AbstractBoofCVObjectTracker |
Ancestor for BoofCV object trackers.
AbstractObjectTracker |
Ancestor for object trackers.
AbstractSimpleReportBasedObjectTracker |
Ancestor for trackers that use fields from the image report to initialize
with an initial position and store the current, tracked position.
BoofCVCirculant |
Creates the Circulant feature tracker.
BoofCVMeanShiftLikelihood |
Very basic and very fast implementation of mean-shift which uses a fixed sized rectangle for its region.
BoofCVSparseFlow |
Uses a pyramidal KLT tracker to track features inside the user selected region.
Tracking-Learning-Detection (TLD) [1] (a.k.a Predator) object tracker for video sequences.
TLD tracks an object which is specified by a user using a rectangle.
MultiObjectTracker |
Applies all the specified trackers to the image container.