class |
Base64ToByteArray |
Decodes a base64 string into a byte array.
class |
CommandlineToAny |
Turns a command-line into an object.
class |
HexToByte |
Turns a hexadecimal string into a Byte.
class |
HexToInt |
Turns a hexadecimal string into an Integer.
class |
RomanToInt |
Converts a roman numeral string (eg 'MCM') into an integer (eg 1900).
class |
StringToByte |
Turns a String into a Byte.
class |
StringToByteArray |
Converts a string into a byte array.
class |
StringToCharArray |
Converts a string into a char array.
class |
StringToCustomStringRepresentation |
Turns a String into an object of a class with an associated object editor that has implements adams.gui.goe.CustomStringRepresentationHandler.
class |
StringToDateTimeType |
Parses a string and turns it into an instance of the specified date/time type.
class |
StringToDouble |
Turns a String into a Double.
class |
StringToField |
Turns a String into a Field object.
class |
StringToFile |
Turns a String into a File object.
class |
StringToInt |
Turns a String into an Integer.
class |
StringToJson |
Turns a string into a JSON object or array.
class |
StringToLong |
Turns a String into a Long.
class |
StringToMat5Array |
Converts a string like '[1, 2; 3, 4]' into a Matlab matrix.
class |
StringToPoint2D |
class |
StringToProperties |
Turns a String into a Properties object.
class |
StringToQuadrilateralLocation |
Converts a string into a adams.core.base.QuadrilateralLocation object.
class |
StringToRectangle |
Converts a string into a adams.core.base.BaseRectangle object, using 'x y w h' or 'x0 y0 x1 y1'.
class |
StringToRemoteCommand |
Parses the String and turns it into a RemoteCommand object.
class |
StringToReport |
Reads the report from the incoming string using the specified report reader.
class |
StringToTextContainer |
Wraps the String in a, which allows the storage of meta-data using the attached report and/or notes.
class |
Turns an XML string into a org.w3c.dom.Document DOM object.
class |
YamlStringToList |
Converts the YAML string into a java.util.Map object.
class |
YamlStringToMap |
Converts the YAML string into a java.util.Map object.