Class Ticker

  • public class Ticker
    extends Object
    Provides tick events to listeners at various times
    • Field Detail

      • m_Handlers

        protected List<ScheduledFuture<?>> m_Handlers
        A list of handlers for scheduled ticks
      • m_Ticks

        protected HashMap<Long,​> m_Ticks
        a set of the runnable's
      • m_AudioPlayer

        protected AudioPlaybackPanel m_AudioPlayer
        the media player to get timestamps from
    • Constructor Detail

      • Ticker

        public Ticker​(AudioPlaybackPanel player)
        Constructer for the ticker class.
        player - the playback panel
    • Method Detail

      • addListener

        public void addListener​(TickListener tickListener)
        adds a listener to the ticker
        tickListener - the listener to add.
      • removeAll

        public void removeAll()
        Shuts down all threads and removes them and the ticks from the ticker