Class SequencePlotPoint

    • Field Detail

      • m_ErrorX

        protected Double[] m_ErrorX
        the X errors.
      • m_ErrorY

        protected Double[] m_ErrorY
        the Y errors.
    • Constructor Detail

      • SequencePlotPoint

        public SequencePlotPoint()
        Initializes the point.
      • SequencePlotPoint

        public SequencePlotPoint​(double x,
                                 double y)
        Initializes the point.
        x - the X value
        y - the Y value
      • SequencePlotPoint

        public SequencePlotPoint​(String id,
                                 double x,
                                 double y)
        Initializes the point.
        id - the ID, use null to ignore
        x - the X value
        y - the Y value
      • SequencePlotPoint

        public SequencePlotPoint​(String id,
                                 double x,
                                 double y,
                                 Double[] errorX,
                                 Double[] errorY)
        Initializes the point.
        id - the ID, use null to ignore
        x - the X value
        y - the Y value
        errorX - the error for X (either delta or min/max)
        errorY - the error for Y (either delta or min/max)