AbstractConversion |
Ancestor for all conversions.
AbstractConversionFromString |
Ancestor for conversion schemes that convert strings into other objects.
AbstractConversionToString |
Ancestor for conversion schemes that convert objects into strings.
AbstractImageToByteArray |
Converts an image into a byte array.
AbstractInPlaceSpreadSheetConversion |
Ancestor for spreadsheet conversion that allow working on the incoming data
rather than on a copy (to conserve memory).
AbstractMatchWekaInstanceAgainstHeader |
Ancestor for classes that match Instance objects against Instances headers.
AbstractMatrixToSpreadSheet |
Ancestor for conversions that turn a matrix of some type into a spreadsheet.
AbstractObjectToJson |
Converts the Map into a JSON object.
AbstractScript |
Ancestor for conversion scripts.
AbstractScriptedConversion |
Abstract ancestor for actors that execute external scripts.
AbstractSpreadSheetColumnConverter<T> |
Ancestor for column converter schemes.
AbstractSpreadSheetConversion |
Ancestor for conversion schemes that transform one spreadsheet into another
AbstractSpreadSheetToMatrix<T> |
Ancestor for conversions that turn a spreadsheet into a matrix of some
data type.
AbstractStringConversion |
Ancestor for string conversion schemes.
AbstractSwapObject |
Ancestor for classes that swap all occurrences of one object for another.
AbstractSwapObject.SwapObserver |
Observer that performs the swapping of the objects.
AbstractValidateString |
Ancestor for string conversions that ensure a string only contains valid
characters according to some rules.
AdamsInstanceToWekaInstance |
Converts adams.data.instance.Instance objects into weka.core.Instance ones.
AnyImageToByteArray |
Turns any image container into a byte array.
AnyImageToOpenCV |
Turns an Image container into an OpenCV container.
AnyToCommandline |
Generates a commandline string from any object.
AnyToString |
Turns any object into a String, using its 'toString()' method.
ArrayToCollection |
Deprecated. |
ArrayToJsonArray |
Turns an object array into a JSON array.
ArrayToReport |
Turns an array into a report.
ArrayToYamlString |
Converts the object array into a YAML string.
BackQuote |
Backquotes, i.e., escapes with a backslash, characters like quotes (single and double), new lines, tabs.
See also:
Valid options are:
Base64ToByteArray |
Decodes a base64 string into a byte array.
Base64ToString |
Decodes a base64 string.
BaseDateTimeMsecToString |
Turns a BaseDateTimeMsec format string into a String, evaluted using user-supplied start and end dates (ignored if future INF dates).
Example: 2015-12-01 07:13:12.034 +3 MINUTE
expr ::= ( expr )
| - expr
| + expr
| expr + expr
| expr - expr
| expr * expr
| expr / expr
| expr % expr
| expr ^ expr
| abs ( expr )
| sqrt ( expr )
| log ( expr )
| exp ( expr )
| rint ( expr )
| floor ( expr )
| pow[er] ( expr , expr )
| ceil ( expr )
BaseDateTimeToString |
Turns a BaseDateTime format string into a String, evaluted using user-supplied start and end dates (ignored if future INF dates).
Example: 2015-12-01 07:13:12 +3 MINUTE
expr ::= ( expr )
| - expr
| + expr
| expr + expr
| expr - expr
| expr * expr
| expr / expr
| expr % expr
| expr ^ expr
| abs ( expr )
| sqrt ( expr )
| log ( expr )
| exp ( expr )
| rint ( expr )
| floor ( expr )
| pow[er] ( expr , expr )
| ceil ( expr )
BaseDateToString |
Turns a BaseDate format string into a String, evaluted using user-supplied start and end dates (ignored if future INF dates).
Example: 2015-12-01 +3 DAY
expr ::= ( expr )
| - expr
| + expr
| expr + expr
| expr - expr
| expr * expr
| expr / expr
| expr % expr
| expr ^ expr
| abs ( expr )
| sqrt ( expr )
| log ( expr )
| exp ( expr )
| rint ( expr )
| floor ( expr )
| pow[er] ( expr , expr )
| ceil ( expr )
BaseTimeToString |
Turns a BaseTime format string into a String, evaluted using user-supplied start and end times (ignored if future INF times).
Example: 07:13:12 +3 MINUTE
expr ::= ( expr )
| - expr
| + expr
| expr + expr
| expr - expr
| expr * expr
| expr / expr
| expr % expr
| expr ^ expr
| abs ( expr )
| sqrt ( expr )
| log ( expr )
| exp ( expr )
| rint ( expr )
| floor ( expr )
| pow[er] ( expr , expr )
| ceil ( expr )
BlobContainerToByteArray |
Obtains the byte array content of a adams.data.blob.BlobContainer and forwards that.
BoofCVToBufferedImage |
Turns a BoofCV container into a BufferedImage one.
BooleanToString |
Turns a Boolean into a String.
BreakUpString |
Breaks up a string into multiple lines if wider than the specified number of columns.
BufferedImageBitmaskContainerToBufferedImages |
Turns the bitmask container back into an array of containers for BufferedImage objects, with the image being the first and the bitmasks the other elements.
The incoming report gets cloned into all of the outgoing containers.
BufferedImagesToBufferedImageBitmaskContainer |
Turns the BufferedImage containers into a container with image (index=0) and bitmasks (index>=1).
Only the report from the first container is transferred.
BufferedImageSupporterToBufferedImageContainer |
Converts a adams.data.image.BufferedImageSupporter to a adams.data.image.BufferedImageContainer
BufferedImageToBoofCV |
Turns a BufferedImage container into a BoofCV one.
BufferedImageToBufferedImage |
Dummy conversion, performs no conversion at all.
BufferedImageToByteArray |
Turns a BufferedImage object into a byte array.
ByteArrayToBase64 |
Encodes a byte array as base64 string.
ByteArrayToBlobContainer |
Wraps the byte array in a adams.data.blob.BlobContainer, which allows the storage of meta-data using the attached report and/or notes.
ByteArrayToBufferedImage |
Converts the byte array representating a binary image (e.g., JPG or PNG) into a BufferedImage container.
ByteArrayToImageContainer |
ByteArrayToJavaObject |
Deserializes a Java object from the byte array.
ByteArrayToPrimitiveArray |
Turns a byte array (IEE754) into a primitive array.
ByteArrayToString |
Turns a byte array into a String.
ByteToHex |
Turns a Byte into a hexadecimal string.
ByteToInt |
Turns a Byte into an Integer.
ByteToString |
Turns a Byte into a String.
CharArrayToString |
Turns a char array into a String.
CollectionToArray |
Turns a collection into an array.
ColorToHex |
Turns a color object into its hexa-decimal representation, e.g., '#ffffff'.
CommandlineToAny |
Turns a command-line into an object.
ContainerToSpreadSheet |
Converts any container into a SpreadSheet object.
ConvertDateTimeType |
Turns instances of the specified input date/time type into instances of the specified output date/time type.
ConvertSpreadSheetRows |
Converts the rows in the spreadsheet into a new format.
DateTimeTypeToString |
Turns instances of the specified date/time type into a string using the specified format.
DOMNodeListToArray |
Turns a DOM org.w3c.dom.NodeList into an array of org.w3c.dom.Node.
DOMNodeToString |
Turns a org.w3c.dom.Node DOM object into a String.
DOMToProperties |
Flattens a DOM object (or node) into a Properties object.
DOMToString |
Turns a org.w3c.dom.Node or org.w3c.dom.Document DOM object into a String.
In case of org.w3c.dom.Node objects, the owner document is converted to String.
DoubleMatrixToBufferedImage |
Turns a matrix of double values into a BufferedImage.
DoubleMatrixToMat5Array |
Turns a double matrix into a 2-dimensional Matlab matrix array.
DoubleMatrixToSpreadSheet |
Converts a double matrix into a SpreadSheet object.
DoubleToFloat |
Turns a Double into a Float.
DoubleToInt |
Turns a Double into an Integer.
DoubleToLong |
Turns a Double into a Long.
DoubleToString |
Turns a Double into a String.
EmailToPlainText |
Turns an Email object into a plain text string.
ExcelDoubleColumnToDate |
Converts the specified double column to a date column.
ExcelDoubleColumnToDateTime |
Converts the specified double column to a date/time column.
ExtractDateTimeField |
Extracts the specified field from a date/time type.
A custom format string can be used with field CUSTOM.
ExtractSimpleContainerContent |
Obtains the content of a adams.data.container.AbstractSimpleContainer derived class and forwards that.
FieldToString |
Turns a Field object into a String.
FileToString |
Turns a File object into a String.
FloatToDouble |
Turns a Float into a Double.
Groovy |
A conversion that uses a Groovy script for processing the data.
HashCode |
Generates the hash code of an arbitrary object, using the object's hashcode() method.
HexToByte |
Turns a hexadecimal string into a Byte.
HexToColor |
Turns a hexa-decimal representation of a color, e.g., '#ffffff' into a color object again.
HexToInt |
Turns a hexadecimal string into an Integer.
HtmlCharacterEntitiesToString |
Turns HTML character entities like '<' into their character representations like '<'.
ImageContainerToByteArray |
ImageContainerToSpreadSheet |
Turns the image of an image container into a spreadsheet for viewing the pixel values.
InformativeStatistic |
Turns the statistics obtained from a adams.data.statistics.InformativeStatisticSupporter into a spreadsheet.
IntToByte |
Turns an Integer into a Byte.
IntToDouble |
Turns an Integer into a Double.
IntToHex |
Turns an Integer into a hexadecimal string.
IntToLong |
Turns an Integer into a Long.
IntToRoman |
Converts an integer (1-3999) into a roman numeral string (eg 'MCM').
IntToString |
Turns an Integer into a String.
Can be optionally formatted using a byte format string.
JavaObjectToByteArray |
Serializes the Java Object into a byte array.
JoinOptions |
Assumes the string array to be an option array and joins them into a single string.
JsonArrayToArray |
Turns a JSON array into an object array.
JsonArrayToList |
JsonObjectToMap |
Turns a JSON object into a map.
JsonToReport |
Turns a JSON string into a report.
Input format:
"Sample ID": "someid",
"GLV2": 1.123,
"valid": true
JsonToSpreadSheet |
Turns a JSON object into a spreadsheet, essentially flattening it.
JsonToString |
Turns a JSON object/array into a string.
LeftPad |
Left pads a string up to a maximum number of characters.
ListToJson |
Converts the java.util.List into a JSON object.
ListToJsonArray |
Turns a Java list into a JSON array.
ListToYamlString |
Converts the java.util.List object into a YAML string.
LocatedObjectsToReport |
Converts the array of LocatedObject instances to a report.
LocatedObjectToRectangle |
Converts a adams.flow.transformer.locateobjects.LocatedObject to a rectangle.
LongToDouble |
Turns a Long into a Double.
LongToInt |
Turns a Long into an Integer.
LongToString |
Turns a Long into a String.
Can be optionally formatted using a byte format string.
LowerCase |
Turns a String into a lowercase String.
MapToJson |
Converts the java.util.Map into a JSON object.
MapToKeyValuePairs |
Converts the java.util.Map into key-value pairs.
MapToMat5File |
Converts a map into a Matlab file object.
Supported nested elements:
- java.util.Map
- Matlab array/struct
- spreadsheet
- Double matrix
MapToMat5Struct |
Converts a map into a Matlab struct object.
Supported nested elements:
- java.util.Map
- Matlab array/struct
- spreadsheet
- Double matrix
MapToReport |
Turns a map object into a report.
MapToSpreadSheet |
Turns a java.util.Map object into a SpreadSheet object.
MapToString |
Turns a map object into a simple string.
When encountering date objects as values, they get turned into a string using: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
Output format:
MapToWekaInstance |
Converts a map into a Weka Instance, using the provided storage object (Instances) as template.
MapToYamlString |
Converts the java.util.Map object into a YAML string.
Mat5ArrayToDoubleMatrix |
Converts a 2-dimensional Matlab array into a double matrix.
Mat5ArrayToSpreadSheet |
Turns the Matlab array into a spreadsheet.
Mat5ArrayToString |
Converts matrices into a textual representation, otherwise just outputs the dimensions.
Mat5CharToString |
Mat5FileToMap |
Turns the Mat5File data structure into a nested map.
Mat5StructToMap |
Turns the Matlab struct into a map.
In case of multi-dimensional (outermost) structs, an index can be supplied to retrieve just a single element instead of all of them.
MatchWekaInstanceAgainstFileHeader |
Matches an Instance against a dataset header loaded from a file, i.e., it automatically converts STRING attributes into NOMINAL ones and vice versa.
The file can be any format that WEKA recognizes.
MatchWekaInstanceAgainstStorageHeader |
Matches an Instance against a dataset header from storage, i.e., it automatically converts STRING attributes into NOMINAL ones and vice versa.
MathExpression |
Evaluates a mathematical expression.
The input value (double or integer) can be accessed via 'X'.
Variables are supported as well, e.g.: pow(X,@{exp}) with '@{exp}' being a variable available at execution time.
The following grammar is used for the expressions:
expr_list ::= '=' expr_list expr_part | expr_part ;
expr_part ::= expr ;
expr ::= ( expr )
# data types
| number
| string
| boolean
| date
# constants
| true
| false
| pi
| e
| now()
| today()
# negating numeric value
| -expr
# comparisons
| expr < expr
| expr <= expr
| expr > expr
| expr >= expr
| expr = expr
| expr != expr (or: expr <> expr)
# boolean operations
| ! expr (or: not expr)
| expr & expr (or: expr and expr)
| expr | expr (or: expr or expr)
| if[else] ( expr , expr (if true) , expr (if false) )
| ifmissing ( variable , expr (default value if variable is missing) )
| has ( variable )
| isNaN ( expr )
# arithmetics
| expr + expr
| expr - expr
| expr * expr
| expr / expr
| expr ^ expr (power of)
| expr % expr (modulo)
# numeric functions
| abs ( expr )
| sqrt ( expr )
| cbrt ( expr )
| log ( expr )
| log10 ( expr )
| exp ( expr )
| sin ( expr )
| sinh ( expr )
| cos ( expr )
| cosh ( expr )
| tan ( expr )
| tanh ( expr )
| atan ( expr )
| atan2 ( exprY , exprX )
| hypot ( exprX , exprY )
| signum ( expr )
| rint ( expr )
| floor ( expr )
| pow[er] ( expr , expr )
| ceil ( expr )
| min ( expr1 , expr2 )
| max ( expr1 , expr2 )
| year ( expr )
| month ( expr )
| day ( expr )
| hour ( expr )
| minute ( expr )
| second ( expr )
| weekday ( expr )
| weeknum ( expr )
# string functions
| substr ( expr , start [, end] )
| left ( expr , len )
| mid ( expr , start , len )
| right ( expr , len )
| rept ( expr , count )
| concatenate ( expr1 , expr2 [, expr3-5] )
| lower[case] ( expr )
| upper[case] ( expr )
| trim ( expr )
| matches ( expr , regexp )
| trim ( expr )
| len[gth] ( str )
| find ( search , expr [, pos] ) (find 'search' in 'expr', return 1-based position)
| replace ( str , pos , len , newstr )
| substitute ( str , find , replace [, occurrences] )
| str ( expr )
| str ( expr , numdecimals )
| str ( expr , decimalformat )
| ext ( file_str ) (extracts extension from file)
| replaceext ( file_str, ext_str ) (replaces the extension of the file with the new one)
- Variables are either all upper case letters (e.g., "ABC") or any character apart from "]" enclosed by "[" and "]" (e.g., "[Hello World]").
- 'start' and 'end' for function 'substr' are indices that start at 1.
- Index 'end' for function 'substr' is excluded (like Java's 'String.substring(int,int)' method)
- Line comments start with '#'.
- Semi-colons (';') or commas (',') can be used as separator in the formulas,
e.g., 'pow(2,2)' is equivalent to 'pow(2;2)'
- dates have to be of format 'yyyy-MM-dd' or 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'
- times have to be of format 'HH:mm:ss' or 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'
- the characters in square brackets in function names are optional:
Maximum |
If the numbers passing through get above the defined maximum, the maximum is returned instead.
Minimum |
If the numbers passing through fall below the defined minimum, the minimum is returned instead.
MovingAverage |
Computes the average on a window of numbers that have passed through and outputs the average.
MultiConversion |
Meta-conversion that allows the chaining of multiple conversions.
NotesSubset |
Generates a subset of a adams.data.Notes object.
NotesToSpreadSheet |
Turns an adams.data.Notes object into a SpreadSheet object.
NotesToString |
Turns an adams.data.Notes object into a string.
NumberToByte |
Turns an Number into a Byte.
NumberToDouble |
Turns an Number into a Double.
NumberToFloat |
Turns an Number into a Float.
NumberToInt |
Turns an Number into a Int.
NumberToLong |
Turns an Number into a Long.
ObjectAnnotationsToImageSegmentationLayers |
Converts the annotations to image segmentation layers.
ObjectArrayToPrimitiveArray |
Converts an object array to its primitive counterpart.
ObjectContainerToObject |
Obtains the object content of a adams.data.container.ObjectContainer and forwards that.
ObjectToObject |
Dummy converter, does not perform any conversion.
ObjectToObjectContainer |
Wraps the object in a adams.data.container.ObjectContainer, which allows the storage of meta-data using the attached report and/or notes.
OpenCVToBufferedImage |
Turns an OpenCV container into a BufferedImage one.
PathSplit |
Splits the path into its individual parts.
Handles forward slashes and backslashes.
Drive letters and servers from UNC paths are handled as separate part.
Point2DToString |
Turns a java.awt.geom.Point2D into a string of the format 'x y'.
PrettyPrintXML |
Turns the XML string into a pretty-printed XML string.
See also:
PrimitiveArrayToByteArray |
Turns a primitive array into a byte array (IEE754).
PrimitiveArrayToObjectArray |
Converts a primitive array to its object counterpart.
PropertiesToKeyValuePairs |
Converts the java.util.Properties into key-value pairs.
PropertiesToMap |
Turns a Properties object into a java.util.Map.
PropertiesToSpreadSheet |
Turns a properties object into a spreadsheet with two columns, one for the key and one for the value.
PropertiesToString |
Turns a Properties object into a String.
QuadrilateralLocationCenter |
Determines the center of the quadrilateral object and returns them as a java.awt.geom.Point2D.
QuadrilateralLocationToString |
Turns a quadrilateral object into a string of the format 'A.x A.y B.x B.y C.x C.y D.x D.y'.
Quote |
Surrounds a string with quotes (single or double), if necessary due to blanks or other characters (new line, tab) in the string.
However, you can also 'force' the quoting.
See also:
RectangleCenter |
Determines the center of the rectangle and returns them as a java.awt.geom.Point2D.
RectangleToString |
Turns a rectangle into a string of the format 'x y w h' or 'x0 y0 x1 y1'.
RemoteCommandToString |
Turns a remote command into a string.
RenameSpreadSheet |
Renames the spreadsheet.
RenameSpreadSheetColumn |
Renames a single column in a spreadsheet.
ReplaceFileExtension |
Interprets the string as file name and replaces its extension with the provided one.
ReportArrayToMap |
Converts the incoming report array into a map using the sample ID as key.
ReportToJson |
Turns a report into a JSON string.
Output format:
"Sample ID": "someid",
"GLV2": 1.123,
"valid": true
ReportToMap |
Turns a Report object into a java.util.Map.
ReportToSpreadSheet |
Turns a report into a spreadsheet.
ReportToString |
Generates a string representation from the report using the specified report writer.
ReportToWekaInstance |
Converts a report into a weka.core.Instance objects.
RightPad |
Right pads a string up to a maximum number of characters.
RomanToInt |
Converts a roman numeral string (eg 'MCM') into an integer (eg 1900).
Round |
Rounds double values and turns them into integers..
RowArrayToSpreadSheet |
Converts a an array of spreadsheet rows into a single spreadsheet.
Scripted |
A conversion that uses any scripting handler for processing the data with a script located in the specified file.
SideBySideDiffToString |
Turns a side-by-side diff object into a string.
SimpleAsciiToUnicode |
Turns an ASCII string into a Unicode one, by replacing hexadecimal unicode character representations like '\xf3' with their unicode characters.
For instance, "D'\xe1'cil" becomes "Dácil".
SimpleUnicodeToAscii |
Turns a Unicode string into an ASCII one, by replacing the Unicode characters with something like '\xf3' (including the single quotes).
For instance, "Dácil" becomes "D'\xe1'cil".
SplitOptions |
Assumes the string to be an option string and splits it into its individual elements.
SpreadSheetAddFormulaColumn |
Adds a column with a user-supploed formula for the specified rows.
SpreadSheetAddFormulaRow |
Adds a row with a user-supplied formula for the specified columns.
SpreadSheetAddRowID |
Adds an ID column to the spreadsheet, using the row index as value.
SpreadSheetAddSumColumn |
Adds a column with 'sum' formulas for the specified rows.
SpreadSheetAddSumRow |
Adds a row with 'sum' formulas for the specified columns.
SpreadSheetAnyColumnToString |
Converts the specified spreadsheet column from any type to string.
SpreadSheetBinarize |
Binarizes the non-numeric columns in the selected column range by creating a new column for each of the labels.
SpreadSheetCellFinderToPositions |
Deprecated. |
SpreadSheetCellLocationToCoordinates |
Turns the cell location obtained from a cell finder into an integer array with the 1-based coordinates (row/column).
SpreadSheetCellLocationToPosition |
Turns the cell location obtained from a cell finder into a position (like 'A2').
SpreadSheetColumnFinderToRange |
Turns the columns that the specified column finder locates into a 1-based range string.
SpreadSheetColumnsToReport |
Turns spreadsheet columns into reports.
SpreadSheetDoubleColumnToLong |
Converts the specified spreadsheet column from double to long.
Simply uses the Double's 'longValue()' method.
SpreadSheetDoubleColumnToString |
Converts the specified spreadsheet double column to string.
SpreadSheetEscapeColumnName |
Escapes a column name (if necessary) to be used in a column range expression.
SpreadSheetHeaderToMat5Array |
Converts the spreadsheet header with the column names into a Matlab array.
SpreadSheetInsertCellLocation |
Replaces the specified placeholder with a cell location generated from the user-supplied row and column.
SpreadSheetInsertColumnPosition |
Replaces the specified placeholder with a column string (e.g., BG) generated from the user-supplied column.
SpreadSheetJoinColumns |
Merges two or more columns in a spreadsheet into a single column.
Columns can be out-of-order.
SpreadSheetLongColumnToDouble |
Converts the specified spreadsheet column from long to double.
Simply uses the cell's 'toDouble()' method.
SpreadSheetMaterializeFormulas |
Finds cells with formulas in a spreadsheet and replaces the cell content with the value calculated by the formula.
SpreadSheetObjectColumnToString |
Converts the specified spreadsheet column from the object type to string.
SpreadSheetRowFinderToRange |
Turns the rows that the specified row finder locates into a 1-based range string.
SpreadSheetRowsToReport |
Turns spreadsheet rows into report.
SpreadSheetSplitColumn |
Splits the string representation of the cells of a column into multiple columns using a regular expression.
SpreadSheetStringColumnToBoolean |
Converts the specified spreadsheet column from string to boolean.
SpreadSheetStringColumnToDate |
Converts the specified spreadsheet column from string to date, according to the provided format.
For more information on the format, see Javadoc of 'java.text.SimpleDateFormat' class:
Valid options are:
SpreadSheetStringColumnToDateTime |
Converts the specified spreadsheet column from string to date/time, according to the provided format.
For more information on the format, see Javadoc of 'java.text.SimpleDateFormat' class:
Valid options are:
SpreadSheetStringColumnToDateTimeMsec |
Converts the specified spreadsheet column from string to date/time/msec, according to the provided format.
For more information on the format, see Javadoc of 'java.text.SimpleDateFormat' class:
Valid options are:
SpreadSheetStringColumnToDouble |
Converts the specified spreadsheet column from string to double, according to the provided format.
For more information on the format, see Javadoc of 'java.text.DecimalFormat' class:
Valid options are:
SpreadSheetStringColumnToLong |
Converts the specified spreadsheet column from string to long, according to the provided format.
For more information on the format, see Javadoc of 'java.text.DecimalFormat' class:
Valid options are:
SpreadSheetStringColumnToObject |
Converts the specified spreadsheet column from string to an object, using the specified handler.
SpreadSheetStringColumnToTime |
Converts the specified spreadsheet column from string to time, according to the provided format.
For more information on the format, see Javadoc of 'java.text.SimpleTimeFormat' class:
SpreadSheetStringColumnToTimeMsec |
Converts the specified spreadsheet column from string to time/msec, according to the provided format.
For more information on the format, see Javadoc of 'java.text.SimpleTimeFormat' class:
SpreadSheetSupporterToSpreadSheet |
SpreadSheetToCreateTableStatement |
Turns a spreadsheet into a SQL 'CREATE TABLE' statement.
Requires two columns: column names, SQL column types.
An optional 3rd column can be used to indicate whether a column is to be used as an index (boolean).
SpreadSheetToDataset |
Turns a spreadsheet object into a dataset object.
SpreadSheetToDoubleMatrix |
Turns a spreadsheet into a double matrix, using only the numeric columns.
SpreadSheetToJson |
Turns a spreadsheet into a JSON array.
SpreadSheetToMap |
Turns two columns (key and value) of a spreadsheet into a map object of the specified type.
SpreadSheetToMat5Array |
Converts a spreadsheet to a Matlab array (either matrix or a cell array)
SpreadSheetToNumeric |
Turns a spreadsheet into a purely numeric one.
Missing cells can get replaced with a specified value or skipped.
Booleans gets turned into 0/1 (false/true).
Date/time types get turned into numeric ones by using their Java epoch.
Strings (per column) get a 0-based index assigned in the order they appear.
Any other cell type get flagged as missing or, if provided, set to the unhandled value.
SpreadSheetToRowArray |
Converts a spreadsheet into an array of spreadsheet rows.
SpreadSheetToString |
Turns a spreadsheet into a string using the specified spreadsheet writer.
SpreadSheetToStringMatrix |
Turns a spreadsheet into a string matrix.
SpreadSheetToTimeseries |
Turns a SpreadSheet object into a Timeseries.
SpreadSheetToWekaInstances |
Generates a weka.core.Instances object from a SpreadSheet object.
If there are too many unique lables for a NOMINAL attribute, it gets turned into a STRING attribute (see 'maxLabels' property).
SpreadSheetUnescapeColumnName |
Unescapes a column name (if necessary) that was to be used in a column range expression.
SpreadSheetUniqueColumnNames |
Ensures that column names are unique.
SpreadSheetUseRowAsHeader |
Uses the values of the specified data row for the header.
StringArrayToURLParameters |
Turns a string array into parameters of a URL, e.g., '?k1=v1&k2=v2' (uses java.net.URLEncoder).
StringExpression |
Evaluates a string expression.
Variables are supported as well, e.g.: pow(X,@{exp}) with '@{exp}' being a variable available at execution time.
The following grammar is used for the expressions:
expr_list ::= '=' expr_list expr_part | expr_part ;
expr_part ::= expr ;
expr ::= ( expr )
# data types
| number
| string
| boolean
| date
# constants
| true
| false
| pi
| e
| now()
| today()
# negating numeric value
| -expr
# comparisons
| expr < expr
| expr <= expr
| expr > expr
| expr >= expr
| expr = expr
| expr != expr (or: expr <> expr)
# boolean operations
| ! expr (or: not expr)
| expr & expr (or: expr and expr)
| expr | expr (or: expr or expr)
| if[else] ( expr , expr (if true) , expr (if false) )
| ifmissing ( variable , expr (default value if variable is missing) )
| has ( variable )
| isNaN ( expr )
# arithmetics
| expr + expr
| expr - expr
| expr * expr
| expr / expr
| expr ^ expr (power of)
| expr % expr (modulo)
# numeric functions
| abs ( expr )
| sqrt ( expr )
| cbrt ( expr )
| log ( expr )
| log10 ( expr )
| exp ( expr )
| sin ( expr )
| sinh ( expr )
| cos ( expr )
| cosh ( expr )
| tan ( expr )
| tanh ( expr )
| atan ( expr )
| atan2 ( exprY , exprX )
| hypot ( exprX , exprY )
| signum ( expr )
| rint ( expr )
| floor ( expr )
| pow[er] ( expr , expr )
| ceil ( expr )
| min ( expr1 , expr2 )
| max ( expr1 , expr2 )
| year ( expr )
| month ( expr )
| day ( expr )
| hour ( expr )
| minute ( expr )
| second ( expr )
| weekday ( expr )
| weeknum ( expr )
# string functions
| substr ( expr , start [, end] )
| left ( expr , len )
| mid ( expr , start , len )
| right ( expr , len )
| rept ( expr , count )
| concatenate ( expr1 , expr2 [, expr3-5] )
| lower[case] ( expr )
| upper[case] ( expr )
| trim ( expr )
| matches ( expr , regexp )
| trim ( expr )
| len[gth] ( str )
| find ( search , expr [, pos] ) (find 'search' in 'expr', return 1-based position)
| replace ( str , pos , len , newstr )
| substitute ( str , find , replace [, occurrences] )
| str ( expr )
| str ( expr , numdecimals )
| str ( expr , decimalformat )
| ext ( file_str ) (extracts extension from file)
| replaceext ( file_str, ext_str ) (replaces the extension of the file with the new one)
# array functions
| len[gth] ( array )
| get ( array , index )
- Variables are either all upper case letters (e.g., "ABC") or any character apart from "]" enclosed by "[" and "]" (e.g., "[Hello World]").
- 'start' and 'end' for function 'substr' are indices that start at 1.
- 'index' for function 'get' starts at 1.
- Index 'end' for function 'substr' is excluded (like Java's 'String.substring(int,int)' method)
- Line comments start with '#'
- Semi-colons (';') or commas (',') can be used as separator in the formulas,
e.g., 'pow(2,2)' is equivalent to 'pow(2;2)'
- dates have to be of format 'yyyy-MM-dd' or 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'
- times have to be of format 'HH:mm:ss' or 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'
- the characters in square brackets in function names are optional:
StringMatrixToSpreadSheet |
Converts a string matrix into a SpreadSheet object.
StringToBase64 |
Encodes a string as base64.
StringToBoolean |
Turns a String into a Boolean, ie any string regardless of case that matches 'true' returns true otherwise false.
StringToByte |
Turns a String into a Byte.
StringToByteArray |
Converts a string into a byte array.
StringToCharArray |
Converts a string into a char array.
StringToCustomStringRepresentation |
Turns a String into an object of a class with an associated object editor that has implements adams.gui.goe.CustomStringRepresentationHandler.
StringToDateTimeType |
Parses a string and turns it into an instance of the specified date/time type.
StringToDouble |
Turns a String into a Double.
StringToField |
Turns a String into a Field object.
StringToFile |
Turns a String into a File object.
StringToHtmlCharacterEntities |
Turns a string into valid HTML, replacing characters like '<', '>' etc with their character entities.
StringToInt |
Turns a String into an Integer.
StringToJson |
Turns a string into a JSON object or array.
StringToLong |
Turns a String into a Long.
StringToMat5Array |
Converts a string like '[1, 2; 3, 4]' into a Matlab matrix.
StringToPoint2D |
StringToProperties |
Turns a String into a Properties object.
StringToQuadrilateralLocation |
Converts a string into a adams.core.base.QuadrilateralLocation object.
StringToRectangle |
Converts a string into a adams.core.base.BaseRectangle object, using 'x y w h' or 'x0 y0 x1 y1'.
StringToRemoteCommand |
Parses the String and turns it into a RemoteCommand object.
StringToReport |
Reads the report from the incoming string using the specified report reader.
StringToSpreadSheet |
Turns a string representation of a spreadsheet into a SpreadSheet object, using the specified reader setup.
StringToString |
Dummy converter, does not perform any conversion.
StringToTextContainer |
Wraps the String in a adams.data.text.TextContainer, which allows the storage of meta-data using the attached report and/or notes.
StringToURL |
Turns a String into a URL object.
StringToValidFileName |
Turns any string into a valid file name.
StringToValidStorageName |
Turns any string into a valid storage name.
StringToValidVariableName |
Turns any string into a valid variable name.
SwapObjects |
Swaps all occurrences of one object with another one.
SwapPLS |
Swaps one PLS filter for another.
TextContainerToString |
Obtains the string content of a adams.data.text.TextContainer and forwards that.
TextRenderer |
Turns incoming objects into their textual representation, either automatic detection based on their data type or by explicitly specifying a renderer.
See also:
TimeseriesToArray |
Turns the values of a timeseries into a Double array.
TimeseriesToSpreadSheet |
Turns a timeseries into a SpreadSheet object.
TimeseriesToWekaInstances |
Turns a timeseries into a WEKA Instances object.
TimeToString |
Turns a number representing milli-seconds since 1970 (Java date) into a String.
For more information on formatting the date, see:
TransposeSpreadSheet |
Transposes a spreadsheet, i.e., swaps columns with rows.
UnBackQuote |
Reverses backquoting, i.e., removes the escaping with backslash, restoring characters like quotes (single and double), new lines, tabs.
See also:
Valid options are:
UnknownToUnknown |
Dummy converter, does not perform any conversion.
UnQuote |
Removes the quotes (single or double) surrounding a string.
UpperCase |
Turns a String into an uppercase String.
URLDecode |
Decodes the URL encoded string back to a regular string (uses java.net.URLDecoder).
URLEncode |
Encodes the string to make it usable within a URL (uses java.net.URLEncoder).
URLParametersToStringArray |
Turns URL parameters like '...?k1=v1&k2=v2' back into a string array (uses java.net.URLDecoder).
URLToString |
Turns a URL object into a String.
UseForwardSlashes |
Converts backslashes in file names to forward slashes.
Does not touch the '\\' prefix of UNC paths.
WekaCapabilitiesToInstances |
Turns a weka.core.Capabilities object into a Weka dataset filled with random data that is compatible with these capabilities.
WekaCapabilitiesToSpreadSheet |
Turns a weka.core.Capabilities object into a spreadsheet, listing all individual capabilities and whether they are supported.
WekaCommandToCode |
Applies a commandline converter to the incoming commandline to generate code.
Uses the following project:
WekaDrawableToString |
Extracts the string representation of a weka.core.Drawable object, e.g., the tree representation of a decision tree or the graph of a BayesNet.
WekaEvaluationToCostCurve |
Generates cost-curve data from a WEKA Evaluation object.
WekaEvaluationToMarginCurve |
Generates margin-curve data from a WEKA Evaluation object.
WekaEvaluationToThresholdCurve |
Generates threshold-curve data from a WEKA Evaluation object.
WekaForecastContainerToArray |
Turns a series of predictions of a adams.flow.container.WekaForecastContainer container into a Double array.
WekaForecastContainerToTimeseries |
Turns a series of predictions of a adams.flow.container.WekaForecastContainer container into a adams.data.timeseries.Timeseries.
WekaInstancesToSpreadSheet |
Generates a spreadsheet from a weka.core.Instances object.
WekaInstancesToTimeseries |
Turns a WEKA Instances object into a Timeseries.
WekaInstanceToAdamsInstance |
Converts weka.core.Instance objects into adams.data.instance.Instance ones.
WekaInstanceToMap |
Turns the Weka Instance into a Map, with the attribute names the keys.
WekaPackageToMap |
Turns the Weka Package into a Map.
WekaPredictionContainerToSpreadSheet |
Turns a WEKA prediction container into a SpreadSheet object.
WekaPredictionContainerToSpreadSheet.SortContainer |
Helper class for sorting the distribution.
Turns an XML string into a org.w3c.dom.Document DOM object.
YamlStringToList |
Converts the YAML string into a java.util.Map object.
YamlStringToMap |
Converts the YAML string into a java.util.Map object.