AbstractMekaMultiPlot |
Ancestor for plots that display multiple plots in a tabbed pane.
AbstractMekaSinglePlot |
Ancestor for plots that display a single plot.
AbstractMekaThresholdCurve |
Ancestor for plots based on threshold curve data.
AbstractMekaThresholdVisualizePanelPlot |
Ancestor for plots using ThresholdVisualizePanel plots.
AbstractMOAModelWriter |
Ancestor for actors that serialize models.
AnimatedGifFileWriter |
Creates an animated GIF from the incoming images, using Elliot Kroo's GifSequenceWriter class.
For more information see:
Elliot Kroo.
AudioPlayback |
Plays back an audio file (MP3/WAV).
FFmpeg |
Uses the specified plugin to perform a avconv/ffmpeg operation.
GnuplotScript |
Actor for generating Gnuplot script files for plotting data stored in the data file that is received as input.
HeatmapDisplay |
Actor that displays heatmaps.
HeatmapHistogram |
Displays a histogram of a gray image or histograms per channel for color image.
KeyPairFileWriter |
Writes either the private or public key of a key pair to disk using the binary DER format.
MekaGraphVisualizer |
Displays graphs obtained from a model that implements meka.core.MultiLabelDrawable.
MekaMacroCurve |
Displays macro-averaged curve.
MekaMicroCurve |
Displays micro-averaged curve.
MekaPrecisionRecall |
Displays precision-recall plots for each of the labels.
MekaROC |
Displays ROC (receiver operator curve) plots for each of the labels.
MOAClusterVisualization |
Visualizes MOA clusters.
MOAModelWriter |
Actor for saving a MOA model (classifier or clusterer) alongside an optional header (i.e., weka.core.Instances object) as file.
MP3ToWave |
Converts the incoming MP3 file into a Wave file (the output file).
RedisSink |
Applies the specified action to the incoming object.
RenjinFileWriter |
Writes R data to disk.
RenjinSink |
Adds the object passing through to the Renjin context and executes the script.
RESTSink |
Sends data to a REST webservice.
RSink |
Carries out an r command on the token passed in.
TrailDisplay |
Actor that displays trails.
WSSink |
Sends data to a webservice.