AbstractBufferedRatInput |
Ancestor for buffering rat inputs.
AbstractMetaRatInput |
AbstractPollingRatInput |
Ancestor for rat inputs that perform polling.
AbstractRatInput |
Ancestor for input receivers.
Cron |
Uses a cronjob for defining the execution of the base rat input.
For more information on the scheduler format see:
Cron.CronJob |
Encapsulates a job to run.
DeQueue |
Polls the specified queue in internal storage for an item, blocks till an item is available.
DirWatch |
Watches for file changes in a directory and forwards the affected files.
DummyCronInput |
To be used in conjunction with a 'Cron' rat input.
DummyInput |
Dummy input receiver, does nothing.
Exec |
Executes a command and forwards either output from stdout or stderr.
FileLister |
Polls files in a directory and forwards them.
It can skip files that are currently flagged as 'in use'.
Moving files to the specified target directory will continue, even if errors are occurred with some files (NB: you may end up with a very large error message if all files from a large list of files are failing).
InputPolling |
Turns the base-input into one that performs polling every x msec.
InputWithCallableTransformer |
Meta-receiver that passes the received data through a callable transformer before passing it on.
InputWithExternalTransformer |
Meta-receiver that passes the received data through an external transformer before passing it on.
RedisAction |
Executes the specified Redis action.
RedisSubscribe |
Executes the specified Redis channel.
RESTTextReception |
Uses a REST webservice for receiving text.
Socket |
Listens on the specified port for incoming data.
Can either output raw byte arrays or strings (using the specified encoding).
Storage |
Outputs the specified storage item, if possible
StringToken |
Simply outputs the provided string.
Subscribe |
Subscribes to the specified publish/subscribe handler and forwards data that is being published.
Variable |
Outputs the specified variable, if possible
WebserviceInput |
Uses a webservice for retrieving data from a webservice.
WSBlobReception |
Uses a webservice for retrieving blobs.
WSTextReception |
Uses a webservice for retrieving text.