AbstractAdvancedScript |
Ancestor for scripts with syntax highlighting in the GOE using the
RSyntaxTextArea component.
AbstractBaseTableModel |
Abstract ancestor for table models.
AbstractComponentWithButtons<T extends Component> |
Ancestor for components that have associated buttons.
AbstractDoubleClickableComponentWithButtons<T extends Component> |
Ancestor for components with buttons that can be double-clicked.
AbstractFrameWithOptionHandling |
Ancestor to all frames that handle command-line options.
AbstractMoveableTableModel |
Abstract table model that allows rows to be moved around.
AbstractNamedHistoryPanel<T> |
Abstract ancestor for panels that store a history of objects, e.g., results
of experiment runs.
AbstractNamedHistoryPanel.AbstractHistoryEntryFrame<T> |
A specialized frame class for displaying a history entries.
AbstractNamedHistoryPanel.HistoryEntrySelectionEvent |
Event object that gets sent whenever a history entry gets selected.
AbstractQuickSearchPanel |
Ancestor for panels that .
AbstractRecentItemsHandler<M,T> |
Ancestor for classes that handle a list of recent items.
AbstractSimpleScript |
Ancestor for scripts with syntax highlighting in the GOE.
AbstractTextAreaPanelWithAdvancedSyntaxHighlighting |
Panel with syntax highlighting using RSyntaxTextArea .
AbstractTextEditorPanelWithSimpleSyntaxHighlighting |
A panel that allows the editing of text, including undo/redo support,
and custom syntax highlighting.
AdjustableGridPanel |
Panel with GridLayout that allows user to adjust layout.
BaseButton |
Custom button class.
BaseButtonWithDropDownMenu |
Button that opens a dropdown menu when clicked.
BaseCheckBox |
Custom checkbox class.
BaseColorTextField |
Text field designed for entering a regular expression.
BaseColorTextField.CustomColorTextField |
Custom color text field.
BaseComboBox<E> |
Custom JComboBox component.
BaseComboBoxModel<E> |
BaseDialog |
A dialog that loads the size and location from the props file automatically.
BaseEditorPane |
BaseFlatButton |
Custom class for flat buttons.
BaseFlatButtonWithDropDownMenu |
Flat button that opens a dropdown menu when clicked.
BaseFlatSplitButton |
Simple version of a split button: button + drop-down menu.
BaseFrame |
A frame that loads the size and location from the props file automatically.
BaseHtmlEditorPane |
BaseList |
Enhanced javax.swing.JList.
BaseListWithButtons |
Graphical component that consists of a BaseTable with buttons on the
right-hand side.
BaseLogPanel |
Simple log panel with Clear/Copy buttons.
BaseMenu |
Extended JMenu class that also supports sorting of its menu items.
BaseObjectTextField<T extends BaseObject> |
Text field designed for entering a strings checked by a BaseObject derived
BaseObjectTextField.BaseObjectCheckModel<T extends BaseObject> |
A model for checking regexp values.
BasePanel |
A JPanel extended by a few useful methods.
BasePanelWithButtons |
Panel that offers associated buttons on the right-hand side.
BasePanelWithDatabaseConnection |
Ancestor for panels that depend on a database connection.
BasePasswordField |
Extended JPasswordField component.
BasePasswordFieldWithButton |
BasePopupMenu |
BaseScrollPane |
JScrollPane with proper scroll unit/block increments.
BaseShortcut |
Wrapper for keyboard shortcuts.
BaseSizeSequence |
Specialized size sequence that can handle mixed row sizes.
BaseSplitButton |
Simple version of a split button: button + drop-down menu.
BaseSplitPane |
An extended JSplitPane class.
BaseStatusBar |
A bar for displaying status messages (left and right).
BaseTabbedPane |
Enhanced JTabbedPane.
BaseTabbedPane.TabUndo |
Container for the tab undo list.
BaseTabbedPane.TabUndoList |
For storing the tab undo containers.
BaseTabbedPaneWithTabHiding |
Enhanced JTabbedPane.
BaseTabbedPaneWithTabHiding.PageBackup<T> |
Container for backing up hidden tabs.
BaseTable |
A specialized JTable that allows double-clicking on header for resizing to
optimal width.
BaseTableWithButtons |
Graphical component that consists of a BaseTable with buttons on the
right-hand side.
BaseTextArea |
A customized JTextArea.
BaseTextAreaWithButtons |
Graphical component that consists of a BaseTable with buttons on the
right-hand side.
BaseTextField |
Extended JTextField component.
BaseTextPane |
A customized JTextPane.
BaseTextPaneWithButtons |
BaseTextPaneWithWordWrap |
A panel containing a BaseTextPane , to allow wordwrap functionality.
BaseToggleButton |
Custom toggle button class.
BaseTree |
A JTree enhanced with a few useful methods.
BaseTreeNode |
TreeNode used by the BasicTree component.
BaseWindow |
A window that loads the size and location from the props file automatically.
BooleanExpressionEditorPanel |
Text editor pane with syntax highlighting for boolean expressions.
BrowserHelper |
A little helper class for browser related stuff.
BrowserHelper.DefaultHyperlinkListener |
Default handler for hyperlinks.
BufferHistoryPanel |
A history panel that keeps track of named StringBuilder objects, e.g.,
containing experiments results.
BufferHistoryPanel.BufferFrame |
A specialized frame class for displaying a StringBuilder in a BaseTextArea.
ButtonTabComponent |
Component to be used as tabComponent;
Contains a JLabel to show the text and
a BaseButton to close the tab it belongs to
CheckableTableModel<T extends TableModel> |
Meta-model that wraps another table model and allows "ticking" of rows.
CheckedTextField |
A specialized BaseTextField that takes a check model as input.
CheckedTextField.AbstractCheckModel |
Abstract model for checking the text from a text field.
CheckedTextField.StringCheckModel |
A (dummy) check model that allows any string.
ClassQuickSearchPanel |
Allows user to search/select class from a class hierarchy.
ColorHelper |
Helper class for converting Colors to-and-from strings.
ConsolePanel |
Global panel for capturing output via PrintObject instances.
ConsolePanel.ConsolePanelOutputStream |
ConsolePanel.OutputPanel |
Represents a single panel for a specific type of output.
Cursors |
For creating cursors.
CustomColorImageIcon |
A specialized ImageIcon that simply fills in a rectangle with the specified
DateTextField |
A specialized text field for dates.
DateTextField.DateCheckModel |
A model for checking dates.
DefaultTextAreaPanelWithAdvancedSyntaxHighlighting |
Text area with no syntax highlighting by default.
DelayedActionRunnable |
Runnable that executes actions after the specified delay has been reached.
DelayedActionRunnable.AbstractAction |
Ancestor for actions to be executed after a delay.
DescriptionPanel |
Base panel that offers a description at the top.
DetachablePanel |
Ancestor for panels that can be detached in a frame and also reattached again.
DragAndDropTabbedPane |
Tabbed pane that allows reordering of tabs via drag-n-drop.
DragAndDropTree |
A BaseTree ehanced with drag'n'drop.
DragAndDropTreeNodeCollection<N extends BaseTreeNode> |
Helper class for drag-n-drop in the DragAndDropTree.
ErrorMessagePanel |
A panel for displaying an error message, optionally being able to include
the console output.
ExtensionFileFilter |
A FileFilter for filtering files base on their extension.
FileListWithButtons |
A specialized list that allows the addition/removal of files.
FilePanel |
Displays files and directories.
FilePanel.FileDoubleClickEvent |
Event for double clicks on files.
FileWrapperListModel |
List model for showing the files.
FileWrapperTableModel |
The model for the table.
FilterPanel |
Compact filter component that allows user to enter text.
Fonts |
Helper class for fonts.
GroovySyntaxEditorPanel |
Text editor pane with Groovy syntax highlighting.
GUIHelper |
A "little" helper class for GUI related stuff.
GUIHelper.AbstractInputPanel |
Ancestor for panels that allow the user to enter/select a value.
GUIHelper.DialogCommunication |
Helper class that allows external callers to communicate with input
dialogs, enabling them to schedule closing of the dialog.
GUIHelper.InputPanelWithButtons |
Panel that uses buttons for the values that the user can enter.
GUIHelper.InputPanelWithComboBox |
Panel that uses a combobox for the values that the user can enter.
GUIHelper.InputPanelWithTextArea |
Panel that uses a textarea for the value that the user can enter.
GUIPrompt |
Helper class for GUI prompts that require updating values, e.g.,
only displaying a warning dialog once.
ImageManager |
Manages images and icons.
IndexTextField |
Text field designed for entering a single index, eg for attributes.
IndexTextField.IndexCheckModel |
A model for checking Index values.
JComponentList |
A specialized JList that displays/renders arbitrary JComponents.
JComponentList.CheckBoxListItem |
A specialized BaseCheckBox to be used in a JComponentList, which provides a
rudimentary popup menu.
JComponentList.JComponentListModel |
A specialized model.
JComponentList.LabelListItem |
A specialized JLabel to be used in a JComponentList, which provides a
rudimentary popup menu.
JComponentList.ListCellRenderer |
A specialized cell renderer.
JListHelper |
A helper class for JList GUI elements with DefaultListModel or
derived models.
JTableHelper |
A helper class for JTable, e.g.
KeyUtils |
A helper class for key events.
KeyValuePairTableModel |
The model for displaying key-value pairs.
LazyExpansionTreeNode |
Allows for lazy expansion of a node's sub-tree.
LookUpUpdateEditorPanel |
Text editor pane with syntax highlighting for lookup updates.
MapTableModel |
The model for displaying a map.
MathematicalExpressionEditorPanel |
Text editor pane with syntax highlighting for mathematical expressions.
MaximizationFixWindowListener |
Provides a work-around for platforms where the maximization of frames
(eg JFrame) results in strange behaviors.
MemoryMonitorPanel |
Displays the memory consumption.
MenuItemComparator |
Comparator for sorting JMenuItem (and derived classes).
MouseUtils |
Helper class for mouse events.
MultiPagePane |
Manages multiple pages, like JTabbedPane manages multiple tabs.
MultiPagePane.DetachablePage |
MultiPagePane.PageContainer |
Container for page component and title.
MultiPagePane.PageUndo |
Container for the page undo list.
MultiPagePane.TitleRenderer |
The cell renderer.
NumberTextField |
A specialized text field for numbers.
NumberTextField.BoundedNumberCheckModel |
A check model for numbers.
NumberTextField.NumberCheckModel |
A check model for numbers.
OneTouchPanel |
Panel that can hide its content and make it visible using "arrow" buttons.
ParameterPanel |
A panel that lists one parameter (label and component or just
AbstractChooserPanel) per row.
ParameterPanelWithButtons |
Panel that offers associated buttons on the right-hand side.
Point2DComparator |
PropertiesParameterPanel |
Displays all properties in a props file as parameters (alphabetically
sorted if no custom order for properties provided).
PropertiesTableModel |
Table model for displaying a properties object.
RangeTextField |
Text field designed for entering a range, eg for attributes.
RangeTextField.RangeCheckModel |
A model for checking Range values.
RecentFilesHandler<M> |
A class that handles a list of recent files.
RecentFilesHandlerWithCommandline<M> |
Recent files handler that stores a commandline alongside the file.
RecentFilesHandlerWithCommandline.Setup |
Container class for storing file and optionhandler alongside.
RecentFilesWithEncodingHandler<M> |
A class that handles a list of recent files that also store file encoding
RecentSpreadSheetQueriesHandler<M> |
A class that handles a list of recent spreadsheet queries.
RecentSQLStatementsHandler<M> |
A class that handles a list of recent SQL statements.
RegExpConstrainedTextField |
Text field designed for entering a string that is constrained by a regular
RegExpConstrainedTextField.RegExpConstraintCheckModel |
A model for checking entered string again regexp.
RegExpTextField |
Text field designed for entering a regular expression.
ResultSetTableModel |
Table model for displaying an SQL ResultSet.
SearchableBaseList |
Extended BaseList class that allows searching in its elements.
SearchableBaseListWithButtons |
Searchable list widget with buttons on the right.
SearchableWrapperListModel |
Wraps around any list model and makes them automatically searchable.
SearchPanel |
A panel that displays a search box.
SearchParameters |
A container for search parameters.
SimpleLogPanel |
Simple log panel.
SortableAndSearchableTable |
A specialized JTable that allows double-clicking on header for resizing to
optimal width, as well as being searchable and sortable.
SortableAndSearchableTableWithButtons<T extends SortableAndSearchableTable> |
Graphical component that consists of a SortableAndSearchableTable with
buttons on the right-hand side.
SortableAndSearchableWrapperTableModel |
Wraps around any table model and makes them automatically sortable and
SortableAndSearchableWrapperTableModel.SortContainer |
Helper class for sorting the columns.
SplitPanelWithOptionalComponents |
A panel that has optional left/top or right/bottom components.
SpreadSheetCellRenderer |
Custom cell renderer for displaying spreadsheets.
SpreadSheetColumnComboBox |
ComboBox that lists the column names of the associated spreadsheet in
alphabetical order and when the user selects one, ensures that this
column is visible.
SpreadSheetColumnComboBox.ColumnContainer |
Container for storing column name and
SpreadSheetFormulaEditorPanel |
Text editor pane with syntax highlighting for spreadsheet formula.
SpreadSheetQueryEditorPanel |
Text editor pane with syntax highlighting for spreadsheet formula.
SpreadSheetTable |
A specialized table for displaying a SpreadSheet table model.
SpreadSheetTableModel |
The table model for displaying a SpreadSheet object.
SpreadSheetTableWithButtons |
Graphical component that consists of a SpreadSheetTable with buttons on the
right-hand side.
SpreadSheetTableWithSearch |
Spreadsheet table with search and (optional) buttons.
SqlConnectionPanel |
Panel for database connection.
SQLSyntaxEditorPanel |
Text editor pane with SQL syntax highlighting.
StringExpressionEditorPanel |
Text editor pane with syntax highlighting for boolean expressions.
StringQuickSearchPanel |
Allows user to search/select strings.
StyledTextEditorPanel |
A panel that allows the editing of text, including undo/redo support.
TextEditorPanel |
A panel that allows the editing of text, including undo/redo support.
TextEditorPanel.TextEditorArea |
Specialized BaseTextArea.
TitleGenerator |
A simple helper class for generating titles for frames and dialogs.
ToolBarPanel |
Specialized panel with a toolbar.
ToolBarUndoPanel |
A toolbar panel with the ability for undo.
UISettings |
Class for keeping track of parameters for panels, like divider locations.
Undo |
A general Undo/Redo-mechanism: stores objects either in memory or on disk.
Undo.UndoPoint |
Represents a single undo point, i.e., data and comment.
UndoPanel |
A panel with the ability for undo.
UserModeUtils |
Methods for handling user mode.
XSLTSyntaxEditorPanel |
Text editor pane with XSLT syntax highlighting (actually XML).