AbstractBackground |
Ancestor for WordCloud backgrounds.
AbstractColorPalette |
Ancestor for schemes that generate color palettes.
AbstractFontScalar |
Ancestor for WordCloud font scalars.
CircleBackground |
Generates a circular background.
ColorListPalette |
Generates a color palette using the specified colors.
DefaultBackground |
Generates no background, uses default.
DefaultColorPalette |
Generates no color palette, uses default.
DefaultFontScalar |
Generates no font scalar, uses default.
LinearFontScalar |
Uses linear scaling between the specified min and max.
LinearGradientColorPalette |
Generates a linear gradient between the two colors or three colors if the second steps is >0.
LogFontScalar |
Uses log scaling between the specified min and max.
PixelBoundaryBackground |
Generates a background mode based on the transparent pixel-boundaries of the specified image.
RectangleBackground |
Generates a rectangular background.
SqrtFontScalar |
Uses squareroot scaling between the specified min and max.