AbstractArrayProvider |
Ancestor for source actors that can output items one by one or as a single
AbstractBufferingSource |
Ancestor for queues that need to buffer output from eg another process.
AbstractDatabaseIdSupplier |
Abstract ancestor for ID suppliers.
AbstractDatabaseMetaData |
Ancestor for sources that output the database meta-data.
AbstractDbArrayProvider |
Ancestor for array providers that use the database.
AbstractDbSource |
Ancestor for sources that access the database..
AbstractForLoop |
Abstract ancestor for for-loops.
AbstractIdSupplier |
Abstract ancestor for ID suppliers.
AbstractInteractiveArrayProvider |
Ancestor for interactive sources that can provide the output as an array
or one-by-one.
AbstractInteractiveSource |
Ancestor for source actors that interact with the user.
AbstractListTables |
Ancestor for sources that list tables from a database.
AbstractPythonExecution |
Ancestor for sources that execute a Python executable.
AbstractSelectObjects |
Ancestor for sources that promp the user to select a number of objects to
be broadcasted as tokens.
AbstractSimpleDbSource |
Ancestor for simple sources that use the database.
AbstractSimpleSource |
Ancestor for sources that just output a single token.
AbstractSimpleSourceWithPropertiesUpdating |
Ancestor for simple sources that allow changing the object's properties
using variables.
AbstractSource |
Ancestor of all flow items that act as sources of tokens.
AbstractSpreadSheetDbReader |
Ancestor for spreadsheet database readers.
AbstractWekaSetupGenerator |
Abstract ancestor for setup generator sources.
ConditionalIdSupplier |
Interface for ID suppliers that use a conditions object.
CurrentTime.TimeType |
what time to output.
DumpStorage.OutputType |
The output type.
DumpVariables.OutputType |
The output type.
EnterManyValues.OutputType |
Defines how to output the data that the user entered.
Exec.OutputType |
What to output.
FTPLister.Sorting |
The type of sorting.
NewJsonStructure.JsonDataStructure |
The data structure types for JSON.
NewList.QuoteType |
The type of quoting to use use.
OptionTraverser.TraversalStart |
Defines where to start the traversal.
SelectDateTime.Type |
Determines what dialog is presented to the user and what the generated
data type is.
SequenceSource |
Encapsulates a sequence of flow items, with the last one generating the output for this meta-source.
SQLIdSupplier.Type |
The type of IDs to output.