AbstractHeatmapOverlay |
Ancestor for heatmap image overlays.
AbstractPositionableHeatmapOverlay |
Ancestor for overlays that can be positioned on the heatmap panel.
AbstractPositionableHeatmapOverlayWithDimensions |
Ancestor for overlays that can be positioned on the heatmap panel and support
AbstractSingleColorHeatmapOverlay |
Ancestor for overlays that just use a single color.
Centroid |
Paints the centroid's location over the heatmap image.
HighestTemperature |
Overlays the heatmap with the points that have the highest temperature.
LowestTemperature |
Overlays the heatmap with the points that have the lowest temperature.
Null |
Dummy overlay, does nothing.
TextOverlay |
Displays text as overlay, either the fixed text, or if empty, a report value.