Class FlowPanel

    • Field Detail

      • m_Properties

        protected static Properties m_Properties
        the properties.
      • m_LastFlow

        protected Actor m_LastFlow
        the last flow that was run.
      • m_CurrentFile

        protected File m_CurrentFile
        the filename of the current flow.
      • m_CurrentWorker

        protected FlowWorker m_CurrentWorker
        the current worker.
      • m_CurrentThread

        protected Thread m_CurrentThread
        the current worker thread.
      • m_RunningSwingWorker

        protected boolean m_RunningSwingWorker
        whether a swingworker is currently running.
      • m_SplitPaneTrees

        protected BaseSplitPane m_SplitPaneTrees
        the split pane for the trees (edit/debug).
      • m_SplitPaneEditor

        protected BaseSplitPane m_SplitPaneEditor
        the split pane to use for tree and notification area.
      • m_Tree

        protected Tree m_Tree
        the tree displaying the flow structure.
      • m_DebugTree

        protected Tree m_DebugTree
        the tree displaying the debug flow structure.
      • m_PanelDebugTree

        protected JPanel m_PanelDebugTree
        the panel with the debug tree.
      • m_LastVariableSearch

        protected String m_LastVariableSearch
        the last variable search performed.
      • m_PanelStorage

        protected StoragePanel m_PanelStorage
        the panel with the variables.
      • m_TitleGenerator

        protected TitleGenerator m_TitleGenerator
        for generating the title of the dialog/frame.
      • m_Title

        protected String m_Title
        the current title.
      • m_Status

        protected String m_Status
        the current status.
      • m_Headless

        protected boolean m_Headless
        whether to execute the flow in headless mode.
      • m_RunGC

        protected boolean m_RunGC
        whether to perform a GC after the flow execution.
      • m_CheckOnSave

        protected boolean m_CheckOnSave
        whether to check before saving.
      • m_CheckLargeFlowsOnSave

        protected Boolean m_CheckLargeFlowsOnSave
        whether to check large flows before saving.
      • m_PanelBottom

        protected BasePanel m_PanelBottom
        the bottom panel.
      • m_LastReader

        protected FlowReader m_LastReader
        the last flow reader used.
      • m_LastWriter

        protected FlowWriter m_LastWriter
        the last flow writer used.
      • m_FlowFileMonitor

        protected MultiMonitor m_FlowFileMonitor
        for monitoring file changes.
      • m_Logger

        protected Logger m_Logger
        the logger instance.
    • Constructor Detail

      • FlowPanel

        public FlowPanel()
        Initializes the panel with no owner.
      • FlowPanel

        public FlowPanel​(FlowMultiPagePane owner)
        Initializes the panel with an owner.
        owner - the owning tabbed pane
    • Method Detail

      • initialize

        protected void initialize()
        Initializes the members.
        initialize in class UndoPanel
      • initGUI

        protected void initGUI()
        Initializes the widgets.
        initGUI in class BasePanel
      • finishInit

        protected void finishInit()
        Finishes up the initialization.
        finishInit in class BasePanel
      • getOwner

        public FlowMultiPagePane getOwner()
        Returns the editor this panel belongs to.
        the editor, null if none set
      • getKnownParent

        public Container getKnownParent()
        Returns the component that acts as this component's parent.
        Specified by:
        getKnownParent in interface KnownParentSupporter
        the parent, null if not available
      • setPageIcon

        public void setPageIcon​(String icon)
        Sets the page icon.
        Specified by:
        setPageIcon in interface MultiPageIconSupporter
        icon - the name of the icon, null to unset it
      • getEditor

        public FlowEditorPanel getEditor()
        Returns the editor this panel belongs to.
        the editor, null if none set
      • setHeadless

        public void setHeadless​(boolean value)
        Sets whether to execute the flow in headless mode.
        value - if true the flow gets executed in headless mode
      • isHeadless

        public boolean isHeadless()
        Returns whether the flow gets executed in headless mode.
        Specified by:
        isHeadless in interface FlowWorkerHandler
        true if the flow gets executed in headless mode
      • setRunGC

        public void setRunGC​(boolean value)
        Sets whether to run the GC after the flow finished executing (or is being cleaned up).
        value - if true GC gets called
      • getRunGC

        public boolean getRunGC()
        Returns whether the GC gets called after the flow execution (or is being cleaned up).
        Specified by:
        getRunGC in interface FlowWorkerHandler
        true if to run GC
      • setCheckOnSave

        public void setCheckOnSave​(boolean value)
        Sets whether to perform a check before saving the flow.
        value - true if to check before saving
      • getCheckOnSave

        public boolean getCheckOnSave()
        Returns whether to perform a check before saving the flow.
        true if to check before saving
      • updateWidgets

        public void updateWidgets()
        Updates the enabled state of the widgets.
      • update

        public void update()
        updates the enabled state etc. of all the GUI elements.
        Specified by:
        update in interface FlowWorkerHandler
      • setTitle

        public void setTitle​(String value)
        Sets the title for this flow.
        value - the title
      • getTitle

        public String getTitle()
        Returns the base title of the flow.
        the title
      • generateTitle

        public String generateTitle()
        Generates the title to use.
        the title
      • updateTitle

        public void updateTitle()
        Updates the title of the dialog/frame if the title generator is enabled.
        See Also:
      • reset

        public void reset​(Actor actor)
        Resets the GUI to default values.
        actor - the actor to instantiate
      • setCurrentFile

        public void setCurrentFile​(File value)
        Sets the current file.
        value - the file
      • updateCurrentFile

        public void updateCurrentFile​(File file)
        Just updates the current file.
        file - the file
      • getCurrentFile

        public File getCurrentFile()
        Returns the current file in use.
        the current file, can be null
      • getTitleGenerator

        public TitleGenerator getTitleGenerator()
        Returns the title generator in use.
        the generator
      • load

        public void load​(FlowReader reader,
                         File file)
        Loads a flow.
        reader - the reader to use
        file - the flow to load
      • load

        public void load​(FlowReader reader,
                         File file,
                         boolean execute)
        Loads a flow and optionally executes it.
        reader - the reader to use
        file - the flow to load
        execute - whether to execute the flow once loaded
      • load

        public void load​(FlowReader reader,
                         File file,
                         boolean execute,
                         SwingWorker action)
        Loads a flow and optionally executes it.
        reader - the reader to use
        file - the flow to load
        execute - whether to execute the flow once loaded
        action - the SwingWorker to execute once the flow has been loaded, can be null
      • setCurrentFlow

        public void setCurrentFlow​(Actor flow)
        Sets the flow to work on.
        flow - the flow to use
      • setCurrentFlow

        public void setCurrentFlow​(Node flow)
        Sets the flow to work on.
        flow - the flow to use
      • getCurrentFlow

        public Actor getCurrentFlow()
        Returns the current flow.

        WARNING: Recreates an actor hierarchy based on the tree. Method gets very slow for large flows. If you only need the root actor, then use getCurrentRoot() instead.
        the current flow
        See Also:
      • getCurrentFlow

        public Actor getCurrentFlow​(StringBuilder errors)
        Returns the current flow.

        WARNING: Recreates an actor hierarchy based on the tree. Method gets very slow for large flows. If you only need the root actor, then use getCurrentRoot() instead.
        errors - for storing potential errors, use null to ignore
        the current flow
        See Also:
      • getCurrentRoot

        public Actor getCurrentRoot()
        Returns the current root actor without its children.
        the current root actor
        See Also:
      • getRunningFlow

        public Actor getRunningFlow()
        Returns the currently running flow.
        the running flow, null if none running right now
        See Also:
      • setLastFlow

        public void setLastFlow​(Actor actor)
        Sets the flow that was last executed.
        Specified by:
        setLastFlow in interface FlowWorkerHandler
        actor - the flow
      • getLastFlow

        public Actor getLastFlow()
        Returns the last executed flow (if any).
        Specified by:
        getLastFlow in interface FlowWorkerHandler
        the flow, null if not available
      • getLastReader

        public FlowReader getLastReader()
        Returns the last flow reader in use.
        the reader, null if not available
      • getLastWriter

        public FlowWriter getLastWriter()
        Returns the last flow writer in use.
        the writer, null if not available
      • setModified

        public void setModified​(boolean value)
        Sets whether the flow is modified or not.
        value - true if the flow is to be flagged as modified
      • isModified

        public boolean isModified()
        Returns whether the flow is flagged as modified.
        Specified by:
        isModified in interface FlowWorkerHandler
        true if the flow is modified
      • canRevert

        public boolean canRevert()
        Returns whether a revert action is possible.
        true if possible
      • revert

        public void revert()
        Reverts a flow.
      • save

        public void save​(FlowWriter writer,
                         File file)
        Saves the flow.
        writer - the writer to use
        file - the file to save the flow to
      • importFlow

        public void importFlow​(OptionConsumer consumer,
                               File file)
        Imports a flow.
        consumer - the consumer to use
        file - the file to import
      • exportFlow

        public void exportFlow​(OptionProducer producer,
                               File file)
        Exports the flow.
        producer - the producer to use
        file - the file to export to
      • run

        public void run()
        Executes the flow.
      • run

        public void run​(boolean showNotification,
                        boolean debug)
        Executes the flow.
        showNotification - whether to show notifications about errors/stopped/finished
        debug - whether to run in debug mode
      • finishedExecution

        public void finishedExecution()
        Finishes up the execution, setting the worker to null.
        Specified by:
        finishedExecution in interface FlowWorkerHandler
      • isRunning

        public boolean isRunning()
        Returns whether a flow is currently running.
        Specified by:
        isRunning in interface FlowWorkerHandler
        true if a flow is being executed
      • isStopping

        public boolean isStopping()
        Returns whether a flow is currently being stopped.
        Specified by:
        isStopping in interface FlowWorkerHandler
        true if a flow is currently being stopped
      • isPaused

        public boolean isPaused()
        Returns whether a flow is currently running.
        Specified by:
        isPaused in interface FlowWorkerHandler
        true if a flow is being executed
      • isSwingWorkerRunning

        public boolean isSwingWorkerRunning()
        Returns whether a swing worker is currently running.
        true if a swing worker is being executed
      • pauseAndResume

        public boolean pauseAndResume()
        Pauses/resumes the flow.
        true if paused, otherwise false
      • stop

        public void stop()
        Stops the flow. Does not cleanUp.
        See Also:
      • stop

        public void stop​(boolean cleanUp)
        Stops the flow.
        cleanUp - whether to clean up as well
      • kill

        public void kill()
        Kills the flow.
      • cleanUp

        public void cleanUp()
        Cleans up the last flow that was run.
        Specified by:
        cleanUp in interface CleanUpHandler
      • close

        public void close()
        Cleans up and closes the tab.
      • addUndoPoint

        public void addUndoPoint​(String statusMsg,
                                 String undoComment)
        Adds an undo point, if possible.
        statusMsg - the status message to display while adding the undo point
        undoComment - the comment for the undo point
      • addUndoPoint

        public void addUndoPoint​(String comment)
        Adds an undo point with the given comment.
        Specified by:
        addUndoPoint in interface UndoHandlerWithQuickAccess
        comment - the comment for the undo point
      • setIgnoreNameChanges

        public void setIgnoreNameChanges​(boolean value)
        Sets whether to ignore name changes of actors and don't prompt a dialog with the user having the option to update the name throughout the glow.
        value - if true then name changes are ignored
      • getIgnoreNameChanges

        public boolean getIgnoreNameChanges()
        Returns whether name changes of actors are ignored and no dialog is prompting the user whether to propagate the changes throughout the flow.
        true if the name changes are ignored
      • processActorsPrompt

        public void processActorsPrompt​(ActorProcessor processor)
        If a single actor is selected, user gets prompted whether to only process below this actor instead of full flow.
        processor - the processor to use, null if to prompt user
      • processActors

        public void processActors​(ActorProcessor processor)
        Processes the actors with the specified actor processor.
        processor - the processor to use, null if to prompt user
      • processSelectedActor

        public void processSelectedActor​(ActorProcessor processor)
        Processes the selected actor with a user-specified actor processor. NB: The options of the selected actor will get processed.
        processor - the processor to use, null if to prompt user
      • enableBreakpoints

        public void enableBreakpoints​(boolean enable)
        Enables/disables all breakpoints in the flow (before execution).
        enable - if true then breakpoints get enabled
      • showVariables

        public void showVariables()
        Displays the variables in the currently running flow.
      • showStorage

        public void showStorage()
        Displays the storage in the currently running flow.
      • closeStorage

        public void closeStorage()
        Closes the storage dialog if currently open.
      • setZoom

        public void setZoom​(double value)
        Sets the zoom to use.
        value - the zoom, 1.0 is default
      • getZoom

        public double getZoom()
        Returns the current zoom.
        the zoom, 1.0 is default
      • getStatus

        public String getStatus()
        Returns the current status.
        the status, if any
      • showStatus

        public void showStatus​(boolean left,
                               String msg)
        Displays a message.
        Specified by:
        showStatus in interface StatusMessageHandlerExt
        left - whether to show the message on the left or right
        msg - the message to display
      • grabFocus

        public void grabFocus()
        Requests that this Component get the input focus, and that this Component's top-level ancestor become the focused Window. This component must be displayable, visible, and focusable for the request to be granted.
        grabFocus in class JComponent
      • requestFocus

        public void requestFocus()
        The tree requests the focus.
        requestFocus in class JComponent
      • getDebugTree

        public Tree getDebugTree()
        Returns the debug tree.
        the debug tree
      • isDebugTreeVisible

        public boolean isDebugTreeVisible()
        Returns whether the debug tree is visible.
        true if visible
      • setDebugTreeVisible

        public void setDebugTreeVisible​(boolean value)
        Sets whether the debug tree is visible.
        value - true if visible
      • hasSendToItem

        public boolean hasSendToItem​(Class[] cls)
        Checks whether something to send is available.
        Specified by:
        hasSendToItem in interface SendToActionSupporter
        cls - the classes to retrieve the item for
        true if an object is available for sending
      • getSendToItem

        public Object getSendToItem​(Class[] cls)
        Returns the object to send.
        Specified by:
        getSendToItem in interface SendToActionSupporter
        cls - the classes to retrieve the item for
        the item to send
      • redraw

        public void redraw()
        Redraws the tree.
      • getTabHandlers

        public List<AbstractTabHandler> getTabHandlers()
        Returns the tab handlers.
        the handlers
      • getTabHandler

        public <T> T getTabHandler​(Class<T> cls)
        Returns the tab handlers.
        the handlers
      • showNotification

        public void showNotification​(JComponent comp,
                                     String icon)
        Displays the notification component.
        Specified by:
        showNotification in interface FlowWorkerHandler
        comp - the component to display
        icon - the icon to display, null for none
      • isInputEnabled

        public boolean isInputEnabled()
        Returns whether the flow accepts input.
        true if user can change flow
      • startBackgroundTask

        public boolean startBackgroundTask​(Runnable runnable,
                                           String statusMsg,
                                           boolean clearMsg)
        For starting background tasks. Block user from running other background tasks till finished.
        runnable - the task to execute
        statusMsg - the status message to display
        clearMsg - whether to clear the message at the end; use false if your task displays a message in the status bar
        true if successfully started, false if another task is currently running
      • getProperties

        public static Properties getProperties()
        Returns the properties that define the editor.
        the properties
      • configureUI

        public static void configureUI​(Tree tree)
        Configures the UI of the tree with parameters from the properties.
        tree - the tree to configure
        See Also: