Class Groovy

    • Field Detail


        public static final String CLASS_GROOVYCLASSLOADER
        the classname of the Groovy classloader.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • m_Present

        protected boolean m_Present
        whether the Groovy classes are in the Classpath.
      • m_ClassLoader

        protected Object m_ClassLoader
        the classloader.
      • m_Singleton

        protected static Groovy m_Singleton
        the singleton.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Groovy

        protected Groovy()
        default constructor, tries to instantiate a Groovy classloader.
    • Method Detail

      • getClassLoader

        public Object getClassLoader()
        returns the currently used Groovy classloader.
        the classloader, can be null
      • invoke

        public Object invoke​(String methodName,
                             Class[] paramClasses,
                             Object[] paramValues)
        executes the specified method on the current interpreter and returns the result, if any.
        methodName - the name of the method
        paramClasses - the classes of the parameters
        paramValues - the values of the parameters
        the return value of the method, if any (in that case null)
      • isPresent

        public boolean isPresent()
        returns whether the Groovy classes are present or not, i.e. whether the classes are in the classpath or not
        whether the Groovy classes are available
      • newClassLoader

        public Object newClassLoader()
        initializes and returns a Groovy Interpreter.
        the interpreter or null if Groovy classes not present
      • newInstance

        public Object newInstance​(File file,
                                  Class template)
        loads the module and returns a new instance of it as instance of the provided Java class template.
        file - the Groovy module file
        template - the template for the returned Java object
        the Groovy object
      • invoke

        public Object invoke​(Object o,
                             String methodName,
                             Class[] paramClasses,
                             Object[] paramValues)
        executes the specified method and returns the result, if any.
        o - the object the method should be called from, e.g., a Groovy Interpreter
        methodName - the name of the method
        paramClasses - the classes of the parameters
        paramValues - the values of the parameters
        the return value of the method, if any (in that case null)
      • loadScriptObject

        public Object[] loadScriptObject​(Class cls,
                                         PlaceholderFile scriptFile,
                                         GroovyScript inlineScript,
                                         String scriptOptions,
                                         Variables vars)
        Loads the scripts object and sets its options.
        cls - the class to instantiate
        scriptFile - the external file to load
        inlineScript - the inline script to load if external file points to a directory
        scriptOptions - the options to set
        vars - the variables to use for expanding
        element 0: error messsage (null if ok), element 1: script object
      • getSingleton

        public static Groovy getSingleton()
        Returns the singleton instance.
        the singleton
      • main

        public static void main​(String[] args)
        If no arguments are given, it just prints the presence of the Groovy classes, otherwise it expects a Groovy filename to execute.
        args - commandline arguments