Class AbstractCurrentHeatmapFilter

    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      protected String m_FilterError
      for storing filtering errors.
      • Fields inherited from class adams.gui.plugin.AbstractToolPlugin

        m_CanceledByUser, m_CurrentPanel, m_LastSetup
      • Fields inherited from class adams.core.logging.LoggingObject

        m_Logger, m_LoggingIsEnabled, m_LoggingLevel
    • Field Detail

      • m_FilterError

        protected String m_FilterError
        for storing filtering errors.
    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractCurrentHeatmapFilter

        public AbstractCurrentHeatmapFilter()
    • Method Detail

      • canExecute

        public boolean canExecute​(HeatmapPanel panel)
        Checks whether the plugin can be executed given the specified heatmap panel.

        Panel must be non-null and must contain an heatmap.
        Specified by:
        canExecute in class adams.gui.plugin.AbstractToolPlugin<HeatmapPanel>
        panel - the panel to use as basis for decision
        true if plugin can be executed
      • filter

        protected abstract Heatmap filter​(Heatmap heatmap)
        Filters the heatmap.
        heatmap - the heatmap to filter
        the processed heatmap
      • doExecute

        protected String doExecute()
        Executes the plugin.
        Specified by:
        doExecute in class adams.gui.plugin.AbstractToolPlugin<HeatmapPanel>
        null if OK, otherwise error message