AbstractAddBreakpointAction |
Ancestor for adding breakpoint actors.
AbstractAddMostCommonActorAction |
Ancestor for actions that add most common actors.
AbstractCompareActors |
Ancestor for performing a diff on two actors.
AbstractEncloseActor |
Ancestor for menu items that can enclose selected actors in an actor handler.
AbstractFromTemplateAction |
Ancestor for template actions.
AbstractTreePopupMenuItemAction |
Ancestor for menu items in the popup menu of the flow tree.
AbstractTreePopupSubMenuAction |
Ancestor for menu items in the popup menu of the flow tree.
AddActor |
Menu for adding actors.
AddActorAfter |
For adding an actor after the current position.
AddActorBeneath |
For adding an actor beneath the current one.
AddActorHere |
For adding an actor at the current position.
AddBookmark |
Adds bookmarks for the selected actors.
AddBreakpoint |
Menu for adding breakpoints.
AddBreakpointAfter |
For adding a breakpoint after the current position.
AddBreakpointBeneath |
For adding a breakpoint beneath the current actor.
AddBreakpointHere |
For adding a breakpoint at the current position.
AddFromTemplate |
Menu for adding actors.
AddFromTemplateAfter |
For adding a subflow generated from a template after the current position.
AddFromTemplateBeneath |
For adding a subflow generated from a template beneath the current actor.
AddFromTemplateHere |
For adding a subflow generated from a template at the current position.
AddMostCommonActor |
Menu for adding most common actors.
AddMostCommonActorAfter |
For adding one of the most common actors after.
AddMostCommonActorBeneath |
For adding one of the most common actors beneath.
AddMostCommonActorHere |
For adding one of the most common actors here.
AnnotateActor |
Shortcut for annotating actors.
AttachBreakpointHere |
Attaches a breakpoint to the selected actor using its full name for
a PathBreakpoint .
AttachListener |
Allows the attaching of flow execution listeners.
Bookmark |
Submenu for adding/removing bookmarks.
CleanUpActorName |
For cleaning up an actor name.
CollapseAll |
For collapsing all actors below the currently selected one.
CompareActors |
Performs a diff on two actors.
CompareJustActors |
Performs a diff on two actors.
CompareSubFlows |
Performs a diff on two actors.
CopyActor |
For copying the currently selected actor(s) and placing them on the
CopyActorCommandline |
For copying the currently selected actor and placing it on the
CopyActorMore |
Menu for additional copy actions.
CopyActorName |
For copying the name of the currently selected actor on the clipboard.
CopyActorPath |
For copying the path(s) of the currently selected actor(s) and placing them on the
CopyActorPlainText |
For copying the currently selected actor(s) and placing them on the
CopyStorageName |
For copying storage names to the clipboard.
CopyVariableName |
For copying variable names to the clipboard.
CreateCallableActor |
Menu for turning actors into callable actors, using the specified
callable actor handler.
CutActor |
For cutting out the currently selected actor(s) and placing them on the
EditActor |
For editing/showing the options of an actor.
EditExternalFlow |
For editing an external flow.
EditListeners |
For editing currently attached listeners.
EncloseActor |
For enclosing the actors in an actor handler.
EncloseActorAll |
Menu item for enclosing actors in all available actor handlers.
EncloseActorCommon |
Menu item for enclosing actors in common actor handlers.
EncloseActorCompact |
Menu item for enclosing actors in all/common/special actor handlers.
EncloseActorSpecial |
Menu item for enclosing actors in special actor handlers.
ExpandAll |
For expanding all actors below the currently selected one.
ExpandCollapseExternalFlow |
For expanding/collapsing of an external flow.
ExportActor |
For exporting an actor, eg to Java code.
ExternalFlow |
Submenu for handling external flows.
ExternalizeActor |
For turning an actor into an external one.
FindUsages |
Finds usages of callable actors, variables and storage items.
GoTo |
Jumps to the callable actor reference by this actor.
Help |
For showing the help dialog for an actor.
InspectMemory |
Memory inspection sub-menu.
InspectMemoryDetails |
For analyzing the memory consumption of an actor.
InspectMemorySize |
For analyzing the memory consumption of a sub-tree.
LastTemplate |
For adding a subflow generated from a template, using the most recently used
template scheme and insert position.
Listeners |
Manages listeners (add/remove).
MakeConditional |
For turning an actor into its conditonal equivalent.
MakeInteractive |
Takes one or more SetVariable standalones and turns them into a EnterManyValues
actor inside a Trigger.
MakeTimed |
For turning an actor into its timed equivalent.
MaterializeExternalActor |
Materializes (= includes) an external actor.
MenuHeader |
Adds a disabled menu item to the popup menu with the name of the current actor.
PasteActor |
Menu for adding actors.
PasteActorAfter |
For pasting the actor(s) from the clipboard after the current position.
PasteActorBeneath |
For pasting the actor(s) from the clipboard beneath the current actor.
PasteActorHere |
For pasting the actor(s) from the clipboard at the current position.
PullUpActor |
For pulling up actors below a mutable actor handler, replacing the actor handler with them.
RemoveActor |
For removing actors.
RemoveBookmark |
For removing breakpoints either below currently selected node or everywhere
(if no actor selected).
RemoveBreakpoints |
For removing breakpoints either below currently selected node or everywhere
(if no actor selected).
RemoveListeners |
Allows the removal of attached flow execution listeners.
RenameActor |
For renaming actors.
RunToHere |
Attaches a one-off breakpoint to the selected actor using its full name for
a PathBreakpoint .
Separator |
Adds a separator to the menu.
SwapActor |
For swapping one actor with another.
ToggleState |
For enabling/disabling actors.