AboutBoxPanel |
Represents an "About" box displayed from the main menu.
AbstractApplicationFrame |
Abstract frame class for applications.
AbstractBasicMenuItemDefinition |
Abstract ancestor for definining menu items in the ApplicationFrame menu.
AbstractInitialization |
Ancestor for initialization applets.
AbstractMenuItemDefinition |
Abstract ancestor for definining menu items in the ApplicationFrame menu.
AbstractPreferencesPanel |
Ancestor for preference panels.
AbstractPropertiesPreferencesPanel |
Displays all properties in a props file as preferences.
AbstractSubMenuDefinition |
Ancestor for menu items that provide a submenu.
ApplicationMenu |
Generates the menu for the application frame.
CharsetSettingsPanel |
Panel for configuring the charset settings.
ChildFrame |
Specialized JFrame class.
DatabaseConnections |
Initializes the database connections.
EmailSetupPanel |
Panel for configuring the system-wide Email settings.
FlowPreferencesPanel |
Preferences for the flow editor.
Fonts |
Initializes the fonts.
FontsPreferencesPanel |
Preferences for fonts.
JVisualVMPanel |
Panel for configuring the JVisualVM settings.
LocaleHelper |
Initializes the locale settings.
LocaleSettingsPanel |
Panel for configuring the locale settings.
PreferencesManagerPanel |
Panel that combines all the preference panels.
ProxyHelper |
Initializes the proxy support.
ProxySettingsPanel |
Panel for configuring the proxy settings.
RegisterEditors |
Registers the editors.
SMBHelper |
Initializes the Wins Host.
SMBSetupPanel |
Panel for configuring the system-wide SMB settings.
SSLHelper |
Initializes the SSL context.
SSLSetupPanel |
Panel for configuring the system-wide SSL settings.
TerminalSettingsPanel |
Panel for configuring the terminal settings.
TesseractSettingsPanel |
Panel for configuring the tesseract settings.
TimeZoneHelper |
Initializes the time zone settings.
TimeZoneSettingsPanel |
Panel for configuring the timezone settings.
WekaExperimenterPreferencesPanel |
Preferences for the WEKA Experimenter.
WekaExplorerPreferencesPanel |
Preferences for the WEKA Explorer.
WekaInvestigatorPreferencesPanel |
Preferences for the WEKA Investigator.
WekaPluginManagerExtensions |
Enables further extensions through Weka's PluginManager.
WekaSystemProperties |
Sets some Weka-specific system properties to improve performance.