AbstractMetaTimeseriesFeatureGenerator |
Ancestor for generators that use a base generator.
AbstractTimeseriesFeatureGenerator<T extends Timeseries> |
Abstract base class for Timeseries feature generation.
AddMetaData |
Meta-generator that can add database ID and container ID.
FixedNumFeatures |
Meta-feature-generator that ensures that the generated output has a fixed number of data points.
In case of filler type FIRST, the data gets inserted at the start, as opposed to at the end when using LAST.
NUMERIC/STRING/BOOLEAN use the appropriate filler value that the user specified.
The MISSING_* types just add a missing value of the appropriate data type.
PeriodicityHelper |
Helper class for periodicity related calculations.
Timeseries<P extends TimeseriesPoint,R extends Report,S extends TimeseriesStatistic> |
Container for a full timeseries.
TimeseriesPoint |
Encapsulates a single data point of a timeseries.
TimeseriesPointComparator<P extends TimeseriesPoint> |
A comparator for timeseries points.
TimeseriesUtils |
Utility class for timeseries.
Values |
Simple feature generator that just outputs all the values of a timeseries.