AbstractBufferedImageTransformer |
Abstract base class for BufferedImage transformations.
AbstractScript |
Ancestor for JAI transformer scripts.
AbstractScriptedTransformer |
Abstract ancestor for transformers that execute external scripts.
Binary |
Turns an image into a binary image, using a grayscale threshold to determine which pixels are black (below) and which are white (equal to or above).
BinaryMask |
Generates a binary image from the input and uses this mask to determine which pixels get replaced by the specified replacement color.
BlueChannelColorizer |
Interprets the values in the blue channel (e.g., used by image segmentation frameworks) of the images as indices and replaces them with colors from the specified color provider.
ChangeCanvasSize |
Places the image on a canvas of specified size based on the anchor.
Cropping |
Crops the images passing through using the specified crop algorithm.
DownSample |
Generates a smaller image by taken every nth pixel (on the x and y axis).
FixObjects |
Ensures that no invalid object shapes are present in the report.
GaussianBlur |
Performs a gaussian blur.
Original code taken from here:
Valid options are:
GrayOrIndexedColorizer |
Colorizes grayscale or indexed images using the specified color provider.
Other images types get converted to grayscale first.
Grayscale |
Generates a grayscale images using the specified luminance parameters.
ImageFilter |
Applies an ImageFilter to the buffered image.
ImageType |
Turns an image into the specified type of image.
LaplaceOfGaussian |
Applies the Laplacian of Gaussian (LoG) to the image, using the following formula
(x^2 + y^2 - 2*sigma^2) / sigma^4 * exp(-(x^2 +y^2) / (2*sigma^2)
For more information on LoG, see:
LaplaceOperator |
Applies the Laplace operator, using the following matrix:
0 1 0
1 -4 1
0 1 0
For more information on the Laplace operator, see:
LocalMedianFilter |
TODO: what class does.
MaxRGB |
MinRGB |
MinRGBOld |
MultiTransformer |
Applies the specified JAI transformers one after the other.
ObjectAnnotationsMask |
Only leaves pixels in the image that are covered by the object annotations (= masking).
PassThrough |
A dummy transform that just passes the image through.
ReplaceColors |
Allows replacing one color with another.
ReplacePredominantColor |
Allows replacing the predominant color with another.
Resize |
Resizes the image to predefined width and height.
For more information on the scaling types, see:
Scripted |
An image transformer that uses any scripting handler for processing the data with a script located in the specified file.
SplitChannels |
Splits the image into the specified separate RGB channels.
SplitChannelsHSV |
Splits the image into the specified separate HSV channels.
SplitChannelsYIQ |
Splits the image into the specified separate YIQ channels.
SplitChannelsYUV |
Splits the image into the specified separate YUV channels.
SubImages |
Produces subimages from the input image using the specified generator.
SuppliedImageMask |
Masks out regions on the image using a supplied image from internal storage, making them transparent.
ThresholdReplacement |
Replaces pixels of the image that fall below or above (depending on configuration) a user defined threshold in the grayscale space with the supplied replacement color.
Can be replaced to remove dark or light splotches.
TrimapColorizer |
Colorizes trimap images using the specified color provider.
WhiteBalance |
Processes the images passing through using the specified white balance algorithm.
XScreenMask |
Masks out a color by making it transparent.