AbstractErrorPaintlet |
Ancestor for error paintlets.
AbstractMarkerPaintlet |
Ancestor for marker paintlets.
AbstractMouseClickAction |
Ancestor for classes that react to mouse clicks on the canvas.
AbstractPlotUpdater |
Ancestor for classes that determine when to update the sequence plotter,
i.e., repaint all of it.
AbstractSequencePostProcessor |
Ancestor for sequence post-processors for the SequencePlotter.
AligningSequences |
Aligns the sequences on the left.
ByNameErrorPaintlet |
A wrapper for error paintlets, plots only sequences if the ID matches
the regular expression.
ByNameMarkerPaintlet |
A wrapper for marker paintlets, plots only sequences if the ID matches
the regular expression.
ErrorBandPaintlet |
Plots a band around the values, using the Y errors to define the width of
the band.
ErrorCircleHitDetector |
Detects selections of error circles.
ErrorCirclePaintlet |
Paintlet for painting circles with diameters based on the error at the specified X-Y position.
ErrorCrossHitDetector |
Detects selections of error crosses.
ErrorCrossPaintlet |
Paintlet for painting crosses with diameters based on the error at the specified X-Y position.
NamedPlotUpdater |
Updates the flow after the specified number of tokens per named plot have been processed.
NoErrorPaintlet |
Performs no painting at all.
NoMarkers |
Dummy paintlet, since it doesn't draw anything.
NullClickAction |
Dummy action, does nothing.
OutlierPaintlet |
Paintlet for drawing crosses at the X-Y positions of the data points.
PassThrough |
Performs no post-processing at all.
PolygonSelectionPaintlet |
Paints the selected points as point/line/polygon.
SequencePlotContainer |
Container for sequence plot data.
SequencePlotContainerManager |
A handler for the sequence plot containers.
SequencePlotPoint |
SequencePlotPointComparator<X extends Number & Comparable,Y extends Number & Comparable> |
A comparator for XY sequence points.
SequencePlotSequence |
SequencePlotterPanel |
The panel that plots all the sequences.
SimpleErrorPaintlet |
Simple error plots: line, errorbar, box.
SimplePlotUpdater |
Updates the flow after the specified number of tokens have been processed.
SimplePruning |
Simply prunes the sequences at the head if they exceed a pre-defined size limit.
ToggleOutlier |
Toggles the outlier state of data points.
VerticalMarkers |
Draws vertical markers on the sequence plot panel.
ViewDataClickAction |
Displays the data that the user clicked on in a table.