AbstractImageSegmentationContainerOperation |
Abstract base class for operations that require multiple images.
CompareAnnotationWithPrediction |
Compares a prediction (first container) with the annotation
(second container) and outputs a color image per label that shows
the correct overlaps, the missed annotations and additionally
predicted pixels.
ConfusionMatrix |
Evaluates a prediction (first container) against the annotation
(second container) and outputs a spreadsheet with the confusion matrix.
CountPixels |
Counts the pixels and generates a spreadsheet with count per layer.
EvaluatePrediction |
Evaluates a prediction (first container) against the annotation
(second container) and outputs a spreadsheet with the results.
PassThrough |
Dummy, just passes through the containers.
SimpleOverlay |
Combines base image (or just background color) and layers into a single image.