Class FlowTabManager

    • Field Detail

      • m_Owner

        protected FlowEditorPanel m_Owner
        the flow editor that the tab manager belongs to.
      • m_Properties

        protected static Properties m_Properties
        the properties.
      • m_NotifyingSelectionAwareTabsThread

        protected transient Thread m_NotifyingSelectionAwareTabsThread
        the thread for notifying selection aware tabs.
      • m_NotifyingSelectionAwareTabsRunnable

        protected transient DelayedActionRunnable m_NotifyingSelectionAwareTabsRunnable
        the runnable for notifying selection aware tabs.
      • m_NotifyingTabChangeListenersThread

        protected transient Thread m_NotifyingTabChangeListenersThread
        the thread for notifying tab change listeners.
      • m_NotifyingTabChangeListenersRunnable

        protected transient DelayedActionRunnable m_NotifyingTabChangeListenersRunnable
        the runnable for notifying tab change listeners.
    • Constructor Detail

      • FlowTabManager

        public FlowTabManager​(FlowEditorPanel owner)
        Initializes the tab manager.
        owner - the editor panel tha the manager belongs to
    • Method Detail

      • initGUI

        protected void initGUI()
        Performs further initializations of widgets.
        initGUI in class BaseTabbedPane
      • getOwner

        public FlowEditorPanel getOwner()
        Returns the editor panel that owns this tab manager.
        the owner
      • notifyTabs

        public void notifyTabs​(TreePath[] paths,
                               Actor[] actors)
        Notifies all the selection aware tabs that the selection of actors has changed.
        paths - the selected paths
        actors - the selected actors
      • notifyTabs

        public void notifyTabs​(FlowPanel panel)
        Notifies all the tab change aware tabs that a different flow panel was selected.
        panel - the current panel
      • refresh

        public void refresh​(Tree tree)
        Notifies all the tabs.
        tree - the tree to use as basis
      • addTabsSubmenu

        public void addTabsSubmenu​(JMenu menu)
        Adds all the available tabs.
        menu - the menu to add the "Send to" submenu to if available
      • updateMenu

        protected void updateMenu​(JMenu menu)
        Updates the specified menu with the current enabled/disabled state of the tabs.
        menu - the menu to update
      • createPropertyKey

        protected String createPropertyKey​(Class cls)
        Creates the key for the property.
        cls - the tab class
        the property key
        See Also:
      • isVisible

        public boolean isVisible​(Class cls)
        Returns whether a tab should be visible or not.
        cls - the tab class
        true if the tab is visible by default (if not a RuntimeTab tab)
      • setVisible

        public void setVisible​(Class cls,
                               boolean value)
        Sets whether a tab should be visible or not.
        cls - the tab class
        value - if true then the tab is made visible by default
      • setVisible

        public void setVisible​(Class cls,
                               boolean value,
                               boolean update)
        Sets whether a tab should be visible or not.
        cls - the tab class
        value - if true then the tab is made visible by default
        update - whether to update the properties
      • setAllVisible

        public void setAllVisible​(boolean value)
        Sets whether all tabs should be visible or not.
        value - if true then the tab is made visible by default
      • getTab

        public AbstractEditorTab getTab​(Class cls)
        Returns the tab instance of the given class.
        cls - the class of tab to get the instance for
        the tab instance
      • updateProperties

        protected boolean updateProperties()
        Saves the current properties.
        true if successfully updated
      • getProperties

        public static Properties getProperties()
        Returns the properties that define the editor.
        the properties
      • cleanUp

        public void cleanUp()
        Cleans up data structures, frees up memory.
        Specified by:
        cleanUp in interface CleanUpHandler