Class AbstractQuickSearchActor

    • Field Detail

      • m_DisplayActorOptions

        protected boolean m_DisplayActorOptions
        whether to display the GOE with the actor.
      • m_ShowClassTree

        protected boolean m_ShowClassTree
        whether to show the class tree in the GOE.
      • m_SelectionListener

        protected transient ListSelectionListener m_SelectionListener
        the selection listener.
    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractQuickSearchActor

        public AbstractQuickSearchActor()
    • Method Detail

      • setDisplayActorOptions

        public void setDisplayActorOptions​(boolean value)
        Sets whether to display the actor options in GOE.
        value - true if to display
      • getDisplayActorOptions

        public boolean getDisplayActorOptions()
        Returns whether to display the actor options in GOE.
        true if to display
      • displayActorOptionsTipText

        public String displayActorOptionsTipText()
        Returns the tip text for this property.
        tip text for this property suitable for displaying in the GUI or for listing the options.
      • setShowClassTree

        public void setShowClassTree​(boolean value)
        Sets whether to show the class tree in the GenericObjectEditor window.
        value - true if to display
      • getShowClassTree

        public boolean getShowClassTree()
        Returns whether to show the class tree in the GenericObjectEditor window.
        true if to display
      • showClassTreeTipText

        public String showClassTreeTipText()
        Returns the tip text for this property.
        tip text for this property suitable for displaying in the GUI or for listing the options.
      • check

        protected String check​(StateContainer state)
        Checks whether the current state is suitable.
        check in class AbstractKeyboardAction
        state - the current state
        null if OK, otherwise error message
      • getActorDialogType

        protected TreeOperations.ActorDialog getActorDialogType()
        Returns the type of dialog to use.
        the type
      • addActor

        protected void addActor​(StateContainer state,
                                Actor actor,
                                TreeOperations.InsertPosition position)
        Inserts the actor
        state - the current state
        actor - the actor to insert
        position - the position to insert the actor at
      • search

        protected void search​(StateContainer state,
                              TreeOperations.InsertPosition position)
        Allows the user to search for an actor to insert at the specified position.
        state - the current state
        position - the insert position