Class OutlierPaintlet

    • Field Detail

      • m_Diameter

        protected int m_Diameter
        the diameter of the circle.
      • m_AntiAliasingEnabled

        protected boolean m_AntiAliasingEnabled
        whether anti-aliasing is enabled.
      • m_ColorNormal

        protected Color m_ColorNormal
        the color for the regular data points.
      • m_ColorOutlier

        protected Color m_ColorOutlier
        the color for the outliers.
    • Constructor Detail

      • OutlierPaintlet

        public OutlierPaintlet()
    • Method Detail

      • setDiameter

        public void setDiameter​(int value)
        Sets the cross diameter.
        Specified by:
        setDiameter in interface DiameterBasedPaintlet
        value - the diameter
      • getDiameter

        public int getDiameter()
        Returns the diameter of the cross.
        Specified by:
        getDiameter in interface DiameterBasedPaintlet
        the diameter
      • diameterTipText

        public String diameterTipText()
        Returns the tip text for this property.
        Specified by:
        diameterTipText in interface DiameterBasedPaintlet
        tip text for this property suitable for displaying in the GUI or for listing the options.
      • setAntiAliasingEnabled

        public void setAntiAliasingEnabled​(boolean value)
        Sets whether to use anti-aliasing.
        Specified by:
        setAntiAliasingEnabled in interface AntiAliasingSupporter
        value - if true then anti-aliasing is used
      • isAntiAliasingEnabled

        public boolean isAntiAliasingEnabled()
        Returns whether anti-aliasing is used.
        Specified by:
        isAntiAliasingEnabled in interface AntiAliasingSupporter
        true if anti-aliasing is used
      • antiAliasingEnabledTipText

        public String antiAliasingEnabledTipText()
        Returns the tip text for this property.
        tip text for this property suitable for displaying in the GUI or for listing the options.
      • setColorNormal

        public void setColorNormal​(Color value)
        Sets the color for normal data points.
        value - the color
      • getColorNormal

        public Color getColorNormal()
        Returns the color for normal data points.
        the color
      • colorNormalTipText

        public String colorNormalTipText()
        Returns the tip text for this property.
        tip text for this property suitable for displaying in the GUI or for listing the options.
      • setColorOutlier

        public void setColorOutlier​(Color value)
        Sets the color for outliers.
        value - the color
      • getColorOutlier

        public Color getColorOutlier()
        Returns the color for outliers.
        the color
      • colorOutlierTipText

        public String colorOutlierTipText()
        Returns the tip text for this property.
        tip text for this property suitable for displaying in the GUI or for listing the options.
      • drawData

        public void drawData​(Graphics g,
                             PaintEvent.PaintMoment moment,
                             XYSequence data)
        Draws the custom data with the given color.
        g - the graphics context
        moment - the paint moment
        data - the data to draw