listening.
StartListening - Class in adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand
Starts a remote engine.
StartListening() - Constructor for class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.StartListening
Initializes the action with no owner.
StartListening(AbstractTerminalApplication) - Constructor for class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.StartListening
Initializes the action.
startRecording() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RecordingSetup
Starts the recording.
StartRecording - Class in adams.flow.standalone
Starts the recording defined in the adams.flow.standalone.RecordingSetup instance.
StartRecording() - Constructor for class adams.flow.standalone.StartRecording
startRunnable() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Starts the runnable.
startTipText() - Method in class adams.data.filter.AudioAnnotationsWindow
Returns the tip text for this property.
startTipText() - Method in class adams.data.filter.TrailWindow
Returns the tip text for this property.
startTipText() - Method in class adams.data.wavefilter.Cut
Returns the tip text for this property.
startTLSTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RedisConnection
Returns the tip text for this property.
statementsTipText() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.CustomStatements
Returns the tip text for this property.
statementsTipText() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.Verbatim
Returns the tip text for this property.
stateTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.control.ChangeRatState
Returns the tip text for this property.
statisticNames() - Method in class adams.data.heatmap.HeatmapStatistic
Returns all the names of the available statistical values.
Statistics - Class in adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins
Displays the statistics about heatmaps.
Statistics - Class in adams.gui.visualization.trail.plugins
Displays the statistics about trails.
Statistics() - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.plugins.Statistics
Statistics() - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.trail.plugins.Statistics
statisticTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapArrayStatistic
Returns the tip text for this property.
status(int) - Method in class adams.flow.rest.control.RatControl
Returns the status of the Rat actors in the specified flow.
STDEV_DELTA_TIMESTAMP - Static variable in class adams.data.audioannotations.AudioAnnotationsStatistic
STDEV_DELTA_TIMESTAMP - Static variable in class adams.data.trail.TrailStatistic
STDEV_DELTA_X - Static variable in class adams.data.trail.TrailStatistic
STDEV_DELTA_Y - Static variable in class adams.data.trail.TrailStatistic
stem(String) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.stemmer.NullStemmer
Does nothing, just returns the word.
stem(String) - Method in interface adams.flow.transformer.stemmer.Stemmer
Stems the given word and returns the stemmed version
stem(String) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.stemmer.WekaStemmer
Stems the given word and returns the stemmed version
Stemmer - Class in adams.flow.transformer
Applies the stemmer to the incoming word/words.
Stemmer - Interface in adams.flow.transformer.stemmer
Interface for all stemming algorithms.
Stemmer() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.Stemmer
stemmerTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.Stemmer
Returns the tip text for this property.
stemmerTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.stemmer.WekaStemmer
Returns the tip text for this property.
Step - Class in adams.data.trail
Represents a single step in a trail.
Step() - Constructor for class adams.data.trail.Step
Initializes the step with default values.
Step(Date, float, float) - Constructor for class adams.data.trail.Step
Initializes the step with the given timestamp and position, but no meta-data.
Step(Date, float, float, HashMap<String, Object>) - Constructor for class adams.data.trail.Step
Initializes the step with the given timestamp and position, but no meta-data.
StepComparator - Class in adams.data.trail
Comparator for Step objects.
StepComparator() - Constructor for class adams.data.trail.StepComparator
STEPS - adams.core.gnuplot.SimplePlot.PlotType
stop() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTProvider
Stops the service.
stop() - Method in interface adams.flow.rest.RESTProvider
Stops the service.
stop() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.ratcontrol.RatControlPanel
Stops the rat.
stop() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.ratcontrol.RatControlState
Stops the rat.
stop() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceProvider
Stops the service.
stop() - Method in interface adams.flow.webservice.WebServiceProvider
Stops the service.
stop() - Method in class adams.gui.audio.AudioPlaybackPanel
Stops the playback.
stop() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.DirectRenderMediaPlayerPanel
Stops playback
stop() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.VLCjDirectRenderPanel
Stops the video
stop() - Method in class adams.terminal.application.AbstractLanternaTerminalApplication
Stops the application.
STOP - adams.scripting.command.flow.SendRatControlCommand.Command
stopAdams() - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.AbstractRemoteFlowCommandAction
Stops the ADAMS instance.
stopContainers() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.DockerContainersPanel
Stops the selected containers.
StopContainers - Class in adams.docker.simpledocker
For stopping containers.
StopContainers() - Constructor for class adams.docker.simpledocker.StopContainers
stopExecution() - Method in class adams.flow.source.audiorecorder.AbstractAudioRecorder
Stops the execution.
stopExecution() - Method in class adams.flow.source.audiorecorder.FixedDuration
Stops the execution.
stopExecution() - Method in class adams.flow.source.audiorecorder.OnDemand
Stops the execution.
stopExecution() - Method in class adams.flow.source.AudioRecorder
Stops the execution.
stopExecution() - Method in class adams.flow.source.SimpleDockerCommand
Stops the execution.
stopExecution() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Gnuplot
Stops the execution.
stopExecution() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Stops the execution.
stopExecution() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.AbstractBufferedRatInput
Stops the execution.
stopExecution() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.AbstractMetaRatInput
Stops the execution.
stopExecution() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.AbstractRatInput
Stops the execution.
stopExecution() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Cron
Stops the execution.
stopExecution() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.DeQueue
Stops the execution.
stopExecution() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.DirWatch
Stops the execution.
stopExecution() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Exec
Stops the execution.
stopExecution() - Method in interface adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.RatInput
Stops the execution.
stopExecution() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.RedisSubscribe
Stops the execution.
stopExecution() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.RESTTextReception
Stops the execution.
stopExecution() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Socket
Stops the execution.
stopExecution() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.WSBlobReception
Stops the execution.
stopExecution() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.WSTextReception
Stops the execution.
stopExecution() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.AbstractRatOutput
Stops the execution.
stopExecution() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.enqueue.AbstractEnqueueGuard
Stops the execution.
stopExecution() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.EnQueue
Stops the execution.
stopExecution() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.Exec
Stops the execution.
stopExecution() - Method in interface adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.RatOutput
Stops the execution.
stopExecution() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.Switch
Stops the execution.
stopExecution() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.RatRunnable
Stops the execution.
stopExecution() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RecordingSetup
Stops the execution.
stopExecution() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.WebServer
Stops the execution.
stopExecution() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapLocateObjects
Stops the execution.
stopExecution() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.LatexCompile
Stops the execution.
stopExecution() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler.AbstractMovieImageSampler
Stops the execution.
stopExecution() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MovieImageSampler
Stops the execution.
stopExecution() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.redisaction.AbstractRedisAction
Stops the execution.
stopExecution() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RedisTransformer
Stops the execution.
stopExecution() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.SimpleDockerCommand
Stops the execution.
stopExecution() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.TweeboParser
Stops the execution.
stopFlow() - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.AbstractRemoteFlowCommandAction
Stops the selected flow(s).
StopFlow - Class in adams.flow.rest.control
Allows to stop a (registered) flow via its ID.
StopFlow() - Constructor for class adams.flow.rest.control.StopFlow
stopFlowIfCanceledTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.KeyManager
Returns the tip text for this property.
stopFlowIfCanceledTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RedisConnection
Returns the tip text for this property.
stopFlowIfCanceledTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.TrustManager
Returns the tip text for this property.
stopIfNecessary() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Stops the execution if necessary.
stopListenerRunnable() - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.RemoteLogging
Stops the listener runnable.
stopListening() - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.RemoteLogging
Stops the listening.
StopListening - Class in adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand
Stops the remote engine.
StopListening() - Constructor for class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.StopListening
Initializes the action with no owner.
StopListening(AbstractTerminalApplication) - Constructor for class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.StopListening
Initializes the action.
stopModeTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.KeyManager
Returns the tip text for this property.
stopModeTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RedisConnection
Returns the tip text for this property.
stopModeTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.TrustManager
Returns the tip text for this property.
stopOrStart() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.ratcontrol.RatControlPanel
Stops/starts the rat.
stopOrStart() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.ratcontrol.RatControlState
Stops/starts the rat.
stoppingTimeoutTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Returns the tip text for this property.
stoppingWarningIntervalTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Returns the tip text for this property.
stopRecording() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RecordingSetup
Stops the recording.
StopRecording - Class in adams.flow.standalone
Stops the recording defined in the adams.flow.standalone.RecordingSetup instance.
StopRecording() - Constructor for class adams.flow.standalone.StopRecording
stopRunnable() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Stops the runnable.
stopScheduler() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Cron
Stops the internal cron scheduler, if possible.
stopStart() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.remotecontrolcenter.panels.RatsTab.RatStatusPanel
Stops/starts the rat.
stopStart() - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.Rats.RatStatusPanel
Stops/starts the rat.
stopWatchService() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.DirWatch
Stops the watch service, if active.
stopwordsTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.WordFrequencyAnalyzer
Returns the tip text for this property.
Storage - Class in adams.flow.standalone.rats.input
Outputs the specified storage item, if possible

Storage() - Constructor for class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Storage
storageNamesTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.DistributedEnQueue
Returns the tip text for this property.
storageNamesTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.QueueDistribute
Returns the tip text for this property.
storageNameTipText() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.Table
Returns the tip text for this property.
storageNameTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.incoming.EnqueueGenerator
Returns the tip text for this property.
storageNameTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.outgoing.EnqueueGenerator
Returns the tip text for this property.
storageNameTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.DeQueue
Returns the tip text for this property.
storageNameTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Storage
Returns the tip text for this property.
storageNameTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Subscribe
Returns the tip text for this property.
storageNameTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.EnQueue
Returns the tip text for this property.
storageNameTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.Publish
Returns the tip text for this property.
storageNameTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming.EnqueueGenerator
Returns the tip text for this property.
storageNameTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.EnqueueGenerator
Returns the tip text for this property.
storageRegExpTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Returns the tip text for this property.
store(DockerContainer) - Method in class adams.gui.tools.DockerContainersPanel
Stores the object.
store(DockerImage) - Method in class adams.gui.tools.DockerImagesPanel
Stores the object.
storeBackgroundTipText() - Method in class adams.data.io.output.SimpleTrailWriter
Returns the tip text for this property.
STREAM_DURATION - adams.flow.transformer.MovieInfo.InfoType
the stream duration.
STREAM_START_TIME - adams.flow.transformer.MovieInfo.InfoType
the stream start time.
STREAM_TIME_BASE - adams.flow.transformer.MovieInfo.InfoType
the stream time base (per stream).
streamFilterTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAFilter
Returns the tip text for this property.
streamGeneratorTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.source.MOAStream
Returns the tip text for this property.
streamIndexTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MovieInfo
Returns the tip text for this property.
String - adams.core.RDataType
STRING - adams.data.redis.RedisDataType
STRING - nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.blob.DataType
STRING - nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.text.DataType
StringToken - Class in adams.flow.standalone.rats.input
Simply outputs the provided string.
StringToken() - Constructor for class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.StringToken
subGeneratorsTipText() - Method in class adams.data.featuregenerator.MultiGenerator
Returns the tip text for this property.
subGeneratorsTipText() - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.MultiFeatureGenerator
Returns the tip text for this property.
submap(int, int, int, int) - Method in class adams.data.heatmap.Heatmap
Returns the specified submap.
Submap - Class in adams.data.filter.heatmapcrop
Creates the submap using the specified row and column (both 0-based), width and height.
Submap() - Constructor for class adams.data.filter.heatmapcrop.Submap
SUBPARAGRAPH - adams.doc.latex.generator.NewSection.SectionType
Subscribe - Class in adams.flow.standalone.rats.input
Subscribes to the specified publish/subscribe handler and forwards data that is being published.
Subscribe() - Constructor for class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Subscribe
SUBSECTION - adams.doc.latex.generator.NewSection.SectionType
SUBSUBSECTION - adams.doc.latex.generator.NewSection.SectionType
Subtract - Class in adams.flow.transformer.multiheatmapoperation
Subtracts the values of the other heatmaps from the first one.
Subtract() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.multiheatmapoperation.Subtract
success - Variable in class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.blob.UploadResponse
success - Variable in class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.text.UploadResponse
SUPPLIED_DIR - adams.doc.latex.generator.AbstractFileReferencingCodeGenerator.PathType
suppliedDirTipText() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.AbstractFileReferencingCodeGenerator
Returns the tip text for this property.
supplyText() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.StanfordParseTreeDisplay
Supplies the text.
supplyText() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.TrailDisplay
Supplies the text.
supportsBatchPredictions() - Method in class adams.data.wekapyroproxy.AbstractCommunicationProcessor
Returns whether batch predictions are supported.
supportsBatchPredictions() - Method in class adams.data.wekapyroproxy.FusionJsonCommunicationProcessor
Returns whether batch predictions are supported.
supportsBatchPredictions() - Method in class adams.data.wekapyroproxy.NullCommunicationProcessor
Returns whether batch predictions are supported.
supportsBatchPredictions() - Method in class adams.data.wekapyroproxy.SimpleJsonCommunicationProcessor
Returns whether batch predictions are supported.
supportsClear() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.AbstractMekaMultiPlot
Whether "clear" is supported and shows up in the menu.
supportsClear() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.HeatmapDisplay
Whether "clear" is supported and shows up in the menu.
supportsClear() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.HeatmapHistogram
Whether "clear" is supported and shows up in the menu.
supportsClear() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.MekaGraphVisualizer
Whether "clear" is supported and shows up in the menu.
supportsClear() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.StanfordParseTreeDisplay
Whether "clear" is supported and shows up in the menu.
supportsClear() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.TrailDisplay
Whether "clear" is supported and shows up in the menu.
supportsHeadlessInteraction() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.KeyManager
Returns whether headless interaction is supported.
supportsHeadlessInteraction() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RedisConnection
Returns whether headless interaction is supported.
supportsHeadlessInteraction() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.TrustManager
Returns whether headless interaction is supported.
suppressErrorsTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Returns the tip text for this property.
suppressTrailingSpaceTipText() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.AbstractEnvironmentWithNoTrailingSpace
Returns the tip text for this property.
suppressTrailingSpaceTipText() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.AbstractMetaCodeGeneratorWithNoTrailingSpace
Returns the tip text for this property.
suppressTrailingSpaceTipText() - Method in interface adams.doc.latex.generator.EnvironmentWithNoTrailingSpace
Returns the tip text for this property.
swappedTipText() - Method in class adams.data.spreadsheet.GPSDecimalDegrees
Returns the tip text for this property.
swappedTipText() - Method in class adams.data.spreadsheet.GPSDecimalMinutes
Returns the tip text for this property.
swappedTipText() - Method in class adams.data.spreadsheet.GPSDecimalSeconds
Returns the tip text for this property.
swappedTipText() - Method in interface adams.data.spreadsheet.GPSObjectHandler
Returns the tip text for this property.
Switch - Class in adams.flow.standalone.rats.output
Forwards the input data to the sub-branch of the condition that evaluates to 'true'.
Switch() - Constructor for class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.Switch
SystemInfo - Class in adams.terminal.menu
Shows information about the system.
SystemInfo() - Constructor for class adams.terminal.menu.SystemInfo
Initializes the menu item with no owner.
SystemInfo(AbstractTerminalApplication) - Constructor for class adams.terminal.menu.SystemInfo
Initializes the menu item.


TAB - adams.flow.transformer.MOAInstanceDumper.OutputFormat
Table - Class in adams.doc.latex.generator
Inserts the spreadsheet obtained from storage as table.
Table() - Constructor for class adams.doc.latex.generator.Table
TableModel() - Constructor for class adams.gui.tools.DockerContainersPanel.TableModel
default constructor.
TableModel() - Constructor for class adams.gui.tools.DockerImagesPanel.TableModel
default constructor.
TableModel(DockerContainer[]) - Constructor for class adams.gui.tools.DockerContainersPanel.TableModel
the constructor.
TableModel(DockerImage[]) - Constructor for class adams.gui.tools.DockerImagesPanel.TableModel
the constructor.
TableOfContents - Class in adams.doc.latex.generator
Inserts the statement for the table of contents.
TableOfContents() - Constructor for class adams.doc.latex.generator.TableOfContents
targetSampleRateTipText() - Method in class adams.data.wavefilter.Resample
Returns the tip text for this property.
targetTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.DirWatch
Returns the tip text for this property.
targetTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.FileLister
Returns the tip text for this property.
targetTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.FileMover
Returns the tip text for this property.
TERMINAL_X11 - Static variable in class adams.core.gnuplot.Initialize
the 'x11' terminal.
TERMINAL_X11 - Static variable in class adams.core.gnuplot.Pause
the 'x11' terminal.
terminalTipText() - Method in class adams.core.gnuplot.Initialize
Returns the tip text for this property.
terrain - adams.data.gps.Map.MapType
test - Variable in class com.example.customerservice.Customer
text - Variable in class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.text.UploadRequest
Text - Class in nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.text
Java class for Text complex type.
Text() - Constructor for class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.text.Text
textColorTipText() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.TextOverlay
Returns the tip text for this property.
TextOverlay - Class in adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay
Displays text as overlay, either the fixed text, or if empty, a report value.
TextOverlay() - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.TextOverlay
textTipText() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.TextOverlay
Returns the tip text for this property.
TextWriter - Class in adams.flow.standalone.rats.output
Writes incoming textual data to a text file.
TextWriter() - Constructor for class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.TextWriter
thirdTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.LinearGradientColorPalette
Returns the tip text for this property.
thresholdTipText() - Method in class adams.data.filter.heatmapthreshold.Manual
Returns the tip text for this property.
thresholdTipText() - Method in class adams.data.filter.HeatmapThreshold
Returns the tip text for this property.
Ticker - Class in adams.gui.tools.audioannotator
Provides tick events to listeners at various times
Ticker - Class in adams.gui.visualization.annotator
Provides tick events to listeners at various times
Ticker(AudioPlaybackPanel) - Constructor for class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.Ticker
Constructer for the ticker class.
Ticker(VLCjDirectRenderPanel) - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.Ticker
Constructer for the ticker class.
TickEvent - Class in adams.gui.tools.audioannotator
A Tick event to alert listeners and pass the timestamp through to them.
TickEvent - Class in adams.gui.visualization.annotator
A Tick event to alert listeners and pass the timestamp through to them.
TickEvent(TimeMsec) - Constructor for class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.TickEvent
Constructor for the basic tick event
TickEvent(Date) - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.TickEvent
Constructor for the basic tick event
tickHappened(TickEvent) - Method in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.AudioAnnotationPanel
tickHappened(TickEvent) - Method in interface adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.TickListener
Called by the object the listener is registered with to aleart the Ticklistener that a tick has happened
tickHappened(TickEvent) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.AnnotationPanel
tickHappened(TickEvent) - Method in interface adams.gui.visualization.annotator.TickListener
Called by the object the listener is registered with to aleart the Ticklistener that a tick has happened
TickListener - Interface in adams.gui.tools.audioannotator
Listener interface for tick events.
TickListener - Interface in adams.gui.visualization.annotator
Listener interface for tick events.
timeoutTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Socket
Returns the tip text for this property.
timeOutTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.redisaction.BroadcastAndListen
Returns the tip text for this property.
TimestampMovieSampler - Class in adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler
Takes a list of timestamps in BaseTimeMSec format and returns an array containing the frames closest to those timestamps
TimestampMovieSampler() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler.TimestampMovieSampler
timeStampsTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler.TimestampMovieSampler
Returns the tip text for this property.
timestampTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AddAudioAnnotation
Returns the tip text for this property.
timestampTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AddTrailStep
Returns the tip text for this property.
timeStampTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.movieimagesampler.SingleTimestampMovieSampler
Returns the tip text for this property.
tiny - adams.doc.latex.generator.BlockSize.FontSize
titleTipText() - Method in class adams.core.gnuplot.Initialize
Returns the tip text for this property.
titleTipText() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.SpreadSheetToHTML
Returns the tip text for this property.
titleTipText() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.NewSection
Returns the tip text for this property.
TLSUtils - Class in adams.flow.core
Helper class for TLS related operations.
TLSUtils() - Constructor for class adams.flow.core.TLSUtils
TMP_EXT - Static variable in class adams.flow.transformer.LatexCompile
extensions of temp files to delete before compilation (incl dot).
toArray() - Method in class adams.data.heatmap.Heatmap
Turns the heatmap into an array (row wise).
toArray(HeatmapValue[]) - Method in class adams.data.heatmap.Heatmap
Returns the stored points as array.
toArray(Object) - Method in class adams.core.option.MOACommandLineHandler
Generates an options array from the specified object.
toCommandLine(Object) - Method in class adams.core.option.MOACommandLineHandler
Generates a commandline from the specified object.
toContainerPath(List<DockerDirectoryMapping>, String) - Static method in class adams.docker.SimpleDockerHelper
Translates the local path into a container path.
toContainerPaths(List<DockerDirectoryMapping>, String[]) - Static method in class adams.docker.SimpleDockerHelper
Translates the local paths into container paths.
toCustomStringRepresentation(Object) - Method in class adams.gui.goe.BaseMarkdownEditor
Returns a custom string representation of the object.
toCustomStringRepresentation(Object) - Method in class adams.gui.goe.BaseMeasureCollectionEditor
Returns a custom string representation of the object.
toCustomStringRepresentation(Object) - Method in class adams.gui.goe.DockerDirectoryMappingEditor
Returns a custom string representation of the object.
toCustomStringRepresentation(Object) - Method in class adams.gui.goe.GPSEditor
Returns a custom string representation of the object.
toCustomStringRepresentation(Object) - Method in class adams.gui.goe.RatReferenceEditor
Returns a custom string representation of the object.
toCustomStringRepresentation(Object) - Method in class adams.gui.goe.RObjectPathEditor
Returns a custom string representation of the object.
toDecimal() - Method in class adams.data.gps.Coordinate
Return the coordinate in decimal notation.
toDisplay() - Method in enum adams.core.gnuplot.SimplePlot.PlotType
Returns the display string.
toDoubleArray() - Method in class adams.data.heatmap.Heatmap
Turns the heatmap into a Double array (row wise).
toDoubleArray(boolean) - Method in class adams.data.heatmap.Heatmap
Turns the heatmap into a Double array (row wise).
toggleMute() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.VLCjDirectRenderPanel
Toggles the mute state.
toHTML(Node) - Method in class adams.gui.flow.tree.annotations.Markdown
Turns the actor's annotations into HTML.
toIntensityString() - Method in class adams.data.heatmap.Heatmap
Returns a comma-separated string of all the intensity values.
tokenize(String) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.tokenizer.AbstractTokenizer
Tokenizes the given string into words.
tokenize(String) - Method in class weka.core.tokenizers.TwitterNLPTokenizer
Sets the string to tokenize.
Tokenize - Class in adams.flow.transformer
Splits document strings into sentences using the specified document to sentences tokenizer.
Tokenize() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.Tokenize
tokenizerOptionsTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.tokenizer.StanfordPTBTokenizer
Returns the tip text for this property.
tokenizerTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.Tokenize
Returns the tip text for this property.
tokenizerTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.tokenizer.WekaTokenizer
Returns the tip text for this property.
tokenTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.StringToken
Returns the tip text for this property.
toleranceTipText() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.HighestTemperature
Returns the tip text for this property.
toleranceTipText() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.LowestTemperature
Returns the tip text for this property.
toList() - Method in class adams.data.heatmap.Heatmap
Returns a list with the points.
toList(DataPointComparator) - Method in class adams.data.heatmap.Heatmap
Returns a list with the points.
toMOAAttribute(Attribute) - Static method in class adams.core.MOAHelper
Converts a WEKA attribute to a MOA attribute.
toMOAInstance(Instance) - Static method in class adams.core.MOAHelper
Converts a WEKA instance into a MOA instance.
toMOAInstances(Instances) - Static method in class adams.core.MOAHelper
Converts a set of WEKA instances into a set of MOA instances.
toProperties() - Method in class adams.gui.application.AbstractBootstrappPreferencesPanel
Turns the parameters in the GUI into a properties object.
toProperties() - Method in class adams.gui.application.LatexSetupPanel
Turns the parameters in the GUI into a properties object.
toProperty(int) - Method in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.Binding
Turns this Binding into a property
toProperty(int) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.Binding
Turns this Binding into a property
toRaw() - Method in enum adams.core.gnuplot.SimplePlot.PlotType
Returns the raw enum string.
toShortCommandLine(Object) - Method in class adams.core.option.MOACommandLineHandler
Generates a commandline from the specified object.
toSpreadSheet() - Method in class adams.data.audioannotations.AudioAnnotations
Returns the content as spreadsheet.
toSpreadSheet() - Method in class adams.data.heatmap.Heatmap
Returns the content as spreadsheet.
toSpreadSheet() - Method in class adams.data.heatmap.HeatmapStatistic
Returns the content as spreadsheet.
toSpreadSheet() - Method in class adams.data.trail.Trail
Returns the content as spreadsheet.
toSpreadSheet() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.EventQueue
Turns the inner annotations into a spreadsheet.
toSpreadSheet() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.EventQueue
Turns the inner trail into a spreadsheet.
toStatistic() - Method in class adams.data.audioannotations.AudioAnnotations
Returns a statistic object for this object.
toStatistic() - Method in class adams.data.heatmap.Heatmap
Returns a statistic object for this object.
toStatistic() - Method in class adams.data.trail.Trail
Returns a statistic object for this object.
toString() - Method in enum adams.core.gnuplot.SimplePlot.PlotType
Returns the displays string.
toString() - Method in class adams.core.RObjectPath
Returns the path as a single string.
toString() - Method in class adams.data.audioannotations.AudioAnnotation
Returns a string representation of the point.
toString() - Method in class adams.data.audioannotations.AudioAnnotations
Returns a string representation of the sequence.
toString() - Method in class adams.data.gps.AbstractGPS
Turns the GPS object back into its string representation.
toString() - Method in class adams.data.gps.Coordinate
String representation.
toString() - Method in class adams.data.gps.GPSDecimalDegrees
Turns the GPS object back into its string representation.
toString() - Method in class adams.data.gps.GPSDecimalMinutes
Turns the GPS object back into its string representation.
toString() - Method in class adams.data.gps.GPSDecimalSeconds
Turns the GPS object back into its string representation.
toString() - Method in class adams.data.heatmap.Heatmap
Returns a short string representation.
toString() - Method in class adams.data.heatmap.HeatmapStatistic
Returns a string representation of the statistic.
toString() - Method in class adams.data.heatmap.HeatmapValue
Returns a string representation of the value.
toString() - Method in class adams.data.trail.Step
Returns a string representation of the point.
toString() - Method in class adams.data.trail.Trail
Returns a string representation of the sequence.
toString() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.Binding
toString() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.Binding
toString() - Method in class weka.classifiers.functions.PyroProxy
Returns a short description of the classifier.
toString(AbstractOption, Object) - Static method in enum adams.core.gnuplot.SimplePlot.PlotType
Returns the enum as string.
toString(AbstractOption, Object) - Static method in class adams.core.option.parsing.DockerDirectoryMappingParsing
Returns the BaseObject as string.
toString(AbstractOption, Object) - Static method in class adams.core.option.parsing.GPSParsing
Returns the GPS coordinates as string.
toString(AbstractOption, Object) - Static method in class adams.core.option.parsing.MOAClassOptionParsing
Returns the color as string.
toString(AbstractOption, Object) - Static method in class adams.core.option.parsing.RatReferenceParsing
Returns the reference as string.
toString(AbstractOption, Object) - Static method in class adams.core.option.parsing.RObjectPathParsing
Returns the reference as string.
toString(AbstractOption, Object) - Static method in class adams.gui.goe.BaseMeasureCollectionEditor
Returns the BaseMeasureCollection as string.
toTreeSet() - Method in class adams.data.heatmap.Heatmap
Returns a treeset with the points.
toTreeSet(DataPointComparator<HeatmapValue>) - Method in class adams.data.heatmap.Heatmap
Returns a treeset with the points, sorted according to the given comparator.
toWEKAAttribute(Attribute) - Static method in class adams.core.MOAHelper
Converts a MOA attribute into a WEKA attribute.
toWEKAInstance(Instance) - Static method in class adams.core.MOAHelper
Converts a MOA instance into a WEKA instance.
toWEKAInstances(Instances) - Static method in class adams.core.MOAHelper
Converts a set of MOA instances into a set of WEKA instances.
trackersTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.MultiObjectTracker
Returns the tip text for this property.
trackObjects(AbstractImageContainer) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.AbstractObjectTracker
Performs the tracking of the object.
trackObjects(AbstractImageContainer) - Method in interface adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.ObjectTracker
Performs the tracking of the object.
TrackObjects - Class in adams.flow.transformer
Tracks objects in images using the provided tracker algorithm.
TrackObjects() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.TrackObjects
Trail - Class in adams.data.trail
Encapsulates a series of steps, i.e., a trail.
Trail() - Constructor for class adams.data.trail.Trail
Initializes the trail.
TrailContainer - Class in adams.gui.visualization.trail
Container for trails.
TrailContainer(TrailContainerManager, Trail) - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.trail.TrailContainer
Initializes the container.
TrailContainerManager - Class in adams.gui.visualization.trail
Container manager for trails.
TrailContainerManager() - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.trail.TrailContainerManager
TrailDisplay - Class in adams.flow.sink
Actor that displays trails.
TrailDisplay() - Constructor for class adams.flow.sink.TrailDisplay
TrailExporter - Class in adams.gui.visualization.debug.objectexport
Exports Trail objects in the simple trail format.
TrailExporter() - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.debug.objectexport.TrailExporter
TrailFileChooser - Class in adams.gui.chooser
A specialized JFileChooser that lists all available file Readers and Writers for trails.
TrailFileChooser() - Constructor for class adams.gui.chooser.TrailFileChooser
Constructs a FileChooser pointing to the user's default directory.
TrailFileChooser(File) - Constructor for class adams.gui.chooser.TrailFileChooser
Constructs a FileChooser using the given File as the path.
TrailFileChooser(String) - Constructor for class adams.gui.chooser.TrailFileChooser
Constructs a FileChooser using the given path.
TrailFileReader - Class in adams.flow.transformer
Loads a file containing a trail from disk with the specified reader and passes it on.
TrailFileReader() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.TrailFileReader
TrailFileWriter - Class in adams.flow.transformer
Saves a trail to disk with the specified writer and passes the absolute filename on.
As filename/directory name (depending on the writer) the ID of the trail is used (below the specified output directory).
TrailFileWriter() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.TrailFileWriter
TrailFilter - Class in adams.flow.transformer
Filters data using the specified filter.
TrailFilter() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.TrailFilter
TrailFilterContainer - Class in adams.flow.container
Container for spectrum filters.
TrailFilterContainer() - Constructor for class adams.flow.container.TrailFilterContainer
Initializes the container.
TrailFilterContainer(Object, Filter, Trail) - Constructor for class adams.flow.container.TrailFilterContainer
Initializes the container with the filter and the associated data.
TrailPaintlet - Interface in adams.gui.visualization.trail.paintlet
Interface for trail paintlets.
TrailPanel - Class in adams.gui.visualization.trail
Panel for displaying a single trail.
TrailPanel(TrailViewerPanel) - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.trail.TrailPanel
Initializes the panel.
TrailRenderer - Class in adams.gui.visualization.debug.objectrenderer
Renders Trail objects.
TrailRenderer() - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.debug.objectrenderer.TrailRenderer
TrailStatistic - Class in adams.data.trail
Statistical information specific to a trail.
TrailStatistic() - Constructor for class adams.data.trail.TrailStatistic
Initializes the statistic.
TrailStatistic(Trail) - Constructor for class adams.data.trail.TrailStatistic
Initializes the statistic.
TrailToSpreadSheet - Class in adams.data.conversion
Turns a adams.data.trail.Trail object into a spreadsheet.
TrailToSpreadSheet() - Constructor for class adams.data.conversion.TrailToSpreadSheet
TrailViewer - Class in adams.gui.menu
For displaying trails.
TrailViewer() - Constructor for class adams.gui.menu.TrailViewer
Initializes the menu item with no owner.
TrailViewer(AbstractApplicationFrame) - Constructor for class adams.gui.menu.TrailViewer
Initializes the menu item.
TrailViewerPanel - Class in adams.gui.visualization.trail
Panel for viewing/processing trails.
TrailViewerPanel() - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.trail.TrailViewerPanel
TrailViewerPluginManager - Class in adams.gui.visualization.trail.plugins
Manages the plugins of the trail viewer tool.
TrailViewerPluginManager(TrailViewerPanel) - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.trail.plugins.TrailViewerPluginManager
Initializes the manager.
TrailWindow - Class in adams.data.filter
TrailWindow() - Constructor for class adams.data.filter.TrailWindow
transformerTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.flow.AbstractCallableTransformer
Returns the tip text for this property.
transformerTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.TransformTrackedObject
Returns the tip text for this property.
transformerTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientSinkWithCallableTransformer
Returns the tip text for this property.
transformerTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientSourceWithCallableTransformer
Returns the tip text for this property.
transformerTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientTransformerWithCallableTransformer
Returns the tip text for this property.
transformerTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceProviderWithCallableTransformer
Returns the tip text for this property.
transformerTipText() - Method in interface adams.flow.webservice.CallableTransformerSupport
Returns the tip text for this property.
transformTrackedObject(AbstractImageContainer, QuadrilateralLocation) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.TransformTrackedObject
Applies the callable transformer to the tracked object and updates the container.
TransformTrackedObject - Class in adams.flow.transformer
Transforms the tracked object, as specified in the report, using the specified callable transformer.
TransformTrackedObject() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.TransformTrackedObject
transmit() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.AbstractRatOutput
Performs the transmission.
transmit() - Method in interface adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.RatOutput
Performs the transmission.
transmit(Object) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.RatRunnable
Transmits the data.
transmitterTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Returns the tip text for this property.
traverseTree(SpreadSheet, Tree, String[]) - Method in class adams.data.conversion.StanfordParseTreeToSpreadSheet
Traverses the tree and adds the leaf data to the spreadsheet.
TRIANGLE - adams.gui.visualization.object.annotator.DEXTRMarkers.Shape
a triangle.
TRIANGLE - adams.gui.visualization.object.annotator.SAMMarkers.Shape
a triangle.
triangular(double, double) - Method in class adams.data.random.Random
Generate a random number from a symetric triangular random variable.
triangular(double, double, double) - Method in class adams.data.random.Random
Generate a random number from a non-symetric triangular random variable.
Triangular - Class in adams.data.random
Generates random numbers from a symetric triangular random variable.
Triangular() - Constructor for class adams.data.random.Triangular
Trim - Class in adams.data.wavefilter
Trims the Wave object left and/or right, using either sample number of time in seconds.
Only works if 'subChunk2Id' is 'data' not 'LIST'.
Trim() - Constructor for class adams.data.wavefilter.Trim
TrustManager - Class in adams.flow.standalone
Initializes a TrustManagerFactory instance using the specified keystore file and algorithm.
TrustManager() - Constructor for class adams.flow.standalone.TrustManager
TweeboParser - Class in adams.flow.transformer
Parses the incoming tweet text with the TweeboParser and forwards the generated CoNLL data.

For more information see:

- accepts:
- generates:

TweeboParser() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.TweeboParser
TweetNLPTagger - Class in adams.flow.transformer
Applies the TweetNLP tagger to the incoming string.
TweetNLPTagger() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.TweetNLPTagger
TwitterEmoticonScore - Class in weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute
Computes the happiness score of tweets using the supplied emoticon lexicon model.
TwitterEmoticonScore() - Constructor for class weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.TwitterEmoticonScore
TwitterNLPPos - Class in weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute
Adds attributes based on POS tags generate by TweetNLP POS tagger.
TwitterNLPPos() - Constructor for class weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.TwitterNLPPos
TwitterNLPTokenizer - Class in weka.core.tokenizers
Tokenizer using TweetNLP's Twokenize.
TwitterNLPTokenizer() - Constructor for class weka.core.tokenizers.TwitterNLPTokenizer
Twokenize - Class in adams.flow.transformer.tokenizer
Uses TweetNLP's Twokenize.

For more details on the tokenizer see:

Twokenize() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.tokenizer.Twokenize
type - Variable in class com.example.customerservice.Customer
type - Variable in class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.blob.Property
type - Variable in class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.text.Property
typeInTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.redisaction.BroadcastAndListen
Returns the tip text for this property.
typeOutTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.redisaction.BroadcastAndListen
Returns the tip text for this property.
typeTipText() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.GPSDistance
Returns the tip text for this property.
typeTipText() - Method in class adams.data.filter.HeatmapThreshold
Returns the tip text for this property.
typeTipText() - Method in class adams.data.wavefilter.Cut
Returns the tip text for this property.
typeTipText() - Method in class adams.data.wavefilter.Trim
Returns the tip text for this property.
typeTipText() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.NewSection
Returns the tip text for this property.
typeTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.KeyPairFileWriter
Returns the tip text for this property.
typeTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.redisaction.Publish
Returns the tip text for this property.
typeTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.redisaction.Set
Returns the tip text for this property.
typeTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.source.KeyPairFileReader
Returns the tip text for this property.
typeTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.source.KeyPairGenerator
Returns the tip text for this property.
typeTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.source.redisaction.Get
Returns the tip text for this property.
typeTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.source.WebcamInfo
Returns the tip text for this property.
typeTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.RedisSubscribe
Returns the tip text for this property.
typeTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.RedisPublish
Returns the tip text for this property.
typeTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.GetKeyFromKeyPair
Returns the tip text for this property.
typeTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapInfo
Returns the tip text for this property.
typeTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MovieInfo
Returns the tip text for this property.
typeTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.BoofCVMeanShiftLikelihood
Returns the tip text for this property.
typeTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RenjinObjectInfo
Returns the tip text for this property.


UNDERSCORE - adams.data.conversion.EscapeLatexCharacters.Characters
uniform(double, double) - Method in class adams.data.random.Random
Generate a random number from a uniform random variable.
uniform(double, double) - Method in class edu.cornell.lassp.houle.RngPack.RandomElement
Uniform - Class in adams.data.random
Generates random numbers from a uniform random variable.
Uniform() - Constructor for class adams.data.random.Uniform
UNKNOWN - nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.blob.DataType
UNKNOWN - nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.text.DataType
UNKNOWN_WORD - Static variable in class weka.core.tokenizers.cleaners.WordCluster
in case the word has no cluster mapping.
unmarshal(String) - Method in class org.w3._2001.xmlschema.Adapter1
unmarshal(String) - Method in class org.w3._2001.xmlschema.Adapter2
unmute() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.DirectRenderMediaPlayerPanel
unmutes the player
unmute() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.VLCjDirectRenderPanel
Unmutes the video
unpack(byte[], TFloatList, int, AudioFormat) - Static method in class adams.data.audio.SimpleAudioConversion
Converts: from a byte array (byte[]) to an audio sample array (float[]).
unparametrizedScriptsTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.GroovyServer
Returns the tip text for this property.
update() - Method in class adams.gui.audio.AudioPlaybackPanel
Updates buttons and time.
update() - Method in class adams.gui.core.MarkdownTextAreaWithPreview
Updates the markdown display.
update() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.AudioAnnotatorPanel
Updates title and menu items.
update() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.AnnotatorPanel
Updates title and menu items.
update() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.object.tools.AbstractRedisTool
Hook method for when new annotations have been set.
update() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.VLCjDirectRenderPanel
Updates title and menu items.
update(AbstractEnvironment) - Method in class adams.env.LatexDefinition
Updates the environment object with its definition for the props file (whether to add/replace/etc the values).
update(AbstractEnvironment) - Method in class adams.env.RProjectDefinition
Updates the environment object with its definition for the props file (whether to add/replace/etc the values).
update(LineEvent) - Method in class adams.flow.sink.AudioPlayback
Informs the listener that a line's state has changed.
update(LineEvent) - Method in class adams.gui.audio.AudioPlaybackPanel
Informs the listener that a line's state has changed.
updateBindingBar() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.AudioAnnotatorPanel
Updates the binding bar to contain an indicator for every binding
updateBindingBar() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.AnnotatorPanel
Updates the binding bar to contain an indicator for every binding
updateButtons() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.ratcontrol.AbstractControlPanel
Updates the state of the buttons.
updateButtons() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.ratcontrol.RatControlPanel
Updates the state of the buttons.
updateButtons() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.ratcontrol.RatControlState
Updates the state of the buttons.
updateButtons() - Method in class adams.gui.audio.AudioPlaybackPanel
Updates the enabled state of the buttons.
updateButtons() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.DockerContainersPanel
Updates the enabled state of the widgets.
updateButtons() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.DockerImagesPanel
Updates the enabled state of the widgets.
updateButtons() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.remotecontrolcenter.panels.RatsTab
Updates the state of the buttons.
updateButtons() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.ExtractBackgroundDialog
Updates the state of the buttons.
updateButtons() - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.AbstractRemoteFlowCommandAction
Updates the state of the buttons.
updateButtons() - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.Rats
Updates the state of the buttons.
updateButtons() - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.RemoteFlowCommands
Updates the state of the buttons.
updateButtons() - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.RemoteLogging
Updates the buttons.
updateControls() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.VLCjDirectRenderPanel
Updates the state of the buttons.
updateCustomer(Customer) - Method in interface com.example.customerservice.CustomerService
updateCustomer(Customer) - Method in class com.example.customerservice.server.CustomerServiceImpl
UpdateCustomer - Class in com.example.customerservice.flow
Simple client for querying customer names.
UpdateCustomer - Class in com.example.customerservice
Java class for updateCustomer complex type.
UpdateCustomer() - Constructor for class com.example.customerservice.flow.UpdateCustomer
UpdateCustomer() - Constructor for class com.example.customerservice.UpdateCustomer
updateDatabaseConnection() - Method in class adams.data.featuregenerator.AbstractDatabaseConnectionFeatureGenerator
Updates the database connection in dependent schemes.
updateDatabaseConnection() - Method in class adams.data.featuregenerator.FilteredFeatureGenerator
Updates the database connection in dependent schemes.
updateDatabaseConnection() - Method in class adams.data.featuregenerator.MultiGenerator
Updates the database connection in the sub-generators.
updateDatabaseConnection() - Method in class adams.data.filter.HeatmapFeatureGenerator
Updates the database connection in the filter.
updateDetectedVariables() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.AbstractRatOutput
Updates the detected variables.
updateMenu() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.AudioAnnotatorPanel
Updates the state of the menu items.
updateMenu() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.AnnotatorPanel
Updates the state of the menu items.
updateMenu() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapViewerPanel
updates the enabled state of the menu items.
updateMenu() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.TrailViewerPanel
updates the enabled state of the menu items.
updateMenu() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.VLCjDirectRenderPanel
Updates the state of the menu items.
updateMinMax(int, int, double) - Method in class adams.data.heatmap.Heatmap
Updates the min/max values.
updateModelTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAClassifying
Returns the tip text for this property.
updateModelTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAClustering
Returns the tip text for this property.
updateModelTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOARegressing
Returns the tip text for this property.
updatePrefix() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.AbstractRatInput
Updates the prefix of the logger.
updatePrefix() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.AbstractRatOutput
Updates the prefix of the logger.
updateRats(SpreadSheet) - Method in class adams.gui.tools.remotecontrolcenter.panels.RatsTab
Updates the rat status panel.
updateRats(SpreadSheet) - Method in class adams.terminal.menu.remotecommand.Rats
Updates the rat status panel.
updateTime(boolean) - Method in class adams.gui.audio.AudioPlaybackPanel
Updates the displayed time.
updateTitle() - Method in class adams.gui.tools.audioannotator.AudioAnnotatorPanel
Updates the title of the dialog.
updateTitle() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.AnnotatorPanel
Updates the title of the dialog.
updateTitle() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.VLCjDirectRenderPanel
Updates the title of the dialog.
updateValue(TreePath) - Method in class adams.gui.goe.RatReferenceEditor
Updates the value of the text field if possble, using the last component on the given tree path.
updateVariables() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.AbstractRatOutput
Gets called when the actor needs to be re-setUp when a variable changes.
updateVariables() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAInstanceDumper
Gets called when the actor needs to be re-setUp when a variable changes.
upload(String) - Method in class adams.flow.rest.text.RatsTextUpload
For uploading text to be processed in a Rat actor.
upload(UploadRequest) - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.blob.SimpleRatsBlobService
Downloads a spectrum.
upload(UploadRequest) - Method in interface nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.blob.RatsBlobService
upload(UploadRequest) - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.text.SimpleRatsTextService
Downloads a spectrum.
upload(UploadRequest) - Method in interface nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.text.RatsTextService
Upload - Class in adams.flow.webservice.blob
Uploads a BlobContainer.
Upload - Class in adams.flow.webservice.text
Uploads a TextContainer.
Upload() - Constructor for class adams.flow.webservice.blob.Upload
Upload() - Constructor for class adams.flow.webservice.text.Upload
UploadRequest - Class in nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.blob
Java class for uploadRequest complex type.
UploadRequest - Class in nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.text
Java class for uploadRequest complex type.
UploadRequest() - Constructor for class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.blob.UploadRequest
UploadRequest() - Constructor for class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.text.UploadRequest
UploadResponse - Class in nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.blob
Java class for uploadResponse complex type.
UploadResponse - Class in nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.text
Java class for uploadResponse complex type.
UploadResponse() - Constructor for class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.blob.UploadResponse
UploadResponse() - Constructor for class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.text.UploadResponse
URL - Static variable in class adams.data.audio.AbstractAudioContainer
the key in the report for the URL.
URL - Static variable in class weka.core.tokenizers.cleaners.NormalizeURLs
the url to replace all urls with.
URLTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTProvider
Returns the tip text for this property.
URLTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceProvider
Returns the tip text for this property.
USE_LOWER_CASE - Static variable in class weka.core.tokenizers.TwitterNLPTokenizer
useAbsolutePathTipText() - Method in class adams.core.gnuplot.AbstractScriptletWithDataFile
Returns the tip text for this property.
useAbsoluteSourceTipText() - Method in class adams.data.io.input.AbstractHeatmapReader
Returns the tip text for this property.
useAlternativeURLTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientSink
Returns the tip text for this property.
useAlternativeURLTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientSource
Returns the tip text for this property.
useAlternativeURLTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.rest.AbstractRESTClientTransformer
Returns the tip text for this property.
useAlternativeURLTipText() - Method in interface adams.flow.rest.AlternativeUrlSupporter
Returns the tip text for this property.
useAlternativeURLTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientSink
Returns the tip text for this property.
useAlternativeURLTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientSource
Returns the tip text for this property.
useAlternativeURLTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.AbstractWebServiceClientTransformer
Returns the tip text for this property.
useAlternativeURLTipText() - Method in interface adams.flow.webservice.AlternativeUrlSupporter
Returns the tip text for this property.
useCompressionTipText() - Method in class adams.data.io.output.SimpleHeatmapWriter
Returns the tip text for this property.
useCustomRangeTipText() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.HeatmapToBufferedImageWithKey
Tip text for this property
useDefaultContextTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.SSLContext
Returns the tip text for this property.
useFixedMinMaxTipText() - Method in class adams.data.audiofeaturegenerator.wave.Histogram
Returns the tip text for this property.
useFixedMinMaxTipText() - Method in class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.Histogram
Returns the tip text for this property.
useFixedRangeTipText() - Method in class adams.data.conversion.HeatmapToBufferedImage
Returns the tip text for this property.
useLowerCaseTipText() - Method in class weka.core.tokenizers.TwitterNLPTokenizer
Returns the tip text for this property.
useModelResetVariableTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AbstractProcessMOAInstanceWithModel
Returns the tip text for this property.
USER - Static variable in class weka.core.tokenizers.cleaners.NormalizeTwitterUsers
the user to replace all users with.
useRelationNameAsFilenameTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAInstanceDumper
Returns the tip text for this property.
userTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.SimpleDockerConnection
Returns the tip text for this property.
usesCompressedDirStructure() - Method in class adams.core.management.AbstractBootstrappClassPathAugmenter
Returns whether bootstrapp compresses the directory structure.
usesCompressedDirStructure() - Method in class adams.core.management.RenjinClassPathAugmenter
Returns whether bootstrapp compresses the directory structure.
useSingleDataFileTipText() - Method in class adams.core.gnuplot.MultiScriptlet
Returns the tip text for this property.
useSSLTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RedisConnection
Returns the tip text for this property.


Validate - Class in adams.flow.maven.shared
Simple argument validator, inspired by the commons-lang.
validateMinMax() - Method in class adams.data.trail.Trail
Initializes the min/max X/Y points.
value - Variable in class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.blob.Property
value - Variable in class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.text.Property
value() - Method in enum com.example.customerservice.CustomerType
value() - Method in enum nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.blob.DataType
value() - Method in enum nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.text.DataType
VALUE_ABSTENTION_CLASSIFICATION - Static variable in class adams.flow.container.MOAPredictionContainer
the identifier for the classification of an abstaining classifier.
VALUE_ABSTENTION_CLASSIFICATION_LABEL - Static variable in class adams.flow.container.MOAPredictionContainer
the identifier for the classification label of an abstaining classifier.
VALUE_ABSTENTION_DISTRIBUTION - Static variable in class adams.flow.container.MOAPredictionContainer
the identifier for the distribution of an abstaining classifier.
VALUE_CLASSIFICATION - Static variable in class adams.flow.container.MOAPredictionContainer
the identifier for the Classification.
VALUE_CLASSIFICATION_LABEL - Static variable in class adams.flow.container.MOAPredictionContainer
the identifier for the Classification's label.
VALUE_CLUSTER - Static variable in class adams.flow.container.MOAClusteringContainer
the identifier for the Cluster.
VALUE_DATASET - Static variable in class adams.flow.container.MOAModelContainer
the identifier for the full dataset.
VALUE_DISTRIBUTION - Static variable in class adams.flow.container.MOAClusteringContainer
the identifier for the Distribution.
VALUE_DISTRIBUTION - Static variable in class adams.flow.container.MOAPredictionContainer
the identifier for the Distribution.
VALUE_ERROR - Static variable in class adams.flow.container.ErrorContainer
the key for the error message.
VALUE_HEADER - Static variable in class adams.flow.container.MOAModelContainer
the identifier for the Header.
VALUE_INSTANCE - Static variable in class adams.flow.container.MOAClusteringContainer
the identifier for the Instance.
VALUE_INSTANCE - Static variable in class adams.flow.container.MOAPredictionContainer
the identifier for the Instance.
VALUE_LOGDENSITY - Static variable in class adams.flow.container.MOAClusteringContainer
the identifier for the LogDensity.
VALUE_LOGDENSITYPERCLUSTER - Static variable in class adams.flow.container.MOAClusteringContainer
the identifier for the LogDensityPerCluster.
VALUE_LOGJOINTDENSITIES - Static variable in class adams.flow.container.MOAClusteringContainer
the identifier for the LogJointDensities.
VALUE_MODEL - Static variable in class adams.flow.container.MekaResultContainer
the identifier for the Model.
VALUE_MODEL - Static variable in class adams.flow.container.MOAModelContainer
the identifier for the Model.
VALUE_PAYLOAD - Static variable in class adams.flow.container.ErrorContainer
the key for the payload.
VALUE_RANGECHECK - Static variable in class adams.flow.container.MOAPredictionContainer
the identifier for the Range check.
VALUE_RESULT - Static variable in class adams.flow.container.MekaResultContainer
the identifier for the Result.
VALUE_SOURCE - Static variable in class adams.flow.container.ErrorContainer
the key for the origin.
valueNameTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.ContainerValuePicker
Returns the tip text for this property.
valueOf(AbstractOption, String) - Static method in enum adams.core.gnuplot.SimplePlot.PlotType
Returns an enum generated from the string.
valueOf(AbstractOption, String) - Static method in class adams.core.option.parsing.DockerDirectoryMappingParsing
Returns a BaseObject generated from the string.
valueOf(AbstractOption, String) - Static method in class adams.core.option.parsing.GPSParsing
Returns GPS coordinates generated from the string.
valueOf(AbstractOption, String) - Static method in class adams.core.option.parsing.MOAClassOptionParsing
Returns a color generated from the string.
valueOf(AbstractOption, String) - Static method in class adams.core.option.parsing.RatReferenceParsing
Returns a reference generated from the string.
valueOf(AbstractOption, String) - Static method in class adams.core.option.parsing.RObjectPathParsing
Returns a reference generated from the string.
valueOf(AbstractOption, String) - Static method in class adams.gui.goe.BaseMeasureCollectionEditor
Returns a BaseMeasureCollection generated from the string.
valueOf(Class, String) - Static method in class adams.core.option.parsing.GPSParsing
Turns the string into an instance of the specified GPS class.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum adams.core.gnuplot.SimplePlot.PlotType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum adams.core.RDataType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum adams.data.conversion.EscapeLatexCharacters.Characters
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum adams.data.conversion.GPSDistance.DistanceCalculationType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum adams.data.filter.HeatmapRotate.Rotation
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum adams.data.filter.HeatmapThreshold.MissingValuesHandling
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum adams.data.filter.HeatmapThreshold.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum adams.data.gps.Map.MapType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum adams.data.redis.RedisDataType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum adams.data.wavefilter.WaveIndexingType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum adams.doc.latex.generator.AbstractFileReferencingCodeGenerator.PathType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum adams.doc.latex.generator.BlockSize.FontSize
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum adams.doc.latex.generator.NewSection.PageAction
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum adams.doc.latex.generator.NewSection.SectionType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum adams.docker.simpledocker.PullType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum adams.flow.core.KeyPairElement
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum adams.flow.core.RatMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum adams.flow.core.RatState
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum adams.flow.source.WebcamInfo.InfoType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapInfo.InfoType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum adams.flow.transformer.MjpegImageSequence.OutputType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum adams.flow.transformer.MOAInstanceDumper.OutputFormat
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum adams.flow.transformer.MovieInfo.InfoType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum adams.flow.transformer.RenjinObjectInfo.InfoType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum adams.gui.visualization.object.annotator.DEXTRMarkers.Shape
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum adams.gui.visualization.object.annotator.SAMMarkers.Shape
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum adams.scripting.command.flow.SendRatControlCommand.Command
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.example.customerservice.CustomerType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.blob.DataType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.text.DataType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum adams.core.gnuplot.SimplePlot.PlotType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum adams.core.RDataType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum adams.data.conversion.EscapeLatexCharacters.Characters
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum adams.data.conversion.GPSDistance.DistanceCalculationType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum adams.data.filter.HeatmapRotate.Rotation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum adams.data.filter.HeatmapThreshold.MissingValuesHandling
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum adams.data.filter.HeatmapThreshold.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum adams.data.gps.Map.MapType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum adams.data.redis.RedisDataType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum adams.data.wavefilter.WaveIndexingType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum adams.doc.latex.generator.AbstractFileReferencingCodeGenerator.PathType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum adams.doc.latex.generator.BlockSize.FontSize
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum adams.doc.latex.generator.NewSection.PageAction
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum adams.doc.latex.generator.NewSection.SectionType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum adams.docker.simpledocker.PullType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum adams.flow.core.KeyPairElement
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum adams.flow.core.RatMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum adams.flow.core.RatState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum adams.flow.source.WebcamInfo.InfoType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapInfo.InfoType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum adams.flow.transformer.MjpegImageSequence.OutputType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum adams.flow.transformer.MOAInstanceDumper.OutputFormat
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum adams.flow.transformer.MovieInfo.InfoType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum adams.flow.transformer.RenjinObjectInfo.InfoType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum adams.gui.visualization.object.annotator.DEXTRMarkers.Shape
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum adams.gui.visualization.object.annotator.SAMMarkers.Shape
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum adams.scripting.command.flow.SendRatControlCommand.Command
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.example.customerservice.CustomerType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.blob.DataType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.text.DataType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
Values - Class in adams.data.heatmapfeatures
Gets all the values of the heatmap.
Values() - Constructor for class adams.data.heatmapfeatures.Values
VALUES - adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapInfo.InfoType
all (unique) values.
valueTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.source.NewHeatmap
Returns the tip text for this property.
valueTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapSetValue
Returns the tip text for this property.
valueTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.multiheatmapoperation.AddConstant
Returns the tip text for this property.
Variable - Class in adams.flow.standalone.rats.input
Outputs the specified variable, if possible

Variable() - Constructor for class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Variable
variableChanged(VariableChangeEvent) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.AbstractRatOutput
Gets triggered when a variable changed (added, modified, removed).
variableChanged(VariableChangeEvent) - Method in interface adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.RatOutput
Gets triggered when a variable changed (added, modified, removed).
variableChanged(VariableChangeEvent) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AbstractProcessMOAInstanceWithModel
Gets triggered when a variable changed (added, modified, removed).
variableChanged(VariableChangeEvent) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapFeatureGenerator
Gets triggered when a variable changed (added, modified, removed).
variableChanged(VariableChangeEvent) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.WaveFeatureGenerator
Gets triggered when a variable changed (added, modified, removed).
variableNameTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.RenjinSink
Returns the tip text for this property.
variableNameTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Variable
Returns the tip text for this property.
variableNameTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapFeatureGenerator
Returns the tip text for this property.
variableNameTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RenjinAddContext
Returns the tip text for this property.
variableNameTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RenjinTransformer
Returns the tip text for this property.
variableNameTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.WaveFeatureGenerator
Returns the tip text for this property.
variablesRegExpTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Returns the tip text for this property.
vbrString(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.audioinfo.MP3
VECTORS - adams.core.gnuplot.SimplePlot.PlotType
vectorToStringArray(Vector) - Static method in class adams.core.RObjectHelper
Turns the vector into a string array.
Verbatim - Class in adams.doc.latex.generator
Outputs the specified statements in a verbatim block.
Verbatim() - Constructor for class adams.doc.latex.generator.Verbatim
VIDEO_FORMAT - adams.flow.transformer.MovieInfo.InfoType
the format of the movie (per video stream).
VIDEO_FRAME_RATE - adams.flow.transformer.MovieInfo.InfoType
the frame rate of the movie (per video stream).
VIDEO_HEIGHT - adams.flow.transformer.MovieInfo.InfoType
the height of the movie (per video stream).
VIDEO_SESSION_FILE - Static variable in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.AnnotatorPanel
VIDEO_WIDTH - adams.flow.transformer.MovieInfo.InfoType
the width of the movie (per video stream).
VideoUtilities - Class in adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer
A utility class that contains helpful methods for working with videos
VideoUtilities() - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.VideoUtilities
viewBackground() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.annotator.AnnotatorPanel
shows the current background image in a dialog
VINCENTY - adams.data.conversion.GPSDistance.DistanceCalculationType
VLCjDirectRenderPanel - Class in adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer
A basic video player.
VLCjDirectRenderPanel() - Constructor for class adams.gui.visualization.video.vlcjplayer.VLCjDirectRenderPanel
VLCjPlayer - Class in adams.gui.menu
For playing videos using VLCj.
VLCjPlayer() - Constructor for class adams.gui.menu.VLCjPlayer
Initializes the menu item with no owner.
VLCjPlayer(AbstractApplicationFrame) - Constructor for class adams.gui.menu.VLCjPlayer
Initializes the menu item.
VlcjVideoHandler - Class in adams.gui.tools.previewbrowser
Displays the following video files using VLCj: 3gp,avi,mov,mp4,mpeg,mpg,m2ts,mkv,mts,ogv,ts,vob,webm,wmv

VlcjVideoHandler() - Constructor for class adams.gui.tools.previewbrowser.VlcjVideoHandler


waitFTPTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.FtpUpload
Returns the tip text for this property.
waitingPeriodTipText() - Method in class adams.core.gnuplot.Pause
Returns the tip text for this property.
waitListTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.FileLister
Returns the tip text for this property.
waitMoveTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.FileMover
Returns the tip text for this property.
waitPollTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.AbstractPollingRatInput
Returns the tip text for this property.
waitPollTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.DirWatch
Returns the tip text for this property.
waitPollTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.InputPolling
Returns the tip text for this property.
waitPollTipText() - Method in interface adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.PollingRatInput
Returns the tip text for this property.
waitTipText() - Method in class adams.docker.simpledocker.StopContainers
Returns the tip text for this property.
waitTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.enqueue.MaxQueueSize
Returns the tip text for this property.
warnAboutIncorrectPluginConfiguration(String, String) - Method in class adams.flow.maven.AbstractAdamsMojo
Convenience method to invoke when some plugin configuration is incorrect.
Wave - Class in adams.flow.transformer.audiodata
Reads data from WAV files or URLs.
Wave - Class in adams.flow.transformer.audioinfo
Outputs information on the incoming Wave data.
Wave() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.audiodata.Wave
Wave() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.audioinfo.Wave
WaveContainer - Class in adams.data.audio
Container for WAV data.
WaveContainer() - Constructor for class adams.data.audio.WaveContainer
WaveFeatureGenerator - Class in adams.flow.transformer
Applies an Wave feature generator to the incoming image and outputs the generated features.
WaveFeatureGenerator() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.WaveFeatureGenerator
WaveFilter - Class in adams.flow.transformer
WaveFilter() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.WaveFilter
WaveIndexingType - Enum in adams.data.wavefilter
How to index the Wave object.
WaveToAmplitudes - Class in adams.data.conversion
Extracts the amplitudes from a Wave object.
WaveToAmplitudes() - Constructor for class adams.data.conversion.WaveToAmplitudes
WaveToSpectrogram - Class in adams.data.conversion
Generates a spectrogram from the incoming Wave container.
WaveToSpectrogram() - Constructor for class adams.data.conversion.WaveToSpectrogram
WaveToWaveContainer - Class in adams.data.conversion
Puts a Wave into a WaveContainer.
WaveToWaveContainer() - Constructor for class adams.data.conversion.WaveToWaveContainer
WebcamImage - Class in adams.flow.source
Grabs a frame from the specified webcam.
WebcamImage() - Constructor for class adams.flow.source.WebcamImage
WebcamInfo - Class in adams.flow.source
Outputs info on webcams.
WebcamInfo() - Constructor for class adams.flow.source.WebcamInfo
WebcamInfo.InfoType - Enum in adams.flow.source
webcamTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.source.WebcamImage
Returns the tip text for this property.
webcamTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.source.WebcamInfo
Returns the tip text for this property.
WebServer - Class in adams.flow.standalone
Provides a simple web server using an embedded jetty server.
Depending on the used handlers, it can do more than just serve static files.
WebServer() - Constructor for class adams.flow.standalone.WebServer
WebServiceClient - Interface in adams.flow.webservice
Interface for classes that use webservices.
WebServiceClientConsumer<T> - Interface in adams.flow.webservice
Interface for classes that use webservices, sending data to them.
WebServiceClientProducer<T> - Interface in adams.flow.webservice
Interface for classes that use webservices.
WebServiceClientProducerResponseDataEvent - Class in adams.event
Gets sent when a WebServiceClientProducer received data.
WebServiceClientProducerResponseDataEvent(WebServiceClientProducer) - Constructor for class adams.event.WebServiceClientProducerResponseDataEvent
Constructs a prototypical Event.
WebServiceClientProducerResponseDataListener - Interface in adams.event
Interface for classes that listen to events of webservices receiving response data.
WebserviceInput - Class in adams.flow.standalone.rats.input
Uses a webservice for retrieving data from a webservice.
WebserviceInput() - Constructor for class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.WebserviceInput
WebserviceOutput - Class in adams.flow.standalone.rats.output
Allows to send data to webservices using the supplied client.
If the webservice client implements adams.flow.webservice.WebServiceClientProducer then the supplied post-processor can be used to inspect the response from the webservice, e.g., for inspecting any error messages.
WebserviceOutput() - Constructor for class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.WebserviceOutput
WebServiceProvider - Interface in adams.flow.webservice
Interface for webservice providers, i.e., the server side.
webServiceReponseDataReceived(WebServiceClientProducerResponseDataEvent) - Method in interface adams.event.WebServiceClientProducerResponseDataListener
Gets called whenever data was received from the webservice.
webServiceReponseDataReceived(WebServiceClientProducerResponseDataEvent) - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.WebserviceInput
Gets called whenever data was received from the webservice.
webServiceTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.RESTTextReception
Returns the tip text for this property.
webServiceTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.WSBlobReception
Returns the tip text for this property.
webServiceTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.WSTextReception
Returns the tip text for this property.
webServiceTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RESTServer
Returns the tip text for this property.
webServiceTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.WSServer
Returns the tip text for this property.
webserviceToContainer(Blob) - Static method in class adams.flow.core.RatsBlobHelper
Converts a Webservice Blob object into a BlobContainer.
webserviceToContainer(Text) - Static method in class adams.flow.core.RatsTextHelper
Converts a Webservice Text object into a TextContainer.
WebserviceUtils - Class in adams.flow.webservice
Utility class around webservices.
WebserviceUtils() - Constructor for class adams.flow.webservice.WebserviceUtils
WebsocketOutput - Class in adams.flow.standalone.rats.output
Allows to send data to webservices using the supplied client.
WebsocketOutput() - Constructor for class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.WebsocketOutput
weibull(double, double) - Method in class adams.data.random.Random
Generate a random number from a Weibull random variable.
Weibull - Class in adams.data.random
Generates random numbers from a Weibull random variable with specified mean and standard deviation.
Weibull() - Constructor for class adams.data.random.Weibull
weka.classifiers.functions - package weka.classifiers.functions
weka.core - package weka.core
weka.core.tokenizers - package weka.core.tokenizers
weka.core.tokenizers.cleaners - package weka.core.tokenizers.cleaners
weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute - package weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute
WEKAInstancesToMOAInstances - Class in adams.data.conversion
Converts WEKA instances into MOA instances.
WEKAInstancesToMOAInstances() - Constructor for class adams.data.conversion.WEKAInstancesToMOAInstances
WekaStemmer - Class in adams.flow.transformer.stemmer
Uses the selected Weka stemmer.
WekaStemmer() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.stemmer.WekaStemmer
WekaTokenizer - Class in adams.flow.transformer.tokenizer
Uses the specified Weka tokenizer.
WekaTokenizer() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.tokenizer.WekaTokenizer
welcomeFilesTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.webserver.ResourceHandler
Returns the tip text for this property.
Well1024a - Class in adams.data.random
This class implements the WELL1024a pseudo-random number generator from Francois Panneton, Pierre L'Ecuyer and Makoto Matsumoto

Well1024a() - Constructor for class adams.data.random.Well1024a
Well19937a - Class in adams.data.random
This class implements the Well19937a pseudo-random number generator from Francois Panneton, Pierre L'Ecuyer and Makoto Matsumoto

Well19937a() - Constructor for class adams.data.random.Well19937a
Well19937c - Class in adams.data.random
This class implements the Well19937c pseudo-random number generator from Francois Panneton, Pierre L'Ecuyer and Makoto Matsumoto

Well19937c() - Constructor for class adams.data.random.Well19937c
Well44497a - Class in adams.data.random
This class implements the Well44497a pseudo-random number generator from Francois Panneton, Pierre L'Ecuyer and Makoto Matsumoto

Well44497a() - Constructor for class adams.data.random.Well44497a
Well44497b - Class in adams.data.random
This class implements the Well44497b pseudo-random number generator from Francois Panneton, Pierre L'Ecuyer and Makoto Matsumoto

Well44497b() - Constructor for class adams.data.random.Well44497b
Well512a - Class in adams.data.random
This class implements the Well512a pseudo-random number generator from Francois Panneton, Pierre L'Ecuyer and Makoto Matsumoto

Well512a() - Constructor for class adams.data.random.Well512a
WIDTH - adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapInfo.InfoType
the width.
WIDTH - Static variable in class adams.data.heatmap.HeatmapStatistic
the width.
widthTipText() - Method in class adams.data.filter.heatmapcrop.CropToCentroid
Returns the tip text for this property.
widthTipText() - Method in class adams.data.filter.heatmapcrop.Rectangle
Returns the tip text for this property.
widthTipText() - Method in class adams.data.filter.heatmapcrop.Submap
Returns the tip text for this property.
widthTipText() - Method in class adams.data.filter.HeatmapSubmap
Returns the tip text for this property.
widthTipText() - Method in class adams.data.io.input.FloatMatrixHeatmapReader
Returns the tip text for this property.
widthTipText() - Method in class adams.data.video.AbstractScreenRecorder
Returns the tip text for this property.
widthTipText() - Method in class adams.data.video.AbstractWebcamRecorder
Returns the tip text for this property.
widthTipText() - Method in class adams.doc.latex.generator.MiniPage
Returns the tip text for this property.
widthTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.source.NewTrail
Returns the tip text for this property.
widthTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.source.WebcamImage
Returns the tip text for this property.
widthTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.GenerateWordCloud
Returns the tip text for this property.
widthTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.RectangleBackground
Returns the tip text for this property.
widthTipText() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.AbstractPositionableHeatmapOverlayWithDimensions
Returns the tip text for this property.
widthTipText() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.TextOverlay
Returns the tip text for this property.
WordCluster - Class in weka.core.tokenizers.cleaners
Replaces words with clusters.
WordCluster() - Constructor for class weka.core.tokenizers.cleaners.WordCluster
WordFrequenciesToSpreadShet - Class in adams.data.conversion
Turns word frequencies into a spreadsheet with two columns: Word, Frequency

WordFrequenciesToSpreadShet() - Constructor for class adams.data.conversion.WordFrequenciesToSpreadShet
WordFrequencyAnalyzer - Class in adams.flow.transformer
Generates a word frequency analyzer from the incoming text.
WordFrequencyAnalyzer() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.WordFrequencyAnalyzer
WordFrequencyToString - Class in adams.data.conversion
Converts word frequencies into strings, using the following format: word<DELIMITER>frequency

WordFrequencyToString() - Constructor for class adams.data.conversion.WordFrequencyToString
workingDirectoryTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.Exec
Returns the tip text for this property.
workingDirectoryTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.Exec
Returns the tip text for this property.
workSpaceTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.objecttracker.BoofCVCirculant
Returns the tip text for this property.
wrapUp() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.RESTSink
Cleans up after the execution has finished.
wrapUp() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.RSink
Closes the Rserve connection as the flow finishes.
wrapUp() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.WSSink
Cleans up after the execution has finished.
wrapUp() - Method in class adams.flow.source.RSource
Closes the Rserve connection as the flow finishes.
wrapUp() - Method in class adams.flow.source.WebcamImage
Cleans up after the execution has finished.
wrapUp() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Cleans up after the execution has finished.
wrapUp() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RecordingSetup
Cleans up after the execution has finished.
wrapUp() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RedisConnection
Cleans up after the execution has finished.
wrapUp() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RESTServer
Cleans up after the execution has finished.
wrapUp() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.RStandalone
Closes the Rserve connection as the panel closes.
wrapUp() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.SimpleDockerConnection
Cleans up after the execution has finished.
wrapUp() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.WSServer
Cleans up after the execution has finished.
wrapUp() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AbstractProcessMOAInstanceWithModel
Cleans up after the execution has finished.
wrapUp() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.ArrayFolds
Cleans up after the execution has finished.
wrapUp() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapFeatureGenerator
Cleans up after the execution has finished.
wrapUp() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAClassifierEvaluation
Cleans up after the execution has finished.
wrapUp() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAClustererEvaluation
Cleans up after the execution has finished.
wrapUp() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAInstanceDumper
Cleans up after the execution has finished.
wrapUp() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOARegressorEvaluation
Cleans up after the execution has finished.
wrapUp() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOATrainClassifier
Cleans up after the execution has finished.
wrapUp() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOATrainClusterer
Cleans up after the execution has finished.
wrapUp() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOATrainRegressor
Cleans up after the execution has finished.
wrapUp() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MovieImageSequence
Cleans up after the execution has finished.
wrapUp() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RESTTransformer
Cleans up after the execution has finished.
wrapUp() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.RTransformer
Closes the Rserve connection as the flow finishes.
wrapUp() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.WaveFeatureGenerator
Cleans up after the execution has finished.
wrapUp() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.WSTransformer
Cleans up after the execution has finished.
wrapUpAfterExecutionTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Returns the tip text for this property.
wrapUpRunnable() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.Rat
Nulls the runnable and notifies listeners.
write(List<Heatmap>, BufferedWriter, boolean) - Method in class adams.data.io.output.SimpleHeatmapWriter
Writes its content with the given writer.
write(List<Heatmap>, String, boolean) - Method in class adams.data.io.output.SimpleHeatmapWriter
Writes its content to the given file.
write(LoggingMessage) - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.outgoing.AbstractOutgoingCallback
Callback specific handling of the generated buffer.
write(LoggingMessage) - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.outgoing.OutgoingFileBasedCallback
Outputs the buffer using its logger.
write(LoggingMessage) - Method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.outgoing.OutgoingLoggingCallback
Outputs the buffer using its logger.
write(LoggingMessage) - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.AbstractOutgoingCallback
Callback specific handling of the generated buffer.
write(LoggingMessage) - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.OutgoingFileBasedCallback
Outputs the buffer using its logger.
write(LoggingMessage) - Method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.OutgoingLoggingCallback
Outputs the buffer using its logger.
writeData(List<AudioAnnotations>) - Method in class adams.data.io.output.SimpleAudioAnnotationsWriter
Performs the actual writing.
writeData(List<Heatmap>) - Method in class adams.data.io.output.FloatMatrixHeatmapWriter
Performs the actual writing.
writeData(List<Heatmap>) - Method in class adams.data.io.output.SimpleHeatmapWriter
Performs the actual writing.
writeData(List<Heatmap>) - Method in class adams.data.io.output.SimpleImageHeatmapWriter
Performs the actual writing.
writeData(List<Heatmap>) - Method in class adams.data.io.output.SpreadSheetHeatmapWriter
Performs the actual writing.
writeData(List<Trail>) - Method in class adams.data.io.output.SimpleTrailWriter
Performs the actual writing.
writeIncomingMessage(Message) - Static method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.InterceptorHelper
Writes the message to a buffer.
writeIncomingMessage(Message) - Static method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.InterceptorHelper
Writes the message to a buffer.
writeIncomingPayload(StringBuilder, CachedOutputStream, String, String) - Static method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.InterceptorHelper
Writes the payload of a message to the buffer.
writeIncomingPayload(StringBuilder, CachedOutputStream, String, String) - Static method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.InterceptorHelper
Writes the payload of a message to the buffer.
writeOutgoingPayload(StringBuilder, Message, CachedOutputStream, String, String) - Static method in class adams.flow.rest.interceptor.InterceptorHelper
Writes the outgoing payload to a buffer.
writeOutgoingPayload(StringBuilder, Message, CachedOutputStream, String, String) - Static method in class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.InterceptorHelper
Writes the outgoing payload to a buffer.
writeProperties() - Static method in class adams.doc.latex.LatexHelper
Writes the specified properties to disk.
writeProperties(Properties) - Static method in class adams.doc.latex.LatexHelper
Writes the specified properties to disk.
writerTipText() - Method in class adams.data.io.output.SimpleImageHeatmapWriter
Returns the tip text for this property.
writerTipText() - Method in class adams.data.io.output.SpreadSheetHeatmapWriter
Returns the tip text for this property.
writerTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.standalone.rats.output.TextWriter
Returns the tip text for this property.
writeToDisk(boolean) - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.MOAInstanceDumper
Writes the content of the buffer to disk.
writeToSequence(RenderedImage) - Method in class adams.data.video.GifSequenceWriter
WSBlobReception - Class in adams.flow.standalone.rats.input
Uses a webservice for retrieving blobs.
WSBlobReception() - Constructor for class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.WSBlobReception
WSDL_LOCATION - Static variable in class com.example.customerservice.CustomerServiceService
WSDL_LOCATION - Static variable in class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.blob.RatsBlobServiceService
WSDL_LOCATION - Static variable in class nz.ac.waikato.adams.webservice.rats.text.RatsTextServiceService
wsdlToHtml(String) - Static method in class adams.flow.webservice.WebserviceUtils
Turns the WSDL content into content to be displayed as HTML.
WsdlUrlProvider - Interface in adams.flow.webservice
Interface for classes that provide a URL to a webservice's WSDL.
WSServer - Class in adams.flow.standalone
Runs a webservice.
WSServer() - Constructor for class adams.flow.standalone.WSServer
WSSink - Class in adams.flow.sink
Sends data to a webservice.
WSSink() - Constructor for class adams.flow.sink.WSSink
WSSource - Class in adams.flow.source
Obtains data from a webservice and forwards it.
WSSource() - Constructor for class adams.flow.source.WSSource
WSTextReception - Class in adams.flow.standalone.rats.input
Uses a webservice for retrieving text.
WSTextReception() - Constructor for class adams.flow.standalone.rats.input.WSTextReception
WSTransformer - Class in adams.flow.transformer
Sends data to a webservice and forwards the response.
WSTransformer() - Constructor for class adams.flow.transformer.WSTransformer


XERRORBARS - adams.core.gnuplot.SimplePlot.PlotType
XERRORLINES - adams.core.gnuplot.SimplePlot.PlotType
XLabelTipText() - Method in class adams.core.gnuplot.Initialize
Returns the tip text for this property.
XMLGregorianCalendarImplPublic - Class in org.apache.xerces.jaxp.datatype
Apache class is package protected, this derived class makes it public.
XMLGregorianCalendarImplPublic() - Constructor for class org.apache.xerces.jaxp.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendarImplPublic
Create an instance with all date/time datatype fields set to DatatypeConstants.FIELD_UNDEFINED or null respectively.
XMLGregorianCalendarImplPublic(GregorianCalendar) - Constructor for class org.apache.xerces.jaxp.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendarImplPublic
Convert a java.util.GregorianCalendar to XML Schema 1.0 representation.
XMLLoggingGenerator - Class in adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming
XMLLoggingGenerator - Class in adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing
XMLLoggingGenerator() - Constructor for class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming.XMLLoggingGenerator
XMLLoggingGenerator() - Constructor for class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.XMLLoggingGenerator
XMLLoggingInInterceptor - Class in adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming
Default XML Logging interceptor.
XMLLoggingInInterceptor() - Constructor for class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming.XMLLoggingInInterceptor
XMLLoggingInInterceptor(Logger, boolean, File) - Constructor for class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.incoming.XMLLoggingInInterceptor
XMLLoggingOutInterceptor - Class in adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing
Default XML Logging interceptor.
XMLLoggingOutInterceptor() - Constructor for class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.XMLLoggingOutInterceptor
XMLLoggingOutInterceptor(Logger, boolean, File) - Constructor for class adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing.XMLLoggingOutInterceptor
XMLLoggingOutInterceptor.SimpleLoggingCallback - Class in adams.flow.webservice.interceptor.outgoing
xTipText() - Method in class adams.data.filter.heatmapcrop.Rectangle
Returns the tip text for this property.
xTipText() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.AbstractPositionableHeatmapOverlay
Returns the tip text for this property.
XTipText() - Method in class adams.data.video.AbstractScreenRecorder
Returns the tip text for this property.
XTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AddTrailStep
Returns the tip text for this property.
XTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.RectangleBackground
Returns the tip text for this property.
XuggleScreenRecorder - Class in adams.data.video
Configures the com.github.fracpete.screencast4j.record.screen.XuggleScreenRecorder screen recorder.
XuggleScreenRecorder() - Constructor for class adams.data.video.XuggleScreenRecorder
XYERRORBARS - adams.core.gnuplot.SimplePlot.PlotType
XYERRORLINES - adams.core.gnuplot.SimplePlot.PlotType


YERRORBARS - adams.core.gnuplot.SimplePlot.PlotType
YERRORLINES - adams.core.gnuplot.SimplePlot.PlotType
YLabelTipText() - Method in class adams.core.gnuplot.Initialize
Returns the tip text for this property.
yTipText() - Method in class adams.data.filter.heatmapcrop.Rectangle
Returns the tip text for this property.
yTipText() - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.overlay.AbstractPositionableHeatmapOverlay
Returns the tip text for this property.
YTipText() - Method in class adams.data.video.AbstractScreenRecorder
Returns the tip text for this property.
YTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.AddTrailStep
Returns the tip text for this property.
YTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.transformer.wordcloud.RectangleBackground
Returns the tip text for this property.


ZEROES - adams.flow.transformer.HeatmapInfo.InfoType
the number of zero values.
ZLabelTipText() - Method in class adams.core.gnuplot.Initialize
Returns the tip text for this property.
zoom(int) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.heatmap.HeatmapViewerPanel
Zooms in/out.
zoom(int) - Method in class adams.gui.visualization.trail.TrailViewerPanel
Zooms in/out.
zoomTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.HeatmapDisplay
Returns the tip text for this property.
zoomTipText() - Method in class adams.flow.sink.TrailDisplay
Returns the tip text for this property.


_return - Variable in class com.example.customerservice.GetCustomersByNameResponse
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