Class BrowserHelper

  • public class BrowserHelper
    extends Object
    A little helper class for browser related stuff.

    The openURL method was originally based on Bare Bones Browser Launch, which has been placed in the public domain.
    fracpete (fracpete at waikato dot ac dot nz)
    • Field Detail

      • m_Properties

        protected static Properties m_Properties
        the general properties.
    • Constructor Detail

      • BrowserHelper

        public BrowserHelper()
    • Method Detail

      • openURL

        public static String openURL​(String url)
        Opens the URL in the system's default browser.
        url - the URL to open, use tab to separate multiple URLs
        null if executed OK, otherwise error message
      • openURL

        public static String openURL​(Component parent,
                                     String url)
        Opens the URL in the system's default browser.
        parent - the parent component
        url - the URL to open, use tab to separate multiple URLs
        null if executed OK, otherwise error message
      • openURL

        public static String openURL​(Component parent,
                                     String url,
                                     boolean showDialog)
        Opens the URL in the system's default browser.
        parent - the parent component
        url - the URL to open, use tab to separate multiple URLs
        showDialog - whether to display a dialog in case of an error or just print the error to the console
        null if executed OK, otherwise error message
      • openURL

        public static String openURL​(Component parent,
                                     String cmd,
                                     String url,
                                     boolean showDialog)
        Opens the URL in a custom browser.
        parent - the parent component
        cmd - the browser command-line
        url - the URL to open
        showDialog - whether to display a dialog in case of an error or just print the error to the console
        null if executed OK, otherwise error message
      • createLink

        public static JLabel createLink​(String url,
                                        String text)
        Generates a label with a clickable link.
        url - the url of the link
        text - the text to display instead of URL. if null or of length 0 then the URL is used
        the generated label
      • getProperties

        public static Properties getProperties()
        Returns the properties that define the editor.
        the properties